~it 4 x~poah15 or Ontiu Estlbilshinent, ý50 PER ÂNÉtTM,- a.uuaituueuaroduuNon paf - arged nt the rate of 6 Oens Per on, andi 2 .eniu paer lin.. nc ,ct> ad outillh aduerttsenu bý' Contnue advertlueirouti mliu BANK 0Y NONTREAL, W. R. DEAN, lwaeagerd -CUIIhRON & MACDONELL# * &MSITEItS AND) ATTOIUNVZtg-ÂT-f t Lav. Soiiemstuou .the BIhiî ik notriiil, &atle'orporuîtiolii ofthe Coupi ni Qaîtatanho otneuo,&c., WItiiby, C t:f 4)i Avtolo;%il i uprit godil mri Y. u Ap-f lily ai t tlh e dlithe irnu, Colitt lousn,- 8011th witi asa NoRitNON x& sAmpi;ON j A'RgTFIl, Attorney*, SAlIecitoru. &». 0imroii;trectToniitliC. %V. Tfotêtat, Jitly 20, 1841. 28 gt 4e,PIM.OUINLL.1? iyo itnrIo. i îlee r,= î'onv i'ility.- RERT JI. WILSN.L b iIiSTElt , AT rI*%Il.'* NT LAW, O O- e,rli îu 1d4sgi rokr >t ,i. ELii ni,ý itny md.tî.uît CcneT 1'r I Ouî ili w. . JA1 b rlLktIIitATWANSfLICITfRN T I$ro,u . -Ciîm UIITII t AT' uLNIC.T.T&IN &oWil W. --'Vtn l i-wa tioria 'u Sore, iuiiby C'.4W 3rruesolicitor à * chancerlr, Am g"OFFICF-Noit door toth iuu iî.l.U 01110!, %hi'by. 41-17 CrOcker s Hotel. (LA'TE rL&TT'S,) Abore K;ing Street. r ft. i.<êbriher begs to intln*U. to thost ln T wViib, and s urrotpdipg ctintry, that t4n ibcrallv 1>.armnuiZcdliidi i*18110 landiord ci the Comm reÃŽtIiollctel, iahth 10 u~acoi Mr. Plt it te in teolol ogkej.pt yby lmiOn lln-*tting dp the. titile, ln $ccnre comntort t 0 ihno% I)o n Iles troffian hgmlm ewill hé plueuid Io nechl itsOd Inonds whn si;tihe Cie'. Tornon. ig, 1844. Jrooklin Drug Store. J)P~,RJ riiu, Patent Medilielau t'lts OilyoStittl, COofetioln- ory, &tc. fLorge 4- Ui c ci- tra.Oa~2t Brnookli, C. W., 186.12 COMMERCIAL HOI'EL. ti9ROCk ttit T. ~hT rfh ite d.slgnon haiata annonno tatlie huis lki.tîjheabm-o wellIlaai n n oiiiui wiohiilav-e been iiy îîirnislied et.d'rullo- vuiltl bt in#14m at- liere tl1a luiit acoaniraeda- tigia gaiie, Wilî 0110! h1i titei .ti-nL, eau alwu>u lie foisd. tiiod gtltulu<, eîîicretl vsriu, And attentive l)Itl. Chailgeà exîrestiily ,ncidrate. JOHN MILLER. BUrNTOX'S IIOTEL, (1ie:*m'à .) M. OYNON ogtiie'f'onin tic ln. I;tiaisrcuiaîtyni Vietoi;auanit sLurrtitndlaug C îIstItia.., tliuit lie tiuis openodth le Ilol.tcili William >Street lttîvr cetipioi.tlý ,v Je*ctî. aid usgo i liaýlIt h ilaîaid tiornlti-- edIl ii rast%-îîWi~reA i t 11everl clinvu. ileiece. Wili,, 1hlquru ai cliaaof ibe hesit hy la3it l1n AL itrite t oti " i mt Lindsay. lob. 14, 1 $64. 6 a;7~44 Cluurch Street, Toronto, .~ UJXBRIDGE HOÙS., UXI3RtII-)GE. T liEanlsentienhi tking tt'le ¶ te loforin e4.i#î itnigl "uvlsAt md t0ipub lie isiti±rtll, t:rî 1 0 1tu if,, nnrs anl ti toii- 41ifois inu thea iiing i Iîîdlot-ci hlin ufuuilx t'O moiati aîîy lu tit .'iutit v. -~ Li. S T A.(1E IlOU S , fl tusTE LI d1, AVSro 1ictor li (il I int-A fETN Cunvy, uîm0>jte i, &(., A&e. rE0 r.', *haun~t~uîost le 't040c <ahui.Iroprl.tor JOIIN 1 1ILINGti T Wiuiexttn-1 IÃŽ jiiuu's* 'a11pelona'trom JOh iiLINi7 V~~at' n..rae!er; ond tmbllngalud Mll1>11e, Prtiece Abert, tain douta eto - w:t'naa'î nra. 12E*TW DORfOSWITY cout ,~utu, ut. UlImEbeve Rotai lu situatet lia pleq.sntanot retIred part ni &ba Town, onthlite o nd. su4ie.-adom liaI. uf Vanuiti h 0'ab ed aceomanuotion for travellerâ. Oi>iut 4,1 i toétiwî, Itrock ttrect, %Viitby. 44 uftabiiugandmattenive otlenî. lit a. J. UN . VICTORIA IIOTEL. -qUI t-Ii :)l( TC) TIIF COtNTY (JIOL, PtNl tit? i1lY, r oi'ît r at, WI11tIly- 4 Aa " 1'. LA1E EiA A- M- C)TT, lI'OPRlETOR.(Lte t.i*armnei.tîu umade ten unduin ithe belo it syle North Bitits at itelcaitîll uti aal..un. _________ Fife± & Idfo Iniurance Oolty. A. a'ir.L]E,W.. EN TALQ,1>19KSTISTBxk of Moitreal. Whituby,$ept. , 14 8 TIKUMARS VtONAIIIO L OT L mOWN C'IEItt tTRBeI8tltFR, tWIIITIIY uhtL vtaWuT - _____________________JAIES IlL'CX, ' WT IiiTEILtS.Ke uistreet, a deputu at ni DQE O N BIIEWE1iY, IL I AIR t t V1L LýA a , c., orpici AL fflZilarlo anoir prepanoil te Ianpiiy A for York end Oittitrioi Sta I hePatrnsu aolte Dou lýrtniwuî itt»n g Sottry ~~~~et«aBent afirtlI, ~ m un~i i fli-aureâ, anti oit tenmeteunta C GÉ01LOB 1,'ILEY.Toroutoi Sept., 10. l845. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ri, -*-IeIN'ild.Dae t. ClgS. -r- - zrinanta e uin luhe boust yic.o IAL TRPLEUJIArII 'COuI SN G NVWTT11 ALb 'iiÈ ii ici-ÙOT ~ axi TuwIaiau[ilu tanauda, atitue Wb pü, ers8ouLl or tw 3,ý »rok trct . 51 9TIII VII0W, OeURT.- - - 40-1y 'ABD$ & hityU1R. 01W, .Draprrand (nrlolelb. MUNEY 'lO LUAN )K<iEY' t#< ie.idon erg r ebun& i htod à ~ rmteoiiinra t.<nitefotntrtaflUîl I Il .; -,-&Pply to- ta1Dw Whhîtby, Mut-y 14, 1865. 19 I ou Jollc. mJfeLfLEhÇ. TE 1OBSON EQUBE, »Utf»Al STEET, WJJITSYj c.lVW I taxi the Il4ding $rnorly kuoi~ ScrljipireiL lotil. hioï bas bcon ropoiL refuziii.bdaiî lip îhfroug.hoit, -Itt btoqtopttylo. V'lie vTI ue,.are Iblefitiltly Rit- c ta, orilîsite th L postOfflce, alla lnthoe n- ifz. f the o) The Zailvay Omnibus calim at the Ilotol aad the st*gon for Uxbridge (Ë d Boveronif. ihoedoor overy4l,»l onht bA*!$1per d^t, 'Wliîiby.mav legs. BeicgMost imtruottuliy to IIfoTm the lnhi. tit thle Ueulty or Ontaro, tuat they Isaro loaued the abe'oemIc"i. aItply oec«upled yh r1ahdy Peure, whiob they lbave nevtylext bd odreorated, anddUuq.M ept'a .u.eonmodaie iii tr.w ê'lt The Bar otocktd wultithe best iquors end i egaro, sud an attostiro oflr lauyx in aUenidsuuee.. CLARK & VJCZEUit, 7rpieos OrY bjLi£I uAtitig J. ai-otu Tvouîlp a t . a ', ijei1nG -Y, POP-u-Y, Koic, Dvu, MOI<EV.TO LNJ $Io ooo Araueulnttes, o "p"t1 euIFS. or tau BrioklIn. Aprit, 1866. -1.~ G. C. OALD*EL TlIeéDWLLNEI 1E B E09 iuopt reprtfully t t',llnote Io the 1 i l aittauti of ILîIýk umiuiiumtnrronug eutritlin tu11lse Vmnioncil pi-aitiein th ulr ine, alta lue hopes by lait-net autie-1 tinta bupiricèu ta mail tirbuta ni lll pîitrnoge.1 tjri,z.-Iluib I$irpet. u4ebond itouiebab fuglls'* liait, rkaui8 Nw sto re MANCIIESTER, TO SELL OnREY7,. as Ai Ireuclt occupui by lui. Uu*tgb Arffiî e'dt~aon lii.h Oetbbei. Fd.r tieis, &C, Appy WILIM TE CAN ADIAI9 LICENTIÂTY. QoA l iutufto Qmoz,-E' TbO'uJRNM,e"-wXart'o <11 ai n v gu ICy. à u ,iuiiîdiiCr t li t , & ,i Kli. 1.WI pri. o uaut;$rbu (ira orcrowu.eyetroutip . I>,orr Agth DeN tanusbt, $&5., ieu, wid the nfns ~ lu prepare t e gOt, ai r- dier% inl)Ier lt pr0mti # tua r.*ou&lo. ~andi ln >i. k thn ioitbAt 00- OAS Il FOR IIIDEBS AT TIIX Stoli .#Êauhery, Èort Whit>Y I on WhiLby; <~t.18. 1865. of'h aitrA â( . ad MQNEY_ l'O LOAN.A IN TUE TOW 0EWBLTBYu F RST :-Tuait de-xrablo LOS and1 Cttage, Esat clc oef llyrot.tiret-t, itrestalt lia 4Ia* uieetupà tioau ni W. il. h;lltizîgu4, lAs. Ttitu4 9 or, il be mcd veny le%%i fur C"1atu r Its SKCONDt-4keDwallisig ioup~~lTn ,West noflMr. Guorni,, Itely lautlîa t"Itjuautln ni M. 1)ouke. TH 1 PZI) .-Tlîo Lult dUllone., lateiy li )tue omcnjsatit-uor Iii..lt l'nto, one hluck >4Ortia og te Isut aoeulonmud jînperty. Mrlun cr bMeetanieu, .Jext.tug a lipide *= tt4 li 1ttaiio ni#oitîloi:ad pn )citiia, amuI uitud tei tuat ir ntut. Wi!l b. uoid et a a lit Wnie,ans ue bulonug ternms of liameutu 1 Whliluy, iTtitJain., 1le". Tio REN. rnoiue,,t, wihupouauuoo on hue #Mt or JAvrll, itune enut tithlt u.rcu ti f vd liltad rii g«"tIbouite, luarii, ansiitlaar 'it >.ud lng saitae n ag!lxa$1i, iuat ite relteace et"wU Lai ue 9-.q.. lunithe To*i ofe!Whitiu7 a~tîo le littj~.y te, 1 lîb lai-i1w. Beuy Jict, Wbttbty. 101 ,F a rni"forSl Yjucultlilà U a e t thoe o TOwnship of Rac, Ald tine Let <mua thue thblvine ;lLLA 4-,E 0 4GILLESP1 TAI 'April SOl, ASSUJRANC E 0m1'N Yi Capital, $400,000. T IR nnderulgnud bal 1oen appntniid , Aent for t1.~4 e (xl- no mi edto e *rc opekiy aglost WJS BY. ou she moou EirorgugD i.aut. 2-ikea. gent Wlîitby. COMMISSION MiJROHÂÃX INtIA(E ENERAL AQ)EjT. Whitty, Jan., 1Gth 1866. 2' te 000 TO LQAN, ON FaTitte ln .auma to unIt borrower,, tttt »12 i9. unterest biw, and neDau r Conpksioft ehmged. Apply to, YEOMAN GIBSO)Nl i~ WhItby. ASSURANCE COIMPANY (J&PITAL_$4000,000. Pitt Presdont, Heur. Joim- MoiInuucg., Scr<ary anid -?7enaurr. hie ludeçeef hmp4luto4 Agent eJnî.n t A'itly n for tgi. "0 a propArai t ccia popoand iôd rouir rIbIa int the iove»t rata«. ÉtVI 'ËMRlBà LNkS%ý sr. 84 Agent wat tia t<yBrick Linit", fraliniat, - ni5 A I a 4a and4IvI wateire. Tü?Lu Wpauuer -'li ¶lEli lultiraîl .î, tarsgi ifii-l ate in ius k.3A.1U J.AA2 I on. of thée meu>t desuralite raideufl ibe Cýoeny et Olat-rio-b ao(fb e4 MARINE »EPÂRTNENT. miati EnTE1GViI1i- reu R On te, JAMES T'Aôkli btu vY5dluatars nitfiereuît etua à i ;elciter, L~., I by j of uul uMl8151ilpaai. tpd <nm ns - ny port* naituhe 'lzeýtmid E 1luj'i »t. a , __________ p tib 1aM14'lhouuuiWule s'ot ieýt loI'aii 4leaiel J10tclaiu po l et - CuuPauj ý là bc uy li e ipeople Farm for Sale uN égal O.r t~ o ,wimn a mue o- BEAVERTON. ctjitu44vph. - 15 ~JçR a beueutiLWFRPOOL AND) LONDION à ce llitne L»1 mefteVol ifpmLlsisaY~j ~ l uirt - - vith lie M*vewelcouue boiti looklng 4ery mfergible ted -"'-~ The.oangenundid net cas PaLr4,o i wà lhuw. antIbefote tire. o'clock si ~,t'aÈeý, and 4 sqSPOU tluey. g4 i i-to ii tind, suda p ouI à bandial of îhit Vol neers te "e a-ieditions piece of ravng feCeSIIgi à journaîs bulIIftlim for avertie, theitnatuber, and giving t1 ; Uniappored O'Mtho47, and tht. m'ore by oth* utituionY, tbM Canadies nawoutd htI 'we , y 0 t iL ;leer pý a1 ee. p &e Aielan ai niglt.! appeîcd t~o b. re-,PPos buj îluey kngvý, lia4 whateyLej naY sud nmet s4qada of tbe*u va *Y: seîi1 a r. Siat ,ý-tb,«C. 8. Minlater tic influence of tbe blom4e Of Waî; bui go're*î' limeu. *Ceiyed depRW S one cher pb~in Ipirýî ii 151 tioni fromuii f i. 4t%, ' tht Mri. Welles, perfectly4uîat, and the 1 cm 8.<cy* of theNavyi,,tâakes no secret of hlm thie Çrs in jt had ibrè..4 da o'I elpthn 0 f e oul4 wtiout ment *wj teady te turc oui .:gettipg inp trouzbla, andtbey veto by ne notice, and'tuate, vl means aurea bt e.oipse thue ot.ipr nemniera served witlà 40 rounds of! of tî Qdermn'eëVyre dtposed to'tske. them Vary idie ansud i u~u;' h. eyoi~l gllag$ a1aiziedPb tue bninte news the. 3 wonld &r tatià ,u of si Whleh ruse ilteSthe sntfronu tieýbretiq of Ànd ftnat Inmong:l. lite powerscf eeth toc?# lber 'The Inintof the brave und the bha i ieo Tho cratile 0pfgenitm icthbirtl plage of frpidon l'bc oIwbence veaiihliouer1 anti olialny, 40j auita ail bigliter than urtist c'or 1,..îluted, MIllclrthan oei or mnlintrçi t09r ouig. AntId Shà kspaalR iluit ob Coosie t -on i Ilyria. Pope, Moe-imxblDrydenanti Dlams, W hu'u uiîralîuirollinigeu PBwiil oily liro1oiig. Oratoru, wanloru oiîi uuts ý-Wlbo mueBriltAlhfamona, or rnled-be-for &D8 n1s [nil ai lo y an I"ton.cnea týu1l af ir, .Sheridana, l'tCnnr"u i iuttun and ld Long ttmay tue lQIie lh ubitea lq i mtuit, Firm a s lic love of ouir country renimu Boynau. id tronq as the wellietthe bllo*w TIt it -tapina (ils, ont >sill imnagdn. Neyver xutiy tZitoroýii a uo t tnde Whilý,kh' buldog a of cam atîIJ wloeidte "Il .iaultlier eo Mraloor 1foanutin ý'à b rend it appt. Èpring. Wlater 4Itnded, ëà tî%41ýr la ficar, IIown ln thle tliglet the floweru- aPPes*, Troci theta ggreen ralant 1%nIoito the suni- lie, for t it» inlet, flclueW tu' doue I ~Streama% of flic. moiiniln guel frely forth Downufr t ouercapverna fur it luic INertit, '>114flictuengi e rute, aiutg lougnd olear, MIn for te tiî sh, lirig tiWIAxhore 1 Birdu on the bruauclos o th ie gong, Wlîuds oit sud bilmy heur it aloIg Ail Nature'm fiç4ug iffliatd Und blear't lin loor the sauliu :Sprtig tiiue lanliane man's akîà wlOOteipi av enThe -i icautie oâU('i mu dîiaonded 1I"thO i.lait 'e montha, anna wonîd, of course, be encra blo ave nov uo:hiag iu the wqnld te do. l>y the ne eitt of iav#ing, Tiey htae ailt togain agd noughi le loua transport aase .sthe, riu'ers by joning araIng pariy ie C and. Ticy remnemiber lhi alck efColumbus, suad 1Ulgi Art Jin Neî wonld very u luni f ie à t be sifiîte <.- peated i, Torontd,,or Montrent. The The frauda thiaï nre carÈ Canadians migil, tierefore, reasonhIbiy pepular pictaute aurtioni a thiuk tatilu csting a fev -ballets fortlis tbant lioe whtcl u ed 10 hela tliey *es tutktg pr ope r menescres 1cr Jewelry by the Peter Fi their oaieguaâ;t it 40 hin; Inte tbleait monte of ikmuvery are very s -à ur .Thc aId ile of Peter1 If the Féul*u lteint ahiù eventlneily jewelry for jevelry of 11ren prove.conteuiptibje' te thomseivem, tiey cigiteen carats fine ;" tie bave< been s meana of goo4 inlu rnngin.g the moît propoîtetous-dail ont tie'nemi feetling ofthtei.people of Cana ît e 6reat Iýuro cati 1011er du viti regard itWr bonnection wiîh eci hy a celebËraieà connei ýengland; '*Ãth mcarceely sau ptioî,iie The eldstyoalways toc prbis <if tie province bas united'ie expres. scribe epon-their watciee ,îsio s turdy layalty,,ant inl lover Cana, smre eelebrûled bouse, t6m da the volunteors bave turned out vIth s aiIqh1, as emalire1 th0 e î muai alaarity as îhoseO pats. - Olu@ piper carefuil :0 attacli 10 the car cilled L'0r45, bhg, fi l truc, been mpeakt of some cslebrated artiut,i Iing ratier angrily cf Eaugland, bult i spaiter. qeoted aà ntImentioned everywhée m as aThose vie vwere "sl50i$' stray and4eccentrIo maponeel oý a p4bltc auctioncer Wia a uqrà g4 opinion wici 0o11mîiy tsaamng.aà faw those 4io werý fiaold"b Freuchi ar.d Irish. The trqth la, (as I aeetioae.er, Ine ualt te 4o bope le sioi bore fuit7 in a iebai4cent covered "fot thenuseives hai ,lette r,)ti&,préent- p9sitioofet L province taken In,. - - viti regard te- tic UnitedStatus la va8tly The vwatcbvosld fali t' dtfferent <romliai. whiei il cectpiçe,4hb- vorks decline to nuit, oîr forp wiov>. Ticti bahadca psîïI taies takaýly tahinFate its brazen anI dettes, aud îhe'Aunericasmpid rions. thà se.vie are sold lnu t I*bonr foued o. good nmarket li thé Satesa-mm picturos are not à pt But wlaile the cark *ahuid e ao pengý9ay u aIe eeba.Nv11 5à i Ai ail 1eirtaiitueaqltlng li SpnWiu$i a n a~ 1±1.tes4 4 camils Wh fOh, - 111dm ut t'er îithiéiltô emîgraI nhuAY itue snuuuhuuus el Ieavens brlgh Idèoil'eyi b wimril.- -hetazatêou amoit t e Do eor Guide musiAn ati cr u aben veiirY sud vprn I coes dollar sud. elgbîy.lve cents ai ýzht'b i l.t a loi-lur huartsalaittl ailli, ronghoni.tie, Province, gay Il ld.ý Laid wl nail thima, au 1u rLlr i jîltit t an.aiuvtoraly it s el.tleus ium $11 -aioad hi1.beil <emusunclidet ýn luj~~gDyh Cansada.- ('rqnl tue Tixtu' <Crripndor;) ta ind means ot ried oust' Our- are fuar - reater be csrrted 0on ii inha. The taie mach it. Funku Is âibras, eai genuine golti:' ae neai style -me;i ýut for vworkm -on ers, itjuà t itlpor- Oak patiste in- 5the nauuuci 6uillY in 8witier- 4tvle i,ÃŽe neolois ma:be fiu . ' p' ne. lu n'ai Dr -witb& psu.. Priît4 I -VOLXê.TIT RD 1i8 . - rrT& Go., Agents. fot AuAn LOU bTyIUE aM Ã" b favorable tornia aid . roee t p ire d Oluiti rgcorMi 861 ce of s for pions, la rigli or Regi. on,lîept -,. taie. ýtý - 'Oci- re 'gauu wm '1ý , Pei 1