Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1866, p. 2

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On lot tX0. 19 fi tusi t e4s., Uieblon 'J'ia¶rssyNor. lotbo prépertyi Ir '1obn Euekl7y, eniWling 1ffavm a<e*, bml ad.î, .-L .iFairbanks, Jr: Aust on lot No. <2ad con., Seacl4 on st Nov, 10, 18616, thé 'propery or Mr.,> G. Eoabu-ry, aonaialngo!fanai ustockr, laipi. u.unifs'* Àccuihâus r, tlon#aeIý At <orslaa e alfalr.L. on twssdar 'r, i513, 1866, -ioe, Thé vhol. iespçnsiblit<y of aaafaa bsaer1isina k.&o aîhais, haha aq i f' uela siif dor nt jr, Aectlouea,. ' ' aena l vhéittsbis fpouase aIcoio ona lot N4.'84, !n <e ha onë. -o! hie, tta<ruso h.e %lrl o (hénsa 1866,p fisîyo ay ov.2, ibo fôr thé time:halmgiaaa ailtiia povêra 16,aon9i999ngOf (aris stock, p -uaa, e I. ran baé.Âs nb<a &3., the propaty O!f r.lUeiisrd RIclaa-.. ' oaIss. noss. Kyss, A e oduar ' Rtsianlpg Ooio, tailai 1 f p 008 les go. 23, la lb. lut onceulos <tir, erte vieisiaddte 0' léaa - t ownship o! Piciseîlnge, otMoçql1, ýraent, a! the aili up Of tvsuty-oaei s Nov . ,1866, thea propeuty o! N)Ira.' British' borqor nit i 'ludshj ,Pot- Log omitago!fai luklp..isesni.iqltfruebio 14 oy leuehold *. Is.Thompoe, Aoouer, ioe<,sd<fa iedp jcIa e 04 liio, 29, scoialrange broisan fra #t»ailp eoflckering, -,on Frlday, lrllgvitisl.Cniasldpi N«Oviner,2nal lue. tise pvoopoity o'NiM. bis tazes, bu the Opoat dolng a rt Jobn Trlpy, eea.iuinga! fýars astock,. Injustice a bth i 'lb. Coadlalte sud eleot. lmpitesats, h.Ae.TisespaeuaAna 'Oos,'liedes sbli, Ieo qnam hla tIo0a. ' dr.in suw lutb oreiisproer!<h On lot iro. 14, concession A, tovnshuip Candidat aanelctr ort.'lmtisa Of Nmr, on Motiday, Nov.Siio, 1866, fais tl woeo ýo o.ýl h atock, &o., Sba proparly o! Mnr. A. prince eaueo! diopnt, thesa points ougbt Dot to be l.rt viti a partisan JWrasiinOs e.ta seidit bot te'ti. Cainniao!Iv ~I1 itb~ (f4~cniJe. But; 1 .-Ifmora than tise uee.sry ____________bomber__ a!Candidates aatpnopoaad for m O LY$1 50 CENTS A E of <ha nid caleue,1 anal if iapoil -Sedeaad. ad, ibau <ha poil abaîl b.@ asan t'roi Wlity.t~rsyNvebo 1 166 clIn Sec. 105. ' ___________ No provision laesaiu for 'a shiow o! - ~ I'enin11l1À18- isad. lth.eant of <vo or soieCandai. atatea h4ng proposai fort hae iw-,oe Tisa lentian question bu as ssaealanolis.Butit<hho o! banda .11 loeuecasli>b ,oranda ssla nossei$fiit Aur aoesllefr aolcash1.n .10 a s calei anal fIpsesont. trial, sors tis«i' Sae 12 13-h.oin o il 0y%,a 'au. of'tisa lntq~e saraudara o!fl ue000Rose@anal Depnîy Rea- ta taira plucaat have hetotn Suif, convlcteal, anal sumnced tis en tma li. sth. alottion e! Counciliors to tiseconly 14lty tort b>' <hé a I n tha for varda. 'ai disoretion ofru' alearneal jadge, vimo pro. '880, 115.-Tis, Towns ciarkoone the i midtll tabe tr4at. f ti lavb. pormitheal w9daaMosaaflioving <b. pallias, oblat, n i 1taklelils coitc,.e,.ou or mitre o! tise a.<aTv al unedaas<aCo cessOories a h ourden o!the<houavie"(ail ddatas aieettd,'ana làlath. aient ci anin nt ltidgvsly, ip aobaveaspiateal big crime ema nb'ovia,<a.16)<I baiea aoîisaý4 fi ansiirad ln. Tovas Clenr sa av aigvte.1 Thor governlabue, 'iseiy va Ibinis, de. uehr oa v à e àqia iDaiasa eetes'. fflv eaietrisl of tbee aiguideal men, or not. b iami tise pabloslnd liad !ily recovensal WbileIn tha ene o! tb. Tovn leil, fraitia lnrion -produceal b>'tisa lut@ the Coaneil 507 appoinot a parson <0 pis.-v laviesa iiavion. Thor@ coaailbava beaeusida at tba nominationmeeltimg, ne ontail, no eoipîain î o! popuilarcloseur agoinst ean deelara the rosat of thapoling 1 orCi tise pruolunrs,for thabt buas iaiample (lis ifnecesisary', <lv. th#a ostin; vote, under <ouaaa;atIvalsii v gg <ate Sec«. I 11, 160 ialt the Tovn Cur, puof tise Canadien people vhan ie bey m tisai a feling oimilîy anal camp mien for vors Mooaîoaaos. .i ilii.dupe. place# l10 unfortuna eposition Br-Smo.3, B90. 68-Tha Coanclio! vil b? tncrsipmloaa 1Yg leaders, and aecoarag 0aveu>'-Town lsbait couist o! tise Mayor, val sal b>'ui.itgpftiinvau tb.preva-' lkave,<if alot wttidravu f(rom ah. Cocaty,) _ha& lent sentiiaent o( tisa coisnil,. Thuoa@vas Depuay Baavii, If baîtng th* requisite ans' air no adisposition tao ~ru s bly, arý te lis but o! reahldars anal iosseboiders on thé toitimat. const-qasades, -thea axtrema pnuliab- lait re.sed 'Aboneument roll, anal tarCo meant viicli miso l ollow' <hu i s. tBat Conneillora foi sacis yard. Thsi SBecios Car ulales tisir condamnotion, va ara bomnal ta conutlanles theaumsb.rs o! viicitise Cor.ai uay, aàallfareamt (eeling bau héen avaknaa. poation o! a Tovu u$bilcoasist. But to A (one o! blister ead haiîying las. Sean SBc. 8sya,<t tTowna bovins oAu ape liaeil (owards our peope enmaigovaim nsat# varda siioli' alect tieMCoanculiora for #eh 'Po by tte. latot'ce.nfied o! politîcal more, yard, snd Tovna having lias t6cian . igieS me naeaa heai, uited Sac;anal il bu as van&.bail see rieaCéonnucllioiu for etub nov 'becomo s question, shail va ida 1 vrd, las the cmaaa o lvaiaiWithoy, Ail menace vhaî vsublp istiseuto been dis-.isaing bat thrae varda, ve eau aleet tua. iilai posial to grantet hoesa mcrea l picdinga of Conneillors for aocla yard. 'Tisaquestion'foit auercy. Tiesa enence passiedupon Lyàcis arases, boy la tiie' bird aman te taire'bis N anal MeMaabis 1 hllas 1ondlis #indication lu setait<h.eCalaittala? Anal »gain, vie thae condant o o hinteilov narurea' sendl visib Ivo onto e h irce élilIlhé entitlci SaD aympstbiuers in tege ttis ue. t eetor otRedbordl i e r fti inbat baggiig the quesion visan t< h v itbalt h.i oan tsa e olai 1Ou vît ,désertion la mode tilet &beauamen are on. tagai fronds aibt orguena t inumucluneas deaincilfor a politici offaie; or abat Sec. 88, string te. igist t ta lct tire a aa tIi.> are martyrs lu thea cause of tha peo. Ooqncilors for a yard, ls a subileqnenl fOi pIe o!fanol country' asuçis Ieuso! Ireband. section to606, stadens wist a Tovn Coi-.'onu (Oro Tise clWmi madl. or tblseliesasaiî on tha poration miail be compoeed ot, tht BSec. droe aro.nd o! theiî bains .inieriaocn citizana. GO. mts ivo vsY te Sac. 88-tha foisai Tisa Tisein crimele, f<lat, ln f<bat capaociy, anal boing the. uest section paaaad. Tharafora, conm condertlieauockeiy. o! ah. -honoursbla a niSer Sec, $88,giing <ha power Io alegi 0111 usa>geà o! wnr, tise>' inadeal a country ai" flame Cunclilora for cacis yard, abrea irolonont1 pesce vith Ibotise gvenaant visn protec.escis van vwolneessarily ha entite tea N tion tisai clii. Their ntvmbcrs alone 'taire tiair t at tise Conne»l tabla. Bat gave a sembîsîmea of dignity <o thi eafforts, a nev difflcuiîy prementa ltiai. Bnb-Bcc. 'siicia pony etoas issh#graviyft>' o iar 3# of Sec. 66, <aboya qiaoted, lI Ibo origin. olaence. Tisa mon vso &bot dovn oura11set,>is aà mendeal by a section o! the. ues.It. uLubo k Faennîo.-Tis a-.w uoeh caaai vîti the Ca bush..addaal anothrto Sh.* "sy r.vFkgge!mr'Iniiaitsltîos spectble drygoods anlud' y hsabii pae aa.i. sapw ln Witb. A vI hasees b idt, a qpld have W Mach. aauo Tsa ,@uwor th#vsa,- ien pseanctireil" rv at@q5 .semartà<a onvbae o vi cas Frsyne~, a ta sor Ialy00- maài n tise Homasthougthaul! optbis .Tb# dl'Ni. BrofoisUn ebeoal"»br, vif at tîdéleaî vms '<hu ujea bl hé niader the suparlntesdance otKr. Vid- alose attention, à av .dfOl'çaolalas JmS-a géanteisa isoea oru<y ainal04aIr. iodoer' t i oukW'oI'tbàal]mJI' tenalea dairhi. fors.ereaIdn'l r eaptan ~te~ illït a<of <e '"wbltby wili, hé rammbaed',by' ai vIew4 oi oqcul54eç,Çaoll o b' iopiaoni o! o' wlaý ig i16'vî<vianei tde wie~~ ,"Bal ~~ulu,. 17 yfor Ctis witd, .4151 C p bc mi P aM Tovn, san C itiae, 4ths ia@ve ssi-se. dui' relate t. Citieé,) *bei# vardasma la dfled jt be orursî si.taria.dv.jf slont ,h exrt*l~y apsalai May pi.,, isea oîpf o! avlni osisaqon fo àr,Çosnc. cillors Soin# onu@4t hesanie tise, for' th& es,<i t thror-' 'dllarat poiliaj', plaes .Vp4usa>asuspposiaj Johns'. yard, Tprnp osootobedivided loto' 0tbrat elactorsl i dvlssiw, ad .4,e11cit dlvlu easiy th. e ceuary nouba, of Candidate araý propcaa'd i àkeaskadtora4 lvi on, th.esîstton of Aldeiaisa'.dsbse- ciaaation. intuad:of haviig oaIy hre Aldaisan fo(r '<h. yarwd, <his îvosld hé aine, ail da'y proposed aid, sturnad se ai.cted by a eolasatoa liaa-terse of tisa wording of athe.section, Ei.ctoa< ýdivi-, @ionsa ara ascsuaryfor pofling place only, aud nos for naominaation paanpoffesid, appeaua <o b. dMsgned iay-<hé sboi-c &bore qnoad.in <bth oss snbactona <ha vordà ieectoal dlvufc ane bould bavs beau ositted altogether. su-o. S.-Elctious <o teroInale la nimba, o! CaaDdiî4ssêreprooai'ld seoaded. 4 Unda,- us sub.ac. eïeb Candidat, reqalrau a prop'osersud second- ai Whmo mut aesaily b. sictors, asth meeating la cospand off leearu o00Y. Bai the quatificatlanof orcandidat«e s h. atieu iaider.Sec.i1Io for ( lé ation of >Mayorî and Ries.. Sa.'a.Ssu.4.-la iha évent of à poll b. ogt daaianaed, tii. pollitg <ota ir.plac« in euhb ward or efectoral divisioa on thé. frat Monduy lin.Janoary, <o opan at '0 M.",and taclou nt 5PlIp. s.,for .onte day ,d.lalb. caua of a vot4,batwo.a two cadidat»s in à alad ot divldad litoalec. irI divisions the Ratargng- office, for the 'aid shmbai hve i.cauIng vote. la thébcasae o!a tia. la tha voie of tb. wbobe yard, visite the nana ù divided nto elactoral divisions, the. Town, or Cityr lads .h.&bailhave <ha cautigotam. The. provision for tb. nomination of itididatus for coanciilore (vo vseko bu1bre otlon if a good improvemans. Etactors vili üow bavetetia . <o reisotaconusider roil thair choiceof candida..vitiiont ving thugs sprnng apâla the a itbaout a saai.nî's natithe mh.oraing ofaiacation, Au SlWa Cffvacu.-ýTh Bailding basta aa l uud> Ibo t fo ing 'caula, tao vlacb v. giadiy direct ithe at- ttion of a&l interlasted, and trait <bat the. peai "ad viii seatvi tiiàa lbaral r..ý Whitby, Octobar 27, 1866., aué- Th# Bulding C:mmndUa. of 311ding will ha opanad for Divine Service,a ýtiha lrit tisa, ou Sandal nazi, 4Mli1 ovrnmber, on wbicii occasion <ber. *et i ces, v;z - snrnlng service, at Il a. m. ; iaday icol servie at 3 p. ai. ;and ening servieat 6,30, p. m. The iv.rand, the1'rovoit o! Trihîy Colliga, Il preas ea sermon at sorning servise, The Commniltteataite tha occasion o! init thut in adearpay aIl cils. r he aracaion or a building, endoubtedl 0 f the bena dosigned, Aiad, .andà îisbed in Canada, a $amo! sovan ban. ad dollars i.saeiti reqaired ta b. provlded. iey hope tist the. iberaiay ofthe. gregation, and o(hers, biabarto sa P kJacjd> viii on tuis occaslori faily wlipa t tl isatil d.bt. N. G0. Ritrmqoaa,, Z., Du itx, x T jou WArsOar, Janas Rows, D i, J. Wz.so, Ck . DAIaTxiS,L , .Psgar, -Bacratary. Cbairaian, J. DIOIT CÂTLEV, v rha mornlng aid evening sarvices will beld set th. &ar@ ementioased houri iforthur notice. VI rue Coygirasrox BA%*UEsi T À? AU-vi4 n, en Mondal lut, là raport.d by Our saiporarie.semiiaving baca a grand manrod, saccesu. Thara vere about du gmsà.forenta. Hon. Méeu. John 'e Mbacdonald aud MoDonigali -wers the Cc s inisier.Prisent,*L4uers ofspology# bb. gib a z aoessto thé dIamonsta'atioa c (.ava rom iba othsr smnba. o!f C&binoa, and oîier I innL gagt l p i* Th U ne ivsto.-tbo ou. Ur. ta der by lis codsîituntit -u Mouureal,be- tira et the marna ie, pîavantad bib as'l 1o! 14i Luver Canad& portion of <b. in int iou -baing .prasat. a g.zsu o Us. ma., CÀSICSe.- dinnar o Jioný.',. r tlrwii il offit ginaloTeda~~Jaal Atteîdi 'y up*ards of 3W ! fbis Y. ag$te a n.d w "é aïifrriig bai th ib réply 40t, . e sukof t uiIasTh Nary, aMd the VoluDtj.*W!.'.TbWoai '6ïiiàlon vus, ià '«v.rs warvothD~ y> »Y -0 kart nt as«."ld,,;à "ad. ciear out c. o!f e C. 1,a Ge~orge Grsiagrys i3Vam. Coria, orgiusik . wit sio1quane for vhbba la fat t W" . bJe orénew s09, Jia a a fl~Pte a rouas ibe Pu.111i or Ibsis J"gt,' s aitea jie 9w n givlie ai 1Ï>nhs elme Rft, Lordçbllý& chsar&* jvhs euf a1ab*, »WSUm lapieauv, &a itjal Impartial. I!ia juf a<hr anabaene An béoir andl tvanty sinauta, brought11 Thé prisclipai dafeace vas <bat tisa aonaa ma viwts tie Fnlan. asa àropa Nezt day, Sh. prisonaer Bey. Johstý Nabon, vIaplaceal on bis triai oun<ha's ebirge us Lyncis.' Ho 'plaaded di -itio'" end wau défnded by Nr. yM (?asroa Q. Q.Th@evldah<zoanal p'eo et of cMusil vers vsry lengîbiliai Ut., Cam.ron oln bsbalt o! bis client -wva uMost eloquent -effort. Mr. Ne"oeo 1' raeovasuthat lu vs. on ,'bisvay fri Baffio ta moutreal, wvb.nshavus mp ed bY <hé Fenians on ig ecrouing <o p BRis, end detaineti foreibiy hy tbai, 4idninstispiritual eonsiaiou -t îoandeal anal ding,-anal abat fsriseu thi tbis h. tok oirnpart vistevar iu <ha nian raid. Tii. jury Urger an absence 5 ainuites retarnai a verdict o! pail ind tisa prisonci wusemntanseal o ha az ntad on tissosans day aa Lyas , h. W Bis Lordsblp asirs the pnisonar ii hé i nytiing go my vhy tii. sentence o! t] Count shonlal sot he proonnceal on hic 'nisonar said in a etbroises vole* fuli amotion, <bat héfore God end tba vorl sl vas net gnlil. At tise tise <bat i <an aid Sullivan said he vas lnFai rie, hafora Goal anal <ho,.proent ha s n Buffolo.îlie vibonalyion his loui ICyt <o Notral, aid vas ot 'gniiîy.1 luy b. oid baveabmiated; but bi ood vonlald cry for vengeance onts ho bai takan avay bis lita. He loi ame on <ha 30:h of May lu,tlego<n nrncy' <o Nontreal. R. vant on th ut At 8 o'clocis and arrivai la lmnffaio à 0 d'elok oma Tlaursdey nighti tha Zls< sy, geatoppad satisaFranklin hou Il îigbit, anal baibreakfast#boe. fi se anomng habuvisitei fienda nasec auisan. Ha croaud tii, river by the Iy boat at 7 o'e!ocs, on bis vay ta iratrasi. Ha lost bis vay <hans tisrongl c4isunt. Bre.the prasoner stoppeai )preautly broisan alov, anal cave no au anstion o! isi -conrsa on<ha Causala s. 341A "Ontlario Battalion" o] Infantrp Captain and Pàyansoier Thous. C. Foi, mon, ta bave the. rak'ofMajor. 'Liautt. and Adjt.Cf. L. Joues to bave la. îank of Caplain, to dasta fros lit lards lust. No, 2 Company, Oshaoa. To' b. Captainating tlt (nrthaî orders lenut. David F. Barka, vie. Fairbanks, roanoteai. To bu Liatntant (tonporry> -.-Tho, 0WV Bitter, Military Ochooi, vice Burke, )rosoted. To b. Enulgn <teaiporary) sa-Carles hbeophila. Gibbs, Mlilitary Scbooi, vice )ans, rovoed. No. 6 Company, flrenu'od To ha Capinin (temporary) -James Irayson Smnith, Esq,, Miligary Sasiool, 'ce Warren, pronmotcd. To 'be ýLfienint, <lamporry) - Frank ,ertoa Cibbo, gainiMlaqSloi es Joues, appointea Adjagent > To héejug aprry: 'rdlc V. Qubu,'gandiann, Milatery Scisool, ic Pois', resoved. OonsuaorÀt, coLLgm U -htulanov tri sný (bat <h.bo loiaglte eOMMpurmd in w7àr&4 Sieattone, amd Ode»l'. 1iaffls aiilege, Toronto, wbicb laelinown to bave In prapared by à convention ofaipurwan id business.onleahrs, and le lisytos of -tait business training, hava von Ibo acquir4. a sond basineu, .dacatioai 4. lest possible tliwfcon do no botter sa-,to at tld t mtato T.,ii id iire thmrughly .qaïlified touciersý ai îeady Wà<o' nd to thiir vanta, pleu- Go od words coul notiug, bat ara vortb ,. àîié-'tXnM is, 4-. . Mie's Worid's, ai Rtetorer aud Zylobstimans are h ujrjpvêrr.od ply gray bair hoits ~Ioloî."oid01by aIl Drugglats. pq Om~(enwich st, N. Y. aïes pzr s ocs s7I.-'ateaJoa là 0, plCa h osiorcist bow4l, oq Prime; ploagit prea.,<ad lay )[ffus.14ow à Patai..,value, $24. jasaieuvo 20d 'pilue, *9" David TiÙaet4ý M'p"A Ua"' weit ofetarain <île, preseste'lby i 'Whto-tle anfasnaiWhitby. Boli pardon, dtb prize, $3. Thosae Wiaoc à e%, prM *1. Bani, boalpiue, $8. Aiez. Ansop Bo.u.-Wm. Og lvi t prizs,,$i' 'ob 'Rieiingbotes, bual pria, $8 Tbo.s. 'ili r Balprize, *5. Aifrâ Tjyuh, h prsa,*3.John Coula, bd Ta bis connaction Is viii é not ont 0 p!aco 40 -motion tibat (o of, Ouirconi pioishs.en$bava e'nianid la tisa ProVincIa 'plousgbing sateis. t. o. off ý to.daî, (Wadcaday.) They are Mr.,- David mua bava caioal ffprigs.4t, provincia saatc a,0*assimafor', aid va, trait tis ,"rin. Tvtie ao nal Bannieiili rataic vith voit sarn a tras. W. ousyvis that more o! osai vei lnovn cotnt pbongbaiescoufflt a 1< tconvenions < Iant las alan lon. ront tbe lh, da' or b. ire, >ng ese, oa on' fls pli a. 'o e 'w t th d th il b4 -7 ut» nuni fur evo daays.e n e ia e w u s va s W Ua CDU a e u ruyofO , n vas. pmad about tao okea& 50 for. fboit taln auibilV He. if0.H la ic art'iooking Young main ~ ~ ~ iM ~ t s t â, qd about 221 y4, formerl o . ,s"d ici Mr, Lloyd wu aformerly ar àdat'!5iOI 'Z< a, l Cha own, vhaie,'-1 aaaý. f o!ui iaaders wll The 3,aetio-radoaliy adi<anecd, liasas - v19 laa~ig taspe l na.hhjaaiufbrortn nrfl4bq, ) hothé' tioers vara coafined, and inabolta béhtel bSilnesa. The rob , hbien tha 4saassanal Iip#etions i rj1a " ' fgit aaa4tlso,neyr fômnal poa bts, antil tisa, he.epbae4dasid the oasion en, andishovowlias in Iaonion <-bacause ntiroly'silIt, and(br ai'O)> i tÏl' M ilbodis; "&ne' thea iIre SoiCï , # VX c - r au ,<ý o AA4 .- M î v l bd iendeav ur ng 'frn ts the -o ni ls o' 3. ohn Sts l, . À. . a c owp et d a n oz. force s a y ithe lon bars aI <the v indow i , 6 . te siva plcf mo! sculpture, in <n dad l for thb. at ir feU ,or vas thrd uvn !é é a Je ep pit id4pacisent of-thesneir officas of!tbi Banik o! amid Wbla istbl<brokea. Whan the vos,- b Mon1tiasi. The vois if, wc ars in!orsefd sel ariveil witi aid (nos, Toulon lb, 'pro, P hatlb r cat it hé irnd avai donce n, a li eilw rë '1111b r ing, ut ivih he<b.d ie Eriain ifor ny !raîga Or colonltcontry. egin0 rom lb. vaessl ha nosas vsaa ot O f 10 # la a acaed iminy t a , aid m esr co d r. O rd e, vas i narediately reto fd,, yÎ flfj <o < t la lengi , vtls a " hig t in and an nq iry respectiaig th é fatal c alas- si the, centra o! eigit &A ad 's f> fua. trop b aum beea ; e omm icad, i Tvny .,bloekso! sitoisabave benu ned, rand tb. veighit o! th ini hal wok w"Soehns nc id b4 about > ,waniy.fi 'ie tons.;1< vwu reqnired The Ball Lapra o slra1 as Il. o f t h e . r t i s t t t h é u b s o n l a l i l l s t r a t e 1 i n e'e p y u v ayap e a s a l b . al <ha aolni tii'hiiory and progress o! lsader o!f Priday, ln, re!eiance <o tise aoWo 1 li Oacaai, it<is ha bas dons in a vciy lion$ <bief"SobnsJak'dell n iapp u'y.Thea coqtrp of thé gioup la sbast ha Canadien officias i es hreatneal tealtoftecîty of Mon. hya crowd cf Fcniansan tbat'ýtbey veiro tsaie, snranoanta.d by a boîtier, fine baviasg obligeal <o leava b he s.Baflo polie.. * e enudnati sudnl li Iront -of itaà cornncopia added, howevar o illilalvut seéfruits -of tb. colony, ovrer ,"1<f l is . #tin b ie olisè haid thetis bcbpass rinba rin thtna e îet infront o! tta oge éoialned a do.ý of0 tébc. n '.On the igttaide of tha zen or, more of ls roaagheaî ioukind tel.1 oh fl i laseateal ai ýIndiaclai la his love <lus sida o! Bing ing."l ira garh, jet miioviiU'ý hy la4 aspect an dal This lstatea sociseen a o lave rouaedl iîondimg <bt a I coaccin c! tsa haireo!tise Fenians, for yetlerday'a it diaitages o! civiinatlot,, sud bu appears i'snle or the Ea'prese contains the folios- ra be deîaillng theseaivaatagea tu an l, othar Indion saated on the lait, bat who 1' We wcre 'waited upou onSatnrctay by do.. not ms otappreciat. ýtisabenefitu ahoqt t u gliest looking Vl sillebt ever'i go wvbich bis attention la direnleal. Beluiad eut a <brost, viso oralered ns ta apologistes r the figure on flie rigba la a wigwam, andl for a paragrnph in oui morning's issue, orà near it a locomotive, foraning tha hack. loois ont fonrlae conseqnencas. *asaire -1 <round o! <ha pictre., Log1ao!f ood aid lise apoiogy vus 'plesanre, being coninceda', roile of tobiceo are introdbaced ta forsaia haîws dial tIe gentleman asn injustie,. spaca betircan- lie lndion anal tisaseateal Wa i hdrsv -onr formai 'talesunt,, aid figurs of a wveli-to-do setîler, vbo, wisile araeihappy <o bu able to-cal! us j»os, onîyb he umlohes bis pipe, tanna rouind vus anu the roagilst Iooklng feliov ibis aide o! ý aanuscd loois<o <ha Conversation of the Sing Sang, but thse rongist loolaing one fi 1red-a.klns.-,The spaoa beyonal tha seldier i, Bing Bing or auyvisesaise. Wc truit ioèepiad hy bnnchues of Indian corn, in<heaopoiogy vill ho saiufaesory. If any- plamants o! isaandry, 4e.Retnrniog ta body aisebliauanapoîogy <o demanal v EI the Jlftsilo, tise backsgronnd of! viicis lahope tisay viii appiy wvil e v biave onr a IarFsed cf a clamp o! pinle andl à steamver, band li. W tailler lke tis a ni o! tisala <hrt aie l i!d <ha ndin a spiritediy ex. gig"P acnted figure of a sailor, wbouc le hauiing t à rope wvus a capiaon. Tisa remalnhig lisSaôoro Mra g.Crtôd onn., ai occupied by thse aunal iaient. o! 4m- Oct. 21.-A abociaing ander vas ppe-Pl sece anlpae, te whhis are jc.ined in- tîated in West Hartford on Saturdoy nigbt. bt dications o! the rofiocanonts o! lite, in <tie The vicuimnsvwu a Mr. Jmima Tiompos, a- i uhape o! a gkhbe, gaitar, vase, &c. Tise baclielor foony yearrs olal vbo lived vusb bis ge carving l e eecateal in a hoid style, s4 as mosher andl aistai on the road laading <o - to bring ont tisefilgures andl details distinetiy Talcoit so.antin. laýtvaai savan and V4 viien they aré asutioto <liplaces os tle, ight o'eloclï a yonng nman' callet! Jaith<li bailding, vIsera <bey vilî,be about fitty lboum andl nqaested Mn. Tisompsoaaté<oi fest (rom tise straet. Tise design anal ez- assist hlms bis vaggon bai hioken dlovnsic aintion are wortby o! the artisi, vhose Ni. Thompeon irant ont vitlaths stranger fi tome thea vork vilI. carry <tatise baniks of and vas foanal h7 bis aotreet gala abont a sa e tise St, Lavience, as othe,' productions o! boni a«tervard ander s ire. on the higb- oai bis cbisai baie doun, <oan Mere ramote va, brntalil mardreal.]gis skil vusbc corners o! the eorh.-Edinburgl Scts- hroiken open viîh souae iontrnnient or club.,'ail No aireusis yet iAva been maie, bàt Our'i Hfartford police. are onhitse traci o! tisa go MezxteÂl ArvÀas.-Tse 2'ines Waush- mnpposad mnîdereî. A snspicions chei- oil ington special seoa <bai-Coi. Campbell, acter bas bea meen fun sororal days bang- Uunitedl Stateis Minigter to Mexico, liasleft ib allonttise village and la snpposed <to vils cradeutaileof îtaé Jares govaemeni bc tise mnrderer. Ribbery.vas tise proh. spi anal vus fullinistructions conforming vitis ahlecana. s Mn. Thompions bad! tome ms tisearipartite arrangement, aireaciy annoan. mono, andi bonds in tise boume.-q Chf ce4f ietween tise United States, Vrance anol tise rcpnblic o! Mexico, Napoleun '0 DItK 05< o À NavLr Uitaizi COUPLE fu <o commence tise wv-isldraval of tise French ov ueain maiy A.-Ona veels 0<0 yestei Ne aral, frontMexico ncxt:coutil, andl atmfday RPa liaierButler nnitad la tisabond. Mn probable tise viola arn, ili ha vils- o! v.diock, la St Stapisns' Catisolie>pi. dravn by thse ira§t o! Jaamuary nazI. Of Churcls o! Nevport, Rv., Ni. Tony lau' the course Maziulian leaves alto. -Our <0v kot! te Mise Agne Kriatt, bathso! <bat h4 ernment vili lend Lthe iaJeane govein- City. Thoingad apy couple anjoy. ilau ment a prolectorate, -ta ha operative andl Pd <lire aymounanbPrdy arai i reudy lis casa o! cmergency. la order to anal Snnday, detenoeining tisat on Monday hi accompliisttiis a militasy offcar of' bigismorning <bey vonîd-settia fivir<otacs'C rank vili go vitis Cal. Camnpbell, anal hotu nencement o! ticr nev lifa vitis ail las9 Lien. Sblerasan anud Len. Haooock are aihnl neas, iesponihilitie, trials, 4ec, On The »Pékan o! in tbus connection. I n&- Nonday maonning <bey rosat an earl7 an derahion o! thoe tiiendiy offices, Nezican hoer and robing thiseacves in thair avery lip trrihory yull b. cedeal 10 tle tUnitedl day attire vent to"'bieakfast aci con- osai States, vihiebwli give ns tise whloiaof piaineal of helng serlouly ili, anal neither prie L,over Caifonnli togoteh ion i Sonor a est. Tiss isusisnd vas eompelled alanost avea sqd Caiinasua iimediy <o taretira <o bed, andI in * feu the T i s m o e a n n t s o ! i n i i e r a r t o h é n in te s b u s vi fa fo l lo v e a l b u . A ' p i y s i c. t h é as e fo ove o .Men f s ter e to bi anal won uassent for, vbo, upon arriving in the ion esb Holon.Ni.éa.Messrs, Mvbon aage n ov or-9anl- t l- putJa oc0c-po t ! The Fanians Parlotns. de -Meetings aie bing eu sat Nw Ta rort 6Ë -1<ha sentences passealOaa <ha'Pen <o prisocn, aid tbreatenung Canoaiaus. a tisa lb.edirat vengeance ln rataliation, lu C bon the stenceareana arieaallai* e aniù F.Tisa folboulamg aztract <os the Nev YÏ e O! Pafly Namo la a fair spacisun o! itganaral bluater anal tirsîts contatnaal IMy. the rasoiations u paseat those etin bn "If tbat sentence shoulal hé carni aninta affect, <ha ritaish Govaennent a ail ruaeaIbo bnir. 'Evea'drop o! hliaud ln r tb. veins o! tisa coudeainedau n iii breed ai. Fenian uolalier. Hie martyrrdoan, foi ofi" Il vilI Ie cons'.dee*db>'bis dosuntryou ,,drlal ylihéwortisarifeao tte ue, il. Ircbond's Ilapandance. Wa cennot i or lierva t haheBritisis Goiermant s vu1coinmit an set go cruel anal injadiclons or. tise axcecution of this bh.tpiesscapsiv If visosa e vwollha racordoal amoi bis lrisbsun as ai invocation <0 vengeana se aidwvisn dying baeatb vouivwatt 10 fat million bcarwasua Inspiration tu, a fiai. a anal sois desparate isosilhit>'. The deai o01oua saembei o! tisa buman !amlIy, ci et notic inluth. course o! nature beyoasdfi o! domesîic spbiera, may,wlhan it bua, pol je ticutai sgaificance, create poiticil conva1 n 'son aid signal<.tho. oo! ofnatioan sal Rien as e a saifies o! Lucratia vroagt je, tbo over<reo! <haà@Rings e!f Rose, a o msa>'théilmntolstion'o!tisat singla Fenla is hriag varanal deaola<ion go 'th. soit! AU Aih<is vIiifor tis'a u t put monu ain the pocktsuof tue Fanion uponlara > appeahing <o tiesa ympatlsy o! <hein dupeà And tise>'ara cuning auougb -1ho malt boy vhite <ha usanems." Britiah lai vilI taira ha course daapiathatir impotea tisrcai.Ru twvile British Justice masy ssud uo donlstviiilie atamparealvitis sera, it tha oatpoarings. o! thffl furlonu Penian onil tend <o place tha necks o! thair ms- <nideal dupes ln stil <rester jaopanaly. Sv, Auiamv'a Cauase.-We bava bacr roqne tlcicutnte. that the Bev. D. J. MacaloniI M. A,, B. D, Edinaurgi, the. miniatui eleet o! Peterboro', yull officiaaa I zt Sabhoth, <LaS Nov.,) soring and ev.ning. Prost the higi noms e ii <lai young minis<er bas von for accotnpliabcc Soisolaiuhip, anal pulpit abiiity, ve <ton!. not oui naaers yl ha <lad <o ashiscu tb. opportunil>' o! beoring is, Rooussaiso.-It là not fiaqaeatiy, vu are gratifiai <o hoabale tu teatah, t v sre esiedal pon tuo C'1rnât robhéraas commitucal In thiia onty. 'Lui v eek sup- plaesn. vitis an exception. On gaînraa>morning, et a au nly boni, <hé piesiaeso! Nr. Wite, etPrince Albert, vais bongîaoli> enterai, White inocuealdean, anal tha uns e!$400 ai' Loves à Povsai.-Thé Di>' gonds anal Poell, thé raspectabe seîcbonis o!f<lis tovn1 vs. aut'iad, anal thesaasof$210, carieal off, toe etisa héeemat lralay ngtanti 'Morday mos'nhng. e"rd. Lovas' PoaVell vansi in <ha habit iii concealing largea aountu ofaiirvar i lul collet instaad o!* pîaclu la la <heu as!., I ~ daitktha caltai the more- secuia anal'lau' lie!> <o 'attnact, tha attention c r' ura ' Onsrliatnrdoy , avening, £!tsr ciosing. bain.,., < he auanai oer r moàttoW iis Ïte. léa 0ai0* » sI!box"s sadsî thée taire, le, mrefogn ndag<by .1<6 #canualen lunt, i cdg pp,.fù4 -on ditcàav ad "MA oct o ing'ïfov: <bau. in The. f«rsr téo bava'besncgnîanhtad for» "lu 1 1iago sitn*toaaWlthé vaurlonu branches of <ie 'cuaalosandl excisadepartseais, founal v itbont an>' fauther' qnsidaatios, thon fiait orfbaink ahieé'to dnav"tbelr sasi> nd u1pe»d la. If thse eltamiaatlos e&tflnly carrlea ont, aud thé Govenesaa upon <ha report of <ha examinera Chers vil! hé a van, coaslalerabia nnibar'.! v'"aucles la tsa Revenues 4apatasent bafore anothar'. yaar passes. Thoa. casais. no dubctof- naaet~ay o! tbe examinatione reqniued by thé ordar la Conneit. BeisAu iACLL.-Acrling <ou ,tpie. gians vbich aravaal tha othai daY troc:st.- Petaabnig at a <anavail banquet Iately %ien -la <bat- Capital lu bonor o! tha lJnita Blt" Embasq, Prince Gerticha- Soif alOdçpsci vhermîn 1ha axpriése bis confideince ia a permanent duratiua o! * god utlastaidng ba<vaan North An. crics anal Rassis, ind n Aaddiionsi- s"This goed > unalrstimg la neithér a dangaî.nos a menace t otiier ation., anal di'C 4itt&ethn ambition. ntcoyeut dasi f," O!coursa tha Prince mai. thié dle Clriouvitb profoqnd gpovity. TE a R sa dineris iw a dingr a la x se I bcstile gasara serveal b, attendant&, a! on mrsîha lAmerican i.Am- bassador bail ni eppoianily o o! aaisg, "Shatl T1bellp yoi <o Tacka>'y"Manti'una- bling,ý1à tiaBsindiplomatlatto repi, "1Tfaislçyon-pnbapa Ica>vonal lire <o Baxuen.uo mGari. Toonsua-George W. endall, o!f<lhe New Orles»n. Pio"zu<e,in-S a racent, latter fromt Paras to bis'-ppaith" sliadas tu <he abois naaied Confedaiates * $11 stuablel npon George N.-SiAaalar,'-yes uerde>'.- HiMehair te -'slong aid am bpghy as of ola; bis coanten 'ces oaitlonsuala ptacial as tbongb <b. carda voearniig lu is favor. If h é -b as lian g aggaa e*l a i n u Paria, is bais baan viti >good living. le geia enopgLs ta est lunParis, aloeu George .-prubb>' <hi.. mpa!. a day. He spaJs Wall o! Horau Graelay-ssc botter thon se aoes o! othar foira 1 cas ention,. Ji sur e! of81<to Rus, but on vbat imis- don, I canot aay. neHa-vil!ai gays anI Wocade, go 'vbers hé4vii!l. I bavaalso oen oa,. Tooab, and alsny of oar Beth. )ru psopla hae; al suI8 1bavoeaU adbot lotia and,'a. I lava nid about odera ll sae ta hagettiug aluon5. '(tnmra, réomslq, 'if 1 as ,uightl' informedl, intenals oing home his inter, aud ao do aan ethers vlke are iq stic asie bt viîb uni." Tise New York World 8'statur,<bit !a pige o!- h <l.pralcit o! tise Feencb <avenu cat the Asanlean goveunsunt boa pur. tased* l' tisatlanal o!rlelos, nu -lb. Grecian Lripejago, a aMot ol*20,00 0,000, anal %tend. <ooereci tla ito a naval station, los lai on. o! ha finut; haihora lu the Fitr w ea a n lvii h in a position o la un'-iportanmt-part l i a hé,solntion o! W Eaatern qnes:ion, t! it hé tise,- us it e beao utateal, hisat the fadera Iainet Rtundi <o inteîvane ou3<heAL'Rosian uida ýeu ut again diotqihs tie, garpesi equli. 554 <gàxo -cauli" s: vu rs.- ao . -Y. 7T#fbune predici. a coming fin. iial rah in tbs Uniteal-States, The 1ports o! bat counâti>',ilt ays, -1 anurs. mli>' axaeiceauaexporte. The< hligh ces for Ishor, for proîci, fer almos arytling,'u <t go.. on, s"ndalourts 0 best markset in tie von t sl mlt in anal à'vorat <o lai>'in, an inclroeanldiffa. ao! usptnas tulu s uad axurjous ut1- ail sacs <o ýforaiadow a grand mlis viicigo silil'lafiaciering ceu mg postpone, if thora hé not oàrdica anga a our ins sud qan omecila aocAvCue....Wa. I.< Bonedeliverealàs 'are <ha o tier eva in g b p!o.i'a t ha Y o n sisici le taok <round la laver of biliard eitn î ai i I!au ninocet;ana basia- rsereatkln.. Ha aa ld y a Maeaai< 1!i4 do veil for Ila claîhe by dataWti'» ) la ama rouai ofbla s toe *vm e hy id spanal part ei théir ilk*u nudai j Ua. ta raaieios. 'e oqtnea s."O "'ORAIiT-On tha SOth À' ahuglur of Ni. Peter Grani, Wbitbl, Ock 8' pu............1 Peau. ............ 3 Poaosis............ 3 Ray .............. *1 Botter ............ 1 Appia.........40 èheat...........8 I»a nd iteat . -orfl l~ae ...........ýée a New Phvyuagomy, or C 1iract and '-A 1 mnifedt 9f 1. aIs naEtheasyai the r= lu tise" Bnxaxre -uâ =44" ]fl ae, iti onel the p'goa a wiggh, Joua sud Clectpal ic Po f.a ais WxLU , o.36 i -I eo4rk. r i o ne - fnlth elltnut, anal e I site cf ail. InOrthe ditndvotiaâ trbo earas eiaaseid ou t.unPC viaglA, tab l telcis5 t ilTse. lUangea. urbetier e,eo - ~~lios ea lie unarel clsg'itk Fo 5a ibt, vamk omc, bglc '10 ie s xv-ignof h.mrav Apmtsoin. m etc aardttiuy n tur witha tige arctnam c4 sete lies on feuacterna- thgevai. it tou XyrispeWni Fioss.Iisanc. -ýàUvi<u. sesns, rnu Acuoaa. Itassciay, etc.;4u0W4in.1 "Enopaud eeisa-,dlsc4rphVia i le uri ley car11, nu-I l IrAt nc tsud o 0lie p'.it ýon Naohi; Franlni1inq!ss L 0obga m ~igl(.ie avu 4 -Whake*y, Tadky, 'ovu*" lier, andealeIrak*y. Visat batunl rea tohyMiii, Spue 1 Antttéesnersud £7 r iepre, onlit ofnei n.eop Ced lFlog aayh2igeii pluie!=lm u Dnelm rabls.Grea na miubrlaa»c AGentleman Who snhlered f YNervonballd a ti'sl IDON ianiioaone.ud heiindWeakot i>fyonthtlitgiuà.ceton, au.! ct inc his days ilnklan#pelea's nilsrv, sla Ofulffrincig n, ei tO'ni the »imêle ionos n,.cd by Iim.i ace ien à few weksa ater the ",I,» aneQicinet» ln1a ic jq ï par twilI cuýt jplia ut 'EMGAR 1 Ag£ WAY JEÂRU Y IA l'aspertive o! welltla, aige, or lies Louftbo'opos àe OIcino hoje lowisgiinip e mie*.- ttnd a dire sud stwnap .0 ItÂnàue LUCI LLE &tation D. New York City. ZOVELY GilRLs -ÂNxD BOY%, snd a ad4ltiiwenc enla, sit i .1 eod lioa gtome tt 6 si ll. ey -OOlitWooD, k col DbMt the y4c orkê ebanga, accointa kept in (oai.a .2litaS (a.97ey, aMoal ntcret ion Aita or inch lu, sodt uack; at ai NEW ADVERTIE 'St. Andrewsl Bat.nrday ne#t, ti 'T Tfil W1UTB.Y, 'AT a O'C tIe ensnabg yéar, enrolliiat é?De oalI be.oeebra ~ '~'WbLI&.Getber31, 1EGO. .bsMa rWItE in v lted, jt à t" - i f j', official A;Ppointmento. e firé,lack bi $2OOf ol aà amillion. falot entinaiy cea, anal U. S. 6-20'i ~ eali ' t w e ai, i sq iiing '_ý1 4 'wio la be fo re tb Ie Ïink ra te- ib a il ee î d n ad ta 4 1 nount fr9slItha4, place$5,000, Su <au theliSIOS' fqé' et whichs'îýOv tw 6 a v om Qeb~ hs*in iaen more ganaroni '4 ettsbitmscariies vare gsel!- ti ,piuponuiis <to har' population. tbsa Nev ingat 74. The. Money mankattins 91ii es 8imit ortis Portlandl-Prs <a st isey indicaiigoîoo aanos apidant no doubt o! th riva neyer rt lied a doIlla ta sony on ho tha bittai attuc0de tiiIally vie pro- ion' sur éther forms <os <t e~' 'iigpryS h ot,'n'h al< MJrs Lan, Ranlton ana Sander, Ne -dotermnaaton of. the S6a<tl te nm thià e: ta~y Waei~ bi M. kg tu al

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