* W,,**nar#, 441AH4 YE Eft~ E1 O L (1,4uo, 40cIJ.1 a, WUL Mo n-<çtolean ppon go miF.Ap- NORUo a X1'SON Ot6rioBtr*er an to . W/. , g 'l trln llîan,.ry, Noary Pl1 a ~ #-ItilJlgraow'cJi1 ulldig, Desbo 'GEORGE ii. »ARTNVELL, A-9IS1TER, ATTORINEY' éNVJ4 Cluny fr hci u oerDepty itBiore.t', Wh19by. - AMSOumnern Cignmeafor eL4rCOUDl - OBENiT J. WILSON. n A*ISTE hATroËz16y AT LAw, SollltornOhna.r&0k, Whitby, C. W. ne Vi orlna elllêlno, Break St. W lîitb. fllSTIR.AT.LÀW AND SOLICITOR lie Cl1auocry. (lazibcra-J9 Torento-St.. Toronto,9.2 OI -,vrLowoâ & Poeoli Store, on pes wRýo dib Toveutu4a,. ai, 254 3~,okU~ ,ý4eAudL4iioorrte .boit ïcflty' OQMM~QIALMOTEL. BROCK*BÈE0 W'41an . vhhbave beau Ouwily frulieeaid renom. vst. by hlm, apil vler. Ulic t cemno btôngong, vltiicaretlul atteNJtîo,<s Geodtabung, uelo.d arda, nau tcuUr WTM. SOTNTON bega te intq In-b TVhabtant#aof th ii utyetllcand mortni coolta bî kceeopaed ej ed 1u à 'rstZIe veveryenve. auoead.lar 1 h tJXBRIDGIeIOUM N ~proprlctW rLIVERPpOôL 0r JNVES E FUD- .15,250,00 AD.............à O~ T. À. *a o, . Chairine(readent cf ths Bank er Montreisl>. Aim o mr, L.,DePaty-Cwrarnap, ,Z.J. ît., Iq., (n.a Msmg'fl0" Ban ire Insuya o 1aquedoevy dserIiulea ooperty cf the loreg romain., native rates. Loue. sdjuted ce coc uatlatcetcr extracharge for Mîiitary service ln LiteAmman nit 5Anti n ma l t favorable trn», and unu- yr Âla peçialy .dapted Ilto Lb. ciroini- taucea oftaU ciasa.. S. . FIIUAkS.STAGE Hole, Tc )I.. NOTEc tPhBLtCanCda.c- -' O~t?~T:R~TAY P11311J -ieAO FENqTON Agent. Wblttay. W. J9, 1hlbLiNG$,, o éo.W <17Sca-Iu tb.Proriucisl oegraph --orlt000ffceBuilding,nr tii .isr ffc.1 sOLlcwla, 0.~ 4. B ET Wluesatnd liquors; an ellrisaecmi AS KMOV!) latvOlicite lntrl, medattlentorPrav.. cr0; goo otabbas.d IlChanhirs, tg»One Dor Senti, et tige attentlrvoligotîcr. 114 1 dMRIÂ ~N0 CHIAULES C. KELLEX, UDsaawu. AT L&W, SOLICITOR 114 JAMES BL&CK1 CPTL-S,ê,ôoS -ton Ba, CI. W. ô ALÃ"~ OI,<1T4YSBOIE. .7. KAIKR GSENWOD, rnvy svvo. LsE ATTURNEY-AT-IjAW-. So941C;rOBinu TIJOMAS TOTTNIIDALE, Proprieter. INYESTED OVEr *2,oOOAO-nE. laueyNotair %iNlll. <onvcyence r 111 Hlotel lia. liaRleon tloroufflaly rène. pg>gj-p UNôà li ho ,Whlthyd. W. cou*alu Victoria Blook: vth tistble auda Al.w,. nppllil W 4IÂD,4501- à e~t, teiatyt'tle. n roo 4tr~. 4 vthé tb G. Uod caominoclat for oii00, 0 viNe RnW Fra sd PJlggu. 9 an.in (omî loindon, OMmce.(dnrlug IAltiTEI£ AND) ATTIRnX-AT*LAW REVExc RE eI.lag>D, bmabSret B $ olicltor Ilu ancry,&. HUl. CANADA IANCII: -NOELAND, WAT- 9Call,- anc. Srye, 8doMAvs f &cE19srga . Ir. SON & Co., Ganeral Agout@. 0404.-nna tro, t>f ea tB. PLANK,- - - - -' Proprigiur. Fyan. CoeuÇ qc'rettry, office. os& 4897, J' Ofiloo. ~~~tatugute aldron ht br aT dli. Nery S.laiSar otcl sîîhy Jnîo 27 186. I 25 ttention Pabelte igutta. Caretui .4 atien - CLCi14N &(CCHRANE. tire ustiera. L 4IB9tB a ARRÉ4 1 TEI 4. ATTORNItYII, 'ONVET-- Agent, Witby. B intcers and l otarleu Puiblie, &ha.,09hn, s-In PrcI'lmi cb erPh Offce Bu- l'ne Asa-smc Op.iTovn T E ON Bn llRY fdn. stthe Begitry %14ce Oeill. T. CIIiSIIOLM LEVINOSTGN, P. L. S,, MourPaa-r.xBian' lti. T111eaubacriher la nov proped te oîupiy oeef Ogecs »s S [CcuwLL. B., W.HI. CoVaInAXE. Lie patrons eftýe Don Braves>vîi is eeto gnce. <iy utv rovn Attornueyexueibent article, tlies an2itiien an ai 57b. Pc à erry, 2$tlt Végète bar, 1843, 51 rectiarod, and on terstue ouit rei.nes.,, I~L.A.3ONB, Toronto, SM*., 19, îgo5. 87, ffsrito, clcîorluClnnar, t. JOUX C. neuLuLEIV, INSURANCE COMPANY« ' em, é., &c. tcountanit, Land AGencral gent ;Fox OF'C'-etdeer tu thse RalpItry AND NOTAE1Y PUBIC. FIRE, LIFE à ANII7TÃŽM .Wiltby. 41 .ly W, IL. STICELZO W 01160m1)lu1eterrtireet, usdoor nertli et Cajlitai '1*. ÊlLZIQJjq TEgIJJtU Soilrltor.A.., hc.,Mr. $Iaven'c Drug store. ..o. 44, Curh treetq ereite. .. M o4ttu'd)su 5'inc fr ie nîen Ctir O,c-Qoou nsuranc& Biilig, . 1 4IREWEiLT, L L. B., B Clection»e. tlandeil to and prompt LverPOqi. 1; . ý fonitanas mdeCANAPA BastAU ià nteaieu litg, BARltIrT Et-AT. LAW, ho. -EEtN~î etel 19. IReOBE, 1B. A-# lion. D. L. bhliiaroaon, M. L. C, lion. jolis,1B 0 A ftb. Attertîey.at irîvw, MloîoIuCucr cn. slmpcon, 14. L, C., lion, Geerge cravftr,l, M.Wlla' v*yîicr, o. Jbleo-luoe treP,,lioth L. C., 11. C. Camiron. h I l C N1. leMlcu il i~lns,.Tiea 61 the. l cet O 11100, <>éawa . * . rer40 ingua îrianE4 - a.P. ', PA.'Dnît, , y Eq, îjcîîry Tiionis, hq., le.Jofinà LYNAT ETÇILIsI, L n., i~V T.,1DP. l'.i)MCenkev Exqm. PI Youn* Vtl 'orrsag., Zq. ti ]LMNcG111 . -,jhn iil/errY, Eaq., Wilitd.iîj l, a-osaBu ÀlitilEL T >.W, SoIJoitor lu chau- gorge Barris m1iJ r, (aîsadian loit, nia,,n Bacr,Var&sCerh., à ha. ad Whiltby CIXCLY, sLe.t, JitOALAuax-ear.ernckeriI Slnseeelt,-oppealto-tbe l'ent Otagce, boshavi. ------. MeOerAuVzaa-WM. Suthîerland, MI. ri 40 G LOBE FIOTEL SrvraJmaIt. SprIIglé, h. JOHlN DILLING.S Anru..1ýars, G.cnhlcIdî h&.lolision. Ir AW,CII1ANCERIY, h CîNVX'rÀkC1NG T lI ahovc voil kitown,nidseatabilîlîed Sortrysd eerlAgn- office, IPrince AiIart, two deera vetof Itlaiotsqproîui h ave bcalnpuralcaad h T.0.. Farniansa toro. 12 by tise cultanr ibter, w 0 b 1e vîi l KW'AYîubc Union Building», 96 St,. Jratneefa vier C.IV. C4K f , *'fo'inii end roeady lattend lerseusuly t3 Streot, tie vants of Ma .giio,e b . PIBAKJa. U01czii, &,,Tiepoisht i en con daeni;land 'Agent, Whlthgy.C £aidue-îo er Eait or Tarnli h homfota f4td np;rltopeéý& qia te'e BeStret, tby. 44 vt!c0tt t dtvte owalan~ dover, -nPoInIlTlerp ff n R...GNN noddrntmprevemenit- toe uerrt llor4fdlîîg, near tise Ncgntry Olite.. Io 1% . IV . . hm duringlilisataypnd theTable bonoitl-." IJIGEON To TIUE COUKrir GAOL l.yaupplledatl iu llyrou8gtreet,Wlilttîy. "7 ltme.LONDON - EC A. PlUMULE, Notice toPTarmers and Otheris AssUrano,ATTIOH RC TRE,11"ORPORATION. IUWliitby. - by also.~n Io arl1, ;M oîiaysi,% ESTABLISHED-1120. TUONIAO JWITON, Gleniovlî, do. do.; liaiipieri Extra Nectified OWN .CLI,.t ~TiUOAdU1<EH '%vlTBY Wileokeylu 0,do iboiatPort. sheirry sud uteetinr T Offlea-Towti lialt -ilourt 0t) 1 o'clock. CôgiiiAokBresdY for the *soit, vlth a flo iat1et r Pt*j,5r mess iglebs Liquîoréand tllrgci tlise bi r nad.. r I A b ie t thi uet isoffle l I. nlveOtlea, ad ler., telibr. *of preinlurn, npon erary dsrpIne flM<IISTEJIK Klng ttrect, ? doorast tA.£DoN~. . îet ofla"Liss0aid W l vt..eutdCai. . Troiijtu btroot, Toruio. - 8 Broôbclln, Jalt.2tti, 1 ùÃs. 4IsÀbAOCGLM AlClIALO DACEr,,yI iONTARIO I.Jr.,' ' j Aealigîîoc for York and Ontario, Notsry WHITBY. Agent for Wbitby, Osliava, A c c'ný ri f~iic. - 0. DAWES - POIE oIL Ovw.-Ne* Prevli ' £i b ah( d -PROYVtiCIAtL TELOGURAP'I CO. thuierlor aeeenmodatl AI, Cirtui -5tte15. Broek Stréi Telegýtbu. h 'Ofr,i .' NEOTLrNG WITII ALL TUIE 'llgÇNlI.ieu te tishé-nruiutaOItrasielers atend~to Lpal Citioa sud Tovaîs le Ciada, sud thé guestia. wMpclu Oinica luandlgliedi- ettheand rcsaly gr Oabtcs lu es. i 2 deers Southo h 0.taCI ulas tub1nal~ss, 12rom ~ D. Dcx»s, 013aLx, *vainr, ÉlAM~IVV SIXTII i)IVISIPN COIîT.- JO0IlN ,;rlLL..; roftéi, li ONJ, eet ý» LIC NOED AU OIQNBERE. d rei- îX,î..î4Nd1lq tÃ4h ro.Jl ismp#* EDWARD k IWiIIBR 1 of,and $iîat ileumpplea Oin atepardte; *bdaio. bepr ql~a umaie0 ars,4urof!rer. dora liliebr Ilin r~p %à rrI0O r OnUeibiâsCdb. ui5. l .A tImpitble.Uomsiu qX,éiqtoLde ia c C a itali', 8400; AprJJSn r tsb.o*O (3apitaIt #400009. GNBLAGENIT. $25 00 ToLAN O~N Bl.?Ftat.inbUmsatl uit borrqVMr At trom 12 ye rstpt 1e, &su Do Donue or Commlasî cr~ AP tEOANGZSN Appiy te, 4LI!kati ziCà g%@f~k, et lbo tpalbpr.eerrmius; Luur- aisegruld o liurrls., or'tisesaison or v Maeerg0«ascurd on 1edferu u Of «Il veand Stisin -2eta, te and trou n ip and iôip aieToeitieors a a Ja riiup>lonuithe C60,eab ey ett eiofa MIHN BLOW, £~'OflceaftjInl,~ ~ roet Wilîtoy Whltby,April 1p, 1863.,.l SECRITIS Cfr SJMCKsou TO TUE CANAJ)4 AWIENCY ASSOCIATION Noare s barge supplyeormonq te ]end 'eislus pro'ed l'arm', or Ive 7«,Ma NOomasln 'r ether expno« aye n odti h sa cc'slsslon f o r c o n v ey a u ci u g as u d v a l n t l eiq , a c h r e For tonna., ha., spply ~ 1s. OttoJOl~ serot.rex7, Toronto Valuater,Wlîitby. 10 wESTERNf [N8TJRÂ;&ND; (LMPÂNYD) tor Fire. Lifo an igMriî7e. CAPITÂ, Io O0191 STEIRLriG. CurOnza7WtreP 77 King lIt Muchctor. lam, Lendon; MV , l'l'or (Oldhamn, I5,errm Club, Locdlui, auà tige Orange, 'ritiin, near MlanclîcaFter. 'QXKBltMANA PIAthirOe.teh qli., M . fre* alwand saj. Ian Leurcr Qnee'C6lloue, Cambridge. IlfenaiOfUce-for E3.fW, A.. Ontario muno, Church StrecT;1Oront. Marine J£6ki. froi lst April te lOth Wevem.. ber, aoeel4.4st lowest rate,. CAPT. IL TYOXAS,MageB..A Maria',le cpooter. W I 4lt b a v alrai 1 4 , 1 8 6 . A g e n t. C. ]. AS Dat. omdl nt.anc, e nîo tet, tiîà à rd 'Foruorth le Ontario fa ?EXPEEzqo AGENT ho.aciso Agent OrAccident aud lStandard fnaunce Cma.17 HEcBUAerlbm ek l'te Cali tie attention ef 'lFquers and weed cuLtero te a nev r.,s:out #swing Maellne,wilîcb 'la vithoht a oub oe f hebu elifgot ipy Canada, -'BEJ'N APÂTES Jà %ny S 186#1 (tiAs ikitl,,T, a r 0 . W OhdAS STQiEET, *lrnTBirý,C. qllzonborbrbgit. anüonouethithohba .leaccd bail,g fqlsurîy kilo" ce t' mu sot 1M Oth&4 S.t- 467n1,4itilG.L.,& D ~ ~ ~ i î - iriOt4 ut, Tioiessle roft rinSu li - ma bid lu o thiorâir o liath Rassis tYo ugad cf isa 1ýdreai Wrtella b igeV*., ti. eai qft, pr Ob" . Ipari filt m.lrlng thi cpi ou ras tha bt môat beauuâPne elà t - «W, thégsu c .11k, mlJyiýeofs. 8pa esot iiq4en o ite O a in bsrs ieOiaesnd li lap fer upon bis'tho inestimable oo o, desomstiâ blini 14ytlobppnco f th e oung coupl boaà oi.. f Bees o-? hspplus, suod MsY the fsauily Jo f th Czaovltal, b. sympstterIpl falt b> tii t,. Beglc pooolal Buia, deoutidi> a4l îaérngs.qoparobieal prinafl ies uor#, loolci uPO1srbo fortunsof Lb. Imporia et <ssiil se ber owu.- Tu eoo#qg Enre Dagas, $p bùr theoin. ii. i oi i s s r ig ay su d jo y cu , li ii. Là a. so it On D&goiar's eeok. Leviug lier ova cuntry for erer,PWm esDasgsr bu comia le te reside la oeoof the- ,apostî Il.4ýïi realstef theglot. Obii.Lacos. s..n at,& dise vb.u ve are bosut iti saaî sud seroniudffiultis. Bu"isla pasui tiirougi a grmstbot thotu> epock of er c bacs been tain ubaud sM cffmons ismporiaucead theJrdelle oi1*ndueuo 'b deti ,c i.country for ec.uetoo ces. lu a ic riis the. pasions of son iaenstur$ly sronsed, Parties -,»rp tcrmed sud codicteaierrie on boetiet sud puily,by legal aina Ill.g aasua Yet al ineotllity ia suapouded la e cfesta! heur, $11 abrite rsukliug vitilo ont broute tergettens ntble joyeu day.To Lthe Creator aloee i kova *Watroture avaija lie yong cn$.u aç.aIu o!et~assfa;.,Lltnyft ae nitl# e tue nasmeofet Dagmat vibl b. luaaribod on thOie Pages ef Ont bustor> viiab record a 9a1e pt pesco end quiet contentsenî. mal- tiie Lord #noble tiie future'Osarlna.. to prépare berseli to er l ltty dqs4Mlehsed te ber by Bis esuipoeotvlll I Ms> tii. Lord streugohep abeitoaiigiten dle carea et lbe. areoaderuod parents ef bot b. tretied iioand 1i Ms> le msko'bet au angel cf ligit, a leel sesseugefroup fes,run, s source o e an& ,4 eediIiiZ* tc ti. Imporlal cobÃplo vIo, baie teuli.d ber~ ~~~, Mj iet<sIsd vbIa"'are-tolllng vitk à .gci oa";etIeîic arnsltns as cu a bpplu staoBosjandda pesau relgu ta tbelr successoral1 Primeesa Dag. mer va.s tili ver> youug vbeii.vuess ed thb. moreto 4iÃŽfiat vortook the lasil> cf ter royal <sujet sud the., enire Dsuiah ýpeople sosne time &go., Tbhe var in vbiceb i.Dauem verslmpliâste, mct- vltbludiug theiegalsotq .v-eed by thaïe, terplusred uufsvevly lef uboir conte 1 bet ber nov ecutryaov'oers ta Princesa Degmst tbe. uet poverful tbrone ln theewvend. Horsoî estudaoto ear the crovu qflessi%,.osefi the sisor cf the fntur&-Qmof et pg1od, end oftKing George et Greece. Wiil. ho esolerlguity Of the ost prca'pé,toüôii laluthe. uni. rme it,' one dai4 .rl! i p ba Enls eber..lav, ber Ovnibrother roi ngOur picoplesvcaa, rpigio. -OPI ~Fr,~ Or to L ot i h n a mte ~Ael, b FeN0 atsMO OurR W roi For li» attw eu", tbIeamute a <If ~ ~ e tarn blpp) Wopld h.a.ohiîg&à jo~r aulte Fu Pprepety ln LOJiw. 0. C. KELLE Sellîro, Ckinnîngii or Ir. ELLE, (if by "YUe pro-pail ) aprovince ef Cana4aN In the. Centy Coî cou et oi7à Cbnnty of 0 19 the matter of PETER TAY rl~.c TewnaIl ot Enot WhIbJ MIbL. on (h2outery,-antheasolve no n, the. ndm rcgn cd ii i apply te e Jul »aed)tUbaw'4 thia Sth dAY Of Augui FICTE#çTAFLOB, His i.&toraoy, ad Us«t. 8 TrîE subudblors heraby bog to notiy tbi Keroh p ant th Public generafly, Tihe nly frcai arrivalilii@Omo aaen hc1A h eu . e d a d o n ti n d f r a e , v h l c e a n d retil., 28 JAMES EOWZ, & Ce. Farmers!1 STORE YOUR GRAIN! AND GET Y01111 OWN I T HF. ogr e te W archew.cc erthe un ear-gn,en.ebIA thoin te store Any qultty et rain, lu Separat4EifBins, THEIR 'OWN.1 Au gain teled oFaror l micnutorii b mnra ctelnatther iWrhOusac *114, b. foulr prt ole ginat ny bac y lr. ntiStlî Ãresh Sait. Plater and WAtr lime, always on hand, and for Sale, at lowest p#eu. Port Wlstby, sept. LO, 166. 86 TUE ONeTARIO STtAà N ('IUB nev tentinvte lcueêluepr- Ibovaouislgut. fe.asebu qg~u Mdiïjti É,liaen I Iioton mulfln .0.gb ,Brld on, ,Pm-.b4 iclf,4rôi Thcto, ael itise ,nd' ThadItpz saru'msi AudisuFe1ât pp of dus u toi, uit fr rWpd 4"1« ies. be ti.=Mrr, sud wio' ie *0,pltaiaIt !à toma"0 spuSit !sOqa iubopà , or*cai up thatrcal"piau Pr _Puuitvorda' put rbii o ssrvaut 'sud 'er.ybodfiý laoo ' tes.vieilsJmlgfty pcv. tIbo pgbljcýe boie. ba yepleu, idL eNiothe lsme pririlge ïyepplfe ,J la Pe publiai ausr4caum iao eta su oqontritors ud suMD eusu gom It l u Ji badrmr borl à 6st>_i4ls -rcraio O!etdoit> lor. It 10 <o to L1e yenr 01401« cus .Pst te '6 pioof" hé sud slles loto pruetice. 19hi s. adlinif isOtier pocpl.'svonta, vlsb.. aJ er4 nf a s p e n c f i l i t m f o r p l e a s u ,t , o i " a d if =b pto' of dis.sss sund duheinventioï mg of cme. fer tbem, té maki knoa Whovebu, 'aà beeu robb.d, vberof .1 l e ncb v e à tic robiier, -lié perseuisi lstr>big trial, et s04n 90 nc h s d am" 1u % 9. lté rossie L ni.. fruit sud, uotioo it,tc b. abimvn iatural vr cPrloitle. sud dsscibe dbu, tu b.aevy., â! vbm 94Atimles, and bWabe te asvet Me ail questim oion @a bjects, It-i t e o pub . ef liai <ce Machi sentiment f«r eu, toc snob e pelislcs fer sueduer, su4, pq lu*f.ueag io terai. jtla sble adomz#"se;té ipu# (du4eâî, c lé ob. PfÃç.#floIto by suy- 1 body, vbo c ose sconsslderIl in.ff a ggrkwved.Itis £0 beb" our trotor r editoruBrce 16e va>oupaper,sud sbi. bands cordalyvwb.nym à n.t is t publiai a papor t îo dollars iu admraniee i~ ~ ~~t $ithl wfies ait fo!,Y tpéd II collectr bu gettas Çt, jïer icent.oet et pting It, sud "sa is iving bt h@ cpe>tion. >It la té tae osplanet;rjrtIckets to ererything sud psy fer tios in csmplsa. 'wa,îje It fitu bobèred byfrMon4 bmsiuossMAaa illled by fiee. vies YOn f1ave bit lunv.letambl. apot. Is Je,<o vin ery lîbel suit eesmenced agamuat yen Sud te loge money on yesr puablisbîng ti4 yen oit up It ugits vltb a jeob lrm es. fffl. it i$ *,llfs cminglcdgossdmsd iUi tratd triuspii, uev.r-ending toit ud never-beginug felicitl, wbaiu yen vork eut youi alotted timo vitit SIl deril" Ua slvays 6jj fooer siia (tyenr sole i boiufd i i i( it.....iktfe more CM.y 0 Wo cxtrsct iu touioving pagtpbfroý i, au, ebitury notice in on@ ef ont ozchsnges y vbicb vas vriotea by a brotber cf tdu p 0 9.i,0 thoe e mef su cld asscciateofe Lb', 009orvbeom ho iicdtoa 114 jomm mintime vi th for yeats,'Are ve Det g8w fithmsi sun cilolea lu i. enlP ,Thm e isy cf lm'a ProPsaol uoreq~pa~ nqaa- Udirated esa. tswér-lis§ial neyr b. abusdbyauy meus of bis pelikIanstagonists, v!etbet lies sud detiractleq fi 1 1 rde~ deoeqpteprfmalgss. . Tb.re héo sah nO',ei m o-'r si s a ke fo t h@u a iri o ag Il daslred igis sud auÃd ilsne sote.- Thor. ho siali b. able tîc s'e I.Immense di masses of mimd ho bu mqrcdali nninc-- 108 md unknov i a u boa .;d4rn bis vesfYy pi gres49g09 o4eri. Tiero b. îu eIt Md aiIt iclýieredied-net s clap go cf bis tbînnder stelen-sud Ibmr abaol i e ne iorrld typogrspblcsl aors teoc'&lis lu s f6ee.' 'P 'OT- Û% & OU Gal ryat. hoc IA 1rprord or lut rFES, r Art. su ad biguî 60 »4 .r TILL. 1 I.- 1. 4 - seau, of, t.the parsyê eeemqd4 à 4 So'b9oSbo lesder, bipp. 7du4sgd é vomu'c iiuasu pe b.Çje * . ,lady. -iii , Di ," vh Ti.T k- 1tply I1-( the -the#'oi e6& rf "'pe, 0s iga' - t, mah! sd imubd suo the gvsclesre re 14l hsyu w"l i nqm rtue n petrocuai.cefe,~ih prpsc , Oâ by tie lteevuga1os t eare d e* ieleCIsrane2a rm usieuBt il1 Jt s'saof tn .o t -i p Ivlge t If F~. ir Duin duo oul1 C c m nelgled ofl c-eiv- 'ee, li i d ,. Nucia .divki bou.gaindr mod alo remmbe l omet *,000. , hsof. gtob.n sId aipoe sataino liefre ad- g1tb7i buCLE b'esao-Ti.red ery'si cr6vigiSlecthme t friss nk i <eutl,00 da, dan 1-is~ per evr k ot . inngarCla.blCs abo elddr ards ve ie oelrf at 6bagmie, pt.l sin.44é It1vi6 . r ee- te rep.s Ã0caIdiug IU 'cnAu fTtice Cedor Crvio sulect etb'1n tmt eesk, ad-b einshmsudaia iiea. Cnà 1t thefor uaerngiugdrainoff'tii.4 oure,0caver vit Vinegr, anudibel rhaï minues. Agan vilam. litviog r. -'tend oer tet higlq seccedndteuiettna vingi imâprovebghm deistalle" n ipe Ctt to tee 4rmu-u É lnarte mogg d n o b tlie ue 4nfr ogeîh wiiici a e nds (evi nuî oe i n g ala t -i "ritfer s uo'ei ab. -tb»0 irerltg as it. enatioe PIS"a ôaii tg ar,.d eoidry Tor ethoz C*lao LCtaqare f pellet! of dhee&"à le te pnd boit à mint vin à 'ea&pôuld e o vitintlre eu, sud c'ipayblei woul orkmn ii? ii,«- oradein ,your, naries iif a ser(r tr a appr'. Pathc reisi a c -egily te peslii to dir, ry1 te ohrit a.b eie i Anedlsow.~, 'thevo int rbr' isép ecet.1hn& re tc arkyer a die, andiic.b ve r4M'Id td o auso h. vurs whist o 'ouV.llfr, qeiaîet t i. uked, r' 'W.duen tearge),di ea ue i.,cev reu »Yt-ius#pusoiy biie kid for me>ne pa thic~t7~I ir. lPsudldratirsmn, a herea s ter it aays ti. msuneth vLl ui<vmieban ileshsîbrocidsit e. Au ettd<iior" ,$vet.Mev b i abo =pcr, opaitcbini ho tvaru i emior ipg 1o vita o 4 lie . r mk tI ot9.aennÃon c1,a tx 1 . h.stt1 d ta edt+ej h gi eul o wu es.d îJaaisiser -1 1 . à à l"4 É*qeiý , "' .; 1 ýý ý