Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1866, p. 1

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TUE WiflTBY IUMONIGLE ~t ntoiIUiDo  Yuoz o tuCI AVW&YK, gy At bis Prlntlng KsiablIahincht, Broek-Street, Whitby. T1R8 * ~0PER ANNUX. ADVERTISEXKENTS! A 4etsmet nnsrdnNonpar- A-1 I01, adsliarged At îtheraleof 8 cents per litI, lratiusertlon, and 2 jents per lino. each Spei4alNcotaoteadowith stivertisers by the yea,, or ot1ierrWî.o- Orderm to Iisconinue advertlsomol!ts MUsl. be luw'lng BANK 0F MONqTREÂAL, WIIITBY I3RANCHi W. R. DEAf, Manager. SC&MERtO'4 & ACDOXELL, ant the Corporation ci the Cot.,îtv of Ontario, Xotarlea, &e., &e., WIl' liby, C. W. IL. C. Cksuoif, Q . I.J. NMÂCDOIxL. ply li the )fico ofilthéftrin, Couil lieuse- B ARRISTERSt. Attorneys, 8soll1toroi, &e. ()icpwoteii&,%tranceBilig jlurollsrol:oolu .W. 1'rcnnto, Jaly 20,1841. 28 (, )YNTY (1 ROWN .iTTOflN EY FOR ON- née- 61alwè luw Ifilllitg, Dton<lixs 1ýu tiIr, e-00 ; GEORGE H1. DAItTNr.LL, B ~MNT IlATTt)!»NEY, ço>NvEVAT< natr>', and ent.lnerin <'hantrery fr tic Couaî jt> u)tarl'o. Ofice Iyron-mt., Wlitl>y.- ROBJERT 3. IWILSON. B tRRISTFt& %TroitNEY AT LAW, IR tetttlvv.C. W. 0 Str. >1. . aRVISt. i4 tllttii'TÉIEi.~T-LAW ANDIi (OL1CITH1l J. K. GORS>ONi, j> <>,vtrLowes & l'owell'x Store, Wiib.C. W. S 4ThWTTO« NOTAItIY PUBLIýC, t&e. &c. C 11 Ut 1Itq C.XIELLER, A ro~tt'Y AT L&W, SOLICI'IOII1N ATrl)itNEY..AT-tAW. SOLICITORZ IN A(ulli'. 4 otîveynneer, tOiOe l nistr), 01le. on 1irýbck ';trd',.t. 48 J. E. ]FAREWELL, L t. 10., vamIL MCGE,13.. dîtllià oîL0rua tlO<$sw, C. W. 40 LYUAT< W<EilýiSII, L L 1. À GR191STCRnvsA LeA,&.. 1torl. a S 1moe~L,-pposthe l'oeilOffice, COshtws lu oIllca,1PrinceA .lburt, two doors Weet 'f R. W. CLARK. M. D. à COltO~, 7&c. teienaOn ot a Esetof Tarnolti & Gui toutil Store, Brack Streef~, WlIthy. 44 RK. J. GUNN, M. D. ItIURGEON TO TIIE COUSTY GAOL, iByrong treet, Wlithy. 4 RI. C. CURaaX, M. 0* CAN~ADIAN LICENTIATE. 0ceuliat, t&c. atentionl glven t10 ilsoes* othe E r saull&lClronia ess gB-wîIi olmeto frCarst;lrb- mte, or cues-oetrentuti. --va LAMBENCT. TAILOIt and DIAI'EIL-IlusaSt. Ohawa. mati toordo Intheo btastyle nd faublion. 47. A. PRIYiGLE, suIERCIANtT r1LoRt BROOK STREELT, LU.Whtby. 1 TIIOMAS UUSTON ATrKINSOT< -à BOSWELL9 With calm Priuted wordimi, gpua: zthoughto and uitiIflK idi VOL Xe WH ITBy, C~ .,T MR. 0. A. JONE8, Ta£EROlBSON Hlo'USE, Barrlster, Solicitor la Chaicery, At.' <ÂSSIXPUUBfOE, torneyt &c.9 t&c. BlINDAS STREET, WHIT13Y, C. W. GEORtGE RORISON, Propriator. gý. OFFICE-Neit door to the Ragistry Office, Wliitby. 41.1> TrIPE subsomtbar hegs te aumnne lat ho hma IL eased the building forniaml> knoomusas 8ua45ptnrolitBtl, mhich bau beau ranevateti, I runsheti. sud fittoti op lhrongbouî, lInltae h bast of style. Tite promises ara pleasanîly ai- C ro ke 'sIlnuteti. opposite lttlPost Otltc,and inluthe con- treaof thaTemu. (LATE PLA'I"1">Tite Ri miti.tis catIs ut ths Hôtel, andl _»the noCe for Uxhaidge anti Bevertln bve NEL ONSZR RT 20ftNç thîduor avcrya.oruing. fleaird S par day. Abovo King Street. r.WCarofnl hiostlersalsioys inattendance. T Whithy,MXav* 1868. 20 Illsnscilar og teinimteto tbosalu JLWiity ad urot)inz ontytht BROOKLIN HOUSE, te Coman; rcial Iltel, hts lies soccedeti CLARKC &YIC7KERU, - Proprieters. Mm.- llatlu hule iotai o-ong Irepî b>' liii ou Noîno 141. 'tor nto.lngspotradic capens, e g ujat reapotully te Inforre the inhala'- i htfiasg i theSai nne, ho sabure coulort ~te tnte oSt ui'taiiaty of Outarlo, Ihat theZ liaat tho*e whe tnayîîetro.îizo lina .olt .leanetitho aboie riraniagmelata occutai db>' plessI e isibelld frieaintîu ho *111 . Sandv Perrie,, ohiche hîîave uewly fa.nib. JJ.S CIW't"CÃŽtyII - .8 sd renoistoti, ead _tha>'saarpred te Toroiito,Jen. ig, 18014. . - 21 lm ticmtmodâto tShe travelling publfc. Thec Ni Brooklin Drug Store. D)1FAL.El1 inDruem, Pleu t Malieines fliit.,LUIn, 1>yc Slnffte, Confection. ory, &tc. Horse 4- Caille Aledicine4 alwvays on hi4ii Itrouttllu, C. W., 186OP1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL. JIROCK STREET, WIIITBY6 rphe înerine 'gs r anuovnuce that lio -1l a .àtùiiadit will Kuuwxî yreuises wiltihalve hccîî iewiy lniriiiylio4l s:.d reîîo- v.icl 1iy ltm uId Oule dtil 110it UCCOUil .î0ta tion, going, wiîl, catreful sltenti-'ut, ouiaima>' Gq( t;ll ,.tlz. etîlo.%i i nrdiansd ettetily (Sellerâ. Ciargeittrernalv idmerate. 22- JOHN MILLER. I3OYNTON'S JIOTEL, (LAT£ JrETreý'.) W >7M. IlYNTON bogrf to 'ufornilte Inm habitante of the cf.umîty of N' icule and *iirriiiiiig (>'ntîeIiat lie 1:,, uperied the 1li tel on WVilliam S8trect lutelv oceelpiel b>' Joett, ax 'lw las. liad il fittetiandt urtiin]h eti i1. llrst atcylt', iihur, wiillinti evcry couve. ililce. W~ine.*Lijuer, s ad Cigare of the t&» Aa itîutlve oitlcav>' ust~n Li i; àAa. Fol). 14. 18564. Il - -'-'--______ la W, Il. MTkEELE, soi leitor. , c-, i &V44, Ciîurch Street, Toronto* ~ 1IXBRJDGE JBOUSE -UXBRIDGE. BrE uboriber lei a kilig tlaa praanimes laie.' 'Il ccnsiliad i>' Mr. Jus Thîc'napaonola îhe ho là or n îaïrelal Trarelth saad the.pub STrAaEF4 OUSE, -IS.AAC FENTON<, Prupie80r. B EST Winessand 11qoria; su porloracoma tnolioti fonr- LYs! r.; good et*bibg nt VICTORIA ROTEL, w IlLLIAM StCOTT,PJO IEO.Lt itn. Hoytou's.) 27 ALBION HO TEL. I>uau&o ITuSET, litT. JAMtES BLACK, 14 1rpltr THE DON BilE WEItY. 1IE sulsorîher foi now propure t t unpply T ' hpairong of Zlio on reocu y wil 848a) requireti, and on lorma te xnit parcauuers. Toronto, Belst», 19. 1865. 8 MONEY TO LOAN 1IONEY to bleton Mortgaga sicujrit>' etm8 .3.Moderato ratse finlore4t. (Prirate fuude.> AppI>' te JAMES K. (4OUlfON. Or ,J, 13rrlter, IVhitby. ADAM (OxlhO1, Meorchsut lMaucheter. Whitb, Mj 14,865. aiicorra andi M'>otaries Public, tc. tc, l'ics ALahat-.Os'lr-Oppeeite Town SUI.Conixs, LL. B., II..Cocuu.xi. Ocunt>' Crowu Atlorney. Port Pemmy, 291h-Dîeombea m4. 5 JOUX C.MLLN Acontant, lAnd and General Ageot, 'Office lu Peter nireet, onte door tortl Mr'. elaven's Draag Store. WiI4 eni Iniproyed FPauma lu the oouut" cf Onis, 0 and ilaiaq e? oiale,-- N. e. collections atteude to a snd pret remnitanocamatie. lIaoà. J. MoPhi rion. M.(! .. . tli.n ao ettentleo oëtler alway8 ln attendu,,c.. CLA1tIZ t*'VICXEP.Y, lIi iu pril, 18ri6. 16.1>' G. C. CALDWELL VErERINARY SURGEON, B G luabmft rt-etrk?ît4Iantimate otheb aounitr>, tI.at lie hn eomîeuceti praet.iee in the ab >voline,.sud lie hn1es ly strict .tt,.n- tion to buiincst te maTit a ae.c uîl l'aronnge., Oryaig,-Maxtî 8trpet, second liolimo beobo Inglig't, Ilotel, MarkhIamn. 82 MILLINER, t&c. EROCs S., <LQr. TO tiLAlt's 1&EMtw lx. jJ . [ ~MONCK, Tespet- 4pcfuly in!cnr, lL.i. ditf,, and the public, thit sSe1 lspede îîcpaci 1 rclo telliar. dor*aIr. ber liaao proînitI' anI' reeeoîî,llc. &idielq anà geiill!nitn'tfêlt and i4trawlista% etaîceti, &-e., ahi.o nl mrar învpk31 un lte siectït nui- ti're. 40 TEWOJlXrmAN OUSE ISEAVIITO2N, C. W. ALEX. RAIMILTOrÇ, I'coprietur CASII FOR IJIDES L-T TUE Stone Tannory, Port Whitby ROWE'S STONE STORtE 1 ort W ltitty, Oit. 23. lm4. UVUtO. IOq E MONEY TO LOÀN, SÃŽivor andUOr.fteoki bonght 0= 1o4C th"nse la slso &"et koS tbeii. reolti Pernmnent a"Id gsd aïvlossgeSociety', vlelgh JO&ti mono>', M 6 Per CMN INTEREs1f. for froanôSto 1 yeurs lqb ComaubsL4*1 bcar. Offi Assxno, lnd, tn*nranea and GUaura' Aet, &ô., C. WnxayOcMelanlh lo.k, BrookSt.ý WIlîlt), U nd Nov. 1845. 4 Or Photographic Galery, - #WILKIL<SOWIS BLOOKItt oouPlet.)in the I>rnwlnoe, and lho s18propared tO tait. Pictures, ciSser lu PHOTOGRAPES, AN5ROTY., PES X2LAINtTPES, Or sny othar mode of the Iystio Art. Be huajusstided à new stock of Aý'RTB"MATRIALS. Gîtlie bis ouling rooua a a 0.1, and etc hi? ooürk foi >'oîrlre. Landsfor Sale, vutuu Tomnhin1>f11lp r Cand ulaeap, saia ounusay teast r afpayuctsu. Tbo aboie Isouds artn stad n lte TOWNSkIPS 0F- WHITT, 'kkrrlg, Reainh Broh, Titoreir. tTbrldgeb Mura, Norit Orill', Elon, bMarpo*t4 .Bolr- til Grey , s>, upley, eppel, Dam*Ul MONEYTO tEND. $10,1000~ At mcsoaenbbo ratés, on iita ~ItJqVV' eu s stirit>'. Solicter, 'anlargtou. Ss-'8 FOR'SALE*, Three DWELLING BOUSES INTVIE TOWN OF WIIITBY. TRS;T ;-That iteeirablc Lot anti Cottage, F âb >st ide of 1t,,yrois Striai., ut rcson ui thie orcnpeth.aa cf '%V. IL Billi-tgs, 'TIi property millh boldseliory bm forCusi, or its SECOIND -The 1'Smllng flouse sud LtI Oet of hic. <errie's, laid>' lu the occupation cf Mr. Doste. TIRDI>--Th~e La.t anti fouse, latel>' lu the occupation of WS. Pullon, oua block Northa of thlait esnintionori proptrh>'. Tîatmaueu or Molîsuice, deoArlng sà rpmn milS fidtheIbml»aitwo mniocod propectits, mcl! .uized te thair raquireuneiite. Wil!!lbc Polti et a fairt alte, sud on long terni. of plyes>nti. Wrhîtly, ltb .Jan., li 3. HIAM PERRY prup itor. Lse. 21 r oRENI. T O rl, with possessionn on Ibo firpt or 1.April. nine and s liaslt scfusofgW dland wlrh jzooti houNs, barn, sud otlur out build- inu',. situalo on RtaiîtSt.. cer ltaereslelonoS ot Wm. Laing, Eq.. lu te Ton of Wbitby, renI moloete, al'îaIl'tot, 1 i0-a S BLO W, 1ith Mmccli, 1866., % Farm'i for Sale A Vemn, ussigo 8Çcemrer tlei boss bla lut .,sth oau ct let Tow',nship of .Rcaçb, arm gitlý.isfor Sale, h SA> u rli=dn I!or ode(ifiwle«, prmleo NO BU MONEY REQIREfloq lor t> oi ut twAo >ss iesunt0 et Wou.lb.eaeantfor sl8b&10ll~g r oA t. w thin a udh o 84_. ACES)4î(50<lacr learpr.p)o"ni Usnwt. lam . 14 JAmsLAMON, 1k' u..inat.:,...iti-. 1a' .TTt & C., Agasuls fe SUN,, Mmager. - kt LOSS bV Mi'E t et atoable terne&sh t~eeeoçebrIoBe=d BRITISH AEERICAN apital;, 400,000. urmusrsMignad - âfeu'ppolluted I($-Ajtoo% for ltIi. aby oveC.npan'v, lànom te riume propoht>' agninst ;L.>d B1Y M471-1the Muet fsoora0alebomm" ).Apply te, - YEOMAN GtBSON, *.1d~~om.Agent % iths. a4 INC,&GENERAL AGENT.. -25 000 TO LOAN.-' Elstabte In istinas to saui orto>*ams, - t aI raia tol yeau'a. ltoresî bw, sud- nus e our nlsuch e. Il - YEOMAN hllec. soi -And the songstemw etnilS..Ray>, 0e% Qcuaboveya lsE Stinte in thy trg Plutatare Apri'l J Nauefreah bael Wlbe tay îverdure 'Whfle hy buiste .Anti tIr>' tkhlt6î Dear thon it tey A C me cent»lIif loft ise 6911 - itn ag* à brother ci -badi>;m, - enougb,. cii TI.folIoolng l. 1I. W. Longfalovot boneuîtion te tire-May' numiser ofthtie Atlantic TO-MORROW, 'Ti$slaie et ilgbud ln Ile m*alm of teep Al7 ligtlie ilsare fdfkete olte bt FÉO em eou urout e Ib Oeostaefai "uls Chlieth~e ieasi'nghu, Iliteguard. that teçp Tlaelmeuohlm avih en iowet sud steep; Per offl1laer the crawing cf the eoek*, Aidd brùuh thala peung item Ilam alime.ntckg To-muom 1Ille.nysiemi'aus, unlon gamat %ho es qaloait.Reauea.aee 3nei And treumble telied aappy WliatIeres ei And i1clake answer. ", amn ain.4amil' 1 dure tia a ski[lnae*nelwbl iiuqt. Gadtit tattlreakid *hrt litaail laaîi.t Recognition. Roanewardt ttumamlagfromindîatnant .ý ligs hourd is-taebtihiïJa ebomaa - WilI the> krom hlm ega îu l hIenative tomi1 'Tînaa yantliful conrrate. trua andi test; Once idy-tiranTs mulaboloseai bem pasaet. Yct Aîtnge-tiie tell gatlrorer krows hMun ÃŽaioi DO em Anutd ni ushlaaehi@ teetoreas bkl 1 lieshaos le eaifrom-lhb% todilen ci noe huma i a ilence, olihbif s.igta. BelioltI laisàruoilovo stands ut tIhe door; 'Thon hloomitrg faim oto,melcour oncae more Il Batt Irs anniti, uuomsaions , remaills tiamnoyeti Blue kuoms neot thse vol.. of lier own belovoti. île benullaIis fst'wartl bistm1ildeod'lis uîa, To 1 im se»osubrowÇu tIsa tear-tiips como. Near th 0 rot 14, r4other l15 hug er >' m soi4 bleis tllea, eei I oca gay'._ t A tisai bIood~- ffeat especiali>' oisn I ou un ot-'dangemi and seif.mreproach-i labonrbüg ince 1th Icemureuced-f( 'ougratlatious fe liv. tracet bina. day muq goiug dom su e, eceuld bu fid b ut if tist tise figist tisera oî arrive A$,, tisai me cverpowered b>' Il But thra day ou Alw bouts' *the sun vicier>' mare deuut in tise thongst ithu rate, for a space,8 Deubtt and speenià ne ;' tise iiglat's--i 9g'10iug to lishilium; mas dosamieti glille mus evidanrll tisa thea Çllowing dey, before tha -cartIeud of 1W~oîuude4 c> f iioeuI foruued oeereaoheà I -- - - - i- iL toôk,' thse s1iageori juet sit oeels -ta - 'ektract týe hal ôl roi "'Y ktI-sir osekt Of des p craie se&rlh, So~ialwîi i - ouudheuied up-àdI v5 u ni>' feet onýce imore. B>' ay cf bloo.muoncy go?; eent -psict oeè de*g £50Ã"..--This iiue vrtO My- agent, bu; ho, por fellow, got ooîrPeho odifficulies, cul NO inance au Real LIeq (»MEIOUJU7 rl0. re 4%ea partitinlars of a décýdedly rounantié Mtoam tli, 1. Mati>' firs th. denoneinent of iwhich bu re. >'Was a urcgbit t uehécentîïy tmatapired, haie êoIne tao ui rotraciug hisep's, ourknowbedge, sud alîhotigh ,for * deferenuial 1$t fire on thse hors.,s u reasonk w6a-mhall Dot 1give thseusanes of , thea parties, wa arâ neverthelesa ut libertï ' pe of tise. oiàrges, tosMe the fais au reluteâ to ds. Sourd Ltus respite, tisai I'looked Ilve Plars ince, à gehtitaun hoîn 'é 01 wu goe, or, ratiser sisaîl cail Mm. .1, lived in an Eastern cii>'. a1 ta My dis# a> c îdHa mu blessed 'oltis litie cf tiss orld'd yý brotisr. - Wheriut igooda sais twobeantiful tom daugistral t issecarge ' Mir. B. b eing ut Ibis turne a widower, re- Ue; wsdown," tise>' tuined ouae t tisadasgishters ai houtie te 41, beother. , ifeha& uattend to -the dunuesieoctoni c of tisé r..ft thfie ldPI î" zceim. bisesbolti, whIsUtua ther oaà sent ont $4 WS -ail rigist,"e replîed woik by tise'day at a raigiboriug- fauter>'. Mise~ ~ ~ ~ On ss oud-ol ocf thse proprieîors,a bachelor cf fort>' 'ibis hako." ýAud sure mas ut leaghfciie bueban> tin th h4 I on ts pet' yitr girl, 4ind aVW. nu merout M >~dsmnued tise puait impOrtluhleà fr.valled iîpôn 6ir to con-, f. _j: 4,>,r 1et I a tpetmarriage-isssocial posi. ~ - tien Dn eprm'ittiug thre existence 0? sucIr range, but tisa sighri* of alliane toýe amade publi-but ut tise lad'ýmý "inten> 'ril4 sauna tiun Oun0ising thse girl tsaItishe biné :houd thaltIa-! oond shoulti b. publîsisecl ludue titue. Evan rtàisitis congjratolatiug bhumqbunti iaving,-workcd upen-tise mid esurnt>, and - t'ramûe cfj n, usustiug girl tae su i ti enent >r mn>' brother ift ' shonlW a't esaa P t nrile Tolus il ewed the detorumne1dtiat' Lis.rsUî ute ad aguinsi -us. Ta bbuand infipose a ock muarriage upon ber. ij mca a sectio'n cf tise kcoS'diugiy a-licause was terged anti a pretcited &a airple cof moçk pricat b butite 'aeoummate tise as but oDe Ceoln te farce. - A. yeî,r pssgad and thse peeudd mare outfinmbeked:and husband mus mti ndbyvau unfortunate in-,:. Le cen>'. - îestment.: Ilé dèteiuned toeAe ~that gs waaring a*ay. talu art o tise country'and s.ak bteretrieve hefrinintIre WeBt. Accordingi>' bé awenld. set, andIif -tiese olti hi, dupe Le muet leuve ber, to ' ohicli- adus ie s oou ort 1syproceeiling she net beiug wiliidg go con. terumnaté thîe combat -sep t,- ha toid berthe sien>' ofh- Iisyillaiasy atien ~ an immeidanogt > dtlc lft for. parts tukuowu, àtrion pou ided bu- sh ae'ver>' prqdeuil ycoufitid tise whote mut; ;umsd,wisen a staff oeâcer 1er 1té htfiv hrabou' àSudbhbtims >plnguptooards us. Ilevey Waw ' ~tiss it>' and mauaged,4yý tipi of. sherp ansi>' mu routed?7 '5at immnediae - re- brout osaordered 7 Tâsien. Thes body of tise French atm>' WU in fuill trat-. me were to fcllow np tIre eneun>. - It moulai take an abler pe t haurine te conva>' a notion -of tise effeat the' intelig- ence produceti, The enthusissîm ofeoui mren sotght-vont l lneuots, ald Ili l.1 speed me comurenceti earmying ont tise oel, cone- arier. silots, of aIl sorts andtisites wer6lsil l iuaoe -about no, emsin luditticlir ) .1 0a 5 ulght 1XTL kkenll indOargo lae, st tise Ance g=stod can Ilellrisko%, for ite ation or ;r)cer.g~¶oft surton ou Sl#lorent eeh., "' e pet aitd stBp9Botb t) nd front lonpt lhlersai adtioable tjmnto l JuMrs aspon tht Company mu>' bu relid JAMES LAMONâ A TTORNEY AT LAW, SOLIQITU IN ,. Vhwuury, &, c.' o,,o. Itemovedt o 0411.. nIdoor to OfB" eof Xr. Im,jcloWkof (lonnty Cour. :W» Op"oite EGCO., ?fll/ldy Ltiug't f .11 'l 1 "0

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