Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1866, p. 2

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Niew Adrertlesmons thIe- Days Fousesudz lots foruM e-J. IHm Per*y, BritlishAmericin AsrneC.40a Cibson. A crd-Locltwod kM.e Osai for whistt M4 Ai- lumber- C. Dmrapr&Ca Landi fo« 5at-à. il üchrane. V&artti al on ovles. lààiveni ÀAd ut 1864-B. Maybec. bîIi*lI&i Courta-Vo. Ontario. -Éei* Wggon ahp-S. Wallcey. Wbiîby Iufatry Co. Notice-O. Il. Dart. . nell. Luber wanted-9. Walkey. Whltby Infantry Cu's. bal-J. Killip. 81111 ahled-Uatch a Broý CoaI Ol-Ilatch & Bru. Stoîs-Ilatch & Bro. Boéots sud sires-J. Bain & Co. Insoivent notice-J. Johnstori. Lloyd's Mps.-P. Sheritb. ONY$150 CEN~TS A YEAR interets il vwu Worth tr, 'oba flwr' vile tao oueillat..4r, a ooadtdormiou. Tho proeoL.diugs of a meeting belf ai LindiasyL vhlci vogive la otiies olamnas, have an ugly Iooki l wu5 got Up te "vbitevaab" M. Fo*lifroUl the ilt Iug", exp*eÉM-oeE.ef OIoto î «v!g& il, prou.utfed a i à fqreer meeting. the Brei 6tpr*oou efopiýlou a puluds the latter. meeting evidouîly gel up. Evrerj 41au *bo iad anytbiug b do vith il id au "esquire* amd va bave scatered tbrougb the preceodings thé. endente icor'iale; bo amende onorable, sud a feu'eommon- Place Freueh-words bizt ock ai if the vriter vas llpo>,sud îock intimatîcestrout Mfr. Favhot.,Andti ueopin la isconiruz. oti b>' liee announeemont slia - 'Wien « "tii. tne.in'gbraIt. npi tie gentlemen P' Ocn: Port Sope anti Psteabmrogh ver "entortabd iet iau cyster pper(l) ut «'JOvet's boîsi, b>' s number cf Linday> "gotlemeS,mn a Muet seumplucus ane I W. leubaltakéde t et he meetings "uncnnced t ieIzli iii u rdor ta iânue meinicipalities ho subecîrbo stoitIr, sud b la>' beor cur' umoerous rètones ; is h tuvniships pincipatil> contierueti, liebn' Whithy. Thuràdayl Janary 17,e186. fit et viat shail hdeveloped.u Wesvlt as _________ rou timo ho lime Oua cvii ve. Parrty Organisation. We ccp>'elsewiere, trou tie Leader,t.e tie constitutiona cf a-Llboral.Consenvalive bmsolaleu vilihbu baen tormasd lu To. routoi, sud t10 vil Ire.ie tle altracl the attention et unr frientis. The vaut ot stub an ergulaion baslong heu fuilt. la taci aur Party' vasnoyer aile ib oro- pets, ou esen grounti, viti Gnitesud Rudi- cea, for lie vont cf urganisation. W. bave btesîJcetion ater, leclio'n tirongit -Oa siéecanegleel cf Ibis ail-nucesiar>' tint>. Wihle ent' eneulesbave bien drilll ti sd baarUuiled, *0, trûsîîug t te goodues of bar cause, allovit clianco Sud.ts éiaplOr et accidenta ho Sîep lù,an , sd ereti Sefeat la> sliowfdg ti eppoute MIthle adian- tugem. tu tlits marIai hie, s goond cas-q alîhoogb laeier>'îiing to figit for-eau Oly-hik gret batte-be vonb>' discip-1 line. Valouaccoemplisios muci. 0ur1 Part>' ba sva>'. been raboroue, as elI ai eburalie, sud aided b>' discipline vould 1 sîaa sho suceffa-ful. À isi ause«-- Ie9 causeoftraut sud itumbg- wel arsiaîled 100 frequentl>' presailetioser unr efforts, tirougi oun ovun nglect ot vorkiug viii au Unitedi effort. In the vînt of combi- nation te vork, top ier ve falisti, oftien vi:n ve had iiert->ilng on aour aide tiat angineo vin. We nov urge tie forma- tion et a Libora-Conssnvative Association fer a&U ths grt CeunI>'. And ithiiilu &id, thi pruines sund aisience oe unr ivo LÀborsl'Canservaîivee inembersï, and te, assistance ofthéii.grut bulk Ithe is ulashn- dIi tvotera of Ontario vite faim the ibi- tsl-Oonotriostite Part>', an& gi e out lheas itelligenceofethlecocunt>', tien id suescl>' sytliug, la tihélineofet dut>', tSi vo -oul ýt mcir aIn'acomplui. '-Our action tee vooltieh an inceutiso -0e cher Âocslitîue. Gnit, Badicel ud* a asain lâtasut le>'are&Pmi aout lt.e , as svesalit posanotiew ccson acuison «&« astenarient Canadian pqllilo. Of tie« te vheu ont' isugu g»?nia Mu# offenive, vs alitapasse, iok-armud tiem, &nd oeaids tuai er>' Ameriosa in lie ocenr>' la, te-s ma*, a Gril, o mil inlebils l«tl tus#~adj>. Sor 10eu - eve jon *àsrsnkotthe iboni-Co- émotives. This. lau'eusroms. (e*çhaeeg tlres,-Griî anti Aunexsbloulietlun he saie lin, ua sul stio leBrithlm r- *Odssies, id~ereaiequnul>'te Cawudm presperit>'. W. mfgi aisie lutt iteea luini the *uatgomy. The. limes are #l'dotent vîl raflsnsfor' gug ou tit orgullilüosa &X.omoraeldeon lu, lu su>' osent, nt tar dW1îs4, id1MI*7Cen spos usm mh ooter' lta npépbI-mo thé boitt lfrmd-tbink. LiÀ9 » bd*I$W- paeoSfor sen'esc07auuail>. Ati tisboa wa>'tlobe preparoit isia>' standing tombter, prout1>' sgetheansd @bovings o OMmen *nmy àboiti,UiteS front. la ths souse. o a fou' lh ts>,lu sot enlil>'tist cimes -la imii b.oismet, ceiv.ulg 6emassé meeting. o! the IIbena-CinsrvalisU O! 90asOoity, "aose.counlin eupint, lu le=luis aeessar>' mmesesfor lis -',aon o!" susouàlon. lae iiusa- *m .& W uu af latlulisord. IMIalWsfEtxIs4uon Ioe Ees ues 'utJo te gs u Xoci epdlduN of Breek, Ilomand dmgàâd-Bus, sspsels' âWeijroytst ho as,,lt. ssbssb. - lus idm*luaIS sdsVilTit a Captaîn nRave asdthie scheel quesition. WMen Captain "RatthalliâtaImet- ing ut thoTownC2u1,Wfaplos, coum- menlei up"a ur vuarica,,inuitsin lis hae issupeoft ho CusicLe, on lie uciecî question, v vis li taiho muet haie read ticu ver>' iuattenlivei>' ho arrive ai lie conclusions bo dld. Fan trou is heCafa- NiIOLE deirin1g te iMPMseatiditional scol hurdeus, v. bave persistentl> ativocateit a mudification of the 5751cm, 'lu entier te semais toseburdene. Tii. remedy>'pro- poati te do so-aud te thieleaent fsains $ffl, $su4 froin t ualto a Ibousanti dollar% a yoit, fli tdiilitg ofiao (iramm an sd &Aua (emmon Schol Boards. Our stuc- ec>' b eaheu ite case «ît Ecou>, sud if, b>' an union this laaccomepîlit, lu lie exloi't vo baie nemei, vo baie suceetdeti as tar ai vo desired. Let Csp. lta Rowevethe ti.goc.netsu tegivo cur emanks a ro.prsl -a sufilciontl>' careful oue, ber ho juipu lea aconclusion. Tue Diaiicrer or T-su Coi-t--ny or ONTRIO, pubiiel b>' Meurs, Mitchell & Co., ibu jusl neached t4 ns.W. regret exceetdingl>' themua>'blpiteuvhieh bliot- ishtio otienvisàe apparsi$ vIli-soto p Di rector>' oft tu Count>'. For instance, vs une tl Inlaheb.Introduction liaI, tus Ceeu. t>' a! Ontario i"is duidou to altIv Ridingm, sud, (vitiaut lis comma,) "ecuntainu loven to*nipm, igS t- "Pcuntg, Whitbj, Hast Whitb>, '--.- bridge, Roeelt &ugog, f i"as so'rr,4 and Scutt, Bmcclr, Tlieransd Mara andi Rama, lu the Nort4. Tuking tîi ithle very firaI parsgnapi miÃŽtemple, voais UcîNITEDSTrur-xsFaemaoer.-Bro. Dr. Mitchell cetNNov York Citty,- vis is mal. ing lie Tour ot Canaitu a lieDelegat. trora lie Naionali F 4bkn't" elief As. ociatioii, ha. h..n peÙ,,og aslow tiys lu or towvu.'-OpMondy evening lie lôti à* addresoda meetng o otw'sopei lu the. Wetleymn Chusri. liesastaia. tien bai dishurmd oi erclethIug and dut. oeing thes obfuts uf tyl>, more tia $650,000, ov«s $M.lO00haie isu on. tributef b> e' ie ods af lie cause lu gnglauti.Thi Citizeut e!osnsds arc. rsponding itob>', thie appeM*s et Dro< MJitchell. Ilsuniltos atone havlng con- Iributeit sbanl $90,- Luàndon t asi>'$400, Branutford ovcr $800, sud tees levaInl pioporhls,- In tie lulerior et tis Souh, ituntd edaofthousse eof men sud chilîtien are In a stati ot estreizas sffit' igtsclolhlng. Tii great olarityr cein- CuanMeaM tis lt le au the ionisa. TaBJi.x or nsVOea. unsasOf Wbi. 1>' bu beusivaji gresîl>' fAsse4 Thk ltar lie thurd an"uathall Ofthle IaIt> 0Compas>',promlsaste S moret banusually voilt amietitlIt i l te taie Plac as viii boo en u* byadertlsemeut, an Tintas>' lit Pbrumie ad the tiekeaar,.Mldu prnicos bito adbseto!, $1,00, Tii ladies ,Wilyof eocrmop yb*01spthpit uap --ne-lair bonnets; indes>' Hurran for the Yolentesu l Wmvs k .svWaïnv IbuwsÈ I@cII.-.'hs feou'n gsIlslà'br beca elisbeS effise-bemrs (o 18.- Y/a. Titompi4 s, ?#4 t V., P., N& Suahi, T"io .0*. VIIIis ieê Issus sinImgm M 1r. -Cochrne,< te 1 atErva sien »srv-r axs.r Mr. %a>, seondeti b>' Ms Macioueli maevethlat John Ham Perry, Rîq, ho the reevo for lisecusuing jean. Mr. Yarnoîd, secoudod b>' Mr. Y. (lii- sono moief uhai Je mi»u Rave, Esq., bo retis. Mnr. Penry desiret Io1 have is name viîbhdn if Caplain Have deinei thes reesuiîp. Uadtr ne cîrcumgtm «* vniti bhe bave s duvisinlu b. céannail on sac a mbject, lbvasW U i:. immaterisi vie vas th.riesud vWhc the depot> rave ; boti voteoui>' a namu, sudIl Iso nmes cf retro a"d dupaI>'sue ve r ynourmous tires, Ru e MnIS , b au sai9,on ne accaunt.be s andidate la opposhion 10 Captais flu.O, if liàs genteman and bas~ tnieads deoireithtiireeiesiip foesite. Re (1fr. Ferry,) wvetS bitter satiafieti net le go 10 lie CeunI>' Conneil At ail. [t vas16 Mm drsvu*Pmnis îimeý -*Ad thuée vs. ses>' uule blis iurtiS. Captatu Roeudisclaimeti &Uldeirs ou bis paru for tShe eesiip. 'liaI hieatt Ur. Fer niish ilglte mater beiveos leu' , o <Optin Rove,> pro- forret Ieavleg 1.t itbe f ele ceeu- cil., lb Wbeen oo te uai ith li ebreati tuatl "Ferryandi Rov.mmhsod theeommil anti teo utiiat, iho en, ,ft ospart em te amcpt lie seesebip, os tis dopaI>' mroeibp, fuel ai the conaciliaumgit pro- mai. For blea partbSid nvileogo 10e isCeui'Coazil M il., ufr, Maedoeisl rigreitt ual bis mutor vas sot tauleS boîvsonthes Iv.genilemena lieelos, Sore uemlag lotis counei, Tt vas volt uutersio.d, obua&l ides, iast ibiy vire te b. the- o rpftaatiles le the Colmai>'Conucit. Bota l erequali>' volt qnsllfid, sut bis ova voteNti Shovwu amsura t oves>' smmbes oft 15 eouaci, voulut eoggren fer oes .mesasuthe olbir. If ie>' mode an>' tilfculty about il ito lictheomuil moulut elect biamiel (14r. Maodoull,) hS volutmalte a atalrev os depat>', <Lsgbte,) o or tes imalter a Warite,(Greât )am#,Ir.) If Mt. PsrrvytuIs9d pea n w e bis bass, b. '(Me. Muxoumll,)Mwvl* the m'reg moussus, veu1d be.slsti e t e o. Ur. Ferry v ultist. Tbe r.t " wuels asvlidruvu santsor v Cuanet lI Iu TheÉtat peeting o!fithe Cout>cif for 1866 vws beld aiuouou onMouds> lut, vben ths foilawlug gentlemen madtei uausl*delaratlopso of iice andi quallffis' ien before Ris Wovtbip, N..W. Brovn, Usq., Majror, sad too -tcir seau B. Oison, Y. Gibson, H. J. MLatotzell, J. H. ?emry, J. B. Povell, N. Ray, James Rovet Wmn. Thev,-sad- . R." Y arnaad. Âfî e losliug of lie roll.sud ,lte roading of lie minutes of luit meeting, Ris Woralalp ,proçre4ed io atire.-thie Cenacil. 1 aýkÏ*ho.,à oper- mnttil tdîsy, W - " ïofti. .4 the. aId mdéure of the 7Council upen tisir re-éeloil; 'sud ailtte 't**emetu- bers hio vore .1.1.te lite places o! »t.ý (bina sund Mr. Vaorerou; for bavvee mtioÊlý i. aegrtted tie absene trou lie Coimci Board of tie Itiv gentlemen juil named,, 1: vass agreal sallfstiou tiatthle gentlemâen hvie elocte t i lIl tiieir places ver iusvery respecit-veil qualifie4 fuith usposition, sud: vold, he toIt aurt do honor te the Cenunil. His 'Worship tominded ths momiers ufthle (lounuil of the decîsmation lie>' ie, eqnally' viihi hm self made te perform tii. dalles of the office faitifuill sud lmparlisîly, sud hobe bi!nu deut uil lthaiddrngi e jean hilci tht>' had just enîered, tiai declaration vould ho sînlclj tdhered te lu its ftuélet integnity>' b>' oves member suihe Couneil Beard, Tioeevee, hoae ot eeor ive tiuga te viiebibo desiredmoeprilalîucl tie neceii: of priidlug a plotof gtound siablo fur a Ouzatery j sud th i el'c. Ion uofasuitaile idewalk &longlI!rock at. to the ;:y.If îierb vers ans îiug mer tban anuotrwvilci thstov reqnirsd, il vas a suitable, place ta bur>' their dosi., Ho vwu *salitloi iIIloui> roquired su effort on the part ai lie Council la pro coud in lie malter, sud thst lie raiopayeru vonld enie as one man viii ithe Council la aecnriug me desiraile andi necessar>' an abjIect.isI Worthip roemaended a apecial appropriation for the eldevaik aleug Brook et., over sud ebove die Wsd appropr'tsiicns, or la sncb other vay, b> specWsior general appropriation, as the Counélel mie -fit. And coucludsd b>' truiling litii theame te*teti voulut is giron b> the Conneil cf 1868(sud h. toit str. it voulti,) te ail mattera counectet vith lie tovu svas given b>' ibeir pro- decessors, sud viii iqual stisfaction. Rlt Worshmp oloaed b>' statin> irtai tie irit business bferoe us Couatil vas ta procoeet te the electionof à Co. concaî au me stue appotuntit on the récommewlatioa a1tlisesudnede. puty reeis. 'Nov S eiaamdre4 th. evau baviy ie cg 1 sp44 »~ e polt *né-haif iidiste s, 'ýt6;c-qbhacmvwu Te. upan te ra'ast51 emst Sp ri o! tti. los fend, tie Co. oçunil ouglât nttle b. saiusitte appoint ai tothîaa liose v>iehlaemanted (rou i 1W cviibcd>.lie k'ugw,iho aid, itubt'erc'wsàs f.liiag'le uit. the grammasait eemmob iccéle of lie tovu;-'ho su' .i.by un. rtile-la liaie lait Ca iits'Mad IAaciedsit o Ine* liai; s Majerit> oftte people or tlova vëb i faivr of lie, uli>i. Ho'wü op. pO ond le s>' sno'union. If It v er tie ëee lia Majosil>' afbic raiepsym voi -vre t fa tie hle eboult ,as lundhtý hounti, bh o tlahem décision; bbel b voltinet go t e lsCe. -Conetl ta srcam' moud mat é ti eWr e! s unionsaudiogo againat is ovu Conscenue hoi.Woau ts>' aM hoe.finit, Sa dvouldt asictp bu e roieu uf is office., Ho, doube4' ver>' ueb vister a tàoJurit7et tic eopea!t Ie tavu veme lfinfvoï et & union. The. John et. achibl *saCattigil mci ciesper tisu lie Hten t.Lachoci, thélatter caSting iait a doll asbesd' toi-tr atle teatabers alan.,-u as v viden.ce ti >'u t s ept oftheii Boaud',publiebeuhi tthe CfuaehîoLu And tues, b. u, ubeve t litle lurger lhs sebuel thc gris expeuce. Hit ovu opinion va ii the", *t6vent ta lie gramilar uC14oel -sbouldt psy fW*IIplir tuit4ou; but lice olauloi deuÃŽtIc* ýid' hoîveen telib. kansd tseponr, saà~ poor maa'sboy'got 40 lataorend and write, free, io wvould uot ap blra t bi. bai tircu' the biliarbrandtes et aifui epen la, iu. Thie vab psrl6f the dlispprwred. Thé' Ceptsd i tiaged ibat 1fr. Wiliou reaiguqd iitest as grammnar sehool Trusteson purpoieà'# i onder ta bucome a member ut te Beardet commun acicel; Tramées, 1audso a" pon uSe union canlmplaied te l z ii. d4 tii. CasohrroLXansd air. Perry. Ho-' ale adiocle th le plaefng cf a -sciol usari>' ",Charl>"' Sctei,for lie oeomaportion orth litoya. Mr?. Pea'>'tlronght thai the appS'pnla'e plaCe fùr i hi, isuxatin .of tM iti 'eb rau lbe Scbooi Boarti snd not tlii.Town çouncil Tihe cou ceadoptel, h.osi tsai tie meeting oethle -6SIluit., lu recauz- mcnding tie appointmet ofotsclooî Tru- tees was thal whichbabd been pursued for yesrs in lte> Tovu Council. lu [tact il vats an undlertoadquestion. 1Ho kte net nov, nor did la. vien he recoxmeuf. cd lte nams of Dr- Tucker, Dr. Clark, sud K1r. Darbueli, vicîbmr te>' vro tn taîca' of au union or net. Io. impl>' rt- commeudedtibeir re-appintnent bectuse lie>' ver eurbers ofthti.e lit-Burd andi front their neqpetabity. lun proposing lhe reu')lubion. la.did. ah tho lutimeetirg et ths ecacil, hs w-au simpl>' obo>'ng thé ru rMenlas0et 0lie-lan'sd 'viîhi i aimple excoeptioet of Ma. lioen, vite de. aine te retirethue vaxs sechange mati lu »le composition o! the. Board. lig could, therefors', hno speclle uiit ien lu visu', soU ne ciange contemuplal- cd le auli ulterior purposes; or accompliih an>' object visîcrer, eilier a union efthbi sebools, os a4t> otites ciange. If bOm ruastees, vers so diposed,*Bs represeti La bc lu tavour ot lis union, tbcy cmuId have baietgit Il about betonc; <ors lie>' a4 a11 so inlil'td. Tic>'diii ual requin lb costthe menabeoftet 1w-n Council, or tte roseesud dopt>' seevs doflte leva or Witîby. XIt ccurrtti la but (Mfr. lijthtte Towni Council w-as lii 9prebodti>' e s8$et -thi.appolvisemil otthe-Tratecs. sand so acqunint tie Couu- t> Cauneil witi tie visites oethle tqvua» Vor biuntel!. ho Pr4't'ednet C*tlkuatj* rapsuoeilli uzun bis ave siotalders tit LARE AND INFL&UENTIAL ME. ING -AT" LINDSAY. (Front hié PcrtIlIape$,British cantallsu.1 Linsay>, Jau.LO1,'66. Xaci lll-feelîug bsiing benu gonerateti froua the lest, meeting belti bore, a requlat tien vas signeti-sud prosonted ta the Maya, squeiln blta isl s-meeting t lie rateoaera,'wiici vas douéaCaeerdlng., snd vas largely astoudeut.- A. Lacourso, -1sq.e tbê Mayar elet'iook tie cbair;, sud openethlis meting, b>' atatfutiti b e vsnted tie gentlemen pseWt'tlo expros thitsviev«. Jàs*,KovîsanEskq., baving been appolanteuiÃŽt aor-ar>, Jus. téathauv, Éoq*?,rose asud uid tiat ilie loit meeting,,baS bote isil lesled. I va wual ithon tlinteoîieon ta'dison. lie question, bat moel tale Itheusmateor bstore tie people. Mr. Poelr ltd toIt iimself Insuîteti, sudtbits meeting vas «Il. ed tu restablisithle eleds ordiake vitei abouzîeti aiîbsven lie peopleetfLindsay sud tb. Manager et bis hEiva>'. Ho vished u eu xplanalien offeredt te MsFovI. or, hilci voulti ho saîlutacor>', sud net lu censurs tiiose vho teck pari lu lie former meeting. Tie people cf Ltndaa ve curetaItftiiels goct narue, sud isiedtat set ihomasl ies nlgii houhainhomoand abreati. 1r. Leulise lieu meved the follevlug resolutian, andi reaumed is sent amiti appîsuse. ' , 1 ltesolied-44 "Tial tifs meeting isving learnod viti regrpt t l ir. Favler ahold have tabenou oleuce at an>' expression of opinion giîen upon tis-oceaila et Ma r. ceul visîl tle Ibis tovu.,,Thai lis socu pursueti b liemeeting ou tiai evsniug. anigimstonioua uiâundoirtandlug o!f the abject et anci meeting, sud tram nuotisire ta bh tiuuteons. 1The speak'er sud man>' cfthlies vio, weqpreient bsing, cadqe ýimpression liatitit vasfor the pnrpde of discnaing Mfr. Fovles's soisme. Tiatth li miants ef Lindsay' enlertaiu fer Mr. Fovler, sud li 0ooaected vili th$ management etftiie P. HL&B.P L nu cther feelingesu intoeefethle igiesi respect and teatehýf.0 M. bdatsrd, Phq., tecoadingbishe sai. lotion, ssld. -ifs visied ta make tis tais poaition, io bad sald uotiing againsi thésïleîonstoe, sud the edter outhte Peter. 6boe R.eiw vas mustairen vheu ho ase setdi t hoe(Mr. D«=nsfrd,) vas oppos. ed Iotahte extension, sud t hauW bmon oxcited ,setlis ,former, eeting. lie tbaugit-tbs extension, oft throsnd »bou neier benefltes r iinjureLindsay' ta aný gresi estent. h voldihoeeis ed great beiefi ate i vole éostri~, sud lad voltilet the country build thti oud, Hoý did t ulilinli liai Lndsa'vus ina poiltiou -1 air aostock. Ho vas ver>' happy te second Iso resoluten« sud-la ctabliai lh. goo e*6 <ctif ici lie trautilti euid pro. Tie cisirmautaten cWiledt pon 1Mr. Povier, vhiasi t at ht gave hlm meai pesasare le mut the people of Lindu>' lhis aeing. b. toIt sggriived ou s former occasion, bultlai joed ta meult ieu uiielinfrlendsip, S did not blame ths People e!fIn*das>, the>' W asrigit Io do ai iii.> plessed ona iii occaite. oflth*ltou mecteg, h. ist uked asy &id or opin- i1n, bat merci>' viabed ta lay the scboe before taom. g Hd oild te i ova evsa bore Port Hope andi Petenboro'.- ne veesiolidMr. Dunu!ord's explanstion as amilfaemy. Thé suait ould be;ot Iso grett beueoît te Lindsay. Mr. Fovîer roermetite tiche «000 f lb. Port Rops lam 1~ ,-i TbiI.Body le novwdlÏorgaulseti on- doeth le follolug coustiitu: «MT XO o n Lis rikiL cosi- VATIVE ASSOCIATION. 4Wiieras,for lhe manluseue of Britlish onneeîiong the accompiiabusent of s BrillishAnionlosu Union, tie perpetua. tion of British Institutions, and theb.&op. port of s Luberai jet Consécuttive idmin- istratia -of tie, goiemmet of tis- "t i luadîlsable te fora sunAssociaiun -of s purely poItIc@ai ebaracer-to h. composef of parties desirons uf prumutiug mii; et auj, etortii.foregomug Obje'ils. IdBe l b tirtoreusslte-' 46i.TIt t e -i.cala Asition, lu be, styled sund kuuvn b>' 'the uameofet4'The Iberai.Couaorvativs "2. That lhe uffice.h.areta of tie said &sL.uiticiu hall consiat of -à Preaideut, ton Vice Présideuts, lveuty one Commit. tee men, a Treaurer,. Secreiary, (Iise of vioni sWi allhosquorum for the Iruete. tien of business,) and aIl cf viionishalbe Britlishaubjecta bbI ni, sud mombera uf lie salai Association. I3. Thai the memberahip uf lieasaid association &alsl consult of aIl poionseap. proved out y the commilles, sud vie eball aseuibe àsud suicit te, tihe constitution andi by-iavs ef the Association, sud viiu s@hall psy bis entrafaco tee sud tbis anDnal tes requireit by is ttjltwd. 0$4. Tiat liersial! habu isîfin oaci jeaz, in the k mentIt cf'Octoer, (the daj sud plaue oo uci ee«tlng tô i* deermin- eti iy lis cothmittbee,> an annual general meeting, of vIlciai bail tone veu pub' lie lnoticeihalie,gionfur iteélection ut oIflcers fur tir enesning jear, bj thé mewbera o e iauaseiort, aI viçh meetidti ofquestioWs siali hé detoi'mined b> * *01W ot-lie mua3rtj present. idb. !±but. t soci anuaelgénéral ueet.ý Iug aIl aurantgte by.laws, tha re- pealiug cf bl lais, at'd the onactiug cf nov bl.16*8, Cet viOteu oe nxunîh's pre. Yu notice in wrhliug id lie secretar>' shall haie bien givdn, ltal ire duacusdi aud detonmiued b> a malonlty outhlie mena- bers tien proest Id6. Tisi aIl otier quostieni cfof iteei te ia toassocladn, or cf publie polit1ealý importance, of itilci eue munt's preious notice shalC have hein giron tte cecre. t as>, maj hi diseusssd ai lieesuif sonnai meeting o a ut enofmeeting. #17. Tatbi ommittèe,viti thc ap- prevralofet i.Preaideut, isud & majorit>' cf tbes ouerfficevsPissent, ai su> meeting eslieti for -liai purpose, Osiilais povoî e'ibitkab or smend aIl uecessary by-lewï f6o, ie goiemumeni of ithe association, lie the wolftsgoment of ia funances sud régula 00eà relaîiug la dis sssestloeai eus, the. election e! ofilcerasud obier maltera, net, ierotu, proadt for, for the firet yeor, su& nl i.ss if nul amouceti or repeal 54 ci au anui oeral m tin-, shah be andi erntiuue-to bh tiib>' lav. of the 64 .,Thst tuayaiuiation inanau- part- ai Briish Ameice adopting the Dame sud baiiug imilar objecta ta vimu' shall lm UIIstià ltot# so oiltono and illi te mom4 louci asati~ons. vho mai MoudO7, .Jau. isti '066. AU, the tbomber.o ofibe Ceguilau#t acen. Thebii. le lu the chair. ,The. imembeostien îeeh lis useil deelsysion of 4jiicstlou snd ôo! olcfico. Ou motion of Mzý, Ânis,, seceded by 1fr. J. Soitbi J. Osd Guy, go".,vas electedREteeve; sd, u mtilonof Mr. R. Suiti, nsedfby Mr. Aunis, Jobn Smiiht, ýEsqx. vasqlected DeputlyBeeve. The .os"e sud- Depntyý thon s"ddroised lie (onucil. Aê*by-lav, vab tien ioîroduood sud pasof, appoiutiug Mosars Et. liarsud T. (louant, Aititos.- The. ioncil tien ppitod ,Mes*s. R. B SuaittiAnuis anti asputua 6s cdmttees 10 «:ttiie ts bridges ou us NunqupuD' roadi, sud otu -viit los. Harper,--sud grant bit audt aiiaud- sbe- mai r. quire..àdetiort nt 111. usaimeeting-of tho Counili. -À petitien siguof by Mers WlimcPostef, snd 10 othera, ak relief for A. Halol, *hxen on motion uto 1fr. Hepbern, J. Snmith, Eisq., vua athor., ied tp ssisti Iajoy. le ithe amont orý4ic.ý [per 'veek, 10to e lot ôdl April ,noir,aud- aiea te put se'I- luie IV&6&u"of Meurs. Willismson sud atef batd âtInlueloiiiug the saiti Haley. Aceountt presued-ot W. Bealt Jr., of $1 ý50, p 1o11T dntaiths Tovnshiip meeting; of J1. Ctdrtis sud Roli. Balfour, of $1.50 eoc, for actirig ne Con. stables at Tovuship meeting-erté passi sud orderod to be pad. Dun motori uf Mr. R.,Siîb,,-lie sIe%1çbws insatoti 10 order the. taîiuuary neosary for ths Assesor asud. Colleeoor for the present Tk, dodzëîFiL tien adjoniodtobta li ra bfdnday lin- Pe. nez:, eai l'Os, m. sir lm. b. Head onthi e calona lu (Te ite Editur or tia Londou Timos.) SIÉ -I araontpersonally unacquainted withGàbo. Evre. I arnofopinlun thait li Contiy iarightlàli asking for an irIetiga. tion inte elaieo ocourrencg in Jurnaica. Nie. (ladw.ll's ebacter indues me lu buliovo tAhat lbe inquiry bu la iustituting will be searciuing and impartial I swait ils. rea!L. fim the meanlimeï, without presuming lu meddlq .tYtith *hac,9twd '0!od my rcach, Yeu wtlI peiltups alhow mec, in my old age, lu otier, &orâralbr Id beqticath, lu the P>ut). lid an opiidn, hd o 'iult Cof -uME èhan a qqarter et a cenînry;s redectiuu, shewing whutt mensure can sud wbat canuot b. grsnted ilu s moment ut tbellion in a gr iielacoIouy. ' * Iii Peirebellieýn lu Upper Canada I parluncdot lbhe field every rebel broughl to me vith la irifle net lu bis, banda, ai. thongh lu s;everel instanceuiu consequenco uf uay baviang been aimo(utt lie dony porion on burîcback wilh-theo nilliti., force, il hed literally been fired aht me. -]uririg my a'lministrittien nul one porion did allov te bc executcdfer robellion. And wby 1 $imply becatie, lu a Wpulalien of 450,000. lbé numbor of deluded meu con.- greg-aled togetier b> Iheir leader for lie avowed project et lannging lb. Lieutenant GOvoruorz. and prolaiming .a re public,"ý wben corupared with.heb. overwelning numbers ofthlb loyal, reudorod lb. delibý enata execulfon o( a felîcu' crealiiro unnea. csar>, sud, oconueqtientlyi -unjustiflable. With thtis tact boeo my-oyes, lu lb.e moment cf viclury, 1 toit tiat thé augel of mec 'udrne'me more seriectian lié detin ci reveus.--and Il vas sa. The Cspioreof Quebea. The. folloving drainaic eaooouit of th ,capture of Quobso laias efroni the fiftth volume of 1Mr. CÇarIle'sÀi ogmapUjof Aederide lA. Great fot publisbod bj Harpera, of New York - "IdAboie Quobon; nigbt of 8epiembei 12-13, in- pro-joud silience, on tistruj of the. St. Lavrence, farsay, ,a s afl âdrsnture iL. going on. Wolfe, fro, tvd polUtti *e11 aboya Quobee, (68 'ais« aitsiî vo vii ty t7 a a'>, V'Ith about lie thouaaud mon, is siIently descouding il, raft, viii pdrpoib te olimb- the-beighi socas iiore on Ibis gicle of the City, and b« ,in «rn t, F'ste vill., Aun eorPrise o( 11fi#t Mbime nature ; wry great, if it eaue suqe.'i clifis a11 bout ta big Ieft bh.d j kontealà Mid fzou guarding qusbec viiibhis min £W.Udgth.* -IIWolfo, sileuiy tdesceds 4mid ma&s up : tiodghts iusbd quidi Id iii. One great tuongbî;f InuWliaipplôofthfe b.porpetual wvatef#j au0fortlm - gs4tàclin ansd eternal *iitarï. Contwlii, oiti bis ýpoopie, ho vin heard to redite sous passage& of 'Grey's Eleggy, Isfely coffeonti t ioasparts; of which, a"Je.aM e1w h W ~exprf5h bis admiraliu d su id isiatidegree ; ' Ah ties. *4 (daed o( Étornal Melodieej are not tbey? AÀdn1might bbakulHo. voet had ho sncb s gift almoïot as vo oiw, for sncceediug bore, gentlemn Il " dNe.xi moruing (Thnradýay, la.ti Sep. tomber, -1759,> Wolfe,, vith bis 600b, lé funuf t0 bave escramblod Up soras vuody neckili tie beight, vhieb ýva» not quitïg preciptoti; bai traifed- one cannon vitia iti', bs-eduzn bay biglug up auotiatf sud by tod -of tbes eioclr,,stands .snhd (juet stbçbf1 'teb ÉYredorlàk vay, ppinti'fur ?Muutcalnz but ,'rot'rebing lu bo ever ready. -otamo rtbear .'e doivent païiri J eai# làes ea (te sinash thein) I1'said in, by vas of keep; ing bis people lu hbeart. And ho marcbesW np bean:ifafiy okslfûl, tigl#crfg noue of bis adînages. *Bis, ulumeiouà Canadisu' sharpabooters, preiminà1ty ludiasirfrlWE bushes, viti a provokiug fire. 'Steady t urders Wolfâ; tfrom ont noteeha iolli îhoy ere witiuthirty yards Pr &àd mont-, calu,. volleylug aud advanclug, eau ge nu àespoèaEu iore itan trowu iue siouesi titi aIt irb arde, theb. esbucame vocal-suad continued ssu up a drendfui raie; sud iu s space o eât ee#hIminutes, have blova Meuteslm'a regulars, «d theii iedond fId oommand, and thoir uburd imb rain sund destruction. lu- about asee bd-nutes inie-te aroey vas dope; 'Eng. lisii faliliug"du vitil aôut, Élighladera vith cîsymoro,' foerce pursuite rout toal ansd: Qnebec sud Canada ai good as fluuseef., Thetbing lu jet velI buowu ta êvery gaglishman 4,sud how,, Wolfe him.r self diof in It, his besnîlfdl desti. The Fs Ize Ring. A MâATCz Sds TUE UAmlo,<BulP OF KIa. ront tslusfauraw aHilirUg ).'uobc. 91h, At lengtb we are j# à,ouition ta dent firmü that wbich w.we *vo' ,nabled exclu.~ sitely tu strongly hinI st lu our lait,; ths Jo (bshan Ibrownuclown the. gatnuet te 'couteuf for the Ã"hamploushtp, the cham'ý pion boit, aud t2OO a saide.- Joehsd aly been -reitnt Ilu the inatter, to îhow,.&b age. tinu suspeet isu lei lie A tiin a ansi meu.

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