Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1866, p. 1

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rth fa$or6 p toni sd 2#tu yori mIr.tmB.wb dvwtlnMut ARBRNdI.qer * WHITDT >BIIANICL. 43TIU« RICH.ADONLL B AIS1416TEU SAND ATTORNFX9. 1'v *i~ to te Plnk e oi îltl M. <5. CÂKCneM&, Wiitty, C. iW. C. il J.Malm AttetYrone, SW Toronto, J iuiy 24, 1801, ais. -AT. roui, otle, Ap- 'o,- 88 k,. Ilogi. ')1I. 'B g4>fltYSIW% ATTOaxNIfpou oON Mior ln ('landeosy, lCav'ry Publie.,<&o.- .01144-1 019610wov»uNevwIInidIssg, Dessasi 3llflPfATT<)UNJ1Y, iCgNVEVAN *Iylpunia aimsinetn Cliîccory- if te onn ..y Of i>Itarîw omet s. yrn-t, wbdti,. flilllwr.n<tATrOiîTtflAT 1.AW, 1> PolîlternChuoary., a.Wlsltb7,4r. W. 0464.- Vîtaria Buldinig, Brook St, Wliîtby. 3AURtMTRItl-AT-LAW ASIilRtlTCITOlt lit CaitsIcaty. dlimbarx-19 Totonto-»gt., * . . o Tt ON, M * îfIITIIkATT'YIINIfY-AT.TsAW, liOIio -"rlissvem & l'oweoiisstoe, Witluiy. il. W. SOIttl.N(IIY IPUBLIC, &a. .e <olulia, c.'W. W. il, IBILL IMGIO, An Ui MOV En isl,êLurnoufeAtafnfatri, j Climeras te Otie Dos' Seutisf et i WhlT0bxy AT Lg,% W RLIIT1IN wCIIARLeM C IEWtW ATTORNgEYAT;JW., RMT)LC'<1INy '5'afncory, Qoanv lysneer, &.Cnî 16. WhitOisral,tW. tovtiVcoiaovk 13 AURiISTEîtAM) )VA'rl iINEY-AT-LAW Klliltor lita tfspnscary, &e, t>Ffl'E~lusaluStreet, 8 lers veut' of Wily, Juiin 27, lF164.21 CtCIEIIAriE kCOCI[RtA!qL. ot3w.iiiflà ER. t)tmrie¶ubleV,a l'uîsôs A,.saar-lJa'soit- Opptite Trown Foui uaar0nsr-i1~glnw' liicir. il1. (enaa LL., , W. M. (aasnaî eeantv Crown Atforns'y. Pot ery 2flat'enî~e,1845. i51 XtR. C. A. JONs, 13&niuter,,Meleitor ln Ciaaucery, Aia torqae &ck.9 <le. tWOVVrE-.XuaI <ot te tihe Ifetîtry W. IL tITIELE, ê* ,Clonreia Street, Torolo. Ul. lIeUE!, 9. A., " 4b<tF.onet Oflieat, (,iîaas, C. W.' t 401 lu'isco>11.., PiisiAlhî,r, tue <dota vait B.W. ~AlLAi7i CUlit)NItU, Ac. feiloaaossst saon ormai'fYrneii1 &<liiP onu StMore. rook Street, Wilisy. 44 R.J. (1K, if. D# sByr-ei $irant; Wlsiîiiy. ______ . A. 'iINGLE, MEICIFANI lÂrLOUt, 1910CX STiIEET LIWhitiy. TIEUMSIAM IUfTON, OWN CLE4KlÇ è'rLltAUU<ZL, WIIITBY J. OIao-T.wsî sall lau V) t Io'ck. ATKINSOLN àk BSWLL, B AUISilTEIi'1. Kitig ltraîti, S3<ora Ea t A.einaî for' Yutk msd Otrip, Jfaary h'ubIe.,45 a' lPVSiVcIAh TELL49*KAPII Co. UMtNVÀ.ti'Nti WITIIAL4 I, I 'JIJNCI- Ç ptal 2 tritimanlTot'ssulis aiaada, eAnd tie $4,>r rca lWistby, 2 loors Soeth et tisé BAILTIPN I ITl I PIViti>fCtUi. .B LiCYIdlY4» UYIZEEL dla avelfoh. 0 (atesaidraitisiaif amufle o onlth aS in eftetiara ioiofeceet quty aW ili h grat riety-suew utololis. 12 A rU YAT LAW, 5f>LICITOE IX Bernerai to Office notoot !oo.or gr. --Pndlark ut (%oint ot rt. C "LT.EK 0?()YTIUE OSitVENrlIDIVISION1 Xuawaica.-Attîeriey, Ch, Wa VICTORIA HOTEL. W W n. ailais. uof 'i i i i VOL X WK7M. SOVITiON bega te 'nrm hle- ,V hab8tsato et tise Conul> t rvioi,rl a nd ourrcstidiss 0<lnuil.., thsat ih a ,09Ou iMII« h Jev.tt, ari- mo hlie a id It fitod -YlnJa> et a yull Sud e07 ç onqve. Mon« nos Liqoraand i Cgaprs, jt t L robas . h14.'it.864 UXBRIDGE 110115E.g tJXBIRIIlGIE. goPorltr STAG*E HOUSE, IVANILLA. ISAAC FENTON"' piropuiowe. A 1: 0 Nmtel 1 JIAMEIS BLAC!C, 14 'roprletnr. TfîÃ">îÂg Tffr'tllîAIE, l'reprlcer. lti 1 11<tel lido u iabe.an tiiorougisy relse- T Vs-taItIs thfe us i lbiacwtsya auphillal vîtil tisa ie,euî. (l aMOcI$mu)datlou «or tS. Vitte biomralioesd gîcata. f REVERE HousEz. 0aaceeus . v. B. PLANK, - - Proptletor. tttougestei Mid frein Wlaitbte7cml hal>. Jtr, ery *tisifjqs palgotegutobti.no itnuli mrd aftls dire oofflers. MHE'DON I3IEWERY. T IIE sutaoriber lus nov prepiared fe au ppiy th ptisa pin oftdasDoss Bteweiy viian excellent arfleloc, lu $secl asntliona a y b. 'aqnitod, cîsd du ttataha1te unit .scayu Toronto, Sept., 19. 1861;15 JOlIE C.oIICULLEN, Ameodntant,5*Land and Central Aptut, g~office tisaPetefr 6vtt'I, ô'esduor'tottli 01 atr. I§lsaran'd Drug Sftoro. .tiaî nîsalilp;ruvîal Fiaronialuthe conitic fr 9)totaarlp sial 4mroe for aie. N. a. Colleciou»amttenid to ua ni prompt resulassoatimsade. lio. D. L iellarnon, ltL cilion, j01s lsspi, C.I, lIaoi,. ataE# ufô,B l o., mif. însa, u,, . . , lP. rwsi ilris, cuita. 'ilI)ngs, .aI,i K, Jon ne" ïlr;y, it , lu ; sAfi eJi. ta f Brrla Imner, Ifa$dasl'oit, litodbuy, fnd Wisitby Usagoiwa.g. 7 1> -GLOBE- IOTEL' P IM Aboie vellknow,oli omtahlillsd iitel anal prîsilseoa have beau isurciuaba y tilshcr ir ireafin vîli ai'wsya be roll ill sisi Isanti reaaaly toi attend peruonahl> t2 lie valîu t isia ogueatai, <&.j 'fli preis ixs halhen couvaniessfly sud imfurfsbly 6f led il P; paintedal mpreai <le. 'itlîeimferaisf (uetwaîor t<, wa*h.s'ud o'rery i'iaeris lmprovenîast te rMasre thb Tfs6eIler a lim@ dutiilla ituyindtbheftil bltîofti. Votice to, Farniers and Othor. i s fi r t; t' t] e ai s, la ij I iy Ileetf, 67 giliu orsmrsai;Miagît, tlsnî'ifds.ýuo.; llampiarla Extra Etideoa Wlalakey, ddo de hent Fort. Sifrry sund t g ris ney Ir the iik, m'ua lbt LIqsr asaI 'i5tYofîltisa jiagit brualo. A. ALEXANMhI. Ilreeklil, Jau.27t1ij11863. 4 I-OÏiTAIRI OTEML. CtlAWEs - - itLLWtI[ITU stupurlor seessoamlu.Cktefl, ""en. tiie, to tise re'îsiîneileuic ef Irsielers muid pnoisaccîu taiding snd led-r, an sd real> ostierms-Imesy» withiau&Mlloi, Jox PUIiiiLI",.I'.roretor. Ysibecrîber d.miroaate nfisen hl% nsny #boreta. ,a Inlsa oopico nora-ais. meht, À a oppli al.Goodotebling sudi eneloe ard,tl. JhN Wbitby. Oot.4 . 84.10 TEE W0RiKAJ< tousE. ALBI#- IAigiIToE, UVILON AbuSE JOSEFH BU EBOM, i1roewb. Uood caiug &t, ttentive houlor. il r U1dÂaÂeiî OTEOL.' '1'IE saborber latitttetI ep tise asc*old 0 JLuautubllshecilotci,vltis the ervoaftriin oerer> aooutrnptltiont 1 lite lvlung pabli8 ttqiiahm s acalIt. Qooci simbling &bd otiers, 1 OUx goeuQOivei .î 1 L. AIIBANKS, iJa. Agent, Wblthy. Prfu-h1rovincial Teletctaîib Office Du-1 LONDON &esurane i CORPORATION, ESTIBLISIIED-1V20. pr ~ tpred te effaot lnsuranu ta ginst l00e or iln Sca»Ft, tli.net ramnule rate% of puîiam pnavrseerirptlon oi loparty. *Leaplivtunt de q., L FAJitBAit, F», ;gn, Toa'ùsîtô Agent lot Wbitby, Oaia*a, surd (leu oOiurio, OYtnr.New 1Provinciali Teiagraph oiffie, Brtci Street, 4111167. 18 MLLaî. 7MCDr0cum. m Ro. iONCEZ, freupeet. aiiitt'iily lnf«oru.a dieu, anal thiepublid, sfiat ahe I1 prfflrcd to oheente 41u or. d. i hrlite prompti- anal rea"abîe, aduisA m gentsimeu'a sfe a satnuv hale cieunai, <&e., aloe ail voie lu ik dun Liais htttaLno- lice. 40 "'ORILLIA IIOUSE." COT ORILLIA. thBe ralinpnbitor t se obiasheed hso &bey* ptamlipe, where h. viii attend peru"u, £IJOy to Use vanta eorlaIe gueta. Prive¶ aiulIte bas 6e led If reqnlred, .'Jiea d §cd v iiomlp 0- om.nodation Md arY attentwuid o li emifort iii,. liaiviib.eh nd Oeteaebltig a oboieet oqnr*a Omoaa"0'e mostIea onaf.nmttly on bad. Orillilu, ithJunot ne, 884 OtrIrDAMS TitET, WiI3iTy Ce W, GEORGE 110M8N ptoprwotal' TL lum eod uAdingorse buh ow g Meriptalris'a been reneisateal, retsirnlsseisudktedaptoqjiut, lothe Isatof"W stl.Th& rnlesa mal>ci qatai, eppeetats tae Oisttise Iu- ho Ëe tlaeTcvo. dot btulbieflu aithekl rure OGEOBGE ROBSON. Whltl Y ma MutI B"Zano AiISUAA~5s~ ena 'E- flRI~ 4SSIJRANCE COR, IAfI~A~pW~OIIABINU C~OSS, È8BL~~2D 1iY 1>t52. GILLESl'îE, ILOITAT?.k Ce., Agent. fer Canada. - L4M~U DAVISGN, Manager. ffE#hJIÀIICB'adcai LOBS h1 FIEZ are ~JYheta.lon tisa meut fuveralie trma sud lu ~ vltheat rafeiîua$ $e the hlecri (LATE PLATT'M, d8Lox BV7ÃŽ.0s, TO 2>1 LWlutby, andI enrreuudlug eostr th& ooÃ"lib«lgJy tf4oio i iwvilo an rd 0 th#0 mels! M telual h a oa alo, tIr Pltilu ii boblslng lpebybhlm e saetuinlit., 'Ierot.. lllseiutdoo Poing ln lifting up Mie ure, te soeu r.e emuurît tise. vise ,n s ptonz$ lm, Le *1ii b4 pieead top#e. bilod irlends *bU nthoei. - BrooklijuDrus!&~. gonEl Tg uit, fo uflio 'oan, UîlaB>.1$5*de,<atîi;o l1roollin, C. W., 164P COMMERCIAL NOTELI laIc t,> hlm,mId lviser. t ho ba&lioni nsg tlot, goloic, vfthemtoul attention, mi ai!&uy b. .eunfi Goond tehing. entu foarda, and etenfiiu Ouf oti. iaréuzroelysoderate. loiriroN'is iIGTEL 'riomiN 9ib&nki,l GENERAJJ-AGENT#, oi Y. i =iIDJi.nu br TF 1g~e LV~OL é LONDiq N; 'y JImm», M1808 .,XAA4lîÀAi tII8 *ESTIKATE» ANNUAL a&E VENUE lus, .,0.. 000",0.. INVESTED 11% cA-. of rf thq theie eteMontreui) * of hlntmtii. G. F. I.Okàdîe or ienoRtary %.jai 04* pro rorotl.crdion tirs N rAmu hre foriiltay and &Unldti@ dier Tiblea apMfiy mdapcadt, tii, f"nu&_- atuueamCempany laaMon- L. AIBBANKS, in. Agent. Wiliîby. W )vc~utiie Protii wToleguph Ofle Wàolir, emr tit Itegir> Onftle..1 T [E COM>1EICIAL UNIONq CAPITAL- *29600,(00 MT. <1'u4y SUBSCAitBEb.)1 INrESTROD OVER ,O ,O0I POÇ5T ItURD îlE CAWADA, *60,- 00O. 19 sud 20, CornIali, Londen., OliJoce durlîg r0einllaliugî StGin.'.cfnrols RAt t, CANAIYA ltiANCII, -?<URLAND, WAT'- SON & de.,,QGaterul A,onfa.to Puis..côtLS, dSttaty, GUlee 8 k87 St. l'oui Straat, Jlfetcnl. L.ipAIRBkgs, . Agent, Wiiiti, Oomnýti nflri)inalgsl Telegrap)b Office Biu- iliusa. seur cii te iiitry vUffle T. CIIISIILULLEVINO.Tuii, P.Lt'S., Inapeett eAgeuiolonc. 18 INSUIRANCE C OMPANY t= EULIE & ANIMITIES. CapotliTwo itiOirs STERLINEG, OniOrroe.,-4qienau ogrusneldinga, i7'ASAD* A saxts Oncts-rnien Cbldbu BOA RD. L.coàL Avugn-Mm ra erne.&Morrlii MUuÂi,.L Avun-ýW. ifatà,, M. D. le Sums~n-uneuIL. Sprltogle, Eq. r Arnrrou-1imaet, (Ireosubeldak&leJohnn Iteudamnt Seeretury suni (loberaiAgent-A l Y-1riffl. Uioil un ldingk, is St. TrameeluViier i JoE A gout. Wlitty Mch 14, 100é. Ae n ilue es'haslUulrd .Ioornorts ofthhe Ontario Bsuk. gw' EXI'nzesS AiOFNTz <e, 01ao Agent for Accident san;atssdsardfnouuanice CQ». 17 r F oauisaeriismergte esIl the attention of Alarmera aai wod cutters, te s nov cr~euci awilsîg facllr.e,wiicii lu witlsouî a donbt oe e ftheibtiear got sgp lu Causda, cisasp, araide ana il eiioL e al udecI - fors biying bsle. nlcei . BROWN &à PATTrSuON. .lasy il oti6. (MARK & VIOIKERY, -- PtdpifléWnr. Býeg niutreupectllîy te lisorin tisa nst- fanta e09tthe Cousaty et Outarie, tait tii sa Sii leameal tise aber. premisua ately occufflealby Smnaly i'rrla isîis tise y have uowly tur'iah- ai anal renovalad, sd tise> oserepureai te mmmoondu tise travrellini pstblse. Tb. Bar uioktd éit, tise beOt lilauaira soitélgs4, anud s a uttevaotier olirsys in atteudsite.. CLARK 4 VICKEILY, preprietors Ers)oielinApril, Ian. 1017 UNDERTAIKING, rT'h£Il Irugnild iîaîng dîmpdflc lis kLîfra t ii sisînet buainea,,te hie T 9L L ÀÂNÃ"93 âÎtHtERO WiI ln ttuire .)*Vote blxatstetioneoti euîolv tg Diso ndartukleinainsoa urletlî' diupplealon iL.aho0=atn«oer. 'CU klpn 1tsutly on baud. I A IA Whlthymoy 15, li#,8 F'arm for Sale. OR1 TO IEki!. FIRST CON., RACLI. Ai lme icarai ezeepiors* oa f vo ulan-a Use 'rusry La ltatd entipe WLiii sba roaie yéarIfsm *1 i elg iritbitM O u jApplyp uagruIftris - b 1. t insgw ard , h!Wor t h DUIl.IELïLMON, u Lot No., sea, Wibhtboy. 'IVhtby, Oct., j i 3#; 40 COD' il ~ i r M w ~ Or to Lut., wiha ml.o NBEAVERTOiK 8~ ~~n~area , NO MONEYI ,,9UIRE Woold b. «ehsgod gbr aiifeble Village propurty la Ouhoavu. ( if eiater pol. ) uurbsububers ierby bg te ntif, fi Nerchante, Farmets, and the Public generaiy, Tisai tbey Lalie ji &recliked sealgsiedf simo TIs"e" < irri-termaoiblu goum n .iisIl boumadi m on ianail fur sala, viofemal. sud ra"uil. Farmers!1 STORE YOIJR GRAINj AlND GET YPITKOws 11 .li r Z nt ,nsbaa theni th storeau q,sntlty Of grain, Il Se parate i is, THEIRO0W"No sh andarclgned baveie -ufis*f ce 0 onanerobal' t a reou an l as ervch s- ai*ays on hand, and loir Saie, at lowest prime. IA8. EOWB c. ELEVATO RU capafy 'r.emlgfu V a n h l e h, a ro n a hl u e .. tlng naloieudf JIerchanti afld P3MR OWo S&ëpdrate Bins, A ,telind Med by Fanr 1,1ilj b. k.$ A nd ue outil the 151h O rel FREE. 0F CHARGE. C. DIRAPPg & Co. Port *iiby, Sapt., £5. 1Wk. lun-" P. d.-FOR SALE Salt, Water-Idpo, anâ oitca &D.&C. Upper COiada a k M ll. WbitbY, Sept., 11h, 506 Dru Wôod, O1'AWA CANCE NV 1MAt US irt e.tkmétis bkime; CANCEF-RS CUIIEI1) or a mo i, tChbrtinleeyi sog umarte Puaiiib #eé1 i i.i *fr11h.it e.nosei. eh Pr or 4wfjyoqdmi aal h carsi.. 10 mieaodl mr8le f og Yrmdn, dUn ls ogscMt lm l i r l l* t'Ofl la,6l bunt1ila t.tla plete. Otairo, Ootober sf b,18. 0i sa L4 8 qeWadsUla le . le KIr. p1uch, M us) er Sf-Ivro 4s.1111 id Wwupinwedluiset recehlo a #iltion, jinei.tise mu"et fhetsi a SciSeo 1Idou't eackauly inb*VYtisay gela viflont ume. Ibpha 't th# ltliù,oncf ti m ce=ce te ee,'le ferous their deihn tiue. teoIliparx. I do et mwplsa. L*C remambeammour.Tvcuty chips ciali rHomer deis, thred :h"'tbohivin'Mi jHomefr bdhin t e o'trîelfr iend#i<nilAndÉam gls.etbitter heur,c voralo t telteck. f1 IpenarPo 1 vu a ovorsleb.C tioîl bve uitnhmpitsly; reeOs i l county. loplît s inpra ere. AtJhvenoël,- 1IvuaséjSeil faiS AUlor e L.doek#, vhlcb are niu Imile. long; 4- Iden'ti remimber -sain istaffl aluep h)' 'rillInLop4eS qfi a *gettin fnfp s cub iwitboi ta IWten tmii end Olitth' Ilt lié &«erfor me, su fiat 6tendin ble dekJurlmMitearde me lia aneet ircol>banner poe.iba<De rhle ot, byflhissimple yet t*ituebiçesture velcns ana to Englnd? Desn ,bu! Ols, bu, gsee édoesu't, liç Au% it a qulte ri lt=wog Voeut ualipsria wbicb pa4tfib3la î luua g, el ece Asiregardi He7g. AndI1% bbuuscllovei te vsik ibund ali tstétsBr£en sa Bueii4~Iil Pallis t îtel)4âkuari I vint. cd te vaiS round ft'eç, sond hé si cossu wsîS round flore. I sccrtanci subseqeent Ibs4 b» y2l'd tte sasidualk& insth ofi tah -bt Ieoldn't deel, Isa hémpitut faehina, I preparci saKesuy o.Animale te vea Lefere fie Social Scenece nwlt 91; l fi Oubeck1 my roabiWý 4y1ý Uebiteun cedtblly witiW vîi: ,.rtu.Sld il; bec ontyiltedpeuo. Atlubaitenduo ttled.. laCeas te u 1*e 11""te murata of that F.ouy léit oa t bacusm m te spai, but 1 uay bu excoeW for usen. tionlu tisaIthe insthbi gpauulm e a mlu. flou tIsât"vwb"Ahr v. lob ii -he~ i leugfl offtfia ur, or fie - suner, h vbieh ltI it ten~ i ste ti i ayi net express smy epinion of It, sud va hope It wilIL e reudin lu tier toiwnuY 0f course thé ouay I vrit for thé Secil Science Societ la a moea iluiseder pro. eqtien that tie ê» on Osto vblbirai vl4*0 b M f tei hy âhilI nd ; ed;imSu afor. Ibid msteredai sgreful sud elly. gant stila of comnpositioe, lI coni nul eren puucteoste my. aeutrnce, prepersu fiat <lue, snd, Iobserre vifs ,puaet loin ovor tis effort ofinMy oelb, tl»t ils besnllty la lu pou or oihiples Masrd by lngïsmuatiëh'di;T1J usnccf sabcai Iausnprhse iIL .À vrlter vise çsn'irte lua giiel susueur botter abuinup #hop, y h~Iall het' fig ÀO.y bunimusbul spiare ' rcith t. yall. I th" yow'il vLAaor, W i*bu - 1»i" bettes-, if Mauay si-osmi picturain nuat, voëk'. Puto7aàn do hi eynnr con- tributoa ISth sythi<là àerr(o liytrelII9uhbelui* Btin siiein sîu~I ln esse bai reui thée e4y toelbS, ci OtSircers, I lietendo4 i ahouli bu th. cwlesl ttruelien. ia$nie sboli"the i 'ihkl wouli have Olhata.Judrln aelmab botterl ssyodbe bos0 l"c mimd. AoiI't»beuIdsshU4 ltlb ddb hi ay ofiliro protesndo um mra and "nt& u-a serpents.< le iai aa llvcly aànlim ai e«Os' eame to -conu IFeiwU~I i. met toeundidin tsht asý r~~g5~y ~ Il mn 1Iad ii veousk.fe hebl1idrnisddieiboMths fiM s aet millesa ont"ldetùï.b,of t r avalon t om@ ln-be'.aasohbçela 'ajout ~eeIs jeonemring 04 And »« raboyé, thpo~ Tha Io lne a f in our ian V0014Jubew ,uàr 1 ild bette, f ry te one ba endl Thap «Il yen, vertb te tefi." ~-Dai, t Daer, fSt lind Dnbi. dlggo#i iPmMl garons and tus- uty nÀms lq sl -Tise gestuawsdeuai nlt Asmel Eela roo eaiun tbètheus" vopld dulne, in Jui ndî1ýbféovn ud BotîL rto be lUet .4Ba-an, I.ol mnddenl fer tbut beautiful sudremntie cjty. "aIn- COMPAGBBN CaitbJal, #40,lm. 0 X e ndua,ln d aj aing lîo applnt Ant fe £1 12 aeg ors ritptIjany, dv - 42moa. largen Wlt7 Ipy oMA-N GIBSON.'llt,4 atoMusa À&lpRJÀÎRz JNSURIICE COMPBLANY. Whlîhy Jun. î!thIan. VOYQO taol t.o nmee ot ereve m, aDy rem ton Tothe e.44ilm ao, ma leDn a o Co f,, U i en e 0 ail tupy eCOM1 al GIeSreie a Wikby »nt "0m grtui of cte Lq G. lemied9 sl We rinm 5 sue WN,~ 1', à~s- $ Ifand, 0 anitbet ou4aMsv.dohredtteat11. Wplothut.If fieri ca'nE biid huc colel*tei irhhWél lUsteur, Very in luelani, tisera 'la eue lu Engil;oo, ni est'rsl!y cuir geerment ,vus deeply oeeinu $ctland and fiat oueonformlata gnierefed s iest.-mui I sd ali e y are tory uïurnbath'ilu.Englaud and boàuasbortiy aftr, Ïal vuaglvaumez- 5oln;but they mea0emtefeyt Ii hibltion 1lu Ohle-4 uLl," Il rewin, sare tlaithe Chargh là'fu &i tsiot ihd yen ne sers- fia l es 'bu ouns. Cbnrèh lu Scotland la n'ot lu îy hacu" a .u a u Bad fe d ie b u lueua vus te f reig u C hurch, [éar, beuàr, J-,,tha >;tbai *eil, diinial, and boy bia baud dovu, tise, nt been inaposeal iu paptt inesaruia snoi band (ijuhrvel rgiu sud a i ili) piyiug maiutafled nov by force-fIat h snot 1cv usimlauebey' mcosi. Wbit id lu u er.îeumo.e onqiet tiegzye cu a do. boeer, but corn-.(btu Dont tise Chli o f a anuili mipie mince dunil n d arRe In tisa 0moaijo>. rity berigLbà ec"uýitl'reu' eus lmatneir. -1Led a narrfler coupe fro. anal eudewpieptq ait4 *liie-jiedôwand h e i n i r np r s o e d f r d W u g a t y i i r - t bh i i t ' r i r b e r t i c r r i lta su thur lnot ient i l"tbw re ko f ettis a if auyd 'ole rm exrt ttem pted ' 1 p a t, b ruttbid b Ï904jntg tÃ"prq, tbt I forc, 16e Epiacopal Church lu S&ýtiand; «uliedai l (b 111,3L- 4*tI<o lîivifng leinor the Catholic Churaflnlu Eriginai, thé -sbevinjg th.eBéar"ondueus lor bis dlaerder anal diaentent -whicla have pro- master -in vhleb rai liy devu on s place vuahledin lurelund,,wbuld 6 itnesaad with of, eeSrpetiug, and tiie Bear venu 4cere ten-fol1d irateniity' and violence'ilu Gréai andla sd i evubeslda me., *mtn hie puveon Bitain. ([loir, lueur.) AsitI tiiose pr- My brut, the Band pla i n1 Bomecveet sens làuuIas sirlig u'tlnst thé liîoe,n very seft und slow. Alibo' Iamy land lava lIrelnd are the iainUios 'thé L i vue e atouebin tblugt te e». Pe land lavu lu Englaonal. Il. .rièld 11e aila ceeu Te; Calleet ec q po*r tb4 iIi-th sbow tisai Le lani lava lu EnghaInd are, forsiauee.bai bnugh, and 'ihat but fer fisC outlr' le We.Llj, on. eIy I ssh, "ades sud gen fer thïpopulati6u a'fodrdàte,,Our ecîtrir te *lmu,~ ii-nov show yon the. Boeu l'u hssy uautacturiug isduxtyy. thei;t ci-I le fontudueobie muter,"f mi I1vent muid tien et Englad oid , nalpobill lad dovu. Y tbe'i I obereisapecoelisr hi bo thésp uî.amaa,11enduiWati on~ expregion , loite hie oyez, as ha voli et orelandbhum been; isut if îLe ocu'nirit- eiuimly to'ur&s ne but 1 didn't dreaui oet difler vith regard -ta e oi mMand .0,, ho ilh. scean. vhlcb flilrd.Helaid déwn v u mangont eofl i n tleir ikingalerfna. 3ic a- ani pot, ils: Sw.on m brut.111'At. it'not bu reaqab!-(lai tl h euxiojldi a-: "eton cf (ha beasforhbis mut«r," 1 re- differilu th Jis f , ýý,InIlanal theba'- 09 M "Y sea,.5fnameh M the owner la tise csdéature e of ri4uet-uoi 'f;, lm Wnacifs ï b W a "WsMate. Pierce _cenquesi '80» yearkaugo, bsut et cauqlîeet Ir. ïs tbhïe iuliuab nstrully àîrewuvaw uc c Ompleted enly 200 yenrai ago, and it rna s faithey bave heu-t, unieu love,. Tus bu.veil for u to ramactu.boeOr for E,îg- or boer, tue Iarg.st la tise ion;d4 ndeput. ilsahmeu .te rnmemer-that uucccediirà lu soventeun ft m ousithéebiy, 11 mtbai îlanster oethe lansd ite neo ceur'ý 1r nie usia mer-ther loves ber <ha-ild 4iaI Ire. Great llritain,-tiieroîevïa t. ils visavasuiy biorror vhpen th -lzly and teom etlav Ineiruby 1the nume i "e te 'nmineLer ,irum a bis tbel'yiUcer Statutcm, orthe<meot ingeniesu rssi:j o us, si rz vtis sa e he et he and sach as TIbeliore oius ner rli mo(î,vî; e eouspin nme ile*acos., embrace bh a vlizd fles been iroflical upon aunrChriî,tiîri n- op uni dovu thé piattru s trightfnl peopla. Uiihappiiy, on tiiiaccosunt î ly manner. I yeflm lfh rtfeur' iu'4 nguish. vouni vlîich vas epened by tise cojnqicv. in Ta mule Woqervu, . Ja C rrlus bas noyer been persiitred te becidr id youngiIIàII liIn tise idiJoju b'- plba t. ten', l lebEda C, "Psyfislnessofai hehourIuick lüoooi" s differehit Fl'ae, 'i adiiterc'ist-religo-,. se IjeSt 'spsi vith my liit.Tiheboeur met andl of dillierent idear. frei the gra-il 0.vi iol a nt fflthé * eât day,"by beio bulk o e 1 -i;mudi hîre hai evi, j i vison sm ahévil> ioaded gau vms constant sud bitter vwar betveeu the ô0w,;- Jgreaol by ou of iboee. ors und the occuplers aithOe soif. [Cheer.., se But yon iboalý li *r m~ y h c Ieb1Novi, apteii peint. I1mappee hat era:ý )t loe f r thse SohIsi bec.ct Sns. l the gentlemen 'evise vere diiuing tOeteh#'- 4 veaudhaVi lW ta mo fec on u hem. tise ote e ving 'is Belfast vcuid ;irobýi t (col nol* uçj spupt cueneloo. ly agrco *1111 me, becaaae vhat 1 liai'. h- ave reni Barl Brigita peee nt51 uat'cd la sa - ete r fin erciuhîtr 1 Leeds. sud 1 hope vo shal novrLois' frein tetho feimlu inevery book alhhuin reýtj il John Derby, 1, trust fiat net enly they cd oethtie course et friaiOr,. dazriug îthe L. but Wso. I& Stanley uni Lord Giidtoie luai, 200 yearx; but 1 tisirsk even tiuev et viii ding lnexibly ta (hose greloi; funs- veulal agie. v ith u fuir thdns.thla - mecntal princsi4es. vbicls fbey understaui tiay veud ay thut -lrc»i,,nd ilua a nd > i fas' botter iban 1 do, uni 1 viii edd Ibit 1wI vhbas heeu terni iy reîigiouxifciuu a donetundcstai îutlong about sOY Of sud tern by tliie efacioien the Nîorts n > fiem lu the Icut-ind lei us ai, bu happy à lnch' n uthe South. anda .! inrk tsar il snd lira vithin our mOffs, aven if u tllcy wouid lié dâenni io thnn justhice 1 pi r baie te barrer tueney te do, il vilh. the inhabituntu e t îe er>, Il ia-hy erz - Vey respectElslly, »>uro ta mayisat thcy havle lu auy iegrée routée i AurNea Wuo. aort efthe peciple of the Sentis in tha i- i -ee----- i ensity eft feir passionai. feeling witîs JV D rgIm4loititiani. r a e teir-charcli. (lheera. Bau I ln re'- ihun ihiss-it longi beon a eHBlé $>EZCJ AT Tlg DUBLIN BAN- lawof et criatlons-(hcar)-a tormf, Tans. a I1P petvlilbh ila uéaraely knevn lu ariy oeflei I -- cirilized country; bsut ln a r6uriry front i Myr Brighti srrived u i Eistewn frein whioh flouiasoft Iarnille ave roeen <Inav. Holybeid on Saturday ev'g, Oct 27. On cn by the terce el the laudowneras ad po. Iloselauding, tMr. Brightiravuereceired by aor o e otiIv lisa sceuntry>micro havré tha principal meom a i (ha Banquet existai, ton, &pont cItent. thoac' <rond f n- I oeuhiftds. Arttlt 1eIntircha f tise bunals ktidi sl b>' h cmtlcs, nanlo at Idans, grsîlaiioeuu, ih"egeuatilelen-se. secet sccietieo, aud whisomsinlutho puriit ceniued tir. Bright te tevss. et vhat somao men -thcssght tai bejia,c; On TucsdsY cr'g, b hOct, Mr. John flore have heon esu.itted offencoa.e< fap- tBrigisi vu stertained ut a pied banquet paliig guilt luth. eyolof ther viofe I;rlal ; ri st the Rewnds in Dublin-bis hcaltb bu. h le a country, toc, su vbicb, andl il 'a thie t ngp be ly TheO'Denoghue. onty-Chrisian ceutry of wsich iL rnay ha- MIr. riglit. vbo vus roclrcve itb lond ui far marne centurnies- paiat. Lt ilas u ni tiiinaed àppluase, repqeici.lie country'; ted, teaviîich a <amine ot tht al oI ufelm ys f f ti bre. iliar h l a u m o t eg eai ug éha 'actrè asufi' a ie In thelU effi fiahedil$eult, but cran during our oevudon -s. tlsink lirax uhlIhinâtsb pdItIdinfl e i 1 O IId teldin u 84 as 1t st&in-luthé btjrxll- myalt d.sl~t.I es polunilyniocdgrotinci t Slhhéeen, thâ-atailaiça t0 by fiad generou inditius e"ns iehLaod led et fianina ver. bur-4 Wvi vicb yeu hLe re"ealrd an d anl sutd vitiain te quarter of an acre otr ïound 1eudoefstfdiitkyeu fou it anditaa ounirbicia 1 viathe o akfng Ilias 'beyf urael teasMy heurtlitlaie fiatsuds1scountry, tee, trou w*hieis lieril hA nusmcs'au I se bdeforme, 1liiMy Of pestes ernipatien by a vitlli gîàveu ni> Con turesn, (dera.) bar» »pproved tdîne than bas been knovn b ln cuur genélsly f.IbitiembouïM* *L 1 Ibire isn tise *M& , d. It alà s'dellry*,re te-. pa ea.Tilrlshlî âtS las <ÃŽsest90 Lu leu na generul ame aiet roan~io tisai bas boots very e0<ten ileua.d,endyet vbicahuam groin i clate ot chsjrisc insiar- hIt sina i tfia day-mas chnbàsquestion rection - aud nt titis verymmetwvisera1 us l Labâi been (oW eotales ua Téspeak dýe Ceuno afgar (ogiu Fo-lement et Killienuy, *vhi 4£Fe- tionîl liberty la vlldrawn su 'eC a-n iument ltasu t sfîey long filb mgo, suid, lu fila hall, sud I sqeak -fire tilîs wbsiehls vue- d-y a PurlMtsuasut ail, rathér loithe'o torbesr 1 s' eruam<; (mngste'1i&vues Prlluseaî vîeh ut l{e itib ecaltie, 'ïltsu roni rhqoae ab,.jPr" t0 ' io , a ndsuihlb Ible. ueiml bead(u b p 90os bdt ld Ilîêtfh--b&Y Penalty sud the ollbortica<bpeopleeorgie Uita epens*syIfiia loMu hb ii sg on Kingalom. Wcl, I o ture vte ait' su y lsitsis4elsli.lsuigbterj thé Wfil i hoslesi ahiftupcr I1ulluen 0<IiImny, My,-vousa Par- te d.m*,olf ti é ceuis-y. Ecuélu n'mini> flaslh b uIcshuon 4Sqm s Éb fat Imu dtot apeuking W( PolantI$Ilrn É«1sseerhé bilsr *U tir mel nuni retlta Tnrkj bisti o, a^ ,, ..,ron JOHN BLOW, Agent, tort Wlsiuoy rws COLONIAL SEC URITI ES COIIIY. S.JCCitSSOESTO TÉ£! Çanada Agency Amsciation, î.reved, Terni, ur voeyeus, 8 "ssiao et tiser aupoaac, qyoni tise canaitcsre toreoshveaseing aalvlustiooviil be mae. For lerms, 'y te, seeretar, Box 74, Toronto Or te JOHN AUNEW, VaIùati, WlitLy. 10 INMT1ANCE CJOMPANY 0OPENGLAND, (ILIMITECD), IPor Fire. Lit'. andi arine. CAPITAL, £.IWtôOcd MIilNG. Cas,(u a-?Wteîtoe PLuce, London; Z7 King lEt. tIssache#tar. CUiItKN .Torniinmen fibbert, E.q,, X-. 1', for Uidbasn, Ileronus Club, lorden, andi asae Grange, .'rnuttn, nearne iieer. lePa M. A., fondies ly Feliqv slubiSai, 'ian Lecture,. Cneeaae Colate, Coambridçw.. frons4 01se Ïlor h. Ne A ~Ontasrio liiil, iOahureL treeti rotent. Mfarinse l'tika rosit 15Apdl tt&»fsNerti- bar, uIatPked out loiraIt tea. SMITT à D*GItÀssj, 1 - 1 - 1 --i 1 es 1 - 1 1 ý 1 I.- 1 à

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