Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1866, p. 3

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- , T Q v iAr- - ------&- - n-i 0 I - - -~ -M Il mi J. ~1' Lb MEJ.NT b ,Lowe$ &Powell take pleagùure fihInforming their numnerous friendsa ticuetomers, of the arrivai of their Spring Imtm to Oif FANCV AND STÂrLE prton DRY QOO0- WINM anaD MQVSIB, qIIINAI CROCKERYe & GLASS WAUZE -Ot'the ollowing we have a large, varied, ftdchoico sciection-at prities th&t *iiI warrant qtick csib sales sthe> goods roftebttad prices lower that the lowest imei Iti:vy ÉSkjull letotdi ltîlîtand Ftiîcy l)ruus Goada, SiIkm, Sllawls ii, ud ltant les, l>nrtuoolt1nut Seltiet i Mîuttis3ii4 liaii l liutte, atndiIilatits fintus, (;In Scotchu and Engllah TI't>tdis Silli Mixed-Tweeds rnid, Cb)itin>s, Plain and Fnny Dueêkitts; Black hironds anid Caasiîerosi Fine afid Cbarso Linen, &C.i &C; &C. LOWEs & POWELL. T LVPtit tl,.r. 'a ii iii ui oi t le hébt i li j'ufr1 WMdipiîîî ti.i te >e pilîi(fir ex- Iiiiuiliig Wu fiu c o uitîftiofitol CIl tipeiri- iPCfTAI1 Ntîottdrn: F lit' a itiirt.l 1iiiîîîî't for Ittutoc('ntle, le r1 s1 i ii'ti Heni n)11110 Jofci, wu wi)il d rrîîîIt riirgi' IBîîk O(lt iii tuaof the tory ti-ct rellieei oleoncl s. Spritig......... ... .1.5.a 1,12 ]ir . .. . ......j5 a e. Peaiu tl........ nc t 60. - l'casu ncrrowfat ... 60e ta 63c. Cents...........' ets; R 45cta. IIRY....... ...6.00 pert tti. Buer........ ....... 14e. à 18o ...te... ........ 40 a 50e CtîIckn~..........0ecper ptIr. ..ar.... ........... $7 a $17-lot 'Tut key a......... g. 60ct. a 75c. Gris...........40c. I)ucks .............20. Wood_....... i......2.50 to $3. She kins .........50C ta, $1.25. )R 1 - r ti l Ilit I iii 111.iîî nt Kieoo,îar T« 'iilrî'. ot A c thir ,414>tîidt Ille, tlOtia.,ti ti il un : r i t i îî fluiipr :'S iretrîthtd ittucut la W.othea izat. .1 ic ritdîiiîî14 u èst , tieni. $arasetili- ilf itioi tie 'iiîirViltfai npr ile,e41rtii Ili ",%Yogi ' îiclq.1 etafo r 811 le(ura Itt". 4 tirGtii-c uiu i te r -Iu nit-ct t o -tt Ar Fit 'tinti te SîîrliO-Otiriitroi itp ri- lt t . l rt ili 1r t.c u t bi i re Piitiilla ,-ît wtt VTut lai- t ît itii lilt fbl it et . tiii11tier U l uc-1 aotiîitie t i4--&elet-a ii, t i o fr ii 8Ily 8BiruaIwa>', Ne* York LUC*LlVOtfl, &-Coe, I)EM S1 ~ N .XL (Il t>t'prIF$, NA1t- D ketiUti &t tic >0510v YrkIa uiock Ex- "OeîtirtrtOy., mal it ijtmret miioweel an deoa 0if sci, mciîIe 'o. aahrck ntI tglt. Partt- tuii ,ttiiilIi 1( tý1 iitiie i rt Oifitt ufl relgo Itiitiuiitl- hit siSJaniekrc. Diiu>c 2 GIad News for the UNFORtTUNATE. JEt.iu 9piet-i0c 111t1% arc warrmnrteel i*rioiîi utire frttse ticfitu~iiî ran émiotecacote 4or, Vvuitiîtil udierien. tt-inox Laiî,ctittl îlcs imiiSutm roic;(beuttai, ibycw1alt mnd Norton. JDo- bliiiy, lipornpiîci, Moût, Sextuel Digcees, au.c No tiiouc o SSaLlelieoasary. mliiitii,>' ea licti t itout îet.ahîîî,Itcti boX contalait Aù JollePrIcoe ualier, tf yaiî corioit, 1t itot'.oyiiî irîgoet '.tywîIbc o mnt by ' treii-i oîrety cachCt, wttifith I îicrueltorim. 'ttliet-iiîro a lrc, oir-rtrcetîit oftefc itouey* ciiat Oitttti O0Peg on thie errrta i. Soutitithe oîqfîoenmud roîoiuly, tit rol celi oîts roqiîreîtfor pfitagc. aierua Du. .t. i;iîîyc,, Coîîcitng l'hyoilci, loi 0. hou 609r, 442 Droadwby# New York. Ibialorsoeil uli iaippiioul by Doutae, Baruesa dc ivi iae Agonies, New Yotk. ERRORS 0F TOUTIL A <utl) mati *hoa uitterolior ftjean ftiii Norvatm 1I)ohuitlitollotthte unîd l)euî _A811thiî cfe-ols01 yeottiîitidiccreitroti till fort1m tS ake ofai' sîtorii8g rhtuttan ty, moud Arci iiia uit î iocît t, t oce d liriltc~tt-i fout tn&ktItiil Uî iîporcoey by wlt ol i %v»jeal ii4teiîlor* eti:obi.ngt t prodit by the tilar'm exîîî-e, eam do sc by adrciia *.ty 8 ¶o lta(tlt)outcrS8tilNew York. NEW ADYERTISEMENTS5 'w M la 3 c> c: OP li ht Canada Lite Assurailos CO WVitl b. cliefi for tbh e yèt On -the Sth of tiilil NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. COURT Olý 1EVISIO-N1 T uftav'îiionfor i "e ùl'ltoal mAaqL& eCZLI.-M A J 4.1 JU y y mze NO. 4t IOCk STIIEE1' WI-IITBY& New Dress Goods, and Mandies, For the tro*auit >ouo, tilt i. tîcli t atDat-tu gnSoiy'e Iîun, ou NeW P iiit-gr NM uslins, ttid issueg, 4,~.A...41e. lqL W -ile Nuir a~limliA,Ârh l~ti,'routuchîji ClerE. mura190. 1111-15 -Wanted. A Idiotlm 1tergotie uni tl îotî SIEWING MACHINE, Natte li aitCit 111d e!n t1i)0?e'.t maitn in hi: t$tcl. tirrt ilîotliicîeiî, Wililm iiferril to a troîntr rwMÃŽ-1î. Eftitr te *ork by theiinuitti oroiiiiîii i-.o, ApliIy (if tjy ittot jite-petý,> II, .1' liCtREEN, Road Notice.u MUNICIPAL- COUNCILl Ut the BuicléalTowelp tpmo MARA AND RAMA, fith e itnott,,, thoot ttîey Inte" o PA"ta pe Iil vv e t ttîclr tutai rerttig. cftot déc Jpc ia giron, ftheuc lfctng of aa eîtatui i tt Xoa lnxt eiig tirouglu Lit Se.6,No 'n.A. Men, tui I out snd suroiI ab>' Ieur>' wht, Pc, . L fi , loi us5s. Dly ordan of the concil, - iI'otu Ii lrk. Ltcu' & itantat, Apnil Ulth,, 1014. 4lui-15 NO TICE. ~11kcljttr O~RETISION FOR THE TOWNSIIIP OF SCOTT, 1WUIittone S te rîttigu u t 10 As.t;, fridsy, the Ilth .&pril, 1866. of thry e lment 110,t*tIltiluifor luipottauthe I5ost 0910ic, $dforrd, 4tL 00Octeooaatt i b1étti JAMES FORREST, Clark. seott-j Aplil t 1h, 186. ti1 INOLVENT ACT 01~ si Pro'.itie ofcda luthic cuint>'court cmTeWII e I l oi leuUiheniatte tir JOSEPix lIOÉËtIJtS1ctc RAIN ESU, of the Towiuof etLtby# haoutni-. N OTW9led r tatIrl iluthit bh mopiiay, N h hOiaghte*ntlu dY culJune nmitk, utton et' te gtk, ln 1116 fotenooui, or us non à&- "PO eu h= icat-hue uanlmgnai tl applytoe .ýtb6 mageor't0hccmliCourt, for a dtcý Charg t acw ic caid"c. Ace o~tr thc mmlii It5ovent. - 1 INOILVENTACT 07 18u4: lai the naLtocr of CARI.MTOX LYNDE, S.* ltcmrnying ca buisnin utii.Tow etv I t- by, nesà Merehant,easa aparteer ln Uiheflou or LYNDE & POST, et tbe suanpUe, Iton Yecndsmàs a ti mnfactuii.rs,--an Inmolevnt.- tVU9 CELlvdii i & thé totivet ate wMa New Shawls, - AT Rt. & J. CA.MI>BEJL'S. and àtraiv Goods, AT M.i& J. CAMPI3ELL'S.. Vcw i>aîasols, Gluves. iîd Sewed Muslins, Il.1 3"' NEW, A.1)YVERTISEMENtrSi SEEDI OeSEEIHý TIMOTRI & CLO VER SEED,, 0f ài Buperior qual t tte towest market prices. ÃŽlhqy have =i~ js recei-ved a supply of x2CfiDRENS' CÂBS & JERÂMBIJLATORS, 0f the latest stYle substttntiai mnake and sûperior finish; *hich wiIl bu sold bhéa4; they cail the attention bÊ Parties about to buiid to thilr Stock of Houso taBuilding Hardware, W- PAINTS, 0Ita, dLASS, , which tbey supply at (30A1 OIL WIIOLESALE & RÉ -fAIL- redillars fully supplied %wihrpinwiare of a supcrior quality. SA GOD PEDULAIL WANTED IMMEDIATEAY, .M I1JA TC Il & È RHR ' 'A VS,9ý fÇ-W IHARiDWARE STORE, ktl anin0ôune.té hat they have teniô~Ved tth conuiodiotis brick btûtdihig, a few doori So tb of Srco.q.-Thât witiîin thé ilite of (his corporation, ail persans' osident theroin, awnIng or eccupying'promu. £adFtpon which (here new is, or bere. after ghall bd any vegetablo or animal watar, in a cEttet deconipoiiun or putrcfaet!on, Rall lorthwfth cause such unattor to ho remeoidtherefrotu, a td the j. ace or places upoýn which ho amie lay, te bc putifleul with quick-limo. Tutb.-Tiat iwithin (bis dorpot'atuiôn, lie bwichî ot eccùpibfd i il al, piieilio, upen whiclî heCAPS et -manurôé er lttt areculeposit t aorlllctoti, adjoining drt ncdr ti an¶r d*üllînË, bhum, àtablc,' br out-houta, shail rW<oe('d lie jatue te such, place -onluhin (ho aaid caârpe. l'ation, sa (hoInutpocter Muay direct. Tdi*b brhib ]d 1EREÂAS? i view ei the tircadot approah th i Choiera, te tbis con. iîi;n andtei c tiuiiuetion'ofet epdonit disaauti,*!th the emigration inteo Cnaa tuias0prý.ng"t ( 19 dosirable andi necesaary t -el propér pediutieîsary sanîtary meaauî,eï shôuld bci takon by the inhabi- tanti te Preservo the jlJ(ithnd o1eani1- nus~ cf the. TÃ"w i na d off tie dreafi. fol seoture. And wvecmas, the Town Ctniltfthe C dtpo vaton et W hitby, tegm t t% il' dUt 7 te improasUîon maipersona withinhtWb lati OUirporat 01, t4 é fleO8îîy o elii ncsalnéab<Sutîcîtproinlsea, andti hé removal et ail filth ahti nuisance, und tot that end te put ie foretu thé pevers tested Inluiaid Corporation By.làw. N Off nbw ye tbat I N.- W.Brown, MaylkI et tLoh Town ef Whitby, anti cLair-- mon ort ho Boatd et Heaiti, do heroby et- andi direct thut ail yards, s4bîca anti coillts, Mkhé bctherdli;hlyui0e11, à'céôdrd- T. UWbtby, -. on t(btel.iti &y et À HIl 18011,and 1Ifurthbij1 tvotrtic. at Ar exandot-Pringle, oft(ho Tdwn et Whit- bd, hea boon-appointot I Halth Oflicer, for 0h aiti Town1 anti ln put-nuanc nif ald Tydiw, 1lotdor said fleplui dIUH.oi te pro. ceeti at once, te have 411 uisurities rethov- cd, andi furiuet tlat ailtprctmisos bc(t roughly cleangod, accordng t4 t;c prcivi. Meons bf sald Byflyaw. - BY-LAW NO. 129. (P-wed lOth April, 1800.) J)F.batobfor frovi4i» (r Ltkealt& o the J1unicipai o . h' ntoiiuuof flby, andi against the qn-eadt'ng o!coteuoè r $ eoloutédiseaaes. Theécouincti oï thé COeipôration oet1tic Town of Whttby; enacts as f(eltae: F;iis.-That porsonÏ owning promises wîti h le limnita et (hi corporation, upon wiich,or any street inumedintcly bordoring upen which Any pool or- watgr l110W standing, or, iiprattet ghall be farmeit, er Stand, shall forth. ,With cause tho sanie te bo effectuaiiy *aiincii and fiOued up, se as ta ptcvcnt thé watoioii-din atagnading or bc. IN 'tE AILSO AUIi1KINDS -OP St'NISI* SOLE kEATIIZ prîcdig Chetiper thaui eVer gtoid before È~tERM8 QASHI <e Whitby, Apriý Il,, 1866.14i GROCERIES A varicd assortrniît of' superior Dry oods of vcy qalty and puice has been ,ded to he OGrocery and Liquor Stock Of the tundcriguiedIl Cir~lt b is Ust ofprce aud inspect the quality beforo purchasing elsewhere. JOIIN FARQUHARSON, SP1ING IITALS! Mathewson, Ratclifto *c Coo [-lave just reccived* a fresh guiipliy of Al IL. 1- J,. CA4llIlIEtL'S. 1 Whitbyj April 18, 1866. Newr Clathist SiIk.mixjures & Gftmberoons, 'AT r. & J. CAMIPBhÈL'S, ATr. & J. CA3WI3!LLS. New Irlariodd>urn, and Canadian Tweceds, AT R. & J. CMIELS N'ew Canadinui Factory, (Dùndag niake,) ATr ii. & j. cAMPJinctvs.1 New VCurtîi Carpets, Dairnigk and 4Vindoy litI~ New Ready-Made Ci Stock made on the preinises,) New and tfGlassware, AT R. J.Cl BIt. lthing, (an lnnense AT R1J.CÀPEL. Fresi C roceries, Crocliry. and1 '&T R. & . M~Pùhltts. New and Pres> Gardon and Field Seeds, Ail the above will be- sold cbeap'for cash, and at leus thaîî Toronto Priceq--for sane quality. Cali early and insipet-at Il, & J. CAMPBELL's. îeàlll ýleror aiày t.*P cf the, uo'n , nu>'tie rond Liioè 3; Su n Ititi (tice tritît canethe proprio - or ot êcup!tcreof tse ptÃ"njîimexnogiocti, or ta- fuse t9eo ber tIlcir Iretiui., inav, etl tu tii-r a 1îte coi nitbRat: nd? an>. c-th5r pèneontA àb uiit~,- undiqn cuter thetîiproîijiim Bnquuda tcUo ht itBi tuiliote tiicrcîfroil ýenddeïice *-iuflnitaItoplinionit Lt-e - cirta rqnio ro>, ï tho eorito bîîh6publie hoaith. an>' fawfu otirofîthe lttjMi Oly,creorir n>- two « tî6in, Or vilfuit vielstîtni îuy rçgului timn muide ndsuieS arcJ b>tthe ( G iioern i CJoncii indç l. no~ie orwtul ebtutt 1a tact, fie ilfuti'me Uc:or.11 orhheir dîitese j ciaponton, on c-iiîvicfi6ïi Lofueatwo tir mo~re «ail'ler Mujiiuuîy 'cJîute ofttîo Pence fertltii ocatity iiooti ieuiu reïýdi, or wiice ua oûlfio tue. oii - ",itIetl' uail jiN>' ii o f ni uesttanîufoulr doiara , ot'nuoro doueitr,,: %witii nlue alnt n id t -tr njc-rtymi io"a Gcu:oertl for tio publiec uue,î cttîo Prov.incea. - .Wtîcuever a discmue e lxiaiaîut aitl fatal chlaractor la -diccavcrcoti:t Oxîý ii ttjiîuy' d*oijtng-bcimle, or euît-iionne tùi,,porîîly e- luge tII p pearCtuiâ, orwitliin a thgrîui4p an iiilotîansulà oiiictnatod liiian niuiciltil) tira crowilat pîart ouf thea City, Townî out Viliagca or.ajuutuug coruntry.,or la itiae ltittiy anudi nt liaihdetuite, ortir cttiabite*dby ton uuaîîy.tu-r %oiîs2ýtte Huard oufilctit cf tue Ciiy, Towl<' or Vilage; or a niejorityýtheicniamtord iîrI-- of, nîay, lun<lic exercise tif acaouuiidîccnitoti, n di ut t tiî o * O le o rf the B a cor upLI ttui Sinbittut tii eiciidwltinuenae or ont. h utî e t u e î ot i r fr t aîd untiy pincé shciflittcd or tolpt,or cttergoott shoitor, cnt-oc enu io tahnleiuander Etedirectionîamuîi t the oxpon e o rf thei , arS, (ir thii diiu tîu ctcusurq, vntilaitoni pirillttioîîuiuandîttîiîî - foottout, oi ctiéh del-iiiig-)uoo or tir :t-touiîîo. CU4 0a E. RMINGTON& SONS; MANIJFACTURFES (>1? MUBRETS ANI) OARBINESt Ï0 o ittoalStates Barvice. l, Pooket and Beit Revolvers4j REPEATÃŽNG, PISTOLS, EÉLE Canes iIEVÃ"LYIýII V1 U L, Rltéeand l Bt tinn Battcelm1(Imi mîatei-ial, tou by (Juin dealers atid(the Trauigolierialt>. 0 oisse, »Sote, Banîk, ant 011w.0, No. 1,on the, Co--rner. LÂ1<ER &FRAC18S" (Successors to h late C4 Làier& cul ari aiduh re umout twni Op 17y vuieli, tlitir uid iny aitle. oiîur nt cui tdi or aîiy Lu etq d.a, d Alibe rii a"v hoa ex.~ reau-. e-ut to, iotit lity (A . W' Groceries, oot* st 4e 4e GýLOTHI:NO READY MYADEPt and ma(le to order op- the shôrtest notice, inili the LatcsL Styles. \u bc of urowu~aufaieu cSOLU RETAIL AT Wk1OLESA&LE 4 P I L I C E Sf o r il-iy the varlouq âtyleti,) ;ck 1 I)ntýdas Street. , 1 rtf4.ý ý We th-ey will be found witËfia' largeé &IcOS ANU 5MÉOe110118,

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