Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1866, p. 4

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A(Graud old rOCM. a m o Indir frei iîk ,nool? __ - F re ! ir t F iee wh liaal1t l m feul li" ifi, l 1enlliqo %AceMo o l'up nItîry bc lit fur pritilles, A Pri oaalgc 4ars oso PrN es ifr sonethiîlemn lxA P&oa,boiug lu the 51h gccisIiii, ofth fiinN trnîuîilqd sirt saadirtY jacket Mayf otintdse th glenor@sd aTowînship of Reac h ilatin vensu ould10 O no iv. And one Lot from the tltirîvliir ,7IIlLAGE F F.~ 'reo r arng f rsallcca MJUIi4III. ifor ftir8$ie. Thera I i[l 'as re.lopened hcaîig atr aey F Ther ae a1irireot omgtl ficlaititwod tto Ww-trey 1Brick iloulic, frainc aib , Tiher iAre puirlie biottanditi gleni. Priviîîit li6i dand talst en ~te huînîiOT:IEOESTA%, occ-upied by DONOYA AK~ oscn orsuh IH III(Idui,, cruiî-e.. andi ovorgrowfl. iandtlx Wall watcrcmi. Ili. oadergpie INeF à."A IS ph uuauîfi ilmn "ie tivt1005% rasijeud"inces Ad-'Aofilis-late Faotory, adopsieteTw iWhbywer WLovsdie l ogi tlîruîdoltend niony f<utco rue iii tii chose inou of 8tiges louves 0811A W.&oi pe ac t i Wbl levile lrll. hehse4 onyo ual.1 l nt0.301, ia., me, for couiînbius, But asihobbies tit"L . A f ica to Inbu mamde (if by lutter, pr îo îla, lrineAise SIcat , $imiî nd'Muilla, or-- - A I I 1% Doatb <i fralîs hs feo Iliolo, GIL13ERT ygROUSSON, ', 4q. witln the staiges for Lindsaiy and BoaVortt. - -- - -r m oerig ntibo f eiiow e , A'JliaiiIoitinaleT,Ellsoto. Ktnruiilivevcait ___l, t9 EEU Tho nit or iiinalt îîlilois lre 911811- Or lu, JAMES T.AMO<N ivnxi Ohaaln tinte for ovohing trains HE mAYB AOFDWT.baki bion I lab oir, tilt-riby fm-,Olittg, - -sollollor, âc., Wiiitby. on . T. M., Eu mAd Wemt-Forefrom umla- NUIE amvantagcs oflcred bytimInstitution for acquiringe TIIOROUGII PAL&dTI. wou t:u~ntmiine tvltniata culimîmbus a3< cntsto Rtiu n0et, J A UIESE U A INacueii t n ogecaCle i r-W ib,& l4 85 Mlari l g etlureltgitelu t mon Iiitile 1wPî'isirs Prince Albert 75 cutitz,e ouiymi 1 12,4, Ma- tihAmorica. TihoBrances tauh ope ccrth gnocaM forWhttheAprl 4 185. l 2'I lilli a niif i iitîttMtîîg illmîTetiijee. wlgire one of thee k tilla $S Io50;Passeugors from t he North are e n uiesM n Tinere ire feu.innttdm tnit ti,,petbuiescrtly teddt n , Ul rr itile rmcdic ciel ill.or the "SI l uday i gaine," Ir an prclédoivre th deqpîyatl.Tho prtesop-rio-- h- Triome are fectileo îmtlî ligi 'al litige, donep, o ay wi el fur- toms will tint tle mue ioîîeulnle for purcohi orBU lf S o AR M OoV lio tîlitIlty "tils, tnt fiins, îia m ockadler nith FIIl,etc tub Tino îI.;temoi oi trimgeetof lisJ'ind, eî' ril; eIA,Rit' w1 TEAf T JJ6\ALL S CA RRA J K Tiiere mie prtt t Jiti lea; _____________________________ li th moilofrfthemct c it kîd bîngfurimh4 wthnous£.K< i i-ceIlint îrolîtte yîiimun lie;acrba nesorW tlErclr tId4' ROKJ2 hUl. MERCILANT'S eMNPOR[tTMt, and an EXCII>.NGE OlÈICE, whîch are opon cvcry dayI AriXliboe mbetinnilt oC.PIEE. .CCALL AND SEE BANDY 1 :jfer the transaction aoflBusiness. T nnled ieor )im i nf-IlGoolWmrds mre Worth lnh u'otlt- Kh t e hefr1h,ý-ell G& I]Y s m - eky Fi-iA a n tntit-Iê llic i ntie;pu"- ama. Bllookin Viibaîge, whnuro lie wilîl ~ G AP Y sniwe ky bc fi ou lty 44i.o n o r tt--i t' t mi mnnm , ît ce~ntit4sa ontli; $1.50 a ycr, boanîtiflîby tnm line ail lia f rienis. 'llte prennîm e io li Iib Wlîiln1i t tiii s u tmftteO, lutrmiîcn<2rarîLAn, irpoitvca of Wîn'theo &c., ddrcs lieclmiing tamp boitylle l l oct.Cd>>>-v mms h u st mMISGROVE &WRIGIIT, - Trrinlt t in wtientee ritmni. Ellit ly Noitti MAM cLov, D. D.,-Ono of bauproini on sÎdeomi well mini nutoidti I1Qitet. -4 hum, iwjî h luit-linteos atinni ugin lier mojetny's ciapiafinî. now. At Sad'qtk oi ût TORONTO, C. W- g ott rnr lniieerSâlidý 's ti eie lathîe boat, ui him'm in lehre ile a mlintiiy mnniit. -15li cerîlema nîonlh ; $1.75 a year,-profntioly Snîby'emrîod accommondaion, ( hnn slte vutl.- ii-nîm ini l m iîPtlîl lumtratedletio .timî'tlito hautllu ail itontin o unu. --, îU - Bhîîîîîlî-Iesle. t ol)nîtai-I ilii, Tint imeroimn frîinil miiSaitiy-all, (I1I~ A ~ m 'u ~ 1T N "" I i.(( fS i i Sitieuuîire.iinlii Inn ttiem, SUN DA Y MAGAZINE, Arotkod tegive huehboue a call. liI- i- ii Iiul E. PJJJJjly Ail_ >lm- - IIl e.i- o - 1flc"atditôd by Titali (1trtimi1). 11.,Author of ALEX. ?EERIE. C EA F LL & INTER G.AA. 'ITim toilu Ezekiel," IîSimakting ta thoemainDc IR > II~ _ Ttitsat: Aucc.nXT AT A Wxnnrx- Blîrort," ec.23, 1868. 50 r rg.tIo otîne -Arauaouî.keui vas Ibrown imb constcea- 15 centas a nontîn; 51.50 a year--lllsattd 163 KiN L nnnmgo tion ou a Suuday eveniug lateiy, by à TIH E AIRGOSY, 0e-- O -" terrible catutrlophe. A uîariage w A Magaîzine f--r thne relîlanid the ournai'.la g vreyo belng soletnîizpd belwcoo tva >'ouag pirpur i'îîiaîiet bv Alexanîder Stmainoi & 44o., at s .lre ait fCangso hn.Tepopitr ! hsur' sans, Marco, thet son of a toloui badjtI. Liiilgte Iliii], Londotn,.Enitblmtd - aînd st .50 St. IViatnewso fl Katol iff e Cou A Establishmecit,pose fclisfrmnuttrngCrgsCA. and agirl calout Euthonia. The core- lPet, 1 ce1 Mura. o ao tl buk*uat ci thoîn tocthri o tok aoi Ntýn riitumen tînreugliout Britintîn North dey otptinrc, sye dveilicrng to eeideg ona' aî, e,af -ine Pcri>iml- aeus eeve h.nl tc o alfnish, UaU and sec oryushc. R place durim.g tco-on.st uthe - -0- Idt he« tIti CnimeLs'i" àIDthily ne- js etvd hi F l lÉ - fIr l poor boueo lu the quarter of Aik Buraki, Club t misole n apj-ticition at 50 st. Pelt iter odwihhvng cnprhsc )fr h ae-- A- A ag ubro atoswr rsci troûl, Moutrenil. advance, they are prepared Vo offér at UN"IPRE'UEDENTEDLY A chieffbo poor people, and thue owem part LOW PRICES.R 6& J cf theélieuse being umaie te hold tiuem F arm sf or Sale11?& J.C A ]PBLBR sevorai vent up alairs. The tva prieu-n ofe hurch, the papa SiMeon and the Fl h itfen, emeadl Groceýries, a large -tock of Boots W uddrc u t0to fcs ues.GI enaeEugeuio, hall just perfommed gth asCnimier, ft i aalclearen, i. ndShocs---superior quality and cbcap oVcrsokbîu elIdl h ags n-h ony n Fab lr 45xfNn, vagirou lnonne, geondtSter stc ,b i 7reutony, snd thre nuptial bentidiction u a 8a tg stah~eior riglln liirscsq s i A- beicg prouounced b7 tire papa, stn vbiih in af ttic, vith lwtîserf ofcf mi . ibear-vrycmlt ncrydatnetTI tb. cawpany above theughî ir tuiir dely ilIg Orcliarni of grafteni frtiîý Apie, Pema, LoTH IN C KEA LY*uIA D E. te b. preseut. Theo consequeuce vau, àîîiuîibanld cherrft, antmeivtmm io mi îîîn.at i Wa llng intîced the dI? RC S T'E rush on the maître, ndter vhich the culure ailâuomittares No. 3, luntoeî«Ilaucemimilanof and1mcle 'oorder[n theIhortst notce, i upper part of tho lieuse gave vay, buryiug tine a A~ RI aimait the elltrc assemblage in ils ruina. Tow nship o(RBeach the Latcst Stylemi. 5ffili ~ i ~~t!J Neostrean aoveteu persoa sperlshod, _AS____________________ fumongst vinom weeutine brideg anti bride. Witln10 acres of etreit and, thne mrnainder gro~,a~repeciviyt ,ad In, a ell ttnileîîtced.i bard vead,Pi'no and TERBO OS, T edSatinets, F lannels, Unions., &c.9 STIYBYF AhAUIPR IET T and bath tihe prieisa-Thîmty ,allier per. Appi>' ,U b>' lu erpo-adl ÂvIaî'nteslontof our own Manufacture, SOLD RETAW14 AT WIIOLESALE Seia attetio n fte ais sdretdt sn eentoscverely inj m4 MiîAoniigsl NDAM ~,DUNDAS RTRECET, WIJITI3Y, c.W. theirDrcss ofSnlMnis us HtadCpadSo the killcd miro ix childreu under twelle "41n-4 On the picînimie., i.COi.0. GEOILtiE rltt.lhi, 'reprietur. MATflEWSON, RATCLIFFE &G f0etemnt0ter.lts yer faga.-Levant "Q.HJsB TIEubcberl.ennn'nelahca.B okiin, Oct. 4, 1865. 30j7 ~ gU~1 te - - e lo~~~Iaeinthne builin lg fnnnirly kiaewn ase REI2AID 1iIIuYr . iU. lI..' KLAIMOTU SrlnirvupIlîtel. wllel.î Inami br-uit mnon-mtua, refuuisied an fitei n&c.,r &cnt lnfil ]Phoogrphi Gaorybesortt)le. Tic inrrjtîie iart punlati>'ait- JEW'I L L E RY. O~~~teGoeydprrette iv e ~ the 9tgell or BaLol lte n eived aFresh Fui, e Fshlir thne dor eor> iarl.Ing. honri SI per dii iun'Ck olppy tTesSga 11 royooro heoo 1 uleywnli GEORGE ROBSON. rcrGasae ~,&.~ APEL compet.lu inoPrii l nad cd t iz1rpred la (aefi linilttcnalvoa ateridgkr.e. mle tuo l ta , ubrtuWhth 'eP1 , ~Wbitby, D)èeeuil'ter, 20 186.mdo PHOTOGRAPHS AMROTYs - G. C. CALDWELL INSOLVENT A£ P184 86, 8e or auj other mode cf tula Mystit Aru-. w- sf EM5AtW5ý' SURGEON,- -Pm ecc Pfnwmiami IlotueconnyCnITEW C/oofa'--etnt,-y, hat lie bas iinrm fl eUce in -40 thai cimjrtit cf almale1I08 fCu I.UA ieîbeGo d lahijust atinedn uetoek cf oive »yst ni d i .ho byns ti t ltoltu- NWdedqtw ctyelU >'c- 'lî u buebss ta menit àa ýf flic 'c03 F - -v nxttjüi AT - -ARTST8' MATE RIA LB. <ititôtmiuge.,b cimuî r, cxt tntîindun-lgnh p Jsta-liyluneiln rrnunrtjcfttcCant PT)E'<P V REIJ ~~1 v~eismiîhg -ccaa ai, nSsorlis 100U îiijn htren, eoaineleo chargeltider 1-he smid Aet. U1ILtsfîardn-riudecb>tno T s - IJXEtt~~~~~~JLt £~~~~i l ferhieuwigrsos. n 00IleInlgs oe l, Mai mina. 3p Dlt IW lby u neiOldautD îlcmitnIltrbli lofmuaîeyo Jln GRiL4' ALIID C wrfo umloq i e n t- 1865 . ou theclth >ojrecmit itrmtdîi Plfi,£- LOGEORGE OORXACK. ycobat,1865 wwgA ISYR ONU tu intaVOKQAuT rir in urt". h Lolmt fîreit, lWIilby. A largequan. TUEl.Tio filvinthxleg*11 e oiidedli INtu JAME~S JOHNSTON, f lb an ble«Il Irîou mittea(ig sopl y eWeta.dJ ti ne ate urc Whty a 3 ss 11,DOttGALL U NI) rRTATXC1N G. tig luai ce o at rclu rîth'. lpolr nttn nohr., br Ysbmamy4inhlmlt. li~2WllWhy Wlitbyu AI _66-1-4 es hl* tarth~ tfU~ in e o t uemcWib. aIil OWftn frc UNLSv 1Of T l ' C :_ __Em'f o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --sa q . . - zl tll e y v fl, . 1 pi l b f o UW In tb e nnth e O r om i M I G F, m 1 T l g t t l g u , t 7 N OT0 EIFarm orSale, utReevdvet ou f Ontariot Il hcreby 0 tntish ~ a e beSoutliamtem of 1]At N6.1- juA wb>'svihh aya msy MabQeurter lebiluuaaOf 1-bel'>eace, sîndiCouuîy Lai Whith inyettalulug 60 uace. 'jhere are so - C'it l â'nheii-,l.nrdiu~ u ut~~- ' ai ha Yw hepgnosi l lly th e Ju4idge o thn udOu4' ctfaait hu .Ifa~d b r Court lun irmi for te CounI! of Octarie, vu I taauesIt le t vu Tt prinlsc n ulNEI oI3aiIT Ifi*nUi8d'u »t- be h'oÏden mitsCourt Iloane, in tbe Tovn cf arc wvghteei, bavlcga ruuinag (heek -' - - lOiuacfD-4n tudt WblCy, ona tbrccgh talnd. .Jstreîcd xnlfleSOK fFe ?UBD&Y, XARCH 18t 1866, For hmtlacr partiflelas UItBWe 1863,risfo hituuw-scuiititge J« M1H *1tn omc 2o'elaek noan, cf whichomii OcCEh!$j-tamises. tt Justice.î of tlic l'one, Coroners, Coumtahliemi Or i ylte,(r sud iti ol timon e rwn-ed, vilL-tuko notice, anti I > lto- pr u0) bt, . O -2 -At4ny govemo N4 G.IIIIYNoLD5, N O IT I C E& lruo-feb cpo-4 SIE Peur C. Nouts.. BE suobacriber beg cti 11te Attentiop-n -wToff N Slicn-iT', oftee-LTPan-mers sud Woodi eutiers, to à flnV 1lM ON DUK ES l E~III 3IJ~f @mi -Wlutby, helu. 14, ý81. 6-d ms.cut îsviug Mscmno,vih le i ltbuta td:-lt45-n ToWh ..lb Cut tAsi eubtntnc of theabexcebleuo&t quIn Cats la rîpidl chnap, drableuanrlo, ilçaUtsandace It OF THiB St.U In tAt ~y,01 fr~ ~ ? oebyNTÀIUQ eTo q A BROWN ELATrz<ôx. ÊEKTIV(; STO Wbltby, 1848. 14,NTIB .65. LYON ýý OTIH^ T.C. - DOD 1 HANCE TOR A,à TIIE'BESI'STAND 1IN >,'th .Ont arjo. ýR SALE OR TO LET.- -b-. T vehi nmltuaed brick- Bimeksatl' iaepaîint y ,Cornier., oeim te frmnn-buihdlng ocu l s am eutpn.- 11iii a 1fgod onc em a n induatic île, desircai s t tn cldownlâin s. à t te precilies arc sîtîfalemin lu teomidut bkb Ruttiiad vesithy bogalityi And làh brmen onucithé, te 014emî t*ndis -orsba nith n m il North nClinri. The bî.Ik Eil ;g iii 42x24,41-ho coul hop mttaielcd lei - 3C-trpentormi alop 1]4xq9. umints and furtiier pumtncubig ispyt, - ANDIEW LOWE3 Vruîcuiîlu, ý. <o; On Lot No. 7, 91h Con., Brook. 'VICTORIA JiCUSE, DUx înul srarurr uy. lcdthn itIline ix uow eaarnloi ti n t cItel, aud Ihat lie Suplies itnue but tînt fwiunet, iqutorsetcien a s drsfrm'sbi. - Aaamed yaird; JOIHN 8ljlI1X y.Oct. 4. 1864. S c )LVENT AGIr 0F 184, M lu cf Canuadan, J luInho County Couît ýy of Llnitifa >f ttc Cbuuty et Onz ' 0Wtt i Jtarie. si o inatter cf IIIIJNARD eMAtIÉE, lin InE la lcrobj givôtiptat or, Tocaa> Intwonyavemtuî day cf bMarpli, nez, >fth ci 11,thefoeucon, orsunno0 taecit na ord,te undrigraed viii ýo te Jnîdge mn? hnt ie ai Court, for si.Tc titaderth 1mueidiAct. il nt Cauuuaigton, JtiSa-lgth dey îi1àýK- C.h ËlEiINAitii MAYBEE. his Atlonuiî'y. i-j It 'OWN &PAT'TERSON ricultural 1WVorks! Bi TIE OLD wIIITBY FOUNItiDT, - 17 uftituîreruaiad disioms inoîl kiodu of- 'CUJLTURAL JEPLEMENTS, WlIE191EWILL in, rOux-e imbined Reapersand JMotire Four diZo'rent kinis or 'hôig. Whoeeultivatord Aw AND rBEI) dÙTTER8i JANT GRtAi CliLÙsIERSIF Of Van nu inîoand ti tal-.> I Pows and StehPoints, FANININU MILLS4 nfilmemi suui d Pattci lvuaorp,T D ANI) TURXh? DIILS< ILOAD SdRAPEUI, te. dr ýo tîlot, T'low Caatbcj ra ottvai4t y nrtiîmieonîuutcdivitin tine buiueàn i hgnm.- Thtcusluig -Mutbiucm meopalmcd Âittnci >tlilig iu thu abnoVe businvgtess m itndudSfthe > fACIC OF 1864, ce or Cîuhs"lui. ln hoe ~Cnucaity Courtn O f Ontario of 1-ho coliut> of Ou- a natmuufWIlmAM WARRIEN, tho -- r, ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 yuhmelet rio£i* twoty rvenVin onMov.ly; 4b'yof a . -mnit ntteai of tflàa niut A0rcatioapoli Liaerelftex J il cao i in-a'tiuùd(erIjod W 11- - lu tiilueo iflias Aeld-(JCourt, foilsdt - ~ ell à 0, --J --b i Titi- t DY, B TA

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