Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1866, p. 3

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M ntM r lt I a611an d [leaut-y or tit 1 pllffl h. t l.ýe *u Ileu'itrttth <of tho City, ow (ut Ir tho hourel, omtpelthe t eio Irrfrw uîd nay ptAff satm -oht uti t4, or otlier good i ahier, thelul lit1uto>,oti m a tlllýr ,i nd r tt rtiton ndlo a- g, S { tiule 'tttu imrt,ÇtrtreInm dî th - t) (, Mr baitthttt k l fur tit anti ditn auh elrgh 4e or and-l e. 9. lw ADVERTIEoe. E. 1 NGIO N & SONse Of RVOLVE1F AND CARDinES, Iocket and BalL Revolvers, ~~ ~ c% ti t l qr, litèl, and thce, 7 .IX~iOXS'REVOLVERS n't Iiti tdÉ It I ttlîrin ttftt@ tut 11v tutr'1111IItltt41LIV $tttt litwîk s. 1 INTS<&SON.S. Il !»iQý.,4N . Y. titia hlmd lacs, t tittit iltit' - lu, lino rpo- il' l~g art' lis!! tîl -ici trrytl nilît ~f'trl ttat! Nu411 tnniî-'nd St. N. Y. 14 31or~a~cSale. )ftt il Wrat tnifof Lot No. 7, se- rrl , )4 coItçrTt'iof TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGEt - 100 Av-IS. 1TUESDAY, April 24th 1866, A% fte«el(i ik ut nutt m lnbuthre II14U EOF G, I SGO0 w W i f îtî otrrîi u a tule of tllit Al. -jXIritd TT lit il ut l lt f a *w îtttgSale. o, ir 1 iit 1,it0 tile b lU ý,îkîî i Ir Kt'.ttria ut -lit15 f Irt byt A,ýlvlt ttt rtet h e, bll r 'le t ' 1 izîfis rrtttetatîte11. i h ittîr t w iii ut r or tetu atr lt' ti.;r lii.iî: thu uCar tyof ItQUA,4 Z! , I iFr&Y ltral t frtU bt)~ uI tt-ilItîturtiaUi ti Onl. iti, w l ý1 1 1ti Jr '11,1t LIII. tt t, ' Wuurto, t f tit. î am. i t h« e tdl l-4 j lit trîtt it tîri tti Ilt e t i it ' ftut t i,ti t t ir , th is tt udrtg trm for n tît ,~th a rArt toLoL, i Mloo brri t . , l reln tnthil'roliettmiteof Ile'lb, i-Lta u ¶rî t he pCttro- UZ I lturttX- Ilir lut ivçttt. 21t1y44 ~NO O E Y REAT 0F1864 T tLt I t t I%-ouV, ebi.te tiruamoi tf mt, Il i t i Ie I t l u' r t. atid ttOto flt ut its Inlu.'i lta itrt~utv l uu %l (mu(t itIttiitui ,1itfi tirtl ta e huriltuir On1 . UtIltby icten pro -pin1. Om Ilu'ttai. 14 MILLINEWY1 ltIISturct tgs I tlinofterbut t-t .m1 tilcaor t <laltatat' sud Vbltty,titmuea NEW ADEn1ISEMItNTS. jsAe AI &Co Wotild announce that they havé remnoved- th Ie COmmodious brick building1 a fewdosSuho i wdor ouho Where th y vll STOCK 0F ALL be found wi(h a la,,rgeý KINUS 0F I1OXW MADE BOOTýS AiND ,IIOES,1 OjT At prices Chieaper tlian IN TUIE TOWN 0F WIIITBY. ALSO AIL KINDS 0F SPANISft SOLE LEÂITJEIt. W- TE RMS CASH. el Whitby, April il, 1666, PURE_-WIATER!1 _ the subscriber has rccivec samnples or~ Water Filters, Suitablo for 'amilies, Shools, Hotel, l3iss, &c, by the'use of which Miay bc obtained ;- thain wilîi nothinig is more imisential to heiiith, especially SO, if dturiîg the -coiniiig acason amy datîgcrous epi-leic s1îoinld prevui ( fje, The Filters arc apiproVed by the and ai-e now tised irn the i ltlLIry iospitals at Lotn- doin and Toronto, by the Royal ArtiIlery, the 47;I4 &and the 15th liegiruetts. Every Fatmily sheuld lm't-o oeue. C411 antisec alsaînj>lo. JAMES BYRNfl, ai~p n d 1 a 17iallily C;cleîki Oppîosîte 13inl oCL Montrent, Wlîltby', ApriM 11, 1866. NOTI CE, 111IE, 4trit 's? wlgaucti li irlinulitutio ï1. literurand.tii . lt i ttî -, rte -t s ut duri»it twi tlig er nO î airithg t'aia ctrrsp, niuril trîd it i tat ud ie itattc- loftochi lelrc Jirtty E3001 146, WANTWBD orTwD WRITiER8. EA - Whiiby. Arl4tb, 1860. 21n 13 CIIEAP STOVES sotel Oooking Stove& wffpae ferthemslulnone Eavyetrough li1 l*-lîn, 50 ÀO A01E53Oi Laid for Salei part t ib t tutln t iu ortcn tLat B x lin;, 1 ir1 1 ho 4Lti oie iaa t helt TOWNSHIP 0F PIGKERIG, (ilAnrginx to te Ctate of tue tute Jolint A. c o a rti ttis t'A u terit, &Wi iapplIcation JA$4 Wl .l><N t Giýv ÃŽ,tu \1FI. , 1-E'euts 1p-b s, PX1q-LAI 36 7- VIhawttry Sale' IN OIIANCÉ1IM- or >~u. a e croo antd FlIntier Pu~ gla maeInAi àbuicertalu Cangset PATERLSON rS. DARlLING,l No~îb~lt tti in o O t4h Ie¶1 ,atiryl AI)YERnIISEMEINTS, HATCH&RFQER OFFER F0W8 ALU, IINIOIHfY & CLOYER SEEDI* 0fa superior qnatity at the lowest mnarket prie8. They have wso just received a supply o 0f the latest 'style, siibstattal m ake and superior ýnish, which wlil ho0 sold cIceiP. rhcy cal 4hc attentionu of parties about to build to their Stock of evriold beforeios. jd g Hardware, kg"' ?AINTS, OILS,. GLASSI &c., which tliey supply at UC>MLO.DWM '>i2bn cmoigl COAL 011 WIIOLESA LE & RETAIL reddlaî's fu!iy supplied ivitli TinNvwa-reof a superior q'îaluly. 4GOD PEDDLAR wANrLEL D ImMMEDIATELY. , I-IATOII & BROTlHER'Sp NEW HIARDWARtE STORE, C-NO. 4, BROCK STREEIT , WIIITBY* ANew Dress Goods, adC aut3~ AT P.4 J, CAMP131ELLS.t Ne Pî-ints!ft iusIiîis, and 'lissues, AT R. &t J. CAM)ýPPELLe.3 New SihavIs, anîd Striaa Goods,_ AT il. 4 J. CýIMBlTLt'S. - ,Xe.w Parasols G loves aumd Sewed Muslins, AT~ R. &s J. CÂ1MPJ3ELL'S. Neiv Clothis. ikuiu' & Ganiberoons, AT? R. & J. CAMPI3ELL'S. New Geuts IJats, S-hirtsollars, Tics, &c. AT, R. &T.CAMPI3ELL'S. New Ean,îocklusti, and Canadianti eeds,, AT R. e J. CM'3L$ NewCngda Factory, (Dundas miake,) AT n- & i. CAMPB 44LB. New (?aipe's, Damask and Wiiow CUlrtai1% xr .M. k 1. cMlepBg1.LL New Ready-3Xade CIottbhl, Stock made'oi» he pretnieS,) (tin -immense seon011as thie ISeasa Opens,go as te Permait let by eOntraCt,'abbat "90 Tods of drains te bc eut Onisa fanai, imdthe sltrkbng et about 400 Oedar postm. DitchèrsLil epoenau- wlîti tdan Perfbrin lin> wokiltl a miùfaclry mauiitil need-eutly apply. t, ti 'Wu. GORDON. BeySide, Whitby. April Juil, 1 866. ai-18 (Passed 29t1i Marcli, 1806). Ta protide /Or tlio managemdlit tof the mondys approirîateci by t7ug Councei t o the (Lmmitice on Sircets and lmproce- menti, and tote acera 1 Wards inreitin this Cur:poration., and forohu!u- Lancfâfr Satql RiE E theuadace tbad o Sit echeap, and On nsY lorîtiof puyuîunt. The TOWNSHIPS OF WHTBY, Ilkerlng, Rtaiirnlit Tttirah, tlUxbidge, Mara, NorherdiIùî, hlon, Maripeit Semer- ville Feuelon, (Iýreyu Uspicy, Koppoi, Dutu, ad ktiauvenm. MONEY TQ LEND. $ 000 t t"j1At rea',nalblo rates, on tiraI- VIVcl-uasocunity. A~piy te, JA-MES LAI(ON, Or t C. t KILLEI, -toltajtor, NVhttty. tîtttoCanîîlrgtou. Orn-I GIEORJC ORMAX uýtTtE Il EteCIIÂNT, Carpeuter, anc IL Joiner,Gr'couSt, WjI.Uty. A largeciln ti'ýyofîib ktindom Olberceei.rtantY oau u U N 1) ERT A I 1G p03f5 TUN EllA14Sful' uppiliot ed a ttIo1c Il F aîtrtîotce <oiu kept consactly d Whereas IL luSetorned xpedient t te 5A I1oarsotateo nitraton. provitie fur tire màtn;rort,,. inwhich thoeE11I COItMACIC. MonVys grantcd 'by' this Corporation -on Wbitby,Fehb. thl, 862. lI Uroc, oitiDunea trelsand lu the 'several tarais should hcoetpended. , Therefore tho Corporation of the, Town F ar t o UL et- of Yhitby enacta as foliotami,: 1x IMPRSINGtteNorth iltif Lot No. 10 1. Tlîut et the hrst meeting of the new C inthe1 t onctasaîot e Counctl in cach year their sittl hc chosen one membeir frein cacc ward' whtný,to- f10 l'NSTIP OP PICIICBRINO, gethor with the Mayor, shalt bo known as 83nacs of wît ire r dur a goond alate or 'cul-~ the standintg conutittco on- Stroots andi tivution,poatie on theue t drinl nuit. Impýrcvenrents, andi the Maiyor shal buclFor furtiter p!rtiomllàrs, spply tir, ex-officie, thé Chiairpuan ef saiaI coin v îî'rîs inittOt - ickcring Harbor 2. Tha#rthe Conmitle atoresaiti shal In.,. lîtît, 1866, C.-tf have tho entiro supervision aud contre! of _______ the Ilighas Bridges sud (irossings on NEW CARRIAGE AND Dîuds antd Brook streots sud the B3ase Lino ouly ., andt itt an appropriation frtoin W aggo n S h -o p lte funtîs of the Town sh4ili h tueor that purposo when in tho opinion o!cAe ~ XKYttpeart emrn titi Coucil L ledesial~ose t do It fatura o tintr til hida et, 3, That un appropriation $albachomatie yeariy te cdioe the scierai wards withinj tire Corporation, te bc expeudcd lu imn- proving the attrdete, art ilde wlstli thme * rsieh c i ic aie1, tardif, and ef caci tard thi, shah! orin - tiec ca-ý mittece hercof, andtit said Coinîlîe shah! bavepoay A r antid l hallibh. their' duly, tkcpte crostingg on tire leadiug thr oughlsrea lu thum warnbî free Irotu sueS- trd cirt u oftcn as thre saine ahal 4. That 1h shah hoc the dtrty or the Treai.srrar oftîtis Corporation to open an mrcnt with the Cominttco ou Sireets anil Itprovemerrts, sud snlti aeuofet i OARRIAG.ES & WAGGONS, St.EIGllf4, &c., i WLSTSTYLE. r>iaifig rcatly and IPro?7îptly lý- Throo dtora Eut fI t'tr. Wm Litittg'a store, Ditudair St., Wh.tt.y. Whiàtby, Jain.,, IrlîlilCO. Auction Sale.' p U13 IUANT'to a Potion otSaio e)utuinedI Int tire !rtngea,fiua la 'hitip-st. john, anti Eliz',, lits tue, orto Yfsaid itort. guge arua itte th Irufountlirday of Fletiary, 1884,an ut Io ottier nionheugo buarntg tata the *a'teetlk day off Mitre' l, 1861, Ihere tvilt! ha - SOMdby '-" rnouevs lu bis -bantds for Iheopurposes A'TV iM approprialtu pnnrthme orier etflte Mayor, -LUËTILJol hcintg the choirman atoreaiti, sud charge Att4cn thec saine ho ths committeti afousit, .sud. aise Io pay ath it eiders sîguori iry at VItLL6gE 0F VALLENTYNE oto ieinbneras ut tire tend lu tiricîr the'inoney is expeudoti, anti charge the, 410 QIoce-ani.o sanie te tire accourut oftheo ard fer wiich' Saturday, 2Ist of April, 1866, thre order, pitports to bo t rsat-1 tLtn.a n i ie1T Z. ThaI tireTreaqtîrer rr!tresaid sl tritluoocsion Oet ttu ourwbi O re, n no rue ay ordor ctn.i itig frei ? <mhp0 rck r h Jan o o 4dl cm tegwhC . esC OUNYTY OF'ONTARIO, Çottncl iL - - - AnImre ttrlly Cdeqcrlbed lun acitmorlae. é-.Tbst theTrcsarorer shill al the tirot merting.1n lmcr ~iin elc y9t throutgh th iyr ao, iy apon 0i0 table àa atetmenh S1ffV0 Ite lre a iriltsgranîed le ach cetmilteor tutti, tewheu4 Mil, pud srîci athcr'lnternitition as hoe' muy ttrtuk il deasirahte' tlie'-ouoeil $sbou'd-bu tn NW, BROWN. - Mayer '~. 4? 3. CAMPIIELL'S. ~ - - flNew tand lF'esIi ooeeqCIoke Ij'lftsgwarctg, amild -Nev 0tid pri hGarden ani Fied-Seeds,- AT *J AMI~LS MIl the -above wiII ho sold cheap -Atrda ut 1ethanj Tqcto-Pîme-fior %lnO iuahity. and insct-a4 -- Rby April1 4AP TownLOTS 7011 SALE» row Towu Lots, on long to5a ci f puy--- A. uont In tthé 'T '-N 0F WIIITBY ALO hre ÃŽbpcki; lu the Tutti ôèf Wlltby eOtairnug fromu ope t te cr t., ALSO -VIj4LAG. L op hx Port Perry, Brooklin, Haniipton, . Brightoii, App]y ti J. 1HAM ?ERRY' Wlîitbv, Bih Nov., 1805. 4 ,Wild LANDS F'OR SALE. SEVERAL. LOTS -IN- Fo artiuasap, o (W.P. Bexley,, i ÃŽ4 t Nov., 1865. 44 Farms or Sale OQ n cr t'hou eruipo ayr. I tteiîgrtrit-çatîuî rt Lot INý-n 6,2rid (!ri.; wtit Ã" tclots of the 'bù fii line tif 80 aceus cliared, aljot 40) acres oft virit are t roc frrrin uinupe. Coiuctable 1,09 eeî* ud' fratîre trarti, 84x50--gmod wtl,autt tt 'ati"f' ty rnuriig prcirurd et 250 t!co.Tibtprruprty- tifi hp ui4 hteAp, atnd ou longtermaet'f piY ment. Alto a tarin i ttin twc andi a liait mniles cf IBELLEVILLE, on the BAY-O ' QUINF-_sl ltoing West parti, Lot 132, '.,t Coli. Sdryc 'udeir culivauîtiori. -'tiircra re t-f1mleri-hlng youtug Orclihranii urotti Orchri41 ul-ijear- s'eut birin hriildirigA Wut' ulluton t tire ibentru ofttiep.ropçrty :unr iIvtnil:1 tîîdctOw<f 0let dld. itL tte tutiIî,t'ii c5ariiýtt ifavtfhstl Frime 'Dwe'liîtg hoIIe, uailtruppîbat i tt %prng irai nd tft uttr. Tlira hirîandtlont-t TERMrS.-AI Icatl $60c00 ccit, jrutlbalanuce ou tirue. Aisé,, Lot N~o. 12, 12il couicusion MAKRA, ITWQ IUfNDILED -A.CI-ESI - i Si. - - ' - - M. MoNTADEN~ tStatmlloi.eer. Brook, lOtit iiXarrth, 18t6. - tri-il HtEAD'S HOTEL FOR-'SALI re No~i~c LeVI Fair At IL rOW N N NEW à âme r, F--77-777-7777'ý77 mm*" om - 4 - Mëi m %- - - e ý -m ý m--e --é- ->- . -- '. 1 14-ly

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