Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1866, p. 4

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P.ems Uiiwnlttc13a TIseaara poams ituvuitteli, sud songs 11u0n.uu Sveeter tiSsu auy bths evr hOur 1d- Pcumis uiat for the autrel touea, Souga thal but long forsa îrdiàle bird. Poista t i ipple throog l lileat î!va- Pocynsm anoted andsud den say Dowc lut tho soul visaictihe bestiÊ;fol blrirea Bwdily s oer Jb the air cfrItsy. Polna tisatt ouly thse agela aboie us, - okltigdcviideel suf tir arti% nîmy bhold Feit, thcugh, uuae, by tiae beiîsgn vhoJa 0 Wittec ou lireuséi asluttritonf golai. Bi':W y soni the seing thut Ilion ivitlh i *~ ol.!ule ts epuas1m iat caver vas peune4- Tsa voudenfas i ddt u1 lite that thon grivw.t Frah traint tie apitit, t0 besutifu ltmied! A banleupl c, vits provisions -for bot voluntary sud compuIlser! pnoceadiu<u lu baulruptcj, bas been Ivice nos4 lu 'ne lions. cf Represmatires at Washiugton sud referme4 W s&cOmmittO. luaitspro- vision for a cempulaony bankrnptcy ou thse applicationofethtie crediturs or thse bsuk.- mept, itl sa siliar te the Bitlish set et Sbaukruptcy. lu tIsa U*,S. lHoua. fePresentàtilvas, tise Chainian cfrlIse Cosunittt'e un Agri-ui- ture, Mt. hidaeli, et Califrnua, la oeeof tise largeat, if nult the larges!,tarinmer iu --tise Uni tcd States. ile ovni 2.6,000 acres a large pistioc la u0îse'r culivatitil, 1000 acres iu vheat, ounvsicIshbcnWised ibis yesr 36,000 buaieis, A correspondan t of tho 7'res deules tise statameut ibat a portiou of tise isiaud cf Heligolsu and, vitI alois8 cf 70ëolhe iisabitauts», becc eugulphad lu thse ses. A 1"&ucicty for tis. Mutual Protecuion et Womeu"li as Jmat been fermadinluParis, t through tisa1inlatiative cf Madame Engessie Niboyel, tcnuerly presîdeul t ofteonce anipua Ladies'Club. A cenus just comletueiofthtie State of Nov. York girca a total population cf 3,831,777e agseiuat 3,5it(,737 iu 1860-a decroeuireesns rof -18,950. M ~ I I OOUNTT 0F ONTAJU, BT VITIE 0F A WARRAXT 5SUED BY To Wti B the Treasurer of the Cou4y0(tOntarso, enu date the TwentythlrddsO f Augu4tone tbousud eigb& huun4rd 0 ityv u to me direuted, for the tleCion-if ansd assments duo upon the followlug latuls in the Wad Oounty, I shahl, on 'Uuesdày, the Thlrteenth day of February Naé# at the hour of Twelve 'clock, ja.oonst the COURT 110111E, IN TilE TOWN 0F WIIITBY, 1ProSeodto thse mais y Public Auctîcu, of " d anda, or so mach thereof sas rMay b. neccsgary for thse piysnent et stich ýarrarsof o.tmsumentsunlutesie ane, together witb Il lswful chargces, b. sooner pald. TO WNSHIP 0F' BROCK. LOT. CON. ACRES. 8. W. part 2, 15. 200, 200, N. Part S-. l'art N. 1Brareu Ais Amrcnwrite isai 'aris niaises I~ baisu tiiink eofi'aradîsc Lest. 1 N. 3 A. portion ot a voocock la the latout' Çaaioiiablo bonnet oruamnu. Tise Kitsg of havane la gllivsrstiug oter Europe caider tb. DameO of Ceunt de SpessarL i A baaaly businessa; tise prohibition of ti 'rnsportation ot cattie trom Cauada lulise States. A Frenclînian cannot, pronour.ce thse ,word ship. The word sounds 'ahecp' iu bis mots. Seeiug au lron.clad, lhe sali te à boy,' &Ilobdisis a warabepV 6No suiswared the boy, '4tIV& a rmn.' profit by it? The Yong nc binlFiatnd, sud liii ai kone'e o mni..i "Iu, tili Jlerotca blid hoie t-lethie trçbtmt cf PRBVATB DISEABES At hi1a (M1l quartera, Cerner liay aad Adelaide streets, ireuted viitsut r aivsud cr.warrant-ai. Parmons whio -ii. t-o eouustît the Dotor.fflu do se vitil ise -otnsopt sececa. iMy reinedîca ara e e rtI tisd c. Toit neot-i t sttop wcuinitor luiug ey.u et, (a1 onuc Dotorl dtay satg as ju In pass. Ilecharge., 7ctilig fur arîe. barnletlp euseau cmil viLlit ,tet-t e rer I. adilone. Young Mao aim e se alion vict nsa sscit habit% eau racuie iedindte mulet b? applyiis tu t he >Ptetr. Patiemts trened ,byltier n udmodl- ecmentasi-frac frvi dt amagc or ennriosIty, WaIl parte of l;e worldi. aEtil ilii4e ounotalitnte iunn Mortgag Sae TN pauiauo fa power cf Pale, Ocoutlsd .Lîmurtgage, deteil Su. May, 1882, made luy William une, llp(and Wif*,) lu raveur of Prastin Rallpu fsud lcbarid iallen, te mcuii $300 snd ipîcreal, there wlill le sold by At the Royal fRoteaInl tse ~iiOW N 0 F WIIByq On Wedziesday, l7th Jany., 186,, AT XNOON, Al tlIsaiprcel cf lsandi, otiuicg 5macres cmore or bansd kroi u as Both-Est ( art-or cf Lot Ne. 24, Con., 4, Township cf ibrlcge. Tîsseeare froin 80 te 85sar e cleansd a ies brook croassa tise I an sd thesa ligas IlgIsi brainud it lay tsirly Leoeouidened s. a cleolea lob cf Lmmfd, Weil i stnted sud Weil adaptedl for farmiug purpeos. - t Ilold for $îoO lun1MTT. The Mrigage sud b-UltJaJ>ed&iIhalie roduucdai 15te aie TERIbI8-no-fi)urthmeah, balanlu nthro aqua l anas]lctiamneuta with lotereal ciunu- pidprincipal. t.ely tbcreonditiouswvii ho made lenovu At Fur ptrtlieuienapplyio W. IL.BlllugaEq., 8S1ehor, Whlb, aat lr JMamdam son, Jr., Veudor'a Slieltor, Toronto. L. FAIBBANKS, Jr., leur08st, 218t, Novql. 88. d 60 ]Publie Raick to anid from thie 'Cars ]?JED)UEDVAIRES!1 F ublie îlack cmnais egnlàir. 03op.1t4aTil. n 27, 29. lia 13, Nor* là & Soutla or .lt.1 2 & 88 Wan. ]Lunusden, 11. Shîrer, la, N.j 29,1 TMUIS DUE. 1859. irisaa soi s4. 4 ]f59 40 1 2 3 4. TOWBSHIP OFMARk. 200 , 1 M O 9Go 1 2 4 115, 1s a 9 60 2 83 4 1011 1858 el40ll12 100i, 1852 3 9 60 1 24 100, Ir 1 6020&64 100, 18 a4 à847 8 9801 28à4 60, 1"27 8 960 1 u 1<5, lus0 7 8 9 60 12 4 - 100. 12 8 960 1 2834 TOWNSHIP OF PlCKERl1ÛO B. Y. 30, 1857 8 9 60 1Is2a 4 1858 - 1859680 TOWNSHIIP OP RAMA 31, Front, 19 45, pronit, 10 17, 6,1 2"Di N. 1E luat 18587 8 9 401I 23 1852 a 7 sai.eo01 1 4 1832 88ô 7 8 9 60 1 2834 TOWNSWIP 0FREACII. 8, 14, 106, 18-8 941 28 4 PORT FERRY PLAN. TOWNISIP OP SCOTT. 26, r), 1143 150a798 01 28a4 - TQWNSHI? 0F TROBAU, 8 pats &87, E-. part un Ilbsari Hiver, 1, 115 185t 4 6557901 28s4- TOW3M W P ?XBRMLD. &0 142 4 TOWNSIIIP OP WUITBY. 88 p 15324, Ili 13598284 TOWN OF WaITBY. TAXES. REXMK. soppae4 icbs 41408. romtned 182 71. do. 80 05. do. 40 68. do. 42 Id. *do. 143 87. do. a$974. d%. 121 90. do. supposeaito ho 87 4L. Patouttd. 59 5. pâtenbed. 68 01f. do. 7 47. do. là 03. do. 4M . do. 78 70. do. 171 41. do. 4006M 1S9 7. 143, de. 2075. do. 280 69. doL mil., -o 83 . du. 88. do. 84. do. 68. di. North -Fard, Waed t .Brck Straet. me. 209 152 286 -958 2$0 260 815 822 841 844 585 1859 80 i 18" 1839 40 1 4 18379 i I2 Ibn 60 1 4 18&7 9 fo 8 1 1869501 00881 2sa 1859 80 1,I 2 5 4 88. do. * 124. do. 18. do.- 287. do. 27. <do. 88. do. tif. do. 14. do. .Wor~ w~~'-wauc. l4sEwdi as* ..llo. PU5,PêdLot. Io and 30, 1Vr~Ward-RAuS Of Broca&»#W. 67 1059960128a4 82 189801 $ai 183 1 la80 1 8 242 189 0 12844 - TOVIOFWUITBY. *98. ?a!aatad. 1- dit. de. et9. 4o. * do. Centre Ward-Faa O f Brool 2k* imi Mange 16, 888 278. do.~ -$Out& I Wr-Za.urV ls - Brook St1. Block A, do<da" A,. do do-D Bl* x, ào L i 8~ 4 -9 3814 82. do, 99. ,Ic.r - -5-4*. 48. e84~ ~4, oftered by hsTuttto for ouing a TIIOROUGE.PRAOTI ¶CAL BUSIS*M5$EDUCATION are supeior tW anyCamnrclClaelur- tlsh Amoeo. The. Branches Isoglil comprise evrylthlugnecesary forie Book-Keep- an sd Busineu,,Mas;thlyiadcude - z.= A9TUAL BUII.!N"lIBEYARYIE9t. m T-l maot am.plete aamgemsent of is Icimi, beiug toumshed vitia twe BAN'KS, a MRCIJAVs EMPORIUM,mand an EXCIIA&NGE OFFIQE< whldta".epen avery day for the. transaction o! Business orClasse.ini TEGRÂPHING êv«ry d&Y-ilPOOa GlIT, .mivnkypai Ors ForMouhl (~ec1,a~ pecluens o &4rvx , a ddrm esa <.nlgatauap), ingli TO BE2 DIBSPUSED OP TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE!- .robho ipose4 cl i J411 E IOGG T RONTO ;INUiRSERIESt P nd bouselaby 1T IRT T!TC1TlTc The London Quartrly Re. vijew <Consarvative,) The Edinbarg Reviow, <WMg The' Westminster Revîe iwI (Radical.> The NorthBritish Review (ree.churci.) mlackwoodSo Edinburges las gazine (Tory.) Tise Auserleaïn Pcbliiers continste t retitlb a b o ie ua n W ed p r î Iiad a e b ttu t e c a i ( ' 0l bsdaMathe picfeerissl rcsd sa! a.dth. ic u.,etc.,Lagiy iaareased, lisavare Cosupulei ed rancae èrlrenuas fgliows s TERMI FOR 18056 Foreunyoe0ftis evenm..... $44 (speraamm. For Say 1iwo ofithe ltelews ...7.00 Fcrsarr tu,-aroftha itemews..10.00 l PeFour c is cthe 12.00 a Pur »ila cuvm lg z m a ... 4.00 * i'or liaciawoo a i saai u. i ew.. 100 For Blakwoual sud any twe of tis ForDgckwooaid lan be c ftia 1 1 t eview .......... . 1- .0 & 5 For Dlackwood tilshe tour B... NIEW ÂDYERTISEBMENTS. CIIEÂP FÂLL & WINTER 'GOOIDS. * AT BROOKLINO [lave juB-t received'.the'ir aII Stockof Fail and Winter Goo4slldhitbving beeu purchased before the late advance, they are -Vrepared to oftbr at 1JN}REOEDENTEDLY LOW MRMES. Famity Groc 9, ocraelarge stock of Boots and ,Shoes-superior ,uality uI dcheap. CLOTHUNC ýREADYmMADE, and mnade to order, on the, shortest notiCe, in the Latest Styles. Tweeds, Sitinet, ,-Flanneils, Ijnions-, .&c., of our own ManufaoWze, SOLD RETAIL,1 AT WliOLESÂLE PRICES, MTAifWâON, IRÂTCLIFFEF& Co. Brokfin, Oct. 4j 1865lr - 8 Aise a large quantlty ot"ghvUbc, Rose,<.Grapo Fines., erl'açlous planta, badge plants, &c., "t wM &JI1 other nurs.ery productions of the, ch;îlei tquaiity, and mnot,1vigoro grcwtb. Ji 114 & IHOGQ. 49 Aoi Bs*rrIst, S iOfctr lu Claacery, Atm 89- OPYICB-Noe tdoor bte e gistry Offie, Wbltby. 41-17 58001 or., OLO5?-ro cLtX'5 VaXMEINN<. M IW. ONCK, reetpect. apecttally informa lu. dies, and the publie, ohtahek la prcparcd f0o xecute ail or- dorsain. lier 1lI 'D'prol and ynanmalblo. LdWand goullmeu'a toit nd strasa c4aaI vs. 10-1 îwork in u io t the aliorteoat o- tics.40 L U»F£UIMPRGANT, darpenter, âsud Joluor. Grcen St, whiLby. A large quan. tityofsil kinda of lmbecconatantly on baud. U N ID IE R-T A K I N G.' Fokiituôî".; *-at eit tad no iârA Hasts. to idre ouilbcralterîna. G EOiGE CORMACK. Whitby, Pob. Sth, 1862. >ý11 AIUTION BUSINESS. LEVI VA> MAXS, lr. Licened Auctioneeer, &e, Bals a!atmd ifs i aU rla of 11e *Orclers by mail, or left ait the. Cnrnon=x OrnmiawilI ecelve panul attention* G.C.CLWL VETERNARI BURGEOn, dBigeluw, v7l Le dlapu eO i w hlth y, N ov. 5 , MONEY'. Fire! fias re-opened tbe Carriage,Factèry là- occupied by DONOVAN WÂLKEY & Co., eend doori of his late Factoqy,iud opposite the Town Hall, Wbitby,i ho la prepared Vo EXÉCUTE ALL OR D 1 EE-MÂY BE FÂVOREX> WÉL~ WbltbYl April 4,1186&. IY WIU fiu ,RCIAL M Wîthm a Fev Yards of the. Publi6 -EaU. Walaea a Part Lt$27,. Con. l . 16'8188 %UW# '.Plan Part Lot a - du. do. k B, -1 - -. 4 . -, 4- k i--- lFlre MORE VALIABLEMTJAN GOLI> 1 RYNS Life Pilla purlfy lthe blood, m- B myolre hieadaoi.o,Dizainers, Giddineas1 Drowazueiq,DUnplenasut Drcas, Dirinîas Sight, Iudlgeilon, Cicanse the Stomnachapsd Bowl, murenewlite lu the debilintoedd reatore the aiok to peirfet health. Try theni t thoyonlly cet 25 cents, asud lyn cnnogetý thetn of ycurdruggi.it. »end the mnonar torDe. J.JIYN, Coneusltlug 1'hysician; 442 Broad- way, 1'. O. Box, 8079, and-thay wUl o sont by, Dernierms spplled hiDe msBernes & o., Wlxolosâle Agents, New York. TO LADIES. T' F otîtr quir a a r li al e rem e y ar atoro, You use Dit. HARVEY'8- Felalo Pille, a nevàr4iliung remeîdy for't thâemvai of Ub- truaton,no ma ster /ro ek.Muge th. anse. 'I'ley areosfo and ure sud- wilreitore- nature lu every cae. They are âl,,o officaci- onti luail oissof Wealtness, Wiîitea, Pro,1 Beond for D. IIAUVEt'8 Prléato medicai U.viser, addrestiad.,to femaies 109, pages, gir- ing ful l srntoî cut00a8 required for Po6t.tge. If you caunot pnrehase tule pilla ai j0cr druggls3t, thsy viii bûonet b yisi se- dure from obncri'atlou, on recelpt 2of Oua 1er, by De. J. BaTAn, Conaultlg Phyaîctani P. O0. Box, 6069. 442 Broadwày, Neaw York'- Dealers scopplled by DeuisaBarns &C(oi, 17,holesae Agents, New Yotkd - 9-ly Glad News ýfor the IINFORTUNÂTE. - .B ELL'S Speciflo Pilla are warranted Bn lual cases for the Speady sud Permanent Cure oi aIl diseasas ariaiug from sexuat oxcesses or, YouthfulIXndiscrotion, feietlal Lous, Nighlyi Emîsslonk, sud Sentacal Drcsmms; Genltàl, Phyqieal aud Norýous- De- buiy apoteie, leet, SexcijDiseases, d&a. No chan11ge'of Dlet le- necess ary, and tliey eau b. neei wthoutdeteetion. Ecbbox çout.aina d0 pille Price.Oua Dollar, IfIouaoani4qt'jet hain yocr diuguast, fhsySet Ma i eurely asied, ,witg IU innstructions, thati mure a cure on receip1, of, tIi. mcney- sud a pamüphlet oÏioo page» on tise errora o1 yontl tise coriaequeces suritedy @ont froc 10 cents required for postage. Aadress DR. J. Betrà-qi Conenltiug Physichtn, P. O. Box 5097'. 442 Broadwsty, Iýw York. Douera eau bc. aupptied by Dômes, Barues C (o., Wliselesle Ageiti., New ïork. EXCELLENT Far'm for Sale,- B ING tho. South haîf cf Lot No. 212lu the niuth con., of the Townýship o? Nara, ctlnlng 100 ases, a.bout .70 acte% ecearel,_ Wvith a gooýd dwalliîng housse asud a new frainé barn, 80 by 60 W\th stables toaîd alunai. uudt'r the caru. Twai <cd velîs sid a -youus bcer- lti~~~ ~ ~~~ mrlsd ieta bu ileas fron thbe Vll o f Athefriey<, asu a.reu iles Ironi Tille luIisputable. P. 5.-For partienlers apply Wte . Olîrar, ~reoP. nt aiAàhbaru, or Robert (ira. ED ADOLIVER,?P, M. 48 Aithmurn, P.O0. $LOOO TOLO.lAN. ýONata stourity, lito mns of $500 teal. Afe csp,.. oflia herdaistcmslsnd, Radw hosoldat 15~, er visle four, cr2 for-ayone. We astc puisstheis ÊARMER'S GUIDES. iiyfleu rdaep orm. cf B lub rgis, sud I tisa 1.- 1 Orio, cfysla coliago. 2 yl. ilcyiOctavei le page a ndss issuiiaaus sgerai s. PE1102 07 fortise îwe relumcs-byMail, PPeia LEONARD SCOTT & CO., GAUTl 9 4,LL pansons olwiug bIsles agaînat paylug!api e s auj isîe~y qou nt t' it dihe iu4~ jdjsm tr i the aid underamet e onu aav s o u0 in 6 a rr en y - - ave asispw ad celbar, misthiea Tuea lasîereei- f eri à sariher lucr Iff, DMNE

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