Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1866, p. 2

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Xew (brtssenStis Day, Somm.er BMots sud Shom-- Naià Ce. Homes and Lo1s for Sale in hibyS B. Cochrane.- noots Mud Suées vholesals and rtail- Jiames Bain & Co. PIra-clasa Maple Sugar for SsI,-Lavior &Prancis. Spécial Notic- Seving Machines for BaslaéiklrO. Home-madIe Furniture-TilIk Brother.- Groceries, Wines, and Liquors-Lavier &Fraucis. Thé entéstaInvasion- AsiAnSUMrY lFs B ACOB RESULTS 0F TRlh AFFAIR ATRIIi- Thé wliolé e nutyabéés sté-liged lcng bers ibAisereaches 1par ceaderi, b thé éxciting sanueenent that a borde cOf thé marqudlatg sîhbmlé eii dared te invade thé soai"of Canada. Thé Sest of Joue viii hé suède messorabié by this évent, as the day vwhieli witneéad thé pollution cf oui-soil by thé trisIof thé lavisas hcnds cf adienturi-rs. Aud it viii b. madé sîil more inginorahîs a.sthé day wliee Canada et foUIeT oyal onst t meet theêfé;'and vlen soab a çpirlt of entlinustie patioitism asusponlanéonly ONL 81-50CENTS A"YEÂE dapaodtheulont ihé <ire léagîli si - ~~brealth of thélaut i pérbapi us-coanti WIutby ThrsayJ11107, M86 ever vituéned before. But eue meatiment WltUone Whitby I At s largo meeting heid at thé Tow-n hall, en-last Saturaiayeveniug, the Mayon un thé chair, resolutions passet pledgiug thé inembens ef theo-Tow-n Couaici! te aid thé famniiiias of Velunitena, andI malté's liberai appropriation for the purpose eut ef tho Town fonds, ila cinétheCoeont> - Conucil failec te, malte dueoisibaon 10 meet at vantsansd cequirémonts. A itfes Oai-ci as aiethén tormed, èvr> Mac présent. igning tbe rell, asai prevatiled villi ail-an «egr désire 10 ment sud cruslithé . insolent- inradér. Young mer sud old, rolunl«rl4-vlna- bera froia thé unénrolled mases-as vel as ouri- r,.ned citizeu-*otdies, visti vitli escb otber ibuoeesagén désire tw hé sont te the fi-eut, andI vipo ont vitk avifi ven- geance thé insult so vautébly offerédt o or isou sund flsg. Noyer dicidefenders cf tlier hocmes rush for.andYt4l more ais- éiiy at hein coaanry'ao«Il cf dutithu the noble Voluntemra f Canada.' Ayoiding 1 thé pi-lixlj, 'usî-él! a' thé inconsisticies anti blmîudrs of the thea- éuumnrating thé nuniber sud descripite mn c -sdeereports, mt toi-iari-nluthe of orims he o oraicpredue. Thé roll bliba aa of ,'tras farn hteolaerauh officesa mée ben signed by aimeast every mur in toi-o, andi tho Rome Guard niusters a for- midable body. . -Most cf vhicb do mère te pmule than lutotamthé reacler accnrately, vs viliesu deavor to séparais thé giaifi-cm thé A îeseloîiom na s a se - st y thée chai, anti umuarie théo(sets and i ci. Town Coumil ut ils meeting ou Menday éyetin ut a, appemting a comnnîtîce te énquire mintshepriée and qéali f cfa.s bIs fine arma- viîh vhich te supply the Home fluai-c. SNowareomeehIbme more pal-lotie on- thusiasai prevail than lu Whitby ; ever> toén le prepa&rot te do bis wbeîe duty. W. biaveo aready sent i-o cempanies, Major Walsee's Rifles,.sud Captal Dartnett'm Infant->, te the front, 'aud sororai cf oui- ycucg mec have aise velaunîsered andI gona - -foi-usrd. Moere uéresdy, anti villing, sud ahi. te folles'w feîa neceeary. '-'aîuem ratppceeaalon cf temiméleonlie. Tho funeral procession et the roluntee alsaiaIntliugowsy, tankt place at Toronto, on Tuestlay.-an-t aswu e et the moat grandI> solema spectacles ever vilcéaecie tuatI ity. Thé tunerai ccrtege i-as mcmt solsiaraanti Impolng. Thé preces amn vas toi-ned etthe Bond of R,.hi 47tîla imemnt, playbug thé uloar mai-eh lu 8»,fin, ing pary t> umadéconment! et Capt. J. R. Rillof thé Caîsden Company.- J, W, Jobsn Gsir, tCy clark, nMarshall for the day, asounted se herseback;thie Juodes et the sîsin wish thé trcep of Cobourg Dr-ag. génas on eéither sidé. Then follovéti thé éiéf mournrs; ,thée omittes of arrangé. meénts 1 Uppèr Cas-adaCcll*4.re b cm- pany ; ibitiproiioéal batsloéetfvelnc- teers et ,th militai-y distr-ict; balisa> of Cobour-g aiiler>, militai-y achool cadets oficers cftvoontiora uattaéhéd le cou- pantes ;Mayor snd Corporation, andtiti. sons on foot, citizen§ lu cariagea, cier suéehaduiéclu-,auuabea-; Col.. Doésea somamsdin flli;udbîhmilitai- stricts. urjon.hloeri Naper aud tarf aise asé éompanléd thé procession a short disteacéno. The pageant mérem op Simou stmu-et te Xing, dovu Bing stet, le Pta rliaméat and op Parliaméot te St. James' Cémtqy, i-hère thé bedies i-ère interred. Thé im- muenue ene at -srecoaneci asi ori10,000 persas- Whs4t thé Whitby Ladies do tor thé Xti obatting'1cf the ladies of thé Toi-n et Whitha, ccuoned an thé Meébtanlsm baill, os Tamestis>reuing, meuasétsai-re1 inken te suppî> thé e oléntéers ai tho front with fianneél sirts andi sooks. To 4ha, (Wedaosdy,) 100 eaomfortjkbieé111an nel iium, andi 200 par of mchs, voe ready suditor-wsrdéd ta thé respective a- lions cf thé Whits> infante> andi Wbitby IkOué. Thé ladies attér a ashorttâ<mia ceileéteci thé hantisome mmscf $210 TIi.> areaime gttîng réady baskrets et pi-o vis;iouma te h sont, foaad, Ladies of1 éther loeslitmies bIbithé ooti exaapIé?1 B Ioy. as thé front, remsbe i-liéthiola oif yoa aIst o9ee Mr' Wiite, of tbu i-s W.,: B, Cordier à Ceolé s ntoenu auraeingr fer th!& val- nais Canadiavsokly, vIlic la duer > éd. ly heeomlag«vray popular, its' clrénlshbot la Dovw#vsudoratanci, over test thonssady it l» jaMésàe te alte thé plateéof thé1 ceup Amoreieau truelb cf thé e cgor stamlp, st présèlit s50lail> tiçaated lu -tis Peovie. W. beartilly réuotamsîtd oui ratiers le sabeeribe, TiAtMa vaaiENon' vm isa Ga Tuciz.- Thunsisasi-biégar Whtby at I o'cloelt 6, M. fraisthe Bua nd, su ihait-put 7, dents. Thé final intelligence récivétI vassent frein Iuffalô, thai 1,600 Fenlans liaciet- fécied s croasing et thé rhver Niaga, about baîf past ibresce'clock, sud isadoc ah a point about s mils blci- Fart Brie. Tho crossing vas effeoted- by m-ans of hi-o iugs andt io canal boas. The lu,'. dons &net iLth no eppoation; thsy cal the telegraph cablo; hurneti thé swing bridgé bobi- Fort Brio, and took possesion cf thé péacéablé toi-n vithout roistince. Thé> toçk by force al l te te> îilu thé aeseofprovisieus anti eiothlng, eut oui fonagini- parties *ho piandéreti thé counti-y for miles arosund, et herses anti ethen sup- pies, torn eméoet hich they teudsred pay- mont lu American alun-platers, antI bonds- cf "thé Irish Republie."o Othorvime they do nci appear te bave molested thé inhabiiuas-Manyetfi-boss, especiali> thé fi-maIe porthn-fléti la terrer aéroas te -ButTalc snd hto tb. interior. Prompt meureai-èeotalten b> lim govorument t10 c utithé Volouteérs, and the régaler troeps, anti dispatch themu Io thé, front. Thé Qéésas Ot to > routa, nuuabenlrîg 400 stroug, undcu- . masuti etCol. l3eunis, lBrigade -Major, S5h Dmlt rsthéeltà à ent 6.1% *oesthé Saab i l ioe ujeylithéelacée, te ho eut to the poit ofdqg», WbVhuwevé (eihowed by thé 16hioa4M Tutreegals thé Royal aud Voleaéer batterIes,,andi aévrasiOouotycoampas, alnmbèrlaa alto. géiher méné 2,»00 u;a;ndimd utday thoe vers f1offla COLL oi-i-y, ibh 1,000 SMs.Théevitolé foi-ce vuspisee setier thé Immédit. ésumntiof C.leeI Péseec*n Othur conipeabéfiouail dire.. tisas toli-d thé-sasseday, anti erdéeid, la report at Tai-ente, ais : -C oaimtovn rides, -Cul. T. R. Fenjgmon; Bare rifles, Cartain meKeie; lBari*leisz&tant a iet Uan-ast; Bmi-siord itîfiatay, Capisié me- Mauter j Asies. ufutsy, CaptainPeul; Klng"aclnrty, Captas0"e ;- t;atithé Scarbe rI-iSsu. Isamediusi, lon avrtssg, thés. troopa maréledt ttheédiltIIshed, anti 1> thé evening train tbqh tte Leçt and sins pibér craîpanisé errivbei. BI13 thé Grand Truak la Salthere arri-véti tuing mimé courts of thé dey tbé George- tow-nitatry, Osi. Young; Staritofun infanti->, C&pi. Novay; Nons! do., Capt. Lylo; Deray West Isifanta->, Captalu Gra, ton;alseoiv. o.psies fiou Whbl, Mjrwalaeoe frou: Oshawa, >Cspt 1 blichael onutfront Mai10 ; onu trou llrooklilaCaps. Hoigima fenu fi-ouiCoc- lumba, Capt. Presmîlci î »sérou Bramp. ion a in asfi-oi Gndmmwairle, andi tbèy -vere! li, or tteanhy se, foivartiedto thé fi-ent thésaime sud' following day. Thé Qmséno Own .andthe. Thrteéuib battallon of Hamilton, _orri-veti at Part Coîborué ai néem en Faaiay. Thé ue veresuaimatéti Vith thé Mi-mt intense féel- iog te mert ithoi. l"m» Lsate.- iespoudnt t ellaeus iithé setamaidéert columun rmaýei-ng., Thé moretng wvas .îI- i iàse, anti erythiug loculeti caîm antilovu. PrivaI. iy. Thére i-e no appéeaicé cf l'enias No. 6, Pr raté Jel user su> supicion tISat thé> i-ors vithin as5. coi-pc distance of four - itle ,. t la srh-v pn aunif thé> bad-joii *e-regulirs' and No. 9 P; voFluntéers undr Colt'FiPo'e'k" - Stcele, 1 About aiu héUÈvwu spent lun'proparations b9, prisai fer thé marciisreof et cmon partiig i;ou, Noî cf Sncb réfreshanénts am they isimoti te a eË baé ro~h ibi ién, Sfor ppr.No. 1, siens othénisé suppliodtiiers i-ère noneà Caziter, Aatrange vaut c4foteseiglit caimeétistionm pivai. to hé vithhelti nitil -thé ltecomaIjoi? W&~Va thé main bétos 6 te Niagarsm 4 U M5U wu vaslhahf-paet soren o'cloek vitén thé columu aset ont on tb. inaîéb whbéb vas mc Miln and! sôo une:.pectoàly tenléatI oui mec lut denger. The i-ced -aiton leada unth froua the railway , station te Steren8vîhl7. the point ree thé junetion vas expetu ibèere are cearoti tfai-mon obîiber siýo Thé I "Quen'm Ovni' vers deplcyod Ï akirmishérs on thé rtght sud loft cf thé i-oaci under Major Gbîmere, anti thé Thir- teeuîb battalion cécupioti thé ri-ct msf- th& whcle initer the. commnand oet Li#.ni- Colonel Cociter. The teorce marélad msa tily anti waiiy alcng thé road fer about s mil. when tb. open ceunIry is erosset by s heit cf voods s uhiclely spproacb te thé highvay. Théehi-cepg bebavetI vitia thé utracat cemposure, andI thenevas net a faîterer in thé uholé command. On thé adrance lins cf slîrnilshers reséhing te -withié aboutentee buedreti sud fifti yards cf thé voods spelten ef, thé sharp report cf evénal hundred rifles, fol- loveti b>vw-eaths of atockte alowly curling up bt-osa thé reéa,, toltI in unuistake. ibis tertus ef thé présence cf s hostile forés heut on centemtiag the furber adI vancé cf oui -tli-eps. Tie misereauts had takiea dlibérat. atm: for thé fist fine bi-ought dowu aéreraI cf oui- gallant lada, amng uhem wvasEnsigu MeEachrén, of No. 5i cempany, ilQueen's Own.s" Il miglit have heeu cipocteil perhaps that youag men i-ho hâd crer ceeu s hostile sho ea tinlatheir lires wnuld bavs quailed befoi-e thia sudd'un vaùy ; but fai-fi-cm ih 1 Whsîeer<mîgbt bo thé éxcitemeut caused by it, It vas net the excitement cf tear. Theré vers neotaaitbéants in the wholé lino, but viîbthéheteadftiusofe oltI slliers traued inlabattle thé gahîset yentbs &tondi op îo perforai honoi-ahly aud crei-éalbly thé ste-n task v'uiicb thé> sair vas before the-m. Thé officors, by word mnd aet, gavé their mon ahiahever ailiglat encuragement vas needed, aud eacb rieci villi the ether le enthnsusiansd fi-mus oef purpomé. Quicirly charging thein siflcs, lu obédience te the word of coininaid, thé> broughî their vespons te thé shouid, or, Il preseni 1" rang out lointidcear, and thé firai deadliy vollely fîred inl Canada for îbirîy years veut forth on isà mission. It tolci. Thé Fenians, éenonueci sltiugh the> vers hy skulliég coevsr-dIy ehid the trotsa, telthieitly anti soins bt ap,- peared to e hé ither khhti ci-rmoi-ali> veabders e cas-i-ed ocfl' te orosi-by their cotanades. The lire thns openéci eciatneeci bell for orar an beuma, anti tutu euee imhr aide von reli> vouadeci. TUE JtN-YshEs. Theé-*olnersvêe Suppicd eniy îith tpty rounds' of ammnîcioc, and tIa th end et thé heur tIbis vas expeodm l1antd ne frush supplies vers fcrthcotnint. lYhat lé t e hédune-w, vas thé 'th;nght'saja 'ps, os* un thé minds ef the commnantiors lo continué thé igt "taut amutRilipu vu Imp"bl o daoiy suer boéei ciioîr in uituberésud rmme-, experieucéti inbtush fightibaý vas equali> apprent, set se tioré remnead butt efutie; -to rreéat, Tbias u deldemi upou,,more 'esséially a5s tbsy bati neoiors nte bring on an engaghment butai-e thés- joîneti thé anale forcies.Tbseevas -ohinlofitîfer 1h, anti sceordly he lorcder ta I! haek asa a-lulctantiy glve. Thé bodies oetthe. 'teùand sudetthé wounded vers alil aieful- iy conveyed te thé rear, andI thon thé rune lnan serderly aidquiet tmanner, tôoku î te lieuoet new, talliAg grsdusily bac én thé raiivsty station. Thé eFntais madIe - ac atteaupt ho'puusa, andthet IlQueen's Owa" sud Thirteontit aseor vers uhén 1IcJi. retuiig1tot«"aiplace, whéré 1 bav ust at ri-b-éd, villth a1r speetators et the fir-iht - iTtitnSMT&. Thé encointér bas been a soioua one. forva o1r i-lai ,unber eofbasé Feian. lit-è wiilcémpenste for thoesse piant- lysad usleb'gy id dey byetu-'uoble lads. li-day? t ed-thty béée sideti b> syth, rNc. 4, pi-teaséJéc, No.- TO ri! Aidérsen No. 7, CPLapRobins, , valu F'reehrru, Ne. 6, priva"", tftifu 6i.8 Sûrgen licntosb, rép <, Thé restltof Ccio. Dennl's é iin andI lghî u.saso Ïbld hy a spe>oo'-the, hée pi-ceéd tethusteam tug )RD' Ws? Uterico, i l bass ton et CoLl. efj n' I a i-ce of 100 men vho vere çrav uf on tthé harf ln lice cf battla""1lut 'î4n- limé gard ah aribeti fi-off rc. tin f eI ri e, vith 50 Fecien s- whe bad boers arrested dutiag t 'day,' snd ver. safely place in tlb. Rcb dci- s guan- . Acouierloi-hiugbt in thb,élit- gence lIaI s large Fenian- force * < d viucing taleug the Gariilon. 'The Fenian hersomnn abeed thée sou the top et thé his e'verleoking t lUgé- sud net mors tIbm 'a pistel shol fr -'Ite volunstes. Cel. Dennis' eiqu - s thé nimber o en o,.and vas 1ol,- -iat tlîéy cumbéi-edftire or six bun4é&nlére- tîpon héutIeclaied iehé v<*TItWi4-tc whjte teether, butvçîuld give them batlà. lié thén ordered is cmou te fal) 1111fluéo of hattl, as muséerit veighb vsýi"'ted vibt the gmeatst alacrity. andtI en- tbusiastlc citizens'aIse feliInlewvif#k -Idmvo- lunteers on thein ovun accunt,-dètewtîinad ho tlght for their homes aud fansflies. Thé velunteers mai-chét ed l -d Fo Erie, shoot tam-oor threco hunid 1týai:s, but heering that thé Fria sba ksptoff .aL lithtle thé coi-tIi etthon, tbh*ra-ýUD- ed, advanced & ailetovardsathe -*W>tf &long main' atd, u 1Vterl<i , - Thé wildest excibemeut preleti6' ýhe village. Stores andI saloons a qle s Irtay shut, vomen andI childron s ~*-fionti Ibein bouses, sud rushed fianti' jvr the Wharf, aéisicg ail thé ainailïslb tey1 could ]WYfay adson andtI uai> oîsutet thé shi-ési as test as posible. -Thi Pc- niatta awarmemi orité fonces ci ý#né- el! dca-n thé bu su ad teok ' Uil nla %kirmish'inq order, fi-cm tvo 1q th*é ho'l irag posteti in louée corners.TU l ti>- -ers remned Iline ai battIS t so ep, huit unfrittumatély fer themeiMrsé ce a gi-est disai'uîtage beiug in suw ' x* 1 posed position. Tha enittî con tedi Iheir tiré opon thé volrinteers, -poon1 esuftilan ùtîpleeuasnrt eehii g.B Wént1 e rifle andtheIbofiing bécan ey er 'oi.- ley aller volley vas emirmcal ven amui rettîred on bath aides fiat. t9 2û or 25 iuinte, andI men fell on h fdes,1 buat nct to sncb a uumbei -"% omild c lie su;poeed fron thé numenber ots1 firtx. At leogies thé Fenians r an C ai-ten te chatrge, séing which b ý,un-a heers hi-cIéand i-mn, foleaed kmhitem distance 1,7 thé Fenians, whcaéyf rr licard for tmiles anouad. 1 muaI t, hovwever arixious 1 vas le kecp ostWs gmrmysait, 1 a-as rcry -mach gldte see bbe Inopé A.1l canains ave,îutbleeî tauglit te aclmrcauti catchruetsrîgk ýIQc e guéerillabh2at!fetFenians. Il vis t act, meerhoîeas, andI thiéréiL5no unes. log te tony Il, or réyent thé truti> I lu in madle public.- Col., Dénla', 1 dt vasn ilglily wopidabout tlb. lit 1 cmaz it ilear 'lte naiesoft*oiep te théeiu*at'er o t six, t-lW'A ra Ax thetfiMhstéd.jportioof the' un,- ini a sutîlll;bhtý -uck hthé le vater*B edge, #=aking for thé tug boit as firat as' pesa ihie, sund a report vas aftteruards oui-eutt that thé t-sll bai-lt as upsotlù7té smn- sud iba occupants tIrowued, but 1 deüthîil very mueh, "asheittaîg vasnet la- ttnd ne devbt ceuld haro ast-éd thea. , I A oulé,of veunded volunteeurrtnt- cd lute a tas-ina huasils thé ceigh)bobwo snd voreé scroeéilOtt. of thoue, -%yhose cné I 1ceuid net letrii, vas shot lIn'the log and Wba th etdiiffcuity il awlkiug- t i8 sid thal -about tIre' or six vur-aý%1fo falan pi-j. ceci-s ndt tsomatis ior setton Feilaas wert, otrsdean d tws kail'. Ne roluntftm,5safar au 1 cétldascért vero killéci. .- Atter the rétreat of thé rcluterés thé iwldestercltnent revailéd among lhé Fenian, and onthé in i otréAbut hal a'mile mrou thé rivetr. The. timoge. cupioci bsvzng perlaspas hui noarly su heur frioa the tiane the troopi tii-ml coin- imeneed 'te manç,uvrrglIl thé final dia 'oim- fitureo 'fthé volucters Duriag thé fight leuti chosmi ver gea by thé apectAto1 oa thé Amesrlan eshore fMr the Fociana=4 ant siltsebieà Wvore poicet !nes extended Along 'thée hank cf thé river. At thé tué cour reporter lefI itiack Rock (8:80 a. ni..) thé' news had reachédl thé cuttpbstg snd a portion cf thé. sentinels wcre alréady on thée.Amsricab- Mêlé. Bow bouis woré thon erosslng the river ovidontlypellcd with s vigor stîmulat. cd by téar, and upon thé furtber shore considérable groupe cf excited Fenians could héa sen waiting Lhoir turfofr- trans- Ail ths titaho t. S. eés et ichi- gan lay qýuarterod ut thé dock cf Pratt ik Cd'f urnaces, and ne, signa *ere te be seen of thé pléket'boate empioyed for thé patrelling of the rivç hqt0.mn are reported te' cýb 'df'fifc'Oon bcard théet.tuige. Soeé40 mors cou., stituting thé pieket guards along theé river, -esicaped i1mlorhas 1 Tbor iiasual.ti.'of yostord'y viii ,p- b. abiy net aRum up abové 25i, go that cf thé*- 1,000 mon iwýhclt Frenchmian's reek ,yestorday mcrniug, for thé battle ïround Ai LimestoeéRidge, semé 140 aftré mli stiaggling in Cüanada, eut off trem aIl recs- eue, sud<xpôed te the baltet.', Great indignation- vas manife ted b thé mon who had heén stationed on out- postrauty At bemng dezorted b thei com- cf a detachmcnt of lBritish csalr driving thenin, it la probable. that non. cf them wotild havé loarnod al thé évacuation in timtn tesciape. Miecnor reporter lcft BritiÉh celumu, apparenlly rery, stroug, was rapidly mcv- Ing up the river. Ruineracf, the intcnded ordefircýd éra- edation wére rift in ibis city befe -re anid- uigbt lust night. It was understood that much disheartenment prevailld ln the capet the Fenians ; that a streug con- cent ration cf Bn'tish foprceW' vasknownte be going on above antd bclow, and thant'thé einm would cloeon u pon theria,:utday bire pi Thoy-Itlt beinscîvesuabel oentcnd.,with thé auperiority et ri',umbérs, and w-ere hopeleas cf obtaintng reluforce- monta. Thé desiro vas toeéscape, but nt finst thero wa littl hoeoof bcng able te escape, but nt fb-st, tîere was littie hope of being abloe te escape. Bust tire -cergy of thé Fenian leaders in this city-accomplish- ed their rescué. The steamners vere seur- ed, vers net cut cf thé creek, andi se thé -détails cf a hioedy battle Ibiq morniug have heen s1rared, and tire Fenian Invasion cf Vanada etîd.q with leus tradgcdy than mizht have crowned il Thé bouse ofG. Lewis, a tavern andI Post office, !S 110W turned mbt a hoalîluti. Or. S, Trowbridge. of Butialn. is afttndîig thé wnutand thcrc, and the Erie anad Nia- gara Ralroad titiue fie aIse used 'for h's- pitl purposés. lu these places are thé ýfollowiug meon.-Dr. Richard S. King. ef Port Robuinson, Welland hattcry, anItié Joint shahhered; bis foot vas anipuahied by Dr. hlinor. Mahthew Crotty, cf Gin- catl, sergéant cf ti1Sth fenian Régi.. meut, is at the Erie and I Niagara Railread Buse, aliot ini the hsnd. John Lynch, of' Cincinnati, and Prirate iri the 18th Fenian régimnent,'las hot in thé thigh. Atrcn-~ locky m!nin man too' qadly wouncldd-ta give hIs naine, la lying ut théesmine p lacé. lie is shot ini the neclr antI viii prol'ably dlie. Michael Rafrerty, ef Louîisville, Capt. ùlJlaud's independeut conpany o et neina c 1aval-y, sirist shathierd badly andI alight wond in aide, , John Blradley, Port Colberne, Welland balsery, ahot ln knee Joieot. John lHcrt*oni, Welland battery,wound- WalyleInthéelcgr BlurrA&Lo, June 3-2 p. ni. »Ihé Fenians vhe escapred froinFort Finlé this morning mm-re captured vhon Midway iu thé Channel, and cuado ef erîtisiwate. The -btMg lli-,-lt&n, updor charge of act- itig muster XIorris,o Clith steaMer M:ieîzi_ g<ir. ordered thern te aul lnst.Th D ordr not héine prornptIy obey,.d vas rçi- teI4îhe thIreat te slnIk ber if nôt mmdteycomplied vith. oit. O'Neil. thn erénered hieclP R4t h The-IicUas as nalleil andhaving. steaninp , and aneher tripped vas scon' namInnaide, and taking thé tratnsperts in, tÂoÏ dro e ideo IoLover lackt Bock, whére auer ov lieat gaucher. Col. O'Kcil anti ofiera arc on board thé Ui4igan, and thé, mon on hoard the transports. I>e . - 1 ' - ?Nowérmis parties ý'feniïans vue weré eut on 1uîcket tiaty, aésec eie s- capfigs mn aui!b"ets te Ibis iside, THB ROLL OF BQ14R., lé thé correeteti lisI of thé Lea*ëerh Weill donc Ontario. >At an informai meeting cf thé membéers cf thé- Cennty Council, héld imxnodiitély aller thé adjourumàent cf lte Counéeil on tueaday, thé iolieaving resolution vas psssed, 2Movea by Mar. têrr'séeoudejIby Mr-. WVhite, that thé ré ères and- deputy reeres présent pietige themsîlves te malts goocI4 eut of thé Couuty foands, et thé next méet., ing of thé e- nnîy Counicil any sumns cf monéy that waye lu thé meantimé ho neoousary te hé advanced by th1e miner î iallpalities te roleive thé familles cf volunteetla their respective townships., Spealting to ihé reoolution Mr,-. White, roove of 1'ickéering, Mi-. Tbemipson, reere cf Brook, andI Mr-, ennedy,,.reevéet Mara and Ranga, orpressed net aioe their perfect viilingnéss, onthé 'part cf their 1townships. te cutrebibute t quota 10 thé aid of thé volunteéro, but their desi-e, lu thé performnance of'anItuperatiré duuýY, te CAT90eILICS nwcI 'ATED, Mi-. Reunedy, lu this cennocti-in, teit occasion te sayý that viîh regard to bhs township, aiîheuigh being the meut north- eru, andI hé regretta ttcsay heing,through tidefeci cf the law, vithont a velunt6er, noué vouid more vilingly contributé ibeir sae.than thé people cf Mura andI Rama. They vére pérfectiy vuliing and auxiens. 10 de their sbaré. Thére vas eue malter tc vhich hé régretled, aluicat félt inaulteil te, hé cempelied to nmaké referonce. Pré, vioé< tebigse" aliyte-Coanty -Councii euiy oe other Catholié heitI a seat lu thé Coanty.ýcouneîilof Ontario. ,Ils acknev- ledged gratefuily the courtésy andI kindnées whiceh ho bail always reeeived at the bauds of thé members cf thé counicil. ln sisy- ing a vord to vindicale bis co-religionimts, hé vas far frein thînking oes moment ot ineudiug any membér cf thé Couucli, er éren a man le thé bawn ef Whitbyengongst Rome ignorant petosans vho vhispered that Catheilés véro dialoyal. Thé leyalty cf Catholies réquIreil ne vindileation. tipon thé ignorant ad higeted people, Who said! théy vers, lhé héried backin luthéi- téeth thé basé sandor. Thé Cetholicé cf Cana- dla weré as loyal sud as viliincg te abhed thef r blond il e dfncéet their country as teoir feilow Protestants vére, aud ho, for oane toit insumted et thé lamnt implied ie whusperod îninutiena tiret thoy veré dis.- loyal. Thers may ho shraggiers, Protest- ants-as veli as caîholies, Who hai imuihed pérniciena notions during thelr résgidence ln thé States ; but the gi-est hody ef Ca- ilîblie Canadiana vere loyal te ths béart'a core.. lé vas bimnaeif, b.e sad a descend- ant cf a U. B, L.9 andI would detenil bis country, Canada, vwith bis lest drop cf blocd, nas bis f ather' md doue béforé hlm. County Conncul of Onturio. JUNE SESSI ON, 1860. Thé régular sei-annual Session cf the Coutity, Ceuncil commneced te-day. Thé %Vsrdec teck bis-seat ah threc 'clock, 'lhé Jlloa-ing recTos and deputies were precrt: cIae, e roc'erSmith, Spruig.- liaight,- ChP apmsn, rlght hlr my ht~ Dryden, Thppsn, WAY andI Iteador. Abcrit Mtsrs. k'airbauks andI Iliebsolf (îrîth volunteers.> Xfr. Shier. occupied thé Oointy Cierk's fasmitltir placc, Irlose absence aI oneue, notedti iîething v rong, andI in tact thet tie, punti vas pot ase 1 h uld bc, andI as> the sýuclre provéd fit togo on withbhus*tnt-s' tittendancé nt the flinieral cf lte galiarit yenin Ilmest(bis nepbow,) who hadl tillon at-RidI;eway.) Thé Wardou cn ti&idg hies tsRaid that Il vas, lis bélteved, lu îiew of the existing state of thinga vhich uéhsppiy preésiied at théetoent iurougbout thée ountry,Ïhé intention te adjoaru thé - ' onéil vithont prooeédlng villithé regular' bosiness. loua. cf théminubers ef thé Cueci liead bosu calléti away gte duachargé more ici- AndI the Counchl adjourueci Pifckering TOa-néhmp Conu-rIl. FSeturday, May 26, 1866. The Couneil et the corporation cf Pick- ering, met pursuanite s djourriment, msua- bers aIl prosént. .Minutes et last meeting rend'anti ap. pi-ed. Pefitiens presenteil et Pirs. Jean Camp bell, an indigent person pnayitag for aId,' b> Mn. McCreirbt, et A. Fullarîca, sud' 1ethors, for aid te John Mekitriclt by Mn. Bllard, cf Michael Brooks, praying te ho' reliereti fi-oiethé ofice et patînd-keeper, b> Mr-. Weir, etft'raucis t.inton and othera praying for thé surrey ot loba 12 anti 13, in tirai concession. b> 4rlIii-.ingbt. SOu motion et Mi-, ILigha, thé canueil resuired iseîf mb a Court cf fRévision, the éneeéa eting us ch iimac. i On the moiidûî of Mi-. MéCreiglit, thé atsessor's 1ol1-vas amendetisas fohiovi-o: David Lawsan's asseasmént on lot 24, bu fi-at concession, te'he $20 lasmosu! et *24 We acre, andt tat 188 acres et ýlets 3 & 4, lu the-.3rd coucessien, assessei te Jpseph' be on, hbangeti b> "Ssesing 88 acres ie fi. 'i. Tvni#,inu, sud 100 acres tu IThomas Tomlasen, tlit the roat-éstaté assosseti agairîst Sdwi-antI cCouvéh1., ou lot 23 la thé fith concession, be-aasèssu t6-Tliamit anti William Hubbau, one &dati Diiff aon lot Ne. 91 lu 4ia con 1,be aséessedti t Jas. anti Thés. McQuay, antI 26 icteo f let 8 lu Broken 'Front, assemscci teo Ge. Wlso1 ho asesesotà,' R1"beaét 9. Campbellî,thai théeasémaat of aJosephi IBaxipi, iéenaseci, antithait thé, appeais et Pote"r l3oks, Thomas Hogarth sud Jas. luiou, hé distisec. - ' Ibe (onci! resmfie t he reré 'lthe i The Vnuty Cos,îeilBescion. the fieldI cf batle!, in dforncé of their cern.1 mon country vere, anildat the lamnentatiofll of mouruing relatives, convoqyed te their last retiting place. Independeni cof the prsvailing exciiemeut,lt was, hc conceived, tbedut)' cf the councill, 1es àmark of ré- speet, te éjourn. Mar. Peuiy, as seconder, observed that alifl t doeply fhpressed with 1the imnpor. tance of thé occasion-, tbey had fallen UP. on ezeiting limes, and ac 5w " enae'i't upon Canadian soit atcenes thathiadit taken place since 1812. Fifty.four years- hd passed sinceê Canadians werd cotllpéll- éd hefore te defend their country fromInle vasion. What their foré.fathers did 'thon fell te thoir duty t0 day-to defend their sout and bury tier brothers wbc dietI lu ils défonce. Âud thé 'tributs îb tey, vere Payiug that day te théir, fallen brothren and countrymen vas not to tbe '4 Queen'a Own" aloné ; one f those who had talon wu a son of Ontarlo-boru and -rearod and brought up aniongit théqsIn etis county-ho, 0cf courset elitided tethe gailant and lauiented yoeung1 Tempesi, - whoss romains, iih thosO of six others cf bis fallén contradés, who bad fought in Casada's defonce were, bolng conveyod that day te their Banal -resting place, Those Young heroos, it shôuid not hoa- orgotton went forward net fo r psy cor pecuninary reward, but with thé sacrihcé cof their livest te dfend Canadién soit froun the- iroad cf ithé ruthies. brider.*Hé urged the adoption cf thé reszalutlen and thé fur- warding of -copies te the mourning rela @îes oLtte h9uored departod,and express ed his o*n doep sympLthy in furthor meti feeling ternis. Mr, Wright sald ho vas not ln tavr ef an adjournmnt. untîL, somothlug vas done fer tho voluntécrs. île knew, ho osiI f many casés whéré tthé familles cf abeent velunleers vers lu distréas, net aloné in bis own township, but, aiso' elu that cf the Brooklin Rifles and hé desirod immediate action ini thé malter. ý'After a fow words troni Mr. White, 3Jr- Thonipson, and MIr. Porry, as io thé 'ardent intention cf thé Cunneil te nid the roluntes, thé resolution passéd unanian- ously. riion ,DMa Thé grand excursion - brouigirthe. ceun. Ivr,to vhicb the bospilable Countv Ceuncil of Oterieo1go liberalIy inivihéd their guesta, -(those happiy andI fàvored gueýstoLpay. icg thoir oa-h étpUnses) camée oY-or spealcbug the proper truih, vo should-iey lu aIl sincerit'yid otetoms off-en Un day cf lest wéék, and tcllowiug âday,. Theré is a atoi-y tld aomewbcréet a cer- tain - 'od lady vho In sending an invitation te a ticghboriug gessîp le drink téa-with brsîdte th1e gossip's son-'- Jobunyi deni-, tell yeur Ma 1 *anl het te drink réa a-ith nme Ibis ovemiug. And,, Jehnny dear, hé sure le tell eber not'to fail iu coin- ing.-And, Johnny dear,' te)ll ber tu bring ber tee-pot wibb ber; andi if- she-cen cou- venienhly brbng-a 11111e tésaI Ibte saine limé; andI 1 huow as mekes gocti butteel- bell ber; andI, if shé voulti net min i4 vhispér te ber yoursélf thet a tew of ber déliglitùl biscm4ts vouid-hé ne bai-m. Wu viii baiée agrand, linié.<' Thé CounIy (leincil excursion vas noibîmer grand coi gi-cal. A tev "1jolly gecti felews erery crie" diii venture to'take.-their leapot -and tua vith them--notbiug stronger l'-antl eujeyed thenîselvét s aitcru!',*ood foliova cari do, oee suudry clips ofCIl the dlrink that cbeers-vé forget théei-est ef the quotabuori. But vo- havé net space te carry eut an intention vo had forcxod, cfl giriug a gieviug dscriplion of thé r AndI, hasides, vbaî lîgd <w'cte in ir' pan ? Ne Coutiby niombors, no-Siér*i, dectors, dýgnitari9s cf, thé Church or, cf thé Boncb, ýpo1iahhiwlbby membé - ef the bar, atterivie coufity officiais, nonseOft bbc greal sud cighty mon et-fPickering, East Wtitby, Whiltby. Oshawva. et thé e w- uitips eoflock, ScIott, or tlxbridge, noefw presénhative frein thé principality,'efthbbc IslandI of Scugog, 9i- Ibat celebrabéed over- reachumg.tcansliip cf Reach, and scarceiy ar nid, or ulny ether mari1.I. Wite grand 'andI glî.g esrptions urijei' suieh circmîmstarice- Ittîssel ofetun timed' couaid not; noue but thé ittg>1 peu et th eeditor et thé Gazette could do it I But a-e mmîst net fail ini a dîhy vo ca-e te houupitalitv, andI te, Il icjolly oil télea-ws" aforesaià, vIte ventai-éd on theo grandI excu1rsiiý. To thé hospitality of MNr. Kerinery,'tiievee cf Mti-a aud Remuet, antI Mi. Pi-celr, thei-beysetfTianrah the excuriounists are In anuUmiuent-de-ec iii-, déhîred î hie toniner gentleman kept open bouse for the cxcurmonîsts, andI charcLed t'bo steamer "1Fnl-y" et bisovu .expeuse, te ceunvey theo frein 'rillia te the Severn andI hackandti thtlatter, et bhis o,vri ex- panse, hired a tour-li rer-a. u te couvey ltée excurii-tinists fi-ou)i> Cia te Benver- bon. Iloth vero Ini other- respecta kintI, courtnus, and bospitbelo, as vo have sait!, a tcure. But il ig limé e esheulti tell W-ho soérd-s bée eicuraioiiiste, andtieo f ir- thée d s6teLTher cemix froal thetoc-ruoet Wliittîy, (ta-o ef whom a-ère- inembers cf thuei-as)thé obhis -ie1o Mi-. Brao, fthé e r,=Mr. J. Ilen-y, Nfr. Siir,- thé Cotunty Engineer, eut! Mr. Thownas1Moody. The Wai-t!n vas pickrd- up et Bi-ooklîu, and luavng gene no fai- as Saintfield, bei eatii-n -net ira bis Stomacla -îoîîe. Tho presmni, andI Mr. Meodyï biving- business by thé district linoe, vêtt direct te Beaverberi, andI ut the gi-cnt i-en' dezrou.s,-Caunirigton-whoei lte grand pro"'mammcet fthé grand éxei-sien %ras to bc l'addowu, by at least 200,grand ir.rited ecursionigshu, M-. Ferry, fr. lBi-own, andI Mr-. Stici-, set dca-n to dincer aioné, anti, like the- thi-ce tablera et Tooley ittreet, madle eut-thé gi-ama prograimé.- On iatt- er Ihey venu leftIatone in thoir glory la doý soif !ty'sa- fit. At Beavérten 'tins ,six a-ci-e joiricd hy Mi-. Pro&,tr, and M r. C. Robinson, ér-wvarderi éxîd. lMr. Bruce,, andI vére aise Joie by Mr. KcQjne« Thé parby received sréry kind astfliWe fi-cm the courteous Captain of théebaud teé steuamer ' Euniy M'ay'f<on théir vsy te Cilia, and énioycd thé' gratification o( mneeinan vitlt muse raiirsnal fiends on em mûdrc Jflué 'mec aiE place, sud Il Calai-ad. T beitCompri t-ente. Ther 'N 'moresht thé e d by -thé-Court ' anti the &mimé l imti. as fhés"m éaué, tua wit bts ta, Our 1ai Saturday -Afleineon thé] te thé stati "pan thé boa wn., vhen osr thé night' bu troope ps- thé Toi-ente tumbéed to t WVestern al Shrand wv ha glic Iré ve alfi pagerk, sa détainet suvr Gr-ey Battery teMWindisor,* alotes as fiar a &pént a&l dayk luit nothiag1 Whiié bore thi Ib.îd came dro amceg others, _*bo f Eng I*hc was aloa1 *bhen ho recol itilled - hlm ins t'iu, andI anci Owu" bat a,.1 14ÉOac ut orft)î -' ere. Wp hleu -o fon1ce'arii St Catharine fi-oua thé Saape Fenian pi-isol Séreral vere Clittoî t e u Ïon a limée eij tnuariat store cur véaried I Station, goîng adti suneerloe m ý%. Il reby

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