Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1866, p. 3

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- -- - , -- - -.---- -- 'Cet of liai run an NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTI8EXENTS3 --------------------- NEW ,A )V ]ETIS Mortgage Sale,.:A PAIX EOR XWTING.- ll wb, 0%lilenne for ia telrn -of six NI)F nn hýVwio? o <>*rÏ jý T JLyoua. i tI>i, nt à a lu eu' -lot or eittn I.twoMort, *i acby land luI &th wlU u sld ly CON., 0F DAI-ON lO bc improvecd b the Tubont. TIiore are 15 s*~Iortcruoured anz foeZo, and a gond kgî At hauge thûreon. BLACKIS ALBION ROTELI ~ ~. îckering. TOWN 0F WIIBY, T0 od on -cosy torm:l, that ili ondid Oh lo0ugng te GeOrtwe A. Pot rKll, Eihq.. tngAi tlaturday, the 1MtI eb.q 18669 Lo Nui 12t inttho Broken F~rnt coonit.-eo At. &w~'cloo 1>. r., b>128 ceres. l i At t6-é-etok<p.M.t b) or prtici>brstpply to, F' i l tyauen iv "()Pno or lems, beinit part of ee Ltt hhit' i Iithe~OO1h~8IU0 Loyal Orange Association of Tonshi pof Reach, British North, Ameriça. A W w». Al M i h îla nmore Ai~lly 4dcrlbod ln i Ie - g9tared decd, frvin onc emit e Jtty, te the Z uid Jt ~Chume.'--Il V'oirtermemni; ondititOUs of Sale applto tne, S.l-1.(OVIIRANE, I1 I L NORTII-ONTAR10 RIGUT IN FRONT! C0 XIYYLOD 1!T ol .S.Do, At-0-tdji mjlESiIflNEW CARRT41GE AN» 1 FT. oj.M".S. nriý AilitttitA4j T I enitil nceting of tc he a o 1for -- L (,rtGnorrel, Wittl n..in.cthic W itby ; hocoIlle n of(îthcerm, iîîiîd lIo"r t Il" 1111e Conpiny, fr ii I tmniil î.îy o tion of otie4" lýainaieconhîect.od witib the ie I Wodnesday 7tL. Po., noitOrder will I ie Iîold ut the brngc hi, Beaver- rpruit At 7 o'liuock P. ini. Tu Li. t orb-afcture te aider, oi kiide of , ai t hcg îmi :l irlit iiitît itC ier n ti "186'OARRIAQES & WAGGONS 2 '~'i~~ liat, wt! t~itit 12 ochork nelu, or wîi B ii lotliren arc llt ami l i esli!Fridavlà, tînt Iii ordiir tu mâlne reqnolltgd ta. talii iîuuicc lsd t vera thc'înael. SLEI UIS, 44., IN L iTEFT STYLES. Titevbuit Itol a ftl tt îil ar-inepoc:unn, voscc réIgl.aticu 1 Witt à,îlwild ,st the Artnorye7cry ehtItý, »ied ut N*rinuiten tliq 2iîd dny of-Janu- Repairing neaiay anîd prIompily l~lîtlL.5tiŽ !îîîr.tîy uî iatlirily, t 7. 0 ary 1@66. oetd mil attnd. Wit LoduiTI NIl t&'Thrce douero Fut cf 8Mr. Wmihn. ' avaittligtim oft he' icoîlis îty. 42e. .Secrettry. Store, 1undcs l t., wh't y. lîS utles 1 'Alt rn.acîtunniclothing,&é., hut wlitîy, flan., irfh l irt,2 G.tr lie t)lýiui~lt- ycltiuici. tiid reilLied it te F a ieIt î. 0110 dritlîgl u thueTowit hali on Yriday thie tOTHRD iC %piîd IYdîr)ry lncxt, ut T u'oock j1.ni., for F rwî et tîî dc lnrý1ee1àInîî mti 9 04 tht oed otdg > MPRISING ttc North -hlf of Lot No. le it ou tb c Wcdne*ay fulowicg. ow su z'rccguy~ rTEIrTI hic50 JAME WALACE,. -20, uttai MAj.er Coînînsîîdlng wiJttb RifLs. 85 nmaimof whtolî arc niilcr a gond .itate ot-o,çi-Ir wlithy, ftni Joli. Isoo. Sutivatici>, possessioni cilIllie 1ot ofAprl next. ~çI"trçjnnîia.te For furtitor pîrtienterit, avîî iio, IUî4J iue a [AVETIEMNTJw.WiviiT-F1IDr, C I'ictccrtg lier ef 2o0 tlale ..&re, .3f&dtlnt., flui. Jan., flflu, 1621. tf 8 IA ofà,f wj mo ei4rnemî~cUi <d .l4oprtl - -- -grain en Aiesi-teCQl(fîty. 01 Ontar o WILL TAKE P'LACE [N TuIE &J Ar mnciindtkslneiotie- --MECII NICS' 11ALLI-oiqa YjN,,tful>, te announce nitc mch AFairn, Cntii5iunlofe58%iitem,«, mort or ~ttrn pieamure t1(tthtemA icsîî, !îiiigsit n tiitlî euo.tniihe UiN C& W ES T ERN ASSURANCE COMPANY T0 sipo lah Thursday ]Ev'g, Fol>., 1, 18u6. cfwhiiç OPF NGL .(IMT»)TICKET$, $1 50. Forwhk hoba buin ppontd Tnvx..And eue lnt rAm the tlirirlitir JILLAGE OF t-i A Il Vibliiiitiiai-a are ruimetfctly Ili-ito t' po hch oh& en pon>1 icvL ANIESTFli.telm irfor 4îtç. Ttcrv 1.4i iltiimend, id lu Uiiforin. tipeui0e î.îmi AoîoiNrfor tii Couuty, bava deciar. r,nd iwn storcy lirick llimeîi, fraine Jiarii, JOHNl KELLIP mln cd joining n he(iOrgarliirtion of the In. Driviig $Iîit utt taublemi, on touilî i.o, 5 L~Iridge etiranco C<iînpanhe for ruWIsthe icTar-ifr 1111diil, wiîltiittei l 'buîi Lanîd i' iiiu~iiere îd ~Ii y ,~U ofiRates; tint have Icft it diocretionmry eIltAiilhhoi, 111irotitrIIîl ,iiuîler-dtiiiîcd, uîîî-I s ________________________ p 'iîî,10orcf Iii- ijînut dt belri del' loîee i lic with their Agente in Cariada, i te te ho Cjyouyni tîlot. ni. bLJTE NSETO . rates ion &crunSaiaewtb the, diaracter of A jieivit le tu ciindie (if ta>'lutter, pre o LU T NPCIN Uic Ulski; take. . -- a GLIIII FVrlIIEi'%Es. o uur Ifotrç Comnpany -iii p%. Ass Thie Western of England la possesiseof lda eutituunpotlt o the - lrgt Ce$ isI tal , in ovcry i*u. WI'ooî îiuiîater, E, muni lip ht, oneof tuost uetccore known to Or le, JAMES~ LAM(IN. ensa,7hFè. li,, the Publcut borne or aibroaci. lie would -o to,&-. ltb. At aO o'eloclup. ni., viiere erury nienber of tie thoreforp, in uiew cf the ecmereed rates - Ceaijily, muet bu pi-tut l inod« e ontiflo irel b> tlt Coio8ui lîe toiave on- UINntIlpuy.OmTA tercclldothie ,com blna"tton, recomnîiîdV O f - t l ieidr< cmlteteanetpuiroet.'fu Insuremra tcw ibr oivnsecurity, te <îiai leemmu O y eg u u 3'inc,.rem tî, wmith ooniputniomof îidouibtad otîractor 'T O LE T, OSH A WA. WitIvv hel* tl ô014fa1C1- snd poussin eI UclrattrMCapitaL iii.t uirills wvi~li oi.eon Ttirlya ,andtlieicfîfOtycs, m ln cocluson h truss tht bi ownAn> paritot hlvtig lni thir prcfcuuiîn $uny long oxperienaeO f ilhe tant 15 yemrs andî-î-î îîiîîua.}ev fleoccut.role-po*i'fle oa- C thoman iaUsceorydotinu witiî uaJi# eeliveniecac xieilîuute tribticig uýlp ai- eeotOcruer i O ai tMiw -b ad iih bIners Urenghout tlhe ftuîd oo<îîîte'a tathe nnderstlgtwd, wtio la esute t' ds. tault. la thl% reapeet, *-lit tu obtiet<e tamsthé Cont>', wiltl e a recotmncndation fur a At'pltoi peives eonisewd un hlm by te Kilitla mute. rutneiraIof pututk fao'or. MO iiN El>. LDAWrNiYL4 . JOIIN AGNF\-w, ti,WtCptu. 2 lhlPiiîl. ce Agent.___________________2r____M. IIthby 2011, ian>'., 186rnc9 get..Ia>',THE INSOLVENT ACT, 0F 18 . 11319 N, B.-A lent for tho Royal cnd Scot- IFRO L AN OLDNProruiet ani aa, Iit LthsCo fnny courit 161 tUaL Proiritil i as ubual. - IFPO N ODN coeuty 4sf Ontarto t ci the Ceeeity of ou-- PORT AILQ.FE A N» 1ETe Wt.t: ktroî PRJOVINCIAL TELEWIAI'I[ CO. DGOE IEAI IEL .C at~Itca~idTwneICiu Phtucu-INSU A NCElitP'tyhe ~atter of JQt3IIUA_ U1NSTOI', an Ceutty cdccuî tio - tî)ICEtiiuicrCiygir) Mîat n t IVvey t iunUi luh aqce. xEngIei, Ttî heànuisyat uemid Me.oait, yl plume al TO0 W N 0FY W I11T B Ye, il, won____________ ixfîgriiii, fortntng picit oft hulu eepy. of Mrr Jy LeviiLirbatilzs, Jr Rq, tlu, our xcola Jly.aw, sud of whi e lol ftowing llà te du- Iletollowlll$zsili auipi-cnisea bc Cw pa Ïaription (bat la te ay RI ef LtNo. ue.iniiitho0 liras:oenobuhlon of the tlommannng itho front cf the mid ilth HURON- HQTEL oecuu Townmihip of W iutby, vis. eotteoi e, 18 lunka WXveAt >Dle he th.eaat of tro Ae 01(lia<tOad sot ont by Mi-.fMenotn, Il I1 Prcoi I. rumiig froun thonce, UPort WW h y vliif Let No ,en a plan 0fprte sllLe No. N le degrees*20 minute%, W 5 chahtis 85 linkes volt u 2,by Jool u Ee Fq , ',L.8., dated Nov0 thence N 885 dogmess, 45minutes, W 8sobtis O REN r, 0 SSnd, 565> qlLiiUii* 1 -100 mares, 1mm1M Or i- 4 lc, more or ei,i Lite Talbot River. termeui- loi,. Il. o*'ndilme ane iteNe-by enabuie M ad ss~ Paftol l ?abli tghway o wnship oeTitorcli. I-No . ho la atd plan, cotinig dcueli nes cth~fut cfIbeam xrjeg Eet sde;s~ xol 31imx ttT ei, lîc iSi, -vtîc a ituns pl. e omnnie LOCÃŽ Lot. No. 11, on theo smd Plan, contajling ditlen, togetlcer vit gee4vrc9azy- stabJSng, C87-100 soreu, Moto orlJeas. ?JOTICE lm hbre g vnt theabov e lmicloSod 7li-tltulibtdxI4 4., pt.bief an Sm aof - parcel IV 11bwwl au oouelesln~ be ot. Pcsý%ee#ln'lrt b.The'stock of Lot No. 1[Z on te (lie DU4igliqpioro &e.,;unaso te frntur ad ohe O87-100 m.see, MNor le$$. oima~TOWNSHIP OFTHORAH. cepicea sW f On iboteî ai Ot . 1 Titi7p114 at!14 atteatsd Seîtli of Dunn for h in Sal in thre , n hepatirentilriluiri, t. Ing8 -Sr»etnt squarter Qi tMio- twn UiceAppir tup, stateu centre et t heBaturday, Brd 3taroh, 1866. TU0STOTTJLRIALBZ, l A 'F0 W N 017Y WJIITBY, ownab QClark Jportwq.. And 4p ns amw itsfortntending pur- Twst Iik *tlIlb, -emttbf, i eltlo g, and__lnaigu___- r-SLVEuTtMIT Oî91861891. EMENi-1'S. f I I I flh1IIU,~ - ANE'S. à00 ,ÂCRES PROVJ,) FAIMS FOR SALE$ ('m iiinu lot No. 7, inu t-tic th con- ini-uaillOr throwtttlieiibi e tuf et t>nlmruo, 170 cfraluicti lre ipavd anuce luwd wieouli!îl wuti .iailO. l- Id en a-lccf tue princitial leadisig llnadm; distaiut fi't-ithe WN 0F WIILITBY u# front te(lailuig-iiof UXlI-vitlgc, Mai- r.'dtce Alburt anîd l'Ott Pei-rY, e clt4. cfte inutduule GrAanfui-n tniy vithis urfuace ffl iu incipally loam seb mil cia noret t. *It swli nit-alie.l 1Tlîo d:îîuenuieng of tte lieira nht lcis thie îîrel,îîiscm arc st) b>'84 ii, tii, 4 ýwitlisLarg- anti coinudueLna $toee Mand linîiieiînut asud thot Itine 95lîy Laced, li tthe einutiitiimof tlîeee ngu mniati np-vioit.hâre liou d-Thei'e la a crcod 1-runie »wclhuîig and othier bmllîlton iithe renise. alE..orp ui ic hoSuilt-Ect qu- et tot Nu, 2, lu thec liiiCou.lf the taboe lTowealtlip, w-iI420 moi-ulml,rord. IL fair qtattIy 0et ml mai-t vit adelpto> te ilturo. (CIIKS.-Comnprinlîig tLu Sou! w"t ýr, nf Lot k. .1, Inii l7it cm. C.fdu-t,-i viit arc enili- cuttivatii-i; la ecf nodl-i itttet mii, ii~a lg onte and Ilui i. of the Towuslîip of LeoltinuiaOed, 180 çi si-e undci- caltivaticin. 'ite qauality Wa ormt-chias4 for grain culurei-, and ina>' lvtiue X o. i Futusii.' '1L nLiiihe - u fi-i or- alù Dam, terni*, and -H 'ci ii mlld Lew. For mw gisply ta thue mîîuciitxr, unt V A. T. BUTTON. ýridRe. jeun., 10, 18<6. lune-i 'OTTIU PROVINCIAL surance (7omp'ny. ECIÂL NO0TlICEL'. rAIIn wlctdit thla cnptyle fre 1Iitmàiîirv. 1îsto nui bcw tltic4i lien DIVISIOX UF411.00170IT, tetiîie ujditio,.al Bonna oerrttii'acoailate date. A. DAVIDSON PÂURII &cretaýrY fOr Canada. Age ut, thlttay. L,;CHRANEj & COClURANE. eurs mnid ntai-li-, 'ublie, dca., i&G, iciIm.icwrQmoc OpeutoTowi r Vo-Oww,.Eleîn'sBlock. , ecuitunu LL. iB., U '. M. ou.ia Lr crovn attorney. Per>, SOth T>eonbc-, 1811. I B. C. Cunaty, M. à.- XSICTAN, SOURGEON<, ACCOUCIIEUR L>oom$lut, dc rmai I tebo*n [lî-"-Na '(»t Gl- M, Ryt, FA ald »Il Clirnie dlâesioa. B,...1 i11- pcratu c i-Calai-cta; tiub. or oiesâ-eyo tretîuid. - - ORSALE-.l rDWFULING WJUSBS lx TuE )WN1 RST t-TLct ifeut gito ot uuatton t01 arty Win boa , ncet. IONII -7% r. Docke. 11 RD >-The rat-en of W. i lts* meti losmsn or ànd the luit suited to the XLTO , ' &i Oo.' - lftv now to baud, a vcrY extensive Stdbk'of- FANGY&S PbROD ~EWADVETISS»N'I OE VEDÀ QLANTITY tOF'. * ~L <ULNod 1 ýwhoe<1uat 58 -cem-ta .per gallon, ~.er supplied ~t 60 conte pevo- rimi - ratodt eà 1Puh, if.net sliprior-to uiny~ - â çe4ii l t b c"tity..-$TICTL I Il.Toront ,ins eat t4aî 1 .&T hu1b6il P1'UF Se 10 PER ÇZN'T DIS.; CUTON SICATES, EPOR CASH ONLYr. 1~ Ne'W Mi11ithry and,,Manties- t=, IN TIUE L ~EST STYLES. - OtJ'R L/MLIEVSE STOCK,0 READY-M AD ECLOTHI.N, tVe ÇLOTHING NADE TO 'ORI)FR. ýé Just ree.eivcd an imimense stock ô f- F resh Fruits-' for (Christmas, coîîsisti àg of' dlmOýNDS,CADE CITULONt LEMON & 0RAIVflE1W4Z SPIOES9 - NUTS&0.9. &Cab-~ WUNES AEDTLIQUNR 0r f 11EESTSiAr', IIAMILTON #c on. No 1 and 2, Tilà- Bhoc. 50 C RISIM& FUITS -m= 100: T jry bowes &l Powell for, Hams BaconI, .ýCheese, o 'ry LOwéfs &'Powell ,fOr ~ BRANftIE, WIN S ASND 1'ORTEIL TRYLÃ"wEs & POWELL FOR Fancy and $ta',là,i'ly,éoo4s., Clol 1)eceu~ber 20, 1865. d~~vre'Hardware! Ohep;ehe~;atat- h's, Hatch- ;,- Don't 50 eordé ý of Woocl taken ýin exehang for STOVES. 30 DAYS'NOTrI0E.-.A1I persons indeb'ted-to them, - throgh (heur Pcddîerm care requested te o iee foithwith. MIATO & 13ROTE11,. -Whitb y, Jqnuary 17 7, 1800. FinstNýe)w Fruit, CHRI$TIMAS CROQERIES., NO. 1, OTUE CORNER. QRO0B]ERTIlS, - AT No. 1, ON TIE IORNpEPRý 15 01101.E ASSOIITMElq 'WîiînesBrand'îiesAI 1~ Os ROI byPecomber 20, 1865# T thing, &,c.l OF Wýl i.-

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