(0 trergt.for p'3,1e.p. % oooftl l; d dw tom ?"lu5 Ii»4ý aù V ut.. sm. 4t (lb i 0 r.zru4Lutthé b Ocg iu i r ieir saIl libertitr i*' linotivci asd l.a ,, 41boulid t.îo boîl tufd lle oetrug& ae . do w ld 4 irn-ituned. bIliev rym')itter.d * lo 0 ip4iIr, lu ibis S1ftI.PrpoaI t èazuopOubsl W4" Whe g (J 01- ~tete'I (o iPî~fveçYo,1,#~o thee rv Wpidb is m b .,osidd~>~ M rti t fz nîr)tMju'ýni-. eVi(t4uiesUhW t.wr~< ~ ew g4 q 4911d fw i i 'l_à 41)A 'Portes«,'~Y ~ r<~* o1.b euvg *O t' ~ f1 and d Cap$i'l #;1>14 alng d n G .a ndr ~ t îr-.rs eV aniii.tnat Gaol <'~ernî»lt bytt tt.ni~l fStTI ~« t'~ l" 'rig u fIltthe iilo c ;îAtm ob h e i& ables j or .e dlld ir4t4hd ( 44ers W, 1 1if@dý#ld tnf taL.rd , h4ougb rlgte t onhq Adu o tin,.h and 'ru . roihtlend'irt i e. ,,zi,, »' 4'n <j son e. 8. Beiton hq. K. G. olob.ou Esq., an srankln'i-thepIrîe buf') îîetns , ostî, 1 ________________the___________ joueur hlmW iu î of ziPz W..lîi $1 - ietrIVa mof.*h'takflsin fftillo y , r iuca iidu m 'sncs 1 e dorig ivi,l ul aor* (i ndu'* I yortio rcf b à e @wnsl B ea.h viulu ou. be esy, be ge l e rnllî woutld wlftil. > -...t h m do a cio 0 fa i -Biat nor ret, edy the n flIîejeif)i 44 an rBoskSo.3 ank4 Fri cue ensu4bs , cIl tOO ïpoyir lite r oo phllci lng end hend.Fubc a, is dut l h. îry wa pikio Lb. - - 011 dseen nutisia l te mýlet mousplht à e schglscfruts eh hl#j l ri-teeb uîbo r m 1 . If theTh cMircb o*, u 1 ùa tadn omI o Jf the ci se soetvere ty lieangr e <ad .-. chrsu seb oUSSorionof bp b.. iposed ,-i 1h. eue nio4 l.th oo y ould éi ofil h Sommre~ ro.iaio ule for a d hObsirm la s patritFtielsudbigb our ceo ti erwoul d y , mmCo'amrd andbbis«etreat.imaFrau, th onforieh ns oliife, Lb. ifings oied s A lie Wo Pin s - LlBai ' -LZ. « s~copiiedmaeutrinspeeh-opd, ea fuds orok op wou4d dolu gooad kw ttbthe of Capi Formjet,,sa'. sudmca cf Lb pooplog ftieSou'tb. ra pken on theb.d Fraudeta.-#. seitr Compsay vhâeI;ch vuje Ast. the osed hl w to r- d cp n t, if n t ape.-Swga f r f e h-. ceved wandb.trenfdosi estanin t as îno YwtheCw-orpblic syaaîpaîby." Me-ha i,.TbP Fe6s oorin pfe d a s eligud patrithe anr peoplte wmntospiaabol, eopl co anks,.1. od0Lbsarfcsunmeoshrd ithiranatonarprats bis t prut, Carnage sud Ospeemeatal Pshithur-T. P maentFor siffiUp agothenft, tgho qà T. FemcCa'sWn * he dechag, o tiiir dlles sudu&g i'cl shoi ho sotled a ouhgb IL wer te of____________Ca_____ pteiFomatfin th nd on of er a dlimere heit oolwobueparato ntionet' blgiag bf ever foer slulehir povr thos AprVlnoiisory ozlo>' hil o time-a Foumd sev te bbca feeingad thatrLb.>' thet Difs hd netoit eauo libfîteul LehoLI An 5ib i wie.te*- polinie f rnt," Ont i>' pe le peole baue b ~ J .Y14atisJ. v e nti il liug ,th vltearfcethir, buonted Lbne w a la ar ingeil tr._____________ Jobrtnsotb i esut eg a o w tx Crig n ibrne aéer- l.th imesudc ofo rtiforl. afietsu d pec Aoui. îlet re pas toirPrn'm nt, ogv ur riy êîtb u a y u s o pa th ba etingof hLimeoffld5.. o uentr telnud ut oignni fedaitho nrct er ;" Y to erche o n i t"orbidi>'e natire _________________In____ su ptioioseehe.ves ae ur tlnif," a s D toe a of6covit in sd a he-ventui yflng bteUeo. a cri esq., in vnuIeten"war a oir ng r.osci eRprto lIu Mprlu.Gr ied frfonBqretes. amiosado p Johoien>' et' wboning a knew prolnoé - trbni neg su Stbbsii mot. aritdoy,"s n foraîth cothied Tue off8ciaiETS e.AerrI Mii'Op.ApaR amsBid î r witl f .iuneninto b or, m a ta> ffe eggd luh. aIe ampigu eno vso, adnth sailibou d ompli.t cou er echt lte ora» c nt' lgry -asuîte eiu aebenfb bd t hatti of.evo Rdge . rce oqana anBu toribi defcde ctitueiaenhty nultbalroady no at île ret'llr, f o18s66.nercomad f p. goran acucs nh1oi p1 a'tar a'r oti u i-ea~gmn sddsrb. ndea tecoe o thbe roef me d wic oian Iepen hf i'. Stephely e it n l Petiden atia tic t of onvctionfe a nd Ofin elf Rpo roa su sc t athoprà toimoa. lsonthe l éhneiy Ga o. c k , Mr dam. V t Met.-enirto, l Iâis 1 N,55rtLn g t tio ivo> urtocasswho- re td aGodon obéqed aifo b mian tteo lu s ittemao wîa o li LIh o nfedc r t jnlo o h rop ne om ado es u ppora.adrepk sutd ne î~ari or i, atr oi'ofly c u ds CTof.icelepsd ort . Dte ooral Thon .'parJme atd iq r hiding-Iai r lntste i s u rr, annIcv liefien nggd ibeteoloo Capî n Fo rm, and ors 1h scfhis copi.i mapi t ii'i inn if cIlle îed, îîeit f n i nt. , oa l nth or a u lithe siioesbic dno and', spedid syetof tffe sud xdr lmet t *1 ot or à 'ti'iatutiu- n. i'heir aeecl. Bokr wut to r c it fon, yud thé Cofptai.r plid suFoan nouâin ho ,oul prob i î' litt endolt ai, cocd îte arrangementhean dstibe,Norsth'W.lostofteférocsget to eo gÇ,el the laofj r. t. i i.' on laie otjntsnSeea$lj sd.bs bIDKnw) sadohesfarrd ii Pl 81dntllitiketof heConedrac' ie l nofte treosd acosâcompait- ut aihone ozueir eut ongsJMr. LuV îîîr tiveyfrtecue hc rvne anidon on begalfof he u ;mmitLa la Trièe wls olM littheConedeacybutjan t dti of t elle b .1)0 omad otisr eing es pc isîl>' adre - - -t t no IJefii; fr ii th ho.er, jIuascoke n olD ocere . fron, en;lendFormatti do thBu e pbi'Cin », nur b-eloved cocurrun ha beom 'trt ýltol nr rl f colec e'd jje g Ca n, py b so m eil op a ir. a e t e T tie . ao t s i cta its e of l i n rah e ,on al- p co.Psoý0'..-e-.Âut -Iogappiti entrel o Mosstw-mesîed. 0mn.Gaentueoe *Qordii. rb cd 1h. cialn cfedia. o xrsf *~~. i -u-big-oinon. auJu .amin h GerCmat quannee - -' '- r î- &')-e bve the oti ympati>' cf Engtsnd vas vithiAus. -i.r vuuaarY, udlte tria,; bat in the hIalsun question il vas * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b - .--~~tssyeupatby aud wvihaI>t. - * - i î, 'But Cantada la nu wiuh setinvasion,. lier - Iulaetr- - - * .iii icIhl a reunalar army>, The. principal Parliamentar>' itemus cf S-~:ily an eaergetic gornu. imporance are tic adoptiont cf Mn. Gaie's - - - . * - * ** 1)# li-dlhteeftu. Uuir'nigibars reolutinlaceumiteîeot'lte wbols on - *fiv-ah iswn their tiendsiip Fnida>' lut ldefini>leg te gareruimont alui i~. , , »~d ' ,.iii is-ie lai a îicywer o t e sxponditures for vclunteens. On i 1Ile vn ist a thy ereabutTucida>' igiitii. Bouse, cmi motion o 1 e -uit ii and c0 are tucv ejoyiug ti i w - ie Mir.Clt, vont inte ccraiaittec on vayseand' ace l il tuy f ia lai % udIaiii'l li Ilis bave evendoaired-Pmcà ce' Tii. pros. means uand adoptIèdcertain reiotutions, t 01k ruit tîIa'uri-nk. Nun-nzsurlngç irk ,'Anîuuîî.iuuîi(opu.uii îy Itle peos of barneaî sud trade are veny cocon. dItaile et' bicb shall be given nX extwek k'el~ihgusrmcnîjurlasAuutuarj, ý i ~ tue miay tienefure confidentl> ex.' Mn. GaI's financial matetueul exitibils the litet'lhter dtttepa!îiig uh' nFrcdtruelsflicte a odsnsifinances cf lte Provinces in a moet aver- Oîreateiitiard t10 ciclungo ; iut't' cuuii eu gablusu ie condition. I là laexpected hRoues t ion being, l4hi,tateher Iululnfiîwts fis-e - -~~'w-I adjoun frein- Friday outil tho Lolhovr. Iltes or uama.csthatu 'rrut4ia'ti tie Baias or Muuaà .-It iaviag iteen iug Wednesdsy. velalti woaahtibuoa Wise )utaeuru. TlîtiindustriontIy ireuîated liaitiihe ageucy cf if; ne, harvesae been lprauent, Ltîtgli id u fiuà CNXO'.W r lubunte4n, situsuel ta the- Suatb w-au,, éliis vatemebleintum tinîuw-as about te ho "ieMREA caemsr.W r w-s net îîuepred 'e0 bu;hat protesled reruoved (noin Wbitby. We aýre aUtioriz. pîeel le finI lte Mar-bain Ecoimamief oguitueot baing leld rviuionuiiile for eis-tic thie Mangr-oglta Bkcn-eVv ne he roitrspofae. triicli futo peotoff hie cqttldtuseut, ailnaerbei>lha taaBak fl evivgo el dr ibm prrieickermbi p et gn obcupe traiîn whicb alinnat n>' concessions louaphetes Do aucb movoment. hsa ewouu>me-u~etr opc beilbheon ude.. te tsi-e change et'lils eoitoriai coiffuons aut 118. DAVIS 0O< THE NEGO Aeà ND U s CAPA- AA Iiallifi-Maglstrat. ad1ýg hua 0w-n anraugemout a.Mn0 8 H ora.. Mr. Cilaut, accoais hHorne ativocates ne ir e-or sectorisa Speekiaug of the negroeos, -Mr'. Das-use n--- -ny u u r truddua evt inari-o, us regarda ithoir future, tue ssw A more mensurons pie. c-f flrentery k-o.p bis promis# en b. etates hbat Lia lie reaun WhX theyrnouot die out, inmîcuîheita carcelprimant sei ha hesec e- reInjeieuinprý[ldl,. if liurded togétîher .I oi facthnle peeiterial article;cf lictheEconaomigt shal fidîecis lMa filb, am in lbe villlagoes i- Ihales viici isà w-iîneaed ai esche sudit ef'il b, mari-et! b>' sspirit cf justice sud Il er. pox,licentioucmsud-7nunkonnese would 09d . Ii hetetet.o i ujcst malke shoot wZse of tdécru. But re'nining stonus, lutbla coual>'. Juet as certain 00 s~ i te>' snise.oî Tu. folIewing viich vue 1 on th* >planutâtionsa, as htrtofcre, end etn..tic alit comtes rounIdeow-e flul John S, qo.fenbsppro h 4his. ployedI forvagea ie, wdre s docile und M. wîuoox, titis "vievs" lias tus menaI ringfcf Ivchesr.peopte, altogather diflering gtic Siebis'. baltif',utthe so-né!ring fret» l-.iudiani, tend not likeiy 10 dle out rira5 surit>', the Shcnf'a eà dbo..r, seleo tg Iielt tilethetite els. Tîmir labor vas needol;-,ciiesi-hl jevIw-l ithfe m&Ãletutea of Lbthe gt mtI <naht ifé ede as untér ti furune ce ni>,sd suditlag tse Obrf' se- i"Aitteugléitrwe tsie no dîcidel stand lu a "In rèeom u udif thir ormr cn"tfpelltioa, w-e "iI alun suindepenl«eo, uap. -wholeseuue restralnt, lite saw- no gond econi-acfcoauts te 00one"aelues of w-tie n obsui measares ai appear te b.e ne. 0 - rgmet oi baîr ying eut,. u In e, (wiuco;> s haitif,moot iv.., to, esdud cry r, rconductire te te volfare cf the r ysaM raeuaaps lissss- the Saut .wilI haro cf couru. fi itrae inla u<e uîigcunir,, w-itent regard te te sources si reoee he spectunisa', bas cf tb, war. à tswig *Il bus C1so kaptal iu manifeture. lits hes w-a Sieoufs i The. aecoenid wayitu vicuce ttc>' sinsste, lakig as ass gnld. i capital was Ilansd sud imtgn'Ii@helaud &ailit #&ei w-same ferfreminius-.lgplcil htupr.hudb.ta roemains productive as@ver, thi, nigroestu btlt> r ttosts si' df0o reper snment expressed or M toisia,,but lueir labsir bu otpibfonriol= Atte Msainsire-sfoithat ul psld for. 1Itofore te w-r, taers bk&been mat. Shérffisconccrnud. ]But îte ieçu t te bigléou etiais e ttc4îdifvlegeu en'AI 4,0w,000 negroeiw, avcrarf varus' $500 remuas hbat Mn, Wilo hceii.bmiff, -be jeyed laci fonnetlavite Lii. meiter doua' i «Chi, or lettn ua Th,0,0,oo-Iis tycno otknadpe uid, wu sAUligoo ngsd Lbe itercaL upen tlu thut. oapter o ciet-cutswa e s sao t aknWaut'pegà cu ia «flhhesd en the p refila ot the nmgroe's maitrt., ite vîsfbti he, Becuoh, sufit once lovards strengtiucing thai cooaectien, ro w-iilc n eandoppceiag cvoryti'tt hat tendst ote loano, l ex s , ef l eifo1r b, dc. u.aosl evll .liaî ve absorption bt,a u.lgbboriog nation.", tu t mins nsd 'vIti LuIs.anti uet Buropean Tel (âb9th ie mm n vieoeclte 115 --tb 'Mn. 1Beeser, ltse publiter and proprietor tc lsbsir @4 w-tI biena IcI 'nd sucb Moitis pyau 'api*ta aOfaL ore thebo"Emomise" ince 15, uavr crue labor as muet SwcBuLl,tbe profits cf eoyc tb. Seutheru&aepie ili-uit ho long l Isee vihteud1be.Mn leotecmufiag ad unodtable reîidio,"ru *restoringerg aiei proepenit>'. vihit-the fow- tasglistaios wt0 sat on tb.cmed i iccmo l ie-liest s. ,pâV s.ON X îua1cotw-. Bueoch itheMIN, ou Sshurda 6&tlasndsd Iqree Tii ýEconomkîtlla uder lils new tu Of' 1fr. turcelu lhethon spoite, noStu in iv eakh>' aliovod Lisma 50 te nae Mment bas out metcordial w-ises aotoctoti terhus of freard or adwil'stion,but "o y i peues,<d'savr frh Psjîg Aafinla nd incere tributet t sve db il rjulsdi ny frit nima-- i &oà u t rà cer, heoeesty>t of parpofie <tf ttist IO . Wbîu. su.>' "à mdidatil q suid C'Itribtloit siare ta b. fatiaat ebis ttc eue scou il Wiieox'a 8 gî4 t mm go ama- nw tlcra, WAR'glen !cli ~~ntleî îreou'Jiaqtheta.efumt h llilit the "'West fit là r,) tic4111,13ov1-reue-io obtein a . li,.A40 i t' LeiAz clBis iijisiity uiiu < yre oed£eauittievumi domt'urro fré 1 'tI:if; . prgid(nmtlsies f le lftir te st»d -oev o wrtd-wlda eiebrlly. Ttc>' anc a goutte ai J41eTtl i fie dG1ý iirtýf 1)e #At or Ogsu sdJogroid sesson, W sic now - stimulent w-ib lv gins oe tte ctomià o tt~uuituî!i;iîui -î'~ tfu'l ws n' lglua ld tbcy did i cforth, mctiog, of th#.conrslndudg âu, eati-acho, anti ai iiijau1~nuuuîtai'. nitt r'-I î >Ipio.n as Ccmsaey Cooteil <Ir e ana opportuoli>'t. o«on e rrtb.e iciiulg seasatiiufw- lélu îiulrn rtâs ccl f -,0s- mls1i(,1w 61 t'- tdývý11 b ttuiste mcil&V rait. 'De toit lit. Llrueo!n dtrln gdfri mapmaqe i.Oosy,"e 1 udviib (udoulasa t fir stodn iafrutol> mre 9 9 Ies. luetesf etbansai lbo merof. SMiwera-rWdy for &Il W-t. uer frointieu» cota- ah4Ioai~pil.u U -î, T. S 1eblé *"aleOf lIieplobleody& Pi cou i The. folloWngCMS."Iin speotor. s agst to.u raies meb * loUilgg batho,, snd waah£ebs, sbouid.b, I4 pro tid ad <o r t b e ptfso gsr nla th é g m of1 (To. Wardéereins rkil d thék$te if ai -- rne .-hm -t, Mi l nac...t. -ttc gaci bad 6e.upm-cidad, ' 9 2) PFrom BA H. Tro usce te Bomu'd tf Pubelle lratlcu roq pq'met cfan acqi et rostequ (8) cooinliis om jet.r 1eutipng à requemi, for a saîhabis i sud Peinting cul lis lsw reqaiin Counsty 1taprcvldi On. for bleta . d <lIen- cf lb. Crova.- (4 Rprt of cOut>'Engluter.- (5) Atiditonr.' re ortsou Trmu iccenil, lu vhiob 41.7 gavcelte1 surîr credit for, thetniat, ordeni,. .Correct maunnirlu w-bich bis book&an Mots vere ail kept (0) A leagthy cemmunicatiou (non T. N. Gibbsa, MX-,P. P., u'ocomit the Cucil te maie provision by by Lo relanhum the. volatateens, gke. (7j Audiuors' utalomnent respecîing anmation of Tneasurer'a booki and caunte, and tite balances-te the oredi tbe CeunI>' on lie laî, sud iSti Of mentit. 9QUALIZmso AUUMUNTSOLIs Mn. White -movedt, mocouded by Hsigbt itat the conait do nov pro, to ute sppoinhmenî of se;en membel ballottoeoqahixe lithe ameni rouas Mr. Ferry mil titat lust ygsr tite Cc[ discnmsed the propriet>' et' ppoiaîiag Commitîco by opaen vote, lusucul cf b, lot, sud ite breugiâtopthe subjeot sj viitt a viîv tei s change. Some Cous b. sud, put Lte usinescf ti@ccomml inho thme rosolution and votol for tl eely. 01er. mode thé. Finance t mlleitheMite, i.cmmll.on eqaizatlen. sysltmuof appciutlag by-bailot vasmagra mît>' failhing eva>', sud b. (Mr.. Ferry> glauto Of . Jenthe. Ceneh t' ofVictoria, b.d oheved tiat at them Jue.seis tic>' appoleated by open votiew-hile Hastings h. ssv by the paper. tbaU_( Iew-lng OP the su,ý4estiou ensds by, conumittO, on amoctînfufst4oe aimuai pst bill,) tiey appo ,:,id vîaiors. 1 latter w-as bum orus s-l', if thon. w--'re frei; il wu ts -11wCorr-et principl'.. dId net vaut 10 eppos,,0 the mctiog, e1 'erse Of Pigkering; bal b. held iliât uQi lime te change. Po.nbmps lieva formiug combinationm. Nov, iicwever,èi hinalens rare forened, saudiho sav bits paper huanded roaud the. table witbh naues te -b. halloted for, makiug wicte thung a farce. lie made no char sgainat th. moyerndau'scondairî1, bal aIld that the combinaiqu ho b entionol preveniel lie preaieul * systi nain beiug an>' longer an appointaient bsl!Oî. Wieu utere vasa majority ilaet combinatien vii>'n11t1vots opel 7 1 ffem vote epen>' m0 su. bast teinrcnstii "IlimaYs> se hothe voted, sud w-ho w rsponsible for tic action taleu, if th, 'are net astamout or afnaid tenset t asiPOnsihihi>' 1 For himaelt', le saldt,1 aven put bis naine upen ri ballet for sa ontioman for w-ohemb conldnet va peh>'. Hoeisti no persoual alet' uso matter-he b.d borne bshlmig as rf the kickmsuad atff cf thé,cgnait lu ti alssrvoar te disobarge bis dut', sud ras lu th. dischange of bis datel h. demird 0 change the pninciphe (nom tii. balloti en open rote. go e ienfore moed i acudmeut, secondod by M. Kenned, eat à selcect Cemmitee cf seven member onsiseîug eof - ho appoinaitel e qual &Q tb. aueisinoat rals foi' 1865. Mn. White aisaid tnot isrlag L onon cf a seat in te oainoil lumaI or I mes nnacqnainted vit heasrgumeuts tht sed lu fayrortcfanage ; sud la IL rgum2-nts of the dcpuîy reeve off Wbiîbl,li vw ne good reason vi>' tie eld emiabtisl à usage sionldb. departel fnim. Th ret peint efth e deput>' recre of' Wiitb ppearel te; bo La preveut Coaaiuston eiug formel. B'ut the cistuge propee l. w-sld net prevent lien, le w-ouil just as eas> for jgentlemen Lo combin, n amn open voeoas ilew-cutI for rotin5 bý dlot. lesaw o papers psm odu i if ho IIIitehoceld net pînceive vite tl that vold b. Wne hure sa>' iow anr, tic moyvenet'the amuendient ilc es the prinacipal persan to' ha change ht encouraging liai course.lHe b.d gn eclion t e i.prepeaed chtange s but ai bled sai&! before, ho savuo geos hi sf7 deputy Tres - sud id 3e 0Mr. 7-law, rg ex it cf 040 tlemen' vould, coma e tt mc4n ýld mïtb ow-prfnce fr lte-a- form r, Kenned aruaibit 'adu g *lant -seldiieot boy 1lue ni cc e re g op th ou v. te an su thl col ize ho vu nef ed gre bul b>' hor bal aud uvo 'al wit] hoj ue berk iti raiti and 9 i fth Duni [ui 'mtl an; in 'suc Pda- tmii ,Mr 'PSi juat ie4 e sldI me b. -"r op oe oo ~ t5~Ju 15 w-nuis'ce J.4*jpoi W -e>'foiud hopJopud,thu Uacamoeteashameà oor t gir.0 liat vté. Whou'iteComm Cpgbi la iheir report as>' memberià &ttast hallcts hbheen batÃdeà ra ~ongbfa leituf (o condom itii.pro fMr. Firans explained. Yr. Prry's à st.ndînmt vas bea Pl rote vîththe fotleviug remit. Toum-Meusrs. Kennedy,IaBaeNel FerrY, Proctor, B4os SprnngAnd W -8. ý sýhpà n rdn OuUpYO - Gm>, lig4t, Michasel, Be Sallt, Toni;ea Way , ., eWb ig moio w tonpo l'h. orgTah eife w-as inay "rule. Tib. aho'ruiedjla, Thi Mn,.. Fahles, Wrighncd',tii ,Mn' Kennedy gave notice ltai toold ou toinonrew more s résolutiona *lb.3 son f $4000 te appropniîted out ite Ceuni>' lans te reinerte the vs féni cfet Itis CoeaL>'for Iie saenufieism by titstuvwi*iiedefeudng uheir country On 9uinoioui of Mr. Dridsa -Camail, Theoiua'uwe ed.vi ud"-lb f94e Oousnuil cf f14aCo,7br4t1onj s'as;y o f Ontario..- I ute i.ioaer te RRepcrt, that Il in l t orc Jau» ar>'tle ,31s1 of Ras>1 «01. uaI ecosary suppies for tic Court go sud&adGaol, bave iteem obualil, tite ce ants fer vWb, trn ts aîy rue mndansd ceriifedf, are terevîit sabrait ta,' Tisithe repairs ordened, luntte Suer ge, Office, hure bea moado tan suexpensI Ib .05,02; titat I bars produirai! esîlalu t ,ceaar>' mhsmpa, sud astsuandard yard n s ure for &b. aU of-t. Ipopc oeofWel aart os-, eais opat or$4,250, si tbe my> crIer. ut Tiat turing tLb. iv, noseudiuag thé S31st cf May', teJait reoerds, eh its' that 261 persans, of w-cm 17. w-ueinal uad and 9 females, bave heen cocufloo la Jà fer périoesvanying frein 3 dava op te b>' viole ternu ; LitIdnning the. asil tort tii aie sud 1 femai. tare heen ceumnîti Let 1w-be, sud 1 fomalo 3llanos; tuat on1 lu ls t'fMsay,tere rounainel iu Jai, vu maIe.sud 2 femalem ; t bteanira eynumber of prisonor. dming tho ail toi let s72.6 narIy, ho Tustlte aggrigste namben cf daya v wicb primdaer. w-are ou ýJail euloue ote Il118', sud te ggregt. culit <or rations la $91,07, beinlais ttiet' 8 1,- cet are per day, for eacb pionori the Tb&t sgr.,osbly te te cdemar.dotii it of yoar cammiitceof Raids sud Bridgea od haire pircitasd a pair of Jick-scm-ie, te be ase atithbe NarroseBridge, et a ce lu of $32,40, w-iich bas heen paid b>' I I, Treaurer on my>' rIer, oui balf of vii riw-iI b. refualel- bylbheCeunI>' o! imcot ~: tiat tbce Bridge b as ieem p t la s pa o &tâte ôf rephir, at a coet for là bor sud tm Sterial ùf $66, (lte accoants fer wviic Sdetail, are teneviti sahatittel.) Th enamuu ase been paid by tie Conu>' b Sioceonehaîf stih i ilbar, t e ho h: fanded b>' tie Coant>'. Soin. fartiter i & pairs w-lIt be requinel lu the Fsitabsie as tb, swing and tara tabie, some cf thc tlc bybers beiag ach deoayed. U Tbsu thiCamcaicf toeCont>' cf g8 ed cee, have disclaimel any intention to chai Id exclustive right te hi.c houa. 0;ccapiel I le the Bridge.ksiper, tite'r objiot.lu lemin thle boue te Lteé Bnidge kooper, tein morel>' 10 facilitat i su>'Procoas, vicit st migit hecoien. ecsary <o insttltet '- dispeaeeam iio, lu cim cf hiesr.fusg- i If loirvea enrequired - se te do; -sud lta ýdli theose im lu s'tati tate cf ropair,u ,j 'ceifortible sud ie, adaptel fcn thé su w cemmodatlou of a -famiy; teBidgt et keeper la very def+oqta titse c dtiitiom st mlsomomdtica soéal e provided. SAil of wviolalarvispectfaliy aubnittet. * *-: JOHN sBRIES, <out>' Euiaesr's Office, Wbiîbl, Jan. 26, 1866. - LF- SCOND DAY. Tlh. w4rentpouk-lte citair t' Iil of- - boek. «, w-t, .-lmsdouçtj, th C Cni> I isk eaied r r -lb rt, sudt.rend t -minutes, wicî' w-!re apprenid of. (1.) proue ILJ. ny reium or t bm Cost>, stlag<caitf bt icprssnt r.- gir 'office w-sm to*$Maîli, tacouimmodete lif-public, sud b. rsulî foo maite'Con. 'tain beeka paper.ïj, plans u. u .lu aitetonIo t mo .ep 52gVI, <)'Beport of Conti> Trueou.rc (or ae"4ýeW or1 isiy .of- 01baris,0 - o"0 , etsm humitsutor Csaalagoa, leo# Pelt villan d a iceî-np ta- buimeti s i ttc obes t 0f ~ ~ ~ by J.8 oual-M.tiimoa -7, dmil cli lpe goostminga5tfi 10forth, o t1 . Utyf4iîe w . < o siyduiag, %80 Vies i met yoï: mud J..,. ~uel W. b.g (oaelaeileate ipublic eru botelte mimd.! sinmple provisions r iîv ur, u. db okosvui imn xsniaatioa sud distribu'tion. of prizes il; VOlbuaimo ensd Ibeir vives "gag 4id dose. i&War 1 <ôid -no:ens a iw -at" Wehooî an'sui, f ti toen-bér s*ueei4rUwbi ed ud yon 1 toemp i oppy; snd Vas fol B 0rea nte ni' e tulesLb Sbsio r a n 8oj k.-o 'tsla e mohare y baU iybc 1-YOD ow u,1e ox y tit.ý iulgii 'uTusdyfesca- ..wsd ssleym ait sas -I dld and lyontw-eut t ouqueri, 1 cocad, ýW. bog teo, Waîtentoio te~ prored berseif su exDsilet sutCtr0;f 6'dr selfl ,Yentitought Inwélked c. fesse iosilcars! of. Mr. A. F. -L. M tron ibles verseuIouded vithbutlleie daifepo w-ass ac thé, ie o l.seésea.:-About eue luudred 708 YOD VfOugr bat li b'a pms 'rue'nt Barnlster, 4e, w-ho bhm openod - e uO icegentlemeu -beides lteé Volcut!isru fa t.. e $, airIlll yuasn thlelb oid- ai fic'boiidig 'S doroi wa Ledionoor, "bftonsud ther. vas bot for me(0 live wvi i girl thtd - '<wà 6<' 'n, u0 yU fti rsu otOfc.;Ok'1 5Olg55 s ct ~ w u sfor me going Vtatia s b e o f , t h e v i a n d e he f o r . s h o w . T i ih e p p , o i e ' - b a s s a l s d < t -Latest Enro"asa-Anstrias sud Prius, stores voreal>v ecoratd-sund sreameresoitame's - ssalle vudbe e bc- el o , f in tu n A wb a a d o r a î v t hd r a w . v rnte c e d a r a h tro t L V a r io n s E s t IIn o v r < l e -l b wr e .a s b r I - d o Vhite - ~~~~~~~~pointe,'ffemooned vitit-appropniate mottaelnvfr iln y.sdwurn1 fu f Tii. sesmorsCfty c Neeo orlc s d dbadges; lnditistivo of w-bat ail experi. aï 'i bek aldesdhmate pi' Moa*t brin5 lstest, Enrean iniolli- euced ait heir sale returu. Aroun the hieped. i doti 7c ent 'w-iîii ess adgence, ii dts b>'hhitewere op bal ver. pesîod, i agel1ete"' ~beausnyen te t a-,dosa, lat it vu& te b.I4î lsi.Ai bpescfsvetig lbntoonm, whoooi, boueë." - - eesuseIstsyidw-ltiiToppy. - Este, donie,' sud V ers ,w o ld a ppar ta bve ieen , ilven à . : t 4 o' l c p a. ie xddg ' coin m do va - t.a C ourt 10 worrow , for m y o.r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i cfD Teosibainradinneat>. udonouo ee enfoovt>susduyoever did -love' me, jet w.e aolngeof These fcrepais bu gfimv s s Mi atmîf irnt.I vii -a Oi~' The ÀAustrià notiroly «eaue4 glIand on honsoback. -However., -Lb.éVoluti o s, asvrrisa- - ten.rehriag, befare speior nmbens. lfosddau&pose la i it o& .raltsti y Ali 1esas Th Ti.Prussaus oooupied tii. Dueoiies sud tovu, ttii eall T 'elok,_p.1w11-heu an-in i ar ' apee, eEteIb te o dsmised Lbe govÃenteul- Tiiy, rrested Ibe drui et the mass c peoplo letwa o-l uei t JERU O'B vu fl t ai t e g E c m i n u C ôo m m i m l o u o ra s d p re v e o e d o o g re g s i d l- it e tr e e t , i a w dü ti e , n d 'j E g r B!y tl o f t i . u n '4 f b . E o t4 p o s , a d i ù t o r â d ai i p st b e W f r v a d a a i i ' . a e m b e G i v e i t e j i n u a n s w e . - l a c . A k u Y u ' b i E O u l à f d â y '  à s î niý t a t e t i S o u t h E au t u i t - - e "i i ' V i l a g e T i i . g r l rbsi , e e~ itb _ U p n ti i made deermined ta break off relations, and vwhere'they W g m l eb .alpge t g lt a psoüýe b.loft the bonse' sd w et te a fiesisapes! - . ordere s C olle t K a.rr eiy to r tirie ,fr ei B r. of the IlB ed C « Wa ts a t :ie r gd f rein s d b o tg ii t u ife , sa nd , 'i u roturn ing o sa -. li . -the- L . tr p f w ood s urà b r i h ib hiey bhal l . bitem , jnsd a b is w a r o p t . t be ro eM 4- N o-ailo i , vu fied 'y , bat i wr' va t e pa s" m nm se te th ir drilro4 w . Â- « UPI~O ll hY E t@. T b. piop rt re gouerali>'regardod as cominonceut. uieyappnosched thte', coniesOcftLb. Vl- Iiarnirîg, Ibislso aëteuup ta preveut sol *Tii. istestLondou jounnals îhiug Ansa- loge, eheer sftorcoor. fort Lb. Uxbnidge vileceî As ah.e oponod Lb. - doori absi tria 'w-ll nov eousider beroelf jamhifiedjta Voici: 's cnt litear, sd-oiuud e w Estée'110oellag -bâfor. ý- "B ila0 striklng s blow nd Vi- ill immadisatelî groot theý Merncy, IIho ecte mloigbs nt>. Whou the girl mw f rr Bneeoni" tce tiicampeig . thir-dnll rooci, s distance o u iaf mms.: entier lieà p, g-nsd ie hs, Prier te ibe sbore prooeediags Atntis mile-tbe streels -w-re crovded vî eo- sort struggle succe.ded là escspini'frosi e" e , o n th e 9 îii rep li d te C louat B ism arck 'à pîe, sd i wa u re sh>' d iffi cli'f r fo ot p s o e ,ruu-p q ic i n s a d y b b s despateit, of Jue 4h, deuyiag bis, étale.songer. i psa1 ïogbu -aumteldovu stairs. On overtskin lier n le 96811 monIa chiagg Pruis w-lu lolaini mma, wthot getting peîyw-i uii d grog de,,el'O lyu 9 ,tha nmtehé, ted; bier angag'emenîi; throwing' aIl >i'spou. -h w-as a.Aima cf-lisas. exitment- nufortunat. girits biiik te blaleoeerlzu ire' slilit>' on Prust ,i assertlag Lit Ai set ery eoinomd doesrmined t uidbsbelow, tite llgbî shider, lIehg4. le et' tri& bau nv notUius< ludo ut ta tai-s nigitour, lu dola; bonor ta aou, Wlan oond eof*sa rtira -à nature fint hoai_- e. tepe tedef.mtd ber houer sud guard lier boyo, w-be. sî rfe flra i tey 'b.d t ai ct immdistely axplred. As seenas Sri g bie fo ua b n g tIr e d, rt ii c o n ta e m p. e v e la g m e t t e coe lu A bra e - e , f d ~-ii lf ar at d fta n e ileb t b i l d > f ht5 it , i Prnsan frce la nov Omnpu<e ris' it> macid lu--botbite~o'fè è d fil oparement', itsdeliberstely, drsw thé. ~~~o Vio at8 00oviea280,000 are.* in'theé tboitri' ,~èr bir~Iu r lese sis ownu tiroot, bat did nos> Il for ~ 4 m 't'tit.""' a mtiliSenrai wond, Tb@- 'on Lite er eournitn aLiverpool wvinnd to bicb tc7Ps4-irro eefiw lu a Bgltt PatoinoPolice 51't'5t54 O'Bieli, apisea' alie ibs Ausni. tsd ttver>' uoldierly fashlon, by going îha'oagb at'bim Wond"Ver.' dresedi by P,31ii moniagdelard -sf- gaini- Prusefa. thi enius"iams szvu unr agenJ-ames anti flty-Coroesr Wéb.- *on Soieral prio Ielegrnmswere slleged. ta Tih. attacit" ou the. daiutifrs _asMw-en usi tOr Betob. iRs Vus fterw-erds emoyéd - kow baye. been recoired, but the>' vire 'net ounlte moesubtantiel, profes Ibas b.é'te Belle1VU6sispitAl, w-hure ho' 'eraainsd lepublic or antbenîio. 'Uzbridge Vohemnleer Infanrot pu"lu 1 Pr.ostrics'conditieon., The.ciroan- rail, Noblu5 publiec cf snob moiremoute bas veuid b. a daugerena be. Lo euaounser., tanees cf tie',w-ole- case are-moitbarri- the, lranspied since the In$erruptiou eof diplo- Joifi hfaces&w-eevsryvitere bheitg hie; sud bie s i pelmon cf te enfimus, aMr matie relations. cd youtýliveIy ulers.taveryb. er.gsee.. by w-ithe Ipesce. fCf Iaadas mbe ted Tii. Austrisu govrernmonî, iu sonding yen, sud ilsu w-cnt m.rry M a mrarri5.diSlluabed. ' the the Pression amoubssdor bis passpol't, lu- bihl."' At thbs-ilue tiare. caM netiai bave Sformed bim il took filtsiep itecanse it hein lever than * Ore buudred people lua,ÂBR b &ge Iookod apou thea vithutraval cf tii. Ans' tii. ball. After tih. oluth w-asreioveil, * MfoPHERSON...wALIBr...At wiit-. tr triamis freinbolstein assiusvîng Lalionu-place Ueo. Wbeier, Esq., noeve, w-a cslid goe 4Y# Outhe I9it June, hy ithe Ber. K; couder compulsioun fenaFinsia. Tiihe ciai-on tslelag !t, be ad,-"Lit. MiOleutana,]Er. J. C. Mcpheso.n,- ta Mis 0on prusan goverament, in giving Coont auut course ouon oaeule ibtis, of Mary Wallis. -- - Il~ Karil>l te palsponta w-bice hoedemauded, drinkiug toauts&ad mespeadIag t hoem- fltED lu ascoenid themvith s ielher acknov, vould b. dispeased vi-th 1 but a, nunher cf. ~bselee ust loolsd g Ltb . co rteou ts n oir lun vii ol b . gre tem e en Iid add s ts W b. m di se on - b p o R ins -o Se denc I, le b6d -faloth.d hi. diplomatie fnuethous m aitolble mabjecte mssignid tbem. Titeo-lai, ,me the 2ith.,JP. lti, 01Anstriou ambhassador at Berlin. w-a, b.sud, ltis noed of à k syig ut, &muh 7 8 . had tegé. D e P . i th * sung; for thel &Il kmev vbss bsd brouitt c f thé eldet-If actt lb.v.my C.11.tW-bile th Te 1,s6 Edftor ef theFYlitby ChruicI.fl:temtgtier-te do boueur $0 Our bI'. s.tllr,-lu té'towe bui eri mal -' - - *Voluntoirs, W-be me istel> w-aVeuOtt o-..dovu lterM nes*y 40 jeus 'Ugc. ew 1 b.e 81t ~ -4 mutte donation to Greeitvodfiangw-iht hbor liresIf nulesb.,ena u rLt ocr>u al à wie SV'ohntoea Infanti>' Compainy, bis beon houles alod cor alla'.; aud w-e coald t igmt fha ssmd o evcs 0 partiail>' uciaeut layoar columus, sud aIseO a vsumrc,veaue thoîr servica tee llgbl. thé regltlarsi ' iY y èUhgoteeament. Rd, e Liereceipt cf gcuods sent aelrnowledged by 1>'. Ha tion intredaced Lt. Ber.- Mr. vas a very éffiiut, Magistrate sud-ver, 5'the Comipany', w-bile iu Port Coîborue. Do.ling, viitb aut "Cansas car Ceunt>Y" idel>' kaow-,an sd w-It respectes!lan bis le Peunbape i mua>' not b. amies ou n m part, aitsignedhi.. Tii. Rer. gentlemani spoire loeslity. Re-sfUt> nlv fJne tIs' if net intruding on your ralcable comumua cf lCanada lu very efflegistie termniud Mepitrieo wu -f-ams.inlw fjie cf toacknovledge'tbrougit yoni'colamusà , t.é peid s very deured and haudmotué coin. MDNL îi 'e- anoattcollected and iisnded tta.eforhpliient, te the voleunteerm cf, Canada gens- 24tiihat,in "e>m . a it. i5î 0titi abore object, sud b>' vbom. It mina'ral>', sud-1te those cfrtTxiriage luaitin O t'im ge caled9 f.Ni utie satimt'actory te partiesuiscrubiug ta erIa. Neivas hondi>' applaudod. MoDror isgld so o t. bis tamu> tue tuis noble canu eLaknev boy uhoir mien>' Tii. e. r Clelaud 'test sddresmed ble - lýofýthat tevusp na a bire been spent. -Tii. foliowdag in amoant éa udie"nbce, e ensa rsin"excellent quaities.euedeared bitateal , thé- I tc,, onIvaio"kue, un. t lvb aoff moue>' bandout 10 me:>. -Mosuns. Samuel vas theosobjèelototed te bien. i1e0w-as ROIS ....À noeAbaom 'go Bayer, $104,85, John 'Weinjr., $37,00, psntlcPflÃŽ ry fleDeihnsl b i tka wmsmOB SX AtPrne lbr '7, Pbilip Dlgby, $110,05, W. MoKeiteriok, ves isîened hoew-lîh marked!ateton 1eitor ntfMr ila 11 $ 30 ' T,5; T . M a d d eu, $ 3 6 ,9 0 , G e o rg e f u as, a n d b p m d b s s a m l g e t 5 et f hi b e v r, g d 2 5$102,65, A. Dunlop, $14,10, sud Hisses plause, JoehUad u. a eî ýmonah, u, d 6,iys IlOeenad*MK>, $36,0,-totsl $472,82. oslild apon-bi imbleot cs ' beVoun- -Tii.decesact 1iivssvr'-pousa to Tua ameaut w-asespende u sfollovs 1 - tiers of Canada." HNe mmdi e "r>' pîtrie. yeaug géPîleJDusu, - mblou - dispouition O Goodi nd ncesaniest. thibe sinealof tIc peeebi, whicb wu -urcie. sud .11l -m er. e las .wa el $160 w-as seai tot te'Compan>', whits ou ThrW eboor w-sre thon kirenta théis e lhed, Vw-c iere , dede1 the #'Osetvt il dat> at Port Coîborue, as previôasoly acte- $"TJxbidgie Volunteers." 1Cspt. Speasr Mr-$ a .8rs su s't thfou or bis deatit. Snovledged, annd en arrivai cf mon lu Green. replied en 1bao r eflteé Cumps inlua 9Be w-me attentive te busineussaudwol -w-ced froin tie frent, oach,. man w-aspre- very tflhing specb,end w-uslotadi>' cheered. *Le as a wehaïwlttIbo qaili, sud Q. suted w-gh 5,00#,hum leatviug a balance H. apoito lu- tiih wiru' tere'f-- el onuPieYIlcd novrlunwMI bauds Lo théit, mgni cf $52, of thie iJifcrw end -, colidutorc ttimin - ~15'ct îlos- -do u is.-iwu w-iah le Io b. dividod stoag fle marnied codeW,r -oeumi;adr*We)-Wo-Ict.d Ino. destb.- . eaua sY>ong wc* -watb me. Iin, is sat laiusabr indon- epplansso.* 't rosu C. oectl u etof d*- f rà ti âaI amna wsppolctd a vodas ad nda_-s 1 "pn»4 .byecciatms, i 0 . os B4& jo.4.~j aasd wtrMiluetoy.euî~.f& - ~ 'st~ me'o~o isp d.ve La bisit itttà q I CIe&in TO LA ne* es--uullreu-aieis1 ytren.U" PS, 11*U"1 a ria. TlleyuT at'teaa*u iUntreinever: ease. ontl ln 11 ma ot' WC I lpsus, Jrç.Sold lu o: P'iamn$ Dollar. , - R Ilrveylo Arenedt for speews per box.1'KIVATR CIîsci * ito teioitedl ýiîVi o! dlrected envÃlope nlUi Bond for %. IIARV Ad iser. add reased te, 1199 futlliatntoa tojço. IfyOurnîu=lOtp drwgist, ie -,*ilie Iromol,,,erfvin , r Pr. J ayiccnguiititi 28 - 81915B N<EW ADVEE - .1660 GfRAND Pi EXCUI 0aTC RcHlE Thé* Magnillecuti,> LpAve (on promptalw 0.30O'ai. lu.;.011 7-4.;-fONDiMiAi), 5:1 et or Le fore.6. p. in., w-lie l'O re0dyto Couve' 's tujoo.t l at Brighîton Bl H ErUR NIN G A8 Rochoser on thbajVcfiiy .tioplsty of' irewbrlas. -& steeu.îor wmi e..r.. $cilou arrivilig ettuie ldFe;ut loîg.1 A aplendid Bud4 foii the -TRIP'. 1ÃŽ,e mOet rerfeet t' n.'à 1tor the omt'uu-t L>- ~corne One 1ý And sec Onr neicltbon rsday of lNatIonal lteoiitî TICK£TI3 10 ClAR $149) <tOnd for fetuy regitIl ,iljrithe w-ek) pre'cnrs AWA, ýEdexrd Arleland 1 Trheins t ri.tte-' NF W ursiuW ORiuT héwé, OB Ce i.cotlent Reirlar; l3ICIGflT<N, J. GOD SAVEK 17 -NOTI 1TcTiF illherebY eiïm Ibo e5piftioi. or tenut l~fo tjmun thiereal learil-, teoVie .hdeof tI, tbe e 'untv ot Ontario, for let4on' - ô'ÉgnAiteueihip' lima, aud (Umrollncto Rose, nitAlexdnder Rosle, lïtof dcemsed. _ WAMT Immed i 'Aensumae sesuiti. 1