Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1866, p. 1

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At. d it nltiug Etbate 13rook, Street,Whty .!Mm *150 PEimAMNUXÉ. t1 el; andoh rgo,!atile rate of 500 IAtLebt1tusetfim. sud t oute per lIi., ese Ilcîcr or otiterwice. i detat omèM t diooul"oadverllaeiiuta munt W. Ri. DEAX, raager. C^MBRON & N9ACDONELL, fL PU1isEU8 ANIATToitiqETS-AT. ..La-m. Soliiorto Wthe Bank oot Motreal, kad the Corponailroft L1I CenIs of Ontarlo, &aabc~L. a., W hlîby, C. W. NKORRIBON & BAUPSONq ÂRITES ttorneys, solîcitors. &e~ 13 <JFICE,-Weotoryî Assorano Buildings plareh trooreeoronto, C. W. LTTOUS M<)RRISONq. - J. SAMAPSOM. Toronto, July 2o, 19#1. 9-.fK. COCZIRANE, L.L.. O OUNTY CRoWN ATTORNET FOR ON- itario, Illirrâter an.! Attorey-t.LUm, o olt0r in tlhancory, Notary Puiblié, tc.- lOso-lu 'Brloiwâ ow Building, Dttndas G BORGE El. DARTNELL, D lRSEATTORtNI, CO)NVEyA'4 I»cet, Tiput>' Rogisîrar, Mîrsior Extraordi ai', anti eramlnerin Cianer>' for thecoun. ýY of Otarlo, OfficeByron-st.,%Vhithy. RIOBERT J7. WILSON. RRITER & ATTORN ET AT LAW, )(106-Vioori BuldigBrook SI. hby ARRtsTEFR.AT-L,&W ANI) SOLIWITOR LJIîti 01181ory. Cilor-lo Totrtto-St.. Jt K. GORDON, B OLLwn--uor Loi.. &Il'ooel'c Store, Wbultb. C W. OLCTiNOTARY PUBLIC, &e; &e. SOsawa, C.W. CUIARLES C. KELLIIR9 TTORNEY AT LA.W-SOLICIIeRtN Brook,,£. W.6 au 1rÂS;~REEN OOD, TTR!-kT.ýAW "0ICTR 1 4hmcrNota Pblien r o feoraucer, Whky *¶. . ~ooîusiii ictoria*B10014 B. . FAREzWELLi L L.e Bo -B&ltIt$TER-AT-LAW, t&c. B. Moore, 13. A., ri o,-a Law .tc.înC con- le P'On t Olldo, (iciwa, C. W. 40 I 1ST EIIAT L& W, Slc.rlu Gitan. coryï Ciinv(yalucer, ttc., tc ced(w- opposite tii, Pont Offi.., <'eiawa. JOIN DIL LING$ ,CiANCERY, &t Cfl'VEYANCJNG >ilIe, I'ryuiic Abort, two doitra vieo J'ormau*a istore. 12 ne. W. CLARK, X, De CORON ER, &C. enotnf loo~r Mt of Yartiold à-Glh Store, lrook-dStreotWhitby. 4 a. J. (u NN, m. D. ROXON 10 TUE COUSTY <*AOL, lyroît Stroat, Whlthy.4 P. LAMBERT. lLrOR in&t,!UIAI'iEi.-Ktng St. Oshawa. Gkrmceutt made t4 ovdcr Inth* best style schion. 41 gitCHITTTAILORt, BROOKt STREEIT, Whitbhy. THOMA.S HUSTON, lWN OLERE .5 tREUURP.RWRITBY Ybe-Town a I-Roui,0 to 1 o'olock. 1(RISIS. RiKSredosZtc Neou.t. Street, Tôronte. 45 ARCIIIBAL 0 DAIEKBR, 4RKII,&M VILLAGE, O, W., opTICIÂL Aâigne for York sud ontarlo, No"ar to iwa lt . t aeovd, anma choie. gonds or clJifu 3.vry attitie Waritotu. Mo0, n< .WCEN$:D ÀCINEI.Addrem- rIOli. _ 40-1Y ]ROUYGE OTET.. 1PR 140ON LAT* OF TITE -NON- ont i&lans linthe pubie, t t hie mùd he aoibw11lktà*u bhotil, wboh 1Il à "~!t etce d oer crotio spiôa eo Win -Wj#j4uora andti Oia. G9o04 190WAUDS &k kOD»EIt, 1 ILORS,Dlra freaud (*erslCViu*b 71$r, cudiOuttters. WAth cain Priated w@rdo, greai thoughtm and umthAa VOL Xe-WIT , W T (LAT,£ PLýATT'8,> IiTLB ON LIREI TOR ONIO0 &hl bovond Lauig otry the CommeroiltlUntel, (t bu ieha> encceodo Mr4. Platt le the hotel a onog hept hy hlm on ô igoo St., roronto. Having sparod n o ponho l1 fitlng op Lth e0, go me o omfort te th e h 0to a ptronisehlm, bc will lie pleaod tose0àodfhi ds o lnthoCity. JAMES CROUKER. Torouto,jau. j8, 1864. 2 BiokIn Drug Store. LE in DruAe P"tntMeLlnes Brookîju, C. W., 1861 25 COMMERtCIAL HOTEL. IJROCK STREET, WHXTB3Y. T ho n itoi hedbga teo uoiethnt ho IAAtks he aboi'o WOUl noffri jrendiese vrhlol have been newly forielied &Wd rono- vaîod by lim, aod whero tuse boni. Accommioda- tlý,n Cong, wlth eurotol atentio, can uiways Good ttblýig. oolosed verdi., sud attentive Oàtiors. Charges oxtroraoiy moderate. 22 J011N MILLEI. RDOY1TOItts JOTEL, (LAT ruw2wr'.) WM. BOYNT<)N bogu t'O sform thIn- W habitante of theo onoty of Vioria ad gurreundino otioon, thut hlietaoponied the ilotci on lîilim Street Intel>' ooopiod bv Jowtt, ar.d ulho hâ abd It fitted nd turrlah. e' in fr 't îitors *11vi ibd Sory conve- w An attouttre ostiet uIWaya fisa a.d TEE ONTAEIO ROT=L BROOK STRLEZT WlIItT. J. REUBOTTOM9, Proprieter. DENTISTRY-s. A PLIC1q1 Win bW- ma«to t.the uoxt u thnofe Provincial Parliamnent, for, aAtto nrporatoe aitem Rani for the. onu f Ontsrio, t loeaçciL Lite Towa of Witb sda b cle e T wltlia CapitLlofnotie»i5 batâ i . dts tàb Ilorautollars. on.eiittdteI tbewan, et bch tu be paitiup before lie came tgeo notion -nud goero :lieuml vs sce>rdingiy. 4U AL13ION HO TEFL. -JAMES BL.yM. GLOBE IJOTEL 11E ahose !Vol, kuomo,,old octablabed T hotel sud promIses huve beau lîutchad by thte ntbscrlbei, wmiire ho mlii aima>'. h, £ound'n 4,baud id.io cdpeeomaliy' tu the vaut& of Iii. guele, &c. Tlh. promises itas bon on oenIientîisaud oooîfortaly fittad 111; paingedpu oerd,. mittiitero's of %Ott mater tc. mouai,,anti err Moder m iPrOvOlunelt to ite tbe Truvellor -% homo dnrtahis xt&Y, andt leTabla bonnlifil. lycappllod at aIl imes. Notice to Farmers and Others ly Proof, b- galon or barrai; RoNuîgt.,o' dtulevlt, do. do'.;Ilasplar's Extra ltoctifloa Wilsakov, do. do.; hbut Port,, Sherry. andi Cogniao'k Brandly for tlue nck, miii, a lia i o Mquors ud (ý cir8 ie test branti,. Attentive ocr, aud Horsmo,. îire. A. ALEXANDER. Brooluin, Janu. 27ti. leu. 4 VICTORIA 1ROTEL. RINCE ALbat,. WOON'8 HOTEL, WOON & BROTUHER. Northi Britlei s ad eratite Tire & 141. Ineuranco Comy. miel ofotreai.ott w h:rby, sept.1, 1849. 55-1>' SOLICITOR, &goy Le., [TAS REAMOVÉD)is L*wmOffie to Ontari, L1. C.hambers, gr Ont ileer deuIlof the Wbi*.by, .ran. si, 1882. a WNIDAS STREEIT, NHITBT, Ce W. GEORGE -80OIPtopruoter. Re rL 'RE subocrber inlu tu riontli* thunki- ILfor pasi. <trn, bop.to lutc'rm the 'nh1ý.bl. 1tant, of tuis Towo ntdi urnoiunding 000r>', thiti hi milbe happi b attend Lo ail or dora entrosteul to hi*cacre. Týethiîseted onUQolt, llssr or Ytdçcu*d tDi Rabhor Be.. Treath filled o? aextreotedntheu ti.bsp".a.lle Parlmanrattuten paldt he ieitcli Childreu'eTeeuh. Alicrriauiraned. JT rsft bée TrAVINO FORCHII> TUE ÂBOVE (i -L. tRotai, ban rsuruisii.4tite promises Ibmoult,at i fudtriuleodti Lb Bar mîitho I l Clhoat Lns ed cigale. Esr" wstention P%14t W gue. .Stages to and from ntbl bîicIdali>'. Careful Ostlers àlaI>. a atedauce. 201 CASH FOR HIDES ATTITUE atone Tannery, Port Wmt1y IIO80w"'SSTONB STORE Port Wbltby, 0. . lm84. JOhIN SAUNI)ERS, B) EGS te anonoceto the pu.blc, tli. .ELsaop.nd a BOOT & 5110E STORE, Opstti.Royal Hotol, Brook Stlao4 Wilt- b>',vitre ela roprodlo1Io cod altie te g~AJiordors ittne to*tth pttnotutaity. la sulicsed fronts *o dwfltoasWeil adt my-Atting bout aud ahoe. 0a Msmmeibr the oatia litmodmwy >'opposite thae>'i ote p WibiOot. g5, le". T. P 1kXN CARIRGElION t110x NA&INT go Wçrk 8w,4 At K.Bsecr1- q ~o~7o~beohan'Iuat onBot QÉÂN» TEUMKE IAiXLwÂYUO1TEL <Sus& f . a tay Dg.) P"0priet*. UXB RIDGE ROtYSE. ts toi Bl At0t0ya a1r.r et Asadys taeie roui*ros» Oaody'sa aie a lm.Lto candy'ago,! esommu.oh$ittleai Th lantb est mM flb. tfsàùeta, Aromake t i e ie b.hua. acol]. lVICTORtIA i310US, 1011X SPUEEILL.....IA .c,,Prcpfltt 'Trmssueasitbef rutard; iun hIie #fcn>' I. trianetst ote i I . *oetr"ytîntg uîe abova 1.0ff bantidtt hhonup$I- e -nor.bt il.h Witlby, O. 4. M84.9 rbs utaunun. t e us *wn ou osLet eall &itU',Ma ic88. ' sesmtwl tep cnt counyenient, andti4i.sco"otmda- lgood, voq gond, 'Ad àb.-t*r hie aeele 6 ooofrt orunau lied a hitusef. vng n pi5unehedîc<i"easaiol 0oocie loa SEVEPI SLOTS IN Marat Ramat Brook, For pantlcolcre appi>' te, <pne.psi.> J. HAMI PERRY, WlItb>j, Fa rm sf o rU&S"ale, "'Aeffl lu.ie Township cf Mot1i4 10 -blon, orui,-eaat part Lot Ko. 8,sudt DAR LIN GTON, nem frNtsihan,, 48.go d micda ttre 2> s eito ahrd 0< Il ecu. TJ roperty, .mlib.Xd P c lt ispci nong t r 1> meut. Alco ac <sm t itni wo sdsaliotpif lyts BA JELEIL, t i ~Ieit'-botmnale f %Ve did n igudo r>'wi tht Yeu1 Ilve halita tdud to die with »Uo, Uld Tour, itj.ou Mrost die, lit vu <fl of Joke n o sbt, But 4ailWBic oiry squhIit 'ofr To mo M iO O4't11,Oaté Buti he'hihA 4"a4 baiora. K"vu for by ieowo. The l1 xt*rrYand cold,, mv friood, Ant ud .yarUtîî.,asd bol,niytrtnd cOMM uup te tako hie own. 'Bow lbard h. brols 1 Iover the hnov tllhwudJos "~w tigeocrowing Cck; Tii. aLdw loc i nd fro. 'tilckt CiLiri ti;ofilei ft burna iow; vTr i ttiYftwolvé o0,1022c $nak; l".aube-1t)re yo die; Old Test, wobj dç*rly rue lot yoiq WhbtiliwoŽ&odo fû U jpok.ot beofe o oudàlo. MI cef soc rowilig 8sarp sand tifub Alck ; oui rrucmns gove 1 taudoth tl» h@' orpà4audajeono a*,c7"dillefoot u Lh. totr, My friand, Atid a new race at tho d,.r, o=y frlo ;Answ <lit thu1wor, The Wldowes jatte# 2~csaubo frl"id old Poster, when ho board or l '4"Wlien you'i. iiiarried, if ener you crs, 1 hdýe> you'U do the. à$Iaidoee vw. wo', papa,"l aadthe t*o misa Postera. But the cco _ dull z.biâdSi #aÉ- Inca. -d-ait -- . .-e.rus ebd Ont-1. orcsarebowm aseud *Uaodeoue TURM$.At js,,t MW q e.eic, osI mo oùatite. AIne, »tLoIN. 12, INt thommonbi AlA, 'TWO H-UNDR1> ÂCRLESy AttlOeras ausd, torboeu.à*. Tiit aceholae, a fi stgmoupOWesteutufour atlafroni toetr-e road' Lot tlft icon. SOgRYZxIijE, tee ors-..miii iIosnlW<ee o ditheBobeaj gPm (,Jctvrnnmsuf)J Bdtiwarsnj eut te milla, toiecua ,por parîIaal*"l ytaÇr.pl, - . AI! PERRLY, Land For baie ouL doffll tb tbefr breaiotin tWo Pat'n-, ageffiuing-room, (bal Iitt.!.. utattor, bail corne to bce dean forgotn. No eue knew, nol escu lte isses Foulr, t ittthete woa anythin at, ait extraordinarytlot ur ganb. , ndedo, as tqLa ah ay a paiteî, me Mtay s>'tlai WC only -miss IL by Compai. iBohi. -fis ver>' sa t beh. fln marer-o the only lrock-cot ii centp auY, to carry te ee olitary blackc ail k lhodkecibiief ai a dinner ,part>.'.But T1teofDot kuow- but ils: o dozon oten 10 arrayetdedo' ot scout te b. ag isîl dressed as titongfi t ey 1usd obeyéd the Igtusi nuie o!'f sihiou as, te thein garments. Onte tbing*' iomeern, lsd beenmode seure. Tbat utcf £20, naveil fronthLie inlîlirtors, itati boen dul paid oit- n lto Mn. Granger'g bnde.' .1if libas been ail rory uice," saidlMrs. Grangen, stili bobLi nti, men Nanamow.nit up stairs to tia-on lier bonnét boforosite Saattu-d. "oi>'y enare gbng ', '1yeu I cam going nom, sont. Dean auntl IBut# aunti.I haro laileit in one lhing-.ibsoloîely mulet. "Fai led Inowhat, ni>' ifrltg.0 O0Tiierc bas 1<-nne WldowWog Mite. IL la hlot ecg> te- le a widom mithrtmo mitehi.' ý"Wbat yo have giron mwliil ,ecblescoti to you,id bleaont bleset 4o (bose île fll r-eceile IL" i hope h t ay>' but 1 almogt tbink tbot I have-beau wrong in tliuking of IL go mucit. Tt ba8cost me notblIng. 1 tel you aunt, tiio t i laDot cas>' ta bca itait mith t o mites."11 Witen me.- Oranger Vas atoe. itb itir1 havbng relurnd otite.LiverjuooI nder tte direct, protection of te tiro youtîg.Grnu gee, for the>' batl Postively nef(uued 10 trancl-i mt', ho )thert-etpanion han the atrougo Amoion-lao toldbitu&Ic» t4utf Noro bat anit. "Sudwmitarautell's, lie vplieti, "tua it LIas htthibsatne, r itthtowmidow lherseif,? ,thi te wi aIl flot .he lad> but wmîta cn sythol oh. soifltret augit in la chcueunco? l t>' m houaci thntaï;il tiat la giren in à rigit P * ntco tme a b ack in asta n tl >, in t.Lu ew oe ild, r mith ' ntePeét." 1.1 islh mv oda Would, cepteiek" P "1Tii. desa"ocf lber oncýle iîs agreat ions te the Qusn, ncê ,peiticaîl>lu -la.h v vigar .sensuOf lte furia, for tho Waa tee 5*iSe a bman± .ntake th. mnltahte cf met. ling miLIuhisit làaffaira. -É ole chtatceofpemcual iluence la u e afairae of empire p4tlshtd ou îe le mobi g hÉ e kissedthe 1di o~f Englout'. fairest diaglal. torinl beraeheaud. - Mari>' jours aflermarda lie lirot a quiet sund appartanîly oie Cnres' te~ ai Olaretu'ont, asàoci*ing on terma cf itttitacy mi i ho, lth-est mon cf bis lime,- ami by aouteal nidfing bis asior Lb.widov Ofulie Dukeof LUet, lu the aditaatiôon cf the oit w ~madestine,! te tale tii lie baldinloooarly.a fotnb. Hle cai. aittiont a porcat, f0 thc preit>' ond.pett ehiti for wmta lot a ainig mac iu store; ami, tle peopleocf tua country' are graîtefuil>' baud le bis moryon' for al te. goot lieoltasunostentaîiotaiy rondored. Tii. Queun iterself lias nover been maniting- lu ocuomlcdgements of béi Obligations tîrougbotl f. e temerurice. H. mas in deuil abeut the Most uagacious and' neaucC-"' fil polilîciait ofaliîhe soyeneigos o!Europe lu Our tinte m .ave.sprnng fremts lsad teioin faills, n benidma'tifleti mith lic ioit dynusi traditions, and it moalti Le affectatiôn le protentflt lie liesloftle. Lint hit an>' o! lis race capoble of ad- eqatel>' Cupplyiug i Ions. 'The Duke of Brabaut la a Young Mou of vlrOnauhabils. fed itcteclanical lu. ventien nichancit mnusie, albeiave lu ,relies, cliquette anti eoency. 'Tho P îi Pletre oxat alenti atbavbng av long .tna king InozDoigutmWho, imtent of bcing o itoliever lanfthe ensm opo litan creet cf iCbrlstentlom,-bua- o .lnt for'a confeason, anti mbo lIres ila îleligliL cf the poaât, Loolti vas.toc mine .É t orny bis s*AOn onpointu of doctninoý abolit irhicit bimnoîf caretiDo ting'; but ha m onit neyer alciw him, utile Le lii'ed, an oppor Inuit>' cf betnnylng:LW buipoipuantpned- ,ectials b>' takftg Part, la public affaire. The. lielg ic thbon« la net, a ibat-,seat,a tintes gcj le usetd te Zay; buit la zitlîleh oid nier strong onough te afford being pÎiayed ticite*ith- ., vislt to e âeILto M>seo lu o giond scuvd condtioné, anti let bitaü keep 1Il!Ifobaai. ]Bua, tle neceesar>'t uonsetjuences e pxltio f tihebin j apparein roi publie bu4ines is Ibai liA !4rtiiIas qf(hoièenuruct[on, fcf ape Fri m tutBermuda Gazette, Dec. Ji, As coïréroado 1 re- Mre adj alzaoe the- Gaa. aaica.y . euzployed -at, apêr Liti di. g W majesty',shalie frsaIt tià Place, in coosqucui cia brusof inauha tlo i Engllsh Ilag by Lt eôtûtiouaty party 0-under Genhiral Scbo -and cta o-dapol Lion boig.aowubyueateod7er anvy apolggy for theit coudulet. ,W&e L tId î,t lthesipu took up Po. sitiona attackiug the defences, où tbe land ;aide, sa iloat the. tom ligt nOt le ijured bý!Y îh le .andi afier,î fo* boum ,the>' more obsuried tbébeabanôoned. Oenorai S81aa sand the. Icaderu, of tiie revolplion rseeing their cause ta Le hopelots, entbark. e d on board.. s oucil! vusol limer ibe>pro. tection of teiii.tied States hteatr be LSoto, wliich roest conveye tei n saféiy suit>'frola the.place, j itla aopposea for Monite Chriati. -,Before leasing libe>' seL firatthoLb. lon in soveral place". anti a poto fltbe lowin uthL. neigbb6ih4o~i f tho nariotplue',principally compouèed o! imali ratail atorcu, mac desiroyeti. "resi. dent Goffrard thon Lock quie&,, poaeunion tif the town and pubhishet an a"itudésy ta tii. rebols Imiti a fow exception.. The. ýcoruMon soldieirs were dlared amisont ta their homes, but-île offcers mereLbait. ished front thb'ais landi. One of Iobo ed. ing gelmerala 'là Salnave'e art>', namod Paul, Isidore, Waa tiien a few days bifo tii. ocCnpatiow~of the. lown, andi, afier a dru tabàd' coturt rn11 ;vsexecuted in the. *iarkt)t.piaco, _This muanlied preV1oou.1 17' IléonsolbtenLtetiath alfor altemeting the lhf. of lthe Iuytien Minuster o!f Iinrance, bat'ho cecapei and joisthe oreb..! psrly; IL ta' now positiveiy iuno-wn lIat tlhc IaY.- tien rofogeos mita were .taken out ofthe Bnglilih Consulat. were executeti turing thè bbnibatdiiiehî byhler >.1&joity'esh à1ip PulBolig. 1Afier Lte retinction of lte oti Lte aiips, more employeid reoovcring the Bckc tiJUldog, but owing t10 ite e&fctuaI destruttian by the eXplogion of bier magazine sud, tite ïoft-tbbddy natr9- of the. boîtom, uait o! the -gnuo il t teniais., were ilibotidoti la, the J dand conld ot le fOnnd. Tw ýo siali $.rmslrong. geUns, Chiain cablea, anchora, andti me tons cf céopper mere,- lîavever, reeotredi suàdý i lasuppoced i moit.mii luiplo>'. ad to rae e bengines and toilera, - The batteries oppoâet te lier m4jesut'sship lWIlldo lt*ère oid French, forts,' 6ult cr solid masour>' andi armed ilîL g2;nod 4g pounders, fte whole: of îhidh ver. dis- mtountêti by ler lire. laInat'bâtadrat arm> cf Antaons in bis seri' Cs -hhey were armod mliti pikes, Dariutg tuýe boti. - bonduant tho mars efupioyed ini dour;u>" inff bagé cf sand.toîlhe forts. WzuîAT ÀPITT -Au. old 9oarît. lady wus standing in a lhaindi'tiser's 14ebo ien a-pnett>' y yobg girl came Id ta 6ng'a Icirtiresser for the evenii. i8W~y her order liurriedly, &Dylag 4tit.abo'Mut; ad baîf a dezou "raIll." sad a batterils oll ÂsOg .L An weE. & 1C.S. aaf otuRa= s

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