mrau mltndcit. 'fod à ld £ d1ota n=Mlcpi Mi a tluooat yonnatslilg AIlAbA8-Vpab4u ï9 IlU ~ --- : "Tya req I l. irol .180,ZV tor..q, iioWa-blffýiwpftoM o Wm.- of(0fuint!'Iî i.* ttti theiiidi. suoA d hird Balges 11AoU u MVEYS hînalelis, Ob11111111.pom mear. os t or th l a;nb iYc.lnyn U U X4gq<gulasse 14MDo .,ZUDiO . Moa u' lokard. neai.T..9.flu f9 TtW 4UîMI. s- -., - w o. lLwoI,4z&rrrm4 51troli !FY01. *eraimmiIà I puela 11ua. b'~0I»e. lu104 Po~ IRE , ~ a*eiqd md. gao vuu ufiatosi _______________'lei__ !o IuI 0,8.<1li 04iinlluui 0 1 i 1 ores 26,pu7~ tuyiifr..oaoc.l wl tlan .iof e moty as à i.1 Tboj PÂ jco rCEL o. .totlecomoobiknuidng fw orsSotho A d or à . IARIC'Spoifont Meda t aucoht ad oMlsfo h ilg Ai r ista t lou t n vnfinlo4 I t Ci namb? lir à the abois; priait eOffces Ilye Oopeu lltsa* qg1 Ofllhc lit Toult c 1'i&ruÈ, tra r Cin 44b teL hU ta ile, aoWtMivon acre.. flio0_11Id lia.', > utdi.J iroTeAS, oçlo l (tenlkl'li dydlClFbl o;eoti. adiptd e h 17 fTrocoaiai heWs h iebnuc.y i"' @an for 19 I rc4vÈylà Nvi Y ork. tanoiOf lll cigotai. TI.ra h ots betwn4u a ineio nd ot 2 Nîi ______________________t _____________fi pli - itcyw ué t ufikr4 i b~ti i te Ai Ilnfom arti.cbath De o cm . 18 aun cre hrfoo oe yoa.att mite forIla ' jri i N eW D H TX E E t rahi* throo4 t onise.eb :qol- 1 1h1oue..1 -- I " 'r s, (tir _l i. on e ot h ai l e tl he. upn stals IOUIa T isFsuLY. CAflTAL- AiBTG. PARCLaNo.1mer83,oeu thesSoroie-madehe Dame-lisse sihlosonce ai Pro yçnutliati sr st _, tu ba <tu nd. 'ik adh'r' 'A ___ 200,0OO-DE~~ T~î* cf l>lclosédoi, Lot 1 trid 81k ad o onEls - 819IVEIT.O', eglavhîd ua ed le-----aU - -----------a ïtalyclseianlI.dstn "----- -----. - i ~ - QA1rM> OELA21DthWh Pua. OL, Eevtav,011e. * ~ mer cita.iby My , 166 1-f O O IIIIE ~'II~ .$fistiora tite. -ýsu - ast (>auiitiîte uf îiaof ho Th 5.uuP.FN*' B JiWai L. FAIRBANO.,8. AgL;ýp e nt»r Ii oMct .A tîler Omneql wIL;Ulqm 0 hiOe Clli q d GRANDu roinela Tiersp Ofie ie-mud cuHcvcet4e oc-hld i'thep0clse llcliai. user lieY.cîleors.Othee.1-ii, weithitn, 01thtieoutâ lÉT. ISji>ILLOV19T02,Mr.L.M-E afliip oud ti ralnlse two.tliie i iî e,,ikiidIine'hedH f n otnEa "Q#ri!hiar/' ISUftAC~OMP thY ogcit rm ne xl i a s»Curtie... E V N ~ 3 A H N S ý1EýX Çu t '1q V- k aor le, au à e16.a'Aar, C.15oA.fie&A (l indsfS TéaesFnnfo aete Tnriti lndlaPactlal amsre ii O lu ditantmi lvn en apitd agnsfrt fte clb W$U1 on.Tuesdsyabout tw3tallJp y pe he suwo rrflîClS1îu, _ Lmv'! <an va,' lime WIJITIW iiut lie a nc dii) f -l aefict urlh h-, tth anlitnr p-oc. Anu br fh - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CLc O m!'suw.à oi'; ft1-IUToN, cawta, ofPte Courr fCa:er ir i wfbVithyO, Mayi 2, 18661,, Watin. A ispctono tbefllqwq vaiatins; strlefv pînw'rea5'gi~fmliw1l ijzOnu,-nen muyueet.i ayo Jio A * i4.--- ion- -- b L. FAIRiBANKS, ix.fa - - Percnt. I l ~ur î , manda irsi, otutake illaIleauer OAAuA BAaiU mom-pâlîtiisAtlnthe.. ime of'he al éffIt a Clio O IAN ANe>OldSA1r omm-~1 < foth Piî Turrvasi ai Tl - OeeDi-Pulo .examina teidos th-"e arvvlig t ti, iheutpota mni' soa ileaaaAvvpour mMe Rgsrn. T111a060orris Taloà ý1w i h eo. f h 1;s tak andltit aters délyrof at, ion. r v.ofor Lt e mtd'li t h etUnIei acoNo.tthatdcny - ~ ~ Onèl Corne AU! *~ titrait. l t Sdiez iiI@pn9,Tull y 21 L. JAIILBANEM, t*osa -stJre*ATCtue paROTaER, FOR F al rm1i.Ilo urtbt" atiuton vmI ennm osn ale a vig bc ttd A ~ a i a n d ; u o w ~ N V l l L ~ *NO O I P R A I O . 0 j r lm l o n Iat<u & I ai i e d at t e J n e r- J A i u t r VILLE. B.Baunaîglîlrp p.oAae1i t efot rnmnvaetheuMsint las. oe E , 1are A. M, BRWil , r apry Lnt aS otdms' oiî / nre arr r. ofut . p Fè a rie ra, a±ia Ge1NUTOap s Aget IM CuILQmlute iitra lui il. IIL'iIO -1., oi'enug-Ii oeaei u ic gtnê2!ally, i oneÉ Au inctoo 1.6;ne IR 8.1; POT lOEin Ssit 2 "5I aieuit aio enu of withy, ltcly dlîi< rlpo " 09 O » tJlg - 3 L. A0111 ofJr.,> e und naig ecl 1tr « 1C,inu sa' Ila i.'lteJ s e .rd ac u ltnei o e s n b p r n or er'4eu41w ga .-iNclv li C"Ero 1»U"isl T legrmh 011e, P711. t.JdvoIt hemi aitjo vt i li Tî ut'mann ilhà 'atninc flatitdat WlîtbV, o ho lSConvintf Apelleville itonWtilt- cîr itgîD It ex raî n c o .~ i * toi t h dote u R OY 10i.________________;________ nell& A D A N A t K . iG 2w- m.t. Il. 8tiIiY EI D. - os zEl a t-os as it'I Ii[y.r, talc 1 p giler helîl i lth ôli»n tt, j aiob. i - --~& 3 O V R I r,0 Aoeft>l th ta urPir liai - -1%N ncllntoplifi fi'a iicl.'iiii ltps1rofuieithetiu duesodi 4*9! - Cm ILlûtNTa Aieaà Wxià ltii-malev sgtihup. os Batik. sisrcto, ie n2i Bond ot' liiMoupn t qite elbed .îIL rll un.Litnlobl isCi EB Ruiglns Tf lho Tow !h'.di.frntw teitoim-* h outyta h a.Ih ibdJfia ndtsheiée. u T copl Wtsu t' * à svi he ls tite'i p 'nuln W. onth Drut t oigNAI litil at < ihué Unèarr ad It nnci t Oftii, AWD,% ie W V. t rrn reHen* i sia on Roknts «air soN.cetrl c!t a vAe illhson S, Tota'e r u d l ai a tt lamg T~, I N t.E. Dii u uinlrto. yit a lisfof n t tphe'ittdver , cst athîio.l. imf drteisosotln lmgoo lez - - jo WJODM E, Johtn t o tpF 1,1.23 «Aicou. vedcè fr. îpîrc tim piîg -___________________ luotiig>i gdlalu yapeid ilg Jur it,40Z lot'and h <cod utsitnop Tortil]era, fmlà - 'Ada u t>Y->uni lost aS t br 8 oeva- vomi tfAgeni,1 aitd tagi b. gnraittued ta tue puvchsae deo @tm ii, )olr i Ilae,.W ar, it a, 1gkir l tlaetiN uio la,6Broo tri, i -ri of- eet I)ne lgD na1AXtttelto he i -,à WbuiIII6wankAtTeB81W T.. 1. URE.mK AN, .J A> & l0011.. UVAthasn 1elV wW i>,h, 2ql. hlsi-P4'-*TF DE à ,A TH Tc) OPRATON And t'lePubliRILLIA. afukYp aitisaps AXicltcu., -li; G0kÉMA1<55E1*Ab m U~S Eln 1 or ,M9lAito L te stthe ai 5 Q iolisTraa04iterm sud orBCnna T teli ilad Coumtpl, av- Gen a Aen IMQ0 SLt - II Cal,]ubi- aéay inle Rliii .afbnd Stiegle Joue fn1040 Townof lab c laemed lbst mlogiehosaielftttheqnbi!sûCugit tui,*da otei>ian ,uReawrs an Agn ltylt,'Ol'c4AM OMr itrl4 tetdnye. t o st :etfqr M041iZ eïCo1~aîi o; n d. -d OWC nb e glrt-i p lcti>ut4 o , te 0thdo ofA r.' rIUlt tn,16, :2 wilia lani.e moiteb' P dei nte l@me,é$ A ut n.'se reilabie v.psratloet l18ini vrOLvZNgt LoT?âne O" rlP 1864.zi WANTED 1 w imu.W- - ÇIL 1 caf7 , o- r la the townnao 4mme i~t Iy -mii by inE s/ MotLaat lai portuer ln rc npan h. hone Plo" iii 1'încr an slîcut. -TO&NURNUCERESmaWux~iJ P 0 PT, t;'~ t/704 *I sud ô,ýÉ6wiaj T"t wbi4ben ntrd' rdei $bO ttbeMtert. .-,- 1 .1- , - j,Ç, tii a±i n d, fiWlor n -t W«la Aguea~ miae frm 80l $1 VLZ4ROXÇ l., ~A~%p7~O, . dorî Of thé. estte gon"tly , tht; et - z.e# fus tun,' so<iatzc~ ~ ni Whitb>ÇMa -15, 1860. ~te~s, hès ofDrawers, Look-ý pg oqcY~0ab,, Iocklug Chairs, Office ;tansae, lu gsyat v-rjty, sud atgreatly atongno~ji.wsdrpkdoithe butlu'-- id Gilt Mpuidiugs and Picturo Fratuca umade- ae-tdsplendid stock on hand ii reoot- 0rt"titreet, and No. 2,Cloiigmtet -TILL IRTHR No. 1,ýon the,-Corner. Lawleir & Frgùçis take Ieave tô a ainounce - 'tha havingpurcbased the 0fth itt Cli fesRtbert's, nt-a red'tictilon bclow the, prim#e.cqýst, nd, haviîî added bargely to- the stock on hband, thcy, are noinprepared to supplyý customers with GJiwOCEIIES, 'WI N ES & LI1QuO0RS8 0f ail kinds, î1d of the beât qua1ity t npeodntedly low JOOlli IfAl?, -- - - - 'C1 orion" public. for tii. luberùi pîtro«nge axtenised ta) lilntwhiî. êorzyiuig an hutansas - ini bi géo kieondiil!% aroroapou-bd af 84 ycuvm. -ý lu mnoltmîing hie rotfrern.uvt ram the Ca.- b'uet bisinees- vhlohliaho SA a-eo lagearîlo4 eut, hbs é-to hoecoinmiod his son§, ta nIios lie bas îranmferred-o;l biii ltrept sud (atock- -iîud iaduho nl lcurryon iii iibisiners lu future under tliastyle riud firm cf TILL A&ND BlýUTflER,j tati a 'vrbl, nîea -,nmtaneva. Batt halistee on ttô il i 'th. hlm ii h'. histuéiseto he arl'set),Ca:nu and pommýS a t a oronZlt iowe tevr branuh of the trate -ksÃ"legucl -v- 'in u'comrtitcdhiïg tiîcunais bisg le&sii -uiefavori ho o cpnriloiîed fur .itilli idoa it l.oi h ving beeun horîî ani -tt-Iolit uf4 lu Wiiithy. lte cluiueî(nr ),f t-mitera. oa tihe uev flrmaJ i o<biigtliitema dcaui<- wý:bc Coqlgçd v0<1-liynà i-efoeice thmua wlii h, in-hltncrt m;ilutained fit, lhe coowuitY.nir. thii. tthîle ,i'urjýaetz. o!- k, 11 xpat f(ir lt.lèf'. " - -., rial$ folle suipplim>d oieraloi'cr,. -- - -- -- r-LLIAU -T3r. WllfITBY B1RSS BAN D an leaire, t;5 nilauncb -tbnt ticp' arc p-.parpui to l aýtrtd p-ai. 1 eil tallO i. Uhiot ti'-yUd- mîîgy reot fivon Xe vl le-ua' ~ euJ A ppllcatioùui co .miuie tdi -1-1 or ta ±s. BAKETI, ' ULEDN Ià lï ja of tiie Bnd. Whiti,,JtUO 12, 1<06. A lotof! MAPLE U AR utrev-,d0 - ~FAIR t'iA'tir 15ALL U1E WANM FI ELO 49 cARDuN .EEE 0 cvry deseripto- aratd ad -r5e2 i.,- unUsuallylow riccný, for the qwuiity. - In ordeî to make room fks a large stock 'of CICEt; -&e: rdered directlylrui- Eng1aimd, wo ar dispoin" of the sWek:in'ha.nd bé1aw coet pr",- -- 'rlo 1 on: Mie C/orner Dundag and JJ-!~i ' N.Su. All goods ivc'rrante4l h.-tL- *t and as checap as any hanse in thle tra-do, Alwtil frou - --'-ent. It "0 7 V la eL - i - -LO NW GOODS ur - ~NCY DRY OODS NE1 ~ XW "4âML$ 4E~~ I*~WZ8 AÎÂ8&,APs NLWEItTIEW 0FTIiE, >SEASONbi ta-rIRZ -t -MADE OLOTI.NG., A complet. Stocko a k ioeeiet, ~ ~ Sitt Yht-by, Aprîl 1 Vi, lS#imf1- M ANCIIES7Ii,ý' FOR, SALE 011 TO LEASE.- A' the elIaiiIfiiVllitc f>auietr o cota ariatne -tlc W'l-ftvor ioirt-her; W' AI§*--i-lyîtîe n luigi' ata ri' nn »n cîîutricupiellon, auîd- 4'I iiei ii1.ft~ up to d-uit the.toilant. For teri id iivî(l her portI-culnrm, ,Opr-y ta Inoolyént Act of 18604 lit~vucecfCOilJ; jTu iD thint>' CatrV. ,t it: ,l li - fl 1 h 11atter c a(i A3Ef:Btu WY-13innni :j liîe ia sa ibid Couvi, for a slicýeetttneuer hue %id Adi. W118-rlp*&e4e ît o#tite* or4.,., DIION 0A-TR. fa*4a, 0urnmma ............O A » PBL -2Ink EnCE riS tI<Cn, - i t