Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1866, p. 2

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- t Ne~Adv~rLsor0ut IllsDay, Liai or canvictions-cC. Ontario.? imioernad Quarter Sessions-De. meting-Ce. Conneil. Chancer>' Sale-J. 1Il. Greanvoot. B0ething Important-Fe Ai &Robinson. O)rîli ia es-oI u, Tr. l'aSileaxalinatioci cf tise Town SchOiss - Agents-Wanto u-Je . .- .Ilegg. - Music-T. P. Freamafn. eoalCcacian Bsk-T. Woodaide, CIIANCEiIY SAL1E. Ceartica sCortice-On 21ist !aly. M .---...~. ---.----'-------- I _ ______________________ I _________________ I Thore are tise inlu very communit ' oho iu tises ef axcitamerut are ever teai' andl forward te, praclaimstiseir lcyalt>'--D8 tisa>'do their virtuel-b>' refleting spcn tiseir neighbara. 'Po dulpa-rage cîbers, better %atis henssooeslatheir paceliar recensmeudatieu. W. 1mev cf peopbe in our inidt-many of visosanti viose fatindcserved tise naccuin 137o t<> preclains iheir Ioyaiîy nov-net b>' goief toe sapocf dauîëry or othenulsproving lt-but b>' poinuing tise fingen cof reproalci nt loyai Catholies. Caiholica are taughi obedieuce te ilav sud order. Tse>' bava praveil il lu their, roligleas sbmissian 10 authorit', sas ,iaslauth.>' have preved. tiseir provess vhen4,ried ou the Latis Bfebd. The conduest ofth ie-Coth>iic Irish, Scotch, aud CaioIlic 1 reucicf Canada Upen tise ny us 's(výlTwr'sA a 'r.A'«-, Tise uexpbite'~ more canneru 1Mr. Birovn, illiiSec anfacm visai va pni hoiov, tisaitise Minir>'. Te sus -up lu cne,isaif a seiece-Mr lBrown'@ expIa. nations casistet Inlu xpisiniug bis jealcea>' of M. Gui I 1Tisy e>'vra net-1minlstenlal explanatlefl,"-they voestise narratica cf tisaP ersonai griavanoas of-George Browa. Thi ial v-i beseme'frens'wbat Mr. bMeRea- aie aiti. Tise, e spoodeut of tise Hans il-on uSpees.tersI usays at 11, Mr. Brova entereiite detas, ;Ind tise hà vnr>' guerai diappoinuen s te- thse uîti fis explassiiona vers mors like a bastings' ýharangue tIbm chat - aW been lookeatifer, andt tsae bas inifesil>' hein a îtrong pansonai dithlanît>' vils Mn. Gaît for soma lise befere tisa resiguatien, and à ver>' groat tissatisfaction ai Mn. Hoviauad's baving Sean sent te Wasieg ton iinsteatiof' isaf.îî UNJX ~i. u .jiÂIasJ a- &~L~& L'[iaia U.UL',.Sves ti aon urier n' Andth ie Ottawa correapontiat of -ise casions visaistlaeir ceints'>'asile1, for ild'<Tises" sais Wh-iluy.'t'Iurs iy, ieîe , 18 l66. vinaceà satficieuth>' lise lcyîiîy ciLatholies, <"Thismpression la that tise explina. - - - - ~ tri Ca-nudi Caîholica have avaryr esen, ia lions cf >'estendav amenistadt tovr>' ittie. Thle Ct'ênety toucli. beiîîg loyal, ta ba tasse to sisassalvea ; Tise oisby pQint made b>' Mr. Brown vas - true te Aitisai oudeara haine risdicanants'>' tisat Mn. Gait liad gone to Wasington A bais bceauMad tie lieWanuben fer tu oVvs lrnadfe la antimatde snautinseloverteruos te s a ignnefttvieesucsiliranantiofueTues-tra.Unitati Sîaieu Govevumen ; Sut Mn. G4t dayueetiihcf ti Coud>' oncliaTute-Tisaspecaclciefethie cenduet )ut tionsautisshavedti tisiho bal atbscity.te proceati day ext us 2Gis stit No thl tseof Irîis Catholits anti Frsauc t Caicis;u te Washington, aud isati dou«e nohing Ie'nia» hvo ec di-PeQdnt(nle e- bthc-omprising tise malanit>'out'tise papa- thacra butat I il bis colleagnea, exept titemeti csnîanatii'Ol>'cooideIsn, tIse la-ion cf United Canada ii aaming fore- Ms'. Brown, isad ful>' endeot." mmuai lorof ol te nopal tisa Feula-aislanti But te lise discussion itaalf botelle ri lsprorceetala ier iI ea- lurnd itrotestant as Weilas Caîholie e u. Joh 's M eu5oîlsldhandrin tuTu 9haoitalization ta << hom""~iues shitaI;îmenco lheir <Ie-.'aelomuta e, f ct.. iii'c i,ath e reaîel' ur rails will b he iet-ut antI pre«tipal blssiisct.5ir thse spîiti uintoierance and i:mciiiy, lie çroposeit ae aulishe natetutiata befüu te Cuiiil. lýu tlýrê rc ise1 inrat bigoîr>' ia lacintureil. iypocmitt'staken plcuin iithe aiiaiiisusatiou urince ote ises utti"nu, oft' a-atrIs l-uts, atitite mn>,',n iuaiates tiauusalves-diaioyal vison la-tutsiession. Thue exhlanisîim eras iL a or irreatPrs' lmlturhtu.-r uta amirit itm Cd.i'il pair tse he t oens-tse>'prasisme trutisa (;ismnt iqcauooriieu, i. li tuever> cil viii uebu cittui sain lus tîl'e actuin. qstaît aiol '- s houurt anti imîte, sa i ! isutirihrrupt Formrt o tes wii t)th. aprpri. uttio Cth le yalty?7 W. tn ue lusinsesssci tise licîture Il is kuowas [aonem(or t'tisavo vl I i iataoant(. 10Iîn'aui gusuflleiîuly etrutuag te condtuanu111,st scrathe aSt sssuth ie Prositiert îlos 'o isevotuiers. un ttiiih iuttau he lt uîit-ma-irn , lasitn ibis tise r1 tsar 'otncil reeigueti lis scat lunLthe (JouaComiscil c f (tlat-le Sart aIreusdy -1tuons'Catlt, athat i hIlis position misa8 sus satedlits a muait cualisuscdale masuer, anduri:rrne ouroftrîa, wanîti diaseminate 1t yth > Ie lien. Ms'. Blair., Il vas uio t iatra'tanti suspicien cf Lieir Cathleiekuowu te lauhble nîsmotr, tttisIhe useuisc vaon e trest îhal tuehemaeo ul andi- Iegios hy r h h on $outis lOxlord etircit ssîuores iuhlreiste nroîcsit,' isirata-iatae mbenis ogiiras ".> r vreoiai fis Iopittinsithia tisalutJrity ai tise Cean: ast l'a~'day la" tb af liit uonitvii a ii nis eisela-ca. Al hunes' aud ap_ cil, ais the staýjcif ti lee Iiirocit- p irobastion le tise notule stand takon S' is thera'y- its reirl lu Lhse ieibusc<t t e4'C fr- prevail adntut trim lu a-iking irtvislon îuiîeti Cithoiic populations of Canada, viso neaa-ung, cotsdu-tiîug and icosuitilutli1 sut-gu- ferIsle ,'iiuiîsirt. l'hoeres onlilb-ua t iltin, sor-c-tihlii eascua-al 'of te iii bruti'~lui. Tie a rve. ves' tnnul readyt>taoteul tieir Ircatv i' iiithse VlcîtoiiStates anti fluc isawybt'vsa hsuitu4itn doptut couhryisionThens tjirs lrr $iti.4ia Atsrcn iroviucc'. %Vclh, tise çlasnulsai-e outIllue cas', aouItitisretearces aot t onty hnKnasjyakr nijority v tt urCotscil altaer a long a-tnt of its tuat'y anrstl stiu'mçiisalprptand - JAixbiiuegades junareil tisecuselves u ns disu uat sutu liosa. T'f lc vuunecra huno utbi>'dentc pltos.l ushcy Lo iiebtiao urler itae --uitts lseir auiy, aiainso-on eelifrnst>Ontaioi. Ilaceptiota tuthais, 1'autttoc'm. 11oueil u ets-ttlemn ii rttem-shr-ig trni Trustnt Iluer u tsn wesay-condhiag t Wh> îoPjueAbn n ulttureuiul'aiuti a.titttlt eà To WhthyMile, PinceAl lue i- hf r talusuir>, ant i ience luis coture ont tbuir dgau'ras. faute>', W'liîtiy itisct->, I50triuge infan. lIeicatuu.Tis sajett in qus-tionuthi Il l un tist snoten 5pt'. - nyllruuklus nul i rotaoat nfu. aCsU;ierlth ie attention o et'lo untry' for sti iaouili-ly ta inhrapo-ty loi nrifles, adGenoo n .a- very eoibsuatî-nile hi'- injeod aven pria-si aisfia'rtadu ittulhacsougli. 'hibs nc.ndin lhieirespertis- omîmanding gdicntehie lieus. gentlemnn cnlemelt4isa floisr's iits ttuao t huacoun rtiLfusnces ratai ut'rl -,tasr %alhace, Capaitîs Dartnehh5tia"lti" ' Vhitsit it engager! eottitiotshy veli fb'ird sad isa oa-l bviynee tîst Ilpsa-s biclgio sudWas ands5 a-mr ytemslîtcaiiy laate atlcna ino hue wl f4dil, adtorl- al-ne h oreiutan, Î eloginadWre,(iisveruineut. l )cuto'i't sebr caila>. Tise imuuttexpuiAd tintder thae au i iese cria Tuesay sud Wedttestiiy, aiftte (nvcnnimant irisa ertsail ia'rro cx- $20 000 )-b>' liv effectuaI a vu tiih igaîst, I vitrce voetmeti b>' tressls ot'na-ions tepttI l raviccia' ecretary, thitnalsuetit b - us.oua a cinnierc;al ao nfsetsr-ate laa con- seil a sinailstrs'a-juropriaticil ouhl eroa'tieni Ofusers asti mon appea-nal tu ho cîtusion upion the ist ma-je ni conduuttu" - ir~iit aaireadt>' estadune. 'hlors Ihlottda itnfinle linaith sistispiitt-thoeir pnrîssipai negreiti>us farts'he reni.1 (lf ise' oit isoreven, ragementr slt-ing fu tvio os faier!t b. sau hone plaitus tisI ouiti esurce regret lseieg ttisai tiseba!net tisetisantel-atyofrs-urn fs'oteoieri Alil. h s liulti octtIho a utie-sid.tît mesadcfea brussis sisthIslenias.thisIevitate îîsîhtiaeUts wii uI froun t s-r ; buai ach as vouid gisee ctis localil>'- th.I ie tIca-t>' ci 1851. 'Tisa PalJi l te h lid il*t rs'aane ca - iin-Iunias equIttmntir!Xt is-fore hIlou nae ssorthy viii gise atitise tikiugi itu accuuuiat he isle uematise W.are iŽfi tnedthtis on Meula>' lut !,t o!-I cit. a-ntis e polieci of ue (loveras. ausaunt co' taxes il conînibatel, iandi lie lise apening cisi&nportant toati vosnoent ci Lisamalter. Tise flots. anetiser comtrIefaiw 'ibeu e'lselv- lle "t uIregret tA biit S eiaguoxt coalti praîjicotîvo ativantLages il donivc.cifrus the o. ne h 3t o.U h o alîlîs et' Ma-ta- lu tisCut>'. Mr. Seov u tglat lt-tple>,'sldeîu i( ~a-,oidtuthlie engineser lu charge et' tha cen-struteîlou "" :r, t the o nsccilIly et eiuag s part -Anoîher malter wviic scabl egage tht cf bis road, bau viaWfer, tisebotter, l ins.ohrdo, lisouglis vco nalierea ILtubest *cia 0 f clatool te arcane acbvantages visicis vo Senesa aîîtstonut is Censi stisa tho change et' rente. Th ise lira o hueras- beiavesa iacretbts tttls mnser of leting etuntracts for tise Ceuni>' vyes round LiteSt. John Seng vor>' b>'tisa renevai cf tisa Iroat>. Tisa Cee. 1iitaL'ti t5>tlts S>'tise tack va-tan fr*>sa liecluRiver; tiste lins.M, frown aeol d denitIlbi -AbsendÎy is>',a-srossulnu langer bus persilai a agroîi lniabk te the saetlemeant cf tY tu,leatopitishe coursa ha III on tisit ë4 in. t>nly hlet members conist'es'foa Ihoe .laecontîgaus i tiste LA-ie. 'Tbe occsion, tisa-I hecoulaI uel lu accordanace vilSth elis aaclenlitisvieva et' viasi vas mecmntthe li se no f a prunIer <as th ise lsAluvial depiosita of ceaitiaies couhti Se-bols peultcandcivgist, >ieitiaIte tise cooatior tisa ear does,) atusl>'payîig ug imelle ncisbotter iletent tisan lt>'ehaOinions af the rutsiîtliscolieagtss"ilî tise coulaI>' cigit cents pun page for tise are ai preatint if Ibis vater vere let off, nrmivain lu tisa cora. Altos a cosides'- journuthe ding of visic is l, va ustsas- quite abies intcoet exetion te iasdtsoe tisa pda'viLege 'or prnttisag tisjuradte tle s ud iii 4Sttenapte saortly. Io. ii.Bran-n te> yiebd Ilis opinions ta M pasi nsytg aIesisuescenls petnosefer Nean>'8,000aces et' these sat arable tiacue o e t e jonil>', h le edadlia enir! - -the pivilege et putuisbing tisa lvanriso- soit in iteCent>' sioult net ha aliovmdnt uand moiicacideotresig. Tise cul>' tbing to g wote.TheMonk nadi 84 OQ-tisat vonsaintchle uhacdoue ya th ie Ad' onate. Tise îuiag lu tee prapeateroason idte go aste T i e o Rid letasconr taiulstator o et'tia ovarnuseni Accolpt the !Mc, pectel, yul b ecesapbstat ashfan tise rasîgatieui, and fer tise Gevarcmet tis faie t' olbou .nelrng anierAs Halake ibis seascs; a distance et'te takes stops te 1111 op tise vtace. Tihe liait'enliser cuttuls'> viilroveal 10 niambees 3o silos frein La-ke Coaelaing. Tt nanae ossokncvs tsai lithen.omgentlemn i di bcv tbeVslng ha vonkud. Untier tisepro- lisnough a goal agricauteral conntr,taking net ScIaiaa eommucêor ornsas'>' -peiin l ment sf'slen, lise contracter fer tise priit. lanlise townsisof Mars anti Rasa, Government.-hIe vianet oui>'s mitais- lasg aise gela thse aivcsiag jtis a caing- CenI>' cf Ontario ; Dalitoni, Iigb', Lutaer.iteiodingcille, luSatise nest cf bis col- Worths, anti proba-hI> a portion of Laxîcu, lasagnes, but vas tise rejaeseuiitiveo cf a tise n pp fa cul fba dtrCot fVitrs uesoigtePrhgrent paty.l>' ievwsleader oethie liSerai euslliei ona tise aime levei vIla ta iaving lino et'cohouia-atien voati i tisaeBobos>'- cilic, il bnaîfrtepupn t nis na-as>' isauial. lretofore lieawva gerun rond. eotictîiug a great objisot, vis is Downei, i lie figuresat ats' uttise aavertniag, and Ih wiitu-tis eans et' ebseniaig up sa-a is appy lusa>, neanits comnihtiots - - hiecennacor isiisieutcf isealvrliiugvînt tuntt ounts'>' for aeuliement andi and ti iis qaiitil isource oh regret the ontaetr Wghtont f te averiaigagvu ml 1i irtt e tise farupers a-bead t>' h iefleu.< genleman la net nov u intae --profitaset'- tise ear, afuc4tte priait tise ettieti in tisaso townships. It vîîî protue <Joverument te siec as Ministcus'tis a icra jesarnala- t'en tule o . tir btîig* -Tise Pro- ahi>' ha ouaeat'tise ineat colonisation plissme oth ie groat ulicuel for visici semut, aud test yctn, îeuuiurg asiidfer pub. roads,if oei tihast cf tisaProvince, wbeai the-Ciet.o ats, unI efr w i 50ato îiasiug thuditie'a repart si me mach cespietel. Beisg nIon tisesapoitcnti- ical>'. (Cbesm.> Irapeal, bis abssonce. anace of 1fr Snov andtilis assiatant, Mr. froua tise ioremument Ia a malter cf sla- par lina, (Asi arertisesent ugual>'vWortha ulastai vamiaxpect a gond job. ceta regretta Io lbi teieagoea, Atadimust a-baut $100, ai regela-r pice,) se tisaI,asabc aise te montcf ltme mainhnrs th1e va hava-juat nientionetb, tisacospaîliteon NEvara.îat-Cugps.tsat.cr TO ?M1. A» 1101188s. 1 neCcl nt SA-Y btisa-te loby -it bacanam uaisc, lsat visite pebliaseoraet'rMats. MuNuuv-A ns isu aabout h-bc s ee of Iis Slnd, vison ra blilcinic5s persoîil isonor la centcel, tisaI visis ho paperet' Inafleneeeanar!circulation, voalti ing estabhisisel aI tisa eutîupising village. ausnmotl tise respana-Ibilit>' ef' ntaric oul>' coiuspet"t I payiaig pries ur onativüof t'Port l'ans'>'undon tisa editorisl mnage-thue Goerroment,lise cotshd propenlyI>'thi tiiag,,aatior actuluu iecrs aaauoneuf ment et' Mn. Munti>'offthe lite Ua-Sitge da ru-i.I a u> io acu not as a -psuhliet mniaacoculonouahy issu Ilolaand. vise tuttiboeausaen-anmàmiio te Nov York, te conter wilatiste Internai Revenue Cosanliener, vase neaclating viltiseh Comtaitteaeof Ways and Mains. lu Washinigton. lie thougisi Lirserurai>' miust hava besin gome -usltabta, ascna autijority iail bon gîvan car delegatian] ta inake any propositîong snd lhe - eureti tia-t ibis astop voult hauve a ia Msta dangutrous affect osa on tise Ia er Pïovi n- ces, And evasa ha deîrimentai te flue pros' pecLs cf Confadaatils,- as in4liating hut Canada desiiror! te soi wihout' consulain tihe other Govsrnsnenta iqusal IL vos desirabla te knesv *xact1 ,4 ut bad taikens place, sud-tison olbc hwl oc sbabt-I bais bon., friend isad açt*d ln tise iauat s. Wentise papers ,camneaenbt. nt- haru veui!-bcue btttr sal e ta unierstaud andu liseuse ibtJcittan at psraant Doen. 11v. LDowlandul ltistheTait te- friand. cetermiflcd te romain lun-thse ca-b- lîset luiiîuslf end endiemveur teMIl tise vacaince>, and ltise i'estlt was 5 tthLie itou. %Ar. Blair was linduced (a aceepitisae Pré- as 1n:'c f tise (Jannil. lie accepteil rn.wititisaconsent and approbation cf bis pirtv., as 1 uudersand, asnd nov isoda office. 'fil!i1qs, antfair as;tise goyernusent la coucern,-d, ail tise inftssnatio eu ariu aibev on tisa aldeet. Tise visobe cf tise pipons conneel viti tise negOelatious lu raispect te tise Reciprocit>' Tncaty yltue laid on ffhc tables lu a fev days for thse satisfaction cf tiseIleuse. (Uheers.> lion. 'Geerge Brewu-Befert prececd" iug te enter butieaxplsuatieus ou tise suis. jeet of his retirameut freintise (eoirummout iAcoiréd h t t eodisîinctby unidiraIod'that lsi resignatîcu vas eitirely' ou accoasiof bise Course wbsicis had beau puirsueri ou theuquestien of tisa Raciprocit>' Tneety. Hao vax beucil teadmit tisai no aliglst causa voubd justif>' him inlu oviug tîhe Gavermemot beferetise great question cf Confederatiou, fer tise carryiugcf visici lie hiatitaiscu cifice, isad cot beau fiialiy tihaposedti f At theu sanoie hathongist tisaI Coufedleratiou bac] even tison reacheil Ibsat point visen noe danger cf ls tailion ceeti have been apprelieuded. Ile isaul outere th ie Garernment witis ver>' great reluctanuce acd vouiti have preforrèti, as ho lisd slutcd attise lime, te have renial. cd an hisu ovu aide of thse hausse andi sus- tainer tise geîitiimnn pposite luin itur- ing the gr'aat quaestionsanîti carryieg it to a succeasini issue. le îsosght stif tisat it -vouiti have been tise propos' course for lia andIissi riands te have sustained tisa (Javernment froni tiscir own sida or tise lieuse, tissu te have jcined lunth isa (krn- nient. acd lha vas stili preparcd Li' give tisa (iverriment bis lheurt>'anti torthill support ii carrying ont thtisstnctisute. Wsîls regasrd teaisheoccasion cfIisiii eaviisg tiaGov nt. lise tiolicy j on;t'."55e'- prctyqsotise malter jscnLiî aits il wisieh led te lais nesignatios. -iras C!,t ilaugoiatictss ofcf C atis ilitise Unitedi Stalas. Il vas lu tisaeauracpur. arued l'ytheiaslion. Irmnisten cff manmte, ta lit- 1usd found bis rt4sois fuir the tulrrlie had 1iteîa. le %Va giat] i oa a'.r tis tise îolicy an vliich iaidiresigrsed 1usd not bteu carricil out, ad Ihough~t isia re- uigurutionlisati <lae ironi nod lutîrcvent- icsg Lîsat aoiiy troinlhcu ai ug fruit. ie liois. gentlemnan opposite ksnowing lio (.%r. .) was preurent, istu!noltlsuauîgiat fit ta viuw ut tlae euss, ant i ie heg-,ed te .rtate Isefore c;îterlusg tspIo il, tîsat lie lisuari rt tii. (ioierosrnent in ptîect friendlatip andl witiîrut siuiy ,Lfi'reticuor i;gcueu upuiu aîsy cîher quuuioua lita tlat of lettu-iirocilv. -As ctiscAluny-eur usi aîatéed tit quastion ira-s Iseflore $the Viincut t lu msa tite cf tise tormation ,,f tise t'tairtiou,(,vctîsan.t-Iu thie U1t July Iftsit', i 1-3futiing it ceuuaayhuit tlie Vi, W3 of thue lthsittl -I tuu tiovet u- tment tat lîiuiuiirs fui,-glit moise -vt atuti sert(lite h1otus itis a ttaoutc i'oii.y, it irasproposed tLu se.a. i'ts.s îlots t-so ~tjsLt. A iontt uisstýu,-i Oui tofnk l'lacotapota ttiAîtoinit, t sua t'uuîuu- li riot a-r,' quotil ut on sp 'c fr tise doc-uslon tcsîouild i tt o Uitt lad. A, d1ant ,1atlon vwu sesst te a4b'aiigtora tu ascertusin tise vievu of thue Aissericira(;ov. emnnslnt. WC wovet stisfkuil viLh lt treuil>' - tie>' vire net; -, icrfore tie>' urShouli inudro a prpOI)St i4ei ho is and nSuc us tc, iseun as a b.asis ton tise renaciral of ixcgieatlcns. 'rue muat ofcat misitsioun vwu tlist tise Auti:rlonieusîi <bvr'nuitt deuir. cd attinerarrangemntint utmgusrda ten tain articlêes an wiir a grt.tt dcai of smiaîggling wakts tairit'i ouifrat t isiinirsa-. ta>' ta the caste i 'Statstu, atarl i be ira er- fcctly aatiskiitu cunter ttusana-'atwige. muent of liais ktîd frein lu-t 10 la-s. Duri. ing lise hat Sec-iuslni c iaa-luaîset on ari cistussion ouatahie assargameut cf thie cai- a-tir te Hn, iniisten cf Finatco lairl mnatie sco sreonrsut icluhoiesupposer! tneeaieru v'staisl rorlicet anti vbach ho diti not latuitalte a v conveyed ana idoa cf the polir>' cf tise tiavomnineuat. (>I..IB. theta red tro utr.Gabt Sspeech uubeviuag- iliait cnhargeustuîst of canai* voiui oi>' tbe nice polie>' na'<'.. *0-. ýi - te Ansetrn i'rev lishe trait>',&t.) Tise Minlusur>'la-at year hai satggentedte t tise Inpenrtic;vormnenl tise propriet>' of cenunlting thse BraLasia Amenica-à Colonies in su> usgucîLansIblmiglit tuka plate for a rnewoal ftise trauty. Tise Brutiahu (iovrnmn ard sa'edr,, sud appoietn lise Inter-Coloniîl Coucou eof Trace. 'Tisa Cassadistai Minlatem vise e oues of thact Ctsuni'ih era tise lion. Attorneys Geot-rai Esaust ndsi'ct; lion. . r. T. j-t afiss"amtlf (Mr. lîrovuc.) Ile s bl ici ilis lain thétse resoîutions trisicitbal beau litigthenate, te iiy brn ie Presideut. Ile mntiorsoul liis circîasnstuuce nierai>' tu shoewdtat iLwas tundonsteo ie lawva going ta Washiington. Regînuiiug lis uic. îlots as a aneniter cf tise geveruniaut, thae hon, ninen ier sholcnet have takon spa. cial netice et fsim, b.it traiter!tisa question soulby-au e cf djffreuc vutise gey. ornment. fli (Mr. G.) dld netonoute pressent occasion, purposse going inte s dis. cuasmon ohftise differetaçeisof opinion ha. tveen tiselion. membor fur Sentis Oxford and tise govcrnmout, but haovau net piro. parer! te sa> tisai, tisatihon. niomber' course vas preferabbe te tise eue tise-gov. ermnt ar!adepte. ti.Iwas absîîrt,per. feotî>' abaurd, ta isoldti th ie abstract ide& eto a trat>', sud uatblng 'but a trou>'. Whsu tisa Astiicaus bal saîi tisai o coulil net have a treat', vo ssonltison ondeavor te gain tieseatisencuts b! soîn etiser moins. NVitis regatrd Itetise Ianger cf leaSing ta Washington, ha veuiti dia' tard it aitogether, for hati an>' body be. lieved lu tisaI danger, vo isîtigivan tises sucb aasaes' viti hie liti fev veeka as voulci dispeh au>' tisugsaoattsa kinil. Tisa Ministor et' Finance bas tise houer te subnait, for tise casidtsration et'is coi. bcagnes lu tise (ovoruimmt, liait tisaap. prosci of tise penlivison, unuter tim ne. tice givan, tise Recipreout>' Trat>' vili ex. pire, rendors it uccessary te ceusider lthe stops te bu tskon te procure sncb an ex. tensien oethie notice fron tise Govermieni cf lise Unitoti Statos, as vili atTend lima for Sully eonsîsbering anti arraugiug tise beat mole fer cstablisshing permanent vo. gulations tem tise tIde, 'navigation andt in- tercotirse betucen Chîe United States aund Canada. Under tiss circumstisuccs, anti vus tise view cf dctiuing tise gouartil imita ef thea discussion cf lhe qusestioncf Recipro. cit>' witi tise Aicrin autisorities, iL ; àteia*-e rsytý,, décide upsîn thse îsrincipbes 4'hy vîsics tise Caidiaus Goveru. mnat wiroltibe gcîidecl ln tasse il taîRo beomne necessar>' te proceeti by concerter! Legisiation. Thriaiinsten et' Finance', thierefome, ne. spectftibby recoiimaiuu ChtIaItbhe folloving points ie no ow s-uleil, as oxpresssing thae s-lwoirf tise Adiii].uitration lu regard te lise ctsîmercinul relationsa cf Canada vils tise Untedot Strates; Ist.- luthtie event cf tise Coveruiment of the ltiîtei Stattes dclining te mako a l'rctv ut' Çosiuinerce vitis Great Britain, as; rega rds trsridaandtihue other hBritishs Norts Awlcriu%r Irosi uccg, the Canîdian titývenscril are sriiung ta enuicavor te ,,-fet'r't utes mnigt:ues b cotenter! ieulhntas us'!! autiisls' suchi rugu. la-ions, as iltuma> tue usutuaiiy agaer! tapon ttgo1ît. Jnid.-t!aij«isuiu veui c uewiling ta agrec te the recijtmucal intorctaînge of'Lite natta- rai yrotiuctit--uu, ssiiipjiug an n ttuftt' ilue,of tubot cutiatrios, î.rouiideul-sho era n-tri rquuiminluais>cuie taltspuie diffler' cltal jt uuties lut tavr î ft he nf i~teil-u itu. !Ir< atsiunouil lue uviiiing ho piacur t1ie tavug-.siort of he Glroea clt t santi the S. Lravrotiiconots% footinug ef perfect qua-. lita, uni hercifior -le cansider tis'e-tait niadt r u'portcnbg tus, canal, goaeas te afforri t lie rr t utiossi bi facilities le tise If prau'tictshle, tise c'oauuhug Ira-eftic h ie ivwr ctrie-s shoiitou me tîoretiprocisl, snd Ciaos nauaiinr for tise transit lade inie pmaitu taund Attilatutor>'. 41i.-Wihia Liaie vici af pmavontfng Ilii cil Initie, Canada ssoid ba villinglta ags'a'loaîunamuitiation cf Ste exetiro dîsties tapon sjirits, bues aadtilbtcco, anti efthie ciirluun u-uuutes apan (Cue saine a-nu cogntotearticiles. $ieflr ost d se villiig- hv ionsiteiien stu iggesionatu hoUnitetid Stahioq, foarlte oxteussion f if scS assiimila- tionu touliser articles, provid tietlosettle. ment asl tise vishe ucommsercial relations Luoleon thie tir cotnieutue niade tapon lise prntcifle et perfect reciprocity, ani the grostoat freeom ioniuscedti tatise titî- zens of bath ceuntnies%, te punchise atai 9,el liitishe markets tise>' nu>'profer. Iitt.-Oanada nMay stato th isaeaaMari' lime Provinces are propancdti ntle with faorn utise disctussian cf abI tise subWotas u t c.ui th* Ls.a-bro5gtSa til V a itoei'- procit>' Trenil>, a-dstiaie tiacrafore dInotrs tisat thse nus ftiîns s ioulb o carrier! ou vicia-Comm iocesinmayaplutcd te ropre. senat tise severai Provîntes. But assantis negottatlons axuldnet at pessibi>' be coin' pboecipefone Cliosc TiMarcis, Canada aug. goas tisCat tise notice for tisa abrogation cf tisa Troat>'bta itistravu, pendis~nae. (litionsi, rouurvring, seo-er, te om court: tries, tisa rght cf lmposlngces n'adalles] upan a-ny or ail ai tise artics onutasoateti lu tisa Fro Liias t, is e fteI uaticle of Lise Treal>', prvidËdeti ie do na ; etx.- seat In the Executive Cauuu'ii, if that seat were te lie gaiflet by concessions ta thse Govarnment cf Wshiington. Thora mi.-lt lio groateis' misfortiines befali a man thali te ba excindeil fréim tîsis Gavor1nient, and, thora might bis greater biessinga thuin te become a niamber cf IL Hon. 1fr. (lait thon moved Lbhelieuse into .Committea cf i§pppl Mn. Street lu Ïbe Chair. On motion eitAon. A. T. Galt IL vas reaaived that a supply be granted Uler 1MaJeit>. Thse Committeo robe and aaked Ibave toa it again. On thse or4er cf the day, for bbe second readlng cf tihe Interait IBills, Mcsans. Dun. kmn aud Bourassa, lu view cf 1Mr. Gatit' motiou for a Committe te cousidr -thse visole question, aliowcd thse Bis te stand i ad thse House adjourued a few minutes before six o'cloak. Proas-tha Voinateera. A Trip te lPart Ceiberne. 7b the Ediior of the Whilby tOhronidae SIa Ilaing a rouldent of the township cf Pickering I took h lunw>' heai tise other day te visit car brave baya, the Groenwoed volunteons, (Wun. Warren jr. Captain,) nov dairg daty at Port Col. horne. 1 found tbem lun excellent iseaith andi la pret>' good spirits. Tbey are afraiidtise>' viilb ith appoelutatiluhaving a bruas vit tise " Punigans ;'l and tisat la malcing the ons av-heaitsd. -Tiera are tva battalieus stationad haro ai prasant, îtise 13th Ilattaion, Hiamilton, under cen. mand of Major Villiers; the other la composeil cf difforent cempaniis under uiusmand cf Majer MeKuonsinocf tise Barrie Rifles. I saw thon: put tbrougis diffoeot mii tari movcmeutt snd miust say 1 foit prend vison I heard the commandcing officer liigh. b>' compliment tise Graenwood compauy' for thse manner iunvisîc tho>' penfcurm.'d each movonienti and aise fer their )good beisaviour and attention at drill. 1 arn sure thse people cf Oreeuwood viii ho plovAsalta bear sncb praise for thoir beys, musuy cf vioin viliugly loft goofi situa- tiens te defeud their ceuntry' againat a laviesa baud cf murderera, vise dard te sot foot ou aur peaceful ahores and tried te driva ita inisabitants frein thoin happy While 1 vas thera, Messrs. Mitchell andl Bayer came up vush a ver>' haudesome present cf shirts, sacks, sud othar ncesa- aries for cacis min belengiug te thse cmi. pan>', purchassil vitsthe procoeds cf voluntar' contributions cf a foiv cf tise inhabitante cf Pickering, collected-! by tise ycsuri ladies cf t1rconwood, <hy jove 1 uidvised tisa baya te stick te tiss girls for tise> ara regular bricks 1) visa hind>' geL up the 9-ubaoription liaI and veut araunil for contribilions. Tise ameunt cama up te $500, Oreenvolmuat ho a vanderfai place (miais I bai the.houer ocf isongiug t& 1<> vush sach sons dotaudiug their country andl such dausbtars ai Loins atteuding te tiseir lu conclusion I hope evu.ry man vili returu safé Io isi, hoe.lQadeti with bhora aiftsur btviug mantuni>penfarmeil Ibeir dut>' te thein country'. Hloping yens yul excuse mu> intrusion ou yanr valcabie colunins. 1 bug to subacriba, OBSERVER. Picxuisarea, Juoe1.8, 1866. PesRT CaLneass, June 16, 1806. At a meeting cf tisa Greuwood Infantry> Compaiy-, bald thîs day lu tisa Camp, at Part Coîborne, tise foibowing nasointieus vere pau" - Moted by Cober-Serge'ut Pneu Graci soconsled by Srgean Sith$, and' carrioti un noal>', That thse mon cf ibis Comupany' dosgme te rotura tiseir sincere than#o te ihe luhahi. tanta cf Clreonwood anti its vleluut>', <par. imiar>ew ytiste Ladies vise, se kiadi>' vent &mroud for ceniribations,> for th. vir>' iasme prosant cf shIrtas, s, &c., ra. ceired tisis day by tissu, ihrüngh tise bands cf Mesurs. Samuael Bayer sud JohnsuMteis ell. This anefpacotd giftaonugat a1 I What v-sas fonnaI on a Fenian Prieonp en-]Pontais fy-alaws, &c. Au obliging correspondent aitishe front sondes ab the fciioviug. - LIST P iTilitOs a]OND eOMICHAEL UFFra- Aiit5TED UE uSm, p1866, ICobî's revolver, 6 shooter, barge sige, ~aded ; 1 povder lask, full cf povder ; 1 paper.ef halieta for revolves'; 1 box caps Ior revolver; 1 biox Rida cape 2 piags (or spibing cannon; i annModal; i sang Bock, (Injais rehets cf 98 e) i local Dylamocf Fenian Brotherbooti; 1 pair cf caslipaies, for isiug Rifles; i puresa, vit pleut>' cf moea>; 1 pans, -vilS ck -ef haïr î 1 Caîholie Bible; aqastit>'à aî. pers oet insa Iindo , L«wal By.Iauas cf Garryown OircZa, Of thue Fenian Broilses'lsoe, Titeaille, PaI. Article lat. Tise foloviug Bylavsabolîi tua in slndc accertiane vitis general con- stilutien of tisa Fenian Drotiserheet. - 2uti. Al maiemse sll-ssieet ai tise place sppoinîed, procisel>' ai 7.30 p. 5,t anti ead anti over>' member net auuwering ta his tise, at rail eil, sial hefluet net mora isa-n25cta. Srd. Ne memiser abaliSe abiavedti t rth ie motion cf suetiser masSer, b>' asen-tient a tara faroigu tisa motion peuding. Anti lmli tons hai se decil. .d b>' a stjorit>' cf tisaciree, bhaPro. aident te hive the caudng vole Il uae cf 4îis. Tisa l'nsideut shall ohserve strict entier dnniug daisate, nat exermine bis au, tisent>' ii decortus, glving te eaci maci. bar nit more tËau S minutes ou tise fboon la express iei opinion ou tise question pending, oxceptlng a au-gestion, Suis. Ettohsanti aven>' mouser une ne- questeti te use ail tise liliuce tise>'eau taô iîîduce ai persoae iaS vbom tbsey are acqualuheti, ta become moerso f iis circia cf tise Feulais brotiterbooti. Guis. bot iltus dipcîlt>'undenataou itt tise comanitteo orcfefa>'shail eunt ai eas once a veek, Iu pnivate sesaion, ta deiibc- rate visai>' on matons oonnectcd vilS isis ctrcioen.compiunce visti tis mie yul aubjeet tise absaîstea le net leas ISsu 25c1s, non more tisan $1 One, excepl inhure ondoc resaucuiatue sisovufer tiseir anisîce. 7î5. Il shiah bte sott>ofthe sacre. tam>', ta la>' befome mise circlus, ao conreti- porutetice from Hueail Quartera, connecteil sis tise llnthorsodc, th is t lmeeting att auucis coropoustionce are neceiveti, alano ta produco neceipta wvus a correct uicccuuaîof lte munira sont tead oaiQua- tinteni, tise aoutatatidiug dets andtihie mum- plusa on baud. ritb. Thes treasuror alil net apprapniata for an>' purpose vatasoover, an>' ut'tht, fends in isis possessiaos vitisout tise cosent of tisa majano>ri tis e circlo. 9sis. Ail> membher spetklng oft'hie huai. nasa transactions ai Ibis circule, lu tise pro. sente of pensons vbe ara cal memisers, àbiisIl tue fluainet bliss an25cts uer mono thsn $1. lOtis. If fi eau tua saîlafaetonlh> provan tisai an>' member la gailty tise second tinse ofth olsenfc stated in tise nisose article, lio shah unpon convictio cf antis ofi'euce ho expelied. Tise sajonit>'ofahtie circlo ratiffing tise saine. lts. Nô member shall leave tise meet. ing durng business houe, viu.hot tise cou - sant of tise santry, or lu defunt tisoreof, sahai tu fluer! 25ets. I2îis. IL shah h.utIse dut>' cf-lise circle leO appeoiut a spocial cominittce hoo 1v>' tuxes te defna>' tie expeuces oh the circie in 81l amerkamnuias. .- 13th. AUi masSers a is&h Sepecelhy notihlati te attend tise BraI Monday iu Jîn. nar>' tae dcci oficee fer ibis circle fer tise ansnY>eau,- 141s. 'No niember 4aba-brinug,.te Ibis meeting au>' poriose mnovsb bsc eeupre' posetiandi dol>' ebactatin lua5cor&Dsee vh tise geneal iconstitution. itt. Ais> article' lutiseon By.lava, netý meeting the ise vlaOitcth ise li, shall Se iseendoti b>' a spaciai eosssnstee, appoint. oti b' tisis cf nde.- on One aide cf lise Mcdias t éisefoi' Zarapeanw.War demed Inevitablp. *Warinu Europe la now decmod inevit. aible.-The proposed conforence, at which ail différences were tu have hoaiaetc hus been abaadoned owing te tbe> demande of Autria, wbi eh vire regardei by - Eug. landi, Vrince and Prussia as tantamount ta a refusai, Ail nigatiations are breken -off _ythe noatrals, and It romains for the arm-ed powers ta, negotiato- among thons. salves Or éamouce war. Hopas cf -pouce bAve aimoat -aniched. The London chances cf pae f&de away. Ihbe!ieves that the Brat evonts iiiiocour inU ha ibo Duehies, but that the great moeeof Aus. tria will ha ta attempt te posashersaitf cf Siiesia. fThe DaiyANeuss iys :-Appear. ances indicate that a deelaration cf var or a manifenta equivalnt ta it, viii proceed frein ?rusuia, The Prussian Goverument had iasued a circular note ta noutrai paw. ers,' charging Austris with. a fiagr'aft breach cf treaties, by referring the l- stein quesion ta theo Diet. Prussia aise sent a proteat te Anstria, ducl-arin;g that the ineasures aaiýnouuoed by Austria in the Diet violate the treaty cf Gastein, aud cause suspense lu tbaDuchies,and restores îwa pawers te posilions net accordod by the treaty cf Vienne. An Austrian air. eniar deelares that Austria will observe thke Gautein convention until a defiaite setulement of the question_,of ther Duehict is etTected. lier eniy abject lip referting the matter ta the Diet, was ta otTcct sucb a settlornont. , Miiitary preparatians are reparteil from liquarter.-. Spain increases ber army to 85,000. Au imperia desraeo suspends the lawa for the protection of personal liberty iii Veuntia andl other Routharn parts of the empire. Anthority tocdo ýlikowii8, and estabiish miiitary Conrts, le givrn_ to thu goneral commauding the army- of the Natili. Thec Austrian army le now 800,000 atrong, cf whom 600,000 wiii comprise the army of operations - 350,000,, gainsi Prussia and «.250,000 againstIltaly. The Prussianarmy consiste of 4,-2 bat. talions af-infantry, 321 aquadrecua of cuiv. alry, 1,086 iu!d jieces, kc. -It la tho lir.rest Prusalan army cuver set afloat. The Italiati volunteers uurnboïr 95,000. The typhisfeoyer la salid to have brolien ont lu the Itatian ftrUy, an - the frontier troop3 are bcing forwadeil dauly, nnd the beisiquartera were awarmiug vith troopa. The Emupaer rof Ausctria was expectcd_ nit Pruagno. Shoulil war break out, Bterlin, ndvic. - state tbuut Uiaunarcc voulci acampany chQ Kiti,r, as accu as- ho proceeda - to lucai. -quartera., The Rayal body- guardiefs Potsdam on the 5tb. -TheItaiean Govevnment la said te ha en-aging1 London steamers te carry trocops. The Austrian commander bas convcked the 1Estates -of lteiin for the 11 tb Joue, b>' order of tb, Emaperor. The Sauton Chamiser of Deputicei ad voted 'Ihe-credita requircd by Goveroîment andl approveil thse projeetei arnlamntu. The Tiniess ays tuecruhical relations an the continent have saveil the l3ritish Mlinis. try. Pot'), BettL & Ca. voulil resume huai. nesa lu a few .days. ' Tar* Sgt.P.Accumxxa NA'rYRce orCalme. -W. are so conistituted t althîough exteanai circum3tances . May censpire te conce «al aur crime yet retribution commen. ces irnmediatoly afier i tecemmissien. e oner bau the murderer aocompiisbod bis fe11 purpesa thathse agonies of am arousad accuing Conscience.- heglu te torment hlm., Sloop foers bis eyeiids, tha darknesa ef the nlgbt las peapied with horrible phan. teoms.. The>' crowd arounti bis piliaw aad obriak-tbe namne cf bis tiark crime iniohis ar, Dayiight brings no reiof4or thangs bo goes forth into the hua>' vcs'd andi mingles vit tIha hatling orovde or bis feiiou',men; tbeegh ha lv>' te losa JalmueIf ie tha diatractien cf guilt ; yet ln ail ils acenstIse phanteas la & ai bi elbov, ksaai L.&WLIR- At Wl -Zuae, .1866, a-le vlfO etq.,oft' tsafins Of1 Whitby Pai' Wioat. . . Peus ami... POsU maroifat .... POtat..s......- .a........... Baiter .......... . 3ggs -....... Chiekonsý. . ..--- Pork ........... Tnrkey.....'.. G.ooese .. . Wood èk......... 'r Sisapskvins ... NEW ÂDVE] 'ROYAL CANA~ lied a I-àLinceirz g et t naTl is'uist,. une .d sI WAN TORIONTO_ r'TAgotàteau i-k ATidre)"a' (prjuaic 24- Tis a llovieg ganenai crder bas receivati sir Jeisa Mbh the troopt ila ise <nom ans Â5, Jane 1,86- q;V0 lm ,ptsi.te v!W4, ati te place totb e 41tsa" Oilla Han-e," la, he tseore ~agklc<the- nut'f -the vuyaa3aý9 trme ala tujuatice net alois.e r CtoçRet')thes *t lietoo& h WswnTur c&-h Srngmeiçm t* iç,Jnre! to tbe ubisben, bat te tise alapa-yens qf. - - t" Y _ - ( -4 rcugis tise xentions and Miss Francis, m - Mss, Alez- : l'à&

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