Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1866, p. 3

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T Eaubscribbe oby br toinotlfy lb. Xorcliants, Farmers, tithe- Publie o gsieraly, Th i ,l 'v frtlk irrivalt imti., mauaeî whIch i. h0o..ec ti en! tti binl b'uile, tlilo'teuaI it JMmts ROWÉ, & Co. WIIITrBYItRASS BAND. T L Whtby Il% ia sdQuitdrille 'Band!, uo teitlot h orgminimth»n aid Krn o t a netuoait ieyare prepaet le atrî! ponîpIo e tll WIN twittuwhiicIt ieny ijvbe Ievnrled .rouis *11 fi l ûdxculeil- Ail1iPciltioliî <ube inale te, or to N. 1BAI!UER, Licader oft tie lInk& Whitly, Jut~ 2, 108.8 'NSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. In tenitttof CARLJETON LVNDE, iaIrîy cllg L'ui baiuo»a 4nti le town et te eMet>ant >aclana partncr ln L)efrt f1YtN IR & rIT, (At he aatn<, p~se, r' t, ntl,, annInulveliti. of j fetrac tlianllIvemt are netil fet! j ti t e01t1e ciice o et i ndrio, il ( ht 'l'o t In , 'ollty f tt ttc, tii -d lmy cï .iîly, hîçOfIat 2 CoIl q, m fr Itllei tilk ,uîti or , ~ !itrtn, ui fr tulî rdtritg-v l le o .4 LFVI YAIuBAiS INSURANCE AND' GENRALAGENT. uf)lq FYV) f LOA etai ls-Wrates iter- tN(itI.LE IiIAil lYll>iPl*-avt t4 igs LIVERPOOL & LONDO Ne IttIANDE Q M'Y k~ ~VE)ANNUA14 RE- .i6..........to,0 TI.Aicaeta (on-alien Pr adnk of P tîre E..'the Ùonty.Clelinaitî mhrcî TîtiS eq.see*àsaduerOnriay l Ir limims;e rjj<îio* andtet i es- ' h'eJîc e I'ri îcy aa te Litees-es t re ue- 011tT raîr,. Ai lcttt,ît tblDeiiartmelttsdcn i ttc~lte etlia îtice uîtoloupaît>-il, Mon.- b.FAlRBA lots, ia. Agent. Wititby. )r Or,tt'-In the revineiitt l Ttgrapl tUt llilittg, uaftsh îe legiaury Olfice.18 TUE C OMMLERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE uORNY. -e- CAPITAL- $2,500,000 BTG. (FULt. tBClBt. INrTnOVEIt $2,00O,O0-4>£ 1>(i'4liTFt3yç IN CANÇADA, 0669. t-ilrlw1-0, (orage Citurcht Stres!.- (i cU&IIASCI:-NORLAND, W&T- Fteîn. Cetlt,, Bedrotar>-, 081% e3Sdi&US?, et, l'alul Sinsel, Montres!. NEW Ad>1TERT18EME1NTS6 ON TÂRIO BANE ýProeeedinga ,of -eue Yintk A n1a MStifofthe Stoiq*wzdere of -Ute*OnUr* Bank,41 ieaitho Banking Rome1 Boïwmcnville OImdMth day/June, 1866. 'he chair wss talcen by the Ux. jolir< Sigpraew, ho teaci tbeflouwlg Re ports ?Vonints Afntrai JËq»r <Of 110 drmt4 ROf thep aow 4erd- AoUera at the.Annical Meting, hou in thoir Bcnldii llecu itaRî.anilZe, on MJonday, Me 4th day af tune, 1860, lu Our Isat report *a statet! thatt hoejreceding year had,,it ohtferoallybe n on. of unusual 9100Min ddepresis;an d Wbi Aise, o edthatif jr edb kiâPr<ovidtince with a beunitifut harveat, as vie thon anticipatet!, (bat iiear opinion 'teirade or oh country woult! soen regain fts wonîed vigor eut! actvty-it in usel oasfr us to teil yeU how fu1ilr our hopeaut predictions have beon rn.alited. The, business cf the, Bank t!uring the. past yeer bas beeftsacf., Active sat! legitimat., eut!w oe re happy to b. able te report thgt the hisses, no tir as new asceriainet!, have been ofie trifllug character: cand s- have alac pleatsdre le adt!icg thai soume large atnuts due te thto Bank, a ycar cge, thât wel-,e ouaidered loubtfizl, haie siS. beent pait! or accuret!.t Iu conse=uo te ipocullar ecttufia o! otr Produce rade, dnning tho luit entucunt aud wiuter, a - eti mallef Atmluub of înojhty sas required to inovd ouf largo andi vlu. able crop, then vouldt! btebec necessat>' under erdiuary circuoetacêce; and as a cou- acquecc your lienora foued t! itipossible te geL sale and! profitable empîcyment tors tae swloie spere furnia or Lithfe nk t under these ciîllu lta &à sILwa deemnèd ctvlssbleî tor llt cuederehla portion of bur surplus <tînds toeng.at hiis wadonc partielly as a preeutioary uteasura, but chbetly lii the vie* of seung the. bcuefflt t the high rate of inteaest nos- pifealIn*g luthat country. It it probable that tho surplu* fuda cf the'llank nilght haie Iieen -rtble profittbly amployeti, aud possibl!y s-bh as groat safety. l in thetnited Stteaè but bolieving tuat IL wsx the intention of the orldnai founders o! yeut- Banki as s-el! as cf Its stockbholtlcrs, thet it shouilb. a purely Cjanadl iniestituton, your Directers have stcadiiy endeavor. cd ta eîploy îts capitailun idiihg té developt.> b rcsuftMe ocfthe. country, ftther titan to seek large proOLuaby eanlpleylug It in that ei another., Tour l)irecters legret te Andut at Lite Importations for th ii. ttie iv~oithu ô!fte limoent year are gratiy I bu dctf itos. for the &aime periot! cf 1885;- ifflieexperi- - nc ! bcp fadosne t ec n matc u ealmrchauts te lbe prudent, eut! te cej tieirtrnsatios wthti easuabe nt!lagtîntt bonrtas, s-e may sean bc The braaibfl i ti, Rtilrebty Teat s-u udeutedly injuriouly inienfere wiîi tnt atg ct! alubut tttte tiethasexeto bewae ts ceoutry antd the United! Staes urig ti, aitles yers~W. atîat lewtin cmmercial plicy uew bcang pursel es-ada s b tii Amrica Geeruoutas thewiseo tlitte uarrôvw andI vici- Qum, uiliko inturions u sud-te ts own people ibut s-hile iro regrt te logsa afthie tre(Aty'. s-c blileve thet if nu Goernment s-ii grire us 'ciao icglalat:.ou lu Vicvr ofaur alles éd cMrumstances, ait! if our people s-il! use bhe cuergy anti Ins At thir <iapesal, te devep thte agrcultoiral. comumercial aud! înenufeettnrbug rcaaurces of eue os-n flute country, (liat ilitt many titink to bc à prescrit lois sy e ortdally proe ate be a great gan Wce have At ail tinîrs givon smccii 4d ta orir local mnanfcturlng catabliahttds as tueir necetseitiea reqitired,-or the. interest of the Batk arnlî permit; an eut soelleve- itat vour liatnk, as e-l ase *Il te ther rifcnctary institutions ef the country, nil! ad- vsee.thiîr own intereat as %-cil as thit of the country, b3t using their iufiuence ud etean* ilu îiiîunltiug eund fos;tcring honto productions. Thete iutry 'rlisi# nos- rsginluEngland and on tic continent of Etiropo liaS cttracttedonr carneat attentiotn. 1 ais in EËurope are altncost inveriabiy tiled t!b>- peuics lu Anierica. l In tepi-eont instance it lai rtif Ing te kuos- Lat, e acr as Ca- nad* lx coueerued, It *-as neyier lna ebttter pesitlon te ltItbsleud* thé siock tien et theà preseu wt momient. Piring tii. put yeer a large ameuttcf iudelpte<lueas buas eon <ia- chargea!. V'rmets antI merchnta, s*ho a short tinte *go-Were dubimes as to the future, have experienet a attîden traînsition frein appruliension and nncettaity ta ch.erfilues eut!comrtrtiv eao-lrgcsuns e-in tomoniot! instittitiotn% hating theur cic!e offies u Eîglat!,h sc b-cc etndedacl au Itnit ha enccenabiedtte bave large sum l detiltslutii bndao!tijirLo/enagets aIa ine s-hen u cb depots eau- requi-c!.Bouedrdirge ora envt!sein m oits alncitu ire the plai u!n intednuas goA carolul inspection baes beeu madIe b>- bhc President, tirecters sut! Cashier, et (ho Bonks, ciasoe tni e Heat! tYthco. lranehesi sud Agencies 1 sud s-o are plcased te bc ele-te report tbeîeverytbing was foundt m be correct.- Tho Osallr, bManageroî anîl the ocureraof iet Bank, bave lu oui- opinion .liscbarg., ed! bidr respective dutie t3 ihlt an sd abiity1 sutn s- e nidctle L i ttittd et! lo ua thanl<s. To pitis e!j»e lait ygri &[fler paYmet of cli currentt ex- penses anat! ciske5 provision fut- intereont on depî-ttil 15l,78sl 81 To s-hiei aM * balance st tProfittndLisa last year, les$ - arnouit aritten off for icases ........................... 11t,,229 0J3 Whieh lbas bin alspropnix4 s * o»ios: lOG Tro paymtnt tf ivid.ud 1lst I>cetîiýr lust, 4 pt cent. .~,f5. To Issytuent of ividenid lai June inst, 4 per cent ....i2... 'ro p4yonent of govemmnent alc on ectiation ...... ... ...ZQ Tu wuxal roduction of Bank PJp.sty .......... 4,0<10 où 13it27 0o of tiis aloufi thOe alith0( S5c,Of~tbas69been adàd dto e l$Rè78S sere,tnaiig the atcotint uo* &L h.e ît ofiis lundt 51b0,000...................................... 90100 D The. baance, 516,78R,74, remuinp aithtW eit cf Il. antiL. '$111>8874 Tho-usual annual 43.o.ral lftatecuent of dits a&iira .obil the âk it bbcdosm ofthe curre« ly#*r id ubettd heftwith. Ail of Wluklî ta r.spetfu!yly tbiltted. 4. SImpSoflN, OwÀato lBaic, Jieo 4', ISO. GEN1EI1AL STATEXE14T 0F THE Affirsôf the Ont'rioà Bank, As ON WiEDNEqlSDAY, 8Oth, I8eo. ASSETSt Gocît!and SlvrCtilih 1 ........................ . (lovernuient uccutidlies................... .. m)e b>- ethel' laitks................... .................. Notes Andt!Chtèques of!tetr lBanks .. ......... ........ llak Po eYr...................... (taptaitoo pol1 iji.t.......... Ciclto............ ............ .t .... .. lcslsnte ulttra...............1 1> Deposoi t ùItet a........-*;, . 'Blance due te other Blanks 1-........... ...... I)Ividchd nlant................... . l)jvbdond No.J8, payable lt tJohit............... Roeserve Pue ,ý. ...... i-..... o.....&............ .......... profit and! Loua........ ................ .............. b67.4501 74 ""Il,282 70 l48.2i *79 134,226 51 8,179,950 02 bse.92,oo5 îoff589 128,488 68 3,2651 23 180,000 00 16,788 74 D. hUMER, - Caseisu. Ontario nlItay g0ih, Sd lBank shace 51 '1.-ai - u~ tY~- r - mêm Él- Câinet Maorand'Ùh1ties au facturera of aIp dds CÀEoIeETWAE Arud HonimMade- Furnfiture. rI'ttL & tItflO4HER'beg tu, infbrm customeit and the public, that tloy haie pdrcbued the. Stock.ln.tadand interost intihe business carrnet on for the las( 84 years in Wbitby by their fatber, and bog to sofloit a centirtuanceocf the Pa- tronage bestowed upon the cotablUalinient for se i4ny years, Sofag, il3reaus, Loùngds, lkdi dte , est l)raDwers, ok ing laqsat, dok Cages, Panldr àâd flrauvlng flem; haiý s Rocking Chitri, Mfie aut! Cahe.Seated Chairs, Towei and Tolet Stands, &4t'ý'ln great variety, ant! et grcatly ieducot! prices. ba~is ril gW- UPHCJLgl1't?Y iiiail ita qs.,Every atcebeing made. up under tbeir ewn Inînediate supekintent!enca ce be walTanted of the. beotna> t~iJana Ïworkmanahip. g ~Ail Iinds df ÏMIt Moteidngs sud Pictu'e Fràics nmade te order. An examinetien of the prcent large rat! splendid stock on baud is repect- fuill solicited. g' 'taro Rootils, No. 4, Iireck ettect, eut! No. 2, Couborne strct. TILL & BROTHERs Whitbiy, May 15, 189!8.1 No. 1, on theo Corner.' LAWLER & FRANCI Se (Successors to the late C. Robeets.) Lawler & Fiancis take leave to announce that havinig purvbased tlîe 0f the late Cha#,rlesRobcrts,,at a redïtction below the prime cost, and haviîîgidded largely to the stock on band, thcy are~ now prepared to sllpply.,customers with GItOCERIES, WINES & LIQIJORS 0Of ail klndii, and of the best quality, at -unprecedentedly ltw Prices, for cash. A lot of M1 &PLE STJGA R just reccived frottn Lo*er Canada, whidi will be sold theap for bash. NEW AÏ)RIS fNtrs BE3ZT?APAN SEWING At 'INE -NIATC:H & BROTHE-R lliigbeen ap ointed agents for the sale -of the- celebrated ttB.AYMOND'S ýitPovE]) FAMILY SrEwiNG MACHINES," are, apreparet! o urniah. théns atthe xnauu turaiers ,priceat ,_A number cf tic boerein -tîst in iéwnv-and givca perfect saitisfiction,. An iipecticn of ALSO ON UAN]) AND) FOR SALE, ~HfP SHER 0f thec bcst make and latcst pftens, They wotuld informý their custoiÉers in tho Oountry tflat their Pcddlar l idn nr the reute througlh the County with an asaertrnont of firat- cls _I AE nucnc I îy bemel - in the very best tuaturial. IW' Ail thoeo indcbtcd for goods, fronu oun lïddir lnSt >ear, wilI plciist - HTUJ &BI1OTHER; Dofin lIrwrPana 1e, c,, o. 4, l3rock e., Whltby. oA n apprentice Wo the Tinsinith buseiness w'antedo, U JAS.IBAN &1Co0 Wo 1 ld announce that they have rýernoved- W i omodius brick, liýilding, a fcw doors Soqth Pt IELD #'C ARDEN S E St h o i 0f cvery description-warrantptd-and, at" unusually Iow' pt'ite s for the qîwAlity.,-n ctrder to ma3ce-roda forI a large statck of CROCKE RYI &ç ordered directly fromn England, 'WC are disposîng of the! stock in handà belowcost price. IXAWLER & FRANCIS4 'No. 1 i»ntheo «orner DundS eand lBrookliSreets. N. 1B--fA 'Il goods- waxiÈntid flrst-class, and as chcap asiifly house Idi thè tradd. 13 FOR8-A L E 0 WibowLor<o.. «ltr ita st striWitiity 'cait f i TY Orv )l Tat e î.utý,g tkea Wtltly, kgoolfaiemue s-clllgbus, aun Itricte Stable upeli <aea. A1proüiotej ot * IdilJb 5 te rlit. rutr-st llsfnisi.r &C., WlttY. Wittbi, fiîh inae 1806 tf4S FOR FIUE; LIFE.,& ANNUITI1ES. .- )Lotital. Williamt Maiso, Es . Cbsrmsiv'Thoms Kay~h1ony~<h*aaX.tj, lin. John Yn'ag, vicllorâcXEq. Lîes.Anîscs->utaTo*atne &Morris MitgoÏi'Alivur-Wi01 .'Suthertland,Ï. tD. Actyosa-Metiro, Qre<nsilda & Johutac. R.sid6n$Soecratry and G<leeral A&cirn-A R'tobin A-,ood' FAIR PLAY 18 ALL liE IWÇ4TS 1 1100D",' 'ciii sant!for birc iý ti. ass mA nOUUCeune balu nid bila. t11<, tck tIoi. Whî>atiatWtIrht-, o t ll8jrlon til cAutera, ltprted ont! otîers-ism. <Aneili berso lu hli.cldos.whobmektes li lîei Coionbus'idît! net BTpear agui l If icasees ateonrae,> leur iallr eraar 1tJitil !l100!"itas eirnl.t! OIt lirapriue,. Who" boia bect alt - 1 n. ostai 'te as cariI oa it t o Ir. le hmWy vsgemxest 016 sdyge tinettees *bteb biew4rs ant!tither disibs cAted 11rionda etinIdoaeret! te bnitgltt b it te proprlouots eami,.ea but eograteisto thon aolttIransd #kt tesauna t4m t xirt thaulalo t e f« t1liair leprinty. T. à T. 1l01GS0N, l lropnieton InovotAcet of 186-4. Pi-jovfetCanada, tluethe <Jouet>-Court1 iDnt>-ofo tÀmtta-e lIteo 0util of#<tuai- n. BRLOOK STEETrn'l 8UIYMER 8-H 0 ES, Just W ai unasortmentof Ladie@, Mises, and1 ChildrellffSum bu mner Shoes' Aidc> ppie-Èiade Boote enid Shcbcs, iiud shoés of aflt ums- kinds, Wholesale and Uetai. .i, I i Twç> ilundrec Sies of Spalish Sole Leailher. 'Machie iTeed- b" les, Silk'àaîtd Litrnen Threads, Hard A.sh, S11k, pu& Cotton Elas- 111118 lics Aul kinil of Shoemaker's Eindiuga- for s&le cheap. i u WTERMS' CAgN. . «M BAIN & CO.- TI-E WHITBY A gricultu rai Woeks t Single Reapero,, and 81ne Mowors, tý un Roapers 'and eopcoîally uit th ,i tsuof o!ho eu tetoi STOCK OP RRA PERS & ?VIWERS. They ha choaea kinis of the lats t, make to- Bail',, Oh!Q-Reaper M1id Mioo, oodnbincid. Ca'yetra Chie!, Zeape!r "4 Mo.çor, combineiL Tite Mànniug giti Réùeopr aîdeayugs Junior; Mower-e aey and-al 'o! thie boyo Machines w-o învite a trial., Tliy ertb bing In, îtufst4tr- et! with mae, d "Ixn,~t l,, wrutu athip.et)u. ail ttrn ed e hô prc laser ,to give satisatction opin aà fair tri,îi or no BROWN à; PATTERSON, WLitby, Ma~y Und, 1864.2 Whitby Racese Vis~ &RING RACES ONTARJO TRÉj - CLU1É, Will comaoIon ovin' te Wlitiy Cotîr.4a, tii .THURSDAY & FFtIDAY; * PIRST DAY. OIQ0000, liierkltis l'une, fotr al] ira- vince-briat! hersas, ttilo liéttt, bort tnu. ii fIvoi T.*C. W. $250 OU, Ilurdle Jlnce, forrvtcelr hrt-,oîtiy;tiloe liits, uvor - .ulrs ft lct eba lgli, weighitt, 145 Iliti. $50 00,TrotffnKpuarade; f.-itil iitrah thut -i terrboat.Q243, utile hauts, betaI bin 5; te lîttrteta. silver Clip, fer litiok Ihormicalif-tuilu ýIti; SECOND DAY. $100 (10, trotilg ir sre, for tilt îitaj; 1111tiuh1tm, be.tlffee inti Ir, te ionnes,,f!. $%00 00, lInakeepera' Pansrje, Onytît o ail litorâles, twa utile ieinte, Ilautdtcap Weigltt., $125 00, Duicherx' Trortting Pissme, telle hseata, titrao iu Ilve, ta hairltio,jilor iitnr:à,lt Itorseg, iîtued ('11 M tic iutc es,,miiowneil date M tb RULES AND) 1WGUbATJONS. two to stan Xicutratica teii pur cent. 'lete),. racgt te lôi- n u ertinto ttholeieb ottit, Clu. rl ut-it bua mde tInoluwrtuug,snti tUnder saent'cliii tul'etara>-ho!rd ienilo o'eloek oittVie Cttin reliitate cccii tay'» racess. -Alirident-iil a rqlraeitb ~1rot.4ht gîte lits aiatu, pedigree, art!cu tTlt Jodgas'tlieiî 101t., tee fialit ail cs,. pro- vincis bret! .ho6rrek) aJ!ed san pioitt!tt lIeubes ns i b nltrîî1 l n-te hotu b> i.im)ii double ceutritu iinby. TflOS. hUSTON1 Wlâtbyl, tty 21, lii,. Whitbyl May -2, 1866. thor..5 If*.- -1 - yv4 b>- W. 81"m, q, sqçoeded bY Di,. I mreid$li t PaDitori, together 'illa tbeg.oi <ftw %Ubittd, bliaretettedi, AUIPtOd, iu8 9 1 "ma

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