Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1866, p. 2

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Cabinet itsrs-Tt'it kBrother. tPiture irsine aneudmouding- Titi k ,Crd-Wm. Tit. Unadertakitug, &.-Wm. Tilt.. Groceries, liquors, k,-.l rFasscio. 41 Kingston Daity Ney." Cour i r Ievision-Tovu pi Whitby. Gardett &-Fild See-Lawler à Francis. &CO.- ts fl't e ôde la Franmef" Boots tand fSis c-Juis. tain A Ca. lestlser Fiiiings-Jas. Bin & Va. Hoviuig Nltelliln ilireati -Jit*. Bain & Ca. Prugs &, hiinsJn.Pyruse. f4îuveî A& Tiuwr-11atch k&hirolser. Dlent & ehea1w..t coh oii-lla*ch k-Bra, C ard -Ll nuiCtiadian lBank. lroelianatiotî -Towns of Wilby. 1nsoivtrnce tuoice-iu. Bowes. sienuuer lt>ohetr-C. Draper. ONLY 81 50 CENTS A YEAR -Wî Thy iur,4ay, May' 17y tSb<i. Wuei. Nov dtîsuth] tis<oi eannin ljuat Opens. is? irtuuurt andi wool groweni are natunai. ly anstinus as tatise prions tisat are tikei7 to te nesizp'd. IL in diffleuit ta gay at Aui anusounceunt <rom the offihce @f1à5ý laovu Oterit iniermacOir ceadors tiSa*4thé Court of Revisiou wIii. isoldil& 5finaL sittt ai tise Tovn hall, ou Wedcesday, tise 2rd intie. Tisons is, Îweýtsnderutaed, but ans appa bofors the Court. Loig Mver tise asaesar's volt vs are samevisat siag. gerv-il at itbis. Btpaes ié ould;, uoturiousty, hie usse" ionrîiousands ai dollars au accoant! ai persanal propevty ant i ncqe" are uaL essesace) for bundreda, andl i ny eCas neitiser persona[ pnop- cr17 noninfîcarneie*lttutueti, wbsre tisa parties ans weli Ynovn tapoases hthe- Tise Court ai Bey-il oulnt)prove ils use, iusineas by a tboroqhb -zaisto ithse caletuonsaitis r i der tis, esat f Personal propevty-and Ibooms. neY.-TLe Mayor, i it wMbeLe ueàýby ne fernuce taalther éenfumes, busisuti tise uueal proclamation, forise» Observance ai tise Qusseu's Birtisday, It t la c eutera- platian ta have atisletiz gaftees, in.tise aiternoon, visen,%tie evotutions sud saintes ai tise Voliteuers are avec4 anti fOro vanta, &ce., duriug thse eveaîng. A meetintg vili he heid at tse Royai bolti on Tisay evening, ai 8 o'cluck, inu.ontier ta appoint comunitteeta carry out tise programme ai tise del, a iL visielu ail a Lie a loyal intereat lunsthe cclebnatl ofut e mtai d4j, ai dur god ssigrea Quesn,ae v. qoeied a attend. Tise Tovn Cauncil vil'eet -au Mesday evening, visoi l oxpected tistaI s aui appropriation viii b. madie, as in otiter tocihities, for tise oc whist fug'ure prile" wilt Oenu. Tweisuy fine, oussan. isint>, andt tisnu fic e mnts, per lb , are hêtuascÂr aSsr-MA visuinUi>' UOtPUtuB UO upousng IàUvv Cc ran e a i)r. Mo ern-MetensAv Thiri>' touis, viti tise duty üidded ai 15 sokLé-era ura> on>,Om 005515v voulus trung thse prvses p te istu hsave iseeuin or ne vecis -pas: gagéed ln païu loss year. Nusttirs Ou i,,,, 1 io taking extensive purehaaea oi véli breti cms î tisa States isavue clase) tistir usnttuiep lsintis Canas>'. Tisey haie sîreati faetanies oniaccousut ai tise dtint piaae<, 1 bane om 5105 mmendid aDsensn. fur equi to au export fismausi frosa Englisd -n sthtie Ustioipated sesrolty of the 4*ovtréop, areite eauss ofaitheýrIse' la Lise prise. Tise graving trop tisrough. '0n use hProvlwiee liasbft bi>r leIjuiiéd, ieg op tisa breadth sovu, ,ane are petting. in isacley andi Spring vissai. Wiile :'iO state of-tisinga prevaila tise Itib pricea Muet' Ïcontionus,and, vil!-encre o 'r de. creuse aocérding uas ih4te estm sea ho mode of the groving top.0 -SBocICx.-.1 lmas BOT BMNuT T lisera1I-A fins littie boy, betveen fouiî Brygoof aitisis lovemet vus a siockieg fate by beinrg'buret to etU, vIthin sigist ai bis atgoniot parents, on satenday hast. About isali put four o'clock au oetbuitding adjoining tise rein of Mr. Bvyan's vesidence suddeuly horst ont le a siseet of fa... la a fev minutes a orovd coilected, visa, vitis tise firemea preeent andth ie ipplisisces rut baud vent t vark il vu as vil, anti their efforts vee uccesfa ii aconflning tise fine ta tise building li insic i t arigixi. otéti le tise meantime thise tite boy vas missinje sud it vassîl11 tooe se mliecteti thtisu s Lç,ad bsetcup4ng j*us oucasir hanse vit soane neigisboring childue immediaty belons the ire bruiteouot.- At tise dîircasing intelligence tisaitise poor ciittias iu att likélisooti a pncy ta tise devauring hanses, @Il efforts eve r v- i doubieti ta rosete hlm, andthie lire a1 quickIy extinguised-not, hovever, belor tise outbuilding was compieteiy destroyesl, A searcis ibrauigistise berning mass dis- corertd tise asocking spectacle ai tisei citorrei remtains aofvisat vas, a quarter ai an isour befone, a brigisi, intelligent, fine r itie boy. Tisesigisi vas sert anti sietuen. andtie l ner imporrtuans ai wooiutuîgocudi wshidi tise7 paie) quite fane> presstet- j tug enongis La buing tears ta tis e yea af rota Euroîer. leu. it unigh isu. turîs L --well s.., .... s,. .;*,~. 1 stise moat uneoucerneti spectator. Relatives liSe aur wh,ît, wl,.nt-wtieci Ameniats "" i '" """ - usitt onortot do without-Amcrican kuiovuseep breedérs; Mosan.. Wm. Joli ssyeri MusttSuave aur long vool ntai us l>", 115 , uiever, isasaiyet att mere tsatte'atr o-pcttatioti att conjecture-. Onie tiniâ lever> éanenialthtit arners sisoutti heur in mine); tisey cannoolLe tua efin uspropeniy eiessssug tiscr titeenes, anti mskiui tien up la a titi> mînoor for market. Dayera, ou accouai tise dut>', viii hé diruisi strict iun iusistisug upust hia renluiromsttt, anti alIdini> vue! Lrangtt htu markt ci viii ho ubject ta a reductiaut tsi, polisepasai tlets tison ouie-tiirt. Back WOwol ihi"attir tiR aumé fate. 'Geo. Lené, James TisonpooJoLe Tvseedie, hD. Me'Kry, uK. Carrutisora P. Linton, iantt, Cliliero, Chas. Pis>e, Mn, Manuel and oisons ; sandibatgh lest not toastJosis. Pierson. 4mongst tise Bock Lise selecteti uam a noble 3 yeor aid fans rein Mn. Joliý tey, viiistoai a Grsi prize at -tise lust Coont>' exhibition, anti a spisaidit sheanhiusg nom tram Mn. Storey, iiis aieatook a prise ai the sains; aliea &*0Scotch asOUn.. anti fends vere conipletel>' avercome at i th istusiag calamity. Tise aganizing lasmentations ai tise bereaveti motiser vers tnt>y heartrending. Tise building, ila appears, vas useti se a cov isums, sancueportion ai it, vbere tisé chiltiren veto itise Labit ai playiug, containce)asquentit>'o tai r. Through the Imprudent use of matchesiL i-ai con- jctured, tise stmv cauagbtu fins, envéioping tiobuilding lsisunnlmioggnusin an in- s:au. anti fron tise idoen ftigit sud tal siseep-Iit aifSye-the fane oitsefreésa ts i.,tsepu isl éd bnet aboya by Mn. Clithiero ait Mark. ioov vaspnsventa making hise escpe, L__ - --- 1nud u.riesed asuw havae mi witin se-' .A htter in tise Leader ai Lise 110i8sinsst., utam, lat eyr. r1 e-- âitsjiit'uis Lise fslluyfing lunntn itnu. Tise -Ohio gétltemen coule) ut av see- tessight ai isisparents vuthont apsiiu 1 tako te libenty of ai ecosing fan in. scrit'it hli yosîr pr.per aus extrat tram a lttier ncoiu.ed irons a ver>' uxtenisivewvol liolse iunte Usilted ti fte's, wlsich ina>' tiervO ta exii'esstise idctts oi mais> tisae ai ms>y carusîsundnntu., anstimy 0' urtlier serv-e tai prsuluceae feeiuug of caution amangsut -- amcaustîr>' ool shootns, viileS titis year 151rneuesu>'usut.e-n goste sir adian- tiaga. 151cota u-luty'of140 étis, tlseeww- rage pries f'or wneil labt yeaa., lewves 5b cnt-,ait an iav«age fon tiiS, vîsish, sn iiew efthLie û'oe-sutced suat-kot seema ta bhetis utishe valute 1iacee) upous t b,'thse Aunenicco manuectorers. I trust tise co- elinsed tnmt>'bc o aiarvantagre ta your t-b- 'iers, M aidthsat t1Ihave net trepasse tau uoit, on your sujae," &tt. 'flc foluoituîug i»s te xtraet reierred 1li uclul> 'La youtrsaifte 4th, cancers- iisg n-oi, wvo cassuot soc (bat Lise pr&senit Oir iprobable »at i t e emarkent vante)en- courage j'eutsre nusa ttucis ai your van) titis jean.- At pressent we isartiy nov visai ta soy about te nov clip, r W. haver 1 skeCul11 xpectuig usg r Con,,,rt ou eutuouli- ly thLtarif!'on ouuu tu canitie If iL retseus a itistie uty, v'sulspremium, U uts gaie) viiouturt te .over 15 Cents pet pauside) li ttatt cesa yaur grevere wiii hua-e Ltaaccepi t aiew jvice, as ou rnsted * ists<eturecs cannut affure) ta hi>' viat Lvit i louatat lut.year's rates. >WiLis a - uttanket su o rstock ie t ils very Vei"t 01 wA'rhtu,a.-it, A great mIsaeaOaiou# macLa- ssi>' Li-4idie witis vooll isLthe sirs nkuiua- llufactuirtirt feaing fatura Dvti uds t)ti titeetait ii(ttire."- - - ate above vo ode) tise fnlowing ai srctais1tu v00t grevos fuor tise hînoîara. tion ai veel for sunriet, reconti>' pubtushsed ilsi (lis es " ,>ertJowussrusd r.tsignet b>' yilhi irnis uitisai place fintnsiutuise - "Jat. lave vour shiep ii 1onoughul> tnsggei bcfe -i4-Woalisinz.1 *' 2ti. ws'tui lïte voeu tlsrosii>', aise sul'rr flic stine'p le taun out af tise vuter, YaqtiuaeOut oifte v aiu euttise vater as possiWe buera letting tise siisp Urdn. Dl ina i aivettissshcep an a due>' roust, or lut tiseln u ri upols jsiougled groutod, aLL4er -wisuîitg. *4tiis. Sitar ns soue atter wasuinua tise woot twe'i ses liugly tliet.LuI lie institnce msaloiti8eep Le loft ta run - imsane tii-uis a wu'ek- aiter vasising atie) if tiheu uea(lier Is hotL»ais)dry'tise>' soulti b. r.1seacuud vitsits <ou r or fiveday.. Il lti. Deut se floeca sinu a box, net tigiti'y Cçbu*,remteu.alat ie tisoso vusli cssrctly ssngluettil itual jute t'ille, vitit tée stnriiga iacis vas. - «tIs. Wam iu assi kesp sepanato yaur paille)viral, anse) if'in gondi cndition iL t wl tring a3 mnattai;asothler veut, bot if suholtttl utt bu colne up irisîic t other Farunersa sM'ho <tulour thego directions r wîll tfisd neetiy sale olair eicips at tte1 iligluesi pnoce. lliuos s hvofolinul itLut tiseir ca lu-it hie>' bave flot ont>'ta do. tîi tunetiinlseiglit.for ail il'vet un e otr eetimausa ebero. Tis1 e sj 'J'" " " ' i um me focks from tise breetee vsbave isamdt are volt tnove ait aven the Province, bai' ing invîniaisi> caîlotioff prises it a&l Pro- vincial, Cant>', Diss!tovaaisip ezbibitlo wiscre fisovn î and ti icanns vuis ç»rqc, teiâtie prudence on,'Amrelcafried Lave iseen carefultla select t'he ow -.'- Ionk - W lffliw tab ' Il emmuo.Ce-' ruos anti MoPienson bae', vs 1leaiuaIy aisé ibouane)epsa o leste)in potue.,b.-1, #id«' tve huaedreti .eetaf tilage uvWcisr uhey" tork, ad- grume, %isest ier hate penchaso Aaioimeteu'a hers,oas tieuns sut ai Spanis is euati tires Sitatinot Isenedof ai .ony sbeep. - OJ- Wut notice tisis vesir tise Mûrement ai bir. Win. Titi irom thseCabiet buiness, visicis Se carret! au se extenaivet> leo Wiiby, asotb Sso suds crédit t<o him- self duricg tise pasi8 ss- M Ha suse,- Wi!hsnJuar., sautJoai entier thlst ayle undtir ofn aiTilt & Brothsst, continue tise -business at ise id establiset vire rvoosa. Bath tise yaung minawéle barp -anti rede in titis lava, and tise -strict I«éiltude ai iseïr cisaracot- ,anti cousuet, sasbusineua meus aise)privais citfàs ta ilo volt knav iu tise commuait> La require s word of eauumenatiou at aur haa4s, Buougis ta aurtis; Isoes noorels ndua ubicle aobianti tis e oofidseu 'of thse puLlia for tbiss tiLer yl guide tirn lus al mthia on tiseudertaii antic iie ItI tention escluivei Ta aB Cane, is v gei étitree of Lciv«ý cosaceri Mdr mom'duea's flrongi it's-e asptication vr" i fSear, fces as heItoom .or, Dr. Clesi, un>Croeel)a loquecttishe *eniainsohn sverdict1 vas rndereti la scuordanes vilS the faets. Vltl mhê heeaveti paresit a tisl e sr terrile caa s,,i.b eat-al - wvs pýj_ -à mas>' e tise Islu ti tle in -ibawuv' lbais besuen i e ponta record)as bavfUnk talesu plaýe vitia tise gooti ova tii Tas 'RgasinA " m tIeoberfonat trip thsseason, irons Whbi, acres.thse Lake lba've Wiîby Iwice a vunei r ing thé season, on thise mruugaof Wsedty anti Fi>, végiala0t>',For Sonne aiteparlnre sud arrivaiueativt. Tisis sorng tise Ro*ester "on osboivdetaiWbitb>', &long vitis ber voglar cargo, 11ieaut oofisosp perchasse) b>'Mn.1 A. Coebru ad e)Dr. tiais ieing, Gio. -Tise Roc4mu'sule l perféettraindis)bas eleaýditi sconmmaia- tien (ar'pueeers. ; Tis e vcotetpmeas hmrvmtt avemae.uLo ns af thse àîatet, andstitully oeeof tiseustsînsil. &Wu, boa&,aaatheLakeu Mr. Chutar Lhra i atise Aieet s Wbly "TaBha" , s S- qns(of a u Gs(ssMr, vbt4b hàict"z~ie4 ainfroua là WItl ,u0t4d tlsgse.neilier eve« o.t bonleit; but vjsel«esépThé kM s uggestive of ladoate' util-] r»w»MA.-ý i.. a* vW.- .ail rerSbe «iviaurn for -- Blake, Q., ., S. IL' eirongý sudnt Messrs. Cattanecis, Gambie 4nd Douavan. Cto th oae!Ber vW@ ic~Iear.Wt aon sud BroLLes. Tisere _. eadY tbve causes set tiowa. for Piainiiff, J. T.'Geëisweôtiýfor 4ptesul. «l.- Cao 5 trsiavA y tbý piafu.ff'a soticitor.- HeuOWius,:Btffl.-Ur. iýassoîsn anti Mn. Bonttbee fo1Lsepa Mti . Blake ne)d Mn. Witaou, 'fer thé !4fpinte. -Tii va a ctiau o otuiforess. 'p.cféo'per. imance.oan agreemensî' for>ho conve>. ao.b>' tisedeteedanit ta$tisheiati0's, aiO uuat Mer" of'Lot neiei en ~lutihe 9ui conicesson oathtisewship eai 4no. Mn, Biaks tak saune prolimilen>' objece lioetos té sright, ai tise patiisIlà taPro- ceeti, epou visich biLis Lordahi resuivve&, bis justgast Tise piaintiff's vittiuuseWv eGeorge Hraue, Wiliam-F.n orsBo ant William 3McGregor. Canns! <fon déiencescatieti --Àuý Chas. Brases, Sami elRçytad Richard Graluzn. -Tise tearneti Censel argusesl teceeon hotis aides et oonaiideneble iéîg is Londahip reaonveti bis jdtgîneet leard os. Heuard.-A Bill '414 b>' tIseeo-betaif teplsen Hsid*M 'oiToét- te, e git V radslahiteMs Eevard, 'lre&d otiser ca.hselna -anti deees of, ise aMd Siepisen leward, ta obtain tse opinion af tise Conrt upgn tise consitruction iif bis viii, oisiefiy lis relations ta certain lantis in thse townshsip af Searbare. Mr. BIaks. Q. C., for the. plaintiffs, Mn. Stroeg, Q. C., and Mn. Cattanas for tise deicudants. Tise countention appeareti ta resuiÇisntise question visethon tise duspeuteti projserty caise under tise' provisions aitise vii, or visotisr Mr. F. H. Hevard tat posses- stan (as bc claiti,) by desceut.(nom is TiseplainticWihedi ss vîtisesas, tise de. soendant, F. 1H. leward, aigu Oua. Willi. anise, sotWitliaas Ilitggina. Mr. Surong cahotd Georze Mam', Joisu O'Donoisue, anti Prencis Gordon Hevard. lus conseqouce ai tise absenof niàa it- neeni, tisa ortiser isearing anti angimoni ai tise casewvas pasîponosi ontilt aexî Manda>' in Toronto, Tise Court tisen adjourneti. SricIn)z slx lm% î sxvÂeT--Acon- viet tlnibe peniuentiany, nameti Maeelnaiti, committi suicide lust Sonday aigtS ln bis oi b>' ianfing iiteli vus a sttap, b> ing bn apeuing, Lis- oeil door. Ise de céaseti, via Lad ot'e1vmni cr ai Lis impisoemeuttLau ot t ut bo e iii receti>' astivu no& long eut ai tise isoopital;sue) it vasu doiemt bt f«r tome 'laya pat ho vas> ahigil> denangodtin l visici s sate, of mine) he put ai endtiol bis life, Macdionald bah ortket-inltise soo- usalers' abop. -Ajr isetaxSa? rusc.- A Part>' Of yIgm. ou(rom tioteriob vent est iding9 onSnts'uet, anti ou Lieir retoe, vissé &bout al ineo leus ove o, on tisa Kmn- carnla e --theiss Aj t* a fpus *U, tbneagis thesbréatt sis a revolîer, wandiso die) soo aa 'tr&i.An Inqst a nov gaing en. Brie.sstxaArmr.-A4-tooSam ere nemeti W. M3Aruisur vas atabbdinuthse abdomen on Frits>' aigl4e, &&eis Âua village by aa mua oameul Oepp, vieho s "st ta larebis vs>' mbtiste t4i g!ts - lep A VoLrsuvasa »sewstt.-A voiuumSr natiasseanu rray' veadrovost in lu . routo ala'on Fidal seolisg vissarebtes- riagromtbe Ilnt ie* vasunater tise rilinuence et tiquer. A Cuis.» sas oves&-AI)~L .- -Whltby Townsip Cennefi, llnaoklio, May' 7,186 Council met pursoamttea srjourouuent., 'Ailthe members present, tise veevô ln tise- chair. Minutes of lest meeting rosie) andi Tise rose presenteti anti laid qpan the table commuinicatilons frons llobovt White anti John. Micisael, in rclcrene o ta ven. sens aihigbways. Tise accaunts, ai Dr. Pooto, 8and Warren for medical aittendance ulpets Obrisa Canati anti Widow -Sftevén.ý eqi i-nt 4 ettr rot G.H.Pavineii inu referencs ta roeefof Lb. <amulies ai volun.' teon. absent'upout active doty' uspan tise Panitedeet anti 04 othons, ps'ytng tisat tfi.- "OidBarrcks"ho ither- taris -devisorý -Mn.- Drydeus presentue) anti laid u l preying ior teLise hr pon tise original ailovaiscora road between, lots nos. 28 and-29, is ettisconcession; antioa H.Ierbent. Spencer, anti 8 atons, pcaytng foc a grant of monney for tise improvoment ai tise (ais concession lhue, bishtwéu lais ft*s. 19 «aid-$1. . Joisn Dryticusecaisdedb>' J. IL Biciseli, moves tisat un acter for tisa prop or Api. tosnLunofaiMo -no>' on Ilisti atelbrides, tis townsobip bc tuvute inio titea divisi. o ns, Lise noctisemista inclucie ail roada nntis aitise ffth coonocaion, sud 'the soutisero eu roads sautbaifLise saune, ai -(bai Nfes-;rç. J. B. Biekeit, J. Burroughs, aud-J. >Dryden ho appoinice)a e éommuitte r o Inxpeot Lue Nonthen division, andi repart te tisé catncii t at Lsncxt meeting tise probatle amost requiret ,for repaire; ae) tiet Msesurs. Campbsetl, anti Thomas bcapitda likec commuttes for tise Sbthhdi vison.- Carriet. Xvdby J .Bcel eoddb Mn. iurrousgh% ,tisat tise receeuta grant his oudon on Lie ircasutrer far tis tofa $2 in Ilivor o aiM. Etvard Lebair, aun indigent pereon.--Oannicd. >ioved by S. X. Thonmas, aecondcd is Mr. Dryden, tisai ite clork hu instrute 1 ,ta write Le tise ovoon af tisabusildingi known uts tise 110itBarrckus," intise vilinuge ai Brrookiin, requeniinsg isbiua ta vo- louve or Aocure tise saune in eccorteoce ush tise petition ai T. R.' Pontecosutune) others.-Carried.- Joisn Dryden tnoves, secandetl'b>' S. M. Thsomuas, tat att pctitioui& prt-suaLntoul ta tisis cosîncil, un rererenc o adantdu Etridreu, hé rcierred tl tahie respective roads' cauninitteo fur tise nortisern, aod sootiseru divisions of titis Townuship. J. lisrrough is. uoves, secousdet by J. B. Bitkel'l, for leave La briusg un a By.law ta appoint certain Townshsip Otilcare, aise atiser purposes, and tisat Lise By-hav ho nov rendl a firet tisute, Iarrieti and bill ne-st a fit-st tisne'- .1. Ihîrrougis move;'Xecandêd by J. B. Biekeil, tat By-l:uw tbc nov recul a scoýnd ane Luire Lisie, anti iassed, andul Lie reove sign tise saune, anti attavh te corpusrnstc seat tiereta ('arnieu. ane)bill mrenda second anul third time cnd pis.ietl. Moyeiltsy J. B. Jlickcll, setcondeti by . Burroughus, tîsat Jamses Brlnigs a ere- -b>' aatisaricrtolapenlorta his tatute labor for tise yean 1866, ouLise side rose) op. -posite Lots No. 18 aud 19, oitise soutti rafo &sbce ts 7th concossioui. MIr. JDryden mie - econdied b>' 1fr. Burreugi, tisaitise re-vishohe by auY'& tisarized andi reqisce teta grant-bis acter u n Lise Treasurer, n io vr ai J. B. Bieél for $11,anti aie in <avercai S. 'K.i -Tisas, for $4,15, tise enount ot their1 aceautota, Luis uiay roodereul for sundniés furoiisce) destitte fausitues, Is socorchance1 vitn a previau.s re.Sehition ai tii coincil.l Moted b>' J. P. Bie4-ti, sconede)b>'1 Mn. Iiunreî:git, tbat tiso rwes e horeis> autitonizct e grant isaordor ou Lis Trots- auner, te tise foltowiitg pensons, foc Lheie foliovring samoutts, Jcepi Kemn'st.$1.75, san Mark ElrnLn~,5 for flxing aý gisil' on tise St concession, John 0'Day, for drnawng pisusi $3W. - 4 Mayet b>' J. B. Blecel,. secondée) by 'Mr. BjsghîgisstisaIt Îhereeve be andtisi tihe T*esucer, for-theseauti- f $ Ucents per aceek, i s-or ouf thse wiîu sof thse fol- leving persoti,ý Jamie Fountain, John Fit.z-"eraltd* Arthsur Sawyer, Alfredi Cunan aun dueil, iatil <urtieraordered. Mc. Bucrougig ~maies, secondée) by J.1 B. Bicisdil, tisat vise tisis council adjosicuj il stands adjoustisoti util Manda', -thu 2Id14 r tiAt., adise)tsn Latoutas a Court aille. vision. - rCauncil adjaurnied. ie point ýen route for Quéec. He r ad-, vices are one day Jeter tissu per, steamer City of Paris. ý,Liverpool, Mây 4.--The etc.Ielvtia, from Liverpool on thes 2ndo lfor New York, bas put back vus sthe choléra, ou board, Tiwo deatho occurred béforée horeacheti Qusenstqvu frosa iverpool. Thse National Steamsip Lins have de- cided testop Germani imigration through theirvuels. -Tise Gavernmeaot-bas rd- ;eres fqllex"mioation af ail Germen emigranteubefore their ,a 1dmision.ta Eng- land. Tie choiera mode is Brut appear- anc. among thse Germon cemigrants wviie thýey voesinaLiverpool. Mr . Oladstone'sBudget'-repeais tise daty ountimbor and pepper,ý and proposes, an arrangement, for tise reductlou of tise na*tion-al debt., Intelligence frot Vienna,' Berlin and Fiorence continues mcnacang. Armasments vers vigaraîsiy pushed forwarâ in Austris, sud goods trains Lad been suspended on the Trieste Raîiroad in order ta quickua military transportaion. ln tise Honse aof(Jommans, on-1h. 2nd instant, thse Bill legaiising marriago vits a decenaed wifets sister vas rejeoted b> 19 The Steambot aOppositions. -AN BXPLANATIOI4. To the~c eitt' ! Lthé Cobourg -&rntinel. Srs.-As tb. owner or the steamer Rochiester, and thinkingLise public are net fully avare ot ail -thse particulars wlsich hale rcsuitedIn isthse prfsent ungencrous op§moition on thse part ot is owner of thse Corinthian, 1 beç ta trespss on your coliunon a brielly as a narrative of tho facto wyul atlow. The Jiaple Leod baving been soli ta thse American G overnment during te mommer of 1862, and tise route betwcen thse North Shsore ports and RoctIbester not being occupied for a whoieocsason, Mfr. tildersieeve wan soticiteil bath by the* jpelao Port Ilope and Cobourgto plice thse Empreea on tho route, ta filldie vacuumt- in steamnboat accommodation; but lie declined, and thse noceuuity for a boat becoming daiiy more pressingl purcsased thse Raclutster in tise sumrnofa 1863 and corncced running on thse 4th af Juiy. $ho was Lte oniy boat avoulable for tise purpose at Lte timis, and aithouigh want- ing ini the luxurious reqiutremints of the prescrit ngo, vas a goad staunch rea boat, madie regular tripgvite fot exorbitant in ber tenuf and was ail Lisat was wanted for -the s-tatiýn ut that tisue. Of course in oprming g route, which iaitbecn difiused for a seasaon, there are (rosis-- connections ta bc matie, and tise travel which bas iseen divertgd'bas ta bc brougist hock again.! Thsis occupies saine Lime, duing wiii i nsay bc supposed Lteé receipts are flot very remunerativo. IIyLite-tinte, itowever,tisat thse Rochester vas fairly e5tablixhcd- on the route, nismeiy,-tie uinîner of 1804,-- 1 was not a lîttie surprised ta flot myseli opposeil brtise mpreu, a bat forwhics the owner, Ir.fideriieevc, bud* n'O oc- cupatiotn, o asunfit for crossir.g thse lake lu badileatser as oould be veli con, Ilbe scason tcrmir.ated, and M. Gildera- aleeve propoocd ta une tisat inssunueis as botb basebd been merely paying ex- penisco dursng Lthe receuiing season we sisouid comne ta soutfe underâtanding, i- tiunating that ise-bid another and, more formidable opponent, ta place against tise 1JBoC1tei. i uo s aie 1vas onpet Thée werot bauang terminated,, anI golt net hiss.ig gQne dovrn, the prospecta for 180, vetre aLier gioomay. aud f was in- dueed by*Mr. Gildersleeve, holding out tise prospet Liat lis waiuid withtraw tise Empreu,aind merely wislsed ta outcupy thé, route with tie C&ritian for thesssonî. aise Lisat sftevardas éwattS) iii ail proability bc taken listatise mail 1104, ta enter inta Lise ii.slowing arrangements viuih itat: -I >Thse £cprm w ax ta bo wihdnwuT. d Svas ta cuis tise Iioeleptiltihiséer tkian eouid be got ready, visicb proved ta bc 18 weecks, dedoieting onaèf tise profit for m wns use £500, ande dividing any balance thora miobc equally with him. Hlig share af thse balance atrsouoted, ta U03e(li gmeenbacls,, ande $848 Canadat iseney, wvitas1Ipaï ie) i 1n Lien bàt t seek a teinsporary route for Lthe RoMcuiaMr, 1okiisgforvard te thé Chase af the acason, icis ofi moyeu!1 lam'ore atiorti>'a itrop orf f Ioai aise) ,Cn. isbling sa Ab ate -1 -- hoe1dolsCOO î* -We givo beiow Lthe principal butsiness onîregt ta teprofession aitie ub Ilc tcansactod ai. tise recot session ai tise Ifdicai CounciL STA XSARDeor XxAXIs-ÇATIOÎowlt ITIU ist-Tsat ai studoots pns an examisi iomn sger.cral education. before tt isy com- mence their prafasioasl- studios. 2n4-TsoLtisae- tisue for ominnciflg prafessianal stildios ho unteratoo tetabh froM tise date of tbcir-isavtog pesset ieir' prehitntnary examinetian, Îe) -Abiat, no quutifying body shallreyeéi1,o ,i stu-dent vititout. hiseiaving fivst-otaince)a certi-ý ficate Of exouinstion- 8rd--Tisat 'sdegreè i- lu rtaof, any Bnriticis or Canadian University, or ai socis other'Univergsttes U as m>'- o ecagnlzedi troms Lune t fLe 1the Liseiicai council, hcamcptet oas e sfliciont qusalificaLion te enter upon te atudy of mettoiné. 4ts-Tisbat Lise'examination un gencral odlteatien hc loft entirciy ta aonc examine'r te bc appoinice) b>' tise nembers .aifthse -eia anil, aise)that tise oxamination thcpý ý y hiçé moitiss, andi Lira nor ane or more usemberu Of tise Council mnuest bhé prosent et su.i examinstiouî iLti-T4iet.tise ioloWing betisubioctue Of exuimination La ho undorgu,,ne byali mafriculantff tn edicine :-l4streading aiafsid a passage iran came Engluis autior; 2nt, writing iroun dictation ; Srd, Englisis grammes"; 4LUs, riLiOg e short'- Eugiisis composition; 5it.s, anîtimeiic, inusiudiog vulgar ent deciunuil fractions; OI, quoi. ions in geograpîs> genoral>'; 7ih,goenai histon>'; 89tishie ehements ai notuiral pisiois"")y iih, Rutoie, fintut aise second books lOtis, Algebra, ta Slm ple cqisaiiansa, inctustro;- lltl;, translhation ai a paae rausftho firet book "( Of narsuComunontar. ie-4 Dibelou, Gallica anti Gregory's (Con._ fspectut-firet five chaptora ; Ihi, trans- lotion, oa passage front St. Johsns Gospel in (Cok. In aIl tse s sbjectu, tée qt !ality af tise isndivriting ande speiiing. wiuL bc tken inoaaccoutot. AUl stustents that tsidenga tiserequti-rec examinatian bcoabliged ta puy $5 prifîr £0 exanatian, *nd )in tis e i ort ai aiuré thaL anly $3 af tise umiimdepositce) ho re turutet. No Grcok oxatsination sisal! bc demndeih of appliutetsboforo Lise -lot ýO May, 1807. Tise comintttecoan reglistration proeut. ed Lise foiiowing repart - lst-'fisat any persan entiti dtieLarogia- tration under scisedule A. aif tise nndic.sh nct, Usuder tise lurîpertal meulicai net, SIsait bc pormnittedti te g-,ier by produscing a ceriicatertuu a noary publhic, gettiog forth hie right te registration, eand also tise date ofiao> 'credeutial or- credentias h ie may requsire io bo rocordeti, viicis1 efidavit, vith tLie iee, may ho transmitteti ta thse registrar b>' usail, propaid, oun e- ceipt oifvsicis th 0isé e trr$hiall record tise naine, crotientials andinetidence aifLise1 -apphicant. 2nd. Tt shah oalso c ho ie dot> ofi te nod-itrar ta transmit te the' apîshicant a recoipt ion tis e<c- also a tnanecriptai tise- rogfisier untien geai. 3r.Sooe ny danbt-- arise et any. time as ta tise genuineneo fgsid octioen. tials, as set forth un scie) cerilficate, i .tise regfigtrar may reqoire tise production af< tise credentiitla.- - - S4tis Tisat Lise cotificate lio fileti is tise registrarls fc. fitht.- Tise foitoinga&rdtise quatificatiaOns wisich may bir egistereti IsutTisae mnentienée) in sciseduhe A. aiths et. L20d,. Ais> atir honctable, deSignatian or tiLle tegrer or dipiousa. Ord.,Al L ities atiser tisondegnecs "se tipimas if registerce) shati ho paie)for-at'tserate ai twg dollars for ecci titte. Therepant vas carricd th t iLS ,) ing amendinent- - fl D hr. lIlicisardsod movéti, "Tiat usipan Stibiisitting ta the registruir a: cortîficata unsisttch bnd -antil'cul oi any reeve of an>' townshsip, uMayor of an>' soonicipalit>',- o ne wynîr Publie.a,,tinünrîh t- tiset Medica sud Physioiogy; or will ise a-r tificateg of -assy eset, w-*bs ectàreéon more than ane brancis af medical science be recagnized;- ând marc tisan ane lecture eaMsdûy -rhailnat bu delivcredbý tise same persan, as tisese pcimary branches. The Professer ai Sus'gery ctay lecture ais Cifoical Burgery tise Professai et Mcdl- clos uuay lecure an OlinicalMedicisuh.ni tise Professr of Matonsa Medica mac turc on Botany and Méedical Jurisprudeu. 18-Eacis candidate ta bc requirodti t praduce a certificat. aifisavlng 8ampound. éd medicines for, tvoperiods of six montis cacis, or 'den pcrlad af tWelvs -ulsontisin thse efflieo-fa quaililÏàd medicl practition. or, in conjuncetion,, wi wlilicisbe must prodnce a certifieste aofisaving attended et toast six cases oai mitwiery. ý14-Pýoov4ftbs ai the actuel toacbing tsys attiése esion>imuet hbeattended be- foré, a ertificat. ai attondancee t said sesi." Slan cen be granta, except ini casesof' 15-Ail grsduates fromn recognlzed cod- leges lu tise lnitedStateà chai! siatricu. tata and.attendoané fuit course af letere'. and ail students c hall matîcuiaté au complotaj a course 'af study In tise cal legs in t listse n t e n duite, equiva. lent ta tise curriculum 1 requirid by tise Council- 0S-Tsat ram astudent WisaIt; a grad duato af any recagnised Univeruity or col. le, oniy *,tireea, y ensir ai attendsl~~ MedIâei lectures Îsisai bc eure.1h pîrimary examination shah -consiàathéLs foiiowing brp-nclles -Anatomy, Chemnu. Lry. Maai edios, Institutes af Medicine eu lotany, wis!le tise final branches shial consiat af Pruictice ai Medicine, Surgory- ansd Surgicai Anatomy, Midvit"ery, Mcdi- cali Jisris;prudence and Practicril Obemnis' try, Ilimilton'o Outhînes ai 'En#iixh, lus. tory ta tise presooit ime, Schne1ze's Man- usai af Nncient I!iory,-embracing Roman history ta tise, deatisaf Nero, and (Jrccian bisto yta the, deatis ai Alexanter; ýande Part Y oai-tarrarse's Cbemtstry, w subjeets ai matriculatlon examfinatiais toi students entcring ufion-tise study, ai mcdt. cino in addition tao ater gubjectu spe. cifled by titis Cousocil. 17-Tse regulustion shall net set injuri. ousiy as ta Lune un regard ta thôsc stan- denta ivisahave aireachy attendet a nc or more courses ai lectures 10 'Ay eCaiait Schsool, but sucis course shall bc alloved 18-Six dollars each day shahl, witIssl travelling expenees, b. pasd tLa cccli menu, ber aifLise Meticai Council. 19-ia Medical Regintrair, on Lise ficat dany of August next, sisal! notify al hi isme tiiiusentiitlc-d, and tisose visa negleot ta do ua sali pay tise sin of $ 10 foc reg istre.- ion after Lise IfiLi day of June net and ail -persons visa have become quatified ta register, undee tise provisions ai tLs Act. since Lise drst day of January, 1860, sisal) pay tise soin ot$10 for said registration. TJpon adjautrnment, Lise ouncil isse Liseir pisotognapti taken Is s gnoup, ande tison dined a#the guest af tise Presidont, et Lise Quea's ilote!.. Thse Feniuan-4îephess In New 'York. Dur dospatchèss <nm New 'York .lhave i.ready announced the arlrivai aiflHead Centre.Stepiena lus tbat city. -We fait. s fow atiditionail tems 1(nom- théeNewv'York pepers ussicaus'INawor .ssuaî. Hgead'Centre Stepbens ia about fetty_ hbrec yeere ai age, Living __beeu bore in 1823, ini Kilkeiny, Caaaîy ai Kilkeîrtsy, Iretani.ý Thougis batd he dosa not lDsai avec <af>'.l Ho bas mare thse lboks ef. Sctes ans au Irlebmn. lHmba ou-t in Ait, tiseea vas tg the il -p-il eft-Ire] l\ w i tisaile, that il contry a spirit o.9 tise- TeL

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