Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1866, p. 4

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Arteiqs %Yard at aJ.WCiIBVI eting. rigîi ouerb«of the Robrts ing wu T1î - sufona'ibe "mre way OvOaitothe m- Bis iipueV Ril a'0i&TED Pl RINIEL?. 1osýDory a&t",'hou",< They uay, feiler- E P -N . A R V L The leva-bil vas jamafaflsof " s'oo ' ou wiii me..Blwitivmriùc .N8 I IN k{ \ A S Tetwlilwujtro 'f-PP1ifor Irish lillerty 1 W. haa sess noii' 0: Ifloitly 1riah dutiensi, an'! the OathOmi but a Blow, in fr-k'.ae bin ai1 blove and! as. immense. They eheor"d sisiybody the blover4 lan Xe York wonnî git out of and everything. The' cheered. !'.IThur Lelî ses as long m u rihf.mlà h Tbey val awi good saberu Of Mine, and Orensflsi.above %8g, o'! f tbat'i make GOJ R ]~ 1 sute' la a piemsat voice, siAil fight, il. feel any better, but doa't yon ho greoen. boys, ail rigbt. Mavooreen, Och bolle, Don'tnsver go'inl a' >anythîag tli jas ksav W X> aroen, CIooahlsunacree Il' These Irish re- whereàbout$ you'ro goin' tei. marks bein' recosved vitb gratcOapplaus I This lu a very goo'! country bore where m added, I"Mhumier 1 Mashlier 1" yo are. You Irish bey enjoyed oui- boonu, "OGood, good" cried Capi. Spingler,,who held your abare of oui- ofieeu, and jas cer- donires the Irish vote for couOtY clerk itainly bey don. jour ome of our voti'.Dr od 'sbaljl'urfu' rats." ' dii' t datTiieu whj thia bsilabulioo about freein' A varied assortment of âùpe rrD yG od -yu en awlîat 'idia)dnt Ireaud? You do jour frous la lreiand a jeui, Cap? gaeijoy e; esa bî~.of every,.qulaiity' and puce hasbeen addcd to the "Ceraiuy." ve yl commn' mure esuuff au'!they offt C fiWelI," I 1aumwevre'!, "i 'a v sgad udleadgit lato jail. Iy Irimh en C o ry a d ,L q r St c yontibetàs ditt. pndr hee hîgsa littie. 'Zauîne lem ro e y I q 'limtde the Fenilans isrfaud îley mcd cîoscîy, and abovo ailt Ud out whoeuto~ the ' walk ut, oùto the qen-ker.5 platorm, tir. pusesgo e."ufluCrsigDCQ. Consuit nîs î'st ofpîe '('11 swe21î5 -rre! oLuenEnia'! I o dowu. Ther was ne applas, but aud inspect the quality before purQhasingelwhe. alid beriron lied, and it wul resolve'! te lhey liiteiied te une kindiy. They i<aow'd flei Ir'lud nt onet. But it; wua iucbt I vas hünnmt, bowever wroug 1 miglit b.; -JOHN FARQU.A.RSONt jceiîbl1ueorefroeili,'lber t1iat a lare aldatbey hnov'd, tee, that ,tore vas 5 DnosStt quil ff utiei loiiId be raed. Aod ,liie peoloie on arthli sSti otuianoiysd gai- Dn teet gel,,rouaseuls -us tbey wiu, (l'us libral- Ianîry I hl ii]her respeck for than the Whil;by, April 18S, 1866. - 1 ]y , luu u. en lihai] e aLxcitiI' Irish, 'cept wben teéyfily off the hondie. ______________________________________ diàcublui a towbîh badcontre thoy Solauj fllor iizena5 let ime ot my tsliould gmdcmii ute--Mahony or Mcitob. lera. vilî. 'hero- vas graoeexcîtement over lliisbut it was finaliy remoive'd te moud baltu cno and bal î'otber. J 1eJ WE JtLERY P IN 1RT.AL TIàun Mr. lnu)igan rome aud mid W 1? B L- buv' liere tejuight smncitosns of Amont- eau birth,, resoin îchmwese iohoglsd hI. tZ70 je b-I-tkwoild-ill aur huria viit i n1 mipebeaasjoy te heur, frein a man sbomse AHaejs eovd îfrs su py f 11ili. eerali igl inluthe. ologicai aud H v utrcie rs unvo wvax figgarr ed -freonwhose ieariy m a tuji 1,"(1lw mioFnny, go miew." We sigli go bear," Pcontiuued tir. Fia OI) I giuil, modurnirilenstiqitie nomeuu, "frein Our îewligman, Mra Warno 1 beg"iîobo decliaed, but it Gwan't neOO lieI comwam wuit a porfeck uprour a t la l G ooGfe ie ,B o s4 N ie,4c 1apulaus. R la l o d i mcd wo hall ceons'! iltIere a nieetia' it were. ln refreaco te Ireiai]. If I kues L T I C RE D - A E -!y ove hiatit, very one orna uc re, both G RE ATL Y R EDUC ED and made to order on the sbortest notice, in grleadmainsIi, du impulse flawsa'PRCS.AS bismbonu,, "sud ccnuequcrtially," I add,îlî~Â~ the Latest, Stylés. el, '"vse iii stick te it imilar sud li n g- 1ATiCIIES-VER.Y T LOW cordanice thorovitiu, mu long as a spari of 'T ees S tnes FanesU iosr& . mftufhood, or the. pemle ai large. That'm JAHES JOHNSTON, - fF edS tntFI nlU in,& . thoidal insu ma.1 bie14 o ur own Mianufacture, SOLD RETAIL, AT WIIOLESALI9 Squtire T'raxlon ialenrupted me. The. Watoit Maket & Jevelier. PuE puquinf e le luthe vrongmof Irelsu'! deeply Brocli St., 'Wlatby. MATHEWSON, RÂTOLIFFE .O Vi scaunt of havis' oact courte'! a t udcr Ycbrubny 4th ,1844. cf'a Irilsh gentleman abo fiigcred iu a Brookin, Aprul 18, 18ce8 15 1icathanat dujia in Dullia, placci] there hy sel. alulaern ireeper, abo dcspoticully vantte'! hlmlte pay for s lot of chope sud becr ho lis'!cooome'!. lesidcm lteFR N mquiro ania te ho receiecte'! ji-ice ol theK E L R pest..IlMr. Wardq" lie mai'!, you'ae bin S D L ,Â~FR N I E L R Iini.'You'ro uîîdcr thb.nlunuceofa qsa 1, "uI 'roi not a drop of good i-HATRN licle-î- bu palsu.'! aujips lu 16 joui.", RN E I E dot i T ma, i'!,Il"Neta drop of liond licker bu passe'! my lips la ail that limne. Idone't ltit paam'm. I reaclufor B $0X TREET Represente the* following woll-.known Compaies:. hanue tla e mobre sI qirWHITY THE LIVER1POOL, AND) LONDON ANI) GLOBE, "1 be-g pardon,"s'l ii.heIquire, 94forC.WCAIL$0 ait re yn d ' jsnrtm?";bt uI uTUE EDINBURGH LIFE ÂAND LOAN ASSURANCE Go., sIlrth 1 arjui di"via' a js t.?' CPTL030,M w1lusî [vo hn xii,al'mym"if durlu' tte on MILL CAITA *00,00 tie veY. "Ima',hatY'm bis . T hal'. en >3 got lsInonnne t'Y!e AW QIEEN INSURANCE Co., (LONDON EN GLAND.)- Wht u lia ese uucts' IS Cuat i~t tii a - --0 drir vitil aP-'.hat's ait Îhe grte Foas am 4iv t Us"isss sel Viebît, h Ilslam R.ICL. ~ (j ( ~ AAIA dravin' .1? ~ ~ ~ ~ nwiii r-yta(toriSpriigultock(iu,.~ ~~..----1 meeting drivia' at 4 O vec thoecountryT '$ laIrl i'! iV4iii rNoeiahu IfE N(OAI F CN D, -1 MI yInithfront, joix kaov me sou liLmrwu21li e, vuit u detirrel elilif te luitovthal I1 did'l coins bore latue ilîca tpen ](%a* 10 lOlOfli ncere R-0 - M RC ASRNE o,(F OOT, iiub bsoele'Noboly but aloafer fliaml, for puit lavons.BRTS-MEIIA UANEC.(O TRNO, viii diaturney-ldid of Îmmotia'. And F 1 SLCOM %rTEitITt 0OSUÂWA. Fl N AIE -if yaun'li uit, them ùàas op t lia.Apînl lOch, 1800. 14 p-atAxe-- RI- E ma-rt of thin' allers -came toa s a'! ond!. -W STR ----- CMÀN 0FEGLN Thierti vua a jaag ma-I viilnet Pion- ESER------e--PAY OPVNLAD lion bis namoe-who disturbo'! my mites ACCIDENTÂ.L DEAJILî INSURANCE Go., [EN GLANDJ in a certain latva jwoyensuiobj makin' AIVÈeS lm av,9% &SI » 000. Tbhere's tva pgries-'tmMabeeys au'! heri's* Sale 0of, Lande. I MeO'R*bortit. One tiiis thetesi wsy ia t in ago 0toCsnady an'! emlabliab an county OiOntaiia, N)I8 ATU RDA Y, ltse- Triait ieptblie ltere, kindlj peniiltheb 10- e tîwîsaoacnosîuh (Janfaîs a py thte supenhos of tbat osel'! &Y l'>bli0AÂuctle, nt -mi Ufflee, Ili ii. UI 'at elvdhyiisIttuonfrcqrtg*RCOU#PAI- mwaaeen hn. ad!lte other vante te. siiCourt lieuse, iunlte Taw of i ltby.ii intevSae fee yti ntttinfraqiig9TOOG R Ceurîty aif Qubsiru, ail the rigit, title muid Inter. Tmm1 BJ 8DhATt4epelrt uy IIt~~ #b.lt1l dirck er ithlu syvliro OU5 ~5e,_4which teirsiudorrseatiquued d4eondatuit Amelisca. ,Thi aeu! teh euuueeey13gse~mayfi bB~te keýy and is fja ir joung bride vont dosa seveal, pesseus la tire udermotloetindu aéè agtmrt vrtignèsýyfrt, ,6l se'!vas draowningÇ=acoordin t a ballîî i anud t5iiemieiiâti oiueneen, ais!bv Yau, onde, or ad uoieu lusMant; tluey lacute- -cnet besu'sI, But, taee.ove plat muon Wv îri sazeti ri#tlc aa witicith otit aides sgreo-lbt'mts e fun@. lu thie osnty carï lwl A T'P Kw> SI C Tbojy'rt villil', tbem chapisi e wla or ak, __ IUE -. MU , pB~ JJi to reeie ailts Lfuma jau'ili and'em. Va. ' Inthe b st cuomplote ernlgemout otite khsud, being»toBNS, Yeu n fi pum" têuulsbt te O'Maitony, hil5-bidessu li imee isKyIAN' OUMs IC*A0QNUI47iesiecw~i ad anoîler PUes la Roberts. Bath W lmdes hll haridmofii Iutl . othfrst0tet2i*u- recime'cut. ortbot An! vtitp r 4 o9land sirigulu flic Youbef An wihoter nd tht hwerar<f Jsmnzâ Blair, deceas-T -daiiS a puwit s i bviii .s1ar!s. 1 vent line Mr. a!, ahthélictie of Iris.dattite lied Istea- ;' - . 1 1y IW Pwesl&'" 'o±'L eOTS Take pleasure in inforniing tbeir numerous fiends and customers, of the arriv ai of their Spring Importations of FANCY AN] -TPL VINE AI0UD OIE CHINA, CROCKEIRY, & GLiASS WARE.ý Of the -following we have a large, Varied, sud -choice selection-at priées that will warrant quick cash sales, a the goods are of the best, aud prîces lower thatthe lowest: Ileavy Staple Gaodo, Scotch and Engliih-Tweeds, Plain aud Poney Dres Geads, 811k Mixed Tweeds and Coatings, 511ks, Sbawla, and 3Manties, -Plain sud Fauoy Doukins, Parnehansd Sowed Mualins, Biack Breada sud Cnssaineres, Gieves and Hbisu-y, Fine snd Ceeu-se Linen, Ladies, Misues, mand Infants bals, (in &.1 &c. &0. theo varions styles,)1. Wbfýiî-by, April 18, 1866.. LOWES POWELL 15 New Dress Goods, and Manties,- AT R. & J. CAMPIELLS. Newv Prinits, Nluslins, and Tissues, AT n. & i. CAMPBETLS. New Shiawls, an(] Straw Goods, AT R.& J. CAMPBELL'S. NVew Parasols, Gloves, arnd Sewed Muslins, AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. New Clotlis, Silik-mixtures & Gamberoons, .AT R.-& J. CAMPBELLS. New Gents Blats, Shirts, (ollars, Ties, &c. AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. 'New Bannockburn, and Canadian Tweeds, AT RP. & J; CAMPBIELL'S. ýNcw Canadian Factory, (Dundas make,) - AT I. & J. CA3IP]ELL'S. New Carpets, Damask and V indow Curtains, AT I. & J. C.AMPBELLS. New Ready-Made (Jlothing, (an immense- . Stock mtuden. the promises,) Niew and Ere sh Groceriei Ne w and Frcs'h Gardon a AT R. &J AtIELS bo, Crockery. and AT R. & J. CAMPBItL'8. Lnd Field Seeds, AT R. à J. CAMBI.. Ail t ho above wilI be old cheap,for cash, and a& Ies-than Toronto Prices-for samé quality.. Ce alerly and inspect-at Wîby, Aprl, 1 1998'6. R,&j. CAMIPBE LLS. lesToa aI,îaa laag Serinsf aipy- A m à"onhi1. TOWN 0F WH:,ITl¶Y ALS th-e a ick lunlte Towna1 a itl centmtung froeloute Ihi-e Acreso. -M LIeVILLAGE LO)TS IN Port Ferry, Brooklin,, Brechin,( ar, Hfampton, Brighton, 'Appiy to J. 11AM PERRY,1 Witby. WildLANDS FoR SALE. SE-VERAL LOTrS IN Nara, Rama, Brook, Eldon, Bexley, Verulam. Por particulara aSpply tai pre.paid.) J. HAM PERR Yi - Wblîby. 'Whiîby, Sth Nav., 1865. 4 Farms for Sale ""Ac the Tawnmlp cf Mnuvers 1 0 I-, t lî ori-enst part Lot Nu. 3, 2uj COn.; clîhtrn Ivo lts et theTobaUnIacet ]DARLINGTON4, 80 lacnés clepre'!, Shent 4() acr, f sui are Ie frein estiinps. Coîicrtal Leog flieuse- nov traîne baril,' .450-geod we-ll, îîmîd a tîmnîf- ty t-nrg oretisrd of Z50 t'eo. ThInsproperty vif*,,) li soiCP ceanmud ou long teruts Ot puy mnt. Aige, a fent iillin tvo and i]aitfMilon etfItELLEVILIE, or>tlie BAY OF QUINTIEY hoiei- wext part, Lot 32, 1,1 Con. Siclev-con.> taiuing 1001 acrms aibeut 90 îîcrom ébaered sud aimiereit iatien. Teora are ive Ilorîrlosiug yeouir Orcharîls and it ie li] rcluard, ail bcar- mmit- tihe clliles e oscetlutiufl ni inut. bluepre nmain ititmu.lIiuildiugs ore alitae'!ou ths contre of tie propenty sired coinuuusuud a vov cf oecry field. -The building-s eouist 'of a cueutortahule Frairu Dwelliugig euueilolt uppltcd Witt] sprnug andîi] oit viter. Tii. barnjuas'! ont- housen ara oea, laîrgs sud coiauodieus. TEIIM.-AIltouet 820o orsi>,and!balance on tila. Aiso, Lot N-io. 12, 12th eencecli 'ARA, TWO IIUNDRED - ACRES, A&ologew ¶0arsclasuidlogii-l'es .eTIs[ a chitice lot, Andl la xitîatcd ealy emni four lue% franitltie contre i-es'! iso Lot T, ltulthe 321h eau. SMIVLE M0 aLecn-watlu is o nullem, fromeinI.Bebcsy- i-son, CGôverneèi>'Rond, and conaia. ca t il 4 >llsScluceie, &o. F'or p*rticalors apîpiy 10 (PiltePSdu) J. HAM- FERRY, - ltreptetor, Wllby. Land For Salé' I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW0ARIGEAND Waggon 8hop SAMUEL W ALKLY lA propanre'! lemanu- ltitot rotero, aIl kiaisof 8 LEIG IISP dbe., 1W LATEST STYLES. ~ epairf;qy neatly-and promptl.y ~Tlire doo ansmt cf Mr. Wm. Llaig'm trDadas t., Whlby. Wlby, Jan.', li ô6 CIIEAPsro s M- ThE BUT INANiLDA. M n otel Cooking Stoveg, Agricultural Purnacos that-4,r wil pay for theméelves iii one Ea vetroughs Put up witli ircrn hotd,-fasfÏ. 0O:- Néw -Hings put ii old o'vens. Repairing promptly attend- ed to. -Ailkinds produce taken in exehange at the OLD STAND. iM O0NEY. 70tan t frou, F!4 r 9 paenat, oun(ni- t peveld.tanins, int ttiand,- adjeiilg Soîlacitlor, Court Iloans BROWN & PATTERSONfS' gricilftural Works! ATT TE OLD WIIIT1IY FOU N-DRY, -BRUCK gT,, IVIHBYe Mmuufacturermsud deniers tIt 1)kindn or AGRIc1ULTURAL l.W'LEMENT.9, TURESIIINiIMACIIJNES. Cambined )feèapera and Mowers, Four diffoecnt kim'!. of Two-horoi) Whool Oultivatoro STRAW AND ý'EI CUTTRSI GIANT GRAIN (flUSHIEES. Scotch, Amertcan& (Janad1iaujDlougbs, Steel PlowkI and Steel- Pointer :_ DITE'HNG Lucauv ut s cetetouie munry Davidien aad, mu w4otarliep IL . .Cà oeitc Il l tt CtarIt loitrint !tee-lu 4treet.Oe ou i

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