Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1866, p. 4

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.-oàvlclE-.ftat ote tbv er ttry- o .4lo R lto NrrottofýNsttuit Rieti' A ise à hLa i e o Un t~ it not rr d roén a o tb choloist quallty, sud ttmosiVs"#apvh ÉNUOLVENT ACT'O? 1864. Province o0 Cma4 , la iho Oonnty Court Vounty 0( 0,Oil rio of tho Coiaîy of U- To Wtt: ) tari*. In the mater of JAMES ROSS, of thea Vil- logeo f Asirburn, ati Intiolvont. 0 N Wcdhesdey bbc twenty otghbh dey of rJFettrary, nez!., tho ulidorstgnd iii = 1 oth Je otroald Court, for a 4iW 1»awd at Whi:by, on tho OOth day of Do-' -JAMES P.08S, T11P nnderaignotd fililAKIIestuo givoi ( or o utberàaftor va toulixeseu c bIoard). apltothe muid Judge, for Iris dirreharge from tir. Ouoo of Asubig ne.trilra motter, and tiret h I" emeounti or tntbeoon àt hi JAMES JIOLDEN,ý OlglultAstna Offleal Astgu or 01e, Wi.tby, 3th Poo. 1186-5. I8 IÉBMôrVÈNT ACT O? 186. Pwroo o! ciCais, Iu the Conniy court OonrîtjofOnýtsr<lo oithea oun:y of On- 0 W tato. I n thre matter ni' JOSBUIA J0IIN6TIII, on lacIVOUL.. UJTICE la horoirygivon tirs! en tihe ai-on- Igorith dsy et Aprit, nr.xt, at, tee of tiro cok hi the foronoon, or ua soolà itse(iOungqcl eaa b.ciboard, th ir, nrir.rgnod viii ariiiy to tie Jrad eof tire s!!d Court, for a diacharge tando re i.salmcm. Dait et tire Towni o! Whitbl lu tiré Cen.- of Ontario, tiâbievontoeenti àriy o! Jannary D., lois. J IIAJO1INlSTON, 4o4lntire Village of Maxlla, lle Connîy or Victoria. J. IIAMER-GREENWo>OD, .&ttornoy for [Intslv-ot. 2 Nëw, Store MANCIIESTER, l'O SELL OR RAN7. ITUAE»lrrmne!atlu trhé , ilftiraibt S twO.tort fai.bolitrubrg400m1 ivitir »sa t ProAfnt omord by Mr GerAi' #trou#, rorefiant. Wo ILA StEEL flAEI8U.AiToTiqRWys, CoKVEY. ibSmnIlotaie b e autO, 40.,4e Farircu Azasav-.Omczopposito Tovu ro» Pm"a-4anq.-.Big*rv'a Bioe.J UlLÇocua , 1. W.M.UIOOXUXZ. Port Pais-, UltirDeeruler, 18M si5 CANADIA&NITCEI4TIÂ'fL,ý ()M r-"obeon ilone."-Nor t'cet O019. 0. speelal attenrtion glivn to 41......Of tire I c w, orcoao vo aags e xaarro dia., eud tire publie, rirai sie le repredW eoana«Il or. lu faotr hortesi Do- tice.40 Hfoliday Qift4% r umtni to SGents au be lebot. frorn 'ELLERY, &iES JO«NON, 4 tU V W «U "A."MI fn,* B vi Tmm 0F-or 4WARRAN Ii8Ul - bldLb.theTreaurer of tbe c yof naiba -t Augami, ont owad.lobt hwuadiù mauidsxty-6ve, anp .dtloMéti of Urrun àm sumàmmou&0i, upon lb. foliowIngý ~JsâyhtIe lhirtenath -day of February COURT 1oJSIN TIET0,WX7' 0F,,WITBY, procccd bII o ti ,msby Publie Anctioni,.Ot nid I** -sem, .' c mch bteof may b. nccoear ti l. ama~of aucir arrcarm of ds ùmou 0"htagui. b. man4togoîor wIt ai tafulcbagum,. . ogner paid. limem>o~ 3fO~ LO.:pol.~*s '4 I. 2, . varn N. fsr 9, "z,, 19, 19. III, Broen 27, 29, 14'y )a N..3 la3, North & Souih orl. l K.2I.as&m, Win. Lumadon, 15, 11. silver, liS, .U 29, N. 3< 1 9pari VEAUh 18. s~u4-1u où 2 a ' T0WmaBRp 0FOp RA 100,2 r 90fo184 100, le%81900 1 9 10., let[s à 9 0 0 84 100, ' 1t8846 9 50, 1878 V9 ft12 3 10 83940012m84 TOWN8RM P 0FPICKERING- B. F. 2, le lut 89401 284 18m 18e8 62 8 4 me 00 TOWNSW P 1 RAA. 81, Front, 99, M. 7S 900128a 41. ront, 100, "2 7t8 9%0 1 t8 4 1?,~ a,20 18<8960 1 $34 -TOWNS MIIP ?RECU. S, 14, 104, 18518 101 18 4. 104, lSeSO4,11 4 1rOwxsHI P F 00?? TOýWNsHnp Op TRORAR. Elva , 18 ,r ~;or~v K 0, 9, 3<7, 2, Mrddl.ofKJ< 11, 1, 1, 115 lm5 4r M84 57 8960018 4 TOWNS[HIP Or UXBRIDGIL a -- 859 o64 ' 70 M894001824 16 188901 à TOWNSIrnO0P$waUTB. .11 pan",s Plh= Ot Brook"ee 8 188962 4 41 1"9244 64 1859 64* 62 189 684 lit 1a89 0 2 a4 TOWN Op? WUITIIY. CIIEAP FALL& W UI~R 0 OD-S AT ffIROGKL INé aa'-theWb- , RapIff41 Co adacetheV are preparcd to offer at UNPRECEDENTEDLY, LOW FRIC S. Family Groeeries,, a- large stock of Boots and Shoe-sperior quality and ahefWý ÇILIPOTM',INC RÉÈADYnMAD.E%, and madeé to order on the shortest notice in the, Latest Style&. Tweeds, Saiïincts> Flannlels, Unlions, &c., of our own Manufacture, SOLU RETAIL, AT WUOLESALE PRiCES, [ B=oklin, Oct, 4e 1865. MA.TIIEWSONI RATOLIFFE & Co. 30 19a 87. l 104 TMr d;: 8 l. ai 44. o.t6b 171 9M. do. 15 03t. do. 43 50. do. - 96 à& a do. 77. do. do 08. do, Il 79. do. 18 7. do. 171 ai. du. 20 7~. 280 83. i2". îde, a? 71. du. 43 DL. do. 4 11. d. 40. o JVort Wart, Jvo.< of B1r"eai&W..e 806 888 285 100 219 280 Si' 829 541 844 sas e 881 1859,40 i 1860 60 1 a 18811 18"1 60 i 4 1837 s 9 60 1 2 à d 18" 0 Ui 1881 60 1 4 1889 1039 60 1I18 4 Itre 60 i 2384 Nors T arl-.aUae RweeU-nd elle.Pla,-Part lot# 29 and 3O, Cota. 2. 3 M1 8 M4 9118940 t 34 Have now to hand a very extensive Stock of FÂNCI & STÂPJJE DYGOODS, N w MtIIner-y>and'Manties1 IV- IN 'IME LÂTEST -STYLES. OU7R I&VWULlIJS.JVS TclI< 0F RtEADY-MIAD.E CLOTI4INC, SCLOTHING NADE TO ORD)ER, M~ Just reeeived an illimense stock of Frresh PruitW for Christmaf, consiBting of RAISINS ouBIAUTg>, 11GB, PRUNES, ÂTà[ONDSt -CANDIE!> CITON, LEKON à ORANGE -PEEL WI'N'ES A-ND ,-LI'QUO0R 0F THE ]3.EST ýBRANDS. HAIYILTON e cou' No .ad2, TiIBock. BOOTS& ,sHOEýS . ,WIIOLESALE AT TE' OLP EP STORE# TI0 -boMberi; otId antrulne to reùiilers o m aotond Sholhtht they ai l o h é: r roorrerrruded te is-e eti sllretio u t i ricea wteco mrparéi witiî any othbt irbris la thre irai!. EncourageÃ" home enterp riso, rand soud yonr ordos, ani! if ntnp thre prpor Otandafd"fbtütfi tirnt e t, rxpenr.e.-- -f 1TERMS.-Putbuiss urerAOubhufiufrcddàllars cash j ou hh±udied dollarS shd o*fcr, ti i t;nths Bank4blc papeti, Boots and $Ioe etail à ItcUîbb Merle oiotsan'silShoos, ail soltdi saizes, Saune! linod ljuaLt thethiung tot bbc prsuteao ÈJubbcrB arrd C1th tlîRbbervbotmomed Os-eraooe. Also ta band Ladies ied and Ptirucila PumpGsitors, just b thtugn for St,. Andrcw's Ballî g"TFIRMS CAS!! ON PIt1dÈ._&f Juat ta baud Ftfty SidesAShaed lpper, ëf ï auporior qualtty, suitablo for 6ustoni work, aloKip and Culi Sprtuish Solo, Prudings, &C. WhltbYr flocemobor ~O, ~ DIVISION COURS FUR TUE % COUNTY 0F ONTAIRffl Ne.1, Whitit' . . .......eho is!. lCm m, d.i triaa,....... 216 i13t lxr s, rine â: L . i Itî, a ~ lhridg,.. ......l4t If to .....Mai-cii Sd1806f. fi, diaoIloi, rdI l 7 7 Atlericy ...... ai Ni, lr Z. BURNIIAM, WIelii~, Jai.,lOti, ~ J u!ge, C. O. _ Farm for Sale TIth ie fouth iaafooft Ioý22, infirc B i1rtt cou., efthtie Township o f Merit, COUtaiîas-loi>acres, #,,bout 70 aeo e ulcrd, witir a s-ccd lwelîrarg lhotrdau d a rrew frrine bai-ar 30 by 00wit t toblesancad rshed nader rire oui-n. Tire gond wellsoritl ra ,yoturrg bonr- trisi Orclerid. S8taaed about 4 rn s (u ratClae Villageo of Âtiaeriey, auni ses-eu 1ruisfi-ru Orillia. lrarmoiliateo iaerrrrrrienwillire gis-oaa. Tille tnditpntatlt. P. $.-For pu rticunîruars play to B. Oliver, jrorie.torP -M. ut Aauabtrrî, or Rhobert Ure. ODA L oIVERl, 1. il. 49, Aslltiî, 11; 0. G. C. CALDWELL VEMEINARY SuGSiON. BG ES anaI resptetfnll tc laîtîmne to tee oerstry, tiraI ho Ibas crmnoci! epreetice rm thae #&bave lino,,and! ho Iaopeo by strie!. tuo- tiotuf brrslrrcma te lnctit sa bare or publie" patiosingts.-1 1Ors-c-Mifan Street, smulon oeclowr Inlale.Iliote], Ilsikirane. J~~~~~o .fL1-»tLl1W10 L UMBER 3MEILCIIANT, Carpouloer, anrd Julner,Gronrt,MWtritby. A largoqiian. tityof %Il kînida oflurr.bercorratautly orr baud. UrN Df ITAkUCt d. F 'UNEItALSttifllyiitirpl;lîid rend atturled n L lratrrrticî. Colliune kojrt Cutrlfrtty o brarnd. Wlltby, Fub. 5tir, 1862. 1.ly b CALL AND SOU SANDYf..i i l ias tukoriltheI 1rellrnlrlru ines,"lu I Hlirookltu Villngo, mwirelire isill bo s-led toec e ail]miifrionrs. 'lire îrcrrtlc*r eolt fitled np. sud conîventout, urrd tire accommuoda- ti'ia gnnd, s-ar y s-cd, Mmflar u,-tor ho sonsta thre cornfart 0 ni irrtnrniIoru irirusolf, hising beaun lorenutcd ti iiderus well as outsiJd insoo AitSandy'x tnîko 3'trOr rosi, Surrdy'oti lrolâtito benêt, Srerdy'rgjond accrraudrationr (2nr't linboat i n rail ire natinu. Tire nu mororus frmonrdsnofSerrdy-riil, Arneaked tegis-e lta bouse a cuit. -ALEX. PEEIIIE. tirooklî, Dcc. 23, 1868.,150 -THE ROBSÙbe-N HOUSE, <LÂs-T Soxrre'artire -EL,) DUNDAS STRLEET, WIIfITB3Y, C. W. G~EORGE UO«LSON, Proprietor. T llEeubsorlbor iressmrnnounecitâliholian T Ioeno tro bntfltiug fetor kuownlui scniptunrslio ottl, wlrtcbiras bri rno-aod tofribcd,ai! fitto! np tlironghrout, u tire l>oat o! tylo. Tire ponssn iannî i uat4dlplloite tiltlpost Olllc,undln tIre con- Tho tailwîayOmutbni allatisthetie lland tire stages for Uxbridge and-Beaveiter oas-o the door ovqryîarornirg. l3onrd$1 per day. GEORGE IIOBSON. lwCrefhtI hostlorsa usiiv nattendauoe. Wlitby,lMes- 1868. 2C Jus t Reoeiveid I o? 4 98. 1eeid -N.7g Ward-Éuasîof Drmok&See. loi Bauge il 1839 fol188-4 118 1859600128 la m 650 1 24 TOWY OP 'WRTBY. 15 1849 fi m*o MS. ltck A,1 do do A, ,do 40 l, Bloe&KX, Bloc i B do y 'do i 7 e 4 9 18«890, 18893»601 4 99, do. 8 19. do. a 19. do. 818. du. Try 99. "i. 908. 8 84. lj'ailac.'. Pa L oi 27,'Cbus, 14 10 1957SI 0 1 2 -4 * 580. do 8 18900184 502. du. aWsPion PaHla 8, con. i - 4 1I8UIî4 46. do. 8 18il 2 a 4 -18 do. - I 1859611134 18as. do. *FkpFrt~&*I ~1L.' . Fancy-1 2 t. Aîo. ieilma 1 'wo TIIE BUT TtANn North -Ontario. FOR SALE OR TO eLE> 'TillT 1 ., u 0-t tod bflb rarr acreori n a"' r' e ra td lu t iram ni .;a ofkou, oï v, tbtSs 1ys i "0 4 uë '0 11,D t , Ai e 5E&,J IIT Y JOhN 81 À DELL Proror berr ofwirrr, lqrnr dr, rîrîCou roc rr utr.Awt srpîdM usir.r su ib o e d a nrd. tult oe ti i l 5Vb# titb, ant,4 il ý gJuN t e.RL Poito f lUà ru q l tir oe but ti C Couny ofOratrio of tr anduutyfirl. Tu ,ýboit: Çyard. Il. o,, u . iSl b.4. gtJO S-!u Iret o Teru r.t n tt of Ontario, e lle c y o t ruelr rrf In thédmtterofrîlr IAgwn ui4erA.lit !, fuIS l iiEay fJril O'rrE l larb iiIAv ÃŽiMAVhÉE a r I dr esiîcrrrn . 8,k,. ]BROWN & PA1TERSON8'S Agri~uItra1 oeks f AT VIE OLD-WÙIîTnlY FOUNDLY', AGRIbtIltÛRAL IEPLEMENT§i 1VflERIÉWILL DE sLti Cernbined Reperu andt Mofi, Four dleetkînda et Two-horise ,Wheel Oçi!.iîtoïd ;STRAW .&1gD FEED CUTTTERS, GIANT GRAIN CIlUguERS, SctcAmerican & Canadian 1>oughSf, Or Variions moas and syles; Steel ?lo'Ws and Steel Point.s, DITCIIING PLOWs, 'W'FANNING MILLS, Sonfllora",Corrr errd poitag(?Utulci,,..e 1 . lrouto ý ý-, ý ý , ý- " r ýnetýe and tlre C Notarto,, Mt±. C. , plyylat tir South ir lat> in! Oi"nec-In ge. ntnartan l13 Sce-lio

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