Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1865, p. 3

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- - CHIRISTMAS FRUT m: ýFRE4SRI (ROCEURIEISt1 Ti'y Lowes& Powell for Hams,- Bacon, Cheese, &oc. TIry Lôwes & Powell for SBRANDIES, WINES, AL1ES ANI) PORTER. TRY LOWES & POWELL FOR T ancy and Sta ple Dry Goods, Clotliing, &c. ecember 20, 1865. 5 FRESH "FRUIT Received b>' the subscî'ibers, -iiiç wiII he sold very low)N for cash:, nun immense R.sSortruwrrî ot-f FRESI] JFRUI7TS, compritsing N irtinci.% Sultanri, MIil. .1nti L.-%ý,er 1 \SN~ Nr'w ( Car~ nîr i i l Leicjn antd Citron Vi'ed ; FI.-tvorng Extracis of ail kiii ; W~alintA, Vilberti andi Ainonds is do, HAMIILTON & Co., Rave ttow to band a very extensive Stock of FANCY & STÂPLE DRY GOODS, New Milli-nery and Mandles tZ IN TUIE LATEST STYLES. M OURR LJI4IE.]SE STOCR 0F READY-MADE C LOTHI1N0, SCLOTHIINGNADE TO OR)ER. în 1 lust reccive<l an immiietnse stock of Fresh Fruits foi Chritttîas, consistiîîg of iest NwFit CHRISTMAS R,ýf S NO. 1,OIN 1ý,TRe "-;(A»NER. C. , IR ERr(Y F'amily Orocer, AT No. 1 ON THE C0RXR, IS REPLET19: WIPH A CILOICE, ASSOWtgýAENT 0F Wi nes,Brand ies.,A' les, Porter, C. ROBE RTS,) Wine and Spirit Merehant. 9Wlitby, Deembor 20, 1865. 501 GROCERIES A varicd assortment of superior DIry Goods of evcry quality and In ice has been added to the ni RAISINS, CURRA.NTS, 7IS, PRUE:0 oey a d Lq r t ok J)'1/êVd.4 IIdclDDIE ÂLbAj()NsCÂNDIED CITRON, LEMON & ORANGE PEELroeyadLqrSok ROVUND & SPLIT DIERINGS, TABLE COI) FISIL, &C. Boys, Gents, and liffiris SKATES, ,tnçl'Skaters Gimbetas, (En- glieh rnarrrfsettre,) mainril drur-rij.ti4mrs rofSivl .nîl lt-vy II)AIE SPowder, Shot -and Waris, also -sa iîl1 consigirnient. of that nrKalenitueky Sportiri~ung rrtrgîtlier witîî n lar-ge assror-mnnt 01 I Red, White and Blue, anid Faricy Shirting Flannels and Shirts, W'inc~ysGaina:ll ir-etrI Plaids, Dirti Gîr 'odm, Frencli Nfariio.s, SIrwls, Nr uhii andai Skatiîng lMti,iG(ents MIaini aur] Satin Enain dlcd Pajaur Collamrs - Accouîtts pist flue W-dl bc closed and placed for collec- 'dons, if' net piîilnwrirr * ARNOLD #& Co. Accounts due th(,F4 tt ,of ftbc Lite John flîuui, Blacksmith, w-ilI be pIacer1 tisuit if not 1xnrd i r mt of Jani ri, I1866. -Whitby,- Deceir.er 20, 1IM. Very little dolng iu the grain market. >taremain as foliuws: Psu rai reat ... ... $ 1..I30 14,prlng ......... .....$1.00. a 1,05 1 Barlay .... .......ss a 60C. Peu ............ . ... 55dm Be ............8.00 ver ton. Buatter ........ ....... 14c. a 1 Se 40 a 50e Cbickerrs .1....... SOC Per pair. Paork........... ....... $6 a $7. Tuskoya ............... 60C. a 75c. Gees.........40C. NEW A DVERTI8EMENTS.à GOOD-CRANC}E FOR A BLACKSMJIII. North -,,Ontario. FOiR SALE OR TO LET. T lIAT well itsiîrted J rrirrk iacsrlr hep ai t Viruyarsornrr, torerirrc j.tl1tiré 11rabrieuldiing oceu;bied ia ap» lerr'mtsirop lir1111g, Uda ait i t aro u1larnd. lïhee trie ICelr a grrrr<(lre lor art iurlu'triruts mnnérrîrsrre, déiirorra cf sorritrrg drrwala lt.l 1tsgý &s tiré e riffies tare t, atted ieArt tilAt s tliriZkl y tettîcui weaithry Wloc1y "t[ iral Wmtirieret l erréntinrver lrkitst éands rfr-r a "krit'lctr e lnailt Nrrrtlr 4ltario. 'rite'briek llielé42x24; irnenatl gsiirttarltd 16x *4; thrpe rtcr'is shcrp lx$ 'Or 14é is aud further Prrcîularit, epp>y tît, Vrttr.rrrratt.rl.1. O '0tf Ors Let Ne. q' *th Cuit., Jrec. {JJACEIYNOTICE TO Ç'REDITORS. -o- 13EV WEEN Murrdoch ýMePhadon antd Srtl Paugmns, ttifa AND .Joslrna IBacon, antiJolin Shier, (by Bih,) anti thersinrimde par. tic& I>bintiffs. VII8SUÀNT toir a Dsrce orf tire court cf Churrer lor!UP'CfCarrnaemade ii thisq ,uauteCcdltriçu Selng l'rUrgrî),anr tre T'ow-nship of Brock, InleCt ronx-ofOirteiio, wto ied in or abrot tirare oth ofMaréh6ls-s, tr a ýre t rl or ry theïr go"k'tt.t, ýu r be hfore te ÉIa ayof Jowiiimut anaelprovo YARNOLD & Co., Admîist.rator.1 NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. Holiday Gifts Articles sutaié for presontafion to Ladies & Gents anSE sd BOYS, m eau .olected front thre loHRPL .30 19A 0 CfIK JEWE LJERY AT JAMES JOHNSTON, Watcbmaker & Jereoller. i-iO liroci t ireet, %Wiiîtry. Mortgage Sale 07 LAND. TN7 nutrrgnne of à POrer Ofii' felé ontrrnrd imor ra, datea isfrMey,,1162, morlc byfia"I "ilst île, (and re in ufrvour Of I'regtrrrItlemu tamut ictraord itilém n, ectré ew tt ud Irts, tirer, elu l..c eélrt b>' At thiré Rliotai, ilu tiré T;IOWN 0F WJIIBTÉY, (lia ýWeoda"y-.17th Yaniy., 8M; meurtr orlem-, ud krmu S Outh- tImtratr eOf Lo No. 64, Cat.46,Towerihf Vréhtdrc. Turér-e aré om 80Oto S3 "repletredtd a 1lée hrook rosseao.eiA , mand tiresou la &q -.1lutarmind iî May !slrr yb. aidarod as a droice lot cf I-:.i sel nitsteoéasid weRl erlapted for fnràUils rne lrt iod o M.L 8 le okt*ce SPICES, NUIS, &C, &c., &c.1 W!NES AND LIQUORS, 0F THE BEST 'BRANDS. HAMILTON & Cou No 1 and 2, TilI's B3lock. 181 S. tLRRA~T~ 'l H. COCHRIINIEYSa CqM41 -NEW YEAIR'S iI Ci» Best New t'urraiats only û:? Best New ,Seed lès' Raising5 Groceries,"Wi Liquors, Crockery, Glass Ware, B3 :,Shoes,,ClOthîingq Fish, &c.&C- SPROPORTJONABLYiC And- seven per cent off al Cash -P' over, iivolhlars, J.1ritng the 1IoUa o,do y -1I MIOÀIÏY &4 CASR Decemiber 20, 18G5. 0f the undersigned. Consuit bis list of prices aud imspect the quinity before purceasing elsewhere.1 1Whitby, December 20, 1865. JOHN FARQUHARSON, Dnndas Street 50 cM'ILLAIN &-Cos. 8.8f. Â'LXONqDS, WALNUTS, PFILBERTS, CANDIES, Choice Ser aud Port Winc, pure Frechtj Brandies, Irish Whis-ky, seven yenas ldr T. . MMiIn ç Whitby, December 20, i865. - 5 N EW_00DS MATCH ek-IRO' p1eMu. n ernln g teir,,incere tha, rotag ~eve dumrsg héput 1 mn. tapts of WWmtby ad mlWrouuin ~utry, m a el are roin~Iream '1ER ofDcë oln ýthis drr{dIaolr'edby thltslmn, rell hé dottiél' y D. M okr wlro ýlau rthorizod te tîrat éflect. -WILLIAXK KNbWiSi CountýjOf ot Wii i.anidfnrcdCor cýf Quarteè Semiotisqor tliadaéa,~in and for the Couctý~of Ontario, will ho holdea at thé Court ~fonsa, in thé Town of Whitby, on Wtneday, -Deéo,21th 1865. At teqn 0,.,lock a.m. for the purpése cf Audit. iug ~ ~ B.J héccOtof * MACDONELL, Whl~by DeooibeClark of thée1eace, C. 0. 2eobo 01865. 50 »c, BY 4UCTLOIN ~Y VALUABLIi KSTE TOWN 0F' WIIITBY, B virtrié cf poerrof srrlo, containtecl lna B Certain lrtortgiré siniielîl bc proced 1 tit tiré salé, cri SATURDAY, Dec., 3Oth, 1865, At 12, o'clock uoîr, at tire Royal H otel, TOWN 0F WHJTBY oi TOWN LOTS Nos. 219, 224, 221 , 22, 2811282 23898M4 andi 1918, Ert otf lBrook Street, ru thré Toreaof Wlit. rry, ecourdirrg te) a tpia» mode b>' John Siir, lq., P.L.S., said Lois heinué cernposéd cf a oar rleIrt No. 2e iru théei21rd Concession of tire Tolr.ehi p cf Wiitby. TAillS: Oneuateriof tinopuirinasé nionev te ho p id dnwren for bhlnrce, terrisa rell hc madieknowreratti16sale. For fmrtbor pnrttlcuiars, apply te JONAS AP JONES, 6blicitor, bMasornie hli. 491d Toronîto St., Torouto. CAUTION. TXITEREAS it ires corné te rit> otied titat Vi corsequence of certinrmrlitce reports wléi-have beeau culatod throngh thé country, the roputatlen of mn> aont, M r. J. IL . Illogg, tlilîka>te, audJ furi r'er,- sud tinnit ry bu*inéést la likeiy te, hé dauragcd, thcrnrb I toke titis inert fdéyiug tiré trnritéincssuof ariy report hraving for lus suir. wet arry disbormosty ort Mr. llogg'a part te.' werds inm-end cf nrssertinrg my cae iécent- dénué@ira hlm. SDcc., 1805. -49 Eervant Girl 'Wazited. A TRIOBOUGH SERVANT GIRL WAN- ted., Nuotbire réd*pply.~ Jo ec rel ho given. ALtt' o wtngthé éstetéof tihe .& are ltfiélW téhorahy centi alteat p.>'lng . ae»hI'l w of' Port1 su>' me'ou nacenut o! enyi*rtgàgo .otbét.iudébteduesa oitiréhe aleti te, i tmndro4irrd la thé ouly person vho nov évérihmabéa dry auth:rlaérby 911th dieow ia 4puteni by thé rindersi ,JOEL BIGELOSi W lriby,1~ov t5l . 1 ff t ig £Zoe Foe SALE0OR To LEr _TIIB d-illrrg boumé antd preminseo C. DRAP: If ÀX 0.I \ft1Q T>Il HOMES AMND HOME8IEÂDSi FOR 84LE AFcw Towrr Lcts, dot long Wterra fp .mont iii thd TOWN 0F WHLTBY AL.4 flire hlocksr!n the Tow~n 0fWhit'býy aoutailliug 'rora oua 8t tirecAcrel.. ALSO VILLAGE LVYe ! Fort Pety, BrookXi4n Brachijn, (Jara,l* Wiiibr Appiy t3 J.1HAM PERRY' Sthi Nov., 1865. W -44by Farmsfor0 l Acroet in the. Township fMur . bV bt o tIr aprt Lot Nu. ,o Con.; w un, w ti-othe Town lnue et DA-RLINTN, 80 acros cloorcd, about 40 aue c f whicli narc !ree frcm stîrrapi. Comfcrtrtbla Lr l ouo uoi?, frarn bari, 84x5--good wtul, i j îr tyjopuig orchard of 250,trcm. ,Thi rel)Qr rty- ýwilb odcroaud on g terras co<pl tuic. -PL afrra wtlutso and asîralf il ira cIIIELEVI Eou thre EDAXY(i1 QU0fNTrý BeiIrt *est puit, Lot 82, IsI Cou. Sidney-.-eon- taiflhlgi.0 a baout 0 ueres c-arct isnr& undor culîtO Ti fre cara- tWO llotrislrirrg' foulig (Jichards and cric old tirchord, il betrra ugtheecholeiçt deéeriptlônot frult. Thepreo sont larni bihhnmors aie sftimaîelon thé et-ltré of threpropertylanidcomilau&a !aW of cvcr ficId. The buildIrýM couoisi, of a ciuifortablol Prrie DwaIliaw lloêâë, #eIl iisWjplkcd %witl sprlng and sof trr.Thé barris rrd ont- liounes are nere, large abeý oonmrod lote. -TERMS.-At laert $S060iril, and bn1rrýre on ti'rne, Alii LotlNo. 12, 12th coccs4ioïi MAltAi TWO, IUNDRED ACIIESi a loclt in s sltntd 01zouL err.fouir miles froin the contré rond.- Alto Lot 7, n tihe 12th cou. SOMEM IILEi 200 acrcs-wtlnirrivremile-s (roui théeBrrtrkrv - geon (1tovcrimt) ll> oad, ad oiiveiiï- éoit to 141"@, -clro'rli, &o. iFor pasrticulura pply to (pre-pftid,) >J. HAM PERRY, -ltbNv t,1865. -t EXCELJZMT Farm for Sale.- WIflhINrtWo miles of tiré Town ci Wllltby.- W ronithé >iuiotonFItand, ccntdrlWn* 15 aéras4, more or leqa, baiug painof Lot Mo. 1, irrd or.,1>ikéirgCeu.y of outârto. witb gooi bruiling anîd ûn@h*rl lff ell ilaured. Apply pert§ennlly te tiré tirerer0on the ér r VILLIAN TAYLOR. 1>ckerlng, Oct. 26th, 18 2 Farm to Lot. -0-g li a. i i 1 IQ L, ue~s - I itîlo- -.1 r.. K~, AIS]. ý,iIC1 ii IlI.. lilIllIl? ioý -9- 1 1 ýox%- en fDýD$

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