Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1866, p. 2

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- s axpaudîl bus beau à be.. é1M bebyol tadt.Servi. Siateapttof ltLceÃŽitba a'ld.$xipeudibares of lise WhIiy ase &a904 g -ai,10r tisae year 85 GjO1iW*iýsI r. 'W expediurs ior'Hovse1 1'mikok,467 dryssnt$1 ...$94 00 1 Nieu laiser forer Syss... 289 801 &èreaulug 1107* yards parvai i9jcords sbto,.-.1. . Broeaklin do........... 5 50 Nqw toil at Nol... .~.=.. 0 McesuuaropsorsPrittisB5 Vlate Kspr. atit....... 5W7OF ilalaui6 od baud....... 0,0 ltiyttis iromtGala No. t for. tIse yaar. -....Ï... ... ..$18706J1 BY rturn iront Gale Nu. 2, for tiso year.,.. 1............ 4 48 <55 ily rtatrn frons OaLe No. 3, for D'rturas froînGate No. 4 o the year.............. 936 04fr ,Mr, Fairbanks reporteil froua the stand. lug cemmitte, dishonda aasd BrÃŽd&cm us ,£bai lhey Lave examine! tise report et j. W.' Gamble, commsjsiolomscs for xpend-' in g o uay lickeeping in Te ' ir Seug g bridge. on! tbasy flîs! liuttis a aouaicf 0 8,7 ~endedisylim uo sgai! bridge lu 1$64 s&D 1865, lfaitiin tisasamiout atîserlze by-tise report of tiose t*aditsg committtea, adopla! 25tis June, 1861, ýo b. expended yearly sspom5 nid bfijgc. l. ,!1,!catn àMr. tinbie, fore salary of ,0 ,gsr, as sucis coluîlssaenasr, bas grantel a ; 'sudtitheS sosMo$8(0, baing1 for salsry aIt tsai rate, frDintuhie tinîc ai hisaappolnmentltoic ral dhyof Janu. - fil7 sig,, bcs pl! hlm. The coussuleea frtdier report liait tisey Lava examine! relative te tise axpasditure tapon tise Narovi Bridge, an!d eulal va- commend Ibaltistheioving ameaus- bing tisa proportion payable by titis (Otuuty bc. psd!-IL1. X ."Ba y'a ""as. en la.itucea.,12;Wilcy &McPhcc, $27,52, ColiugsVoal HavIs,$30,37i. Tisle nmitte brlrsg uder lise notice ut tisas (aunci tisasclait seltaup iy tise Uuueil o1 Lie Couuty cf Situcoe, te' tisa bsouse au! lob oeccnpled by tise caretaker of the NurrvovaiBridge, iÊthîc bas here- tore been couse'idar ctha ie joint pro- 'perty ofl l iselre counthis. ain! tbey ve- -coesnd Lissitise County Engîlser takas tise uecewiry investigation as te thse cdim 'sel op by lise Ceunty of Simce tisereto, su.! réport thseucon attise nuxi session of tise ondI. rhis. çOmusttem racommela!tisai By -liv à22 of lise owasaisp ofI Wihiy, an! By. fiv 224 elthle towansip of Pickerinag bc Thé cammiltee Laviug tlioan mb ôcon- sideralionth Ue pettion of* W. Aliseu sud etbai's, votai! recousmena tisaItth ison- Isissionersa appointe! te.axpera tise sumu aif $2000 oun scoeaSt., b. lustvucted le thpea!issus or $800 oethLe unappro- ral!baîsna, eusntisai part cf Sirncec St. - . nots of liorm4. Tii. commiteo beîii'ns. tisai hd câna- qttaspbimssoaf tie mack rivesr vigassholdi iseproceued! vtis, witi s alittla ýdelay as possible, and - ia ivkavii$un. neesary hugatiou ati tie Connsucai of, Yorkand eel;or*C*mmitla. tsareûf lot' tise urposa ef sri-anglug' tise term nisd cni ns upea -whicb tiesal! bridge *issll b e ilît, and tise proportion Lisreef to b. paid by tisa United Cotastes ofYavk sud Pol; sud! thaLthtie IVarden,,tisa cLair- zonof the lsam;.ittce on Riods an! -PMaigee4 sud tlsq C<jeunayEalaer farta lis concluson ise cmmiltîe autisorixa lise pîssasiase isy tise Coulty Lugineer, ai &51-& ck.crevscbtseaLi dtildge aI a cost"oboxceeding W( < sad tist the Iloaity Treasourer ha '.sthoiusd te puy'the &&me ou the order ofitLe lJoosty Er.$sucor. On motiou tisa Couanéilventl mb cem. "'mille. thereen, Ms.,(Guy lu tLe chair. 'Me, .Wite, iu relation tota apart ef * tise report-recomeudlngà slay ta Mr. Osauble, remarie! upo thisastrangenesa et appohutiasg an aslaer vitisout ,taauiug -'lais salry-in fat letying lins la ô,nause the "aalary Mimset Tise sar>',,Ieo urqed, .'doti ard'eA iltenela ther tise nso dihtUcuiiy vaulai aise. ITtvas ut âOtanga e'CLan g stise tarais ethîe by-law -or ibi ppeiai appropriation ander h lis an 9wytie report vas iimpyIn iatise nature of& direction lu carrying coi lia by-itîv. fr. %igbt ueutIona! ta ILre vws àvîr àd i3A c-.Isaof rsmail ea n Prine 'suW« rSereceo) the taenes réistIng10 Lhe csonstruîct4oot eiebridge acrfsa tisa Ëlaîstli vcr, Mr. F1airbanks wélt, ullo the, Llalovy oethîe dfferent By-law&n 1 SI iy ths County lonail frea tth m e SU for tise building of Uithe Wd, * sug- geita! tissaadoption <d t l aSe la bise report reatlng 10 tbiî mattr, saste ily satlsfactory vaY e arns lu ý t5 Inis Ou motion et11. P1Fraisisiki, ,eouded by M. Kennedy, Lhb f1-pbrt *as thIsu Mi. rydesi brongst ap bise iêpdt of te standing comtsstiea on Educailogn, sud do' motion bthe Cooneil veut iaoconi- ushîlea Ibaron-Mr, Fairbanko Ift- tbe, chair. Tise report sated. TisaI ln -coqueuce of t6 p ~aüsagaet tise nev <(,rsmuat. Sol! w, ih became hutéitibeut upe tise Cauty Cousicil tas 64,point tira. blîsabee for eicb GrâmalsSSt Scisool locae! lu auy lucarporated tbvu or village wthlntLe Oounny. That lise comsttee baviug couferra! vwitli the represntîves ci tise lova ai Wiltby an! tise 'Village ai Osiawa lu rtferesaco le tise malter recommended is Trustuas lie folioWing gentlemen. fir tise Grammar Scisool lun Whltby - G. H. )nlrbuell, im%, Dr. M. W. Clark, aud Dr. Turker. Pmor lise Grammtur Scisoal et Osisava, W. T Libs, W. D. Michael, and S. 1B. FaIrbaks, Esqva. To 0111 tise vacancies anuually occurriusg su the haoard of Trusoaf eaicb aitIse re- mainiug Grammar Scisools Lise cousmitteas rrcommen tisait e appeinîmanta b. malie as follows: For tisaý Grsmmssr Sciseol in Uxbrid;., Ira 0. Crosby, ý J. L. Margsmrisq fW tie Grarumar Sçlaook la întila, Mal- coIns Gillemut ianarAngiisW5nsrith. euPAl.MMdlll6 for fer cononsitbolMIB prescrit yea- Townasip of Whitby-ReoV. K..Maclen. nan.- lýownaahip of Eal Wlitby-Rcv.-Dr. Thior mon. Pickrig-llev. ..Baird. Re, eh sad Scagog-Jamea fBaird, Esq. Brock-F. Oakicy, M. D. Uxbridge-rRev. J- B. Dovlsug. Scist-ltcv. Wm. CilIaud. Torai - Peter Davidm, Fmq., M. D. Mura aud Ramna-Bey. J. Micisel. The cemuiite lin! upon cxamîuastiert of Usas Grammar Sciseol sa, 29, Vic. Cap. 23. Sec.6. thal no (iranmm r Seiool vill ai ba enlilled te receive 5117 jportion ai tisa Grammar Scbool lunl, tuleua s ut shalho bprevida! ironilocl'«sourcea oqual bo bal tis uru apporlioned ta suci scisool -huas lesviuag it optioanal viitisahCotnty' Council, ta provide tLe uoemaavy inds for catch (Iranmar Sobool in tie GVuuîy., Tise é<ansatuittine l thait tey cannai vo- coussucu!that tise aboe. meutioued sumos b. provided iy an equtai asaîssuunupon lise wboie coultyislein; au ey do tIsa tise provision afiti more propevly Le. longs to those municipalitislvs inigtise scisool is locale!, and .uhici consequently respa Utis greater amoînît cf adranlage froua il. [n regard le tise couunicaiion of 5Mr. McG&un, sali-lufor aid osards iasheado. catie of dcàl sud(dunsb piail; the sm- niittee findihg tsat ne o p11 Lad beaculen frous Ibis 6<ouny, 'ina ceora<ne 'vtiti s fermer report, reoonuend tistai srésolis- lion be passe! grauti gtIse 'oi e f4.0 fur' tilai purpose ;-tsbe!tng tise asunt intended toe gbe rn bto ssatinstiution, :1 a pupil vere saut. CaplaluRua. opposed tisa report.Tise racoumaundatiena init î,bcsaid, of trotteas for Use gramusar sobool ef IV itliby, vasa no iu acordauce vitiste ls iaes ortiseo represantatives of tus tôvu.l He, as anc of thse represiutatîvcs of tisai bau, vau oppose!teta ipoi ni a W cfts gentlemen ususedMr.. Dartrsall, sud Dr. Clark, ad Lei iived tuasa majority of the towvu td !net vasai. IL...gentlemon alecla!; beeaus.tb.y.verwih ia msjoriy .a-o tisacommen çisaql isos#d, d6terine! le nite the ecous ou as!gnmar âsools. The qusestion'ofaui 'n t Isai hot puma betoro tise rsate OYN or *at U sade ,so test si these vcanteleitq f t'saoubers of taeCommea Sciiool BoetBis objeci vas tb have Trostees appointe! vise were net prajudiceal la favor otsauion or 7attberviaa. He,, imsaIt as rsjsy te go tr a*union visen il vs ruaievaud visatisertihe qnaliitY .,cf, tLe o&cktion nov impariea wonid b. usp ocr lise 1expaescurtaslad by biidoing so. Csp- tain ifova axpressel o iabiglarapot,ý persoualiy., for use gentlemaen naine!, aud IEdocation, sad alticugh hha ilved'ai' s to rolain Lis services, so, sdvantageoua Lad tisose arvie alvayi prawed b,> Uta (Irmnoar Sclspol. Mr. DrvLpe.U isa4 b j et he Graunmar3cipA~%e knovledie of teffis, hLe vtise Id laces-y repectcaspable an! Weiliq ho fi the omlte sslletriliy au! 111'e b. the -dsaty of the cosunil tc pointlacus. Te adopi bise cou" teddfor sy thte teere ofcite tc Witisy vaul!, Lo balae!, b.ops- cof (»Justice'ta IL. people cf thes I avel as ta tise Truistmais Iel teý agre Lafare tLe union canld,1 Itùsmate!, an! co.rwslyllýis ei Canucil appointe! Lires gent'lée vere knnto ie hiostile -taeh use>' avauid net b.actingugitly. avere nine otiser Usuembers, basia ithae biseapipolftilbay tise éooni It- ia. onîy fiais- la hlieve tisa vol!, aitisbe sciool board# rail opinions Of a às.jerity -of lic eletadîtheus le6offce. 'Afuer hoese t-ier discussion 4 Rtovrs amenuIsent vas paît sud1 ovn biaig tise ony vote in laver4 sbsnUent Mî;-Dv,-deuliastroi liy-iaav onde! upon Use report, a ing local suparinlandaul', &c., avant hbrougli ailtishe readitgusud MtJanla Kénody~dFairbanks spocial commttee to maie asranI for atrip tisroaagistisa county1 (oasr.ciî an! tise cotnty officiais, a suitable tuimoloe athe Juna Mr. Pervy dvreil upon tise good o1 sucis a trip, iu mkinglb.hep" liteS ot tise Uouty acquinted ç extenu nud rasourceit, sud soarr boetter concuiones aWhsu.equalizil assessment rols ofthlie diffeseut i palities iai tse Juesesion Inrs isuniarouaspeeChhob. ibetche out gramma-brvuifastug wvus tisey Resaisira tise meringloncisingaitl puty-reevc oft(bat Leansip,diain;'i raera etflJxbri!getaking tesailis lsrdeu (Uv. Cool!,> supping v Nelson, tic reevu ofiScott; thons~ N laverton, msinîg a raid upen M. for tisa recve ci Tisai-, as!dAUt as grand ruas upara tise eeveofol M Raima avio wus 10be put apn b tic tpon tise occuaier. Of col lai! -in tis vii'tisaee seWC liegtansu! siail ovents is "pro vas not to¶ave tise trip at tise of tise cauniy, Lut evevy *One bivis iSsubae. Captiair. Boive, ani! mci prapased -tisatianàstucis as tise ti te ie attise expénie fai e rase dapotias, as tliey veut lang tise Caauly, it tusaglal bcjust sasia tisa dcputy.reeto of se tdivnof le isegin té tisetes!reansd Il fer is ct*u ptrt lafiras irillihg a y t r& T h e i fot io n c a s-rit Coscil adjemrne! until ton ton6rrov aonriig. FOURTII D Ay. Priday, Jancaary lia, Wardeck" tise chair al sutusutea paît aloiran ocloCi. muamnimas present. Tisa Wivdm aread s munieal Ur. 0. IL Das-lieil. isarm= of 0 of Usammsas- oisel eassinas. vae tise grasaa-r ùhcl "oiosriips e a! b> tise Cbanscil, aundmrging1 "aoun oet ILsBy.iav, setas le p haUPHi et tise ommuais siiols footinsg Irsatédod lsy t,. aud pro A, conSrasnist.ln frm oualie1 askiug ta have is report sto tse (coueil amande!, se ai ta, -errol oft$%000, lsas!vartenuly osa iad!iu up correcte&. ý ýdatai1' cf ipe llras, ndes-0., PLT (Rs! ppipmations.) Wii*radnu lh. statameunt, 1ofl 2 iid, aad Clise adctt chair. A By.Iav toecxtuïid.theo tins. for rattiru -ai (lie iloileecars'- relli ftisa- uiaops- itias isrtfrwsaiaavs int'cdisca! Mr. Wright irenglat op tise report cf tis ms'camttee,-sastýi'umotion tise cosineil vent luto ,côomilea' Iberes, Mr. RKea- ne>' in tisth* sais-, lie report sroc=. usended payant of seoanstaof- -W. H Uggus...... $865 Jamses Beastty ............ 220W Parsans &Reobinsan.......... 6I" Total.................. $202 59 <witb reforerace te lise accotant of W. IL Ml *014"ie, iacousmlttrodtoma!t I IlW" (it stiseexception-of $18,0,)j<oprisaI- lng anmd uhsrlbullng tise repeothe oi. pe.' cha committta, Ausisinw t ai lb.Jasas1 lunt lise aifIhhpeéhsg spps iimeWf e' isa a*,v; unions eénce sud 'troubla of runnlug eut # Pvii hoaben Abertto thesaoffisethe cotWors itneon Mr. Perrysd -asdee It1 Wbite) ncssary tW &&y sainge en.j s ev citais-massof lIse prntlng 00 Mu I ti ho preciel' tise groassadvuith im. oslle outîcl igd appoiutel Lhm, tteu Cselieveai btaprocuore certain vork lo b. mine,ý cre-sp. is.8hmly griMeout tb. lustnotiom râo on- unei. Itwàà olltgbe aaipp'-dt «nv et b. was te spénli lime 11àgo no ut aductve Prince AIbeï sud sba-Y tiera, sty Cori avul 'as 'Ihalté' visie "lfhiltlg. '11t *W not ras&, T lb igtéat cosenee t10 Lis, ps-ons bc"rd viera It vas doue, sud -Iad, bIs e fr i be-con- ment saipisose Levs-vîilag uy 'a Cosuty btract, l ise 'course 'taken b7 Lima, nu 'visa thoci! nel Lave don. se.ý a uion Mt. Guy, mi! Ibai as eiaivuaof Tiserai priutlng coatustta.lait yesr,he Iieni des1ý th is Se 'e Il tisa eplntiug te scenui iy, an! orsand tba l vas vas-y oniair té lake al bisey oe t bsay tram hem. leci tisas Mr'. Wrghst agra. avis Mr. Goy,1 c vie tisa contractera ougisi - 10 Lae ail prfiluig; iot as abairlassu ethbie cornus Captaiu ai lisai timeit vas Mr. Guay's <uty toi bat, bisi se trame! bis report, sud Lise centrai of il. as te giva them a rigisi t a al tise prini dccei a Ha a&gain rend tise coutruet, -visicis lie, appoint- lande!couiy enile! thse contractor aviich ppuni lise jounais, an! adrertise passe!. asadtorn' report, ",and-stach cqher a!, M"%â'vl naw!e~ihi5r Perry gaI prted 'imanta M. white vas of opinis hta Iay the pmmpslet mlglat ho falvly <îiiIe advr gestin. r ishle airvs-a tise saine epi re~ tisaitishe pai tu asaiadvovtiîin- I wm a )r.WrIgIX and Mr. Pr c aihed iving ai prove tise absurdaity of auch a claitas. igtecortrioletont tteta f 's munies- viose tender vuS accaîuie!, * nu1 a r var spuapcr itisin lia osUoity,e ais a ',yvs 1cah otel dvcstisstenî%<s, 'eaveP cunty requiired. s ee. or The fint uiuaue for piymcui of &cet alîtsa ofW. . liîggins, vas thocn passe! a witsetxe oui dissent. ilth ex. lOn.moving thae seoitu! itatiso,(ô dt M* arions & Robinson, Mr. Wisiie preoi Ev iotîte t ad!, that lu tise opinion of theac trivaruls mitt'30tie-agng'suivtsicet [ar an or I 4 net iencavnried oui ii he tis âS met, înd luit tisav receivas inaadditioa t )us csu ainsnedtisurtlser componatio poiintract. epsonMr. Fairbanks cold net usont, th o bo as tise opinion cf tie commute tise caspitct viiiParsions -k Bebir-sor atgiter notiaouocarried oul.Hoeroad tise coni rSp vus iz.ltin proof,,ai ihis, ans! mintaîne! -vos an! iL vas net correct t la ,syhiat tise ceni litassais 'ha! nol bemlo ul carra.! ont on tise Weil furofthecoaucil. .11o rapudi4lod thsa i& Wiitby tise coas.cil pâttiug Iii. band lotothe i ansuity ti'essusy,.sd gvi gratashtia ~ 6. pinoro nee aIse; il vas ne pu vailouttis if oîrbdca Ss, aud lhedeasiai powerm.at tie cuncilte appIy the cel c clack lundi toAnay sucespurpese. û4pwan LRe Iridicule! the visl Hloiniste!tisaitisere'wss ne violati4 the coniract -lith"tiser. visno cen ont baaiy liehe nlrsotar, &ui 2atis., viandam" e vre tasie!, îil va rIo ty ine enaugis te istentaius liecase. ail theisa prisle vas s lia!nc le lsydau '.asie! thse coniîmttea la pause b eutertaining 1fr. Wisie's proposlition. îion «I vents, theia sallruigh.l bealanw frosas rarmaion I b yaustil tisa Juede la.Board sud fssrler enqury ma&dta te mto' upwU s-M. 0" SSlapeW tisaI 0iptaits j edifai eý tpositiooa tiyett i nsa a'oe 1 aempaiasatiIlo .,r. Ili] place 1h15 f oltstuoa(is seestrot; and! tit ispon the W b effl coeisilvia similir en - Captana kave deied tisera vaj alsjmulsrity la -tisacases; if tise- alit! 1 %ewu l e etiésame, usd aiu ocontracto a sd scluta!ie manry s 1 a ln audiof thse connéïhl, holie vot id n esr as Le Lad doasêlutl yea. )à r. Stnlhs al!tisaI Il %abs! ËFIi imntl had beau adapte!, il aua liane tad& lyy Nie. Th oni as!nosicvglat to py a«4 be ermoneyoitise ratepayrs of the coant var t st unet dont. left Le Thse Warden explaled bLis rte t *Jwo',in &' rirnt Mr IL zi.,na' -sud lla T fm juf sdala ls , d hcod jasuîlM f-su- 110einèh of -abeisl ou tLe voadl '±b. a" ito n ussvulai bave exhl ai sdiffpreut 7is at1* of thiags ifs rmsabi5baf à ees& su.- ary iion-Of î.eiàd LaWd1beasu plffsdt tise apou the, rosa# . ronlsd tLe smameut 3y4 sud ofe -of- mi. dould, vLle LeîeCom eadil m ued poà e ai lagtb dpricaled' lb. enl. sentiments expresed sud deuleai the acisri6yof tL. Concloussaruived aI. uok aîîov the se.ray of Mr. Gould's figuras .7>~ oout of asstqusted 10 Le 1a à ci s u d u b M r . 1 o u l d v a s y _ a ÃŽ e a s o s. a t a i l . tsat chant tW beeptbe, rpad 1la6sg00d abts Oof t ta p ; - 1 -tbaLd itbeasa- plied au, he ract rosai yasr airleïr ~ ragàtliy witLot iLthelatermisalot hft miglisido ;butou e îIÙY, remembeed bIso lesi i cous- 2o- lat îey id aslium asuthey voe obligd to 46d uo, ithe roaai st if irevstaken r t e posscssion of by te gloeruai'enI, ubal tion doriug tholima Il vas la Poisosesion cf meot, the Goiarnosaseni 111e or u otbiug Ld beeai auy daea to lt, -end ibat accordintg 10 îLe wtstatemeat cf îLe Couuîy Bagiaee',, very Lieale uva doe 10 repir te road tb. puti ïte a'Var, tL.y might judge boa efflcleatly oee have tbîrdof sunbishveut to repair th. road iu et 80 1865., lb.e Csptaiu aIse aboveilîLe lu iug. mcrsey of the charges foi atone, teats cou- sud grael;j Lut'cencladed, <bal nebvill- i te sanadlnoe Le vas lufavor or tb. Coouty, tisa aller due deblibration, sasoioytLe,4road.. ler- . - d. ,Ity upon the. aaumpttoïm >a .e t stimu'r. thse Goold'a saitement. H. va,Lesdl vilS- favor of Ibe Couuty owuning tisorea!,,sudý ta tisai end ws u -favor etflreepiug Mr. niOn ould's nIi'ev open outil the Jue session. ilA-The encornent soismtted bLT Mr. Goold 1u C ta the Coonty Cocil ai Ontario vas one cf 1lhC the moat irxtraordiuary cof ils lsind that he iuroy bad ever rend durinthe ah. Llo course of id à iexperieuce. b1 it Gou , tentaed 1a ouI! instruec thLe aooacil - ha asàuiad a passais. 8 thc as lie caJ Wd'i, - ail 91 îLe vidonisud oasnt s:;itllaof the Ceunty. la very plain terms i is idoa naor suaclty u, t d em; W ,!that 4 Pay in first parhaing tke rond be, Joseph esed& (lould, disaiyad boti Lis 'iaîdeut and coiss s- aiî aod tisaI Levas novrsiiauiug racis bis vi&dom sud usgacaty la saeking te give 45l-it op 1the Cousst-sit agii h. allegoil 'ath0 havas makin;q a profil of $1600 a ,uar cou- oui of hIt 1 lOfcourse, La adtied liat Mr. Goal& wvasalays lu S'avol' of the asnt il countias' vniag.the roada. For inaste,, ltin vsuomùia fieka' tie, vLan Kv. Gould' 1aLd v a smember. ai thse oid Home -District bIiiCi eeuuailbe vas lu' fsvar of porcisk.îngtic. that ai the sous ofc f l3 000, ad the vara , ktract Ibea la the mosi vretobed i«Î4 *s'e lie a, of Ie, Mv. josephi (lould, fùi fti'bis coun- divisdom asusgatv," v w'as-thoa lufayot s ta of uaddluig tise Uuited Caarneias uL liai art of enoraouas debt. Sinca ttieýn, as tisa7 ill I te kuew, thse York.roada vera'puarcbasofroua 'unty the Goverimeul for $72,000, sud tise ronad hing. in question baugLi by M. Gouîd hianeli io of for 810,000. lieregretted ibs mv.Goal! raint Was nol presnt, t for although Mr.. Goaàl! tisai vas nset a metaber ai the Concil, Le 1(AIfr. Id Le Ferry,) ihe boatd m ore haveLira Lear, The asud ne damai t tiiey vaad SI! h ,nligitene su"d bi thae Iadeus suad sagail," vLieL mi11 .Atr renssineai babiâ al t ta, couceiedlu tise, .810t bhreit t-Mv. josepisGoul!. Buadda maiori Xr4,Perry, la oder te shov Mr.Gouldla idate1. desbl-diliug polloy, an! Ia prove vLat hlove is anulety vas <bat thie oonby aoulai *hen posu e Lr'osd, Le usld datail àaf igom~ particalara. Mr. Gauli, lan Lis staeïaoat t o SM a t ai iLsi hue (love -' aont ltred is r an.rond forsale@Lhoaggauted s raserv&stlon lo CZ favor of tisa (700ssy'e purchasing at any wtthe bsmpsying thse amasul cf pitrulas mot. bIsth, a d 1siteresîta <Lte Lolders la the <mater ff hisZî.'An,_61,Josephs gouid," magnanim 00517 <'zttaie saConucil for aot îSkiaij néiple -ise ro*dîe," sud gOforth. Wall, the &y te tmtue (Iuty ad Z taoo ate a fo gy lime, byreaoup%9Iboîepueasra .ti~. iita cltitnasmsf la arha elvb.d Trhoupion, W'belerf Cbspmin, Dryden llh d(lo, Raee'dIe àudWsty. là A By lik gvounded on lte report, viai îLen oubniht'ansd passuid' '1 .lo à ïeltion msldag tbe CouutY Eug 1iaseer the ggso4ien lof the maigLIsansd mnesares, and dir4tin'lg hlm to obtats' possessionl ofthîe same <velu Mr, (Gordon. ot On ifiotion ofeMrv. Wrigb(4 eeconded by 'W liv. Wbelev, a 'reotîon passediinislrict pi 14s , te,,W sde,,to, drsw the attention >of . thé gôyeramient b ithe leaguiiened delsy la re deteigthe Staàýtuas0magIistêie. û 1!he Wsvdo ef as the chair et aiL 6- c tlobk. - l *é Th oai auu bovtly sitar - o'clock, ' 10 ÀT O AGM0tTLTrl1ÂL 500151155 iuoved t he iii. ot. f $200'b. grantad tb tbe AgriIuturalScl1 Clot ntro $200 tu Niilh 7Ouîsno, sud $30aaoh b t Mars and Ramn-a and Thovab. Mr. Thompion vu,, dMppoluted tis Brock Lad been omittead 'ud mod, seconded by Ur. Wsy, Ïâ ' ô te ii. A.g ', cultural Sooikty of the Tow nsLlp of Brook. 1 r. Nelson woold ask $50 for. Scott, if 1 agrant vere aïade for flrock,bélieling bis to.wnaiip hber a entitled tb 1:, than the ieh- townstip 'of Bvcki, witeliin pery< respect *etood, .geographically snd alLer- vi. aabretev position to profit by the P C o u n y 8) c e ty h a n a ba t 8 2 0 h d i gi. H a i a kd otbiaog for Scott; Scot esa lis lot Wth'tti0 Uounty Du.$.îy; but If Brook got -an ludependeut grant, certsinly ho shold were entitled w iefe-a c~ Mr ÉslbaUls woutd go for the, arrange, 1 me t if lvodôk desiredi. Mr. Spring aCoaîpltlued of the. injustice ;that woulà b. doue b îthe parent society. fBr ock conld parlicipate lu ailtithe benefits e of'ë îL eOounty Snié y.; but it vas the ( igbneas of givig iat ltle dollar for )membersip tat prevented ibhea. Re .as opposai!d plitting up the glaneral 1grant. Murea sud Ram w ad Thorah sood %In a different puîition* ;-they ere too r i reM ov d'tb pIriflcipte lu the berefit of t he C uiy S é y and lBe wculd vote for i oatutilig the grnr atu boetofor. 1 ûr. ?rry, Mr. W hele, Captain Ro a. suad Mv., White, took part iu the disons. s 'ion? sud aVeuolly- a resolation pas-ed Jgrauig $40 10 Mars sd Rama, and rThora, ad $20 to ech of tbe onny tSociete,-3Mr. White, boig the orly dis. esenflit. l Mr. White opposei l te prsint 1,, îinsiAig thàt the societis sbuld ha iop- ýtPortail by Volantay coutributioaàsin ne. Mr Wbite boght' op îe-report ai Iis f'ommillea, whbli stse<l- 3 i. bsî lain onse4a nâg of iample p otsion. iisaltntg basa made -by the conaeil of asat t PA a, su iii.prompt paymentbj mot of thé. mioipalitias, of" their onnty rte 11 the drafs p<da tb. County Treasut.y bave il ýbéau met; sud the Tresrrstese d iliibave auflck ut funds tb psl ail claioes ip "uni e uaSession. CI The Tresarer reports balanceonou bsd' »on lb. &ist of Jsuoary, 1866. $8,000, sud i tLat tb. folloing aanicipiiti vèerail arrear nt îiit date ai foifi~aa IlBrook for th. yasr 146~5. $3.. 529 24 4Mr sud Uais, balance of '641 ls(exelasiva of laterasi,).839 'M àars sd Hma for 1865. 932 19 Oshawas.... ................. 1015 il Beach . ....... 409 46 Scugg.............. 8 66 riios~i............. 948 7L Town of Wbitby, (iaeiding 1 Short aes mefuin or sehocls -Y for 1863........ 4@z -42 b iterEmgi i îLe smucaul of lo*àsLip fonds5 la ~ftid ~ louITTressnrer' bands, Mr. Ëennedy rougbl p levreport of ibis 6ommlitee, vbi v'as sdopted ý*WitîL. ont amendaent siftar-sl.ugtheud dscuS In, lu1 vbcliMeurs. FÈirbako, Keàedi, c rgbt, White, Roe and elomitook aâtr. the report sts forlh B Ia- -t h . ýS le c t C m il'i, * Od i s a referred certain m ateî;a co u,,aéetsd yuL Lhe Tredtarer la ot omplvigg iii a certiin resoltion passedl ait îe Jauâry session, 1805, of tbius oci, Au'abo va- gardig te aie fr: Opîia tae of Gre Z ,i n I a e us 'b g 10 report , .Tbst ou the 28tL day eOf Janary, 1865, sis 'fllovlag raslàîlon vas passed 'by the ounil t, fb. Conty, of Outirlio s-'. Be- solved, ualstîLe Treasorer b. instret<i anroiedto frulab'-ecli, mnicipality, oompoaiug Ibis$ Coouly gaolly viti ulettied staleusett of aIl moneya coming int bis banda od dectit'of snbinchulii :paliodtie i#ely, sd rons aat source slUd aonya are co ed, stfd the diborsa- meula Of the ss-e alai tatamet te b. frisbed as aforesid, on ýor before te , iit aiof Jancry lu each yesr.$$ ý Ou euquiry ai tise Couuty Treasurer thal officer informa yoqr commuttea that vithin. a short im e str, te adoption of te aboe '"resolution, su ibtheaccouants of the muber muniolpaities veoemaile out sud fdrwardad 'par postt Id ci corporation ; bu bail71 couaitee bave (%lied to ascerbain tiat s sifgd coutt, cdaige8 by'te Co. ,Toeasarcr lave. beeo mailed, by hij Thob. eluens of 1865' ahici shoold bave been faaruisbed le th. minor municiplibies on or befuri the lut of -January mal., as- par resolution, the Tresaurer infèrea youar couîmitbae lias not been ioruiabed or. the vork of prepsriug tLe sas.. even:cern- tmeneed. 1thug the.accoaluid fdr t*/Oytsl in visiçb a cdmunuicipalityls deepit' utér.' eaîed,arje vihbelil by the ContyTreusurer in direct opposition1 to the spirit asud inlent of tbe resolution quoteid in tise reportý lu refareuce la the sale of Gore IdA,"l R.ama, for taxes, your> committea beg lu report tiie folloving stateent of lacts, tbat vas reîa.ned by, the Treasorer su bis Warrant le tthe Sheýrit, onder date 141h 1tav, 1800, ihe lot wasaoi&d- 1 Thomas Pa:bâd, of Port Ferryon'a ie ITti GeL,ý 1850, fornpaid taxes. Sberiff's coat foru'dvartiaing,e4c, $46.12. Ou the IGîlio f October,1861,lb.theTreas orar gave s cortificate to the -Siserlif Uhai gaid -lotbad dot beau raileeme!, sud, ou- thse lOti oh,, Taunary,, 1863, tse Shserif gave. a deed for ithe sald lot 10 the saiid fhomas Paxton, lu a themeautime, lu April, 1869, tis Teae r rre euseaadlot aitiihe expéie af îLe muuicipality of Mari sud'.Rama, auder tisa pIes iathtIe -saule vas ,not vst, eu", aiaue lin poiut of faci gaadlut *vas patantad lu tise yesr 1837. The asdiotsul <charga by 'the*Treasarer againal Maa and Rama <for saîd redecpioin> na Wae as elong, 50 55 10 give ulebibars au oppô~. lb. restas thaIt Mars ansd Rama loi. requm tLe viscla taxea on saià lot, auseunîlu;0 te'bat 3.1,an! bave Lad ta piy the' furlier >aUth msm et $11,58 far aasts sud Ebargea $Liere.- Ou a on, sud lie original owaner oflthe Idtlioses bis prcporty. 1MW. Thoma s Pa to , as is d t ate, -> parclb se!aaid lot en tise 17 t fOclcisar, t ù860,pàyiagiisawsfeae$44. 12, lu Aprhl. '62 auÃœti tbprbaeuouaay vitis interesi Iereon - Tr'es ai-lb. rate oftetn per cent as pai! t e sa A ,E e Trcaaurer's office in iseA m aoflt.ee0unt.y, -,No s lia Cthe 6iu f tl te iedimi tua. .li .Mr,. 1 C o. p'oapouei esrs afor Farm for1 liasolvent mfosev te Lniîy of axaminlug tiier. 10 îb ,u1 =Otton of Mr. MLUaîe, pay meéièugéý' . .auasm $1 50 Peir-day. jLAtt a ed by the Warda n elosing s ssolution 6f Ibioka (rom tb. AgrÃŽcultur&j Soiety Of fiouîh Ontario foir grant. it ton pýoIob, iii. Council, on motlid of. Mr. Kaoo?Ã"dyl sdjonureucd amI Mlne a'oUkîuiorrd* morunk. PIT IDAY, SsbordaY Jan,,21, tboesrden îook kis snat I9 o'clocc. Ail lb. membars in their plaes. Mv. *ho1sv Sacooded by Mv. cbsp. man, ntovaàs bs viin ibis Co>Incil ad.- aura. ît asadsâjooraed, until zTagi the diii day of Jane next, et 2 p. m. Mé; Iorry, seconde8 by Tiv. Fairbaiks, Sioves that the Coaaty aiditora ;b. e. quaalad to0-àscertala sud report .10 ibis Ceooucil, tiie amournt cf moue, borreved-- On bbsf of -the cunty, for tLe year 1865 tbe date sud inionb for cah s'eparate losa, the rate of . otorest paid, sud from wbom borroved . -alao tbe fonds ai the oredit ot îb-d ioeil, lu tbe iBank,' ou tb. aud the amount lu lthe baude of the. Trea. surer,-onacii of saiàd uiys, sccording to the Trearer'. o lols at the'crradit of tbe Couty-aso ,that aunac conat of the bno i in the band a of t4 eCoouny Trasaorer, aii ,tbe crodit of tb. non veideont lnd fon d acconuto ci aciiof. the foragoiug daysi be #s ien. lu by tiie Cooby suditors. be îr.Ferry, seçouded by, Mv. Guy, moves -tuai tLe 'ihaukas of ibis Conil be, sud are hereby lendered ta Thomas N. GibLa, Uuire. for A' eopy. or ibo Sttotes of lthe > at session f Parliaanen , abjick vas s C aptiu R o e bro ndbî p t e report Of! Ibis comunittae, aud on motion-tb. cooncil veh ntobcoomitlee Ibercon-Mr. Perry -iu the chair. The report vas adopted vi.thout aaaeld. meilt, recoumaunding pas3nent of- Yarnold &~ Co., $83,40; > Charles Scoît, $44,38; George Yole. $36,30; A. K. Rice.'$2pô0; Win. Tai, $24; John Rogers $2 6,75 ; W. Penylegion, $13,85; j ohn S. Spolet $42,01; Win. Epplet, $3.751 Ea'nilten, & da., $180; Jobu Bornas $17; A. 0. Wilson, $12,63 ; Raidi & Broer,A 033,10; John Sulivan, $3,00;BR Snow, $58,10; Win. i3avaaj $20,55;-,Jas.i-Prker, $5,50; W. IL Cochrane, $9,32; Alleu MeLean, $53,92 ëlphas.. Danford, $3,40. The ,comittîeerftdrfilieî report, ibsi îliey iiad uder considersîioii ilýeiresiguation of Allen MeLean, the keepýr of tseï Lock; op lu Beaver., vould recommddid a t tit b. accOpiad, sud 1Usstà4obu Tlioopsoâ Le appointed Look op keeper a . plie d. 'Tii. petiaion of Josepii Gawild sd -ouberaala bas bhenu nder considersioà,ý pra>riog for a Lock-up lu the village of Uxbridge, your oom'nitlee canne:, recom; mead tLe prayer of the pesition to b, compliad vitb. '. TIhe committea Lis reeeivedà om .munication <rom îLhe Sbarifi astatIng tat his ofice reqairea aoaaa repaira, iLerefore, £proM den"i mleu' iwhtby, Tki ~Tbe l lao tLe pracee 'ibis waeek, oc mailers of in 'due attention. W. beliere aunais ofi u *posed to bald lise. paivasuat bers of tie' 'ad vide-i' society, tLoy 'cauman! 94t <vhicb la net tLeir places cd succasse Fviday eveni place the me lie WIL0ofo

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