Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1866, p. 4

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ROCI GIME Sicc- .WLîaeCElAyrTTE forCOLO w s11 Tf,, rs Od e4ier forilu $bord arrivlg,4COL oNL tàilnO01AIP T SO10COPOCURMe o'mieolr, snd .N'ORT IIO'B s I,, a.e.,, heçt <S Ci<AUgflf airvlagtiare At 9.48, p.m. 4M d untcotln titli ta' ftertoon traîine foi ebetrt Ait straîa ing tW. àuso vitb thcaerh euofotesom srua. nig ,te Portoon thi e auh iser. b. 'rûCS' Iiit àii este ChAt. 'tbe41100 dIrect f er WIITJJ paîssitmi. a, 'VJ2DnESDAur Ocbas. 5.8, .u,.,o M6s' Msaaî9,1041,urt s.a, i" fil.74 o u., Port fiaoje, 11.0 a ..C$,'ms 3., Go mrtig *l . Ia Cl<IT3t 29 u,09 covng maut, a l u tiî, nta 'wYork rc, byiluycitgen oth* Uhore itatemr gul Qt M111 E.W,Zet md wtstsud Nrtl,, alfir&Iat csd 'd &Iwco vith meLk 9teAN o oMArd, r t CIoresÇfkE inA théR Wiihth W.lt. ~I2MS uîv 118 l'm3ur r ovuns vthoilet' Jb o §4tomr, crUP. i>l, CAmirç. 'AMV911*O3 G iLL6D îtb OMM ! m Por1 1 top#. U6& KE 'SIICOE. '66. '%V111 mautem bar Onri p thhs bau, on Tuouday, the lot dMy of-May, J4avl norBul!l Fvsl ter5ry imormlng on lb. aàr- riva! or' tihe sassil 9rIu <in Torouto, oallhig it i &Il voisntaof ghstccesi., Batnulu ilusi. ferýtrauims ortia uud aomth #la '.6 eeung. - 11.11 Errt, April 28, lido. ISAAC MAY, 18669 86 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The nagauocat nos Upper CuiDa sl IIntedom temer "Corinthian," wUi l k,~(iiitCAI OTT£ 4MeVaninilug #ccoesl ns ~,îywu moraing, 3111d720 1B.1nitfiîdisiliondayx. Wedayu uîud. iloîanayl, ouly..........., nu Cohî're, vor da........ ......7u t*nIndung, du................. P'ort ,p.. d(),............. 40 Ooit Pi r iti of ' railiua at manil Vast on lins i lnîu lfilwsi y. "ho lteiiiir cniriicotg lit 'il1A114TTF., wiîhî Expî..-t"Jrallia on 14, YUCnrul ai, t Testi,îin.sel. Y. Ciîral D~tceyaven-1 iuig>lii A 6c'd clr 0 (laiIOt W'*th lsismen. t igt;îl at-id Jniigtr nt 1 ilauetrtes,-For firticn iiforrtiuoioi updy 5<,the éloptain en boord Atiîdre- Cochriuuî, or Guo. liîa:dcncori, Voit flop., or tO A. M, BROWWlN, Ocncers! Agent, Kngston, JEiW E L L ERY. Ileliable Goods AT GREATLY -RI"IWCEI) WATCU98 VERY LOWO JAMES JOHINSTON, YsbfIit loto16 SEVERAÈ LLoTSe.UN MS Wldty.., Land Fr 0ale BoiliogLots. tThc 10,101 lcetLot, ie b. cohlow <oeuor iat «0 1= 01, aon Lme, rix. aht 1. Ilon.M6t, 00 Sors.. wu 18,7th Ior n.100 " wu il S4dle de 10 fi Loi? -4'îla, BIemont 90M~ IXA h . 9Raid, .0M 104rhM Il10te Loi 1ï, front" dýsnuroe Lot te, do Il ii. 'lm 1, 10h *d lomerwll, 106 Lot e, Sth " o 00 " 1»$ c, 71h do M2si ' JMS , 15lt se do .200il l<11, 76' do f0 &Ptil, Oth 61 d6 g200 SEITSnd" Whtby, i50 " seerns! uuluablo hniiJhnglotà fr<horlaesu,- sud privunte nesid.nce a th*6eTowia'of LUnd #u.y and Wliitq.;lstoi loiIntr tornuio Apply to, ROliT. E. FERRY. Far.ms for Sale' (eul;,-vihhn tvo lota'bfice Town liii. e P AR LIN GTONy trdo (rom ainnpe Coofctable Log Iloes. liev rame bsrn. àlte0O-ood vlli, snd as hail" uug o~chaurd of20 lies. Thuis properti tfhéipdcimtrp, aiid on long ternis or psr meut. Aigu a <ria witin two solda haitiiieés of BELLEVILLV., oi th BAY?0F. QUINTEY, ulnr oo apart.,Ilet 82, la<ou.SdnCm con talîîlng 100 ecrsu; ahoui 0 ersa o Aaro as atiler Culilvation, Tiserfars two dIosnhehg r ouang Orcliard.sud uno bid! Onclird, ail bheur- ng the cohooont desseiption <of fruit, Thc pro sont tarot huhldigpancrtsd £on thec centre- <tieTrprty, and o eoisd a rhaw of oven fiel. The f.uh dina constat of<àîcom<ortablo p<rameo Dwilloug lion"., vol l led viii pnç nd udsoft vat. fThe bann, sud o'ot- o bss ..a , nvlargo su -d onrnodionc. TltZM8.-JAî lesi$2000oais, snd balance on dînue. Aiso, Lot No, 12, 1216 oonccein MAlA,r TWO HUNDREI AGILES, j Atont 10 acres .uiered, lot bouse &,.Tisi.la10 si coie lot, and le sitnuted ouiy sois four l mies frontî the onctre rond, Aide Le. 7ifi the 121h con. SOKEWIVfLL, 200 acree-wltiln <vo nmles fromntii.h Bbea geon (t*ovrnment) Rad, uad oonreui en$ te Mila, SobIsol, k4, F!or putieulors apply te, pr"liad,> J. HAM FERRY, Wiîlby, ov, ut, roprwcor, Wliitby. GOOD CEAXECE ORA BL ACKSM 1l1Te T[VIS T 1TAND IN iNo: th Ontar 0. FOR SALE OR TO LET. lIÂAT vol ahintod brIk altuil1, TJ $thop et Vslcutsymuo Cornera, togeiiîer- witb the fruni. bulitiug 0 c4du.ea se n tir'. alîop sa j "ii.,sd bh<actSrae fsud. 'Zh. Oliinoe&les goo one t or an laduutriea inechgsnle 'Icuirona of scetUoi-njdws la buai. *1"1a Onered n hthc r Jbat Ostands fer s blackamith go *Il Norh¶utario. The brick building I42M24; té tii. o hop tuebmedis Si tic Csrpcntcn's &hop 18M, . oi teséM u at.prieaa pply ANDREW WWZ4 Vromsntou k 041 On Lot No. , uiiCou, voak, ;EXCELLE NTý Farm forSale. or tsd LM e dwg urwspsy ftuelsi time bgiron 't <ou.-Jhaclj.u Oroom. r; £aros befor. foilins arnecma uleesalfe Sba il - »Ware ot viii Propritr ~EINTi OTRY.-, Ilopc'<or r., b er Z0,190nnthe aui t'iatl liillesî.a a m T..h ncet.onUl, S6=410,9ue1- . T..th 11. or extruted ln the b.ctptoable PurtilealsatttnUi oli! t0 the. r«galtlioi CbUldre'Teuth. AI wonkwa-:rsutodï 91 W. B. CARD. LIIPORTANTNOTICE. INrelti7 tb*ubs; te my numeroas es- tomners, or il0paî# <avoura, I vould be to eotlfy hem, u. r hâve 0glvu up the Lsmp dCuOlbasielas, in fureur ot Jae .Gemt. ,DrgIgt nbo JlJ u uture .apply tienwlul b O, cme Ort l.. i~eolhfre ru cni-' lesud i4ftby, h oyu i ~ o BU TLE W. . &C.S. CADDYI" unufuoturen r a ry decetlpiUou 0 1ROCK SrtANET, WIIITi3Y, tree, Wom hg-illb. et *l tuea prepared to exueute 011 or? ra lth wiioeh hhoy May be ixavod, viii promptituda te uppenu. tome". ila"st ih ,eimatoufacture Obup uu eUtoe&tH ioriers on ithe alîott- TMOKAS kCOULTHRD"'8 LINH OY Y InUE uborili 101,0= 2 ageiao OSHAWA iLdoly, et .301, au, for Oolmbus, Kugisu, l'rIncs AibeA, iouysan sd Nounillu, or- ri ng ut the. latter pinceas 5, p.mtu, cnneetIng viti ilh. stages <or Lindsay snd Bsnert. Eetturning lotie. Mn Pts-dil , AS. Mi. urni vng y ii Ohawa ln tloe for oening trains on G. T, M., Lust and Wet-Fors fron t pho- wa te (1lambns VWcoet 10a ian f.ocents. te Princé Albecrt 7cenits, nys 1lU s, lMa- nilsa 01 Do, poffcsengercfr'»uhe Uicoth ouye éouv.yed 1<, the . tnproa ,hws freor<chre, Exrseb mucécrefally utteiiiied te and paeldlh.c ith-leepatoh. The prope- 4osvl o .r.pnul o paiselo or package. mleue bo"kdsud pshd foi la ud- PFLCA bW@tpdto Oie pro- Aviciiniîramentpt Winezictug., # Hlope, lundaaysoauj rerton leialsCém- pur,And t meto euonLate tuli le' Pcterborasud :, ong I«the came wv tlî al»,forgran à(Jan l n nid of tiie ?rihlwaj ezz$O.ioncd ta aRsln mlu enî ~. L. MMattalag Directo, pert-Ilope, 00.Mov.SOh,165.f The, hMslasL Pm tand Âdoeek, omemc. ird, ort ho ui*ffasnd Nritab Leit. dias, #04 pYezcnbOr' 2b.oef. I» îîlcopy sud Pend a..emnt. te sie XMuiw&y Ume, Pmr E. REMINGTjLON & SONS. -Pocket, id E.ftbvim ml and Slwtan»Unie, aS amtll csi loen desierasud lb. Tradogesuali 'bai6v ,SOf e, Eeuk, asiU*e par uitlitib e l vtbauelr.0a ilthe18 faim a.snu '*àoiacprs o Z., MpWTOII A SONO, à#oo, rodo 4l Itez, uT Groceries, BD S Noesg, 4c. OLOTWR-NO READY*MADEY and ja4eé to.order(on the shorteat n97 tiCe, in TweEds, Satinets, Fannéls, TJnions, &c., Of Our own anuface, OLÙ ý RETA4L, TiWUi0LSALER BMoklinq April l1#,1860, MÀTEWSON, RÂTOLIF'FE Go FRIANOI KELLER; INURANCEIGENT, 'apresnts, th0follfing wel-kawn Cýompaides THE LIVERPOëOL, '*ND LOIIDON AND GLOB E, CAÎVFAL SiO,004000 TIIE EDINBUUGTI LIFE AND) LOAN ASSURANCE Go., CAPITAL $5'00. QUEEN INSURANÇZG, o., (LONDjON ENGLÂND.) PROVINCIAL INSVRMWE (ov., (0F' CANADA,) l'I~ AD MRINF. BRITISH AMERIGÂ .ÀSUANCEGo0., (0F'TORONTOlt) FUM -AND NAXfRINII Wý8TERN INSURANP4 COMPANY [0P ENGLAND.] ÂCCIDEINTÂL DEATU(INSIJRANCE Go., [ENGLÂNDJ ALO ÂGENT'IPOit TiKÇ PROVINCIAL PERMANENT I3tTILDIN# &k8 -AVING$& SOGIETY, [TorontoJ g» Alil clam"a of property incared on reisonabie taris. Ais'>, Money Loaned on Ras!taue. Prospectuscaend li, infmmtion giren lreoly on application.Ais' agent for Provincial Telcgraph Comnpauy. JEAKIS ELLR, Fstmste, Ohawa C. W. ¶11IIsdvstsceg afired b! thio ntitution for acquiring # TUOROIJOI PRACTI. CAL BUSIPiffSEDUTt.ATIOJN are superiar ho uuy Commerociollage lu Bih. tiha Amerlos. Tii. Branches hsngbt comprise everytbing neeeccar for the BookKeep. er sud Business Man; teinrJue- THEUIEAe(TUA.L-BUe-IN 3)EPARTJ1IENT la tbm mout complotse aamnt of lin khud, beiug furuhsbed wlibtva BANKS, a biEiCHANT'S EMPORITJHaud un EXCilANGE OP]lr, Awhich anre open crery da for the trasaction ot Busi"ess. GIAPET semLsk1y ~F r otbyt3scLappcnecti ,uusAssUcu cclcugcsm) MtSROL &WIGT Whltbyt Api 189, 18l. New DresGoods, ad,.ýMan AT e & i Ne-w Prints, Mu lns, auýd Tissueo, OAMPBRLL'5. AT IL . CAMPIELL'S:1 -Nèw $hwls, and Stra.. Gootis, .- AT R J. CAMPBELT8, New Parâisols, ,Glove,, auad,:Sewed Muslins, AT MR. 3CAMKPBICLLIS. NewCloths ilkmxue akrýs - AT xR. . CAMPDELT! New Gente Bats, Shirts, Collars, Tien, &C. N'ew Bannockburn, and Canadian Tweeds, AT IR ., . AMPBEFLL. New Canadian-Factory, (undas ma ke,) AT Rn. & 3J. êOAMFBLL'8.. New Carpets, Damask ant V indow .. uurtaïus, acRUT.f -ifL.W A Iw. . .a *. n. ILLII1 - OLtOITOIt,<4c., IIEKOVED bi»Lov SOneml AT RL . e,3. AMPBELL'S. N'ew ReayMd lothintg, (an, immense Sk m de onthe promise,) A .f; ~ New and Fresh, Groceries,î Croekery .,and,, - <.AT à k3.CAMPBELL'5. New and Fresh Garden and Field Seeds, ýATiR. k&J'. CiMPBEWL'. Ail the above wiIl be sold cheap for cash,' and at leu than Toronto Pricés-for seme quïality. Gail early and inisject-at .RZ & et' CAMPBELL'S,. Wbîtbyl Apritlit, 1860. 14-ly DIRECT IN"ORTATIONS 1 Bjeg oanuce the arrivai of ther prig Mpottinthe0gr1eae rrtIl which thyhave =nptd irect froni England,, and are now offering them at a smll advance "on COST. 1 They ôffer ines bargains in Immense bai'gains in 7 Clothg, Doesk*iEnglièh and Ganadian Tweeds, 1:mense bargains in. Grey and-- Whiite Cottons immense bargains, in. Ladieso and Gentfl ats. Immense bargains in Cluthing; Carpetak., a suberb lot of 1aIr try. Croc eri0sLiquro.& The lageot stock iu the county, at uàpÎecdentedl>,w jrntcés.ý -T. MIL 1 C o. lias re ned the Cai oceupiedb ,JDtN0V AN WA&LKEII heimeur e Firê 1l -, kbci$li Wtbyl. Wa-ntOd SEWING MACHILNE? Nmd. lu *<lansd aisethebest madie in the Biltes. Gret liiduicemmnt4 'milbe ofl'end t, s% prope prmne t ir ok by uic muontha Aply< f blerpr.-puhd,) te, 8- P. SI! 'BrockiS.8t. Whltby, (Jg<r TMZtMICATCcuftf a nd .Jo1er.Gmon St, Whklq. '-A lsrgcqua. PlN E ]T 'A X CI ?;G. hanno WA cate to fro nlibetl taMes. 1hlhby,Fe.bl6, 11 SItuhpt es oeauone ti> thse La- mm5< gotih4a aand Wsi Vuhnhtmshe hu fwvin reeeipÇ of ber Oput4îgBebo(3ilii0 sud la preWard ho osenàt. iii ordar*-4uulna W~ 8UICOM STREET, OSIKAWA. Ph P graphic Galery,' ~'WiLXISSON'5 ELOCl;,Il O&DaY otlier mode of lbe'Uiatte 4st. Sire bis w5lting "M a- Il', san&c»0 1 .11 fhtCeny, !<ý,UtaTYPubl à4ifol i i eé. on Br ANIJREW P. Mcp bAItlT1T111 AXD ATT" D otln lu Ulutncs'ny,- a OFFI!A-Dduusineet, Ct.CHIRAIqE&CO aneena sud nItotarili Pu Passes A.azui-Oirc- filn IL coîlaÂ%EL.B' v tIcdt- ÈCniu nAttorney. ýoLPr ,2fthTDeeeîlier, ïsrtir. icter la C tomer, *0r.; à OÉFFIîezt dc,,' fcW ,ib. 9 T>ÊE1 '4ý4, Clarcie treet- àttoru4at Lav, .ls',-- ser, . tfffee-sinieo paît Office, f. slasvsu, C4 àRisTER AT LA W Sol Àu's5nis, ANrERY, &Whi ilRGEOXTO TIliCOI ue r3trCO4 Tornto.- LnOSAI Uan umuavs la C Wzinwitb5y, 2 J«t DJ. ROIgo. SE» AuCOTZ'UrE LY BÉ ]FÂ'I ad.The rp*t_ i es- for, uaufae&uing OarrLe tenabu ~--~ ~- 1 --

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