Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1866, p. 4

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r] 'i k.&M -PERRX( LOTTE .oit . nmdirect fAr WFIf5TD Wh1îy BhNo,1. *bO;)41 teun.ioW . L,(aRli. r Ba ç, l. OObf4l , 1.00in.,1;Port n nb CE 4ULOTT5U s iô p, rn., Oolflts wIth t 60 a d a il11trahui. golili itut, Wit and Soisth, - onilt.elNew-~York Cîoi fhwy; ao with 1110 AwrloanLta, t saund Wobt, and witis the Potorisero' IA AJADflT tIîdLhlîM*Iy ItuIid ni , ôwith tt.l:êUi. I.LIJJ Lt r4It..iorg oniletua Srtisliora, gssAlà;I ltie 'rison*antd 1lais.n ;d JSspida on tiest v- oa .ront o -b>'diylichit.U. Jflnëxfrein tueaNerti shDbro ftosmone dig . issîd 0. T. 1,H. ,fit s'B uildingsd Nrt pla IJIi.L,*n. asie îrîwusy, Witt coineceswith beTi.fiivjItoLot , 1,11 b, dia1 "lýOIIP,,YrBIV' t iort fl'oe por ïroIglist inus! ['aoige, spri> te ha CAP- for c*nis, or a àfi A vainenon5000, viu. 'rAIN-o thourd!, o te muitHIJUitAl'Vi»t 1011 o Scni Csurt 2 100 A or# 5V. Il. 'VJIiRA, Ou.haa-TIIOS' Lot 3 5 Ihi-Xs , 20d IersuvIs J,. L<WiSKRIN Wu~ ~Msmo 0 Ner w f Muuidotée,ÀOLCftTAI Â1 vriior.rT.W Ciin . . U I " xrIJg,, 00 66 C U TH R ' u lir.o J E'l a '<lit i ) --l,71k h Bim6 t00 ' THROMÂS À 0,iee MTESN RTLPf Wîtby, May' 23, 15118. 2 i 19, $rd "46 ts goi, îoo Breokilu, S1 1 O 4 9 1,front di, arii,, s 871 lotis ' om rvhlo,, 0 "I K A I I K L l B TUE STEAMEa at ,oth l do"A C1 Lt 8 7>" do 20 , 121h 'à do 200 " tLot 9 ithis04 de 200 's Lot îï, 7ti> lé d 200 ' lit SI. ths d sic 200 N 1 T IT 1 ï I M I A Y , " ~ ~ ~ ~ o r ai v i o h ui : di n g c u h e r i.0 f ü n a . T I E a o i l i n o ( S a o ! . . O H W ' -' " - ' ~T N 14Wiit32 2s" WIlb, 0 wiliI suskoler hdrAt tnIptub sïeois, on, tir us orernin , s8ua. fr 0jian, bu l Tuosday, the let day of My, - py teravalgn heatterpla0e x sOnnePn3».. î.oulsght.î-Ewsîuvr> osnruîagcsthi -ROBT. E. PERRY. inetsuioîig ilae*a ' 9, D Averts - , rival or th Ftluaisutrai trssYToronto, oallisg Est ar êvl A)WAI i efo Vliag trin.u ail oiooii terssat. - Whitby on G. , , East and wet.fÇr ro s>. h.o16 i' e1-nompaniée, JItsriîî,lg s tisi er traii>. asorils and #outîsWil tiy wrà,lt 5 1 atocoleiinibn%4OoiS H LV OO N ON O N» G O E 0,10èvllise - oprinûeaAilsrt 70 Jcesse, ciy.a 1123,, TH . I. CO LAIA L ON)N A D -G O viA81 55MiYusali,<,rafr,)a, tiltsNortha aro A IA Far sf @r aie ssavoye!t'ri thse curanft t 'saIs.,,f rL)e of Chargé. fiail Ewla rt lni28, I16,0.17 rsacIlEdolDIrd v rpcsa s~5s.a srcsslyatteiied t;e uas TIIRGJI LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co, tors .wil îotbcs r essuails for parta 6 orCAPITAL S500,00o. gag package. Uniea s@ bu d and paid ifer ilAsd- 1 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _NI N S U TR A MNC E C o , L O QUEEN(IIJ'DON ENGLAND.) TisoDlssçs.flcost euu Jî'er Cbîn Acraa in tise Tcwssahlp cf NacakIJj~s POICA J. 0 100 fig srn ortll> eut Part Lot N.K, 82usd ~ a.AN A) hIcci Fisted Sýtnimr 1tout y lls eiots of tise Towsn Uneo0f Cou.; WittPlan' AND MARINJsi. ~ J RL NGT NBRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co,, (0F TOIRONIO, 80er*oéAedabm ac0groiea iliare *ei Crall bri, ix5-io wli sid i hrf WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY [0F ENGLAND.]- ~.OYi fl II o n ,f ,tyýj.ý-nljffsrcissrd of 250 tecess. Thsix propenly *-- MHYLU ASTER. msont. AMo afitinwitlii tand acsunsls ~-ACCIDENT AL DEATIL INSURANCE Co., rENGLANDJ CHYSE±o f lELEL, on tise OXlihîtoi)...rstiau ,î, ouvoa ~ ~ r~Igg~i IN AS IA . AO AGENT F R T PROVINCIAL e'otailiry ssi!olig4(ussda ilst wc»t part, Lot 82,15 isCour. Sdny-cn.. ceo<'g t , ,e, PER M A N EN T B I DI G &SA V IN G S SO CIETY , [Toro to ] 13 f 1ig tw ( oi] udsyWdsed.atainlng 10lOO isa; ilout90 acue i'-arod und - -- -- -- -. uuoulfîusr,-iay,, gui& a ncoercshivueo. Tiaust are two fluri.sing i~ d.- poery namc onr lonb .sm. .s, M ny 7 ronng sircisari Aanad One'old Orchsardaiher t'artfilolupe..............0 on~5t lnrnsîbtisldinga are atinteoi ~te contre ..~AsA,& Ufae n, nRu sae 'opcasadfsi hfoTsnation givcn frced7 on --J usrivuui of Tnussisa uil i on 'itbsoproportv asidcooînasussod fr£ vmslve i pn 0. rsi luit. - lc ;, usIilliz- lleesiaia L!f t- eey wl a o Ie gle uOne application. Aloagent for Provincial Teledraph COMpinG 'iiitu> r raitme welliç 'ageM, Weilsui 5ip .>d wit ear. disil upii ndmt aer iobri ndn-d y RAXZCI8 KELLERP Postmaster, Ohw .W on NsY. Co. tirai, jt" iuosaae»is rus aew, lairgeanid sCssz-mosiona. E TO-11dlafiss N. Y. ConitraiD tovr vl. T,ItM8,Àt Icoutt 82000 cutisis, and balance a v e trtanior. O Oitiaîa.'ero ghs tssuiuutsusuiuu aauu ait auisseus. tsts.-B. For Alac, Lot No. 12t l2th oicoaatea MAlA, s urt Iioj e, orj *to " i ucs W JU D E C EPut up withi iron ho1d-fasta. pe or'I(OWN, Abolit 10 acre. ciaarod, log lucîae &. th > i New ilings put inold lu rîOt i, noi kOni giut, Kfrgatoi. i choice lot, asu is tanted oui>' 0o1110 fourov 1. -pli3010 g ils1uistise centre rond.OV fS AiLot 7, iistise l2tit con, SoMIEBIVI,J, R opairing promptly attend- - 200 scroa-wltîuîastwc Mile* froin tiausBooss geen ffoevermeist) lRom, sud conavet. dtol'. on oliii ,tchoi &.AU kînds rd. ael J.WTHAM L ERY. ezcliange prodhe.DSAD _____________________________WH. BEYAN. WIuIby, ois- 1., 180, - 15Brook i.. W bt,7. 'chiera or Cal ae N .0 TI C E T.! I lE aduitàgcu oftored by tis.Institustaon for "acqnsg e TROROUGU RAT h# ndr le or stSelo on c FIL, AL BSINSSEDIkI.AT[Qs a-u sauperaor te aey Commorcal Collage an lia ,eti h uth 80 acre, fLo 2 nep tioilsThse Brancie. taught comprise oieryting ncccsaary for the Dook-lcp liIr.o in /h êT & oran Buasncos Mais, thoy nciad-CP TOWSP OF PICKERING, T fBgritudnro.g tl4yyq lieI:ai>Ie GoodsFrtlssuîrmii î1 j"'latter pro-palufl;, .> a o lietusdnosnexiom tise Pa, te 1TIH N A 9 TUA~ J4 jolix C. * BENKEY. MO T A l;Jathe clf Jcomplote arrangement of lis ksrsd, -being t<nîised vit ito BANKS,, BAN ofM NTRALMICOIHroEXPRI Nan nECAG OFFICE, 1which lire open ovcry day G tAT YlEDCED<ADCHNEPRA iae-for tise traction et Buoincos, 1'ilOiD W» t>orerwîj iisses in TELERPm a very day-4,I PHKONO. 13akmih. st n!Gn il5wdGEAPHy, semi-weekly. d~ drs<nîaîaep aWat6biMaloerl lieweiior. tu4>Wdt'Serinstcash, MES_______ FOJSOHNSO ETT. IEIGTN OON.MUSGROýVE&WRIGHT, ________________ ________ Ti.11PON&SOS 1 *ORONTO, O0. W. ,rilAir woslul!#)tetd brick 5eLt, NZW flUEBB-QOOD ~ DWJdIIj0*- HOTINO .READYJYAJ> f ~ e lrE~.~. n Il, yot.rdinghiADsaik fra voraitgat it"0 > is ohbi-i tantsaefthiÇo TO n sund îrrondîoï ry an d m ade LOo rd r o n b r e t n t c , tissashoa vill bu happy 0le tttnd f4te ordorsa astno ie 1 outms14,rad o siscre.. the Latest ttis Man" TIWeé~ aie~ Ine~ jin,&. r o open el tisa4~. ito ths rf o12r o*W* il r1câan 4, T TTr- 'fi If LIT.- 'los nous, 'Pli AND ABIjg 'ý* , d-hlt ýetev.Ai, - REPEÂTUIO GPISTOA, RFECRn E VOL'VZJqa ILE lfido andgh4 unsO~ 'b 7e~ ry o u s, 5tee, B assk. a d- #bcis Aiouhihaveconecfor M, e tise .sn êludh <.1r«lo s io0lo A ntsd deudnipUoàn Oui *mg Oi5UwSiibe fuun5isid apon app1hication, IC NO~ E*IIlIl, Ie, i, IIÂL'S CJIRIGE ORKS, - A LAEGI 12 READY - M1 AT NO.,& -Whiibý ,April lb, 18664 Tàke pleasure in'inorming ,tbeir n fienda and customens, of' th3 arrivai of their Spring I4npc of FANOY AND ST APLE: CHIN.A, CROCKERY, &GL1ASSWAR Or'the f'iowngw bave a Iarge;-va Lfdchieselection-at prices that wiillwarrant.,quick. cas] as the goodà are of the best, aid. prices Iower *liat the Jowý ffeavy 'Stap1é' Uoodo, - Sc'Otch and Engli 1 4h Tweeds, PJuin nd Fuuîcy Dreess G-oodîi, - Siik eMixes! Twýeeds and Coati Silks, Shawis, and l Mtiti,-' PlaisindFnyDekzg 'urasoles, and! Sewed Maslinsp ,- Black Broadsa nd Cuaainioeof Gloves and Hoisery, FI :ne aussi Coarse tinets,' Ladies, Mliâses*nd Infants IRats, (in &e, e.- - tise v#rions styles,)J- Xiiitby, A'pril -1S, 1866, L WE & r WEI KecMILLAW -Beg to0annfounce the, arrivai of their SpigImottions, t4e greater .part or ,whichtey have imported drc rmEgad and ar0'noir oOffering -tliem at a WsLaIl advanýce on Theéy offri mnebrgîs i Dress 0Goods of -eyery 1une. Doeskins1 English and'»Oanàadian -Twed immense bargins in Gre-y and 't and >replete with iiithe., OFTU SEASON fADE B ýCLU'rljfINx Lmily Grocerie ,Wl ostn 8f ' TILL' 8BLOCK. n Il lirir 9r j ImMense bargai ns i"i Clo)tbing9,- - -i IPOuinto ~r. sie of I8~JORN go rest- ange, biset b~ onsisI vasa on by>aesu Ili* eMelsiveslu rata ",,y auppl RvbI FmaIIILA, ME lCLUIj j ~arets &c, q s ubrb o fTps' Uroerasl ur'n The largést stockin tic county, ai un 1'.z Ir1. -0 -63 - j f. lr44 1.1 INMIA 1 AMI& i

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