-t---.-- . es~aw .~eu..at.-t-o ~ - - i oe for the of hbritenet a cuat~ Sgeysyhyiaet and townand it t "ito x, oreight or a dsn diferae thudIten ayà nd m n (t ar>clk b. hol> riel orOhibt mnt as Inshn vra>' n-u Scad (br lhefor mle inart ouicaton he(; objeed tn> o tiferenc sdawnf as St. fromatheLresuied>ofltheexminatoions ed ihuly, six, eigbein or ao deuderiof acto-mb o is te u nepelal> higmehes ande bet chols fsarohn d d usta? en uwit o( terei ac m er sl lrsie exaintion inOu c, 1864,u tus m a e îti eue toe oet foth dalilema 1 'is enA., hioe, i se notf benenfbcte. meefi', foreany.: opta can ser thatisre usibi ai iîng the pnonsul pseriops forieaaions, iiec, 1r64 heiraiaes li Woultd hae ben(lie ierneedras agany m rnthe cesutns sfibxmspreios. ed Hsassin relative o the nclo riest ery Thtfosundatcionbea sis cf i lioneshavng lutbeuan iois adptd snar. ehe finarutio." Bthate a ui tes naot thn> dsuiabe were asent bared uaa. desly aas the muilse, nt Job s mparoil," e wour net avet attii eped- vh ac thtre "o has ont cfeeni ablemmith impag sanye bofere ta tuentemad by she,ws fon suhe other ean aie sheifibi phartite obciond rase bit haii ler Ja sther untre ore d nooceau poil o 4 edpsto bav be dlu inegl aut frivo He mases."s Theatetersh mlai note whic they argcse ere byni is both3 ar "efqol'bou n poaerieond a beautes o unilng itou acp theimedas metied in myi ltî theAocation would ubit. ma sot ineathof, iraonset parsentlhns ithiusa' and themila,'a more ittin J mempre senee c rTm neliacon (ami". su npingl' cae met- nebv sue teit efe to sabtat "J" objset haseno seto mul rais tannesch abovers sthenothers bte onlypou au>' cfhat attemetf graig the pup=il o the one baolsuld enabeslem tha tget aobetor ali y iaciorat a iessue ost tha wherh opsite courase bis 'edpositin dious disincton wbou d v Isemthabe madlerhey lroeemalter u o- gehrfrloma, tecatu ofLte dicuniner l ande nthfrom anydsr oire teb'fither bof th gntlemen sud each~ anJoh and lie se ders ate co lite Iukdow teuboth ea n' isThe ssuyite seoolbing theb olye in hich era oyseate pelsslÃ¥bia to is atteapteud tobe, cariedout, ltlwas nmesar bto copreu nteta wodion.t t wit theln ohee cinerdereproperit in. di ersnd tubt. ts fbor a.e if rtiehedtr an>'ohn selol.bv holhs bt teob'< sti from ah sthid oo up, rsayn lie 2paes of he aourgehol too eah le, ws te ead eher alt Henr lstrut, wt ny 8 elas coulde gie opbsie coue ime -to eh, f -and ioneuenl d htintio vom dusei e have becs real.<. Taking alo- I des . to sr asur uite b - - le be-eou eain u yoimsiaaigle Canade uaa a02,0 syla Listto. i o ta ateape tex lie sarre eu ao as I rtn the ochlaeer piop erh. 20. u s aportant cisil - een Wlia t on trial here before hie' honor, - Mi. Jas tics E. Darwin 8inhi of the 8epirene ~ oeer ines ls Fr-idy' morning. The fi aetiógøross upos a debt oreatedl in Cana' p à beuoe aina C. Becttes, to the Bankc t of Montreal-'at Cohorg, and Bette, af er ti traleering his property to ibis aide,' han. a Ing assignedl lu to lais brother William, thse P Bahiki seised it ender su attaehmentt, andl auneqçalyi mwa repleviedl by Williamn a D T b"!isit waslbrought totry' theo ~6u osr oanrhip-wvas it basua .ple ti the. property of William-Bettes, parchased b by' him for a vaisabie eosideration frout J Harrison C. Bettes, or mas a scheme ort ..mes it a scheme or cuonspiracy' beimeen si them te prenent the Bianka froui recelning , paymnents foi thie large adratice made by> B them olLH .j. ettes The jury mwa t emp.aelled on Tbareday' enenilg iast, ol bot the-triai did.not comumenoe aui Friday tr- -mortinpg. The defene. ocoupiaed nutil cm yesterlay' afternoonu gtiîig testimony>, s< wheni connusl fon Wtiiamu Bettes raised ti certua legal prepositions whiuh, after hie w ar ugped, risael In ls presid"g le vlithdrawing the case fi-es lthe Jeury i and send$Wg(ite othe geseral Termi for thie opinion of lte Court. Hadl the case i been continued sepoius "iii evidene, it th wotld hiane .eispied the Court (me dayas longer, and it is generaltly eoneeded, If thse ae bail resebed the Jury the B3ank of p Montr-esi voea hsave beeni tr . as lThe tacts are as follows>-H. >Bettesat __________________________________ -. - --.--~-.- t--..-..-.. thtis wlik wIl! hern vitiilt a almeot as weil as with eue. DIED. CIS-.At Brooklln, on thie 1th nry Fraucia, aged '16 years and hs. EOIAL NOTICE. en:ra" iient fr°ere Cat l remedîe o ast oe.a o e of he TRY IT. ittzertormeandyi lera, the s nd ('utfel,, Ptth r eiag lidhem ak'tlahn. forr eatante bn J bt ail w 180, auounted! to upwrards of $25,000 lu ohnny ~e ud, s d to yçar sn FA bette, tht cork cxwase aged by 00 o.0 g oftte (btwcneuence of the faiui 1) met lu activa dem ansu ba aibani nat mn ee hi papr This 'was doue froi SP (ln.(otian atbsrquest, utl ctin F°a8a hnsiet*hat'ail ato riglit. lThe aitVr be for the e 2000, which ira reeee (m I. (J. Bettes, in CanA o ywho F°" ~ i isethdy i.lvl leetebe 180d ats, consin. Anothier endere tbo Wias atits by' creditors oforettesba ecd lnstitut.ed. Notwithstndi g ail this ac- 3AT S ti manager cf tie Bnk, I.C B et n es sasured hlm early nu December,1864j, that ing at Charlotte mmci, mhen s hea ud ank ampl t ehi whole liability te tbe .Buchauan te understand Ihat Eyre'Fal Judgment was Oui>y intendedl te cover his sprig. property in Canada,so> as to prevent other Barley'. ereditors from harrnasng him.Pe.. nohî ameothed thting for the time, and Ota.. Jnumre as sad îlBtes early lu Rys.,, Jinv't annted thimse i te tee an Potatot cornproinis e-ih theiais Mr, s Boater. then retainedl to take charge cf this case Appies. for the Banik, sud he put hîimself in com- Egga.. inu neatien witih i. c. lBettes with a viem Chicket tedce rrn i wat course shtouldl be pur- Pork... repreiunthed uterst cf the Baik. Bettes Tokey were ail morthless or h'ul absconde, exs Docks. ceipting upon eue note of 01,000 - thtat tle Ducks. fiin of ilettes A iloiden were also insol. Wo. vtttat ail the partnership assets at Sheepa munts whîihsd to, sisfy jrdg t A Rlochiester against the frta, uha t ud A TL" eb reuîîstues (le ofer lhe had made, El 'rl his equity' of redetnption iucertin reai poe o <tate onrigagst h B a maste bet IMPO nil.ed te come hecre atnd enquire into the F you ar fefair a e c& 'io snd here com- or Ertatioi ef what wouldl appea by tît evdne e nrlr la bee a gigantic fraud thlat Bettes, by the aid JOateOd.) cf bis brothar William snd other aucruber, u~ (ho Bsk. attlepe to perpetrate Glad Ne~ ° °ndMr.Hodentobe an upright, E1.LS inibility; (t thel ia of Betes. i& ilden bad been dissolvedl abouta tish sexua <xc previonaly, tioldeni having itha °" Penia (J fromn the business; that rejegtu ad. Droisuv Gni cver been recovered againat namsd UN< daie that they badl ailways had plenty' of asets he itiedl ui tmet teir labiltia l. was likewise ~ ,,, 10,1.(.Bttes tratnsf'rred toWlla itiat il/r Bettes all iTris property ait Charlottewhuich, aixd imun< accoribnig te lloidlen's evidence, was theu prou, io ~ worth about $80,000, snd 8i50,000 foo c 10 J.Br lumber at Oiswegn, ichi nas morb st 1 .Ba t that timie about $,000. for the nominal Dae,> considerat ion of $20,0<00. l niMg fus & *. wt prpety ilim gare a bond te id-muni of'the fihm dett, but there woe ebMO E due te the firma equal to thec debts ewu by' the firm -except the Asunk deli sudA N' the clam whaich 11. C. Bettes had for the, Druwatîes , raw material furruished to the business 5ii t, in-igi So thtat Wialliam lBetes' purchasse was ".loln unade at 5osper cent en its maarket vakie, re-tore tlt# .bs a n,<lemu but the sequel is tirn ut>î hes. brot liam Betes' agreernent wih J. iIYAN thisE $20,o0 te the Jskub. eo> rr fîrilshed all this valuable property', but »enlern s .0 psy IL CJ. Rettes' wife $5,800, twoe of tNtl l bheir brothers atome $7,000 beiutte in - il. CJ. Iletter' on $1,500, sud to liettes $iisi *,500 cah. So that in the State id ew or ai he ~oPrty b. bad was F o rcq eaastorre te W lBettes te psy ~ 5 udgmîent by' confession te Eyrre, his ,.'.,edonie brother-iu-law, sires everyth ing he hail ter u Tey oni that aide of the Lake. William Bettes uin lualo by tho evideuce of lloldeu, Bluchanan, sud ii Ac. &< Jamnon lia been ceerly' connîected w.ithi ere Uneg D the atempted raad! on (lie part of iga Sndt for brothier, snd it seem a pit tha utice Advi.er, adi cannot speedily'ti beected. ing f ull hf 1. lden ,>eing liable fer notes yoeur drutggî aount.ing to $4,700, calledl upon William u e trono Bettes, uder bis agreement lo psy them, ar, by Ds.. ut f ,t s1tet s m as esu t t >15 Ba nlocia un1 sa h s WhokaleA ur upon thae alowigrou Det esneyOn ATle tes gvldeuchased the inde for s rau.d s t luiuthe a coase moth tenow o artnrs' oe ttes & ilolgod sti. re T allwho ains their partnership character, and tht °§wr he Bankt could niot attach any part of it same, wat s.the p ry of Hl. C. Bettes te psy lisa (onseuttn rivate dta. t.o.a*sud NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. as = GO MONEY TO LOAN. ObN lîrat.lsasa Farm or City proaperty, lu e tiaol * l ai auttn i udo m i, &y I and4 7 -ei'ui aan.l liasit- Appliention pSeS pa to tlhe undlersred. M. B. FAIt tîCe Osa, Feby.,'Mas 40l.a O --- Cbne ple4 tWl¯Demas Barnes & Co, O! iu ot~tfe (Aer,tNem York. Ltnilo 2,l h TO LA DIES. T.w0as0sdo Of thrs aire a reliable- reis4 te restorns0- no awuer fraa east, Ut anayçf>s&gx relat atimode are aafe snd sure and ilii:eaieri a~ ti t@oli (ofe suer o a utold in Boxes contaiinig 60 lillansakat in Cappad aiolt un.bth t cilar." dued evidence, whereîy nie appears wo b. ta D.IIARVEYT'S Private mieia omuer <hereof, la Fee, trc. irota aIl lita- dread to febaaes ;vlt0pare,,gi -any otiser peruch havir.g or Luatctis t os 10n0 ut fo<~v. retn4 tohaveany. title to, ai iterstn u yoe eannot parebasse tiaspîot et aM , on an>' port iimef, la rinirail st,Uuth Rey .a:bbsent l1se. - -onrbere servatton, eon reeel ic (on. Dol- S'rIySlt4y tXac I. Bavas, (tonaalnt tlhyaals;MT SB aYor,~ Iom.uext euolg toe latement of lit. genta, Newo YorktcOgôode Hall Ona aTVB.J ls dte 1 sifor a (e 2. Ita aiseas contendedl that thie cept. iJt*inlynh nc bay the lBank ef thie payment of te apresi, Itf ete an I ien pper, is au acceptauce invaluiable, he>' allego beli fraudaend (bat h t re> l ankt cannot be hecard to attach it, Thè iPaties wli udge determined to sendl the case ul.on retuirinsu el hese peint to the-Getieral Terma. Both ides mr ably' repjresetd-b~ M1eaars .1 dy Wtll 'ainfrth & Durand for the. Bau of Uon- hese lega1 .itqlonr was ble pleeg A 'Gentien f fo.tensic equence, Thtis case came (o ere i wih ea preparaien iad maeli mÚllloi U * afau dets i, sud (lbe evidoes s to * free toallyla ~hemes, the representations of the 16brnakg eir circomasanceas-snd "iumash> W5 ense., as dillgentlyfolloered up ins llIta - Iwindig courses, withs devotion te the ~ terests of thie Batik that cstn'nat be top e.t çbyrecommaended, --~. u QCndian gentlemen. speakt ln th. ghst termis of our legal .tribunals, and # e*supoerri of ourjaries in particolar 6.. Sraîwou 7faS.lr-DZÀArasi r »ox D Uttite ~b buo rIsaac Seena ' orth aê NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. ST. PATRIOK1B ~OI .i.trick' society' f Ottr mil ho iao Royal H OTE L,WHIT3Y ON PRDT Xarch~ 2nd, 188g, At liaf-pat 7 e'cloek, for the parpose etoeet- ln fu--ra for tlhe eusuhiag ya, tha mode oft eoebrxoig tha forîthoung A dîelîrsary. &e. ittax- nI lie deotoadante ef Irsitshmn M. O'DON<iVAN, 7f. G L~kYoLwscretar>y.' Penti. g Fnahem tNo a fLot . BS s-ofvhich are itudler a got!od t fest. <raion, paessessioni on thie lai et April neat, Fsr farther prticaulsrs, apply to, - -î • WillTEtDE, l'ickîering IIart,.r, as, 7tha,UCSn. :fra FRNCIS KELLER Reprements tii. follwug Dw ol- wn Com1>azieB TH LIVERPOOL, AI<O LONDON AND) Oe Q3E T1 EDINBUUGH Lr' AN CÂW.SSUR ANCE Ço., CAPI *800,000,. QUTEEN< INStUR ANOE. Po., (LONDON 1MGLAND). VUOV1NCIALt INStUANCE do., (0F CANADA,)> B1ITISII A MERlICA ASSURANCE C., (0F T ORONTO,) WISSTERN INSURP ANCE C0MP [09' flGLA p ACCIDENTA L DE AT H INSURLANCE Co., [ENGDALND )] SCL4AIMIS P4&9 *1,2GO,Oog. ALSO AG ENT FOR T11E PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Totantoj tW"' Ail classes of proerty insuredl on reasonabie (ermns. Aise, Money Loaned ou Rteal est-aie. P>rospectuisos and full information givetn freely onu applicalon. AIso agent lfor Provmetail Telegr'aph Ceompjany. pp.ANcî KELERPostmnaster, Oshawa O, W. Besa) Canada !'Weed Sîpits ony $11 00, worthb do. C'eats oui> 6 50, worth do. Pants oni>y . 3 00, worth 4 0 0 y ao r s , d o . O 0 e t 1000 yards plain and fpe> Flannels froni 30c. 100 'ioces arytnd! Whît -Cottous at less than Whla Pice. Our Stock of General Gr:oceries are very complete, and Will be sold at Wholesaloie . 40 bariola No. 1, Round e-Irrings only *5 50. Our termsa aro STRICTLY CASH, and ne credit. NOTICE -Al parties tndebted to us are Tespectfully request- ed te mtake immediato payment, ethierwise lhefr accounta wiii he placcd or collection. SH. McMILLAN & Co. ~ ~ -- 815 00. 9- 00. 4 00. te 60e I. JZLL Sheryitns iclr e c'w Lsa erdu a an > ~-u ftinWr h cu ts e coa'ciFîa,- CHEA STfOVES ! terming tPucased ppus to the aLJtO rej~ m iron, they arc de- .emotioglie tiie pubie (it. - It mlil cost yoaunothing to givo (hem a catl, and cgamîng ti etr stock, iriiechi l arge sud mell assortc, A fewr FIRST PRIZE N~ n l~(.The Stov.a Fnrniture is all madle Qi. the premises sudWaiantd ~ gie satisfaction otra heavy' Titi, Copper Bottemed Cor-dood, Oid Iron~ ud Parmer Pdçe taken ir, exchange. Alarge stock cf To be disposeç of at very low lgüreg Per Gallu,-Étrity cazb OConsult your "pockets," and ire ubff a(1. Patent Steve Pipe Datapa ou baud, (ie.having purchesed (he rtgt, put-'? centa aci, or four for $2 80. [g"- Above ail tinug, don't forgettbe spot Er NO. 4, BROOK STREET, WHiUTBY. CASH PAlID FOR SHE'EPSKINS. IIATCHI & BROTHER We beg t o inor our Custo r an h pubhjo general, that we have comn enced andi will continue for tWO Wee<s teoffr the whole of our present Stock at COS', inu order to miake a clearance preparatory to stock-taking. We offer 3tinense bargaing in R~EADY-MA DE OLOTHING dota, Kely AI sutd lia uli t eeNrth-cant p de or txu- Radii ir acrwesd b ltorkouaî o che-Nort ar uîdw SouCtnth. alves o i L o r u ex- pks planteard htou t e rtnd-ext anigle cf tha Wlib sdLk iluroalodhen c ag sthe ssd sr d or x e l u nt lacoe te eiaa ttx n m wr m tîtne ut hx Oi Northyiiî ble cha laad <lient en n sai li no reti °chaas su txirtyia antraaeit °u~ lit nteLSONi î G. iida~ REYNoLDrlx sevcet-aix oga-cs thii> erifftc, W. o. steerou îc b risa u ar soath,.$a. llis t- A E8hI GE. REAMILDI6 Seeila Oit, aer otÃŽ-e Wlxî,y ebsr Of, 8 0 nuin- bIEr fiftee, in the thr -a- 5 etrmLoi Ne. , ina lot conces. 'tll aleun 8 'arase5O ona sudleao i Lwue 8thls U eco eession o Debgîl eUslt(l rato qulity'. trrjertlan, apply' to, tm s tfl AMES E. GQEN fhiop * "li ARSELG11 AN lisand a eopof w sand mains thea P.bi~ary. j a noth(ling. TO COA a, uaus, by' <IION. egge Whitby Margeta' Witby, Febi., 2?, 1868. het,....,, ...1.20 s i 35 ........ .... 30ets. .....,.,, ... 45cta. e.,...,. , 30cta. ........ ....... a luse ' ...,.......40 a50e ns........ 30c per pair. ............ $7 a$7 30, a............... 60e. a 75c. ... ........ 40. ... .. . .... 20c. ... ......... *2.50 te *3. kina.......50c te $1.25., GOOD THLING b : En su l u actffr aIl pur-. RLTANT NOTICE. e troiibled wIthî l-aal.schte Dazi- n nxlio.ne hood laie.u sI fOr thoe UNFORTUNATE. Specille l'illestae marranted lcasea r the seei sud 'osaai' ai ilise arnlaerfrin a., Nigîy Erinisatot, and Sensual enitali, by'eal sud Nenouns De. cfli t i5'aOSy ent sic eu dbout datîont. Each blox conttaina °rsŽ ,atrI<tli, Ife u nc get ey set-e uliilti Inatractions. 'blet of 1oo pagre on lthe e ra c con-equa~encea sud roeme<ly st xi. raj airaI for 4otae. AaIdress Con 'etnîttlog I yslelsan. a. 442 Ilroadlway, Nem Y'ork. *i a spiid b> IliD n, lRar" 'ALUADBLE TIgAN SIOLDI t Lfa Pillatarlfy (lie blood, re.- .L'mpl<sant Drasnu' I ~eation,, ileansie the Stenmaci snd re inem life. in the detl.iated sud -tet to perfect hieslth. T<ry them V tionsult(ng h'lîvlaisn 4at Brosd- i , il bssentty Jamio BitM deesdj st lie ie of la deatht, la theo lxatds'ot Iltam Blair m4ainis- cd, ut <ti <lnaec lxm,xuil-Ie iei.c. txate, te be adinisteredt- The literest cf James Blii deeused uttx Soti-ilfo°LNixaa 4et"W, i Fint et çuso c te aux'ub-îib- cAu s Viaent fnbo M'iiidrdxt dont.<,- i a' tinot!u Vlxg i Defendnut Sheri s Sale 0 Ã&nds.