Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1866, p. 3

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-t---.-- . es~aw .~eu..at.-t-o ~ - - i oe for the of hbritenet a cuat~ Sgeysyhyiaet and townand it t "ito x, oreight or a dsn diferae thudIten ayà nd m n (t ar>clk b. hol> riel orOhibt mnt as Inshn vra>' n-u Scad (br lhefor mle inart ouicaton he(; objeed tn> o tiferenc sdawnf as St. fromatheLresuied>ofltheexminatoions ed ihuly, six, eigbein or ao deuderiof acto-mb o is te u nepelal> higmehes ande bet chols fsarohn d d usta? en uwit o( terei ac m er sl lrsie exaintion inOu c, 1864,u tus m a e îti eue toe oet foth dalilema 1 'is enA., hioe, i se notf benenfbcte. meefi', foreany.: opta can ser thatisre usibi ai iîng the pnonsul pseriops forieaaions, iiec, 1r64 heiraiaes li Woultd hae ben(lie ierneedras agany m rnthe cesutns sfibxmspreios. ed Hsassin relative o the nclo riest ery Thtfosundatcionbea sis cf i lioneshavng lutbeuan iois adptd snar. ehe finarutio." Bthate a ui tes naot thn> dsuiabe were asent bared uaa. desly aas the muilse, nt Job s mparoil," e wour net avet attii eped- vh ac thtre "o has ont cfeeni ablemmith impag sanye bofere ta tuentemad by she,ws fon suhe other ean aie sheifibi phartite obciond rase bit haii ler Ja sther untre ore d nooceau poil o 4 edpsto bav be dlu inegl aut frivo He mases."s Theatetersh mlai note whic they argcse ere byni is both3 ar "efqol'bou n poaerieond a beautes o unilng itou acp theimedas metied in myi ltî theAocation would ubit. ma sot ineathof, iraonset parsentlhns ithiusa' and themila,'a more ittin J mempre senee c rTm neliacon (ami". su npingl' cae met- nebv sue teit efe to sabtat "J" objset haseno seto mul rais tannesch abovers sthenothers bte onlypou au>' cfhat attemetf graig the pup=il o the one baolsuld enabeslem tha tget aobetor ali y iaciorat a iessue ost tha wherh opsite courase bis 'edpositin dious disincton wbou d v Isemthabe madlerhey lroeemalter u o- gehrfrloma, tecatu ofLte dicuniner l ande nthfrom anydsr oire teb'fither bof th gntlemen sud each~ anJoh and lie se ders ate co lite Iukdow teuboth ea n' isThe ssuyite seoolbing theb olye in hich era oyseate pelsslåbia to is atteapteud tobe, cariedout, ltlwas nmesar bto copreu nteta wodion.t t wit theln ohee cinerdereproperit in. di ersnd tubt. ts fbor a.e if rtiehedtr an>'ohn selol.bv holhs bt teob'< sti from ah sthid oo up, rsayn lie 2paes of he aourgehol too eah le, ws te ead eher alt Henr lstrut, wt ny 8 elas coulde gie opbsie coue ime -to eh, f -and ioneuenl d htintio vom dusei e have becs real.<. Taking alo- I des . to sr asur uite b - - le be-eou eain u yoimsiaaigle Canade uaa a02,0 syla Listto. i o ta ateape tex lie sarre eu ao as I rtn the ochlaeer piop erh. 20. u s aportant cisil - een Wlia t on trial here before hie' honor, - Mi. Jas tics E. Darwin 8inhi of the 8epirene ~ oeer ines ls Fr-idy' morning. The fi aetiógøross upos a debt oreatedl in Cana' p à beuoe aina C. Becttes, to the Bankc t of Montreal-'at Cohorg, and Bette, af er ti traleering his property to ibis aide,' han. a Ing assignedl lu to lais brother William, thse P Bahiki seised it ender su attaehmentt, andl auneqçalyi mwa repleviedl by Williamn a D T b"!isit waslbrought totry' theo ~6u osr oanrhip-wvas it basua .ple ti the. property of William-Bettes, parchased b by' him for a vaisabie eosideration frout J Harrison C. Bettes, or mas a scheme ort ..mes it a scheme or cuonspiracy' beimeen si them te prenent the Bianka froui recelning , paymnents foi thie large adratice made by> B them olLH .j. ettes The jury mwa t emp.aelled on Tbareday' enenilg iast, ol bot the-triai did.not comumenoe aui Friday tr- -mortinpg. The defene. ocoupiaed nutil cm yesterlay' afternoonu gtiîig testimony>, s< wheni connusl fon Wtiiamu Bettes raised ti certua legal prepositions whiuh, after hie w ar ugped, risael In ls presid"g le vlithdrawing the case fi-es lthe Jeury i and send$Wg(ite othe geseral Termi for thie opinion of lte Court. Hadl the case i been continued sepoius "iii evidene, it th wotld hiane .eispied the Court (me dayas longer, and it is generaltly eoneeded, If thse ae bail resebed the Jury the B3ank of p Montr-esi voea hsave beeni tr . as lThe tacts are as follows>-H. >Bettesat __________________________________ -. - --.--~-.- t--..-..-.. thtis wlik wIl! hern vitiilt a almeot as weil as with eue. DIED. CIS-.At Brooklln, on thie 1th nry Fraucia, aged '16 years and hs. EOIAL NOTICE. en:ra" iient fr°ere Cat l remedîe o ast oe.a o e of he TRY IT. ittzertormeandyi lera, the s nd ('utfel,, Ptth r eiag lidhem ak'tlahn. forr eatante bn J bt ail w 180, auounted! to upwrards of $25,000 lu ohnny ~e ud, s d to yçar sn FA bette, tht cork cxwase aged by 00 o.0 g oftte (btwcneuence of the faiui 1) met lu activa dem ansu ba aibani nat mn ee hi papr This 'was doue froi SP (ln.(otian atbsrquest, utl ctin F°a8a hnsiet*hat'ail ato riglit. lThe aitVr be for the e 2000, which ira reeee (m I. (J. Bettes, in CanA o ywho F°" ~ i isethdy i.lvl leetebe 180d ats, consin. Anothier endere tbo Wias atits by' creditors oforettesba ecd lnstitut.ed. Notwithstndi g ail this ac- 3AT S ti manager cf tie Bnk, I.C B et n es sasured hlm early nu December,1864j, that ing at Charlotte mmci, mhen s hea ud ank ampl t ehi whole liability te tbe .Buchauan te understand Ihat Eyre'Fal Judgment was Oui>y intendedl te cover his sprig. property in Canada,so> as to prevent other Barley'. ereditors from harrnasng him.Pe.. nohî ameothed thting for the time, and Ota.. Jnumre as sad îlBtes early lu Rys.,, Jinv't annted thimse i te tee an Potatot cornproinis e-ih theiais Mr, s Boater. then retainedl to take charge cf this case Appies. for the Banik, sud he put hîimself in com- Egga.. inu neatien witih i. c. lBettes with a viem Chicket tedce rrn i wat course shtouldl be pur- Pork... repreiunthed uterst cf the Baik. Bettes Tokey were ail morthless or h'ul absconde, exs Docks. ceipting upon eue note of 01,000 - thtat tle Ducks. fiin of ilettes A iloiden were also insol. Wo. vtttat ail the partnership assets at Sheepa munts whîihsd to, sisfy jrdg t A Rlochiester against the frta, uha t ud A TL" eb reuîîstues (le ofer lhe had made, El 'rl his equity' of redetnption iucertin reai poe o <tate onrigagst h B a maste bet IMPO nil.ed te come hecre atnd enquire into the F you ar fefair a e c& 'io snd here com- or Ertatioi ef what wouldl appea by tît evdne e nrlr la bee a gigantic fraud thlat Bettes, by the aid JOateOd.) cf bis brothar William snd other aucruber, u~ (ho Bsk. attlepe to perpetrate Glad Ne~ ° °ndMr.Hodentobe an upright, E1.LS inibility; (t thel ia of Betes. i& ilden bad been dissolvedl abouta tish sexua <xc previonaly, tioldeni having itha °" Penia (J fromn the business; that rejegtu ad. Droisuv Gni cver been recovered againat namsd UN< daie that they badl ailways had plenty' of asets he itiedl ui tmet teir labiltia l. was likewise ~ ,,, 10,1.(.Bttes tratnsf'rred toWlla itiat il/r Bettes all iTris property ait Charlottewhuich, aixd imun< accoribnig te lloidlen's evidence, was theu prou, io ~ worth about $80,000, snd 8i50,000 foo c 10 J.Br lumber at Oiswegn, ichi nas morb st 1 .Ba t that timie about $,000. for the nominal Dae,> considerat ion of $20,0<00. l niMg fus & *. wt prpety ilim gare a bond te id-muni of'the fihm dett, but there woe ebMO E due te the firma equal to thec debts ewu by' the firm -except the Asunk deli sudA N' the clam whaich 11. C. Bettes had for the, Druwatîes , raw material furruished to the business 5ii t, in-igi So thtat Wialliam lBetes' purchasse was ".loln unade at 5osper cent en its maarket vakie, re-tore tlt# .bs a n,<lemu but the sequel is tirn ut>î hes. brot liam Betes' agreernent wih J. iIYAN thisE $20,o0 te the Jskub. eo> rr fîrilshed all this valuable property', but »enlern s .0 psy IL CJ. Rettes' wife $5,800, twoe of tNtl l bheir brothers atome $7,000 beiutte in - il. CJ. Iletter' on $1,500, sud to liettes $iisi *,500 cah. So that in the State id ew or ai he ~oPrty b. bad was F o rcq eaastorre te W lBettes te psy ~ 5 udgmîent by' confession te Eyrre, his ,.'.,edonie brother-iu-law, sires everyth ing he hail ter u Tey oni that aide of the Lake. William Bettes uin lualo by tho evideuce of lloldeu, Bluchanan, sud ii Ac. &< Jamnon lia been ceerly' connîected w.ithi ere Uneg D the atempted raad! on (lie part of iga Sndt for brothier, snd it seem a pit tha utice Advi.er, adi cannot speedily'ti beected. ing f ull hf 1. lden ,>eing liable fer notes yoeur drutggî aount.ing to $4,700, calledl upon William u e trono Bettes, uder bis agreement lo psy them, ar, by Ds.. ut f ,t s1tet s m as esu t t >15 Ba nlocia un1 sa h s WhokaleA ur upon thae alowigrou Det esneyOn ATle tes gvldeuchased the inde for s rau.d s t luiuthe a coase moth tenow o artnrs' oe ttes & ilolgod sti. re T allwho ains their partnership character, and tht °§wr he Bankt could niot attach any part of it same, wat s.the p ry of Hl. C. Bettes te psy lisa (onseuttn rivate dta. t.o.a*sud NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. as = GO MONEY TO LOAN. ObN lîrat.lsasa Farm or City proaperty, lu e tiaol * l ai auttn i udo m i, &y I and4 7 -ei'ui aan.l liasit- Appliention pSeS pa to tlhe undlersred. M. B. FAIt tîCe Osa, Feby.,'Mas 40l.a O --- Cbne ple4 tWl¯Demas Barnes & Co, O! iu ot~tfe (Aer,tNem York. Ltnilo 2,l h TO LA DIES. T.w0as0sdo Of thrs aire a reliable- reis4 te restorns0- no awuer fraa east, Ut anayçf>s&gx relat atimode are aafe snd sure and ilii:eaieri a~ ti t@oli (ofe suer o a utold in Boxes contaiinig 60 lillansakat in Cappad aiolt un.bth t cilar." dued evidence, whereîy nie appears wo b. ta D.IIARVEYT'S Private mieia omuer <hereof, la Fee, trc. irota aIl lita- dread to febaaes ;vlt0pare,,gi -any otiser peruch havir.g or Luatctis t os 10n0 ut fo<~v. retn4 tohaveany. title to, ai iterstn u yoe eannot parebasse tiaspîot et aM , on an>' port iimef, la rinirail st,Uuth Rey .a:bbsent l1se. - -onrbere servatton, eon reeel ic (on. Dol- S'rIySlt4y tXac I. Bavas, (tonaalnt tlhyaals;MT SB aYor,~ Iom.uext euolg toe latement of lit. genta, Newo YorktcOgôode Hall Ona aTVB.J ls dte 1 sifor a (e 2. Ita aiseas contendedl that thie cept. iJt*inlynh nc bay the lBank ef thie payment of te apresi, Itf ete an I ien pper, is au acceptauce invaluiable, he>' allego beli fraudaend (bat h t re> l ankt cannot be hecard to attach it, Thè iPaties wli udge determined to sendl the case ul.on retuirinsu el hese peint to the-Getieral Terma. Both ides mr ably' repjresetd-b~ M1eaars .1 dy Wtll 'ainfrth & Durand for the. Bau of Uon- hese lega1 .itqlonr was ble pleeg A 'Gentien f fo.tensic equence, Thtis case came (o ere i wih ea preparaien iad maeli mÚllloi U * afau dets i, sud (lbe evidoes s to * free toallyla ~hemes, the representations of the 16brnakg eir circomasanceas-snd "iumash> W5 ense., as dillgentlyfolloered up ins llIta - Iwindig courses, withs devotion te the ~ terests of thie Batik that cstn'nat be top e.t çbyrecommaended, --~. u QCndian gentlemen. speakt ln th. ghst termis of our legal .tribunals, and # e*supoerri of ourjaries in particolar 6.. Sraîwou 7faS.lr-DZÀArasi r »ox D Uttite ~b buo rIsaac Seena ' orth aê NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. ST. PATRIOK1B ~OI .i.trick' society' f Ottr mil ho iao Royal H OTE L,WHIT3Y ON PRDT Xarch~ 2nd, 188g, At liaf-pat 7 e'cloek, for the parpose etoeet- ln fu--ra for tlhe eusuhiag ya, tha mode oft eoebrxoig tha forîthoung A dîelîrsary. &e. ittax- nI lie deotoadante ef Irsitshmn M. O'DON<iVAN, 7f. G L~kYoLwscretar>y.' Penti. g Fnahem tNo a fLot . BS s-ofvhich are itudler a got!od t fest. <raion, paessessioni on thie lai et April neat, Fsr farther prticaulsrs, apply to, - -î • WillTEtDE, l'ickîering IIart,.r, as, 7tha,UCSn. :fra FRNCIS KELLER Reprements tii. follwug Dw ol- wn Com1>azieB TH LIVERPOOL, AI<O LONDON AND) Oe Q3E T1 EDINBUUGH Lr' AN CÂW.SSUR ANCE Ço., CAPI *800,000,. QUTEEN< INStUR ANOE. Po., (LONDON 1MGLAND). VUOV1NCIALt INStUANCE do., (0F CANADA,)> B1ITISII A MERlICA ASSURANCE C., (0F T ORONTO,) WISSTERN INSURP ANCE C0MP [09' flGLA p ACCIDENTA L DE AT H INSURLANCE Co., [ENGDALND )] SCL4AIMIS P4&9 *1,2GO,Oog. ALSO AG ENT FOR T11E PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Totantoj tW"' Ail classes of proerty insuredl on reasonabie (ermns. Aise, Money Loaned ou Rteal est-aie. P>rospectuisos and full information givetn freely onu applicalon. AIso agent lfor Provmetail Telegr'aph Ceompjany. pp.ANcî KELERPostmnaster, Oshawa O, W. Besa) Canada !'Weed Sîpits ony $11 00, worthb do. C'eats oui> 6 50, worth do. Pants oni>y . 3 00, worth 4 0 0 y ao r s , d o . O 0 e t 1000 yards plain and fpe> Flannels froni 30c. 100 'ioces arytnd! Whît -Cottous at less than Whla Pice. Our Stock of General Gr:oceries are very complete, and Will be sold at Wholesaloie . 40 bariola No. 1, Round e-Irrings only *5 50. Our termsa aro STRICTLY CASH, and ne credit. NOTICE -Al parties tndebted to us are Tespectfully request- ed te mtake immediato payment, ethierwise lhefr accounta wiii he placcd or collection. SH. McMILLAN & Co. ~ ~ -- 815 00. 9- 00. 4 00. te 60e I. JZLL Sheryitns iclr e c'w Lsa erdu a an > ~-u ftinWr h cu ts e coa'ciFîa,- CHEA STfOVES ! terming tPucased ppus to the aLJtO rej~ m iron, they arc de- .emotioglie tiie pubie (it. - It mlil cost yoaunothing to givo (hem a catl, and cgamîng ti etr stock, iriiechi l arge sud mell assortc, A fewr FIRST PRIZE N~ n l~(.The Stov.a Fnrniture is all madle Qi. the premises sudWaiantd ~ gie satisfaction otra heavy' Titi, Copper Bottemed Cor-dood, Oid Iron~ ud Parmer Pdçe taken ir, exchange. Alarge stock cf To be disposeç of at very low lgüreg Per Gallu,-Étrity cazb OConsult your "pockets," and ire ubff a(1. Patent Steve Pipe Datapa ou baud, (ie.having purchesed (he rtgt, put-'? centa aci, or four for $2 80. [g"- Above ail tinug, don't forgettbe spot Er NO. 4, BROOK STREET, WHiUTBY. CASH PAlID FOR SHE'EPSKINS. IIATCHI & BROTHER We beg t o inor our Custo r an h pubhjo general, that we have comn enced andi will continue for tWO Wee<s teoffr the whole of our present Stock at COS', inu order to miake a clearance preparatory to stock-taking. We offer 3tinense bargaing in R~EADY-MA DE OLOTHING dota, Kely AI sutd lia uli t eeNrth-cant p de or txu- Radii ir acrwesd b ltorkouaî o che-Nort ar uîdw SouCtnth. alves o i L o r u ex- pks planteard htou t e rtnd-ext anigle cf tha Wlib sdLk iluroalodhen c ag sthe ssd sr d or x e l u nt lacoe te eiaa ttx n m wr m tîtne ut hx Oi Northyiiî ble cha laad <lient en n sai li no reti °chaas su txirtyia antraaeit °u~ lit nteLSONi î G. iida~ REYNoLDrlx sevcet-aix oga-cs thii> erifftc, W. o. steerou îc b risa u ar soath,.$a. llis t- A E8hI GE. REAMILDI6 Seeila Oit, aer otÎ-e Wlxî,y ebsr Of, 8 0 nuin- bIEr fiftee, in the thr -a- 5 etrmLoi Ne. , ina lot conces. 'tll aleun 8 'arase5O ona sudleao i Lwue 8thls U eco eession o Debgîl eUslt(l rato qulity'. trrjertlan, apply' to, tm s tfl AMES E. GQEN fhiop * "li ARSELG11 AN lisand a eopof w sand mains thea P.bi~ary. j a noth(ling. TO COA a, uaus, by' <IION. egge Whitby Margeta' Witby, Febi., 2?, 1868. het,....,, ...1.20 s i 35 ........ .... 30ets. .....,.,, ... 45cta. e.,...,. , 30cta. ........ ....... a luse ' ...,.......40 a50e ns........ 30c per pair. ............ $7 a$7 30, a............... 60e. a 75c. ... ........ 40. ... .. . .... 20c. ... ......... *2.50 te *3. kina.......50c te $1.25., GOOD THLING b : En su l u actffr aIl pur-. RLTANT NOTICE. e troiibled wIthî l-aal.schte Dazi- n nxlio.ne hood laie.u sI fOr thoe UNFORTUNATE. Specille l'illestae marranted lcasea r the seei sud 'osaai' ai ilise arnlaerfrin a., Nigîy Erinisatot, and Sensual enitali, by'eal sud Nenouns De. cfli t i5'aOSy ent sic eu dbout datîont. Each blox conttaina °rsŽ ,atrI<tli, Ife u nc get ey set-e uliilti Inatractions. 'blet of 1oo pagre on lthe e ra c con-equa~encea sud roeme<ly st xi. raj airaI for 4otae. AaIdress Con 'etnîttlog I yslelsan. a. 442 Ilroadlway, Nem Y'ork. *i a spiid b> IliD n, lRar" 'ALUADBLE TIgAN SIOLDI t Lfa Pillatarlfy (lie blood, re.- .L'mpl<sant Drasnu' I ~eation,, ileansie the Stenmaci snd re inem life. in the detl.iated sud -tet to perfect hieslth. T<ry them V tionsult(ng h'lîvlaisn 4at Brosd- i , il bssentty Jamio BitM deesdj st lie ie of la deatht, la theo lxatds'ot Iltam Blair m4ainis- cd, ut <ti <lnaec lxm,xuil-Ie iei.c. txate, te be adinisteredt- The literest cf James Blii deeused uttx Soti-ilfo°LNixaa 4et"W, i Fint et çuso c te aux'ub-îib- cAu s Viaent fnbo M'iiidrdxt dont.<,- i a' tinot!u Vlxg i Defendnut Sheri s Sale 0 Í&nds.

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