Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1866, p. 4

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1ert maf ohn aaid m.fl MM# f m1!4IO çafJ. Shsltaaus(Molt VIII, laxilo-' t' mwufritnaw dfer rdivm ý4F4m pyatlajft'wu -j aGIMtest dimo pain 8.1iv. ;w lf tf il 1 rse4 oo tl m # w n JI U#e< J11et DARLJNGTON, ~4Q ates lested, aout 0- mses if swillh e0 troc froisu sttnspo. cesucrtahle Los liuse- lswait tupebetrai, slxbl-good wei ,Iiauja=isf- y sostag sehrd t £0'Uaa.-Tofig propeorty itifI bu meýIlche.p, sud oest0lotigternaiet Ps ÂLSO tet lio., 12, 1SIStis coumaloylMADA, T1WO IIUNRED ÂýCRES About 10 seao loare, log lions. &a,'TinSi cliseloe lot, andi la ltusAtegd ýoaslyossaitour ligues(rotre u etre rond. ALSO j 5 crels, kaw the.' uas%Ptt.e(tbu soth-bali 91111:11 0,MKra, adJolnlbt ASot one-bialtelesrodi asud a portion froet Ltms.T o»ti4Josatiausntre ltadl. St-ulf L«.10 antis. luIs con- "ngslon of Vitrsi utes o«bor 10 sures Cloaresi, *104.g&e 4 - Apply toi J. n'kif "RRY, WhStbyt SePt.Otl,. 1560, Land Cireulars. 41 LITof mlouted Wild Lot, sud improv* JFA RMS -FOR -SALE At low ps'Io sandi uloug' tenus là pament. XarsI Ioi, " 10 t ds i 4 lesîh 65 -ie Uans~Lt401 l " 200 di " loris3< II Iti " 101) 6" "Lot 1:, F. " 100 6 66 i , y. . 100l S d* 1u, {, 1006 Id 4 14, 5s6 100" The lust Swo Lotas ujoin tise Moncis, (Geya s'lrh:ttrt rend,) adltheOtier Lmtolau aIbai #ita Illtt a&si 4 iiles <soinsii itoati. tIextey-s.ot 12, 411 Coli. 24)0 "se. di N. Il',4, lot cois. 87 dé di5, *5 6 150 "14: sortis W44C Bay. 6 SOME RV ILL.E. Tint 7, 12th conuesîiost, 200 "ureg, seita 2 talles or thse BIlbea son Goveraiunt Rossi tad convsuaiîtto d'iflo, Schoois, sOle, ELPON-West <U 4Iriscoosslou , 100 tres;, XANVEES-Soth 3-8-isI 0o., 100 Farm for Sale [IIE nnderalffaasd oSfera foiBSaeonaeasy toM h Ot 0 Mr@etra ol ,la IL. Broken front 71ii I32 l. TOWNSHIP 0P PICKERING, For terme, (If byltter pre-palci,) apIV te the. usadralgised, or te Janqçs lausn on Se iter %V 1tly. 54 OIIlN 0. WESLEY. RCARSON'SI WIN£ BITTELIS., Aretise MOýmotblthy sud pleasit bever- 555 vur feéred4oth ie pabîbe, "Tbq m ill !Oegulat. the apptt. aMd digestIo%, an ex. celleat purifier oftise »lood, à stIsuulating toual<SMdàs siibsist aetive, sood 6W taglousdii..., For, KrvTa. ulddel este LMsd ey ise' ane .surptmas Ã"ÉÈ rgg QNsî1uLD 1 w HE Oho sia T1sNsaasrosascrtllete Daio. A.lCAe4 O-,sa -17 Ifott.<MtJflolon& G«MAntoWh mo.W Lby, JIy 4t-261800 -hh-4 nôeua z m ,m m mm ilà,ulm4neso IfeWh iem ts ào~im. usier busses i iv cei ee el but .ayb m salu yts~I PerZbadh.rlend Sm aTiuat. F.gypunaO 14 ete nir ramme atmy hinxeuc$W.. » i wlSlia.liai *0weat cest 9Hsdac m m@- YorTuiuahe4pvMW umu oateu or FIM Ase Fait llpktg" Sl.?lr Woudo, CM mt.. Sn,.Me4unStenhus Eravyperto, shuld pste.a btie t sthe - tan 014 »sema tehave flait bas ie las tsssl u* aMy proentmolt «Orinr.m4e bevat le eois. clar- Snr ie. Ilr nancesshar#e ?nmu.ntl ucetrred whare me atacksd f5 lte n lii bt# u!wtatiug The. EgjWisnÙ0o51 5e ust gnially InSudy ly 5 case4. a a vla esày aif&lem -fitroqalano ta. ilam ubsl In.Sieathr raipdim. e 91uwisstdsutaain nuetduf au ngtdss, nd e aprs i , y# e i shIrSo s-~(Fptan Ù th oft 14moeaiel"lu. y S,y, w« qpio JAS., I. GERRIE. -------------- sma *l PRINGLE'S HOTEL. -MAT£ WOONt') ~JYQ Br T2osHA ~ THUE PIANO-FORTE. ml r. CLLY taiseslouvete0 snuetlat .11 Sole apreparedt tg"ie l 0ssoiia ugtle, sud on thisI'ano-for'te. Itishe reilaence of lier BYRON STREE', WBITBYD Pmplla ~ 1t]gw reesJ mjlarto rWantistrnct.d lu naIl bratehes oeta eouc -Esg lsh Eucstlu. Whlîby, heptI Jg1, 116.06 Land ForSale t an aRBMI CIIÂN iebog , aroiEUCII Bluilding -Lots, Tise tolloir.l Iglit c-os el usl!l (er Casha, or At à fit Valuation en time, VIT. Lot 1, Itis Con.,lMardi, 200 Acres.- Lot 115, Ith : hulmer, 210~ W3<î18, laIs "Tosoroistio 100" 73I, &rd l " do b10 " Lt 7 Ith 46 lalmont 200" Ltil, Itis' Uxurlulge, 200" 1~9, $rd ech, 100 y4it iii, 50 th" Verufln Ldot1 ,front" Soiaervilte Lot 22, sio" do 9M 7, lotis ' oasri.lll., 100 Lo6t 6, Pla do 200" LJOto, 11h .4 do 200 J'at8, 121h" do 200 Lt 9 III " do 200 si Lot î11 7 " do 900$6 Lu il, Gash" do 200 N EX 27 2ud" Wiitby &0 Several vauable bitalî,los<?otsafr <oslîcees, end privat. reilolncem lu tise Tomais of Lind' saç andti thy,. For furtiser liufoa'iis. ROtT. E. FEPRRY. Wh)ltby Wîsitly, Xerca, 1865. 12 NEWCARIGEAND WaggnSop' O AXMEL ALKLy la pesail eu fac<sture teo rtIelads ciu CARRIAGES& *WAGONSp &pafiring neayvJand,.popily w'br Tirdomrtesst i«flut. Wini. lng' StrDusautieot, Wh4by. Whstby, .Jan, lotis 1000. DtludýmS!'nWh Md (OLO LÂMPS,. No.t Goil Où1'4Ootý poe' GAU5ON. t âq# lu, lo ci 'm, rsma £Àlbetb, and IEslle, st- ogttelatfter pliés atb,p.n, outs Stgsfer LIndssy s, Ee&Z rtou lssmalts-dalY, u ti, taill ," Io sÉiem*m1. ôevol dto tise ctari ClAqas reof easg. 1xie. d ,n.a eartlly ait.asdedt CIEÂ?STOYE wff piy for thom.e,,es hàou. EavetroUghs put u-p with iron lheld-flubt. OiNwliuilngsput in -old R$Qakàtn promptly attei4- Ailkhdo produco takn in *zChanÈg. at the L SAD MILLINERY 1 Pur'lu rfept 0o< 0isprfug stock tulim au s8.o tikes làvo, téreturu a.lacore W- i' 11* E TJRIET, OSHAWA. April lOcis ,.1 TARIG, O. &PRNAxzNT We'k lbop Green stroet, 8 do«Orsonisl sflisey's Carauge Slop. ' Wlaltby, Jn#e2,lU. Money to Loan. $ 100 , 0 0 ('NE llllntrod Tisoud tiDollars tf oUn 0ou mortgmge m.cetlyp lu sai sta suit bOesovrs, eaav.'Y Dmoderate rate et Intoreat. 1-Apply euthe far-fimednu Mazeser WVre- boume, tu JOHN IIODGSON, Reletnees kiluyParItïdsti T, . -. bba, La.,M.P.P. Otia' ;M.C. cuen aoiEa .P ., Torost~ u v..I.WoniLA alnbent, oQsàws; Wm. ai.Ié1g,E, b it- b>1 eviL. i. Cald'el,'Mbyrt Ie; A ailsGer. don,LEq.,eroprietor oattie mancisestse, iosue.BRobert MORlile>', oRoel;Ne sfscalsEq., Port Pca'ry- .1 oseis Boue, Ulsaeelm loie, Ecq.. Brook ;CtsJames Vroeain, BMary Bretiour, Esc, sd James Spairen, lte., Vroo"Pn tn$4~.Cark, F4s.Min1lla; Jotutata il-4gcOnEaq.;j(Oak- Manchester, sept, lits,1866à 87 PORT WHIrBy "T iisI 01 plis, Eo*ise5utsbslike subuibe» hsjugtaoü tise l'auer>' CAT JAs. ROWE AT PORT HITBY, Ave novprepsr. thse--blgbtplme, la thse rokdelivér.agAithse r Tsan@7. T.0. AEE O ,AP"LYTO 1 JoHn iiàïOr. TT, .H, IILr, 8etmber 19, 1866. FRArCSELL_xrER. lepresonto the following 'weIl-known Companios: Ti CAPITAL #IOdwomJOO THE EDINBURGÃŽI LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., 'CAPITAL *5OO0OO. PRO VINCI-1AL INSIANCE- Co., 0OP (CANADA,) IEAN ID MAN.4%p BRLTISH AMEP.,IC AISSURA'NCE Co., (0F TORONTO,) PIRE AND MARINE. WESTERN INSURtAN4CE CUrPAXY ([0F ACIDNTL --o- NS -CECo ALSO AGENT POIL TUE PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [TorontoJ Mr 'Ail(,-Igues of property insured on Toeaionabie ternis.' Also, money Loaned on Real estate. Ps'ospectuses and 11111 information giveas fr001> on, application. Also agen r Provincial Telegraphi Company. PRANCIE KELLER, Pibstmaster, Oshawa C. W. ENGLAND.] ÂAGRI CULTTJRAL SPECIAL W ORKS. Singleà Reapers and. Mowers, and Ueapers and tVIwers Conbi'ned. TPhe -subseribers would cuill the attention of the Agricultural com- mtaity to the.*r stock of lmpeets whcre will be found alimost verYtlghear ~-aier anay requit., and=epcal at this scason -of the yogr. te thiigthearParc c 0f several îda of thé tatest Make. Tà which ail the La. test nipfroveanents ond n cccssary by practicible >tests duriasg the luat seasen,- hatrl been sdd * 1al's Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, Caynga Chief Reap- e. and Kfower cotnbin&l, thse Manning Single flauper, the Cayug. -Sanlor Mowe.-Of 517Li il of the aboya Macines, we Invite a trial. Tisey areumanufacture4 wlth care, 0f tis0 Ând,,can bo guaranteed to the purcharer to give satiâfation upon A PAIR TRIAL OR NU SALE. HÂLS CRRIGEWORicS, BROWN & PATTERSON. 1643,Ki g t Wït. Torojito, 4large vgarit~y f Carft*4ges on hiLnd. 1<he propitofw oLtlui t enable them to defy eompititiohi, 4itbthéýit,ptic., t sJIé;oÈ "kis. Cailand eee/<n' you>'îelvs& » ,à fitiser, * and beg té soîicit a- coatiuuaau. of tise ps- ient ibr se manyet Bd T za, eta 'f trawers~Look- W UPHOLSTERY inaIl its: branches. Eiiyârtkie being mate sp sndsr iser oiiimwediate. superintendeà,n ai be v.arrunted ofthtie best nma- terfa ad workmaaisip, Ali kinds of Gilt 3Moasdingoasnd Picto"o Prames made to -&*. An examlinat!"ionf ai e pr lcar ige and splendid a" -aon bond Io repwcI faliy solioltei. W Ware Boms, #o. 4, Brook streot, -and No. 2, f'olborne street V' ould announce that tbey liave re-moved to the commodiousbrick biliding, a tèw cloorg Sotith of BROOK STREET9 WIITBIYh Just to bAnd an assortmont of Lad j isesan ,ilreS mer Shoes' Aisa IJome-made -Boots and Shoes, and shoes ci kinds, Wholeile and Retail. Two Hundred Sides of -8panish Sole Leather. 'MàchhiéNc les, 811k and Linneni Threads, Hard Ash, 8illk, ind Cotton ] tics. Ail kinds of Shoemaker's Findingiq for sale cheap. JAMES BAIN &C Whitby, Maiy 2, 1866. 1,711 --o0-- Math ewso n, .Ratoll1fte & Cl% "Have just received aifr esh -SU.py of Groceries, Boots 4' Nkoe8, 4'c., 0CLOTH IN O'REA-D'YgiMADE, and mnade to order on the shortest noticen théi Lateat Styles. Tweeds, Satinets, Flanunel, os, &C.; of our oWn Munfactutie, SOLD .IEt1AIL, AT -WIIOLESA.LB ProoIE,On1016. MATIIEWS0N. RATýCLIF'fl Farm for Bale. 06 aieft bdavîg a tdnsigCci On tise Fens E ld Iraýhsvn4 g loposeti ofbhiS Tkteraat thoCablusl bualmeo, th bu. 1IL-L AND BI '0T F4ER Musie!ti Qamý 10 P, e,sO, boss Idattumui . cmnaue 24 Bod Bugî. AND ÀLL KINDN ONp I4Ã"use Ps. Whis bIocataad by au TERRIS & ROBINSON~S WOsade,<.l PFeydr, nelier Jimewa Agenht fo r Whitbyi JAS. ËDUNE? St. P~aulo- ONTELEAJ, and 06 & 681 BROOKLVN, NEW Ybjrk. -GOOD CHANCE FOR A Blacksmith. TIIE BUST STAND li- North Ontaréot FOR SALE OR TO LEÉ. ter'# A~lpa iig, aidàaa osr flad. if i ai - tha i. e prenalsa aa at , 1 ldthe midas ofà tkfr1acuIod estby: llty anla ooodoe hoo lt ite er ybe s uaad ler, _blacjikgrilhl iil M ris U l, Tise orB A, 'eed- '2s2,lhooa1.gs e La ilss eil Fls or toaitaat lrberp orsa,aj1 'Vomannou j 5lt -on Lot No.?7, 9sh cou, brois -..*GEORGE, CoitkAcg ' RCHANT, Certr s « UtYio 411kudsoflu beîcoo*t4 -U UNDE~ UlqElALRIatll, lesatn W isyab tiaé, 1800 ~MMMOH T r5ri1o 0;0ae la YM c) % 9 .1 -OOýbçxbâtltI àni W J flà bt tae Plotaire, aithistsi PHOTOGRAPHS, AMROTT ýOr an> othet iMode of thee Nymble Art. Mr muLoss aon ay tr a 49GaUrpl TRI~ Pernto. 1whitby,.C. 1"W. . . FAIRR. W. LFA, &LC M IOVED TsiioLai ~IChalnSiur1' , uW' Onu HY AT ET A T tUi rock, C'. at A TTIYRNPY-AT-1,AW. XXChaneerir, MotitfiaPI dert to eitr<office. oun1 S AERRITER AND ATro Sulicitor ii Glancery,4 <>PFCR.DgniaaStreet,. 'Whstby, Jone 27,TS189. Srsucer a niqetariesaFV halL' ac Sret iii-Purry, Oititienbor I 491rtSEIotATLAWtol! tots'aeyCoe9 Ofice, Wblt lbrty7 Wf. IL -AR îE1 crâ* toe, rok tre, &c.; * JaEBWE -M IIE. .McGTTEE;B. Boyneet, Whfleimcns B ATEAT LAW, Sou ocrjwity, Unsaér&. TSImeot-oppolial itefot Sorinan'a Tore'. AR. W. LD AR] COBON4ZVILAG, C Adoliuane for or andOr OuSIorud, Brok Strut, hT f * ** *~.,f I~I4k~~f ,'1$. I...,- I '4 fMi. 4 .4 ~ 4KM.- t LsL...1 iuiiI 1 i= THE LIVERP004 AND LONDON AND GLOBE, 1 . Whitby, FRA NC 19 -KELLER. NOTICEIII INew F-ail - Goocis, ,Ȇ,;y 'l -. tu

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