Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1866, p. 3

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t.b1m 4aVUs80 utaiatable,, *ouid Lbave bfflj,%Uazpied .' Il gays if 1rhad 0Gui Ma im atemeuîs (si ptgunî wiîh - for*aiaUtin,>atýeui,,1y, I aboula baie séen he referma ita Jeaers, -stalarie. ou1y, bhut ali(or me p,1" Jundersta"dj, i a Io say th" the .cent for eouttugeeei4b ,U&Ild Dlot aller the ratio, sud tbrough aucho a blpûù!q' su&mmd. b smertadr ebattisement. And thon Iif I would fornlîli th ia. aucfornome of the bout seholara attems4lng John St., (dehooi. - Who were aseunt, ,'" sysi 'ilght malte a point, but that 1 bue* 80se 'eu <at al the ache- Ja r e OpreutheneS'o much wriggling about age, ourage, &u. Unlke hM 1 have Do buewledg, of iuakiug or srorkiog point., but ai i roqtest and' for bis information, 1 herevith give t11w pameji, for ,ohu St., acoel. Maisld&,Fbz, sud Soiena Fox, there 'wre alise ue or more ai !Anderson Street, Who" __q&m.e that Teacher couid girelitbese s'-ees. ibglest and besi cholurs, and Jid bot itt"neai iîpçamination for Or. Sehool j3eoarsip, andi r bog the liberty of my friend 111.1l' to aIiow me ta Say that il swu well for lb. stehnol, ho appears <o be more particularly 1xter'e,îed lnthet îhey di& net, nots'ittiinuing one of thoe andidate&-front Hlery St., meicolbeittg a youth, Who bad .,!~eedfor somo lime e Clerk ini a grocery store, and s'as admitîr'd frie ochool egain, a short tme. before thse taminatjoua, andi aftpr eblâàtuing te slr r edii, tl. tIle flios' Lad coutage -enongli Iomediatttly gfter t o illet fLr a old,*r, and go awsy to the ftoniier, aud flnaily over foto the gt#teoa, aking the medai wi, hlm wbich b. yer lbuld-s eonrary b Io e. And nos' a4 ta the indications ofiubricity of niemoryý in <ny wbole ciimmuuie îions) ahieli "IV' visyit 0 w utpardonia¶î,., 1I>og te reeind hlm that aIîhoughlm i moy have ne heu.. 1OKluinmaking udertions traim bis own piant tnemory, 1 lprefer coivîulting beîter autberity, sud, sthe rellorts isauod et dlYerenit limùes ty the Boîi cof Schooi Trus#tOCI, and ilu the-very Iengthy on. re- ferýIcg. te tue prouoedýng& cf the united floiardP, onrithe questlion of union, lu 1862, -thi iela otlng tu tshow tha% auj argument wu adduedin its faveur by tiote mem- bers tbsî ho meulions, and tiîuugh tome of tho clauxsci àareport drawn op LY the comnitve.wu usnctiotied, jet wbeu the final motion s'as put, the purport cf which wui show thaa union uns net tben deàirabie, it s'as csrried withcut a issent- Ing velce, sure one,itat oeu ucr tmunh rilspeted tewnsuusn, Mr. 'ruser, 'wLo 1 beîteye fa yitî a merqber of tbe B3oard. Novw Sir, it ll rery probable that "Il,fi b7 hi& Lietrz7 prôoiîunin azy hbesspirieig le one or hs peculitir kind cf tutdula IJILI hooUndvesans thie Teacifer&' nswociA.,. ciation viii bure lor distribution, -Ra,, lu tet'cýiUrlgù wuld just S, Ytiat I bave nc- fuch preteiNsions, and cotsequuutly wili eknu furihor indulgence, (tom jeu, s'iîh Siturday, Feb. 17tL, 1866. fln Cootîsail cf the Corportiul tmc Pickerng melu inthe loti l. ai*Me- ties &Ia»lpreseRnt. ,DWaiae4 cf lait meetinag read ani ppruu. he liteevie reud -the report of thme audit. M ;ijrit aces luit Ile oertaI lcuui sutîIlle luii<ip'cily cflPic'kerinîg s foutb t isa I-t au, preiiuteraln let tl audiiors rpotf r tItie.yeut 1866, bu and1 Ille tun a ro Ite rlts>.finati>. ilted iaudJ aloe.d tby Ibis canîn4cil. Carurtuol. j -'Te4couttil restsuuculin C tumitte e of' <Le whiole oua the motion of Mr. Veir-, fur liaitimg tise itiabrw îevorti, and ,lai jiceaea. Mr. 11asýbLh in hie chair. The Veuaauitt e-c.t the whole roi s ad reporto4 iLîtifollowing tr.uutmiou, rie j Tbisi u lb opinion cf thbe Commitîce il la luerpedienit t lim tishe nesober uft aiemua is tbe iuwný'ii1,(jf Piclarietg nt thc presenth ,Report recetutsd sud udopteti. - -Mr. lelilad, peaooaîed theo Petitio cf James Ged4ëes, aîtd uti"shor, îrayroa th. Coypeil ià itlie -bouairitsof Sebool oectiLtueo. 1 br siid P, cf thiti townasip.-. Mmr.lVvir, utasytas tisaitthe pbtilicn :of GeorglXtt>al atI cîarli a gr-aîiîot hl alios'ing thie sutu-af (DOgis. per yackunotil1 th. grg of .Juge, apoi tai.Jcba Itacnats h. 7 oitited to esapauc the same. cant4ed lr. altàrs4 gîrea notice that 4ie ilI, -1 a& tise nert meeting eof thae Cenmwisnoe for leaur ta introdusqi a by-law te lemter the limite or $choisections Na. 5,-nd 9,1 by talcjug the nerîhbLalf of lot Neý. 0, andi the nortb quart( ' r cfloi Ne.109 lu the 4th coempion, (rm C1W@l sction No, &, and anneoxwstLe is>tu t eioàseetionu No. 9., Mfr. Blallartd, MeVia ufr leare te lire- T las' te appoint townsip elllcors .Cargird. ýy-l«W varenth e frst limse. tcUrighit, -îoves tihat tise Reoe g or4er ttro Tremer yi4 AVe? 1). M Place, ni r, Foiiamîonfer cf $6 each beiug tise amount due sudiiers cf tisa accetnts oftt loji -for #lIseu r1845, and alo 3 tmsteegos seel seetioq Ne. çi aurapu of 2 1 i being nou.esidenuî ýxi due saitl sectigits for ti ejaut ýaiglit, gites ntie tisai.-Lo v.lia,l mueeting of te Ceuneil, inroduce for tise eloaiing cf thse sida roada lots 12, andi 13, le the 4tL and mis o f tis tshlulip, an ti'sai r tie lOve1sr 6àlicesl bý the pl$mng foutishe Sauts payig the tCeg4,morcd tisat tub* euil 4jeusrt and d4ia >ajoumedt itii tise 24Tt deyor lurck oexl, i ~ ~ ~ F Fs M ÂA" rF ix as I lv u l' ......I - imoed 1 :1y he Police. Ooumalio ,erq luit nigbi, prohibiting the bêldlàgŽgsl theàc fair sud bsazr iluaid ot the familles or îLes Stite prisoners, wbh s'wua ulioun«d> for te uigbt. A. concert auuouuneeGfor te mnorpew salhi, for J.bea1n, pturpos., la. slio probjbiwid. ý,The Coulstjssougtiétale that Ihejlbare received ,intorttatilei itbati the' sueblufia are lnteeded 1for the pu2ýpose cf £sseînbiing a number of perspas engaged in treasonabie practlues, audý, that sueh meetings, if perititîedpare iikply o. danger the public peauq.. YULE-At WhI ty, -on TUeua, Itse' inst.0 the vi(e of gr. Cqeorgo Yole, ef a son. FLAbeSBUI I - JOH14817ON Ai the f Uxbmulge Ilouse,' IlJbridgeo, (In- nauds^,)'Oh V'aentlnes dsi, by the Rer. Mr. aithion, Mr, Herbert M. PJusburgh, of Georgius, to Mis& Elizabeth Jelanaton, of Uxbridgo Tomnehip. - EEI-on the ISîL luit., by the Roi. Mr. Gibsen, st the bouse cf the bridela Father, Mr. George Blanchard, cf Scott, 1e Mary Jane, oldeut oaugbîer of Mr. Nicholas Dewer, of thse l2th con.> o0f Reaeh. SPE CIAI., NOTIC. very I>ctt rexuetit > 0< stli uao. TRY IT.. 01,Paliîior ('rill.1,lu Othelitrsmnrti O muitet,,NortrtorNî tou.cin' -Ild I)v ail JrLiet& in 1tj'o 19 aom idtIe'.opi j i-, à»tîîg A ,e ,t- !iu4K Ivu,tswtt arpz sitjattad rorn e'îiel- Whitby, FîeWi., 21, 1806. rai l îeiat . ..$1.20 a l 35 Sprng ......~.,..~$1*.5. a 1,12 lt.stt............55:C a f6e. lIaes............. 8,00 er t Buter............... 4cia 18 Altee........b 0 ats0 liuy...........30e perpir0. ..t.er..............1e.a $ Appies ................0 .a 1c. vIe, .. .......... 0c. Tuekea........6 .a7e Wood,................ $2 30 in $3. Sheecp ain.......b c10$.?P A GOOD rP'.UHtNC - %J ~ ts. W iostir ( Ji-maîwn. suni.a triej ht arf, 5eluteà ii,., <fll S.nis, lu- f1i iii 4ir S-ire E at-, cuit li tucf o (r a pr-s t"r w :h i Oint t 4uentiî s uti. ENI PORTT4I.Ç'NQTIWEO I~ ~ ~~ , uîar<liî -îuUtI i Ji nJî. i pi Kr e,gt -es.1 he ~'ýki ila 0ur,. h.00 i.nlti td Ii i lled.r Vo4,it ?)ný Lai 1c, Sa bny Glad.Ncûws fur the U, NFOILTIJNÂTE. 1: I iTlSSîr1 Pis are wmrrunrol it #u tIl , ffor d<. b- -, y andi i'*ruuisî.et 'utu i4fRs&'. tt4a..e *a rialug t ffm lIwit î-uuti etîtt4si, ttuy r-Yand rsats 1v5<,. tandt a uO fj OîrugrLv onstf firq ôatli %t stb u .sleut., i t ttg naîv gent Pestnlerpun lie utopptiedt ty Di)cnim, arns & Co., W lîaetsle Agaunuit., New Yôrl4. 11RE 1VALTIJA13LZ TnANI OLD;.: l'y EAN'$ Lite Pt'41 Jriry the btod, re- Wsight ltiudigutun, cleansO Otheti Siomuscli sud' %i3îtî,titoere, 00-W 11ii(i lte iet4liiatid sud etir Il sIck gop"ert lientI .Try ttem 1 ttwiaiycoL2'>oît,andtil yon c"sunt fetý theurn al tnur trtagirhut. $seudil n u-unay v o ». J. iiptYÂN. Ccî,,.eifÂingie i 44S 3troai ~wts, 1' il.Box,507,4 u w ho esont y W1eiiv 1 1 AU, -u, 7.elci rk TO LAMlIE&~ 1703. tu~It. ~ remaul lerestoe ti'iL 'Tliuy are ta!.ansuure aad vii matAe statuire eu erery- ce. 'Thcy eaRIuAQX te fi-i out lit aitsu elieor Weaknem.' Wblte4, Pro Ip Aui, ft.S014 l l»e P:s'pnutng 0 pillai rtice onue Dollar. jour tlru$ggist, theuy a-lt b. Cmit 11 ns- lt ajIi iuu, Oeenlî ng 1Pllybl*saan, P. . 1Ikg, 90459. 4-U BruaswtyX. vYork, Doaler supýbleO# by -)em"a ts ce.ý' Whelcsale Agents, New York. - »l H -I Sot. 94 Erondwah X*lf Vork.- ohancèep~unts kopîlun Coin andinu United vlIta cflà t, eci te cekn -g hi. Parti- Nul Coutry IWmubt t Bunkers. iSàoé 9 CredjiSal e MjI. . 08£1,11 IITJBLTTO34, haning dia. posed or ii utersetitite ii.ObWib htiîih hiiby ha% illotrlctd thteuderguesf tu fioli by L'~î-Âtiono ,fTESDAY & -WEDNESDAY, PiEDIiUAItY 27th & 2sth, 1800i. The *Itnieofeth lte l i citbitFuruture, spd ot0 o porty. toltu e î-rircime",a, ttulaing 'eii,&a,& l ic w teuie t 10 atir dusta u stiu81,î stitû ihti foretrc.asiarti duyam iloeLo EVs rI. WVlitby, Fr1,. 20, 18,54. Alist tneer1 Clover Seoed WAN TED). T111; wîie ilts l uittty T.,rstiit p idrusfor bi ttelq trri , t't>lîas-tirir~ite 1 serioi aleliVrrtt luit huflnr itid urovlio; 8tcrop ii- ln*lîs thé ~an lie Wiltby, Vt4.. 2c. '.Mt AT WHITEVALE! T L;T it NUArIy BALL .AND) Strp- lt)11 sat ie- Il3.. Jr 1 ~til1takre Priday eveuing, the 2Srd inist. tlT4toMrlttisuisdWindsoatsQuqoti-tle Baîtti-9 *.u4rulttt'nts-wil mnply I<l uICI. Ticktt-8 1(0Meli.. l'uctie îzîu8 eicck. GtEORGUE CAMJtIttN,rýt, J ftîeere 0i~ 11Ml.X-Al1 U -Ipr Jîr 'î À% oet aIUtK C. 5cMt2L5Lf NMm. b1%Vou'. Dtrtte ittore. W11brid 'ailinlcosud F th e b.osisnU ofuitlý aht4aa l o niI~naetcpâI6. I N P. Co t :13 ' tt t etlnc4 tiimandi Irmpt mtu ) . .erllg r-cou, Mi. .liItu Jh iiaupuLî. .(' lion. tO,iractr-e ~r..M. L.,..31. C. UaiuarsnkxUas.-., ( -ci .s ., AJIItlum xjrniao,%. M. P. M~,3. vt>,esrd. t'4. .tî '.lIlJ ui,, 1, I mnt ,i'v , a N t'. P. P., ý,11à 1 Il V 1ri ... , Wtiîtî . antI ci.i tors 1turrd i îe r, Cmýsitu P/p.4 ýàîtsyi, Auction Sal! --op D t.îM. urge,  tie ur?Çt'hoba. tu-ý vil1~i tthod VI LUG~E OfUX~BIlDGE Saturday, MareL 24th, 1866t' APt opno cllcl, >.tM., 'siloe Lot Number Fft'.,cs îerýiizg toe ilttwl lisu T4 X Mmwtgc wiJI 4>. preo*dp sud li0 tem tW& ateInS'al~e sala - . KN wAn)vERTT1M~NS FRANCIS"i ýKELLE--R, Ropresents the fOllowing well-known co7pais: THE LIy-ERgOOL, AND, LONDON NJ GIOE THIE EDINBURGI1 LIFE'àAND LOAN-ASStTLANC(o-, CAPTL*0o0G QùÉÊ l xlstý~in .Co, (LONDON EN'GLA.ND.) 1MILOVP%4GTAL INSUt~J Y-e,(0 AADA, BitiTISj1 &M IA .SSUR4NCi C(o., PIRE AND MARI-îF>, WESTERN INSUR1ANCE CoMP4NY [op tflNGLAN.j ACO1INU~TL DEATII INSURANCE C. [ENGD.ANDJ ALSO AU EN'Tr PURRIIne Iol VLNCIAL PERMA.Nr11bG&SVN 1$oCji;Ty, [Turontol' .Y7' MIlmes c4 îroîieî1y inssred un rcnasonnabic teriMI. Leaneel on Utai estateW. . roîctsc1(îlIl itiforiaitiesi FRANCIZ KELLtR, PostmgRtoeOsha*ra C. W. Alto, Mono-y MONEY TOl'o OAN ~ftl'~EY te t0id 0< Murigoe - uîiats Wttey m l,1m Farmsfor SaleO L T 4T7o. 5 ute 1 ~ctImsNo"rlà liAg Esii 3mrtaor, i u) saret ,,aIl sats.airuAl, wsh mI-cnit as s i r eI,ýd i tansi, , iî i ypar retui>l, usul Iait twn isr!iw.î u uîe.uîl altitis Township of» Itcaciî .Apuply (lt ty ltl< et tau~ JtIPS Pt IlY, 114lu-4 Oun ~p-iithe PulesI. > For Saleo Lot SI, lu tuai Ncsrt-ls c~ Ire dt got 'd S Lot 4, lit 7..>, $ortlt eutetye diag tsl, Ou> Lot 7, , 1 i L:t O4 ii:11 sra 'llic uIorta are trol'ti ,t. tand v'imlm4blLe the nattr o th terfftt.uiaute thieK In Cliacnceyn.i in to Xatteroto be. vt-halfof ÀAM ii) tonth couooau mioed pro in Tlia sa la Bd r xulsy 1ret tho t eu, la cle- ew e atIr lo, trsuc foni ait ies latia sil i, Irn y taI tee, ta ojit OSGOODE ~HALE- Co flDtoil, -N SATJURDAY.theis 18" nt _____s.'clf.cl, CisITYv O Cmurt lIens., u theO 'rowh nt Wiitby- lit lis. saint r oelnMica. foity cf Outtarto, siti the raiclit, litît And iInter. Torouto, Esqtnm, Ii bch lcW snîaaeîiouuo ilnfouet~iitouer, n 2 in litrph e iicrtre Id ao*jlcim:be a isd tonemaenpto ttent), -Mlasti býý-n nnder itbit taduby el51415Iu SttAiit vis;rt Cit 4 lte said Act thmi STCHIIN ý 11.TIltM',i 'Eib 8i 96ata3, kb Farm to' Let. C tflz.î,;;lPtIiîte iNorîli laisfortot NO. 10 llitit u ittgthet flIe 2 0 1 vVSI!> O1PIrLUItlyCJf 95 Acres tif wîtjaal are î.nidur 1agIltateOtcc etîl e0 ir utherpsntietlars, -îpliî t, ~HURON HOTEL~ Port Whi tby .TO RENr, a vsninaubloAnd enl Il ittesl op lAi, uslio' i ilui tuu i iti iba ia ruedVI dtion lt-t.. ttllsletrai Mu942drI t. ta toek o el ly t, U * *111 i dO lt 4k, teri;,., 7~îtEsu}ii. wislill lase for a terni or slx TsICO-1 01e,F4 DA14TONi Tc i mpreveA5 ilV#-inti. Tbre aitè 1 tr- t"ri M1fenues, suaia gues L' 014 "Id " tLie leht s mp enmslclu sient ' 13*wns.J4MPPtrex, lsud Loto is sud ivo) lit lt4 fus cil Salt*n et Dry f£i Form p.rtliulatw. ppiy 4, - - tri K OJD>N- CHEÂPSTOVE HATCI4 'e' BROTHER Halving Purchased prviusV the late'rise i~n iron, they -are de- termifelîsategire 1the p u bli te1 en t. Tt vili coit yoirettigte'îeîhmaeu -11, examine Ibeir stock, whlc Is s large and ircîl assorted.' A fcw ]?IIIST PRIZE ÇOO~IN &PARLOR STOVES, Nowon band. The Stovse Furniture is allimon the peîe and Wemsan e at sfacsttion, extra lavy Tin, toppcr Bottcmtad. C00wod Ot '?idero ~Peoduce tuken Ir, oxebange. 'A irge stock cf To lie disposed of at .v.ry low figure&. Best Coal ,Oiu, only 00, cents Per, G4%In,-Strîctly. Cash. Consuit, your mpckeO," and give tPaiatralaent Sle.?,,pe Damperatce nà i, '(îhjcY httrng purehaed the rtght,) price 75 Cents eCah, os tour ftur $2 O5 ~. s'sbevc aI!t hingidon'l forgetthe spot. LM NO. 4, BROOK STRET.79WIIITeY. CAS[I PAID FOR SHIEEP.SICINS.. 1-JA.CII BROJJEm GREÂT CLEARIliNG SALE MMILLA& Cos., Ive beg to infbin our-custerners and the publié gcherallye th. e have commenccd andl will continue for two wceks to offr the w oie of our present Stock rit COSTi order to make a'cleowrance reparatory to stock-takiing. Wc offer immense btirgains in IýIEADYiWlflAD)E CLOTING I3est Canadaî Tieed ,iitçtenly 1I -l0, Worthî do. - UOtt oiy O6t50, Worth do. Pnîîtsotiy 3 00: Worth doe. Vests only 1 90, wbttlî 400 ynrals, ie. O 90, Worth 1000..yards llin anci fnney Flainnels fiotu 300. 100 jyeces grey anal, white Cottons est les t the WhoieaIlo Priates. Our Stock of chinerai Grocerites, arc Very cornplete, anid i'i1be Octiut iîo!tialepie4 urci g.1 [ciedIe ionly P 50. Ourterisnro$TICTLY (.ASII, aîmdno ctedt."- NOTICP, -Ail parties irîdebted to- us are respec tfully request-- cd to make itmudloto amLtt tîrjl Icrcut w il bo plhcod 1'ýr T. IL.IMoMILLAN Co GRET CERINGSALEZ t' o ho ltorfl detWn'4-a«ýhort tîne by M.ess 4 00. prto ~JTOAUCTIONEERSi ~NOTGCEtî licaty riçon, t iintmuy -urs .L eruoiug ittucatilnar cf " i iîte,, iin lu ibts uuuy iwitlttaat iviî.g tiutaf,.t contîîy, wll.t e ,o rneod acosirdiug te aw -11, J. MACDONKELL;ý ttrucy Sur the cerpemuatien ni Ontarte Whitby;-Fi'b1, 10, 18Cq. S- KZWOfIMNHU. I3EAVERPT(UN, C. w ALEIC. IIAMILTON, 5 - lroi)ritir Cenîîty etf 0attuîricu ot teatgiveti, tlt 'ro Wit ., .t1 t t of ténp. rtîl Qzrt.r Suesoisntcfor cti , 'itCitnrv, ('oîrt l tI for týi, otty (f 0 ta'..will Ic itostu ait toue . Iloiu,- lbattge 'rc<vn or' Wlîtby, on TUEDA-Y, KACR 13,11866,* At tise tîur of i12 o'ctatk t.in" uitwhieiilt Justices "-1-0tuc 'ato, CimuM't otasitri, itîd aIl othe un casritmi, *wilt fkol'ltie"i, a;nsi gevemu ttauclvestacord ngy. sie .C. 0aai.- Shorl14, omr.. Thr, Publglisu# e7inîl lgirsi oeîiof ilt,$ e gantIý1't'und 1V'olîînts cf &laoet lordr' or tlit Ilgond yJltafet nc/ diClonal éeopy, tO an-y 01 ob îohi11 o -asdrâcW sýanmà for /t/er offlise orale>'.- noted ffagamriue#. ý 1LCIAI "goatti Wur;.tai a!eW-rm-lit îtaclaanad cit lit- Faflteti by Noiuâxtaae ate, D. D.,-One aof Illlnsrated, the.- SUNDA Y MAGAZIN Et' EtIted by itteo.s C-utn,1)..A fl~. tiir ef "lThu Oospel luatcko, tSct ~the,î 15 cenall aponitfli syen-ittutraz; THE ARGOSY, Pobm,Iecd )y Alexu1nder Strrautii & t"î.'int 140 Voter Streýt Motreai. for Se e t al lcek -) mti New trattue.s Itrougliot ILritlt 1 rti - Amucrica.' s tices etibseVriodietîi Club ternis on upplic ption nt 50 É t._Pe Strecti Motmea. à Ivre timùes. 'ni ltîu>vo t cu.QO - C -E, air 1 Or t4) 1. 1 (OF TORON'rOý) 1 IlKfcll &

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