Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1866, p. 4

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0 -1 J-EWýELLEPtYe Reliable Goods, - ~ AT GREATfLY IIEDECED WATCI98 VERYLOWI JAMES JOHNSTON, WatCh/M.aher & Jeweller. . Irtck st., Wliiity. Febriar>'4th, 1ISGI. Farm for Sale A Feram, eotitlttite iL9531amis, ore', ri 10019, beiuig inii otiic 8îiei 01-ainite Townîship of Reach, tMANcul':I-KiTt. i4 for Sait. Tuiera isra ummt ,tor l.rv lrieci iltîti, frnin ltieri,, ffliioiiy ititi $t4tut,,,on te pictnit'ý utile or the imont ,etîrdtte rcsîeict iii theI iîa1fiVili la l e mtade (W h lutte1r, iru GILBIERT Fl:Iik1SSON Emq. Or bo, JANIES LA MON, brtlicitor, &o., whiiîb. THKS&CO ULTHRARD'S E INE OfO'STAGfrES P r"lEýabove l1eiýii OitgiaicùVcea O811AW A ititAt he au lne Ata i5, P. tri, enuciî vibi b thge s= for Llîtlaev auid td lleertt, ,là liata'11hae.Malil-dailt-. aet', a. n.., arrivrihic14 Vsluewsli tia fur eveuuii,,.etrot Ilî oui 0. T. IL,. ettI dWet-Fitrti (rît,, ilIitt- vas te CclniiIN'ittaoe7< ci^to Rti Hurlt .îitla. 0 P'rince Aller-t 75 etial, -~ $1 IL u,- tailia $1 41). iaat rr iu i ta Northîare, donvayed tl'te l,,, eau-a im<'siwa frec ofeCharge. Expis. suiinaa erefîi iciii ami FOvR SALES Throo, DWELLING ROUSES IN VIE 17OWN 0F WIIITBY. r I&8T ý-T1iîat tlerablelot maid Cottage, P at dec lroseîa itreet, Ut preisut ils tha e otiouu cf M . V Il. l'iilîogs, . Titis y ilb old Vetry' la for <caa,, or it. $EOOND:-Tho Dwelîi)g licuse endtI o wosit of Mr. Gcrrie's, tLawyiu latiieoccupation of bMr. Doake. TH ItI) :-Tie ,Lnt and ilomt, i&àtol>' i ti eotoenaora fW.S. l'ae, 0o10bwl oSrlI& of thelhat llnlnuioad projîcrty. TrAile,%nien or Maclianicis aesîring a bouse wllifl nthea ligtLwe o uaioed prupertita vefl RsiWtoi e îiirroquir.sncuics. Wiii h>aold tl ete fir value, nead onloig terni. cfet imnt. J. HIAM PERUY, Wlilth4y, 17111 J'iu., 1864. N EW..& DYER IT S Ê'XENiTS. & PRUT~, 111. H. COCHRANE'S. New Dress Goods, Newv 1riîuts, New Grey Cottons, NEW &Nev Cassimiere New Coatings, CAR PET.S. Il. & -Co. will offer lor- this wieek enly,1 reinainder of théir Wititer Stock, ~ AT COST FOR CASI AT NO. 1 & 2 TILL'S BLOCK. Whitby. Marci 7, 1866. Treniendons O (ag 1, WILL, I WILL, I WILL f\ TT7fl(n in «rT T 1 T Y f% Ir Tn/ffn Tmr,Il ic 1I1E ailvantages utfercil by thfiq IS CAL BUSINESS' EDUCATIt) tish Amnerica. T'he Brancehes tatiîgl er and Business Ma; thcy include- thle TH "t A CTUAIB 1 ixte mos! courî1lte arrangemientc MERCIAN'S 'tlPRiUuanîd i for the transactioni of uiuc H M- Clans inluTELE( GRAPHY, semi-weokly. ~For. Monthly CincirLu P, Mec 24 CIIEAP FÀLL AT- Institution for acquiring 9 T1IOROUGII PRACTI. ÏN are Ruperior to any Commercial Collage ln Bni. ut comprise cvcry thing necessary for the B.ook Kccp. of its kiuid. bcing furnished with two BANKS, a an tÉXCi1AlNGE OFFICE, whichl are open every day GRAPHING evory day-in PHONO- cemmens or NWnîTiNo, &c, addes Cnclosing stamp), MIJSGROVE & WRZIGHTv TORONTO, O. W. & WINTER GOODS -OKLI Ne (il 1PSI{Ii A l~l~ I wrî iSiî'ii JlUMathewson, Ratclifte #c Co IIAVING-AGAIN CONTRACTEI) FOR 300,000 Standard Fruit Trees, 900,000 Dwarf Fruit Trees, 150,000 Ornamenti Trees, - - 100,000 Shrubs of ail kinds, Iýq,0(i0 choice well grrown Grapc Vines, 800,00 lledgoIPlante of ail kinds. 7'oetlwrwfJ a Z4rgc quantîty of Rooce, IWaW.Creepers, llorba- meus Pla1tab J'tua il / lor Ose Lowea Livring Pýrcoe. J. il. E. HOGG 1ÂND ÀG ENI$, ý and hatring a thorougli prac- fical knowleage-d th. e ery businesW%#hitiiis branches, w.e anabled te select Lthe most eigrous sudhoaltby Tracs adPlants, SEQON» TO NON&. ILi. not neces- mary te say a word in faivor of the Trees and Plants growýn heb TorooNurse& It iii a wclli kîoan fgcf-tbat et ecand every exhibition wbere -the fruit hale been shewn (bey have beau swarded diplouus gether wilh mn ria.Tlîis fot onfly showàî .at the oeil on whîeh (bey aegonlew dpa o egrowth, oftrae, but that the varieties Wtalch &a>rcl itaItae eba htcnb produceil for this my patrons wiI pleaso accept rny kindest and most hcar1ty thanka for their ver ier ! paâronage duriag lb. pust yewansd I agaja Moserepecilfu ly soicit Iheir fuabr spport. ,I .111 replace ill trets Ibat bave »al groi, pravl4e the>' haveire propet~ateaded ta. 1 sol, Most respectflaii;. Wliole alecnd &ReUdi Dealer, Whkdby, (. IW.- WhbI1Y, Maroil 7t 1866 9 41n Hlave just reeved, their Fait Stock of Fai 'and Winter GoodIs, wlîich hýing becu purchased beforc the late advance, they arc prepa$e to offer at UJNPRECVEDENT.EDLY LOW PRICES. Friarfiily Groceries, a large stock of Boots aud Shoei-superior.quality and cheapË. o LOTlI NOREADY-MADE, and mjade to ordevi'n the shortcst notice, ini h - Lateast Styles. -- Tweeýdqs, inets, Flannels, Utoüs, &c.. of oinr own Manufacureo, -SOLD' ULTALL, -AT, WUOLEÎSALE MÂATIE WSON, RATCLIFFE & Co. Iiokito.4, 18,05.,-30 Fir! 'Ie ire! Rlas re-opened -the Carrnage Eactory, lately o 1ccupied by DOXO VAN WALKEY & Co>., second door south of his imite Factoryand opposite the Town-Hall, Whitby, where h sprepeaed to EXECUTE -ALL ORDERS.. Wbit7,HEil -MAY5 BE FAVORED WITH. 1 Wo hoý public gene two weeksi order to ma Pt --0 - ýrn Our haveconm ;AÂDVY-MADE CLOT -OF'- EVERV ýDESCRIPTIOIN. lost Canadù Tweed Suit. only $11 100,. woriih1 do. iUoata only O6 50, worth do Lants only 3 00, worth d.-Veats only I 90: worth- 400 yftrds. ýdO. - O90,- wvorth 1000' yards plain and fainey: Flannels from Soc. 100 pîiece grey and white Cottons at les. than WhôletgalPrimc. 100 Bundlis of Coýton Tarmi $2 90 te $3 00. OurStockof General Groceries are vei fiatd at mwlioe&sae price. .40 bafreis No.-,1, 'Our terras arc 8TLRIOTLY CASHf, and nea rec ,NOTICE -Ail parties iudebted to us odtô Ilialke hmdinto 'pay ,nient, otfiers é he and the La 60c" present wil A ]?ESHVEINIIAfLI '~1 ~AU I- 'St. Loger for 1866 . M ONTARIO TURF CLUB Win glve the folîew1ng àt. Loger for 1860. 0200 009 TO TUE FJJIST. UOO00, TO TUE BEW~N»o, a4Ra Hrse ta maya bus entrance. Uoiali.4 tva miles asudm..ý,crter on-rco Wiiby course for tlîraee, jodsý bred, raisd ud owvusai u Canada.T. C. W.' ffore more, goeeeateror mu race.'if otraulea *5.-hablifor feit-te close an lot >iarch neat. R'Iace to comae offearhy le JUIVE, Irr" ladirlig ho enter miset #end naone mad pedigree of hor-e, villa liat forfit ,nclos-. e.ad krumiql goUithe iretevy,ou or Lefra the ibyet cuAl. TUIOMAS HUSTON, Secretàr>', Whithuy. Wliby, Nor. let. 1565. 45.tt NOTICE. H'ATCH #BROTHER, Have js reoeîved FIFTY.-BARREI ofthe BEST WHITE, COAL I, direo from theb refary at i 11Springst wbicb tbey offer- WIIOLESAILE AT LESS THAN TORONT~O .ýPRCES.. Retail1 at 5-0 ce nts pelr gailone :Warranted the BESI7 or the monoy refunded. - Hlatcèh and Brother hiivinz ried varions Retfin&eies in the West; n in ami 1 e1w reaweu avc liai miii et', Ord npt the 1u STOVES (IlE - r FRANOISKELLER, -DENTISTRY, that lie wiII1 6e ihappy to- attend ta"lfltry entruptd tuJi ilcare. t l rdr Teeth lnserted pon UoId, silvqr Orvuîc,,,... Represents theeolliwi attentionwnpCon tanthé THE IVEPOO, AO LODONAN] GLBE, W., . & (C. S.- GADDY, CAPITEPOLADL ONDOON AD. ManuI tlitrcrw of eory desoription of THE EDINBURGII LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., lSdTs ansCfam CAPITAL *0500,000. QUEEN INSUÉANCE Co., (LONDON EN GLAND].- PROVINCIAL INSUIRANO E Co., (0F CANADiA,)- PIRE AND MARINF.- ----o-0 - 1TUKVLSS ck BRITISHI AMERICA ASSURANCE -Co., (0F TORONTO,) TUKYLSS c,&. PIRE AND MARINE~. BROCIL STREET IfflTy,_ S - G toa aprise their frindA, and th-e nbîî, WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY [0F ENGLAND.] BEtijat-tJicy ha.ie opened busines# na j - 0 treet, wlerethey wl ' tItnarpz~ ACCIDENTAIJ DEATH INSURANCE Co.,, [ENGDAND,] t x t il rwih hz,,aeyabe CLAMS P 41) si,20,00.toiuer,4 with1worl< of -the tbeat naî t ure11tù __________ _____Cbep, îsdtoexcecteail ordera OÙ. the t3hort. ALSO AGENT FOR THE PROVINCIAL - - --ti--i --ti--c 7 PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Toronto] ITRAOU, - 0----- v aPABit. ? Uuu "ý-Ail classes of property insured on reae9onabie tortns. AI o, Money JOrIN SL>UPRILL... ....Proprietor. Loaned on Ib'al estate. 1roslxectîxscs anddfull information gîvon lrecly on, TUE sutibtat ibe e lirt oinfounu liraon ia application. Also agent for'Provincial Telegraph Company. above huowl, nd thüt lie stupplie non, but tlue beetst .fwueu,, liqooôra cirsaand, oreeh- FRANCIE KELLER, Postma.sto'r, Oshawa C. W. mente AWoI npidtbe'Gôaal aund encloecd yard.SPiRÉ Wluthy. Oct. 4. 1864. 8 ýR. & J. CUA.MPBELL. BROWN -&, ATRO WVouJd direct'the attontion of: cash, buyers Arclu'I1o ttheir stock, being dccidedly the largcest in the cou nty, and AT T:11 OLD WIlTB'Y FOU NDILY, very complete i aevery department, :BRO gK tST."WIIfBY. M tinufactureris and dcalera inmai l kndâ cf' IN IPRICES IHEYAGILLUA JPEMTO A N N OY~1 ~ 3W17PRZt WILL nE rorYn THUE'SHING MACINES AS TflEY BUY F0 CASH AND) IMPORT DIRECT.-- Oombined Reaparsandm Mowera, SpeciaI attention of the Ladies is directed to four dEiferent iddaof their Dress Goods, Shawls, Manties, Furs,. Hats, and-caps, andTwo-horse Wheel Cultivators of Gentlemen to thoir Cl'otbs, > TA N 'E VTJS REA V-M I> E()L TII NG GIANT GRAIN CRUSHIERS, R E A I l.91 S otch, Anierlan &Canadian '>ionge, In the Groicery (Icpartmnent they' have 'eu Steel'owaiosmaltan sd stylcis; ceived a Fresb Su nply of Treas, Sugars, Fruit,, Cod Fish, ler- Steel Point.LOWS rin, rokeyGI~ar, ~, &.. CMB LL. FANN ING MILLS, Whby, Decyniber, 20 18G5. CMBL. SnlasCrîîudPttCliaoa - BLEDAND TrURNIP DÛILLS, WM>D tSCRA EI, Es&e. GREAIrnCLEARIN G >SALE t3 oler o amtingx n £very articloe otineoted- wIih he"-aie kep; «on banid. Throshuuîg Machiinez rM-lýd cri abort notice, > ~Evorything luit heboi4ve buelnese attcnded to %vitli patctuallty. and on roaseoable termei. _ Me L Ný&,-, GEORGE OORKACK. -j

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