Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1866, p. 2

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t 7 d s A pr ate y the thdr own, nogleet the Begolats, A trip ing the agem-of our eenNNpt, This oned ríthoat mooh dig smaezwan pr a cash in hands of Teues hm 4 d to Éort Erie and its surronnoings, a few ballif debo es we dnestiened before is the h atlier a seridas fos ibe tio e a , 9 50 as stray me shall be merged days ago, sad the samarks then made baM-maghtete-mætyder the ' Íshoáld be famed two stories b en ach de in 00 t M H enr breeg6t the want of consideration forcibly' mortgages of the She#.-banif setlye do n The publie b is nòw the bania Inst i a orl or heart n ind n 6efers as. s' Sir," said many of them Sherif:-sodit's his own'aeda,...is (6, infh question the talent òf the dos la e main buildlng t •• 1800 a welcom a a e • Bask o 06e Regulam) whom a conversed with feHow we nt"àp- againsti delank og (the will and ability of twice that na ta apadrt p a sin 0 aze th e-half is •Ya dare all Ã¥rsisè før what you have Monant, as celebreed foge defene is service e demnlyes to oom, an e y commi roolns which t n led * "dese for-year bran elanteers, and the order to avoid payment of a lawfal debt,' of a far more dangere Jesat and commod a o i - -the indi , Yrooms and span i (for180:#tæeithesef * be9e as worthy p Ã…t we donet gadge for whieb he was 80retyr u eúdorser, ' and doabi thi wisa f sub d * M whteh it was for the interáb they in, and in my 10 gekthe matter ursag• for the sämen g Mit to them i has at the same time we for which his prfacipal~gE a ey, It hpon what mesidlemyg i m he estra cost the do t on special o or self, had w abd Com n, or n out nrtis.ng goods o thé Mesn't help thiaking that we too are in may be At we shan ancestnife comf **end lencef ta'enr and that too been ob o have W - Brun,. 19 a them that in whatever de ey mi be Nelé óón end w the ddd-many of as far away from deiNs, dat a tiene es t 90s pro, ry M waste ur a ao a a nd nM honor to the sale, about six fraks siter the reception of rep t t "IMuse and eowtry, and Aghting your , dad i ánd show the niinge' he au the armonions working of a grega in dsome um • M coat he won He thanad the ladies for de wrk,4e mony we paid into the bank, adjourn¡ and stand a ourned #dght, Oar mothers are not near os, ehe n "rfin5 someonses on men la whichhowever earefully and wiselUram ' puty, repayable in ßr y ars WDER, er ith which should ever rem, fees which I have recei ed on the two day, A ag,-25th, is "nor are onr sisteri, brothers or friends, Osbers-4 miles frõe Whitby, sad charg, posed to considerable danger of Musosme, Whitby, June 9'i, 186 , Auditor, The treated t psny to this is all that I am e i led to less Pickeri a e " to make ne posents and give as gratoi- ' & BrooMin, and 4 auth rit ween the diabrent degan of he manbenhi for the year ending akes and lemonade, both bei acceptable so I am informed bf the Sherio', kho cor- * ties ; we do consider ourselves, however eersa-only mock worm, as we are pre- g especiany daring the y1 A 1, number 14, showing a deerna gemi-Annual Ezansinaties of the Us. a e ong harney the word taloly ought to know I and those few of Baturday' soth J ' your kith and kin-and year defenders P * "Ma de "Mees est áis thue me y e members o Pari m, e ar, or ahe cost et n, bridge county orasanser school, gra B&u n ne a for the year readers iho snay barp been so enfor, r s' too-ready to de and dare for es, we ballif-magistrais has done for the Sherif, thesaghout the count the iament in kats, efth a wealth surroundirag soxx esoxnorp, s, e a o su were met by the W Bras Ban) tome a to kne to pay de BherWs cosa MeØre he he chai " are not jealous-bot, well-we do feel It may be that we will dad o'neira som railable numberof ero o a pointed sma i F themem h p is t 7 **n' Brhich had b en ed by the yet, M on an enti wh r goods bare n ad a h as it were-half slighted by the whole pdied to-denonnes, and brint to the sn'o, we Conneillors, besides the host of should be setire canton and thn -, . Catholic Pieniebeid that day at Vrooman- member dat he only demanded half the for aid to eat were prese " of fear edi ment kindness bein con-- minent noties of th Attorney-General, a at legislators schooled in the work- elaim and prir ega of • Institute ,1 This exhibition took phee on the 29th ton, together with a la o concourse of above amount-anies perhaps there may hir, Weir mes he '9Ened thoanad-and-one thi of og o the Municipal system, apeddly a made nown to all when no doubt the t,, in the presence of a large number of those attendi g and be Volunteers bare bub some Afusags in addition, My order the Tress.wer to th to year own volunteersgand that aga which we Upper Canada i- and to the ranks of these number of mem would be at least ladies and gentlemen, The Trusten pre, were thus eseo to the grounds amidst $5,gó all went to a ball be e the ***"•, Tim-To J- &- D, aan a re, poor soldiershare been overlooked,,, never complained-and not seek alone to elseses we map .he afed a e doubled, sent were Joseph Gould, aq., Ch, of Bd, shouts and cheers, With the conduct öf pay-1 had the hon r for sha It of $'7,00, for aid to G Be The abon la saggestire, Cannot gen, have the Sherif e-ballifnparated from & whence the ocenisants of the new Iagids- rronass, Dy, Bacom, Sec.,and hissen, I, P, Plank, the Bey r. Braire and his a te, the will gow, I trust, be sollicien ly evi at to Lanunce the som o eroes Canada prove that there was no in- high position of the magistrate, We spay bin seats-may be drawn, But the Mani- terThe usual course of lectures for the win. oup Dickey, and T, C, Faweets, The ed, I assur ou M , i e your readers that the amendment before o 0 e ohn Pa featiénal slight to the negolars ? The be ampted to go still furtber, Our research a e of s contínne to abforb as we e edtha entlemeÃ¥ and SelttClelat d, Scote Kirk, Uzbridge gentleman endeared himself to man a ore the house is really necessary to enable' s Decker, $2,29, far aid t kind ladin of Canada, who here' already " " "°t be confined to the peccadillos formerly ; ilie gee$men aces med to e n i ,9e recommittee on behal of the Kirk, Lindsay, took part in their, Scotch hat da ry n to na e e ery n happ q to etu for their services that to T Wood, g a toa d'oue sp auch for tí:eír sons and bro- e bati, Wileez• The Sherir most 'n the Halls of Legislation by the queen's thanka. The atten e at r warmest tion, and expressed their entire ratisrae After ample Justice being done to the until that amendment is passed a sherie,, also $10. for aid to. Mrs. Brow thers, imight sorely, (and they will too) contrive to keep his bailif within bounds, pleasure will hardly condescend to the was but small, and during the *ea res tion with respect to the corréetness and good bi gs provided, and the cloth re- bill of costs on a writ when the goods bare reen, $20 r aid to Sam do $0 ething in , the way of showing or most answer for the consequences. He a d zeitement of p lar lee- 'Itn de r a 7 is of the answer all t laa nr Brethour Esq cout"h©e ir not setnally been sold is not a very dread n W9odruf5 $ th'le appreciation of the regular soldier f "E I, , should control.his subordinate, pa6lie or private reasons a man of thr It will be a qudfión for you/ comm ttee's ley of the school and toeber, The Chair- i r ehddress: (H re follows the address • 9 On motion of Mr. Balla the A few haskets of cherries, a few hampers and not permit hins to exhibit himself in other clan mentioned will at be abi * successors to determine whether the lee, man of the Board also spoke nry foror, Elo ent an riroom-En,) rs, ordered the trentrrot' 'the of peas, strawberries, a few such cakes as all his vulgarity in print, When the bai. dad their w setire political1"if stnera e o p li nt ned, or some other ably, and encouraged the pupils to perse. made uring thepat t: sp chaMe no W E OD, M. D, unts the women of Canada can make from the liff writes another letter, we do entreat one We must rely ly, therefore, for the ment, be devised for the eo inan amuse. re-pointing one t'o them the many Cowan, Toll, and'ethers, followed by the To the Editor ofthe Whftby CAnM in 2nd con, i to D, Gilebrist, best dont in the world would be a contemporary to bare some res et for discharge of the vastly increased duties of ' rantages they now enjoy for acquiring aptein, who gave a full and explicit ae- • sesessing and the further sum a well , P' Legislation under the Confed Exis, a good edócation, compared with what count of their recent duty on the frontier, S The enrolling the Militia to Job appreciated by the Regulars at Fort Erie, hre columns, and at least, for his own sake, upon those at present erste system The rents for the year, amonbt to $219,. prerailed when he was a boy, Near the close of the proceedin which at t e ood p le of Vroomanton, to be paid by him to , Mac that-well-(their patriotism requires no get his proof reader to correct a bom life, or upon new and a medein publíe ich mount was rece ved for The following average standing was ob tt ill early a ndownthe sh sound man thn e r e a hin: in removing to his friends i stimulus) would make them all love them i balist's orthography, The matter of the bai, Would it act be wise under these cir. an increue. over th'e rio a e ater tained by the mos advanced pupils in their throughout the distant bills, rever t ng lunteers" a ad ¡e nie, and awenthusi; adjou s'a", fr. WeW the From Bugalo, we were given to onderstand lif, Willooz's letter, and the hatred, malice enestene% especially at the beginning, rov ng the high estin artían in hic the rapective-elum for the last siz months : As a call to arms and retreat homewards r on, at Vroomanton, on Wed- day the 28th day of Journed and throggh (interested, no doubt) Amers' and uncharitableness which it discloses to t o be a abe of the Confede gall is held, for public meetings,'concerts' yhom asco Go , , E, h the en d d ith g rma greatÃ-es the a and eße ta grea ~ y next, eens did they receive the slightest compli the int.elligent reader, requires no com. Canada, the representatírp er a d Lower rinuny, Latin, Ist class-S, E, Thompson, J mourn the oss of the re coats, As the n cred u the g feelin -that am, The Pare at Portsand, ment of this kind, mynt, The Sherif must take esi's of constituencies in the Local Assemblies o"r The library contains about 1100 volu. A, Thompsoni B, Bascom i 2nd clas- wmen nto m a e ng Sie, you, in doing honour to the al tuar, " The following part ulars of'th • Would our big brothers, the Leader Mm, the respecti" Provinces 7 This, as a pre rnes, Durin the car 20 new volumes Elizabeth Gould, Alice Bastin, C, Grey, ing towar yo ; ut to th frpÏeat o my command, is the very'handsome dona.: ful calamity are taken from the c and Olobe consider this matter sunleienti ~~~~*e*--- liminary step to establishing the new ½ave been a ed, he rumber of readers. A, Zugelt, W, Crssley, 0, Bates, Zech, surprise 4 was a beautiful hve story cakeg tion of $50. I have thus received from Col, dence of the N, Y, Jygfd im orsant to a d I The War in Europe, - system on a harmonicas basis, would be 4. and nunsber of volumes taken out Hemphill i 3rd class,-Elizabeth-Bolster, presented Misses Vrooman, Bacon and Vrooman, for the benent of the men under p sy a wo: about it 7 productin of the most satisfae i 1470, The library is sadly in want of A. Nichols ; 4th class,-T, Gallow g Shannon, i behalf of the allant Captain m cominand ; and for which on behalf of ne of the most beautiful, if 1,lood has been alreaJy spilt, The these gentlemen would bring i el '. n i y es's ou'ldthe le 2 r la ion Madill, A, Crosby, ay, ' and a y ace mpan by a purse fbegto e coly a "nand es, t e , eli n in ruin . ti n • Austrians met the Italisos, and afte use the experknee acquired in the ing autuum, rene , 1st class,-Elizabeth Bois given for he Q re e eers were then hin, to the ple of Vroomanton gh since the co: letion of the Gran The annual now g match of the Ag a prolonged ßght drore - them back ,isk orand thereby tend to prevent any . n-ourow, E,"rho ni s m ,, r Tiustin, teers, and three timnÃ¥t att ce n thanks for ti kindness and cons'demy road, an the selection of . ricoleural Society of South Ontario came aeren the Mincio, Details bare not been is so dondíet of authority, Besides, it But one re-union has Ieen held, yield, mornet , 1st class,-T, 0%! ' of Brock, when the entertainment broke 1 n a d tia tiene, I further be assure adian lin nte terminue received b ppose that a wry great majority of ing to the funds $9,10, Your committee 2nd class liza, Bolster, Sarah Bate If up -every one feeling pleased with their , i sem, t at the Vroom n Pfe' ~sueb amers to Europe, cr on Tuesday, on the farm of hir, Daniel ut judging from the accounts them will be thou who have sat in this a gest, that early and efficient ste be llemph , W, Cros , B, Bascom 3r first meeting of red coats in the township, wi and the donation this day received, ,ronirapíd strides in prosperit Lemon, near Brooklin, There were about at hand the battle most bare been a bloody Puliament, one which has baen more ta en, for a course of re-unions afro ing class,-F, liadill, Blanshard, Á A, Vroomanton, June 28th- all those of liethe sunniest mornories of Iwith Boston or tshtant day a seriou 200 persons preseati ne following es, ""' Prussia bu onraan Hanorer, Ex t proßtable lemous, through the andu m a elv the i t blic i o son 4th ela s, J, Ilemphill, A, [The $50 above alluded to was not pre- Vroomanton on the 2 u I tak he im ortance in New n a d a bibit of the fadges shews that the Whitby citing news is expected by the next steam• it b i ry party and political changes , e• Beda , , , , empson, B, sented until several days afterwarda, for opportunity of thanking the Committee of :n a senon of profound peace, Foundty-Brown & Patterson-carried ofr es from Earupe,' or e than abere ore es The requisi e a mrnadation for a read. el Algebra, 1st class,-T, Gallowa 2nd whích the Captain has returned special pr n rs. Spe s and rano Cake ann er Y our nat nalin two prizes, ---++•---- qual ned for the double duties of the local ing ronm, has now been provided, but w,"/,", E. Bolster, E, ould, thanks,-Eo,) Yours truly tremendous that it can be k e wid h o cut i Gr i pr zent, draught 250, School wi ke pl Ã¥ in the re : se e on ut can e i b a sa a o srd clas 7a hon son, The Atlantic Telegraph, Uxbrid d Ja h Brown A Patterson's llall's Ohio (com. of next week-,of which farther notice w¡ir enthe:r especial study to frame a sound foot ng, is a matter of serious considera e A ríthmetic Sen.-T. Galloway, W, [From the London Tarsfune, 23,] conununicated to the a nali e ned, rang bt \ 264, width of cot 52,- be given, it is, we believe, intended by ne rm of gonenmen ap ab : the oe i the ex • of m tain g Ar GF fad Bolster, S. Bates' If any illustration were ever needed to Scott Township connei , a e t se t to have tirown & Patterson's Cayaga Junio e pupils, who are themselnes getting it about to enter, at least are very precarious and fluctu t th et , r,-A. Bustin, A. Zuifelt, show the unflipehíng determination of È"g Sco June 18th 1866 conjecture, Some montbsm a s u draught 232, wid(h of cut 48, third prize.r, sopac r and i o obt, be w li i n ed a d otbo ty and t e Confperesa ar nd n th a tiayntly small in com eagraphy 1 t ', a denter on th in he re ted me in the ame p rsuant to ou - after a 6 ta an te b n test og the draught the Judges decid ed, if we can Judge anything from the constitution, there can be no rational ob rzct•nstox. einsa,-A. Zulielt, O. Gra 9. Madí!l S, costly and almost yearly efforts made to inst. Mernbers all present. The reeve Portland I confessed that he ha ed the cutting should be up hill, The great suecess cf similar ego fection to the first members of the Co - Dnring the month of August, your com. Bates ; 3rd class-E. Gould, Z, Bolster, establish permaneet electrical commaníca in the chair. Minutes of last meeting i the cit and ress purposò o work was most satisfactory-a and down " "" Ø* federate Parliament constituti n•. mittee, in conjunction with the Oshawa A, Nichols, tion between this country and Ameries,- read and approved Petitions wero receiv- o he con • at he was the hill-by all the machines, P part la the same way, a local Provisional Parliament in thesorer is a F s boat, e on to : En lish liistory, (White's,)-A. Nichols tQn a w k f m b da e the flith ez' he west town 1 , i pra g a d, o was e the tal on t e Au Tdat ihown is putting feathers in his Garrr Crsaarwo Sus -M poet to Provinen for a limited.period, of was chartered for the purpose, butønfor. Eng. His'y, (Pinnock's,)-E, Gould, 8 leave England, P"'Po' " 24; from A. Dunn an 6 othdra, praying work as which, until this sa ca ' say two years, after which an election tunately before the day of the excursion, E, Thompson, E, Bolster, T. Gallo S Th for a ant of road division no. 4,1st con. of I o, ranked first in the P• Millan & Co, are offering the-balance of might be held, and the electors be left free the boat was sold, and taken on a new Dates, way, d d e programme of operations now de- from , French and 18 others, pra Ing to ble thra t a unes of this kind. It i The dinner-at the Globe hotel was most their 'sommer stock, at and onder cost to confer the double duty upon one repre. route below Montreal, in order that faith Canadian llistory,-E, GouldS.Thom e upon :s brießy as follows:-The a rant of $200 to assist ir. ing the the work of ast catastrophe mayha plentifully provided, and' mine host, Mr. The are i i , ' sentative, or to send another man to i th should not be broken with the blic, a son, E, Bolster, p rest Eastern is, as we have saíd, to pro, si e road between lots 10 an 11, across but more bm such indendrary usa Alexander (:he A 144 1 y a race pt of a most extenssye local Parliantent, accordín to their cho, e a ecial train to Toronto, on t Grand , Natural Philosophy, - E. Gould, E ceed to Bearhaven on Saturday next,- the 1, 2, and 8 cons, ; from J. Armstrong be carried o th le, perhaps, that . man,) was hos. stock of sugar for preserving purposes, Dy this means the i g see 'I unk had to be chartered, greatly nÃ¥ding Bolster, W, Crosby, • There she will tako on board her ônal and 2 others ing for aid, on the W½ of are an1 e account of the c pitable and genial, as is his wont, There ed of the e i peop e would be reber, to the original estimate of the expenses, Jr, 5th Reader,- .A. Zuffelt, J. Nichols stores-of coal, and while so ceenpied the of the sideline etween lots 15 and 16 in considered gunpowder with wh;e was nothing lacking of all the good things Town Connesi, comin onze ement of too many elections The day proved fine and the trip most P, Brown, Z, Hemphill. ' noir shore end from Follhommeram Bay the 2nd con from G. Bírnie and 19 oth- day of the Pnro er to celebrate the in nason and the i .n: at the same time, the successful in every respect, gmng un- Een lish Grammar, Jr.-A. Zulielt, 11, will be laid from the WilJiam Cor Whe era raying for a grant of $40, to be er- The fíro b ' abundance, re was every thing in Whitby, July 9th, 1866, in r a e b spractical y o"" o i all wh parto Jo it, A, Dustm, J, Nichols, D. Bas- this ís completed-and the o ration Pi ine an 1 era prrdying or the highlands t the eastwar of e--- The Council met this evening, The -Presumed to understand them best the -were $772,55, and expenses $788,87, lear. Sen, (iforrell's,)-E, Gould, S. E likely to last at least two days-the Great on the sideline between lots 25 and 26,1st E te s of the Boston and ifai Tus PsMAsuas Tair ox Tum " Rocurs-- lleeve in she chair, all the members pre, surplus talent of the country would be r e eng a deficiene of $16,82, which amount Thompson, B, Bates, A• Nichols, W, Cr Eastern will came round to Valentia, and con.; from J. Pickerín and 5 others ask- the Grand Tr nk hich, together 'Isa " ne sent, except the Mayor served for a ti d e- mill be covere from a few items of re- nd class,-E, Bolster, T. Gall after harlag madé the splice will at once g a turnpike shovel r road division no, art of th epots, nd th , - pleasure trip on board the The Heere laid before the Ørm no less u ful me, an applied, perhaps, to a a yet to be realized, Your committee adill oway, commer.co thetgreat work of laying the , 3rd con, ; from W. Clelland and 5 oth- are esea e rehouses on Corbmerc steamer "ljochester" to Niagara, and from enimate of the babi . neil the of th a purpose, while the ambition us ,matter, beg to return their sincere Writin 1st class (Girls,)-E, Bolster, main cable, Last year it is fancied, that era praying for aid on sideline beGreen boatbuild 's she flame , From the thence- by rail to Fort Erig on Tuesday penditores of the Ã…hoole ree pts and e would on h weske to lelay its gra des t an to a eral ntleme A cho 8, bomp E, Gould, the speed of the Great Eastern was occas, lot 80 and 31 6 co a by M , Smith ti st before annse iti wh a t o g ut, wm s' most. enjoyable trip, The present year, tion for a couple of years, The election heartily and contributed greatly to the e a rÃ)-A, Zuéelt, A, b sreat for fely paying out the moves that the reeve grant ,his order ou ney nat tus -houses of Mr. D hankome and well atted op boat was not On motion of Mr, Perry, the Treaanrer of the Confederate Parliament will fornish success of the excursion, Had it not been Bust n ; 2nd clasa ( -J, nom a pe ime, t refore, her rate of the Treasurer in favor of J. Wri he for sugar works i the most ext over crowded, and the company on board een o red to pa 0 rson for-medical m terhaufficient for political .ezcitement Ùeae o u0nfo una d pros tmen nd Z. phill, J, Hem , p, a kow 11 be at op d i o p a ro d div íon o 9, th a lan :ng ont fort t ou d o ineladed thou wßow appearance and de- Chewett of four Assen neat s e th fo i he cuo try without adding to "Batshen" the profits of the exeursion Gouldl storA, NiehÃŽlÃŽJat 11 or 12 days to complete her labors from in a bridge in said division, annu Solid ánd subs portment evidenced a better than the ordi - $5 00, e gfelsteres, for the would have amounted to a handsome sum, Ella Thompson, Valentia Day to Heart's Content, Darín Sinelair, seconded by Mr, Rowland tally Ã…r ro, th y had di r ebe 'of exeursio: iste of a day, T m n o a a h ed b a n e f n of a ou e een aMed to y n d 0 is e e t the ope i a nal Pe Ã¥ g 0 od r de a * t at ni t calling places, and brought her passengers soon as them ord red that as be rudel bro n by throwing upon the Your ty is now estimated at the H irey, Jane N cho , A thó latitude and on statin was then brought in and read the first p towar the he of b los afely and comfortably home, The railway Whitby Rifle and Infantry Companies fur- ng untried menet konsibility of elect. following v e: . . Special awar to:•s mens of writin ship, the weather, amount of cable paid 3ír, Sinclair, seconded by Mr. Rowland, thee street, in which were sit people were somewhat slow, and perhaps nish to th's Town Treasurer a copy of the tion, when by the a new Constita- Building and real estate, , ,, ,',$1800 00 were made to (Girls - Ella Thom ke, Ordinary news and messages snorea that this council resolve itself into city the mest jewellers' shops o ot quito so well up to time as people ez, Ikte mentioned in a report of a select dicated, the best earrangement we kare in- Furniture, ke,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 400 00 2nd, Agnes Nich s, 3rd, Sarah B * likely to interest those'at sea and isolated a coma ttee of the whole on the, by-law, nun berM pa er ildings-fou eeted. But this is always the case at Ce a n rol n r gran of the try may be made aval ab o for th da can. Vorks in Líbrary.,,,,,,,,, 7 Brd , Afadi , Basco:n,2ndT, Galloway, fro i rest ro Ire od a the rebe Msr, n cha r,3fr, R nd, im y o , piiblio an oom xcursion times, and allowances have to Treasurer be and is hereby authorized $2000 00 1 awards were also made for Entern, essels bare already been sent th byt t e tnmitteo rise and ort Feuendon, and the Br I cons i e made, On the whole the excursionists pay eseh man naamd on said list and •tho , MaaEnix Uxrox LoDox No, 87-A, P• for meao a nst wh ch is the t a eit d, SeEn p ng to ist, A, íchols, out to Newfoundland with 8$00 tons of elair, seed, by tir, aRan mo M ddle street fromjust bda n the tenth of this month had a most would be entitled to draw a portion of the and A, af, oflieers for the ensning year was originally built in 1854, since which Alias Zuffelt also exhibited some ci coal, and, supposing the expedition to be the b -law be adopted, and that the reeve with all n to Etchange .s njoyable clase,-hir, Dalistry, the owner Conoty grant the som of dity cents-per elected 22nd of June-and installed 25th time, no direct appeal to the bli mensof drawingwhichwerdmuch ír- successfulthe GreatEastern willtakethese and e k a the same- and attach the puiner the anksin the city-sev f the " lioch 'A day as certided to on said lists, and that June-St. John's da fall material assistance has been e, . he ed. in bora4 and return to the spot where, the su e oration thereto- berofdi bestiretail and a. ester, ¯Tis son, Captain the Treasorer pay see without dela I ing on Sunday t oporty is one that every ra er in Elizabeth Gould and Elizabeth Bolster cable was so nofortunately broken last year. Rowlan seconded by Mr; Sn Ith, berg o(Ã… Ρlla d a m a hintry, the parur, Me, Van-Ingen, and after the furnishing id liste, y Bro, Truman P, White, W, M, own tuay j feel proud of, altho' deserve special mention for regularíty of This k to be grappled for, and even if six mor h th lerk be and is hereby in- now- CustomHouse, whi h ll the odieers did as.mach as they could Robert Vardon, s. W, the volumes e Library are not so nu- ottendance and well prepared lessons for ,weeks or two months are coásumed in the rears with th y - now in ar- post-edicé the nder the ofrea * 'rowx satt, 4 John Carter, J, W rnerous as we could wish, nevertheless it the last half yesi', ' efforts, led for till found h e munici ty of Scott, re- ated at the - es, ots, Such I i ps, ho e i ' Macdonell, neonded by Er, Thew, liam M Button, Treasorer, y,"""" th ery country Library S10 PERPETUA, is got to the surfacerof een o un i b t om and th y eand eary r'ailway travel of 40 mil aod so that a soitable town bell- be por, cPhee, Secretary, ment oŸthe Institute, now some I'l years complimentary dinner to the lisbred sphee will be matie with the portions which uirod to settle the same faithwit uli tò Sery so a were in dems es; 40 chased by this corporation at a cost not 'E' E' I• Hill, Chaplain, the mana g committees haye given Infantry Compaar, go are new stowed on board the Great liestern • st, 1860, onwar& to ore back, do not add to'the enjoyment of ezeseding $300, the same to be put up on Bro, hoo Noble, 8, D, t r yearly serr free of cha and -- and the William Corry, when the big ship Mr Bodein seconded by Mr, Madi) ne at by 1 so ame be B uh n une, 1866, t, Ballar< Weir, li: r a , nted askin Chafrma d to P aid er the sun pædt< n I Inc an< for aid to shairman tallowing & for to of $20 to n Sa gese C->uncil till satur- is mourn. orrespon, not the d Trunk its noble he Can. made y as to s rivalry and on na. a y to an r a broken bj i sh ly como to f burn- author s d day's arinals s possi. re been dness; it is to arnival h it is bîdh- r.e and w:th e most ial st. little ¯ L te rown, ensive mo tantial ed to, nn uited f the r ir, an nator tréet, - en in suin- . sita- Iddi the pleasare trip-they are no l'us tan G,, the Town Hall and placed under the en Edward Whe ler, J, D, enry on the ment of i small On Wedn a complimentary dinner will again return to Hearve Content Day y at the clerk be aut horized the Ud "t a ræ G rthe er g y y Memhants, a r eo th a ter' do something to amedy dis- apon a wanant imaed by a sujor ty of a . - ame in hitin in our midst, an Wootanton a e ity, and n 'hich, when once dowá fá deep frater, are that osin a tas äñ for t e betta. Ma City " the n ea u n a moonlight escursion for instance, said special committee, The Globs's Montreal des Insti ute this descri on, an appeal to es given in colon ikdy to amda in onder for years to come, pro upd E rd that stone a a b lendid weather, on the Lakeuwe Ya D, Gibson, MaedoM sed ette goed by di the dr va a no to which w gron ements for g the og is ortland m a umper kons"-no s Nays--Y, Gibsæ Pa-ry, Powel is, t two, -hu ban addremed to soi mach ginn in return, no difßculty occulo" was rge, well be imagined, dMeg a ace s Bos atfel-sod people een søjoy-sot so es, Bay, Ga t g, as a whole the should be perienced in ,raising-th a no- tö was to a are ie on-bbt is realliy a pleasare trip, oted w yns and as i remon trati g a n o No ma oth n 40:n bosour to ten e lake in by ir en brott .......-S....n..n...e.s .....tw.w..hs a e be th. c.n b.« din .Towa. nn .e~. og.n hr.. ..omm t.. saan Masers, Letras & Powell. Get bargains Confedmation and the og wa p shtelligence and pub- repd ing the remo‡stted ón the fron, names are Stee • Pesa sad Bolder respee, itse a s re they remove, and take time by the '--De s membaots o ung a Whi to accomplish that As y arrived at 001, Vroos. r. Sm ook at ereniég The rmAxem sense br total F a competed at r of nty ith the A ea, ann a divisions and ed the-previo . resulf was & to make a cor but under ti s n p e b o e ' o D a o m . w ale e, e in in g bo s bf T Snandd-acal dte, daly audited by

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