Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1866, p. 1

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&a,, & ChltbEL , àýibSeq . m a ýr~, cut tos, wéuS toiaayngod seenrIlty. , hi !*.t Otturof thé ilimdlugs 5.i.COCIERATOE, L. Li, B.. ,^%*INtTY Citi)W KA'PTOUN KY POU M,< taltrI llilv, 1Ilar (e4l I leio . ewlaRTdnFJ., ud A iltiT it, AiTOI(NI£Y, 0CiWVEYAN Gescr,l>op iatv Ua'iltrar. mait4r Rtraooldi il %? 1sad oamiacioran aecry for thoeu i ROBIERITJ. WILSON# 0 110- Victoria fBuiidng, Brookc St. W Iltby. Ann/t3T£itZ.AT.LAW AND SOLICTOR IinOi a'%inoMr. Comiabors-T9 TorontoSt., evnte.9,,i J. K.conOROTif, (ta-envor Loes h Fo"el's Store, Ne IL ] FAIRBIANKS* OLOCT(>it NOTABY P1UBLIC, &h..&o. s Q.irs, c'W. _________ W.fIr, ILLITfGs, SIC tell,à., &M, Chmufalara', VMOiDoar Metb eft tit Wilty ui. 28. 1862. Cil AULTIN C. linCELLpï, A TTUIlSieY AiT t, WsoliII'ORIN <laaaicary, (>nivcyaucer, £z.,Csuuillg tuu, 11rock, C. W, o A .Ofanery,*,,aryPublic. lonviyatueer, -&o' Wlaitlîi. . etoffi liVioona hliock, &M te itr ia'.on Broeic 4trele, 48 AU1l?TPTEIt AND) AT'roiEY.AT.LàAW sollltor lte Cliacory, ho. OVFIOT.-.1)ndas $tract, 8 doora Wst etf V.Poat (>11.. Whilby, Juno 27, 10. 2.5 Co...CflIIÂE & COCHIRANE~. ARlh$RlUM. ATTOIt1<EYs, iVONVEY- B aînena' sud(iq otanilt'ihhie, &o., &C, ll'aîwca Atusr-inVog - Opposite Town _1% IL. o Mitc , .B, 1W. M. coînaxss Vouutly Crown Altoruoy. - PoI l'ot1erry, 26t1u Vocenbîr, 15$4., 1 MIR, C. A. 3ONUs, Ilarrieber, MSolcior M lottianceeryAtm ~7OFFW , -Net deen toa tho Usglqtry W. Il. -T>ILËE, &Ir 44, Claurcb Street, Teronto. - 14. L. AIIIIWILL, L L. B.,- R. Mc614f, B. A., Attea.aaoy.at Ljtw, Sltîri-facrCen- veaiacor, tri. it1a-Saacastreet, Northt . LYMANf EN(JLlSII i LI. y> XLlhtSTER K A A , Soiitor ln C han- si itieco lit- opposit te t efce, (isuawa. - 40 ce, r>io'ncAlbert, twe deers wcatof T. (t,. lorîia'is are. 12 bo'l1acaOaadoar For tYarueld hOlh ui'-$'ro îicit trceil, Wiutlay. 44 liUUoEOýN "ritlipCOUNTY UAOL Ail work imia$dotap0On lth* preml»4es IpraigrorwItletasf esclient qulitli *"a A TTi>EVIIY AT LAW, OYLICTOU IN m ellâcety, h&d' O *, o*d Iemobvsd ta 00 .ntt door tO Ofiee of Mr, 5in, Clark d 090loIty court. ' pposlj Iiyl lotal. 1.111 OP'114 EVENTU MPVI&ION *iir,~(utaitah it il 4adoeaa'e Isenea,-~e VICTOR&IA JloTEL. KUsev110W Aillai rx lt ]Brookluiý I D ZALER lni 1)r ,Pilent Jsdlelines W i Wnesa i qof the bosa4i%Ë1ty for Méial pu rpome.' n;rooklîu, C. W., 150 - 5 OOMMER0fAL ýHOTEL' JJROCIL STRBEETI WilITIBY whioi liv ben pwly, (uvuleid sud rune, vitea by hlm, aend viiri lie best accommo4w~ tien golng, wlth carciul aftotenLoa, cMn îlwAys b. founal. gecdablliag ceosu aduettentive 211 joIi MILLER. EOYNTOJ'S IIOTE14, TKM. ROYST<)N begi te aunform the lu. yy hahilte'ibo Couaty efVltoriland surronudlaagUeaaîtlstiomttht blis pelued the hoteu on Wllgin stroît iitely odeupica by Joett, anal sali bnfa s lil ttedan sd urnlai. alaco. Wiuso, Lîquors ana cgare o! the W at saalty. '%An attentIveoe ottl i rwis Iliasttaui Lindsay. ?îb. 14,1864. 0 LTXBRIDGE IIOtrlS'El 96 Proprieter. STAG*E HOUSE,, NAMILLA. ISAAC FENTON, B EST Witsand Il quers; anpieneorou modastion tortraviira'; gend stablingand attentive hotlst. - 10 ALI1ON IOTEL. WIIlth b t, 40rfle ainT1u ýolnfo vteo beaorders sud guesats, i RIEVERE HOUSE. thAxouraasaa, o. *. B. PLANX, - - - - Proprietr. 4ttrges te anad frein WijiibT eall daili,. Evcry attfentiona paîrd ftegueste. <artol ieda ttous- 111E DON BJIE WEIIY. IFlUE uhntir la ainproparod te s,îpply Tlie pitronus oftti Doia Ilrowiwtt ist excellenit article., lias ucli quiontities is t;iaiy 4 riquirad, ud ou tennait ta ,.îak rairchiasn.. Ti110 AS DAVIS. Toronto, Sept., 19, 1845. 87 jolIM C. MeNILLEN, Aeeoutant, Land and Gencral Agent, W~ Offieceli PJ'er a'tret, osso daor r.rth et Mn. tliavis aDrîag store. Wld sudi hîaîrdved Farinthefacconîttîcai of Otîtirieaud lula, o0r a'le,. N, B. Colectiouis uttellided a ansd prompt Ion. 1). L .iMolithur%ï , T>C, Tîn.loltsi Simupson, M. L. C.,loa.dro Crawfordi, M. L. C., M. C. Cuanaroi, Esq.,Q.o., Ni. 1, 1, Malgna uIorrimoia1 Ei., M. d. .Dîa'trd V., Mol Im i"arrY, Eaaj., f-'iut Iy;itond edi- tors Barrie Er miner, <2oadiaaî Pos, .LinIaay, sud Wliltby Ctinieictai. 7 1> GLOBE~ HOTEL rrri lIEsiive icl kuomu,o nid oablillîd .1. lttelaind preîiiiseaa have boersuprclaaed bytt »Fpmiurlter, wlîceo lw l aunayo. be fua'îîîd u bonad reacly t(, attend porsoi aily tD the wauls of Illit gueaita', &o. Tua preaiioes lia' bouas coavcnietly sud eemnt'rtabiy fittuId up ; paiateal, îapored, &c. wltiîclsterii'a t so§oa wter ta, ,rgs) atad ever,' amodernu lanroviicit to nuoklcu ie 2raveller do hiome diînluglils aty,and tle Table boutlful- lyeaapplied nt ail tianea'. Notice tu Farmors and Others Llquoro Wlîliginsand foalMro'Fui iviroef, by gallon or barra I cYniiçtn's di4neuit, do. do.; liimllea'm Extra itectiioci Wliillcer, do,. al bcat l'art, lerry snt Cegnliek Brandy ior CM sock,:inth À fliiteof LIqs( an'irul <lers o et t'aa es rauds. Attentive Ostiern, uad floem Iia. e,f - A. ALEXANDER. B3rookiua, Josit,etlt, 1663, 4 ONTARIO 2HOTZL.- WHITB3Y. .DAWEs - - - l'P1OPRIETOR. duperlor ecuuoitea.Carcfal atten- tien te tthi raiuirsmenti of tnailers anal S!pseIOU a siblig and iad'rooln, andl ready estard i olwayai witin al l.1 'VICTORIA 1101118, pu»"sas sraiu, vat. JolOSPtTIIO.L . uJprepleter. RTlE subseibir deasires te lufobIns insu, .Lfrloaid thîf-holot l-now esrrrlug os tïi ienaie, anal liat lau supplies noni but tias 'boat of WluaesIlîquones, dg eanal rstrab. ment.. A yul1 appliealtable. G(oo4oabiing sud enalosd yard, JOHN grUMitioL.8 HEWOnLKxAn OlUE. BEAVERTON, C. W. ALEXI IAnMiLTOE, .AVAPOD G,LO N16N INSURANO1E COW,.Y; !3kttTA~..........1o,00,000 f6À , TÀDPtTN&o . »J150,O00 X.B Arrnn, f., ucLtu ,înmaai (reiei grain, Ea4.Ilptyobaîms t0fa Oa itral.) comb Manteu Bagia, -Dg Ag C.e, Wasi, EsquveM. I, h rvnia éer 0"Biousngances i eis etea IBCo v, TUB COXIIERÇIL IUNION ASSURANCE JOM'INY. CAPITAL- $2,500,000 MT. <FçrLLY SUBSCRTBEP.) POSIT F17719 IN<CàiNAD1A, gSe,- 000. ltandl 20) corull l ndenOfcs(ulg ro-uuîligS 180, <Grâce CbturohbStreceC 0AeNA5)AIUAN 1i -NORLAND, WAT. Fuse. ceux,socertar, ,fice:. 885 h 887, St. I'auiSf-roef, moîtrcsi. - L FAIRBÂNItS, in. Agent, Whltby. oimes-Tu Proveluti TelegrapliOffice Eu- ildIng. nean thé Ilegisîr, office. T,. C1I8IIOLX LEVINGSTGN, P. L. B., Inopotr Of Ageuchei. -16 INSUUANgg 1COMPANY FOR TIRE.L L'P & ANNUITIES, -o- Capital Tv. -MILLIONS STERLLING, -o- Cuisil Onca,-Qneeu InsunanceBuhlgi BOARD- WillIam Maison, Esq, Chîurmaii - Themans es, z0, Es eur,' Thomas, Esq., lion. John Young, ?avld 'kerraco, Esq. BJ3asui-Molaona' nasale. LainsAî,riss-esa.Torransae a& Morrisi Manneai. Asau-Wm. Suthierland, M. D. Stssvaroa-Jatmos IL Spritagîe, Esq. Asurrea-Mesira, Greeushields & Johnson. Résident- Sacrtar,' sud Général Agent-A Forbus. tlnion Buildings, 26 St. Francois Yavier Strout. L. FATtIBANKPl, Jn. Agent, Whithy. Ornez-is I'rovlnclsal TclegrapiiOffice Bu hiîing, noar the ltegiâtr' Olilea. 18 ILONON Assuranoi CORPORATION. T S pro aneal te ecct iiranm aaîginutf-los oLrdamigo,' yFine, if- the neat rasta rotes etoreunninm, upen ov<iuy descni ptlon ef yaepent>'. Lioaa-spala vif-bout deli, -ISAAC 0. GILmOR, 'Agenst, Teroiate Agenat for Wif-,,, Uaiaaaai, .6 onuaLx-Nev ProvincIal Telegrapla Offce, Brook Street, lWltb,', Io ~5i.MONCK, respect- m".-epof<511,'nlorit.la dies, dudt f- blie, tits&ho lo pre ireti te iaictei alon- dos filn bhon he roapti; sAl rreaseniha.lictea sud géatlmin's foitf-ant#avaimbat el5nt , e ase ail voré liaillk on tèliéshorteat ne- ORILLIA. i1VJ10f hOUE, 30T. BSM, ju&., - svriou ros i ns.-uprnusortisi ld OU stblilbd bou-l loZi'hI EITrBoTFM5Prpraer bgaofrablis nemoons frIano deal stev hou, ituteci~e ~rtlUsy tavellIig vfblf 59" 14 bu I«ud tb T IR1«4 a .ln gfraat-a'la'sa'style afoov$hi.soihe id#, Oum# .esusodsf-lou tof-h tvIelo um Aitbeedni. alltel '5ef ala5d ef- Geod Stabhiaig And aftesttle bestler. It I rtvate ar min a sai lIf reqitli!id- 1410in4A4 1ýAme ie rMra~oÂmzcÂNzrnL.pela tIo eit f851 iw th auseont rIulsîberherim -tduphi.si4 ell ieBe ii«02,u4éceu itita 'tveraeoaadai ttia itraroi'e tjauf Iui oiau, Bet&, sMsdl tabling, vuti 4Ieia ea.Oo fuii aanu dwkm~. aiaileiens ..tsClml n ati 0 0 x m o a c 1; E . O Mh Ilal U tlu au , 1 0 .9 Ai,?» 8r3, $'40.050006 :'T lE dMlneG an e auO31Pnwi Krrod telivre fa DY 2-1~oop.liens Wlaltby. YEOiw4y GIBBON. COMMISSI1ON !JFR OHÂNI, 'Whltb7, aion., 1#Iode,6 *500TO LOAN. x W Ecal Frite lui sumosLe suIt borrome". 0 t froya1 lOdra.îi.nturest loy, £d no, Donne Or, ifmaWï1on uard. NARINEB DEPARTMENT. 'IXTL ktaliu andet;fgp Bika, et thé V ioaposslble rat4 0opremn; lumur- mine grîteal o Bull riskii, for theocédern or- vOyago,antoeu îuured aon t.11ainerontedais of sail Vesje a, and Stouin Bouta, te and <rom sny ports outs hLkes sud Il 'ro s in pronpt liberibý aud Iaollorabjo'lo îîman.t e?î Jiaistelalma ipou the. Companiy iay bo ralied upon. JOIIN BLOW, .Agent, rort Wlaltoy W'omfee sdjoiing J'ici. Howe, & Co. WiiitbyiAprll 19, 1860.15 TECOOLNIAL StCURITIES COMFl'Y. I;J(CFESOE8 TO.TUE CANAD&A QENCI ASSOCIATION» OP~ LONDOJÇ, ENGLAND, MWAVO a large supply of ancy to lend on lmn proed Forina, or gve ycarx. Noe eannlxxi on or othar exposition, boyond tho' uuai eliairqesi fur eouveyauelog and val ustion will b. Madle. For lerffl, &"., Appîy to, B. J. U. cilipMÂN. Or t OHN Sorotary, Box 74, Totionto Volutator, Witby. 10 WESTERN INSIJRAMCE COMPANY 0F ENGLAND, (LIMIITED), For Pire, Life and Marine. CAPITAL, 0190009000, STERLING. Cni" towz..4Waiterloo Place, London; 77 King lMn. Manchester. CIIAIOMAN--J. Temluson Ilibbert,Es. M. '. l'or (Aldainm,Jilafrin Club, lior.don, aud tile orange, rmtn, ucuir tIsuliter. QEVE1lt> M ANACI ZR. A rtllur seratchi loy, Enq., M. A«. foraiîa'ly Follow and lsatle. noan Lecturcr. Qaicei'. Collcec, Cambridi-,c lead Offic for B. N, A.. ontarjo HIl l Church Street, Toronto. Marine HisIko; frein lot April to BOth Nevem- bar, a4feépted ait ioweait rates. SCOTT & DEGRASSI, ~ R.TITOASManagérs, B. N. A Msrire Itllîicetor. JOUN ÂUNEW, Wiiitby, Mari 14, 1889. Agent. C. N., VA1As, IIACTICA L Dontiat, Oiva. itelnioist Oux.-Elitean, on lauoîinepthrd loornorth of the Ontariq Bank, jar EX1'BE,99 At1FIqT. &c,, ulxo Agent (or Accident 9iid tiadarJ lna.ursillc Co». 17 NOTrrICE. ZRpuooKLNbOUE r M aei >1111 ttully tolnosU, ibL' ommpwd:etvrs Ilipsu . i néBar mmw VUaU *0 -baslquo Mo 4 lga.,su aniuw muer i$ P.Woeu M8in =82= ian. ~lae%!ie~laiataemor.ÃŽ r ltlirvul- Aaad bey ias,'thast a owei»river pi (n ltsfg àtyhd ~Ana~44tgti < I>st la4 crue, Fui litî. le areiafer tlloeir AndWAlhit #hualltisn e olu (up nlyr. "ýBut, ah Il, thon veuhd 90ftt l r,01the river 71ev, liard'la,'thoeiileesed ceau Anti theai who a're hovéal by th'amatr, Cal uenver hoae rna.ded or fest. For te tifehue Ilifb ighf-fi* usprescuce Tilosetcotiesohewv. And tise, kiow hlm uahity te s.vc.!" Toi.,se0If- Must belaM darliug, <led graut tlat If- aIl lactraie, Buat oaa thae'rougila paakai et the Monains Wjiat shall the waaderer dol .Pcrcbaiseo thon msy'ef- duash lun the dank- Thy fn glttà%oe Theitelo létllùgolu scoralug. Anal thon crl lait slouc, But ne, thon art a'ayhug full softly, TMienover 1 O nover'could lbc, 'For m'y Kit las paieudovcr tht. river, Ail la. hiol4ai ont Iii»laand toward me: E wiih gui-le iso; atnd lead aue, anal hola And Mn Mstp It nover shallsldo, Fer hi iWho holdas mrav cor (lac ri7er, Will evér bo close te aay side. Ah!1 yeosle Io trnu nyIarrlrin« i 1 shall land thon dîiwn ionf-le short « Te ug- %hyln Whoio a il ie bteore. 1 wili lift tii,' banl frein any Iauart, love, And lknoeit 14 la iapoal te Bis brensat; Thon art galiig ortf. oas tii jornoy, And lthe ana liercef la Je.t. But, oh 1I ylaat ln lire May oarling>, Anal iint sfhe vorli toe oï Fer the kinîg ot tire fort ni country Iluthitit hhp('a-ed l ew te thico; Anal thonuluvct bis wiaanutg prononce, And the isweetness nt 1<1. volsc; Thli iiat ue un l i<ie fcaibag river, And thay ert eau ailli eiuo A Legond'oet Provencae. 66T1am ,'ef-a esng t1' cxciairpod Francis y f-be Firait, v4ult ing Intil bis sandie aterh f-le disastrgua bnttIf et Pavia iad consigu- r cd flm ais e yr'acaptivit>', vhoseille- mouth baçl more gal tb nu bou,, fhrough ies maMnage vit h f-beudovager Queeu cf Portugal, osafer te bis impenial andl imper-d lous captor-ilsanthe boViii. Prom f-ebe bier te tise llboeo viiapcna hae!crepl antis f-bathli ase! rturuce! a crosf-faiheu mun, vhiseafier chaflngi#aiproue! spirit ira boudage, huailinômeaoi r<beaklnghui i ubsina but b,' scepfing a brie. irhum I- ho lace! malregard. i Iliover f-iiasumal'bave beon, ho rode r tiirough Provence, avbcre bis subjeets -re- Il ocince! l bm vif-laven,' dcmonaifratiou cf P jey, ulheuaiiaseha appreachîce! fhem gray' ctd'tevras, la. tiouçbt Ilicir glant gîtes icoked down ulfi lm viLis deniailor. lie vus wout te mii,', anal set aplan i teis sf-ccd, sud leava istnfline tan boIne!;r but ou eue occasion f-be tevuamera, nha bac! tirail,'appnsasioetis rouf-e, met bis» outide f-hein valuo, aud bo coule! no esi f-ban rein up, sud boit'frem inlhî afirns, wiie ho courteously idtfhie admiration cf aIl vise blelcalhlm ; ton b. vie coule! nreaifle inithI eur,' tihe Biglai, aud throv hlm i lusmt,' fualuu, vos ne mare deeicicut lu gruce f-ban inaatrougtl Tise,' bnsoughstn hlm te banor fhein tilt-yard vith.bis pire- sauce, wvbe, lu tcstivity et' imie fg-t, f-be,' iigisI celelirrto is cnfnancbiaaanut ro tiep isn iaMadrid.!6 B fir î, gond iegeman," quef-ld wua Muja-,"ehave bcd such hiard koeson f-huebuttie fiole!, f-at vC are none ira lovecff-lie sadows i ettourne,'. Anal lac waved isa baud b,' wu, cf adieu, aiheu Iala hoeras-nrfare! utiun oie! Casf-ihemau whsae bain vai alver visite, analbaide viosto od bis ciuughfe-ncosupansbhy- fain. I Nover bac! Fraun ci cu bahuf,' serare, aud se modoaf- auithai. Sho bore a amsa,'y salver, crs wiseh la,' s lunch oetrusif-e kcya', aud vif-b loviestf-looks,se saie!, "6 ,' lare! viiipleuso f-e acccpf- (ha kays et tbe bravae! ictwn1anda," s a fieble! tiena tevarda hum viii aucis gracefuniass, tiant iu utnazcnent liesfooptfmd is ii sale, strilcdlion dark trasues vif-labis aoliet hune!.anad iuquirad wvîtAiesa r-s, "lb,' naine1,' ylord, is EBila, anal Ibis -s lai,'tf-hr, Peter halvro"sale! aise. "I ne! ,'ur aâge, omut duasiel Il'aiceal 0 Sixtcutf-Candiemus, reiee!thse hf-f- maie!, viselooieed a perftudveaan, s0 innocent arm e ,'cb elereic, as abo vena- tunue! f-o valse ber ad, f-hat tise Rirag <ar-0 got blu disastens 0e t vn ia uda9lulInl-1 viired love; aine! viie ho indulgeai in a1 pleou-n 0coule! ilI cerceal, bef-verai f-hein bandaitef-ai .y4afeil te îthoegounal This gave hlm s prof-ext 4u aliglar; sud surrcnderng thea.bidle f-c a oitrier, ho E anonly rnccoîvee ber afher,snd!bof-voe ns 1anti hon avaîke! Irto (u. 13y' thisi. te hosuai vas-on ie *trio. anal Peter, vise vas geverurbesengit bis Majest,' te gojcuru fer lie lighit, ane! ho veule! seen bave iff-,'primeoceka te prupana ronelfeout, Toef-is Fr'ancis, vite uotblug more de-0 aire! Ibsioa lravltstioa1 conserhf-cd; sud ho accoampanled Zlun home te hber tatber'c houa., ainiiresoma tinte &iter s bana Il traiaid violoar mmmd te ownniemoato vif-i aoisutihipy visil. srle t Elem-nursamd Ki ing i Ahw l 48s1k 00 forp.se niises, tisaIber0 aquest «« blereoultormecammcomploe. - Andivhenphs«dlsy beroule!,saIdinmaier, lie fergo venisois and plistry, sud peslcero ot1vlne; (fr tiosigi s niy oplielidrica ahsarea î lbonbeuroisla'floneclte rihe. vésa. is attent-lin» 'o r ýy Ioitedau a01 te laedaugbt«Of, o!i. vesirbi ho;- fi Pnp# s s Ooeunvétibertise -dlitoim a oiieieb ho - ppowed utanaogis.- an4 ii aee of tlae Mr">yawvur o aprw l O laeco I ,Vséd,lba tio,woa (ointtOeagla âkjp, m«O oopl hi br, till - iheu 'a withoreti 0 racs ifselfq* à$Andl ferwiïb able ?'sîaise,1 bc am trogua-S sud yarewêlt n, initade. Itlni>' n "tav songe SB M pp ber u ig go ti h doP spurt iat soon uibsiduallinte anus. - 'I"i as eildiahi nouet q lcsaup~ but Ihaia notbiug te tisar ,resuautrf-ue anf- oppn<aaî (i. moanest of bisstmbjFçe, or bof-ny confidonevienrcbe lu an benore! Suaeservecsed~ aia: lal o or esdlea[nglin au pas,' posture ovor !te f-aIl, carved-iael. 12NOt fer a diidem veuiti ve banni f-be, deancat," ssîd ho.,"Tf-, 4b,' ur mord, vo Woisl4 sopuer forfeît ee,' affe of oie! [<avarre, ane! lave Itaîya hDé brîghif-ca jewclin uur niva'm crovu, thai fecgo f-by love. Whou must bc ourat; sud tho en- naptiareal strors disengaged albr frein tisa hulwark, suid esubmaber ueeb aboule! extricate hersaIt <rom bis arma. '"Ilistl hrardyn lan i?'brenthei sbe aiofly, snd aihel1e!dber%'uger tevarcis tbe dean. Iloie hard noue, uer bai-ahe - and! b vh siea ber assîillfinagera rounul lier wrigt. Iluif-uic heurs heuce il shahl bc midet ghit. lMet inebore vbeu f-ho towu cleekaciaime. -Pru>', su,' Lbgç, ti Lien retire," sale! aie, atnd ab. openoal tue 66 oet anode ni, El.n t Sa,' wilf- thon kcep f-b,'promise t,' . " Asseaicl,'us, Lord doua net dotait une ica I n>, ,'ca? Yci, Ishah mùet <aur Mjeat,'. Sec,fte rovehera fnomtftbe haIl e yo a sone hast. JoinIbeu, eue! remsesuber the sappoitlce bour.tt Prauda rptirod aubashed, viien vith geaiîhâ force bh atibeon expollee! from tfhie cratory;-,une! ElieraquictI,' resurued hier devef-hons for f-be night. Traraquilly site croie, sud bionminier botelrne'c ud-br excitesuent nov eief-ln, litough frei epeatad ear-s aite mado te Irirai the chtumbariarnp, and'fnr-lo glauces she ciaf- off-en if- a rror, dulI muai oe be vie coule! ne- dif-lugg tsbf-bt h. ais 111 ut case. Sue paced, round tisa apar- ruent, ill vhih assualsud moitaI,'fun. iabea, iai oniyoenassent being afev pictunos o! csufiroidcr,' ou niprure ani. cli. TIn oeecorner vero suapendeai oae alactaiofet cluia, parteseloa aMisai rer festival purposca, analdsufb er soies- .d a perch te bave beau oreede, aipon iviicia perchi! a ak, but-se ira f-e sase, ihut it vras dibliinl tet detormine inhethar lt wai panroethf-e rarehleel tapstr,' gr a roal bird. At lengli aise mut on a 1ev stool une! eua'-mpased ber kuecs bef-vecu ber banda rockiug f-c andl fro as if' engagea inuuura- rehhiug soainepaiufut tf-n of 0<re-lectioni. "i Ifinward tenuf,' eau be nowise retuinea .xcept b,' ouf-varine! ury, botfter f-be body sain seati (ban that f-lacseul bo'edf i 19" unie! she, revicving berseif iratise groef- que mirror, wf-f-ba pensive exprctsian wiaicb seau eheurce! intoeclîccrfaainuas. 1New, vanit,' aside," couf-inuce! aie, 'Nehi die! o't ever tink you s'cre ta pret-y as amake couques- f akiug? Never-,Nell, noer h !ýNeli must bo lavaly. f-o hara uc- aomplisbhee -at.Lu, , ina- aoyaihopoet chîrms aaetemptingi,' pileal ira 'oudcr glas@a," sud she aliociethe NI a i a5yy light feullconIbe mineor. Il înle e,'es andl blauck bain ave peculianiif-ea nef-citera faune! legf-hier. Tot bore I buref-hemoranMie- gian pierfection, alliait f-le arerage tipirit et su,' cesî lu hait menniment, baIf elscaucho- 1,'. Mna heeciksarcisere, f-bat theugis thc,' mn, net shano f-be vose, f-bey neyer kuew f-ebe uaIs et coorterteit- Teeta, likcsvlse, visici, (beugl paiig svhite, an , eeplanra-huuf-er veule! t eue glrunce disucovor vere ne iveryr; ana liips aih aa truon voouir f-issnsu,'lord Francis tale! Bilean wre eguslslug ripe, On,' ile! bird veule! knauet fInît pecking veo ne- worla swinot itnavhe . Wel, sud I as thirilog, it's s pif-y ait f-is tfflshop sheue! bele au hieur onrf-vo nes jd te look ou s a aepulchrce." Sic calie!isar muid, sud badoier brntg a cisafing-ai, is eapai viti livo chsanceai aud suIphît n arirhan ieh cone tis, maie! retinei, *ana l Ehnu al once more atone. thedi' o < suphirupva ere! up, anal cai aduli bale arounde!fb chambos'. $ho shoole eut -ber bain <nrom thse golden plua tief- benne! Il, hefere the, cesubeai If- vifh the greateat cane,, a&,Il abh- iutetaded te rebrusis If- agaira, Rcdneiirg lion frsses nover hal More o- r v wiea seisseze the clippoal rouu d ue ùOUd tli ber bondl ia augcs bannbtÙe bal! se pICturesque, fr l ia 'ne cérIns I ,- Smoaslierhonfoiîc uad chae wl*ti 01l, lie sulehunle aw t'r>el e iosIna Influnence s.4ishae od er ebcfatal dhaa., liUer e,';laabcs ore tie finat saifico th fhe fauno' maad lise paineci 'ebaiId rolled lu t l.80so40keatifmeyIflq re clnlven lI- verd b,'gus0-- ¶Tb lirT, firità et j -ber toneoed atfinl ecmeadrk.li. huaii, ana sauhlng- s- diurne! blaekaia, tisklli ia.nt ovur tise qulvering aipg lsIerea.cagav.lea' <*1lla mided girl, TN0114hoanti id nef- bave vblii king- .11Yeu, veulti'bave calcifi mosa i aId m&rt)ýndoin or coueiry V.#qtusd, or cpi- tbeta4uaileh$$ca, slAiiprnie- log ber baud te berbosopi. '-, -1- "iS4te, (orèdla jet hope, Tihé. luury tien ýhast' lu4Ic<ed laimt.Irepans ",i cried hi, rinabigte ironie 1h. bouaehid, wien, huebÃœ:enôd htin baclç. m$ho "; h. oral sla putI" (Il haveuai, hem ji eartiest l me seeM téobe the cause of ai lila vs reek. OBilaen, canot thé o trg»Ivti,'destroye r.. - ' "lTudeeti Icýan; zav belletlac thaq tua» bo a taVuiaisqd bilai ciiiava,', fer maikv f-o lqtDét caud mn te scean me. , New liae vonuttliy au gosofme.le tit Ispolii mysefif ta quéstloaiable good,-to eAus IlThat f-be gooe! ring FPMuluon, àup ou a. limâe, suqef-ng a por 'lotlnrg, ah a obscure tov, assw ii ÃŽ,vfbatag love, f-bat abe 'av no va,'t té ro6Ifin te sîglat (han té loge lir oa .' -M, ida Gracions mad.all-mysf-vieus -Goal 1,' oxcînimîd, bo, appallei,, Ilthon doit not sa> thou, art blind ?11 < i u ecotf-, snob la an, test. Give me yovr isasu,& me! Fîî cle-enue yvbcfher bl il *atrcé lai tljé Weli.sprnug 'o f -he bruin," %nid obé, *Iih; tengebi tendter 'eas d liti shebd ateaî whlcb - lielseci ava,'n ah endeivorce! tée uiliu is palin. 1EBion, Elle», gaython canal sue, ,me! moae ueir. -py l"6exuhaîsued (hi agonizeal aneunrch. t.' rang on bis kuees, sud neaiug bisj bond lacavil,' ailut i.çatbneat iAiI'ai darki~ny Liege1ta- " ,,'yLlee.» "O s,' noi;so. Sa,' lier. a yet alittle "iAnd se there la, Lord Fnanqis ; a lit- tie tigat a-mialeal me lit-?' "Love EBian," Po ýpi gêTsolien aiY Thuremblest. "Thon fi yen de, via,'do ,rot ailej wv, cieyou ask eLord Frauda? ý . IlEhieonieu lovest hlie vho otaltibave bonthy (bibse undoer."9 Il'Tîs se sMy'Lord.t' IdO,.tenture voril e! ait ;and Ellea hllud 1" snd brer aa (cl phenieotssly ou laIs upturce! face,wvile ho autîrauudté t eJscilabe, d"Anal thi la blinal t O. iho ivilI love ber nov, viscu au la blind 11' IlWer't yoaen,' aiveet Lord Fraucis Iovu me oa; thougia I wyea-,dean -aiter long sluce dead V72 - ?.., lai . Il'Denrcs-st'i s, «I*1v; gale!akis ing brbauds feyvenfly. Il $!stacrBElan, an wl ;sd neyer til nov kaev Fraud iove se0 pure, se listing." "6Eh Lton au kefluaicible, bath humait awas,- alit rosaineo," said aie, mclvîng ber haud oven (lthe haflug dii. '"'Tis witb lite us villa f-is'epiode oet suheur., No- thing lu (le way oftvirtuo vasevernecoin- plishdlica vfbout pain. 'To borae, -Lord Fraudia, sud vienev:er yod pr, , rees- ber Ehicti lngleverie't. jer "And musf- vo part f-bus, iio deanrly loveci sud deul, tain rf "lTes sud rejoico (bat ne CUif-,binai emnli Myea >s,'ciei, no cninlaîl. iineb iapbraid my heart for icatiugr, replieai %ie as fho hawkl utf-ered suai aapierqigasé-ics -et seneamai,(fthsfinat qr' aftendant -me f-ben, éthers, andi fInali,' retauens .anal rereèliera. rushed inmb or sunieuunded*(ho ronan,wlhene tie,' discenth -e soernigra ,auntitmod '-qhurestorer oet Luarànug.aud lte Gieat," deprivi eo rt ntfnd1 llranttcg,'o! îsind. Tho msat slilful lboches tic lovai or court couid affoyal 're iMqmaned,; but their aid *vss ra,'etpartiol availi Feelal1 beaut,' bai fonever bide 'fsveveil te ber inhosu si.emol el se vrtu,'Of tise buat <laya ef ebivaîn,'. -,E,flýrlgistaeùia net, bovover, aleparted ;analIn'lair nu' nuiiit of th.erai aohe nv lier royal hier 'de- psait neyer te rrturne - Iu nfterflite ho vraiwonztw ga,', tist tiaroagitaut bis glguo s caer Of-var anal pence hoebhad met onerallo bumua..beiugs csuiucitjy grust4-en f-be foos Bay'ard, tac 1 ' ttain' dia few lancera ( h.î dievalier asnorepraseh, <resu who>u avord Kinit Frauds sougit: andl ueiveal Inigiat- 1s1004uW- atb's i eef bn and ,etec o'lier thiehumjble antid ^,y.iIo, WhO, bc d -auglsf- blsuthat loe 1 xitiieuLpânity, l a ober, anti a 1e it la-violas is A Pmtnuseluantacil, saaltib obe atccplc if- Trep, wai0lft biAl uný bi inaaidretrei. Th ii ctizumx jairied lu vsehiCetielmpesed lié Ã"1i-m tnibutien ortwo 'millions of flerins tis praeiye raaikfori *se aita beigiut. Whist mut Dowho aulof ie4msfoi glt i 0"r oisz ap"We f tinformedutht i ncral Diehi Tsylor-wvhie lîls salibuedegeneraten silo àaFenaq Oenr - wuovein iFort Brio on Supday, no 0 denutfe depurpese'of gaissing In. formeation nicuusmr,'te crr' ot hé tireatunua iInvasion- of our peaceful cit" If Tay'lor is really <i aFuau efficer1i nihlavo cau scarceci,' liliàve, 'iksesete us tisati i ïronld bi prudent ta put aen end& te lais vidlo' te -Canada. No,-souk visita are wanted and, nonel;cb -aboultibc reoiv.-BÃŽ, Adpoirah Persano bau putt*à I hreé allugatioaas lu bit o"n dc(èce-OM4 tbat loa. cted b,' jupetior antiioit,';second, f-bat the 0ffet wvsdotet sto geInte action ttinexpou, hinsacitot certain defé4t, ba4. that bis resiguation ia net seccepteci If- la begiaining te hbe belicro i that a iaýci moue exslied peinage tbaneoitber Adoi.; rai Persane or, Oqaeral La laaripor la- swérable for-ài e*disalentiswliibibhave be..; i'alcn th lb thianinusboth -6j' land àan4 ses,- Tise-battu eouteasS, 11ike tiak 'f Liais, le- adidte bave been fouglit ln obedience te $lie perosuptor,' orderu et tiiu kinig, sund lu, direct oldppsiotg ;thé ad- vie of a11 the naval aisi silirr,'004Mer. ÀDrun or k LAuçag Scas..-Âletteï frois fadeai e atainz thpe oping, vhich illualraf- e o. al. et feeling lu the. lusi Giersuan sta 4s-orty tdnsirvc iet thse Cietie )t Durbachi nuan OIci>borgi (resu Frignrg sccoaifrdbv asurngen. Thie, versu in nud vîth ies, andti rii int thc inter of of ïa forcit, viere tlsuy schected a sui able apot <or l1dhting dîelî on s&;lsrge ai d, 21> te 20. i-Tiseengiat a long tirant, inoicîing -woVuds, on c ether in th e.0 sud iasus, Ou. là sal te s baied lite endaiga.rced. - Wbàï ia the origijofthte batitîl Pehitics; Tinenty winre for Anîtria antd t*0cnty foi Prusa TioMýobl Tima as,'.a m v&wu'ré. cen.tiy fond!uad ctiVitisont a béai. À 7Z ter was fanai! onatbe deid uiau'spurued inhi rau tbha8a-"61 liave, pût aunebai id use evai Iifi'-LIi atirid o! -exitene LaM tbti iingratetîàl landi. anti I lîtIit of-nsi ofoc<e inili. Tiere li- moue,' lu m,'l drainer sufilciont (o pul ni,' fumerai et-- penses, AW teasm>'naibo r, anotatds caver- it. To preveuf- identification, t have hiddcn su,'owvuhesal viiere yen neyer wiii fine! it." NIagara Falsloé juif- novwafavorite, place. for pic.nizs. Dari dg be iiioàtbu eof Jupe sud juif 1866, tien. en refort,' tva, r ptc-uief, vith au sggregale et 15, 000,- Per- sons. Tbis la an increse et 20 pur cent'. ovur hast yean (came menthin lathe, aura- ber et' pic-nlesand a iu nsee tof30 Pur cent, lu thoeus4bcr e poris.m Maam onaps.r-te, -viddo eth(fe lat Jeroinc. Bonaparte, sisturrnaîw-te Napo. > lue» thi. Pirat sud Agni cf the,- present Eiaporor etfI?rauee, ruaidiug lai Esitisoru, - moet *iib quietsa paitarul accident on Mon-. day.5h vlie adescunding tiee Maies ef bier residece, vieta by a suutep aie <eut fonvardg,broalciaij oasetftise sait - hoaiet in à ber' rgi wt vri andu brtiaoig bar foré; iug tisais à'oung lsdl, vif-h visesh. Weï :1a love, iras goinç-to -apArti tise ethi -0igit, oitercd li a yard -45oiaiing ber ne,- ia" sb<%f-for a birglar. H. usa,' recovrer, but lis eniceity in bligitial. -- -ÀA tezingitan Letter luathie Richmnd,. Tis nomya tbat a -Now York publishiur- ve, oaio lé 4vithbhl, efearedt leuudoti WÏabiàiaotn oiiege vif-tiste-su of $10,. Od0o-BannaIhY9 i( eai. 1" , ouid coptri- ,bdlobhartie auek to bis pipo, T b [proposition wu e dclinud, À ALoedonrn ln u sai'a i ebonneti j Abois, 1 L Il y5tdoArt. - A a lleeand-800ti W. I Siw#Eole e plia . or sabil ---------------- A7 rgpnu;or. 1

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