Whitby Chronicle, 7 Dec 1865, p. 2

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New Advetusonents ttus- Dilyi bois a; Shoeos Whlesale-J. ns& Co. Btra79d.-J. H. pSponcu. servant Girl i ei-<Seller, T0InsesPy NoUes etor .a. Smt. Por-SOae-C. !Draper. To LUt-. TYrer. Boots & Shees Biai-J. Bain &Ce. Tenaders (or.*areho-0. Draper à&0Ce Lait ea-U. HansS; Trovu Taues- Catin-ioê Bgace To Shoemaier--J. Bain & Co. Faim for Eie-Im. Olliver. - ~ AUCTION 1SALES. (Oa thnrtd&y, Dècember 14th, 1865, at tee o'ciock, a.-sp., on lot No. s'ine the Jai concession of Scarborongh, Parcs Stock, Tmplezuents, &o., the propenty et Mfr. Richard Knewic,-A. Thompson, Auctioneer. AJPPRENTICE WÂNTED. -0- W ANTEI-.îlI pprenice tethe 'riiitina Apply itt te ffie of dits riper. ONLY 8160O CENTS A TZAR Whltby, Thursayi December 7e i865. târNOTICE -An imtmedi- ate settiement cf Accounts due this office is requested. Tbe .1"Globe" on Uaury. W. reproduce tua vweek one et tbose msuy csreleasl7 vritten articles vhich frein lime to lime sir the colmua cf tLe Globe -the.aubject ibis lime >eiu-' Wb"t l usury VI The casa çe vhich îLe Globe bas More Imwediate reforeneoii tuet cf the Banki cf Motreal va. Reynolda et ai,* lried "aubestlaituby sina sund ne porteti Le ubea.e clunzs, sud cepieti (wi". out credit,) ie ibtheGlobe. The. Globe indnlged lu a longîhy editeial, siding wiii 1Mr. Sheriff Reynold*, aide, a&Ibtii.ure, and aitogoîber Lu opposition te the Bank, anti abat il as thon pessast tecal! tIi. lmmorslity ofithe jiauk' tiralinL .The mérits oft hoecase ereS slortly asfollova:. Tho Bacli mati Sheri! RIeynolt' ansd bis endorsera upon two notes, as if ibey mâd licou discounteti l'e iiordintry :ayof biusiness. The.$ber iffput Lenithe piesof usry,-sllgieg, ai a reosesfor delug se, ual st teankt îbrougbhbeir agent hors bdtientere t manseagreemeniteàire lim. a credit ot six ibousanti dollars ; an t s apon the créditlase, btaiued ÃœIbre via ipeile arrangement balvees liiumei aae *11 qeue, viatais> le a becie <Vrgii limtes asi se re e isî Par east'oal 'bita aft=80emOlit 018allea lgtWa.a Ioen plis n1857,smdth fe asoies sVe renei a d trainslime teaLima, luaîLeentrkimu> s> and vere kepUIafoat oul lait Il:.. The Bantaitsn requiredt le> sisoulti bo tale, vip. lheniff XIloycts ve iaiwu prepared to do soticutiereti s remêval asti saule isathier eredît. A change hall talion placi iu ltse lsulemanagement liera lu tisé mess lime. Mfr. Dean beg Sbtitatei for Mr. Dos, tIse lormer m»ager, visýme m te i allegeti arrangenseni. Thé nov manager Acting spoQlstaricticnsi rofusdte r4eom the poper. Theroupon Sioni Reymolti nited is iragae t suItise former manager, as tic4 hie are; arîddu et six thotut dolrs-staiingai tLe aime Uis, tbat iseltdoteiglil pet cent, Lbat dbae paying tee p«r cent,,or more,- àý ant if refusedt ticaccemmsotaatie cieaIoulti ru dlsig wclaim 0 fthtseBank agaimaîbim iî a ceurt cf lav, on îLe groanu t f uur>' >lefono tise court the principal evideoce. on> -" 0 beath îLe sivere, the BLei liasî self, Mud-ListdCek, Mr. %Lrsé. Chiet esLeDaew4o preaid, 'chrg théi Jury lufat etofKr. Rejuolda, »anti tieel> againsl ths Bak. Ah tb»sa.csto vers botore tisa 6ZOSe, tien, vIson -It Obets pasrtot(lr. hlynbldo. Wb&$sIDesir gisi bas îhe saine journal ainesoebtalaed on lIse sutijecîteaaller Ilisopinion?1-To toit boy cee«ildthélb.Baubapsy seren sud eigist pet centtivientso, il tbIse> itinet'. malt; oetbar >Charges baîLdes ibo tagatîntereat cf' sercu Jpet ceai, la&apiece et minau.se ouoli scarcl>' expeet etfîths Globe. ýSerel>' ont eculemponar>' ougbi le Le aàvare tisaithLe Banba tejc s circulation «equal L&musn -te htist res thLeiepitid'itke. hat ut, 10satiof saves Pet cent, upe'n eue «mio dollars-apital, ubey,,ma>' cii4iseras par cent, interesi upo. ibW emgllons; wborcès tLe> ouI>'psy tdiindntsupes g. epali ,p: stock. -lu tituaîe ÊBa"nu mlsfe ir pnis. aipi profit. TLe langueo flise (iIbo' &bout the Bauba mal4ng tg.notées o# Ieir cualomiens payable 4"afjtosd" làa aiteetIser isaplii. TIse vend I"alreati,".propos.' 1>' nipput, *voalmeas lijoatheIL.bctseda et the coanlry, iis a tonelgas ocuItr 'u tact, rue Bsisk5c Montrea1 lu tiearmg vit is lstalmens tesset maIlIt isites, payable dé bruat!1" ln.maklng îlots pay. abl, ai spoot .&ÈAjnsg beside sIqît n hilel l.>' are, dlacoqepd1 ýrN"rs, issu; îlth e a' *# tioiesai"1a.9Mvlet tl. usum...w ud 0*e'aWIIsii. Sémi 'ank rance o tolsanti g15 loie -tinse fiabronti' tirgau eêsiPmu' ' "eoraii>'" cf (1 î*6lwe o f 4,%ai cf Motrait.Renf eev4j10 inW t6 s -Hati Mr. esyioltsa oocl6ê agreement ituLthe Esol os Ilielem siateti by iit or di ieo bahe l moue>'f et b.Bant'on tbe ame te rmi as Bank Las broen is agrooment ilth hlm. If tbe latter, hLeilagulit' of ibe "irnmtara- lÃŽi7" of seekiug, sunfth 1e cever of the. lai, vide payu'snt cf bio indebiedes Dr. <asgLetuer. JIsiel>'doua Dr.iîAmwtake ,op tL. cad. gels, l int (iQ4lr bsMna rvnput himseif te, tIsetroubl, Io mintsutaaLs cvn oPnos mnul iyor POits *oilily.Hu slmpsdtssk of. cbampen for 1Mr. i bel Jiglovl ,'sVery lgi nepuisiloîs a4 "r g*odottibater,» se being '<veli reati iu Maunicipatl as," mut uherefors bo con.. siderdaIl th6i. oe tisntarusted. ire rem emer viie 1r-. îiev bappene t t be elocteti a Towneconuillor, asdt Iit Mfr. Bigelov miade ne coucealmten: t rthe tact, that bis si oljeè t e inleinégthse eO.ucil vas 10 cui ideAer of the eor. poratlon - trm bit c"e. -As ve haire saiti Mr. Ù! élo hvdti ieconcealmeut of the fat, tisaI snob vas abs his sd landabl ambition by vbich h.ovas anLmatçd iLu beceming s municipal logialier. But vo did uti Lnov unîil nov irtai our fienti Dr. Gonne approciateti thosovalsable services of Mn. Jlgle Ln"ibisdirection &s ery> bigbly. On lh. 20 '1iletofJdne 1q59, Mr* Bigelov mereti fon tu thadaisir îe1 office ef Town Clerli suttTreiaur tofMr.0 VlYarolt. Dr. Gosan ppuSet, aidveet againstt he dIsmiumalasti driig îLe dis- cussion condemoeet Mr. lilgeiow's couru Lu ne ver>' measureti term. Mas tDr,Gonun8 forgoten os te 4ho dumnti Me.Bgelov, thon ? Tb u vshle oel yeas'bid "u. tuemet fi îud, Mr. Biglovv anti himasît vers colleagm inluth, ev Tb* Cooncl, asnd le "ibeanilag testlmouy e lis reldowirs> carneai endeavnso," Pr. Goin mt le deing a gnutinjustice te himiei4 or lie vus thon sctiog a ver>' Itoiocstus part In denuciog iBiget"'a'uLeotiid.- Mr. Bijzelc vas eue ef taa glii b -»t tIhe raiepsyme b! thLear, estaisles trns, by rataing taise cries agaist-other., anti nons more leudi>' ibiu Dr. Gusu con- t demuet imi, anti me lishii%, for doisgr se, ai uthe lime. Take the irhiîby 1usda asti Hlanbr agitation etsu. laitance. Whoc wu more forvad tIssu Mr 18*llolgte in centiemuing tL. Old Compan>', safdet. a cianing liai if ho' ers i4gel ritcf, ibea burden oftkeeplng Bro uiste arupsira voold hotie ribun ff- tIi. l ove?1 'ontîhs btfonse osenmule, et ýmonicpal c'on-~ cillons 1fr. Bigelov sas, as Dr. (lontswwtt buwes nagti in.reaeig agiation, antio Iq bo gay e i. .usaLe l sn W" -ommfeesmWid#5îoan dl am biti cousilinets." If Dr. G,..am &Wei- ,cepiios Io the Word 00"ap* ws il! cor. reot.aed "Y thai IL, %é4wIeîothela Io~a tWbih~ ~ot~4,~p~ha abina tbe ýUîwdStiatu~. Tbo.exspisasmis la a Iambe.e, s Ose mmrs wtalite of Me. ige. pépl htsnat W. ii ai-ààt fr o aît0f lis respec., (abRlii>'tathleDomur'.s I «epmed fr1l *W, ' beosme, apsgbauratsustqv Riia 4asd mtioN, '11.1tirlg isshr r cro tIimor n bfs lnmitîe nolas' tsa os e Ibseorlls vas tise sasr c otBigelov aud mohe Isiango (Ze vbons Yankee ti m m e ongsnia rBut leitauj ef ont'neioea enine perses. ael>' et uneiane,"tW, loyal, Dr. Gloes, Lig aý prraîa opinon o,île mauont ativ ventue.thlia ssertion ta u iisirm> tIsaiitleuva aver>' graye mistioe,'andtuaI, f the. mon viehonteDfrreti ber Mjofj o S mission cf lthe j'aeon hpouon a Kfr, Bt*gelar vote a rer«y lad set, lu la l lioserer, -a to -lb. advoeni1 ulpscLr-, Olleuance t Mn.fllgcow b In salle stawlà "ioeollenf theiLfu let tis te, agitalore at mieusdpai à Lttilb am ai s>,that sucs me s tah"e ws!AcOa, ila. lfoiot;t4 îe Rgete asud the Dr&. subsidati or sloputi"; s t il Lit iii i statement Outfriand De.. Oun is, ataLe., taossd moreew1pcla.>Yassleeas*4î galo tualMn. ;9071 , r~sî Pa1lnadti mau$st ernat ,,&ea*abud 1i vent u rigee ýté ls " tqatius-! Wb. hues cf s a* mthll *#isé aà asuiI tdi ÃŽ4. esuerprw eteo buts.,> vaen sm17a "fa4t G"vl*e ihause ml#Ispy *,,ed bo4r tg ndaPbêy Mdtu s*ssass "TIt lsIlait>"Ii - -gé' room dancibg wvu, et course, resumeti, andi kept up uh a àlais heur, far atranceti "Timue st ,me'bourm ,yot et b v! cstil the plsaut icompsny ligan te break op, ailtexprossauf uboméeies telightod vitb iii. upper astu . aI, da AU cou. eei viii Uliens. St. A.airews$ Seicàety fer l(orlb Oses- At ameeé4getfitshe mi.bsr et si. Aifes'j , o~rtbOe qipiandi PoPe?êvs$,» il-sa»u 01 s Tbluady sari ellectes8 ofies fur th.enturent leun, Thema Formeas, Esq., Prine Albert, laiVcé Paiiduî;ohnClhrîstlo, Esq, àanchostsr, uad Vice President; J7. A. I(ulorson, Faqe, Prince Albert,Scre. 47-1 JausBoirtia, sj.,Prince Albert, rssurer Br.J.Campbell, Wick, Ta apoitumot fPhyician vas de- Denei i t t Umeing. Timethy Mnere, Fsq., Eps.a; W. IL. MeDonadd as»dD. lielir eaPince Alberti Jhn iisq., Port Ferry;antMd &aries I la lIa tvensag îLe mambersofethe Se- ehi9 vus thoir ladies anti invitet goue, or tiUuÏlv tu auiet, versed tAI an epncate t,cinp by Mn. Niel Sinclair, vbo vus th çaterer om the c- ussibe. James Baird, Boq., île late Pro-. aident, ocuplad tIse cLai,'and acquilteti hlsl fletbdallesofethieci eMU apesi a , nti » a mesi tliglifst *vmngn ws pant b>' SIpresout ilu enjoig"#ts toast et reason, ast tisoievorleu. The Asqs prp thev laeln eAlnes luasdtrted toc « ale by,"' ý en usaer ilhe Ceuni .fChmncri, orl Silais>, g 1r Lçes, ila ofetient picjptuepp ga!suid ia; glots-rois ha saemieto Ont tix se rs., r BI M4'fraidiproperiLa uté îev.- Thomre ladaIs noet dase bsimM cacefor uI.Oâauyisaledeyefecaring per~5~'grO<i56od ta&g.proporty udtaIf ial Itso 9»du vloisbretmff 'Sr. Aaua, u t Âil , irv.-Tlii St WW As 6sà'bIeylof Whltbyt osebraisi their sibfssaaWby Abaill I s ear, in- slti cf d*0 Iowa ahnà saey djnor. l Airews' lanéorertM ozasfloqutrMld yio~g hueeourge# appropnlste (théIlno- 440em lnetadbyÃŽP. i. souttYh , Àllberal-wcteioti vustalo n ead "-sbusevolnt (ImatiofileSoéfety. Âbotsisy-t. 'oceséenty couple ai- tentie the bal4 yblcb vw" qute a grand pleaslog ballaet, tWqkldaeeordlg4te, ail b - 1.large bàJlP cf the Meebanlte vnti u svsmet îmttfolly deconateti snd arrange t L aga anti mttes3 asti pie- turest, laving relaisse to Smtish sal- jecîs ;-cnopeuoîîs amougal îthé lattes balbg s a gtillcet p ortrait, in 011, ofthiL. renoe iSooltiab bard, Robert Bais The ect «niolargement sud improvernenla sotie in the, hall ;atdedi, in ne i'sccuider- able dsgreethîe comfort sud convenience cf tLe selg. At a bail, anti muh -à i>te sas the lut St. Audrewe' iii UO*hiproye- ment& aremnmacmoe éséitable, snd eau b. apprecisteti buiféi than upon, -penbapi, tue' ctsor ccaion. mue tIse bailvas Veil fillel ihere vas plsnmy etfzoràa*i ne Crowdins. Anti indeed wse muaI take- occasion ber. te gay liai 1the excellent arrangemnent&ansd connectas attention cf the stewards vonîti go far- te obviato any difficniîyeoftheii.kiod, even vore theso ate more couflueti. Freuman'. Quadrille baud, (saiateti by musicians frrnm a di- lance empleotid, for tLe eccaice,) supplieti i»o miç. -hIvas, as nanal, faal;essý,- uehhing renainissg ie bu desireti on that score..<The large sali tiressei Compaq>, wiii here sud ibere s ted ceai, beonging le Iho Volontuers, ithe well lighteti aud haedsemely deceraieti hall,, the. live'y aseqs sure ihrough tIhe ma>'-tdance, -ait pre. inoi sruait>' brilant 'appearnSc breugbout tLe evening "it <t olti le tifficait te fint isarpaO»Leti. bçrtly tor, iwvIe oclock tnaper vsw uu sn eti asti tÃŽ4 ladies vers escortéed vp atairs. Hlie aM"i tbo laie improvaemetmade lan the bain vers. eousple»"u. TIi. mpper tocou vwu ample for ail tIse giesua,' sud etery. tbiug moat tsatettsliy arrangei. 1Mr. R. Scov vus theeTeer, and ou bis parn tbere wus notbing twssting. Thora vas an abondanceocf everyihing, aai lt the. beit quality. On retarninj tote bail SentsWatt!1 bot s 1 * ts noaesa> Pms thié bf.là tihai étenlng, asti thoni beingn ne hu Ragt thse ceusant cf il Trnseea for tlb., itbobl hetuê, iCàtn., bom vws appointed, <sl té i. ritd lies ofCaptaI.Ro*.- ýA 5L1Tlu i@*rms. On motion ot Mn., Pont>' ie e ibj DÉ. Oun,*a eset olnittef eoomiting e the miôverwu appeintati for ïlb. purpes ofsinmnia lb tila lbl' ibe' tmv hLIds, if asi, toe sgrmma»r sohool pro fprty, ae ieport.,as îb ont!' tetingt a A.P lu om 1fr. PoWU ràrSoStid bo t Ouneil paiet i tsDoember .1864 fte tSpurpos. r ~On Motion of Ur. Por>' iceiibj th. a',ue Tremsuee wwslait t tsy tb M or, Mud aaiss o i, t'Wu tisy at $4, per day fur salecting leors, Ifanytliln ,g I*snI î, epr aspu b liIhNevîery.*petl1 of Pridaylssg. batjgli 'y aTortI r U9epsdsîvthsii et tles. la îlip9b, with tég. tw 05h sud enrI as Feln= Amengst admet fiures vaSud Wbtîby, Osav ate ireeilin and Bro4àak uée dovasMfolies. . f Wbitby 1'Ini mpsgtby, tnlo ............ 10 76 1 Bo........<....fo 6 TisevicIé s(atemouî i4sa gros. telles îlts*et Oltfletb5nuaeîa Po ina 1 of~ " LIma p'se fmeti; but le b rLseceunly et Onlalo, vs are conkned à tPs'y ft n oeiî r et. e làti."rsh b reenteti as onsefrrepromebatitip Laseýlt bl oven>' lrisbmaü-Cýhoio anti Protetai-la Ibis 2otut%, he egterL of se ainoclona a esaismu -dussrsaIobe placet!inluthe Piller7, or vhippe-I tbrough' thse streeta ai a bora.'.S tai. 'If tLe "8,5, enrsI and dillie W CanstIbemadeop in the amevoy, asg doubtleu sil la greaier part I4, smiaaismc Laa ige scounIally eet,,s a WÃŽas a9 crimo sud a tolly. M"licaitaQuAnIT FàM- Tb@e atueudance at thia Dwmeil eIlataha fait, wbieb CSoma oesTsemIylait, wus quite nuasru. Tbere vuas iem e lare eut of stock, andi bnyera Lu plýt.- Basf broegtt (ron,$6 teaS$7ppar s#adi about 200 bondoecatile uelanmgutiab"é. Mr, L4peiog, Wvie eetiasauete.r*oété& ted sema geedt aes cf bornas, 11u16u1 e.t MOIU,»naues, assigs, astivashqwet01 artielles fSir PeeSI Theofait disnet vas bhe!t It e e l Hfouepad, ti . Daves, ta be'&ei exerticu the etasbuishrnen t ofa" in oweg, vu, as naaliL. "i bheset bel" oa t4.occasion. The foI sin atisaheprissavaedsti. M Fat ex or sîoo-C. Stoe laI, Wore tc 2oti; Cc, or; boier-C. Sieark11I Nain 2od i aDreI hog-.R. Bojutos hi, Jas. Julaaton 2«d; 'Pain of geSe-14s. Larnba l, Uri Jas. Smith 2ud i Pair gfTuçris ii -MI&. Barbu lit, A. Scotti 2a.d Bec? àa nSce MXtrictoi*.-Tbo i4 attention cf tIse.ilutise ka"s~,res te the eslabllshmantoet Muera. Bals kCe.,li were percisafflmapibdeas advtivagaouamsea: ostreal PàB slit aMestr. Bai àC4. do,sllih&ff pisae as for mss(mofuae Dols aM4iRh at @rectal WOIe11i,. Ail th. memisteA(Wshtheé sie Captai Rose,>pr0esa,. TCajor fome iauteceaiel lIine b a t M t 4sg emi ied 44 sa oseq.seu of îLe moine et d ràs{ueý B's Woashp te sl8VOMMueWly frâWav No. 120 (aseiabuibi-a geais111t') ti shouidti sl isquaset, atiad l tbeg [t V«Iaa*i lssit et 1Mr. Nat fllow, a»,dseged, to e liEgeunde ostw tesT impriseemeo shah lie l use M sMay (Prom ils. Globe.) eftfcfers vili bave 'forgot«tt;,e Wbiâp uk-c as thay voem al*tit,at the latit lIe an~sk of~eh'aa et Onlattofi 1wo nisir otas gh bnk la >le oualn.bln orde en" ut p ws t th> efe Tuktte .cas Lbad s a ab rioati, luorder litai the ackmigt cllea àcommission uPen u1omy nadiintoteInternesavonre par cenu., wbielu laelb.iigsestlbit tLs udatllgedilimas uuacommisontogetbet 'ViIh othar epue ramg(oalecir. cumitance eihat tise note wum matie payable "irosti,'t Iethlie metuàl Interipals! by hf ysal'eleren pe nt Ou lus aer. for letjeare bon entte do business vilLh tIi. baton cm ilsormon vbich, e>a uev complaineti, andtitat the raticeo nf iug notes payable abroad wuvasdtopiti!cn sîant-yby ail bînhu, tbilisr -,aýq sJndge Draper vas to'iufeso si iiiif-île ,notas sers matiepjasabotatIeItnc ocf ltsé batik, oasti t -nibppose-of buntama log, lu offet, 'o'ie.et itermi thblattit vas guili> t 0umun>. l tti net entirel>' close iL. doer igainat suob., transactions,, but tbers la net dout at isaiI defluiticu ot' unr>' volticaver the massofet1h. noies payable abroa i Iu are discounted b>' cnt babak. If a mancame tb he btik vusii sncf a note, tocîsning Lt" 10 ho iea do. sire or bis intenesitet make -thse payaient elsesue-re, itie diacounîiug of usai note voulti net bd unr>'. Bei ucci cases are axcueding>' rare. las uLuety-nino caies ont rit a inutneti, thé cotos are matie pa,. silo abreati, bacauso lu that va>' the batik gelsa abigiser rat etofiterea. uInoneof the auits ai Wiitby, lis. Jary decitiet fon th. batik, but in tise cîlsr for ithe sheruiff. Tii.' tact thnt the. partiea, tise evidaance, tIse jastigoanudthe iaw vers tIeseame-Lu oaci suit, shows tIse glrionsa ncertaiul" suds vwonitiattend lise administration ota lav againat esun>'. BoîIs cases vureoap- pealeti, haroei'telp be aorguetilbofore ihe jutigea boe, and# , vellere, jndgmeeî vil! sIiorti' bc giron. Unleasotise court'shoulti refuse te Interfère vits tie-voidici allihe jury in sutbet cage, ve shai our havre su autbenitilra deciaien upon tiso disputi! polit If ih bo bLId tIsai Ibbatiklaeei.- Ileito recoore hemono>', anti that tue praciiceof mabing noies payable abreai fon ih. sabe et the atitiotca Lereai at. tontied1 in fair sud legal., thon ithe bsnkLng business of île conry viii iul'er'noe tere intertuption <nom thette 86elle I'cdiug s tiecision eft tis question, hovever, ven duratant ittheb banks are, le a groat ex. lent, retassiug le lobe nos nates et tise characten refenret t. Wits discounts te ticir huai unatemera, uteetanesrtaiuîj visic i bas anisen msbes ne difference, but nus transactions, vicro ibe aul>' profit lies in1 tLe retaru (nom the mono>' leist, anti viere,, conaqsenl>, the banis cannot affcrd to 1 fondi torseien per coul, art e r ithspnrent1 goueral>' avoitiet.- 4L 14 Sbudîth Ie Court bolt tstrsîict ister. pretaîion efthtie banbing las p.-abubLits vIsain taanti Isasfor-ysarsýbestho nniven.-1 maI practice et ts- bank-4, 'ant it hIs Bank et Montres! aswu istrausacilens ý sis Sheni PRqàdod gniýltylb( usu>,14 tsen. eut books muai giie op ils, grottpart oet tiseir iscoanning businessutil lie sta la ulmauge Lun tLe las. -'ela perfet»' al iardc Alie r onfised te seien petrceul. Tic>' wvIl Le-#tiirsu le nie ieir more>' in-otieri vaja-perbapio t mpioy lit ot ofle, sominîr>'. Bren lunfglanid, wre moe> ta macib eheaper iuan ilta insere, île rate«:0> intereal bas tissau iaLgh an*n 1W oct.t Un1e banlo psy dividenetisof, deven anti .igIii pot cent, asti it vuldIt!oLesloosiug bus inessà for thons, Aemiong tiiat, anti payisg er- t' ta Ieutiiuti eni. If the las lama ShrR Ryolds solt'bahae l, naxt ses-t ieso et Panliamoentcanuo5.udsalloeeta e pesa Whouiasendamiiit'If Lt la llov- ait eveu ecetnu nuncertaiu peint i whaî the WlaiLaîsi Iise hobave baeu coin, h meutiles afo«#ýrdetihW>' urlbAi~n a uhsne" a < ý -11, L- . f w"Mufflmm 1--l--.---. ->,---ý--,--.ý--..-,---,ý -'. ý -"- IMM yulo siseourag b t hmaa Mr nIlo goporft M fte atstIelpi bd dom. Alrsaidyvia.~, hutuletige ocfaimont Impudent proposition ,modie tuabatikbysa debtor viso eveaa te,« buiedion& daasihose notes bave, [.beeu mode payable abreati. Tue paW> lme beestIih, debter et the biank ferjeans on tLe gme tortu-the ordinar>' îrms, hasi 5teMI.se'.H.nov proposas, or pro. pondtiasfev veebasminue, tbrongh ILis selle lier $bat if îthe bankul ontirefusti lm ail et? pstercent, aud allov uns te berrov s fev ibouasmd dollm arsIaddition te bis proeneeldob, anti beat ie viole for, some jeas, AI?-1port(aibb wotitd éltit f rom aitennpting te dmnd g. lisiscult tue ,qîuston'ýýebent le i*oîti ,wyhta -iovu lav Coas tlmat e r, t iat ,on tI. li 8tpyu ine,,vasmaiti.,Contingent upon:ih. amenuait fatitionai, crodtibicli tIse' batik -hould, gir. hlm. -hIÏ vwoultiba" -difielttte ceucoieit gr'sier Limpudence lias Ibis. loI tuhla ltIse effet-ef a mas c f jpeaitlnu, lu relerasce ie ho is hcne.îî debta, before ils actusîl>' huovu li ei lsigber courte .uill, fsterparet 1hA.. l.1 ýil &ers once p ,osil.trtell, msentainetit hIe, là* viii per teIl uasreptuiosa, -vs yUll ,bave pleut>' cf Moucle îbnesteeing il, sud !î 'ýil1 becorne a question viiether, in .tIse interesta cf publie moralit>' anti afeommen decency <itmn>' net b. ueceaaary for lise ,L4oisintrs lee legalise tics. patsi ae- lion& vbicb, if nutonchoti, voulti afforti tempîtltoni (or isncasutalou frauda.- At ail crelns thse mv, as aifectlug futura lnanaaciiona, voulti reqasira te bo amendeti ai onrce. Wliato'ver ele ili te nov law asîti dprovitio, ut vonîtibo imherativolly necteur>'ta change s las vhich land boom tnnai t, aid imou ho berrovei moue>' at erdinar>' manket rates, te sindie the. leaders ont et principal anti intereui.' TIse Prizo Ring. sCIers AT TOU 1Si SÂeRSVFtlatALr-glIsî'LL Prom e .ondon New. Soon afier Mid day a 'rut crevd adm asembledinL High streei, Camden XTovn, shar e b«echampion hat, d'.athé maie roa astipavement -(nom tise Moîhor-Reti- cap, for moiverai Lundreti 7aria tosaris Haurpeat, vas ineted-b>' vst lobcd like an exeunation moli.' The sisop e e neanýl ludet, pari>', peonbson~et et respect t the marer>' et Sayera,aaipart. 1, lsere eau lie no questionîul otfdoeré. ence te tho uriu.astl'pred aor> instincts ît ilhe crosti. .esting, svearing sud rougi chai vimbesa tt he mule eau orlCOne, joetliug andti liera.yis' ers tbe occupa. tieLoust e nluVogue. AIllb.theva>' rtm 1 Higli streeit théu .cemeter>'tisaneclose cf, People, ou foot,, Lncarta, anti ýou the roof sud Insideofetoverladeu cala vers to te seen alesi>' mntîng -for the liero's- Sgrave. At tIse cemet er>' isoelf'ihe gatea se*ru guaridetib>' viat seemed a sotroug Sbody' ot -policemen, vWse cul>'atimiftot people vWre eithèr à"gava thse numbon ef ibein tbs"etorotheiase jwutliet tii daîim goenuer. At Ise P. an., tanicrovd vas easily bepi sixenier, but hatfanu o*r lsuf1î ancî mfu ï naLéï o a n sd some iudred surdy vagabondscarriid.the gaies by mais fore, amndià-tels o and sabouti of tleir ômipà:titot'. 'Tb'p e ccee , tisreetiesng thse gater, ant in again ex- ercislng discrimination ositovisons.îhey mIiouitiadmit. Aa-it vas Iha lembo anti: eveied erypta vogu ..çrostii& vitbpgopt. i llueîyou. aati4agh4ti tramu pied on tl. graad, dedled.ýthe gravas suIs 84 litaWsrevoeno he riLlaceo. ,Ibs foin a influential pbi à eoantry 'th y i ent 1 rti iLe pinon qnui(to j~ti hnsdapn*shs 5per PO ~ ~ wal soon ié boitte ci iiwthontî EoclrocitY t115i As laitOV vifliLt. I-1 lieve tust a rgduepa wbich he lb $15L0 oI5ua*v8y sud end in, -te -cotiueor p xr law of tradtr 1- boliers allé' h#t tu Stai mai, for yoars, toe cn, beJa d.W and _6614iyta'"c'nr. The iu insPol. je! -Of Canada as tu maka ber nt cbeian d ai lightly tàed s To largoly, redue bec cetoma'Wi ,t go sfar snd squickly au possble <s tthe bT Increased gtamipdotreaîj li ~o t- xation, cosmoencing vmth a houé las or smeîiu~ 9naly0101le sud etlnal!l iasuy elleaod.OIdaee~t~gperlod emutb. mainly an agrielturiacountry, Snutil it-gotis a uporabundance or cbeaP Jabot suiF ebosp fuelï it canuot bave lI% em anu acturing , eytbiag b ut enorm on gîy 'nerdiato te <ta àr iural Iniret.- The tuce policyla 10 develope thé totnal streugîI cf thoeon y u ousthe. benelit cf b. gtestest numbor. Do îLot, thd li. est wyul eine j l lme ,g protectias dtles, whlch moan 'J.9 mal forcing c slrwlf ~eop4 l the lawa cf trade, menaloxthe, beuea* cf a-few ai tii. expe-nse cf the gjicai maso cf ibe tommonty. '.c 6Sncb 1 bellets te bu the une' olieY for Canada new, It snrsbl action aud comprebiensive siateamansiip. -1 is- Uie tat par Politica vers talion ont et thé. merely peérsonat eloýmeit. 'I believe ibat s union ;witb t1:01ower Colonies, aud a moanis cf-comn'ioaîios bsîween ihomt, would at- ceaddit. greaîY to0 ont trade. -Tboy do ont grow tudr o*u breadétufae, bt import <i iiearil e (rOMi Ne* York sud Boston. 'Theyîcon. nme nov n pwards ef 600,O00bstr=lDe goeur a pear, biesidea pcrk,k.I ral va>v existedtiuey vouldti gl éi hat -(rom Canadai pa<I, in retaru, .!bol,19Montreai ti.dygooidass m, aika, .1., Le.t ai bono iin Noe sd ea&n. Dreadel Mrdsr ~strychnine. CapI areywhoLadbeon previl rie'd ti. rimuaaiungof the Sup*rmo Court cf 0ONsw , vZeeland, for tho murder tcf iORIIs itluti bidbheu rtmandeti for a noW irisaleuconsequ-cocf4tAury nel sgreelng upc.j a verdict, vas4, le he luat s!ttingof the. aboye ýcourt, ceavled sud , 'uteneued to e dosub. 'lizabeîL Anns Javel, the repeteti daughtor cof 4o epni. acrer, -depeaed tu vicient andi unhin inei. ment of b i aifén an earier date, 'sud tu bis usc pi te expression on oee ecaies when ah. vam sici, à"8h. tsalaiays il! Ir ah.e la gelng tue. vby does $ah. n6t die, ,at once, a nti bav>e dohbiii it ?11comin dowko tthoengDI Ã" th uragfit' Ibo deoe:We ail liad tes jethe, ater (ailier cim~e home. The. conversation durngteàliinmw wad .1eheëfl, asnd molher nid aber tiiegbi .il vaaccdgém,.biWs [culi 1est au veli, s h vas ie'b a iniD lau, ti c«oi »don n e t] effOrt vus as 'VrY probable yard te isa isaving introdc ately afler tl female s.bis duughlint vas sîsevient... &"unasi!, Cotton ae shel. A. Se Pierre A. BonIs erop of iLs-paS 000,000 bale. 'rue tcts de dla m su v Tu e uviDALI. Mn. Perry broagbi botfore tle notice et &4a ceseil is tieale*rélul0 f oaning certain aidesahlka ln thie coniral porioencf tue tavu turing îlhe vinter, -sud iseotIse aidtdak ite eBal. lie suke!, boforo linging in a rasoluîion or b>' mv on the. subjoci, te b«haîe epluicfotbIer mens- Tise matler swu net tabes op. 1515 70 Tutac ITaESs). Aftr some codicraicn s resoiniien grauîing $15, lu aid of the. vides, anti cilîtren a(fhtaslco hn Dunc, vsasuni. moaI>' greoti epeniy tIse conil. Anti Mn. Tili'a ccoui tfonFleming'. ctille sas refredtiet0oinFinanuce Cern tnLîîee. Council atijourneti for iso seabs. 'The IËsyoaly 7b th. Edilor off/se IVa.ibe (sftcie. Alttiu5eIi igreuinfi vitb -on ou punerai mtLerg, sud ackowleig- in# jour geoti seaoud gmunt, I must tisa. grne vits je 0olda article ou- Municipal asators, wviehcbappeeret in jour l1maifsue. Ni*', Mn. EtUtori 1 ar nonoyranoM alectien lavis,' baiLtis ai an>'rnses s 1 alicult vmot amiMdsilos s porion le go unto Office, in pisteneace's e s botter insu? Altisengb Mtr. Braw s a a ooti bsiness mau,- sirt, sud intelligent, il ta plain tQ ierlybet bs ho.)laneoilit for île officeWe Hayer. 1 do nit don> a' ae votid!Ir> eo de Lia dut>' 1 bui, [salIoeuwLat bas se doue? fisLa sns.eediL ue vend- noîbing, litenal>' nolbLug ; Le bas buin tret Luntthe scaies, asti, alîhough be bas sel icen (ounti sanling, se mît buov i. ai vial se vaut. H. sold do ton Couucilier, lu (sct hLe msaea gooti eue; butI as forMajor, [L tink se- coutti gel a botter eue. Ai ail evonts, Mn. Edior, lai us tabe a premeustie isnugh ilsis irbit>' of ours, anti tait. s ries etontOurloatiin«. uWh&& hisk Ien oetIL.;w.-Wilse% , eq., age- tMin 0t ab1ity?,a gôcitiziLen, sud oe Woe volt I,,ithîe Major'». chair viîb bengorn sdtigui>'. 1fr. Wiionu aboutit he enonniteorve, veelt have soi ont>' lhe vote oftheseébanic,% but aiseof tse ,tel consent tea ti, tIere are Dr. 081un, iseg CH Ko L CaauRoe, %bler& Ciapheli andiàadu«sa thira, Who- ,B> a&It moaiiefs,t tu.Imve agoet nayot, sait lât tl hiik, iflva meareboti Out dti@SL Wbfth brogb#q, 'v. eoud §ad h, oterqtWaigei ihanRèberiunJ. iien'. I write tbalseinýa tlmiegi mcci, but as àfnime S fr Eove, &s u onsgtIsaà$l ékes tise hint. ~su~M.Fayes111 sous, snnp M us fottevi . ud ot19, ist i BkLave eLîher atbsu cr' opi&',- Sgofat as ibreset oii9" Ptlies ua concerne tîL eaqqite hile tIoesiver for Ibemiselles, but s idenablése L lsates.n, eveegi hL ib prsity sr bt~epesîef~g tf er.ort.ithe flibeu VLa mtisaS s retvmrui moeg noswang bc allait ii nu imattafSîtlon. Mavleg Wd lIa plass.r.etofoccupylug a isul8a ibereeisai vitii Kr. Dgl enbear autmon>' te bis atet ievdr issuesthe lattetsaof<.isa oeaêltuaots. Et W*iý* daar, "l, pendon Mujnl ejIsptci von

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