Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1866, p. 4

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Uoror OeojI*oUt of lthe t ae u orOiývi TowWhitby To Wit: y IERRAS. innasie Of tedrcaded àppraeo Choemto tbiiecon- tinent, and'the introduiction Of epideùiie ioksase, witiîlte comgratioti Into Canada, ths, sprisî,ie iaindosirablo and neosary that aIl proper prelisutleflary sanitar>' tioaeurewsho<tld bc taken by the inhabi- tants, ta passer-vo lthe aibb and ciali. vmoitels Towen arnd isard off the droad. fui scourge. And wbereae,-tbo Towna Council o! bIte Corpor'ation of Wbltby, deeim lb Ibeir duty t0 imnlrttieupon ail persofl ie sthin the sald-Vorpor-ation tb. necessîly cf cicani,. noes1 nansd about thoir- promie%, ad tht' removil o! al11DU andI nuisance, analte - that end ta put iuta force tho poisers yeuted lu sald Corporation By-law. Nose kuais ye hat I N. W'. Browno, Mayor of the Townu o! Whitby.. andl chair- maen e! he Board of IfealtIt, do hercby or snd direct Iliat ail yards, stableisud ceilars, shall bc thoroîî;hly cean, accord. ing te eo jrovîmion o! the foliowiug B>'- lai,w passcd by tie Corporation of the. Townu of WlitbIy, on te tcuth day of Aiîil 180,and1 urtergvnote, that Il b Ilben ppîointed llealth Ofhcer-, for tiis ald To"wn, sud iu pureoaance cf sald lly-law, 1 oraler said Ileaith Officer ta pro- cocd at once, to bave all iuipuritics renior- etI, snd-fiither ltaI alf 'prenilses 'bd tho- rougbly cleaiueed, aocording ta the lîrovi- abus aOf Ëaid liy-1aw. flY-LAW NO. 129. <(Passecd Ith April, 180f0.) 13y.Zeee/or prov&inq forMetuéelth of tA.J.wneipliy fifoTe bofo Wlsitbpatul «gaineS the #prei'uling ofontagious or ivfcctîmu dlgcasce. The Counciliet te Corporation of the Town of MVitb'y, enacts as followse: lite.-Tbst pcrsons osruiug prcrniacs wi"the Italimita ai Ibis corporation, epoSr whicfi1or any sîrool hmn"ediatly - bo)rdcriug upon vhich in>' pool or isater- la neis standing, or- heriater ebialî-be formed', or stand, shall forth- with-caieesaine me be o ciectoall>' draîncd and iIled up, so as te prevnt the isater therclu stagnating or bc- coming -nsholesume. Seçoxv.-Th'at sithin lte limite of tItis corporation, aIl persona résident lter-clu, owning or- occupyiug preani. s0s upan ihich ter-e now la, or bore. aflr ahialilb. an>' yeetable or- animal watdr, lu a alae!fdecompesitién or- p)ulre!act!uu, ahall fortbwith emai machi malter 10 b. remored t her-eir-an, a d the.îlsce or places upen witcit the umae la>', <o bo puril.d isitit quick-Iione. Torite.-Tbt wliblra tbita rporatlon, thse eseteCru omeplers .ofail pr6tices, upon islich heapieof manuré or- filtIt are dcpaied.or ceilecled, adjoiuing or near te an>' dwoiling, barn, stable, or out.house, sital r'enie . lb.same tu aschiplace isithin liae salIdror-po- ritîon, aAhe Inspector- as>'dir-ict. F'orra.-That ail underground *part- incate, or aelaxrs attacea, belcnglng te, or- uacd aiitit an>' dwcllîug bouse or- builing, watîin nsid limita, ebal he forlliwilb tboreugiîly cleansed drainoed andI ventîlated, saud kept se clcenaed, draiued and ventilaled, atId the salle iiriof, wiwaslted stitI iulck-Iimce, or ms-eeqcialîy tesit t iin!(ctran sd quick-Iinio eproatI tapon teu fleur tirtref, as tite asîd an- -spector may froini -tiaUimé direct. 7tPi.-TIat no pi g or isînç, sItaU bh kopt isitironee hunalred ya"d fr-oa an( diselluing itltlu lie limite of lte &xnu-That noeélano~t.r heure, or pbme for lte slaugittorngo! animalesha he liwita of th. saitI car- dtat no person sitil limita, laughter or-tirets animai, or depoet-with. àian> blood or- oflal. Il cesspool., drains, andI 1 an>' preualses witbln atilues bforthwit t litr-- W 1 ,venflIted and pur-i. no eflluris shah r-smala, Clemnsed on or belo re lte la o! April, ,le bot 11M -s dug ineted. Tho salls tote ah htuiaubd witIt auichlie bcfreely tsed andI floors of stables in~ andeCalTe are kept. offter be apponted -b> ion, to b. nalled -The petoaV' wlica. dati i 1 tm. t.a ie to 1hiîspcc ,lards, sttesandI premn- hie Cor-por-ation, snd en- Misions of iheisb>' lais. su l 0 av. unb Isi-y. flon, ' as t 1,p tor or octplor ofte promips autgloa or ré- fuses taobOy tur dîréetinas, inn>' oeil to Oicîir Au'b'ahrtce lm oclataoaiadly Othor thytak it, end mn>' oteiý on lthe puinlao a anio thoesaa, sud raïme tcrtsoîi sud'de3troy What lfi their oplulun Il la 00008 WaY te ireinoe or deîtroLy fer tko.preurvation of the. publîe ohcath. .Tftaiy versos wtl.ftillv dWiaob oryresita an>' lawf.t order of the lsîttOflçt nOra two of tiaca, or-- wilffily vçiM« teaan'rsgla.ý tdon mnadesaud delar db>'tihe Qovror in l Counoil under titis net, or wilfuiiy r-salis r obitructe lte Ilaaath Ufllors ln thie exécution o(tl49r dutlss, mcli porson, On oonvictOu beors t'o Or'm ors of l or bMajesty'i .J081,1055 0f the Pos for ho .lo<iylity w ho Ie feader 'raild«, or whes thei.ooohmiaibeaur oom- Mi lo,sh,,Il psy a ln. of not lesaa than foue doU llas, r more hau elghty dollars: wllh finsr 1hait b vd taIlier Mtsjeaty'a Rccelv or Geucral fer tige Publiecase,. of the province il. Wbeasoar a dItionse cfà amahgit And. fatal caracter lx disc'wcred le exiab lnt aiy fdwelllng--boupso' or ot-lostomporrily c- loge lanipver Canada, or wit lin a ,nle*sot andi whllebouse la sitateotlnluanunuheitu>' or a erewded part of tbbc ilti, Townu or Village, or ad olnisig coantry, or hila t lth>' and aie«- ieCted state, or liqiniî hlw y tee mnauL pc sou11, the Biard orfllesltb of the City', Town, or Village, or a majairit>' of til,. members thors- of, niat>, lacthé e xrclýet cfsa untid ptilI aind oiltlie erp)toumo f te 1ard, oompmilbh auiliabitaute o!rstc l wellitig-lioaiac or 0ut- bouse te recîce o larafruîn, antd Mni a>pîce ll,,ual luhebds or teits, or ,ttacr gji eIidter, fli omre Moroe alaibriotî, silcanioà, tintil init- sure* eau lo taken, uder thé dlreoionsod tia the, exponao! the Board, fir thé lmmsèdaata clinusinsr-, ventilina, îriticaîon iand diin fuction, af snob dwelitliu~seor eut-lieuse. Wr .Photographie, Galery, TIIF l'reprietor cf the sheve gellar>' voua T ilaor'îte idi c tl'al Iae la i cos the mont coniplote In ahi. lProvince, anod hl a prepared te tak. Iliebisrea, ollher lai PH]OTOGRAPHS# AMERTY- IPES XLAIâÀNOTYPES Or-su>' Other moXde O! the Myatic Art. - rPrim ,Lower M~a «Y "P allerrLe Tea l:aaJut sddlii4a nos sbtock cf A RTST$' MATERS'ALS. CIeltwilqromeas Iansd ses hl# work foi yaaîriceg. or Ail sari>'call la aollaed. *Wliby, May '23, 1845. le INew Arrivais at New New New Dress Goods, Print-s,, Grýey côttoîis, New NeW C< asi ,m ereS, NEW CAR PETS. Il&(~.wilI offer ý or "tllis week only, -the remË ànder of, their tWiraýrter Stock, SC:e7AT-C OST ýFOR CASH. AT NO.1 Whitby. March 7, 1866. & 2 TILL'S -'BLOCK. 9,1y FRANCIS KELLER, Bopromonts theo following 'wol-known Companios: TIIE LIVEUPOO04 AND LONDON AND» OLOBEý CAPITAL *tO,WOSOO,. THE EDINI3URGII LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., CAPITAL $M0oSo. QUEEN INSURANCE Co., (LONDON ENGLANO]. PRO VINCIAIL.INSURANOL (Jo,, (0F CANADA,) WRIte AND MARINF. BRITISH ÂMERICA ASSURANCE Co., (0F TORONTO,) MIE AND NARiN. WESTERN INSURANCE CLJMPANY [OF ENGLAND-.J ÂCCIDENTÂL DEÂTIL INSV1LANCE Co.. [ENGDÂND,] CL;AIES P4D, #1,250,oO. ALSO AGENT FOIR TURE PROVINCIAt PÉRMANENT BUILDING k& S&VINGS §OCIBTY,,[ýTorontoj1 e Aul clauses cf property ineured onreaionabie terme. l.Mso,ney' Loaened on Rteal estaie Prospoctuec sud fu informa1 tion given lroely en sj"licat<. AU* agent-for Prodvincial Télcgrph Comipany- t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~pe FPMCI.EL4,Pstztr, P84" C. W. tlihavne. utioniorf ulrings THOROtTOIIPRACTI. or and Bisne )bu'tbq ind THE ~!A UI~3~R1N -a -t i ". oeqs t e A e &0 m t 0f î-ta Ki 4d Mbdg lur1slelbs4 w i t tw ï BA a for' titotras4ne utobnl isn«ss JS. BAIN &-.,. ,Would. announcethat tbeyhave removed to tliç commodionas brick building, a few doorsSouthi of Where the STOCk 0P *,wi1 be found ýwih a large ALL KINDS O 0 BME--MADE ez"tpri ces -Cheaper, than ever sold, before IN TUE TOWN 0F ,WHIITBY. ALSO ALL*KINDS 0F, SPANSLISOLE, LEATIIER. 8irERMS CA@H, .«M Whitby, April 11, 1866. 14-ly' SPRiNII~ ARItIVALS! GROCERIES ~ IV X~ A varied' assortmetit of sprirDry- Goods of evcry qual 1ity and puie hlas been added 'to the, Grooe-ry 1an1d Liquor- Stock Of the undersignedl. Consuithis list-of prices aud inspccet the quality before purchasing elaewhere. - JOHN FÂRQUHÂ-RSON, 1Whitby,, April 18, 18(;6. Duuda S reet Mathewson, Ratolifte * Cou Have just receiired a fresh supply of DRY OODS, Groceru3s, Boots 4' Mhoes, 4-'e. IVGLOTHlýNO -ýREJ and' made to'order on the shortegt noticei the Latst Style&. -Tweeds, Satinets, Fiiels, Unions, a ofourowu Manuiketuxe, SOLD ReTAW4 AT WliILES BrotiApril J EW1, 1866. ,55I~J.A.LJJTV UVAl1 Ai.~.A V.UJ.X JI £14 1W titi. 15 A swTown oti où* long terme of pie>- TON 0F WIB ALS be ,ok ln. th. Town of Whllby oonteilllgfrm n to three Acteli. Port Perr, Brooklini Drechin, Mas, Hnltôn AppI>' t* j. BAM ERRY, Whitbyw Wlitbi, Sth Nov., 11805- 4 ]FOR SAtLE. 'SEMEAILLoTnIN ]Brockt Bozley, Verillami For partllrs pply toi (pre.pald.) J. HAM PERRYt ýWhlît>yt Sdi Nor., 1s8., 44 Farms.for Sale C tai; u tW o la o ft t T n i n"o DARLIMITON ,, 0aceieéaabeut 40 sacso! xwichaaare ires froni atampe. <Imfertabla of ln nei frmebar, 8s8-goud weI,ýsud a thirf ttng orelmiid o! 280 t1 ces. Thla properl>' bslfl b.m ti ap tidon long tri o!-ps meut. AIsaan »lt2a1111tiso andti as)!miles o! BELLEVLLE, on ltse BAY OxQrNT- illg wssl part, Lot 85, laI on dn eyc endier qaui4athon. Thoro are tise floarslng, f rng(hce ad ue m old*Orohard, aIl béar- nete hoent desceription o! fruIt.- The Pro sont utmbnldinpiasitnnted ou Ibm centre o pocrty sud commandi a vioweo rr field. Tbi buildIng, ceamait of acufral Yrame Dweiliaglotn", ssi plic si sprlng sud îoft sabir. Tite r iinnd antot- houssa are nes, largo anti eemodieum. TEnIIS.--AIhuut fîMO ceitl, anti balance on timne.-, AI"o, Lot'Xtea 12, 121h. conceaitlon MAltA, TWO - IUNDRED ACRES, st elil lot, sud la altuat oti onisme four utlles freom lhe centre rosat. Aise Lot? 7a bn 2he ghcon. SOIEILLE, 200 aores.-witlin lisemilas frein tihe obcsy- geon Cliavrnmeat) Rond, andi eouvons. ot la ie, sehé'la, &C. Vur parlîalori appi>' to (pre.ptlj -J. 1HAM FERRY, - Proprlstoi-, Wbtby, Whti, o. ai,1868. 40-tf Land For-Sal lute oitr of CAlbLgJlt J'VU] J>' earrylng on businlnlicth To#un b>', as à Mçrlhat, ason a partner Ilî of £Y XDI & lPOST, of tbs.-um, pli Eoandho ,and Mode -fi)roa...snlae oTate «d &cOfUnherthu abxo 84 the undoralrsd aaaljis, Sud te ed teotirula i votht ýttýneplii: date u'ith their'eclma spRefl>Inï tlle %bey bold Iraf j au ,ud tlîo ou 0ft noue oîl,, w hi f%ài'ctea li a der ath w h te Vuchrs l l ippoxl DatesaIt theTown of Whlîh>',1 lisi 14 JAMES O stages le anadftlWhite7 Calidali>'. Erer>' attention pii togceta. Cameul as:d ie«n. tii'. aillera; g rTYMBER MERCIJANTCipee, u a., Joinor,Grsoou t, WhIîe.. A large qaieta.i ltyotfl i) ks îoflamiboroonatitaîy on basd, u NI'DVE-fl T 'A IXI.N M 3-v WbltbYob.îtb,1882. - NIWCARRIAQE ANI) Waggon- Shop sAMUEL WALKEY la prarsd t maisn. lfatire to order, ail kijids of CÂRMIAGES & WÂGGON8, SLEIGH1&c., INLATeITSTYLES. - Repairing neuely atnd prompt>' e,eJe .~ W hfee otà-apuat cf Mr-. Wat. ugî Store, Dailnnie St, Wli*tby. Wlutbýy, Ja., 101h 186". Uheap UoaI oit. 0NLY 80 cents per Gallon. At GEO,. YULE'S. DIVISION COIJRTS 1YUR TnE COIINTY 0F ONTARIo4 No.1, Whit'>y,......April gtia, 186, "8Prince Alberta,.... y, îîthl, 64 6, Cnuo17i.... th, s aa'aÀbfe.........<ai lth, a * Z. BURNHAI(, Wblby, Marcli 90th, 1860. JdaD -ONTARIO KOTEL - WHITBY . 0DAWE8 - . PPRMUTcmd euperlor secomnmoýtittions. Carsfniatatesa. tien io the nreursm of travsiarsami upaciona a J 0.11W-t ,dwp1 I vi MONO. I -- - ~ ,*- - ~ MUGR TC cpucyf0niaîlo, 1 ON BATU-EDAT,tbU- 0a WIt: - c.3seocad day 0! J une . 1) 100, at tiseireo'clock, Doon, vl! b. aold 1;, PablIloAuclln, At rmy Otls n Lthe CourtI liges, la lia Townr cf Wiitby lint.e eont>'af Ontario, ail the rigiltl, ttîsAna inter, esit, witîcli the uualennalloneal dsfoudiuts de.eraliy poaemJtu lhe nndernteuooetiiaidia anti tensmeutéoe iér mesidb 'meuneder aatoby frtso eortain Writs oi lrtFaciaa, IulieO* oonty Court va. -jaisen Blaiir. dass , teai latinai h6L. - 1 1 Cg% qm CM ý âJim-'z

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