Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1865, p. 3

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zzlrGA u Soi,.-Th, followisig la an extractruu èt r iten by -a gentleman travelling luinith"8outb, dated t Touabia, Âlabiims,.'!oy. 12 :-$'This la uld b. onut of Lhe strcngest seceali towna iu the. atate. -The. people bava out fened tomtbir,' sud there la hardi7 a muer. chanit «utnmuat comupromisue. Tii.7 sertu dlupoued Io awbe the. hast of the pis. sentl tt, of Ibinga, but .1eau sa4ely s.> t1.7 eordllly are Nortiieru mu-U mocb, a «zY rate, sate .y ovur did. The, news- pap,« ulorls &bou AturIaan fagafllng are ail1abaun.,..le ny onu bd« the. plnck to railse ont, it would raes trouble for iai sors. The c0.aty bouets of uever.haviug bad le Union Mu la i4ad IdoubtIl there la-ou. W -be fouaid nuôw The Detroit Fre4 Press, lamenîinÉ bu the teruiiîonof the Ueciprocity Trealy, >8*b1 plllbui à ageement b wlslch me. Ilofthe purtiet rulii onotunonu ad. vautAgeo, ounithe puerle ýcomplait fat ofe lwigd a Mal more than the odier. This le but one cf 1i evi!.s cf the.Blacki BeîpÏbll.u Admullsration uder wtic the e0unir> hbu sufféred for nearl> Ave Tàuc Fpuw <18 l r mwtoon" AT I3ITFTLo. -The. fenian 8igtenhood gave a grand ball ln Buffalo lutweek, whîch wus largoly attended. Tiie gruen flag of Erin and the Ntsrt andI 8tripes- were-fely di7pIayed iu &Il partta ofthe ballrooi. ,À splendid Irish l0q wua Pla.ed oves' the EngliâL flag, with the. Brii li' os& tuand downwards and the. red of Jtse fiag .oficealed. On ths wun the foljwing motto-. "Tii. lted Cross oif IRnglaud euh all atbenaiti the, Eagle and the. larp." (l1) Chicago buasthe vorst ldewalka luin th bountry, and C(. luctilybu obtaincd a verdict of $14,000 damsages against the. tity for 1aijùi4es Citamu.d fi teilung tbroigb >rA£t ??tter'm Warin Caudly i. thestoti! j ,ati td14otbrî.thé, publie for ex- peNlgWou e ~at neilted frutierpers- A GOQU THLNGI i- fîrsMgietk le0tîtn nith w ciL a trifil , -i falttitn mieale 0ia, nid sone, hi. fiaaedorfioreea d -wi ttifur al] [pur- NELSON -SIIITH--On the. 9tli lut., bthe ti.lier. 1Mr. Ceaud, at the residene - bf Wu. SmithL, Esq., fater of thé bride, ItIr. Ueobert Nelson to Misae ti. A. Sihl both of Scott. SNE1ýÇN-UÃ"ORING-Qn the 28th ie.,, by ît4RBe. Wu,, ClelanS, 1Mr. jas, 8kinner h-isi Xérgaretn fleming, boîh _f Sctt. GOPFAT - MIcMULLF,!T At the. 4-Cierch of the URoll Trinit>', Toronto, oh' the. lOi> Nov., b>' tii. ev, W. S. Darling, Tauu oUsit, Agent Hon. Hudson Biay 'CI o., Ioe Mary Jane, eldeal daugbter of Mar- camcuIe,1rq, J. V.> of Kella-iuounli WEEK- At 11:tldge village, ots Saturday' 251h ut., cf lnaamaaîiou en h - liitgs, QGiert 'l. Weeka, sied 569 IMÈOi3Lt4NT NOTICE. JFWIare ttc bled wlttiItdaeefui Whl*y argatb Puates rnq*a as follows s FailiWheet,..-140 à È à Sprimg.~.118, à 1 26 pe.............su. R7...........45ts. Point........8cte. Haq,............. ,8.00)per ton. Chloheu,. ,, . 0e puer . Pork................7 A9 Tikey .............0.a?~ Oie.-.......40. Dîils ............ 20. <SPECIAI, NOTICE. (ROi a Ireuttal i Tlnut for floreq,, catie, .F i'&Weili n. *r thefltulun i letiu;, *. woil4 yrtbut nitt lt.syou eûau ite. T«RY ITu F RPaiin,.or Craln uiith(totnaicixor iiftisuî iaaîgîa or 1'ert'cuafatune S~b&7ahle]le( nt the tîhlng. 15 -Tm va liug Agen NEW ADETIBEKENS.ý STCfN ORSTRAYED. ligg 3Mr>' Lawtobissale, ou tii. 17li tI îitiio a Fox 1Jloud- ~ bIckad*h.,so ttedýiiàbcuo IrýlsLot 2. rd Loa,.,c revaLre(I-an UOJdt notiù wi be rogetit1 Ple rk! nd MM ts Nov. JiD~ 47 NQ A n~ I ~uy a ~ I - ~ i 11f -. eust. u -W s.e T ri.~ p H otel1 for SaI AT TIM WHRITBY StATION.' '555,-. .55 'iii 55 * fPIE .b,11804 *r ffoz rftlae litIvniaahe IJ et Uo n u -The Grand, Trtk IlchaI'(oppositu te Wlithy station,) vîlli Stable.sud DrivIug $lied&, it. X cf au acre of land ataclicd, >'nlilig auanmiai routai of $eOO, snd ut puisent occupied LI Mr. 4jutes Pnîngle. -TERMS.-Qioth iid ecash. and th, balaube Çmeired b>' icrtgago ) ln lire equalýatnuta iiataltiount.. onc,,alou gh-gu ou lot Mtueb usai. Forfntiier putrioilnare, pply te hoel Piapt-Ie:er. * x-Q incc 147-if eison $L., Toronto. Ohauoery Sale 0F -REAL EýSTATE# BITU 'tDF4"A DYCRER 1MADjE GIESOIN Es ANîNES.1 Wvili bc offereti for sale hY Publie Auctien, viii, the approbation or Ileorgo hiellr> flartucli, Esîqtiire, Master ut Whitby, Up. on the pînî;iises, in 15 pareils, by L. Fairbafiks, Jr., AuctiobüeGr SATUJIDAY, thle 23rd of December Nexi ai-l, p). in., the. iollowing lands sud îtrenîises, bciug parts cf Loi No. 28, intheIn isi concession ai theo TOWNSHIIP 0F WIIITBY Now witlîln the Tbwu of WhiLby. PARCEL No. r. Lot Nn. 3, unn aplan offltic toi.! Lot N&. 2S, b>' John Stiir, Esq, Il L. S., bearlîîg datt be 2'2nd day et November, 1803, wlîl teu i %i] bc prodtwed ut the sale, cuntihair e4 15-100 acrcs, more or lois. NO. Il. Lot 4, hu th. salit pieu,' ceuaiuiug 4 87-100> acres, usore or lesa. No. II, Lot 5, on the o id. plan, eentinnug 4 - 87-100 arits, more or bass. NoQ. IV. Lat <0, ou heisd i!plan, eoulainiug 4 284100 acresmuseor ifflw IXo. V. Lot 'é, on lte raid plan, eotaiuing 2 11-100 acres, monu or lIot. l'et 8, ou tbe sala phau% tonianing i 68-100 acre., moe or jeua. 9ot.3,ou tho el.!dp tan> coutain!ne -O 7-100 acres, more or lu. Lot iO, bu the siuan. pe, coetainin5 6 7î-10 oacres, more cf lema Loi 11, ou-this atî1in$ ceutsluî'ng 87'-100 =c08, More or l'et 12, on the saipies, dittlulg ô 87-100 acres,museaor lama, ?xê, XL Loi 14, ou the salA plan, conteltilg 43-100 acres, usr or leta. Lots 20 and 30, lu ><ho second range of Lots u the registere.! vlan Oi part oftiihe Xortbh-AIlof saîd Wot28. la18 14, 21, sud On, lu thse thirel rang#, ociae is ulIa sutieton..! plan. axiSL W JFVExwlbEg4N.UTu~i,- EQIJITY $IDE Of t'he Cony Court ofthe COuntty Of #iinco.. lu tht. rkenuf> Court of ti o Cotsuty cf Simçoe. (Eqaity Wtde.) lletween WILLIAM OARRUfIERM TL ÈlaIiitif; aud SARAUt JANE 8013- TI1ER1N, and MARY SOtUTIIEN, gn Infant und. titirige Of îwqusy. ou. years, by IiAUII'rbN Ji, STE- WAIIT ber gssardivai, Dtfu.ndsaut». rmbusold pursiaut te a Docree 91 the. oedîtyCof0trl1 bering diteofici audlýb.aritg date l;,clveuîlî day of Novoîui ber lustaul, with the appnrobation; of Jonthant Laite, Ectquit,, Cieoftht. Court, b>' MR. JOSEPH ROGERS1 Auctioneer, at lilig-AcAn oo Rcis in tiie TOWN 0F BARRIE,9 . N satlurday, I6th Diec., 186391. iAti i; e b cf Ili aXloak noon, tii. oîlov. iug ialuafble wiid î.urcel of lind â4stuaod il] the T;'wîIn elle 0t Mura, lu the Catinîty Oujtario, .ut caiuî l cîtm p o i f th e lion th Itif ;tf L ot . 6"nliber cigli lu îL e igisli cespeitaorc te Tbvuli" cf lita,, cciuiiîtig 1 lt incre.4 ,dree or l6048. 71;- hiitd le0atin goodtl unll'.y, ae.! im vali t'mocrl isifitJînetiw.s-d tittiîier, ait.! te situatd it.taa vel mettled ct.uiîtry. TIscro ira good, ronds freini te lt. 'CONDITIONS 0F SAIE: ie eoiditloua of' Saie viii ite lte ,tanitit eoîdittons cfSlte ai pren4c--rt 1'lis th ri;en et IliteContof Châlit cry, loi îtalthe It ittaoiigo ît rd r-ein le ie l., unti> Courte ut UppCartiatth, nulkor ti.t«74eoîîyCtne Eqt>' eion A- t," t'liei.fcwu caitiît1.TIt "et clit ortf l -ireitatna utc- ttc> wiii ho eteiredt c~aida i ccciai ut h uie of paetrt îe vît eh1,7 ;r i --solîciior,, a coin m etîfit ivii lte gai.! In ipar coule w uîîlie up te utctîn if 5-S twiiiinue inondeti t-ctte lltç day0 ri le, ttt-jl le ite ctin cote itlalCtnti t 3t- ne- frot t1iii-daN t tle, wititieol $nutn tetttthio di cf *e!, te 11 leil -rid yeanly,îo l'eîr(cccly 1lerrge u haid. tiiu , Iaeefseretci 1rritn-rp o iii 1>0eua- liirton toe3a ead sîoî n-e i a. Nîlcitg.go for tl îiiti ( pino. t il.pur- Fortue ;ca lc,tl,. tut.- lfl e t si ;. i tec-ri. irli.î, &Met an d oti f lintilîcu )1). lSi.. sert, Eîlqrtire; of tlita it f lBarrie-. Iatti titn $4-tday cf Çovemtber, A. 1). 1S85. JO>NATHiAN LANV. tCrk. SIT1. ANDREWS' B AU4,i.J 11)65 , " f1 6r- l;iLy al"]. Vicintl, l'y a. Grand BALL, %Wiîlliii.-ltrakA plae,ndor ltte Cupplçio o c lte soiet>, ai .o Mcciîiict 111, Vhlîb.t, -ThradyEvn'g, Nov. 3th, 1ii--,tltil'kgî L*AAs lo. lui Ielitttita, tio; 0be dttttiftt lo- t'eirl, --. licellnt,,. 11, lLatn.(). 15g.'ctt A. Aider. >fIA. blet, y, .1. J.rirel',. -tot-g, %W. Lo- gilt.. A. Ala-'c;.alr J. Ttweerli. W. M1-J. J1. Bite, J. K.ticu1â, ,r trurQJ. RepLie, R. Ytiii,, IL. Frasmr, u.! JAMES BAIN, 40 sa.c'rtdry. SIIE f;ianbn lia-co n'Itnanau! or Site T ,108fiet of DRY PINEýliUMýBER' lu t-iieimmkofs itrous onetua ltre ldi ol nucubt unSma Irice. to t9i $,pan hop. PaIt Wlaitbly, N4v., 1bîh, 1M 45-814 A Gi>.!od kl î, gcod wagon au.! cm- WANTED. we..~ 'eu,. anted wlto 1leu 1»011 aitiie .~I.ISWLSS lu tAievr ork departsîenl. M. OIDONOVAN. WANTJED. feet ofdIrrpod Munee- change (or woek. M. O'YN0VAN. Fr Sale. ATageibargalu, dise "~O'Ve EEDIPH3TOI (IeWv) RADE TO onIRE. ONE CLOSE 't R( " AWA Y." Lot. 27 aud 28, lu inte fourt.b range-of ISeond handl, (neaci>' uev,) ib iiot r asho the. iid li suteoed plan.ites vii ol'esiiai oolt. T NO. XV. The Nonils-balves of!Lots -Nos. 15 au.! 16, in tise tiird range, ou theseasi.!lunt mention..! plan.- Tis proeot>' la situala.! on, sud South, :0 Dueudas Sireat;? about a quarte tfa tuila frous ihe.centre cf tise- TOWN 0F WITITBY,- And presints favorable aites for lntaudf n, purteiaecs'u of parkt ad -villa lots, sud ela aise wertby lte iisptton of market gaul- narustimdotlsers T 0 pbtelulat o m 0pay doôw;;In eestbo ii am eqea ni' 10 éhibratqipr ohs. sene>', an.! tiibsa&nc« t ,q, if t*of th. prehasa ilutne>' do »a Isiseis3 ums of $12, *ithinon. unotsoiUsf lie s! s 01ale. but Iftho bano.qne Q J 80Dthe Su. nier L; te ps aetn Saulien outmakisIo onetird of hie lier or lsltth o lo.reb uioeu-j lthin on MEDIOATED PAPEft. MýONEY'rTO bAN. T ür adnlud id s-pre.! hd o dpltcôutin ,<lousus=bd lpaper etbortt dîtes, $Ilver and Greeubaksbuh .a-,.- ke ilgh o0 ted Larme. NEW A)YERTIEhy HEM) QtY'.IR T.RS F-OR COALOL TRE BES Y REFINED, W-l ITE O1L OnIy 60 cents per .Ca*llon'.. HATOH & BRO-THER, having -purchas'id- *d'su »Iy of (Ocai, 01=t t$.io*he il. teaalva,e lu price, tare ,uabled ho ms ter% onrsti1 et tipcau Wtiolcgale PrfT&a sît 11<. Rofluenlcs. 'ý W Their stock of STOVE;5 of ail klnds, Tinware. of their cwnMauf;tiré, iouao.uuilâing, and HeuiéVumnishiug IHardware, paiua, ()ias. *!mt,&c,&. iIl b. fouud weIl aasorted, coutaiuing ail reqillrcmmunts lu A peral i; sud -wbich will bc dlspoaed oinat the ve;y lovent pnices. M' Remm ber tue spoL t y. ' 4, Broclt, Stret, lhty HATCH4 &#- BýROTHER. T.eufl Te -Té JUST R i~ IVZD Aquantity' of OUoiYarti, bestmake. Large addlitions tqoo"ur Stock 0fryGods. T. Il. fMMLLAN & Ubt. 50bairreIs b,,et No. , gRQUJ3 lerrinigs, only SQper -barrélé -~ '-~ t- , - T. H McMLLLAN & Co. 50O cbc.sts and haWf-6iests finest Fresb Teas. -T. 'IL m IM LUK &Co. ýIlIogsheadsQf brighit. Sugar. . Bgarrels. of dr-y crse~ground and cushed A. Sugars. -- 8,000 gallons of Whislçyi embrucing - - st' if. MMILLAN & Go. B3arel-,s or' Jemison and Sons,pýute Jrish Whisky' seven yrears old, imported direêt. T. H. McMifIAN & Co. Agents for' Aë ., seiebûate'd.Aies,' irý packaiges of 10, 15, 18, »., 40, and GO' gýîlonEv Whitby, Nov. 2'., 18635. OROBERTS, Faniily Grocor. BOOTS &SH1OES WTIOLESALE AT., TUE 2rýrOLP lRED--STORE '1111fI subltRoribeffl would annouttco to retaiîeci o otn aisd Sîsotitt lasotuw ~ ad, ail a.ortuirî tMi>itf It , n..! Cilue h e" o~ a;!Ynl do .opcr onI;Ladic sudMi ia C~rao n.! F;..,Fhnn 4 lahîe 1g ui, '.uiole tor Wuo itil ni wlibinlîi;ati10recoeç;sxsuldtu gs atlefactiou, nt jiriet to ipe ai n' te oa ili the traIe. ae it lyO e Io#' 1Jitour.ge ine eoterjyrixe, anu!îd ndour ordemansd If Doti 9P t lieprper etandard, returu tis.il nt 011r1 x jo-tino. rERM.I'ý1urhacés under ene hundred 4ollasn sh n ~n~e olr u aver, four monflis DIluble piper. Boots and Shoes Retail. Iloem. Made Boots and Shece. ail sert& ndIK tites,, fants.!l lpç4 lut tb.thing for the lirexent ee.qoii. lbere sud Clotîl ubbcr-&sîîomcd Oveebos.. Jlso o band Ladieo Ki uud Prunella Ptiup Gaiters, just theo tlsng for St. Andre's Bul, ~'Tzitus CaHON Ria, 4 Just te baud FUittSides Sba'rcd Lpp.r, 0o? a aupenio>r quality mmblefor cuatom urei, Wbhby, Noruniber 21, 1805.y.4 T. T. hanceryS VILLA~' ~ONPERT 114 CULêNCEitY, BETWEEN fL&tUie Covan, Plantiff, AND Ale swr Kay and John' -priiul, (by bill, audindj .Hitagahon 'sd Jenhua Johisoton, tuade pa.tiea lu the Matcr's effi&, Defcudajta. I pur!iîauce or a Decrre ie j lcuse ,,. hmat iug date ti.Le ecveteija>' o! 'tMay in~ theya o ur Lord, 1805,' nuir or àfit ai crie r 11r8-nie ade ore mf. b n i g ,, the third day e! ovember, l la .he car , alur Lord, 1865, there wilibheod k < PrIBLIg 5AUCTION frlth th. appieb)ahiou of 0. J.' MkGRIAY, ESQ, Saqteo f tiii. ourta'i Liddsy, b>' A&T Watreç .,Hotel1 It onnîugtou, on - Xonday, l8th Det.e next, 18665, AtŽt0cvon o'cleek, n-li it tii he llow- qg = prcmineiulate Viliiwgoctu. H.-X a A&Co owflsîi :.of Brocki To arrive 100 boxes, haif and quarter boxes, of Nci Crop 11aisins, èMbracing ;Lager's M. R's.,' Valçtitia, and Sultanift, also Currants, Figs, &c. TIernis strictly cash. T.- H.fiMMiIIaný # Cou Whitby, Nýovbmber 22, 1865.- 46 LaisMinck and Martin Furs.just ai- rivcd ai' JJOWES & POWEL'S. BLiffilo ' Wrappers, & Robes. ilorse Blankets, ýRaiiway rit., a&t New and Coe eea oeis-~is &C., jtlut alTivCd ut- LOWEi OW~LS pishi inLaêý barrelsr and half-1 Whit~y Nov.8,185 Ceutaiuiug b>' admettsrcmcut oee qéfati*g aur acre of land. Tis> prpory wil b. put up lu tw e .patq parel, naistel>'. Parel 1. A miale dwlliig boaue witlî eue eightlî cf au non. cf lan. 1nrei 2. A Dow fratnietr. yul' oeecighulu of ain uro f land. The dwelliig liens. aboyé mentioncal, In oq antI îîliait t.7biee ligh, 22x32, irith n .teCff, foîudalion, a kileon .aisod 2lx22, thdi e aW Wood coller undurtteth, and la re11 siapted- fera Ste sud dwclliug. .-r- The Store aber.aiueuîloi l eit t*osterlest lili,,îSxSô. ttutliu aroryy llftlcd np for a tirai eia. $turc. , TIiaboyeaî;reusles -erd miluialed With e moal buainess portofo! l ii luge. The rurciîaser or pirebantrs mîtibt lî< liaof maie îuy cown aàddeoait lu pri.o bitlc of £10, fer overy.£100 a! li ipuielina.mu6y,? toe aVeutor, er hie fSolicitor, sudishai puy tho balanceo cUbe puroisame oene>', iUlu. teroantiieronufrom t he day o! solo, on the T w c t i o î b d o > ' s ue r t é d . > ' o f s a l e . - > -I Bacocf the i roustes will bc put up ah ail upticl prie.scof$250. lu ethor rùispecte4, aud exceptas aboe.monion.d, ise conditions cf sale are VIOi. nudiug conitiliof o!tise Court cf CLancer>'. The Cocutioua of Subi snd 41-vter pantlon- -18ArI'nyïukôbtitdntu.!aIlt cluatus4ro cf ithe "fl Master e l ttnnd' nt lthe Iia* O0fce oftCharles Ceraalittailsielri tisnington. Dated ai i.iudsay, tIl5isuli day tif Nuoen ber, A. D., 1883. O. J. MÂeKXý%Yf CXRA&RLES C. KELLE, Veads naSolicitor. 4 barrels, ut j~th3 L9"ý'IVS & IÃ"OWELL'S. 441 OfQithe. Iteal jnonny le Put up i la s pat centsperlb The- geane weJ tîcle; -No Pedlar's Stufi be, mon * W 1 CAWAD.AUN A large lo et YttBs ç Whity, ov.22, <N-T ttar,lswWi A OHIOE "èLOT T r 'AD No.e 15,0n1the'Corner. ýî 1 INIMW àl"'W ArnXMIDWTQVUMWMU -J 1 T Oidi LOVVES & POWELL'S. i'ýý oc*

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