Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1866, p. 2

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Mi.daeefpfa emlu eue Il. f folk VIitie @ irgowleaxedasau"equaly ilMsoi Oum "uimelprerd at tbf.e 0 W. IL. lOIs. Croiseoo aIlati »««yerloc.iwd botter, #os every plti M d aufy Ti 1at trio 1*v00i le tue iail tmul6<mluisi pn«ibeolila ble e és500 Osu .erfil le.1r Otn, b tiale'i-v 'blb 10!pa odwLovesniaudlaSel..1billet <liew tidrà1 of- oNu latter 0 laoleus ta, oOd Worl&, .1aWe éoipuétiou n. pfgll rotemlmnt 1peiblig populaion Of lAve;r canada, lmd eCZpÉli bau,(iftie s( s l tît.iIut of<fi.i- ,#to tii. ITuse ly ii in". Attory (aeri T't bas Dot boe. vitiout depmes of tii pa - apmlblplloîl thep 1 boitve"r, Oiat! halte nrnadm- fliou luthg prfsmemla Guvlnmtt.m'y hon, frn u ba .alalced Ibl ositIOn f n.atîe vbici bon lad to ibe adoptionua(fti, io iro ruvf oir UV riltitmf, end i as bond I lai I~dcur tO #Iytint 1I tilm Sie 0tore tii o v.ruIDfle hu aton li 0 1teconta emâ l. e le lrait§ cf tiseiuu- ftry 1 end; but ett heamme tinte lb la ont -to liubeeldnotltiaPsrtl, lîlauct tltIas iPPrehuca*PC tiat tir'notriai-r# u 16 luregard JO ttis quatlmOnf edoca- floun lt irect041 ti t <leProf ee fuMl e Caa.but moslfiIsecame, avluMvi ltli lu tb# G«Osrmetl sud às a kmuber ni tua lIeu, ft"u-n M tain p ~on outntquietl'ti viileireuero h t pomalila for tue 0o0lie espommlie for oito r be seAtiy. GasciatWeit bée ssid bat I mremaln i tumyslf Ste nipitof desiii Ibuti et vàY n lu u0"«vevii filae quistil u, Io tIbto cone uaél1pur- po s Onegrdt.ft* Iymiallovhv su ~ionuniy f oueulting wiîi uti *f ,e enaulti islot i Cotseft8me. lu tVIairof theqftttOU1111ilesîca tie flovernmpnt 1.1 mttd te Mareinti lctcnafs sout e b oprîajediy ii 111litt grpateè d.tty viici dorivd tîpon ititmto pniet te i rnili ipilm pparly f îetounlry. ve .11 l lii iulft'.rpn by tua tou"- ." W. vouldi ne tv Ivntaf o irivd a guca lu ttriiutslib n. G itamgnatiOn On chier cse bIsem ii batit laie- mgit pcmaiby bauiesatiug Ond'vit1 il, lt cught. Tis ùaw banltiug obmiilu wu a mitierarions ttetnpt n fraud op, ois public n 81t,41 d vs dP#igmrd te eraate n M"ooy tint wcuid have 111.lid-Io fadciliiei '(ur trade in Uppen Canada- blodifieds as lî Dowvfi , lia tili cljection- Il fi noe. poed le agir Parliau'entfto grant heLle oi f Ptovuîictinoles tii tii sumioft$3,OC0,000, end the govertint tn place lu tie uarket Ive yeans debim- tcores iiarhug sergn per "citi Iulcrit T'lt E iuk or Mctreai la ot Onse buated wyul ab umopoly, te o.rss'ut iiseona marty cf tii dabmntase es aiLu et. smit ils requirr.euti Md tbi vbolec ontry la to b ho Tced au oppertoulti Of purcimi- lug-toem pr cnt baing îLe ueet Ti la ertaiuiy au iutprovcmnt otponttej bhrivsladbftwleu t là Sl bff fIe liai ~ An lap li. SM ba u, t.u.ei ulajsle remaimi to 'à lib.v tle1 i> Se0-'Mîa ti l l tou. Tllsa l îta1ouM t. Deavrtou, m ,It iuîty ,PcusVuuample' ututeral t porilosiof tii Prolsuiee; uail f tsaéin sas of tbe nlght MA, Tb@ Camercpi alcue iold cf tictuie a r «cMPSmy s for <nom coloteli Kemti dovoutiby art as tlirtk s biaelnlardu & bout Ecavestcu. VUndr the gentlemen vkoeags es are saueerlbo te a drentlsumunt ira cier- taincg mbt tisaisu sno c mpay vii le1 fonmed ma ili do .nediu t5tise tisse, pisu,1 Ve novwvaut-gMir sd Lasta ollov mis and have iter cmptaiy orgaulaed.0 Io gorinunmt vili aept tbem. And tun-aalo, uuumroi'fiad eiar Bi ucdy viitîltradu;dioia efelemgarrîour ovu cculrttess ofailtel Mesitocor1 valeur l ln agise, viiatI remembrasse of Clëutant, (mrcroe, Auiritum a.t i <l B4ioue <uit, ies aIl,) meba £ oupatt uiplit le nasseS wm4vou do s.diitý to tii yuee tbaatmppidtbe F»SUltlalagl Outarlo voUld bieo appy Isu barc oiuclateena etofu el outy la tbie Prevlue. A4dcdtoiseêo omaue front tiis tevu, IvOfront Osava, oua Coltusbntt, one Greeuoed, oue Psinea 'Iiet ntee Uzbdigi, ii Comuly cfOu- tarie vold furnlal tvelvaecsepanlas lit sas #ie vrld eau produce. Onguttizu ii volonteitttrep map 3ee ianed 1.if Dml iii drillinviisyld ics"s.baisu. eebved tii prespectuts of s ev puper 10 b. publishied ai Pont Ferry by Mr. FE Mondy, formaniy of île Ualnidgea Mr'oatc. Ili te ba cilled he ?Pr nuStanddrd, sud ttiret utmmer la tc appestic secondeor titird veir cf tbiltmepti. Tic preapoictes infonma di that si regarding polit Les, it mai "la oid, tint tiecoiutry ia Dov lu a "6alate of qnleaecie, anS titsposition cf "affaire v!11 probably coutluneoutil the j uettiernut ofie queiiiôm cf Cetfeders- Silot. tUnder tics. cirecomstanees, the j Pubîlitr, wvilla cisorviu; a uietiy "mittiusg biftf e mc a elI rMIrv "l b. nlglit of ioscnifiuj cm tie varions [ oeud' I e a a i I b, I. 7 If t. b. Botli partWI.., hue r u.libours vit' sbi Veulan rote, dasire te eat*li be.pep lar, inise, ami se0<isana tIsIst opli semetedeber oveu abitifty, <s04 iando 1 alita, la lîttie tlioxlidmiut b, f i iiI Hewz'as ofrayulla I*r n Tmrd wuelr, 2ordfauit. Toy v bore o"Il rocs t10 quoI. rom tiiMure iTas "Tifs gorgens entu'tàluf)Pt TI ln baun yeîterdoy uioring, Viriin order vas drIvé. i. ip!andldband crige- drawm by six bomes -#Onveyiug toril Pr- (fisio, Wio iuu*i agiue #45%,Io soy rogluwntal baud tint va lie & Ver beard. Next iln erder came tie ff(y Ituibisocu i n .tlbe varlks armor of tIse middle sgee, ecbbi tuig a flsg and par m tiiotir,lifdyor £ tourMfflinou MAer tii kniti rode imrvCavali eri dremeainl red ad leu., ait amuted on tii lieti si"ed. Tblr appearaue, toe tiiow platmp puise, vie v fpirlt'*; sud atter iewto ame ipanS car, drâva bY Émi criss eolored bottes, On Wbchcorna, of this ea mdiii esMu badilutiryaoue sud dreuaed lni auiproprlatemoi t e1 reprsen nipeeùelyEurpeAsià., Africa. fie4le rg*t 'ian. ' tic op cf a ik 4e aod o i vpremetiiK île (or»me iterday yen of a soi t uer- olwa-I-ii.P-mi- Olincsa mi;i, fJuly 2di, abont Il o'cbocli; aufit-e incita ont in Bafry's a-sili, noarlana- ment. Whan BraI seu tii orofvas psntly btonaisun lu e. crf fiecuminutes ih fi in-lbereby peiiedicg aml posaibility cf ilavissg tii mi11, a-li va- totaily Se- stroyed. Attentioncu vstiem directeS Io lhi lmbe., f inbieb tereswunsa largo quntity sacnaSthe premalso. ']iy îe meble efsanti ocfa fev of îlsa iniabitattscf Ciarement audi vieiuihy tie grnaster portion of it vuas'sieadfrom tic derournmg ilemeut. Lois estimated ast $3,000, N3 I huurancé, Mn. Barry 'bus alrfeaiy, ve are gladti l leate, cosseneed te-buiding on tic olS uluo'novitita it b'siry I.Thre fine in suppoidtobu tic von eof atu - Bot of<Carnarvn in tLoJ.rd IMonckion the Feuitu li. End Carsuarvnenmods the felcving le Lard Mouckt, unden date, I>cvoicg Street, 1 Sb Juif, 186 eleàt e me émail otao f shiieu e@ --questiom ns cu tuay arise, n a M --a.' u aetr tuntiainvo lisai vould ah tiie moptsy. Wa I doise eraeti <rous lia prisa geunaily, t t , neclpt o yonr lirdu&hbusspatei, Neb,65 agnie <forOeues) vitis14. Rrowt i ti'- "hearnug ou bot aides of tie the tapiscf lthe141;t of June, lu nilci yen brlng stl- tveen iii iedit it theic Rai'of )n& "odr'eieuîo "Wa aluniS pno, My pncdceoisns notice tire paînieîis n a triai, sud tiec eetit cf the Pr-citca vwiti tirOr hutanded uev cetpcrary teotaile derotiou calihited by Canadien reaie.entt Ibo Provincial agents lu ýngjomd ailte aidr" snd stick trua tote cclena t.bd bu nCilcago, a-be, on bu-saing of tic seinasre Prvnc igtiebitiert o brme., A p pelcapper Most ot Vont Enl, gav eirnarions empcmy. neqouemnsa f la Prvine miit avemeut# in order te, returu te Canais ic offer _«R pretided (or.,' taC alMes. Aiti an$,me tise a-c vomiS tlein services for tire defenie oet tii a se- e vroug le tircv cf Voter oubils . eCuutny. Yen d'go report liaI a large tI &NTOIÇrnoTlreun" q-if3i n l< erpriosqaud visi île Standeard cvery isushor cf Canaiean'%niaiSant lu Nev Yorkt urgea Ovvcmi- iiatteuticu vilci smea. cprfssid b ou, tireughs Ber lfsjeuiy'ao iariffa l'avers raS Utiafl g tiiprientII' Counshl$#or wllingouato abatndon liit aunionuocf Pasunt,ani tbeisi era AjgrggTg yraon vus Vesi.îc letiki 5vralocuptinsin' iaI city tf, &s!etInl - oonueoied i t i edutie cf ieur tillai - Tb#i Meebnica' îutitutge,F«nn nesty tIio difeucietrCaada agalust Vinisnalah- tacte aI suot aapnefsale ypur Leorduip brng ticns dily more promiatiulohto Pub. muilt iuproridimg for tii erraaîon cftlia#tee trougly the 11gb sens. cutfrtalued by ilonotice.:,The Presu lu algilomt, anS iii ecsmoisity,pleesmnabiy m" vllas s'tâllî, 1cr Msjty's Geeusseut cf thispirit pIi on ad te ppwn auSsoI te7 <'markbave, tirouiIbeir commttea, Odrded and leyalty ties evinccd, sud 1 trust itisaI lerom u'i viiiupeu ghviug p iaes etnIl ' oliu 1 et' games sncbpattielie oet oi viiigo far te pre lian, sd lnandy Siuil;"-sseyvent tie repitition ofmsnit elsîni attempta; fostler 4'n eolos. A paragrapi atid amusement.s ici go l l e osein II asI vabirclsy SsaFrtre Ilafb 1aeLr gder te ndiisiadAbsccnded"pole ainocssesmet, are te taitaplaceni aI S ý Aibaus."-t veapetîn:uin cOila vho fàor sboibr etIbo Agreuitersl slow'- roumdki Town hail, ' Yus gWnuv or ifiHaî uertioru ,5-- yearu- sud u- te ii -il o Iboftic -. ayi (Tbrauy.) Tise $prteioan auLi-i i fr the renîval e! the mus i~alsamlluSi tibuid lSefa* &nmrn onced tédossintes ibalt-.-p5t me ip@»Iusilof thlit rcfHaltas Corpus iu ,lcleliUy, enjoyed Ibo DeiSacoufidauc,. o'alek.lu inthcevei.eteuÎ0 eina0at a-li l16 ne1.mi, inuresa ssecond tise on tic Zrd "Wtil boim4 pouiiai rlvately, uPOO 81M it i bael oefu Miauc'loiti. icet., lu tIc nouecf Cousucus, by s vote msl o«oot ï, grestet lttimy sud tute-atd Il; la to e e a *gr&tti sI, of 105 in 31. clemmèe appeaw el nft, op far sa ii TiseeIlaIt. la cslsi d intrumeni - . putltlmsp a udge,d gigsMore foelly mi. eto aCruihuge009,414 ý v 'rorouto, anCaeîm-oia T, B 1keiil tisa -ver o pallIe uviet iser luas yulvoit f rom Wiby.mi ft#. intreni-an, C O, sUs in eept'ivo nui ae *i'al'tiie llaoi e ""ti , iposil llea linu, bave leen gsgedagud tîle Yreetitsleusae CausdsAssgrey. The-m# cftie-Sieh of Ile Coumty of Ontario mie aWtly *mli add tliy suelealiges go. Atm alec anous Ice th- sy aie seling ieuseti, iebieff loai inlforma î aeita'é l"Buett. Ibalancesof uier sfnav g" da4i 1m îloucf«oi fllotgtrot tat ( fei!lemyaa- * -- Ince. b;o, etAnk led-ble peaiieztg i. MM#el. Mia-etis,%u.ora- IouitaoLIV rgi,- G.glma% c eu oeritiy laoe If.li vu£51> vvs WFr i u-a rtli- TUc 8«,1>. uliaru-vii precije <lie #loes f r iodmaS penuiMd i9gfite %tii18tl0"barolems fivill uceeat thaï tW Cfael, '0' Iibfilafovu,, -on Saday geoa~edataied.. &&*a it tala&£ bVsrske eIn r iraelsead uaP Tl iii, a t 3 oelc k, ty ne. omsruetI" oianos a ý <o doff 'b, TU bic ruli&d'o b'e aupa *1 eeahos~ ud is .elmusilea uble <Asei«tbse îelcuIX old furitltre î fîeTv dc uoi~t bow of, ii. geulyParti, à#tlteSiuE bIesa mmd leceof, lu. Cilai liais,. Tic-*1 11. ~ti'I~ le <st 0 bu w5 l imi rchâteIo 'do a" oftb#1t' dêm Ti. b ytiAtaîeelnl C und 0 lS iitttlaba îew iiaifpdo ,Tiiae toFae liion Bt'ek âle vilila dliargeta ie rate oftà 5a publie md"4 gctrtsçe#nst, TIre MIMaSury maxi, voi-too 11gb lbybai Abraian aevil, @or'tbe vi 4pcor O(laisa, flîlie eotiy or Ont ,ioýîxetla sau, " eV procu sfor, Ibo pnqurMlom el labrieatlai oit'f, teu irude v,*lt anS Minerai lsi; (or tie Deodortiion or ail rock aud mineral i 1,4sdfoir rmsdeng reflicIls, obtiieJ roin the4,-o efpoomiva, mp te about Ibo dcgres è< par-. ealiet , by the appliat Ion oM care ibi- EeClr.Tutt.,of tii to lehp of Eu4t Wily, ln tii coum y cf OtInario, U5 uwmd.mmif'mf macilca f« r>reilg ont and formfug bois, spides, ieyîiif, foita, ad abr artiles umade cf iona weod, or partly or oib msterfsl,cali qtl." .paent Rolllug 1h11"q RobaitT. Suttoc. cf ise îovulff Und- siy,iu tii couuty of vietorabd49 "car. tain, mus and umuf 0 impo el iu dryius aud elitmfmg grain,", James Begart LAzir, cf tiae-Àownsiip cf Beach. la the concty cf OafmuO, agn cultnrel Intplcmst malter,. dé A1eew. and corral bariay (cri, c.aid 'Lazii'mntjirov ed B",ii enr."' Tii Esulti n Spedafor-. Mi sy laSt, givesa sucouut cf anectadesi atended viii lmoti fe1f, eud tbroozh ,lici ofou cf ti leidiai eltivn iit flIrlaze. ne ceivid fnjurlsif 0<s very aerft ma ture, oearcd yetrday evcmsug et tIi erOiainy ovin tii5 Oret estern 1Enlluiy,iear the neadiee et i, Thotm" L.drda4t, bout ti'o mileii Mtiof titis eity. 00é reprtier *put deonto i'plaaasuteirfd tii follovinug ,pantieulans c-Tb Cie(f e4 Poli, Cep ic <olio , n.- 7l umtriei, AId. 14w, A i Kv.anUI- n1wiui.iar and ecld, vire vetttroittLfttt tIpi tracter PIe mit At ilid ýJIeeli À ven l'y t lukLk.t ud~ Loui rîila'sy inuels joiimi tic Lendcu Ercon alan trainVU as ronitg frnmt ii Faits j Tic englue trockIt îe Cnal bout ti119Iind maelàa aiittg it buto aplilters, andi tir,vinz tii occupantsth yards aval iu 'db! firent dilections. lira. Witskien avna pick ed up about 40 yerds (nom tic apet, inis (ilslfoiiy mamjeti conidition, lt:-ir rlstt loy beinx cQmPIetriy usa-ireS fnew ber body, endi ber huai beiug dneasia;ti ennui ed ; (rom the nature cf tleianijure latiat mite neccivei, deti mant buiere nrsl-td ai meut instanuanteculy.Capi. Kicols sund Mn. lliaînielsrare sirnow compietoly ovin theirarliany fetico,anSd(il i a F0l1 of airaltei voter. i, former nocelui sote vcry teerneMoie.abu e ti i an sd necit, anS it vas ni firut francdS tntliilrtd n-ceireti fatalinijsuriesaIt hue spin.e. - gr, auick liie nboites broic ets, nos sy Culs oritruius e! a serions eberact iru vas £C'mp.itely prestraiclfrnmtiseheeetl o! tire Obckcl, teévws ircegil i-me aient 9 O'Cieck lutI evcuieng, aSuda-nu gradunity rec«voing. Mn. Wiuiller vos bndiy int- jureS, baring necobnad s terriffie mion thte backi of thse lend, a lonig eul and oe rat seere lnusas. liei vas irougbtl lotus imd lies iu a uery pricat-lom condition, anud id ecriving evary asietmioe ne. wbis medical stteudasts. Ahi- LAV vos sittiug om tte boz sith isle driver, a&rd iemopai almnoît onicjuated- Th i .1d vawue,va bolieve, onIy tmigtly brulseti Dr. Strsnrt bappened tu e ha saiir attire time, endi n-Aditelv 'enutsred soIi'effieit, moi Essai Wilsby CoeIDCtL. Colomane, ÂuMfft r, 966- The o oouil sel liurenauilt iti djouru, ment. iMombora mil presetl(uracejt if r Auis.) The Ilseve pnesidin",r iues of lait sertiag rocWaanoved. A latter fnocs tie Cotsuty CIcrk r sudsh tia&t tiieascout ts e . risl, he I coliu'ced lu tus tqvcsiip the p~t * e m fcr Couty aud Educatieal ,popoosiva@ $3,423 5 ?Wa-uws laid befone iii Comcil Alto a îlnîolar (6,un tic Secrîtary ef the ceunal Esiard OT Ifltlaii nug pnecnau tienany meàmes4s regard le tise asiene of cielkra. A- blav vs in rodoeed b n Smiit antipomdeti iroug iuta varies etaficu, le ssDow"îlthevuuibip fergenr eâIuuuty, educatbietwnship, e- tid e ptirpcses, .A Ly ev v" IntnodpcitiAnd pamod r pay the 'am et $135 10 nse tht Colomb"s Volontecr ile Cemapaiy a-ili ou aelbve daty, asi-pan repor t oftiiecon mittea appointaS fcr i tisipurpee. A bylavvs. inîrcdoed b, Mn. [éi $mb 0 suesdb, #tu Conucii («orls *teppîtsg op as oder dfapis't cf-i e.a 0bràouusFrotecn lots- MA- 11, el seuted, aIn ýmotion of lMn. JoibaSIS 9 leoJ pal , vias-D uld Jcmeerdra lisg;d»cu-oestNonqaca BnoaS, 5, 0,Lue ~uiplsigacui 2, r u d : ç ë ,W l e f r f t d i s a P e t r s e rsmiind, $9b Tei outil e adjonnwd to;e I -About 250,000 oyitensaire ble.,la b maaue un,'ssW ctmtloe& stPoole, s Pcreuwel. Tii bsaare voir, cv#i Wiiiilsi <Oga a, waa nd , c oa nn t$se m'>g a vie 'It vF rsw nm î t ti i (hotaieb aiçd l>cnon wyitch n ftc- pIraj attaci-lat Jin-idaie n 0hlm lu i th 1ý e.e e7eur reg et ng ItL innaI. jg e c nd ct b o r io n es t te d Ilu t I if ( n o ) d i ii u c i condemn bis privai. acta. le lsho eeib d anS eoàdndueanjutly liipsblic'ao. and tut ho ie aaà n t arirythe Article lia A p p a a c d ; h licë ( G o ni ) ilo n b e o ltî s e e x i t e 4 ; dclsnd thit te article a-ns stese e o a a gpy and lîc o de rt i'ar ; w îîei'e pOt iti tm ebr or D rau ne t ruck ïmI ii ulita ae iîlî a bheu;,lie- ((erin) ov çtrscl Dorion oserialîiw, snd titi latter"ineo #truck btuk t sceral imes sd Cientekiclk o ifje r tuth o n r o, Ilut a t, a- bile lîin ft ie eutody cfthe BoneAnt atAnula lnanigli, a mndir goa-y ls,îtcdliim;under- iudtime 1 r Dtufreaue of ilbuiilte. Bric Poion tien mnf asecond aPai&- ment. decirinptîat bc id not trike trst, and denying soea uimprtant o sarieia cf the prigoner, A long diaeoêsi on ocis, lastn tilt 1 sx 0cloc,-lieu te oseattwt1nigtel- "J te frwpimantd endormi the.pritienr te rcain ln cttody during the plesuure f bIte Bieuse. sauJOI rn', reul.lverpoel ounlise 2thi. el CPIiilcto er tut etbc 27te Jtaly. bh ai arrivai off ti6is list. t London. Jly 27. a X.Te nii ea bcla-eesn uitanl udAtigila expires 1te Is I ly h u i l i p n i i i' l l y b u e n t s r i - < l 'i- t s i À b is r in l ti matiso n as yet oft li -3Is in ig i n beeu donc,.i 'flic go er nt h8% lai nuortuccdi l i niu 'w tenticutet atiettorolrtngtIse suoperniion cf the- 1i/Pitt erplirJet iTr telani. Pre-uuctt te lihe arncitie lb. lalians t liad, becu ui-ry nttccissnfat s uiltiTyrol.i l ierpecl, JssIy r -Iiflcrn tan ensi have an'ieti Tripoli. tirso,5 ' ~mapitp~UutlOt.AdB>net-eo, IsintuihuaI flic g#srcrntut nst f0 s j uiltu ths e itnici f t#, Rfonu L.airure fciia ein ce-ri a-a.;iseir obtmtta; P specdy decioirin. Ju"lien in pat'iiitntl, or ni i u a , u rt o f is a i U t t eir igli st i titi jL public sctirg, moi tIetsairstil tfic que%, ti ssu li tn s e e n o-C i - 1 tic e fa rd ietr n u c l g e vi i i lo e lu e i ei tc a i lep t s e ! e p i t e r n n o n ef tise' fltit. 1n'y 7ageme isîttise g o u e n m e s ' t , t l i f g ai n i nt s r b i e u e u e t - ix 1cectnadicted iu a levier ftr-. Was'lpole. a-l i istes isla 1rolibiss sn' ad'.mts i t a n eo e r ' » ! o n l t i b n - - e n u c c l ta o i inceti-"5. luit tisaitise gev intien i nely [et-ouiltot-l i ra -tlnl e iipolictttsl sililip i.n and ew tise t-c' ulititisaI atueas- " tempt, vrutdie renndur upusu tie eeppoftd il r igli sito b laiS m e rti epi o n iti t e l ug i q ie t- ttii' isaillict-u<licilirsI- Ile Sbtr', 7dgsajs'i and Atl'rts-ettre- prisent Ilte tt-akert by Isle honte Ste- r tg y,oan a com pr m îcnd ast npartial <le ecftorc of titi governianeut. î T h e 7 Tm s ' s a ry t s t it r a t e a r t i i e is r dl i ct cosse a mntent tttc tonn te save Atift- tria frein a flAsi catatro[he yut ile dIV ttmor-e ar-i tise ILluna utouiti Isaye epftsitd .tlsemtiet-es in 1bull puesuctstion cf thise niti- cr 'Tyrol. ansI the t'rnusssisttssntens of pann1etolthe Dinubie mid isce tiaeaten , cd v ien a lunlte e st a nd i -t- i, T 'h e cM n , et tit i t -er c e a - t - c sg t i s g i t r e o p e t i i t - 5 o f i s cei r f so i t i d t s l . A n d s l a r e u s's i i sOr t -t IW I i hipcs tîtt iliiitnce mry tbc pnlngein- b toI auurtigiicsransi tis aganîtu lto s de- , ulte pesce. e itte 2l)Ij ct susniorcfirtirtities P f o r e i g l t ê t y rts t - s - n u c u c i u r < à e l c a e u t I e 1iaolians undt stensss Pràsec tx liu-suer.--Tiuo ee Cou ferneei sten ite helu atPratrue. Tite pt-e litinasittsic lreo, ai aptre"Sulpon, are as foliowe r -hosts id 10te ithirdaw fne ite GertunauColrr-atitn i idS 10îologeVe ns-iseand ien part of Sciiswitr Holàteiu. Aostiss la aisoe tsi? $10,000,000 ta ole 1, adverzariten s e tp nse a of t ie a n. T he r, C e rm a n S a tc a n ret f t ie M fa i nle a e te mforma a unien entier titi guianceocf ros s ' . T i r a G e r u r n S t sa e ',ui h ' f t h e r areare 10i <etm an hitsdepudenl 'Union, rJ On tie 25t a suspension of tustiliies, t- for igitt iys vas cmcinded bteivo tre . îshaiasa nul Aumiaitita i.e er 'bd 4d le sel til 'e uttail potittnts i. isn s ean pleas t t maire the feiiowinp- appuisittts iin E1ini of !Nerich, Fraua eli on ercu, of 8Spnlngf ord,antd George L,. sud, .la ;our4'te'Bxamne applieti or Mitia pensions, ln; tire 'CoontIy cfOxford. Alcssudir Bell,, of tira village of, Li- fildI, ýTequite, bM. P., tliehoau Assoerste Cron6erfor the Couuty cf Peteric 'ro, jasia Covas,o( îhé tovnabip c! Minho, Esuire, M, P., te b., anufsacciste Cercn- -#t'or tle Pocuttyf Yeiutm WillIeam Jc.cbIsLn .loseMMlcy-tI aMS Bnm »ivard Rebicuetuof tIse tpvts e< Cha lit.nt, s4QiWe, 4uo"useai >hv>îO b t» - Notany Pu0iéfor iTpieCianada.-- Priait Eusuài,o r cf 0 , Esqusirc, Rt rio 4tU a« é, W4'la $ou",' Publie for UppmrCanada,-e vill , a & r r A to ! tP In w , to -e s Xâtq PabliS(#UPPr Çpuada. Wîiiaui Jaa, 'e Cooubu,!esquire$19i le a Éotary 1?ulilief«- Upper Canaa. 11e u m y m onm n e er sectiseppine 1 f ajoks becauma tiqey are t it i. ~',.1 Manaialn rogeitît t ffarm, çaiao d i bt ând&reseuZ ut'aliflic " aialu'forée< C ils, prmlaw inilitary law 'inîhtir ieso, exc i*id pictr.witiî btet iv&40de i stea uineccfsslcn, sud l-if sotatcd bteir conntiy-th«etiiy tlt,oeth SI ri biesi Aseistdivitioally anS collectivély e "eledliaI the $eutitla-are fiieltl, il huieligcrent -;asud seTaîuion et lierforernd<b7 tko . ierth lsi ifg ithe ontinuncî cf liii a-r goin iii provite tlsst,. [fc $.nîîtha-art bellgerenti.c, Ieus t ;rt I;nhtain,to rmine exbtt, t, aeluuwldg- tf 4 tbentns liç ots- tsiot diit mIter e Noertli ait donc ii), tlicst pre-testîle'l overs of frceobm inust fly Icte a tovurlo; >s*ittu, 'and tlsrineilct otr tuin i rcrtiirg Irtiliandi Cansdan- Sud, titrn lareuiiy precp eolc i ithe itîicdtlinoeugtly Yankie t luthei liher cr eteer.î,tst, whotheficUnited i -Iatcs deare le nid, n»ia nsh ud iaor, ib rcry iceeibic, 1as st-a nips'sile ayl te citin.euisoeofisaitleosi, ciio 01,euj>ic l tihe iglits, ;rnlçs id protectiOn n itee puaîiittît ssifoa1urdix eini tlie vagasttedt, wiceldly V ll l i- ut eue e?r fwloe4uu, mati tLefore tise tece antiaenof lthe Anteuican gosverttent4 li'ooi, îrad etrourai' , plisil'-il 1 id motier 0or pceuefuIîfsud uoeu-, itg ltilsatitant.asî<l a-c rpelleJtlcrsî <roin our ceis capitans unsit itnprlamnicg titers. And rliiu-efuri b.th"fante ins ro freed.onu, itishow lolîo itrly ts~ feiL tiardissixs'for Itayin; df oitî ur- rivex %sctri ;jefully sagsit flhui awlin borde cf cutt-tl'oeats, vite ii4puitiiy io' Led tht scetîotry for ltaeupir" os f ineflg, rtg intagin'siy wrengn1iicitinit .y toit, ýtut bu olotiter land, ans clouîmi ci, lut (O n ter penirl-, sucre tV> re-pt--J thc' <etitcleliiiy Liir. anti te rcIèo;fllZ0 ttielFe sins rs tcllig-rzrutçs',at» cin etii t ttu ail tise bersrliit devisle îiîerçfrowit %Vhoter beterelit-anti of nueii ur.Tdti'gfl'ctl 1s0o;,nc;,sr uch a recoguiticu wouid le fin un e tc "Pliri cforsusist jse -qoire, Strasige, painý,ç nirAnge, fluit tluesc teapleisieprofonta tii se te$i îfreoilot and it#Wti;ence, itould met li sitclu a hto%- tile immune? low-nrde asitecr pi ôpie -ith rlittsy aie nt Pence 1 Stranc-, Iprasnngsitrge, ftiai ape.3pii a-,lue pr-kx-ns isiliibenality. ogiui e- sot-l a metmi andcontemipttibiti aprit t Strange. passicg strsge. tit t prrerb- la11y grnt nation, toultibc guiity et Psu-'ility. Eridibiy tleïr 01'l~iic action. mcd lilîmnty of steutitoctit froid spcChý are citser roi properiy tîudcr,4tcod, or pur psiseiy iren s ire lc.rrectiy ly titeir Sîatcsrsu, Pl',itielans', mud a<w.rie iti,ru. ?nr-sicîtorof aotion assitti lkaesty ot *jceclu are, wltlutteinr. nterc rijstrrict tiscoriest. w o t le ttigit.t. st prâetir -d'ciirg crutise ipsi,but tintliig tse s.ld- iîug place irn tise iseart, tuuitable for elurtiîrn pUo.e'.SlJUt toiily isîtit forenarry dly ue lby sstty Ibcriy cita ,si& thmeiret. Bors go hi Wnations ', nîssid tise tbonuocf relriistt.sureduriidii. e Cotit cf srt. anud issîrtured ois sesstitnetttoi <t d'suoyrsity tg) te landitler cocstry.-litle '1-etier crsts natta b.c xtcii titan thse croppiila ont ofi Isatreti - ssgainst fInsitai fndîti* Bnaiis'Le Qoccu. kvr c cc tth iitcd Stntcç blccanan li-etucct natior.aiVtit-ry havée siowrun aliait %ltlit rîseucir nuytiittg rffrectiiug chlier Great Jlnitnis or Cainada, svwattfon th!Lr t qifs. [st 1612 itow disi tltey Lcli'sve? lu l5ý7 511 tlucy noi. it olut a bond cf 1lsieen n- si ticstin atrrog~ithe river c! P lres- itoU? iDiti 'tise Yatkecse ne' a,45it M'eC Ken- zec wthulelie acd lait rdri lbrstsicil;aitLd Navy I*luud? WVlacit tile 11;11,,111 ia rr patenitto ceryee îs edItprîc ut tili inid 1 "ced futi ncfr ix-, it. lierrry inow is slcosu andi cntitled to littie, if gny, cosvssierati<iu. But us itlsu u;liinn Les sec n pesiple a-be p ofrrs'iue qtooilneeo, aud Ccfe, <1rtrrt (reaflh-M, tsave. ie timfsaifit-l ainr Iteraiu'l tîsiesîjglil)titis <?îtsry by mcns of tise Pneu, rêrasy and nuxot abar. tng liard. Les reeoglize as l0lru-ess bailiof narurnoirst, notbee, and monr- ,cr*, Je et Ime sillont stsuk-ty by the'uiiebanti r;i- of tiseuAmericau rmy? If tie veilla"* are belizp<rentn, (lien, îim a riasiser tsf -ostrié, the wliole'iteelle ci! l'oc Unitedi tt tire thisa sse: fer ti l'enlace ari citizet cf dtira iuedI teplsl lie; ,anti uctliug ecnbu afllrmsetlin ut 1noetjtect cf a portion ot a peoeh tisa i cent alipiy te ail. jliso noaiuoero nftîrds a-,p-arallelt t bts lite session iin regar tifii eninisinuil ;ýgetien:tl Ccnuiatcfimpudence tscetu te prerali1in lu lOqr couebltirtisey in le of àu 'n lut hd nite îler Mne ~lp w;li el 4hi ba placeSoeuthe tonaudTti ak, ýntu îr guong oteS by euipieyis -of, tie opamy, o te e rind tt, as erie ted cf as nov in 14îe of thie,.(froui%) lemonitors te la sticned na regsslsr tcns riais, se ibt, en arrirai d sa telegras 24 eunelu tia cosfihet m srn"udei, re e f <les sigXtspeinteotispot, sud imi1 Tiheomepnc ofreral of thc eit Mdon Radlical papfers tîevnlu ie (&'d [s tiiGanl $Peakn io slu. very cen- , uptuomi termsrcftinir Ptppeirtinc& aud 7 c Wn, and cf gnrlibaîdi',% own nbilties *5 C4yunt. lwien - b4qUi aidSwaagLrer about iu a Veil abirt, iii- l:icao i Crb-I etrcnliy dWin 'u mad iroiy diculavay vien tty aetg) fatibouse., the ¶rroireln agira, anS inht atitartaîlsha - 1ep-giS and eirtreateti tl.eu to ral! and Tise Jstnud of Valetint.' nie tic bssyonet an; tic uitie airiuiu etof Monte Suelle, th"y onterly falle'd te 410 ne Tiýrqw[sur fVaipntia, ithe Triai fer- and rau liko aiteep. CrOne 0 et ti nsesa inLý cf Io Altantie mble, us about 6,000 quptul contrs te tise ronclsion tint lte acrgi-es rtent. Tt hosa tioproprletorr, Vciarte0rs isefWh o rOcJ MMnibtritîgl)i' o f vi e ti àigit of Kanry ix use chier, c&Y anti Naplesinuit Lave bie ent am ire he thers beig Trionty Collage. Publin, !y ditYrnt clinfs i cfmoii. tand Col, 1ilerbert, ef t ucrcna. Tluppopît." Thec Parlisn ladies haie crado a noir lation bu about 2,000; but shiemini the. anS utartlin; rcvntino n lu t-ca. Thoy lnigbi blaa toMbrcit refestat, lia ce ns- hav-e mode bonnets mgonflmr snd inaaer lir.rieubatu d'ot nemmber More tian 150, andpuSc-uruly Ieso,.utjil ailast tbel con- Thse brmcny of -'ts "lto cmmosr e'ut of nolsin4 More titan 4ngibbonu nuS(raysa acotesponilent cf tire bondon Staf) tle bend ilt saVoit attacheS to il,,The ilu, hevevr,- uttilaîitres bY religieusdix, railli pa gerîally Iscli. cornS. 7he âaid rb'.h ibelu courbeivien Ait oti it htt-ih a lilfii l sumry ~ o im S 90 years f a z, lib i o cch f in te btintni itr cf Pesi orenrthoan pritlit fen irfa ccninnay, andS iii'uraséi- 20) btuitdings are ngv iiilisc courre 01 ce --a 1n5 vsn"ene" l~ sna"îevla c f laud ixabout 15 aiflliersati enctirt.s -M Mut-Imore Of iitM ueSfer rax.mg C ol.,Iiiplr'y, fc rt ly f t ht e I4ti N ' purpo itttt li n or eu tiraticn. tise P rn siu s l Hsumpaline egitrent, vi aiance sic article mruuufaciisrd"'hein- btter. 5Mut' a-ar been enurggd bu îhe lumise-r bruunm o f the <Otafs are s rnl eli io"u.!s bn MoicnnutelC., Ga., va lirutnily mortier. balis ti-lnis a cnc-iCeraile nemuer cf a ni est tie 234 atti.Afier Cibii. iploy un.d be-Itsn èsss, tutti -it, ýPeuao1rut [une an lîe fainsiy hmi itbrei te l1A, a punîly c -tio ~cuf naîaapaa .Tiey mers camuete thre hrsts, anudistkucig nl Ove rr.lcia 10e he Keigt, vie apindâ thc gale, nuiseî tiia b-c ima on, Ltisitez$, - neanly tîtvhe M, l ie he lucomi lin Thre Ccuoueli mmm-e<iaciy procu'rde'i-te ibe derirses froua ils prepeniy in imp'ovi'- catei, a-bortonsecf the pannY Spe'ke, s miu. 'ets anS lnu zvin'g empiyesnîtIo ste ,Col. Ripiej, yoe t- my prixa'enr' Tht- otpie ifs le-ree-zdd ta-h nfodaIe le ilonfel arca-biit nevssir onti fu-sd al there. yrene", sr-mpered by utem manninu. intder, Prnlo mtati e oT: tice o-ne leci-,Hii tnrdiîioni fitie MOlIraliane preceti- iuc<iatoly funed, uni- fie Coloneliwvastnruclr mcc aintceuni, but i alliest iiuerge fi <ruen Irces, imortaily wnded. Theriteally places i Mntfan befone tira mopninces 1tmty reufirlnreisaboust tise ltrous,fs-i tlir creratio e! yu-rtermay. Tite lIMe -uigbti, lries, anti repet.edly finctl insu gt i u se Wo a-levs s- ta re of Lcrd Castlereaghr s4 duering th ic uil't, nefusiuig 'te lloi ron.n îtnyi heeiicnbin% onde p. lliisley lita prilîe cf lgiving vaier te lienrineti d as <'oy lent]" liy m lorn ser- dying ieîtuuuu. Vilar, bsupati nly re-plieS, ",ruMieïi lord. I1dssutt a-bin ta buanîihiugof thc The Qtîiac Cirnicte calls ttein t :td" nîp t e menu:dtr v a suos- insii ui a crottterft-iî $5bill on ti e ie otvhsu l e a mue Ilank o! Menireal, Ottawa Bratla. ,Tii muýtt ccaleti' nMy l orS i Sg.'"11,I l etprravuug, pnintuin, simd e %auioe are per Pieaant ta e, re 1e uconcile tirese vulice faction, anS vooil icceive crin an capey of fc'odaliutn viii 'Iutc luniziug cîniEUs tenced teller, Ticerney te deicct thre o!fumodern ciriIization. [t is plestsate8lsu- counterfeit lu te boni-for sihetstitt.t'inotto seorsS dtlIsatte lUsion àbas esüte surroundingé ,tire eetpauy'é sltiilu. bisthe -rraiMoutneîithot dscoeie a simngie lcf hnS oreret It 1>11 uisiit1, -nl-Fenian undibtIa itoogh yest'rnlny 1 lue in tie eountenfeit. A-aiftu treela e no awthre Fenianfa-lclnopat i u a in $ bltafski#au c om oui e agraidon etc- oisiei nasif at te Otawbraob.tha vws doue moen ubravadeicîinlu Tire lkpobtican panîyli tisa Usted iusrnest, ande provos by titis inguîatity tint States appenn-te lie, leternîiuuad te go any tIse mmbcciis (cmii cf dibleoysity i la itge - isugîlthInlubidsforn nuj-prnof tii Fer.inns. tIen asceeptional lu Valintiaami tire eija-, P. fa the Senate. bea!se,eadocrninx, . dtcvcouen t .nuid. oninaid the une o!rsaibuilding lu Wsîhington to'bhuld metinga wtt a ueir ho threlitera- tlsrn o! Irciani. Tis o cngsnizstion, it if a-eh Irnovu, caliisti i tiance cf thte Stututi Laur of tic Uttlt,-d StssSu-. Tic ebij-ct itibau in vine* iî an outrage aise agsint intcruntional coniiiy amend ,lu eau ouly ionS te roibery aud mrder.- IWieu a «nest party of a gniat unatin- w aici tancir a tuno-tinda tanjonity bun Tinm e! Coungnea-stopa le) esýr meas, j îisy arc a gnoaî ueal more prefligate snd jdange 'rôos tîan simple corruption -to v.,iu élections. vhi autitu6 expicted to cama ft - piousiip- cf 4merlca, ttoc penteihausts lu virici are .Touepli Diets, c Mmnreal, 1nov Chatmpi»m; and Jocn McDavitt, o!f[4ev Yoi' w iii taira Plaqe lu Mentrai Serlngý the, - trist -oui' le ocher uis'I This' match ahouiti corne off on et- bafee -lIt ?3ril ai Septemibeïnncat anS lMr. DioniraS ungaged a hail Wfe tira tof tirai montis but vigu hie vas maie nquninted i ii lihé arnangosmea Ios fcrtha Toarauteut: of 2tir aa sud Proriasciai Champiens, viuicit ne-t only requies icu'bi vu,'but itu meuer Cynelle'î ste bc, a u 'neouie-ç çtsunda tint jô:pcatikm bab ave, Tisu 'vuest 'Once comnpiniçaçpIo txMl' mcD.uflt,7'*hO' nali iesthe-n, ovet.ibe mrtiiiutuce- Tîhe autrance mie u.ociety msrty b. sas7 1cm taise placi immiataly, a fuir icyiood;* bau passe s ay; yet, musltitue saako themiuii r hofen iair hosie are pro-j aetabe. Ili us afirent trial, echier tec, a? t-nier or riper- age, Fer au overgrovu boy tgo0 tedar lînoviàg anci l tiat titan. are andJez-tu girlos mue, unS Iëkuock or ring, witir an ab4olute cecnitt inu s urmiiutos ili oye. vii l b.ouii, u a saene testl'et courage. To go befonr ticsagirls, enS salie a aor onttecos vitàout- steppiene'ou tireir tees. sud sit <own sud diapos. of is bands vishoct poitbu i'n-tem 4, 'OlsPeketa. lu an "6"~. meut vlict (ivboyau cbait. wi If & by autmdit o se ana'tu -to meauna off ten yiords cf tape i uruoeaof tbib gili,lanS cut b- short i4teau enS, le maaystand a cianca- te upenti 4 pIoist çvenipg;, but let imis lt flatter bisiel! tint t.otriais cr titi eveuing are crin. Tics- omres"as lait a breaking up. Tisa kirls petl cmu their toti., anS put ou tiair sinuws, esnd look' ac saecy andi miicirevuu, nnpnisable andtipIdipeudaut, ai if thi idn'tv iahoyity te go home viiticse Tien comas iii pincl, iiith ie bey vie bas, litast plu ci. gces op te the proLtievt girlii the reos, at-iiateuogua c1ieai te titi roof oflisumonti, anti crcoaklm -bisi eibsiv. stâlumera eut the wordi. 4, swi 1 imturet 'us te [pinearnutry 1 der of img-exiear.ee, un v amny ona fotndIo selamont OvIr deprecate tii t st tiritil «astraatueomleut mal 0,s- Braaffori cou risrr. PIED. CALDWELL- At Wbi' &bli!pst., Aveline Alr;xn daugluler cf Al-Zanulen ClsIt iIbic, n iged one munit dais.. A, AN-At wlsiiyý ast, ant bis ffh4iureinîldene Aiauandati49. Wbitby, Aurcu ValWet, el..~-S Tesat sreft Rie...or........ l'ruit% tr 'rît' uu a cure i l ..-e'srtï-rt e in-lin-n madN e forrIeI nt ii O- "- i- s11etaiCie ', Dr. . -nulsssrve t-t Gs CI d, ir-tc 1,;à ré I. - t i t 'Il s] t I 't-- -T i fr- f y 1 . 1'.

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