Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1865, p. 2

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-' ui' vertisouuonts this Day, - Prniele» for the Bal-l4as. Bain. Heotel fo aei-JaO. Orooear. Hsnisoed-4as. Stabbaek. fleg iolen or tys-Jas. W. Lavuon. Booti 8; ùien-. aBin. Jaaiafsue-MatinChalessonih. -4xa Court aie of landis lu Mari-Boulton & beCcattby. To Shoesskers -Jas, Bain, Cbsncery sai of lands -Crc okm, Kiugsmili e& sat haters Ian Ceai oil-Hateb & lino. Stove. & lluvaav--HlcLme lire. APPREWflCE W&NTED. w JANTPFD-Au Apprnilce to the Priuting A.ppy utt 010fficc or tibIs paper. ONLY Si GO0 CENTS A VEAR -Vlîitby, Tburtay, November 30t I865ý tW NOTICE -An iznmedi- ate settiemont of Accounts due this office às requoestod. A bitter Newpnper ivar iDetievaIte. 111Tbe lVtilbridgem." _ For sainie lise paît the nevupiperu con' ing tlusrnstraBhelleville Lave heen filîsti siti, a comepondence of the bitismai lind, -gins au bilvween Hon. Billa Flnt, .L.C., T.OQ Wsllbriclgo, M.P.P., sud Lia brother Speakrn Wallbnitige, Mn. John Bll, Sellc. ion, Mn, M. ligvell, anti otliers, repecing the bill for the consamettZa of the- Bulle- ville and Marnionsailsay. Ths lacis vosîti appear la Le Ibese .Mn. Flint lntroeceel s hill, for the construction cof ibet, ib te tJpper Hanse, vLere ih pamd. Mn. T. 0. WuliLridge ta3k cbiiýlgs of tas bihllîlae- Léoverliouse, shere Le uudertaok ta Laie il pot ihroaagb. Afior 'giv'aug Ibis uuderuakiug te Mn. Flint, ad liroducng tbo bblîl, il vua asdouef by -Mn, Walîbnidge. Mn. WiUbritige atys Le sasundourd tham bil1lu inoder te maye the sunielpalities frein taxation, anti "prevent tls Marnia onsmnpany iras bain in lua posîlon te perpeurate a [rouxi vitb inipuan. iti,"gradalao tla defesi tLe pnrpoaesof 'seaeansc" tad,41rallssy jabbLr.- Meurs. Flintlaud Co-. deu'y Ibat il vas desiguedt ta tîe aunicipslilies. Tbey slte ay ILst îbey haI s promise et a caant cf 600,000 &crua et landi (ranigai 1ernaceni ta bailt I bo reiti.Andti tlally tlin u tra charge ibat the, ýVallhritges "4bunleet" the bllI for titeir-oes ui, aund lan61.er te maire aouey ont cf ibo Ces' paytut serve tbeir oso puarpoaca in land Ilr .WàllIbidge rejointst blc bu "erîdonepe in bis possession to-eou Vine *87 intelleut naim oftan attespit tobribe busm,'i--aad invites bUr. BavaIt sut"ace ~ê~sfd7ea~eIue6 thc Intelligent incitI ai île fai To ibis M. BeveTI ssy; "À4aonlaiiidesl I baie ne,.ders obaSelacontact, orbais any intotecum sit you -,I1bav" long aines learned t vaine you ai your mue vorni ,kuoviug lIai no Maun l a(ma$froua île "renom ci paer as uor broihors' fougues, sIao daT 110 diffen tram ycu on tLes-1Under êdardyecemautauces, I ahaulti ubink f resmeeting yoa przvsly taonysul. «4 t u iasyen haie saggesied Ibat1 tould ($"malil pon 70 ouaspaned hi su "laîsîeJigeat tnlend, si, on Ssluday nexi, *"Y.o viii mudeniabu to, cenvluce mylu "tsîligeai trit - ,tbat the ramer 1 Lare "lboardi t msauîiatly connecta" I arail ansmf et your invitation, andi avais jour1 pîcauare as te Psce anti heur ut meeting."> As migtbt oe epeaimd tLe meeting ta ffluaeMr. flavell'r "Itelligeni trienti" trnued' eut à farce. 09 Mn. Flinti Mn, WallLnidÉe $my- «,'Wblt 10 ils Hon, Bill& Ffint, I '4voedsd tlIhav sne mti«y oevurued '<m bitbîoss t*bo lire la gluis bOuses aSsituldti a t haos- steaes 1 I sI a ttend, rto bis peculian seueazi ssk. Ite sp. 't~rsioLbe Iroublet siîh ibai Rquiia "disemprevaleunt sseug- tIi temale Yen "deof tlié la Biîliagtgate. Hi. chois. '<ditionld, api uttemnScofuts nufléut lmper,- 64volabulhîy et expression regarffleft of ttn -ansd vbolly vitheut egarelof 'person, ago on ses, requirs, 1tInIhiok steuwdy and unnerittieg atîcullon. 1 $shall spply myseit tciithe eradication cof hiel malat> sit euengy." tir. Flint replies lu a vay1lu viiela he appeana te Le quite at Lome, but cortalily 11111e becoming a tignified1 reprmsnwaive ofth the ils Cantl Hos et L ords id. tesssiug am amber oftbîe Assesby. d'As to the -'loqsmo isasse peevat, aaaeng the fesale veodens cftui.DI -Usgigaîe " theseaae terse vbieb must Le faWthar te Mr. W. AndI sby'shanla tl.y- not bl Wus soi M. W. lors smd- brabght sop opposite ibL-BeiIeville 4Fila", Mrkt ? Wlasre aie oub behoemiie't îe lb-st rudiments of a fiky etucaticu, bot the markt esi*hg maal, andthîe "sISee vendtiscarsee 1 as Le nat upoli a cer- tain timsenesSoser te Londen, tofinishhbis eiicatl@nr §liot tb. rnoisea'laepan te Lechange Mr. W. saleï' againsismel Ilaill 1baie 4000 aIl Ibis Il holly siait regard ofi "lon, &go r M:." -Wil mn.W itr tegether lu the cage sadd ch' litutste1 a trarelling menagerIs r1" ÂsuMr. Wallbnidgs, addnsuiag im. selft te r. John Bell, do.se oafter tbe folloviug fuashic f "«I voold Le obligmd by the mare gontte. insu iuforsiug the' publé who it vas thai purcbnsed, vwhite actingug soslicitor for lths Quebso CcnaPanY, dis blg bcg-ers b.d la MarSmora vicia, as repoiîed, vas the bey ta bis euployera' propcnty. Inusmncb as haviug cxbanaîed the ores viaicia snabled thas. o oswslt tbein stif magustie ore, the thîu bog-ors vu te Le s deidertun.- Will Mn. Bell anavertils pliutey âa wîtbout oquirocatian,, for Jbbc lnformStion cf bis employers, if net forth.w publiec? Ard Mr. Bell, aller going luto a isuglia. ened expîsalion, Usys- "The facto cnct.aIvitL lias poruase, vhy I made it, anti the conrse bicb I have punsaed vyuL respecctle l1, vers ssII kuosu ta the Speaker aud bis brotben, sud athens in Beleville, sud ince ths puncbase sas made, Lave bien sud are veil lenev te my employera. No_ secret ba ever beeu suds cf îLes.. Tbsrefore, vhen Meus. Lewis sud T. 0C.WalIbritige, cicr -the îLe signature cf th&e latter, made the -base insinuaation te vhich >I bave sîludefi aboie, îbey mad t i hthîe full kucvledgs ibat il vam falie."t "'No oee ho reatis tLe Wallbnidge lutter of the Sab insanstleau faIl ta detect îLe baud of bath lths Speaker, sund bis brother, T.i@3Ci l i,' I bilieie, unquest. ioably their joint prodticion. rti*refora change Ibent bat iL v :i Iîamswaare ahey beioug te a achoal of politiciana wbuo considen aIl means fair te desîray tLe te. putatinfani uy oneuisIlo îbey May imagine sads W i ilsiv vly; btL ui vent am the Meurs. W.,- thai bolsering op talsobooti by alludiog ta the cossaudmenta, ilaa lmit 10 wbicb evon these parties vîilî uat go suad if îbey vilI accpt cf ativice, 1 implorae tat stick tae heston track vhic bubosenisdti îesemulong sud se salI, sud net la anake the mistake cf gaing beonti il, If tbey sili nul take thi afivice, let me, at ail evenli, impreis upon thes the neesuity afIetual nrriug their alLer vices by tb. baior sin cf Lypac. risy. Iu conclusion, I have uuly funîben te atit, il seoma sîrsuge te me- tlat îLes. mnen vould tiare, siLb a lie upea 11cm lips. la roe ttelant fîLe lsa lmlgbîy, -#ie they vers jusl salating ; sud Viti talms. baud sudalaitien Iov'ang frmnthldi tangues, iike "slaesfross a atites'," bey veulti ho guiliy of mockery, by al!uding te tLe astul salemanities nuder wiIeL ibat iss sas promulgaicd."1 Aucîlien et the beîligenenio vinaIs op s long leiten yuiLs hedeclaraîlan that la all "tiras s pictuns cf the W'sihnidges la tLe vies cf v)aicb the u'hol counir yl bi luvited t. ay nat flatter tLe suabjeces, but I promise s falîtult elineaion-s deîiueaiion vlaicb, butors I fuanulalaItl, 11 expose îLe triciaury of pallil ciharlatan, and vil srip s cloak of plmrisalcal bypoc- rity tram a characler tait ili he exhîîti as matie uap cf vaàiîy, slihuanti mouscher7."1 Thias Io ouly a veny umalî sampleofethe style sud tortu sithit vaiei hose geuismen, Ligit la position - the Speaker of the Leg'mlastivi Auonbly of Cast, bon. erablo S';niber ofthîe Ieailnltive Council, anti a membeoheb.Lsgislativc Asambly assal oes sucuer. Te bilieveIlusaa iluy ar e lbdalvut el, d orrups The spectacJle la suthilo «t dI*i s coLebs "tau ci pithots emplayid te, maespovusl reieten? b 0r"~ cau4ac: anighs go tan te praste bad stuc îhoy brin3 spinauta"eh ailer, sa te show Io* )aday be t eom f tes.. W. de uci envy BslieviIle Ils possession of sucit legisîstens. lButî hmui h umil. iatlng to every imalu la h Province te kues ihat ibere anareucb'men lunear IegisiatilîsHalls, sud Iai eu-e-. onit ofmb thIot-.mejeuthe h11gb Position ef Firii Commonen etfCauaa. 'The evil ascalug af the Globe, and, dis lsd exsm. pie ot Mr. Brown, and isucla apnineipleti camps as nWila o ugIu forson taym, 'in dénctnciag'publie mon, utd blsckeuing privais cébsaetr, la nos- unotiuciug legitimate fruit.ý The Wall' s bridges sud tLe Flinî eu point t0 pleaiy, et pnecetienla ameugttat lenIWmira "WLo inMte hoMayanr't-" Who ans renaing fan Cenucillors, ibisyewar?"s questions se bave'beamal asm.et ssy tises a dayltiuriug îLe Pusit es veeka. 1The quaeations ans saketi sers out of onrlesîy sud a'geuipiig disposition -tisa as boing, naàterm of interasi, sud sre epliedto ta y sonîlParitivie adifference. Noý !bat Pua- pIe mue leumo-ltersaet nâos lu iDôrpmaonoa mattera su'le eabriIve the electia. et Migrr *m$ Couamilors bnengbt ont eppee"g tufiutltes, Mnt.kepi lb.tow lsi 0uàa fww- feor onihas preus te the eledtion, 'and, fer twsimater, vlaea the tevu set &le Coimnil vesslbe 1» la tiens et lecaFpsnslsas. But iis'hëcaum iL ais09ecauses for e;citemeaît do otnov ex'aaî.Ti.aiaesla.psd sy sad sperieme lu iaughteaile mn. te regard thîle en vrd-politielanas theia metfrobleaceme'ofnisasi. '[lau Wallaees, aid lb. Bo<lgseusanduthlb.Di-1 gelosi, sudthlb.Dripur, sadd etes.of 1 thaIlk kbave îlIoder ;sbsied or 4aîopeI,' sud the gnd resultuaran pesa itand~ neseand udgood i eglbeorol 'twn Wlast alasdobuma. ,và 0 a 'sof"Wi meMà Aýd tutert lst =o,?wIen v. leok 14 ita the wiline 7h15 Qe, os se, tan e 1e bave fa liros. patit, sud perosua, sinil @a tttk oa'suy at elecile ansd aî'ueoednc tailu~l.. 48nngmesvL thea rfb. A î!-efamebfe atnâùk ido cb1vtmpÇ ti4ilacor arem atbeetsbroad ci tb. frce of the earth. IitrIVIe. the" o ,sons prlncipaily tbat te .queeil of-Who vili be ou? municipal v pruentatvém -do. notet elite t s55e atteinM la lemragone b7. C Town Coumell dauber la ne longer ab gardou,'but a diguffld cmbtr, sf l~b prsded ove,.vliers tlasbusiness of tI corporation inlu«sced vitîb;court* and with a due regard for .th#f fntiiÏi the, present. Par. U:IWyMu==ber oaýI Coocil appesred tels niaimalcd vltk ti single parpos,- of attendingcg, Ïbi but bis a'billîy, 10 lbe interesfte t h Trus.îbe meeing$ vire ot quite s#0ire ceut as ln aiher yeasu; aut the actel sork sas equsfly volte if notetrilont asti any more mnetingibsu i toboel sera vbelily unnecesary, sd ud vant serve as s proî-acaWh4 te fa* e aussie Il vas nsally au iwproveaueuýthelasceapai t'ie tweausrcftlb.meetiug#, and if il' business cf the tbsn meulaI bu properl trnuacteti vitb a Rosu cumbat, ve about say, ail the botter. TLe aid Cancil, th& la tLe council oethîe preseut >ear, dtuaIie varIa likre business mou ; ve becs cf oc change thît can ho brouglat; gainsit a one o oaie, and sitoula tbel ail cffo. agalu, lu wesid b. unsis. te rejeci suj onu eft tent. Tbey have nov Rueod tu souk logeuber Lannaaniouasy ; thoce el îLem nos to-municipul ssîîcru bave be caine btter acquainted vîtL thein dutiez, sud su sdditionil yesr viii shos a stil turîber improvement luin!beir cauducl ce îLe tavu affains. Mr.- Broîrn bas made s excellent sayar, sud in-wentsluly deerving af a reueval cf the confidence of the rate payera. We soe no uecessily féfea bnge in tLe presont camposition cf tLe conucil sud vae ibinir the ratopayors euîd b. set- ing visely by reîaliug the preseni goutte mec, sitose record they baie befote thon, lupreferauce tlcoures ndiuntried emdi. Tas PROVINrCIAL a. TaeesCeaira- br.-TLis Carapany haie nus, v udea stand, conapletdpuîuîug op the teisgrapla polos bilsecu Kingstonansd Torntuo, sud vilI inimetiusîely, if they bave ual sîresdy hogun tta dosa-erceeute tostrng lbe sire. The lino hoiscon Kingston aud Te- routa, andtetaOttaas ate ho completed tii FaRiesud lilathe eaatine, cifices vill b apene t ilhlb.diffea6nt iosns and vit- loge's ai fatas neaeW the lsvira, ubici la trung ai tbe rate et &bout ten miles, per dny. Iu the course of s very tes <laya Ihtnevs emsy expert (o lave lbs nea îolegnaph effice epsei ai Wiîby. turc cf the saseo vIIl ho deliered oou te morros, Fmiday uise, by the Be".IR HZ~anste ».. Siljec -l" Prota %bat Min tuI ný ot oosssce bis essr lu -the e.oss of tle«Mctun iesertif Jose xastiuton,iii ho presentd tailu seomfunl candidasy ils Pruuiat of ihels nal toJ. a. perry, Dq Ma' Lais aAuçitoi SÂ.-Part ai tLe proeuny selaI b7 Mr. Wm. lgano Tueadaylmst Ieugit very fait primes. rhe one-ate'eylbriek building on Brocets. wsa booghin luby lKn. Yole fon$1610 î-or at the rate oet $16 7 r fout. The taveru ail Bl a, yuL hait ase, aIfor $15.sd part of Itls Pickering propeny bneegbst $tapar sce nd ud asaeosoîsW cecp at that. -!E. FaIrIïus èwuec îctoî te alatlo-vllh Lis muahi blt, t"d onrtesyas u siiner OaiS. TianFàcaamus.-IoitÉ7 af Ils apj*oaebieg leratiîmet 4< is B.di prociiy Tresty them Grand Trunir, acerdiýng tti ZLeader, is baping iis courme soas, ta sabsenie tLe interests cf Canadiens lu' ils pvmese mergeucy. ThbtrcughbhuIt am bus buessimeet eunsly abandeie, #;ud ils lice gliv.ii p towsy treigli. Tis, bas bien dout te allof ethîlestockaetof grain yeî lunîtheeunuîry-sud iherela 'a gcad deal oci lî-hobing 'sent tersardtot mankotuasnpatil asPossible. Wbateverý Mnay 1e tLe issu, iîvili e voboaiiehle ta dispose ef thIe grain an bandi bilors tb. present, treaty e«Pires il uai.," it is tikely itbat by the adopicu t tof soouraeneolitle blaluasil ii eolestoeils, GW&adrunk, butthela aItermli"oneamviuced by Mn. Bryties te do aIl b.eaeu te lbelp o09 pretucs jeti lyln lthe cmuury, blote the close, et il Beiproclu, Tssaly, viii Le dnly;ippreolalud y tae psepte. The. Ȕený takensovaprslty cleavîy lIat Mn. l3rydg" s buli tIle boee of hia reusil' ,lut DITSor ciTas- uss"A nias Etie quarrel hau broleon'oi hoiveen Mn. Jiaymoot, udior oetulIsNew-York 2YM,ais sud'O'Mabeney, telIs RsI'Centre"_-of îLe F*osUWS&. Mn. Raymond necenîly very truly«I cellet len, a set of «aops lu idIess, adoïck t 'ad patent hlliter bI0oois," sud refus« e, <>retract tls expres. in Pnlnglot's bar-oos, vIes leeusein, b csl" n, y thebackway, lHesaluaI se if lb. Bsn wasuop, sad ve'd Ibave soee tlgo drink."I sj ¶vusaI heot wuvathors wbons11 of fetold ' melhsb"rbouen o at"a &M-ft FI The réenat Engagement at HaYii. tii1xq05T-DEATE 750Knam un.D»x &d roms.-An inquest, uvas 1 j Wby . w erClark, Esq., M. D., Ouroner, ada ro. es- bcd7 of David Fleming, a laborng a" leu who W dIons resided in Wblîby. Tlië er ollowinuae thb "a iacta vhlob tbl."ee th dencé discloaw. John Petrie-Âbout 8' eeclooei<Oayes. ! terdýIt, <sttday,) soruiug «W deeea on p1Ufh'of Ra1y station -'b.hot@lov- thes bé ad benuon *a $peo*a&H aigh j Ire loti 071. 4nank as glus -cf1vonm.oopd sud vbike cfhb valksd aou Isbie -n.oos' a" about duffrent tIlugi; pmasesUho s-vat gto the door sud ut d "va onthe gtêep; le after rfevimlaut IF abat the jbùr'sand Ib vent inoabreakfast;, miter-breakfatsas of bi S itting In thiasuie pothice yuà l le Sbead down restlng osnbu bues ià.ird Mr. Pringle, wvhcZgtup, sud vith Pniagle q. hlpmd deceasel te the stabe; j wolo 11bim by the @ýeu& apmtlyhM d4ps0y ct drev is slong ; vs lad îinluma it; bd felt bis nobtie sud fouad It 1loMes, b. ap- 17y pearee te b. sousclousud, settlsd biasîf. au if b. vibed to regt 1lie didso@0 pe ta us ; laconly teck the ans glass., s- Jamsinîgis.-Abouît 8 oec<lIek os 5e yesterday mcriaing a frsigbt train' case 17 along, sud sereral of the sen case ever d ta My bouse te gel their bittera, dsy Wbad Sjust goue oni vbun decemeel cma la irPetie,> alima stereel sud asiael for a Égisu. 30 or vormwood bittens;sasPri@e heped, 3y bluzacîf the deceaseel steppmd op sud sWi& nr hé wCold Lae a glas. t»o, sma waud pal, lyforbb. BE'adhs had bie ou a t i pree aIl nighî-playing cat&us aid if ho L teck snytbiug il should b. voruvoed of &lie mis ai 1u>Pétre, (for 1 voold net gim 0. is auyîbing elsu,) vbicb lie tock. Il aLun vont sud lay dovu again, for Iblad been op very lala. Shortly eflervard Patrie came sud tld iny vifs thora vas-a man-Sitting on the dooritsp. I got aop nd suint te tLe deer aud fonnd decesaed ig ibere. I book is sud ied te nouto b.-is, butilLesemeel quite stupidelI.. 1 eo asri t ido help me get is to thé u"leh usida ntlook val ta mes hlm vbere ,bLe vms. W. eovered im vlth a buifalo -roeo&sadloft hlm. 1 vus lu thé Stabe mureerai tises duriug ibe sorulu;, and uoticed Ihat ho vu saaning quite lea" Mfter dinuer I veut cnt agslun; las. quaI ,staîl, I removod tb. buifaoib,, sud skIt my foot I ahoved Mia log over like te, ose if Le venld me"s; but bu i DOL At Ibis tise du"r vu D o ing. r*Hevu in the sam poidouswbla 1pot Ila isthene. 1 veutaîlaie the bouse Md d îald sy vif. ihat ihe man vu ejîbur very Ty ecune aaep or thons va semoetblag wroug i i bisesaid eb.mapposudbho lad been cnt ail nigial, te lotuiiasl"p, ansd by sud by Le voald gcobeome. Pre- tI aeuily wocueighbors came lu, sudI ses- il tioneil il. circauaance 10 tIbm., UM ai&gosettiI die net kuev Who fi.tuev sud ilsy aceespaulmelsM te ils staluetg mem vbo it vwu. W. dieu found t leh 's asdead. Nons cf u ceolel reeegul 18 bis, altbougia *il theogiat tb.yblad eau rbis befere. Walîace Frase.-_Weaaî vith Jéhu Proudfoci sud Lavrense pFlalry, t > Prnsgi's, &fier dinuen Ou yssterdq 4Ptingle meutionel %bait ture vua, M lu the Stable, vl&hsd eem etn a1 mrnuing, bha be Ssittiug os the 4W stop, and laiug onumiete moie ild, adW boetaketo tbssétsble,su did not knev wo t u#as, seb Msio goaàlo.g .11h iS ad see knoivis. - li wvet ofer, a f thé,face-bmat ont e al to minadWho t vas; b. Vas lying on u biss, One fot over tias othen, sud sppeared te lave died r vitheut astmlnggl.. -Bisfaceauntd bande vrene old, bitumidi r bis mecu ssvans Jobhn Proudtoot sud Lavree Flsbaty gare imilat" "liny. Jolie Pingls.-Aboet elevea ,641o4lc, on Batunday algbt aas Iesvlug tbe ROyal lacisi sing bos; >ou Crodo lsroad, r 1 obtrved vbat 1 tlogbt ub e ammas - hua by extpasurs;, sud .that the svldenc, o rnft' sbev Ibat bis constitutionenbd bes -jeeddfrein lckness.vblph sccmleagem Câanceny Sltllnus. - ~ FIRST DAÏ. Wblîby, Niov.i' %ilI186ÃŽ. I j ho Chsuceny Fait Tmni for 'examina dlo n of s sC s ÈeËid( et causea Iopeusd on Fnlyd tlonug etuie o'cîeol ai là Londmblp Chanacellor Vanlkouglanc, pro idlug, Ur. Vies-Chanceller Mowat, hW 9 bées Ausgnsd to; Iis Çlnoulî,btin c'on 1, » gs.of I lÏqIng a6dlda ,6nàeetlui ec..LSdowny bis Londfp vas dspnlve 1 on bis ~tocasion, ofsppeanlng'f0 rteiit e befmjeebhl laie couutituents, 1docketi auslaerelga; doses casses. la s dditionu bo tbe luai ban the. follovln legal*gOt*ln rom Toronto vere pre sent, 8. E tr 0, ~<.; lMvsndBlske, Q. O. Edvrard Fitzgerald, Jasu Mao» ieoun,! HokinJ. Ros4 Q.C, H. came. non, <i. D. Beultan.- Nisrtrlck e.RidBk" ! at l&for ,tls piilntiftl Mn. Gn.unvod, for tbeAe. feimat.Mn. Blake aunonngeed tehis Leadahip thttiasumit laed bLee. sttisd, McFadyer v». ,eart. Mn,- lomiain, for the infant dfeuodanis soyed foras peil, pousaseul of tb. besnlng, ou Ibo'grauhat of ilium sof s maierial vita. Mn. (se tor Cameron sud Mr. Fitzgerald opposai lb. application, vhiclr aswubsequenity .courlic. 9w. certîie. A BiIl dled foi faiesigsîiou cf the adminiatrartix acunla 'suda partition- or sale of goe rosal est"t Un. B44boiustracted.by Mn.' Grcenv-ood for tle pWaitiff. Mn. Melauzn, fer ihe admlnistrsinix. Mn. 0. A. Joues, for the infants. Mn. Billings, for défendants, Mnr. and Mrs. Soott. Mn. Cochraus for defsnd- ,acte M1.n.sd Mnm. Braile,. Order for the uneucsin teauho t. aken by the Master - a -Wiîby, *ho la te ismke certain muqul. nies, sud repent rame 1totio Court, Df'csoa v& Ham Tihis vua suuit tlugiat by Mn. lMuon Watson, cf Ibis tovit, agalus th ivdovr sud cbi!dreu cf tbm laa sX. G. Hamy te obtu ibte pesa sien cf a mortguge Iroin bim to the plain- tiff ansu leforeclose lb. pnesisem compia. id -ieein. Mn. Blake sud Mn. Greenwood foril.plaintif . r.Wilson, frMi lits, and Mn. C. A. Jeaes, for the infant debouats. Jases Lamas caled. la the subécnib. iag vilues ltri thesorgage produceel. Notices the vends "suad asigu,1 etruck oUn sud so the.'vord" heir.eetonr sud iduia'asrator.." Th"y areersseà in a difrent sauner, aud lia differeut min. ,I'ho sentence un thm attestation claus la li ivo differmut bandwnltlug., lIe final ,portiion bela lu Mn. Normn Iamsbaud. vnitimg. Canet &&y shose handvnriîiug theremu inM. Un. Ha% wvasMn. Wai. eeu' Solicitoansd ladc! ustdy ocfis papems.The sortgage vas novr negie-, JO"e H. Gveauoed. D.posed te bay. iarg smon Ils monugei lu qaueonin Mn. Hau'. poisuionabouat six montlasbiera' 1Wiib deall-zaued il, sud did net notice su, erusae4. on sltenatios ir tein.Would bavs bssIike1y tei bave doue so. Sncb maiaona ighat have hoa tbieneithont miy no",,&cuu aaA short lise butor. Mn. llsti'. dtatlis- o6fred that plalttiff eboaleguelieabom t to-tblndu'of lbe lot, sud about four livered dallanttori f 4aelan d lIAIslia ioturewan the ivellng bouse. If this anugesset Soad net b. 'earried eut, liam proashd ieaw ms Uqrùsna, 1c Maceous, for *lc0 A$ bill byvasy ofi t.cwî e fend. o0 this point, sud drrvd bis juigmont. nu Mare os. Ontarlo. A Bil fliled b ed îls'United Townships a ri <anud Rama agiant the Corponaiiou af the Countyo Ontario, sud Wu. Paxtonu, tbeir Tresa rer. Ths actionaci eutntetflbhefact tL& -be Oouuty Treasurer, b.d ptid a largi ament-cof mbies of the - neu.nmideut lIan fond lslonging te lb. plainetif, ItIel ~.Reeve, lbh' laie D. G. Hiesut, instoea - te ibsli 1Ërs;îe, as , by av required C, Mn, Hevittij il salegod- lsd ne duil 0.accountedlfortIbese seue, ona pertiat d. cfith lifo tCorporadion. The plaie . tifs pot laviug bad Oie benefiof îLes( Le mel. escethu ýaid 'of 'a à"court oD B4Eqiîy te, compmilb.e dfeudants te glLv biLlance, 'If,-' ny,' te0-the llltiffe. 1r' 18-Rost Q. C., sud Mn. R. J, Wilsonl fai n lb.h plalilli. t,, Fitigersid, iimsructed Sby Mr. E. X Maëdausil, -fanr O otity, -,Mr. BIakasf. C., sud Mr. 5& H. aCofhrne, for ibe Coanty Treauror. '- * IViliam Paxton vas called sund ex, -amineel st considerable leugth. Ie Ravi a general secount cf -the> transetioni Leý - ethsr through their Resîs, or ibroni ,thein Trsaunser, by vbicbh itappearad ILai tLe greiater puni cf Ltae sanies vers paid tal Mn. Resutt. AleWiidVerAnee4 liced. Produced 1 ;tbs-pIiutils' minute~ bock cf _lit A.pril 1861, coulsiuing a réaîeiftion appoiulin1 1 Mn. TiadalIe tc invesîlgate the accouâaist sud obtain iuformation., Hieannrate varions efforts a0ab bylis, ta oblale s ncb inforatioun. Auyisuspuaidby Mn. aPaitn' l illnes ir srimply 5m a moi asen e fi te pst&ii'ITtecrez'. a Jon IHarringon caîîed. Èua' 6Saû plaintiffs' Treainrer ince lot March 1861, i ecîed monsys tram Mn. Paxion, Lui neyer receivcd any money tram Mn. Hew- iii: noyer antbonlaed Mn. Hewiite receive îmoney for me :, uever kues.- lbatln. liew. - ito bsd received auy sont, ton tbe Towna. James Richte sas plaintiftis' 1remitter fer sevenal jeans, ensu'ang. The sîsteutlit tumuibed by Paurto,,, does-Wot correspond -vitL tLe book~s ef'plaintiffs. hiid uat ne- doive tLe speciflc aunas allsdged te Le re- c.itud as par ststemeul. Z'even gaie M. Hl.,anl snlborne;,couîsidere aîltt2tbaccotlu cal of Township lad gave Hewitt anthanlty te reeive oiu ee vauy minute on arder of council for il. N. 6. Reymolds8bniff pravéteafi tbo< Deniîe O'Brien, Clerk of the Tawn- xLips of Mars sud Rama, depomeel ibat Mn. Rlevut, Lad no utbority tereceive manies cf the Tevnsbip irans tb. Cenuuy Trea' tarer. Tiacre wva srumeur -ameng the casnily tbaî lewîitreceiied nme seulies. lievitt lied monicsansd paaid soa ont on Township accouant. William Reavenher. Wau Clarke cf ils United Tovulape tan Ive yeara before lut vianeas. lu 1855 Il vas uuaniaaualy agreud by %lhe council, that. Mn. Hewitt sbould receite the ownshiap sanies, Tb.re lane minute cf Ibis an the books, If tera had bem aaraolaioicu ils sinutes voald lave ubevo 1il. 1h vus rsuppeued lb.- selesosereceived shoulti ho paid aven ta te Township Treair. Mn. Hewiti, ald maie verbal slalementstt i cun' cil cf the moules renemdby h..No account ai thsexpaudature of the sounes vas even submîîted tte tbe council. John 'flsdaile. h thé Commis- sicuerunaeel'lu lb. - neolutiýnon etthe' plaiOti&s, cooui, .cf- l; Aprfl- 1861., Receivelbut u imperfet îalatoeuet fnos the. CouatylTroer, vaoasignaid as a ,,[aa2aàIllvuason-.i .duty toileraI 40y; senent, batMlt-t6nistf n. * levu assot a paril te the investî. gatilûo a ent ul lil5books ta gaïiome, For ilse &feneeoeusa'ce, lngiw MaKay andi Witlf<sni RI(cMi to -aoew bst the sembers ofet b ilovlubip Counil irve reaoiginlstof, Ab. isuer et Mn. Hewiit 'dealuga vii tue seules receiveel by is frins IbuTres. turer, sud geuerally as le ie aatOsrty for mah eceipi. The lsarued coansel an boti aides, els. 14 BRITiSH ACOUNTâ 02 TueI "nITLDOG'i" Dr ENOAGZMI'UT VITE TIM flL'r'rEDI98 4T CAP£ HATTIE.t re iFmm the. lCto [Jamalca] Standand,Nov. 8. '~sfolldVlugnarrative oci lient raboise eduLa been kindly furniabefi Vlîb much @vent, sud la lu .very respect Yanîheutie sud rellabîs ;-, l - tatbb - Il 0 SwbicÉ wu ablowvunp on banigat 'cf oct. 28j te prevent bIlt alîling Mifolb ndof th eb nemy. -Ai lbe.cinboeossaucei *bi-.h Sled id uncitl ielitable >caîasinopfs, as the: blowing up cf dunocf Rer Majetty's, ýàsLips, Msy ho Iuieresting tu-esoijody, vuý 41"1 brle8y stamte eeveuls vbioL uneceas- ~~On theo innning of de.1%thé iLe BU j Dog leit bUr Oueorage 'an Cîpu ilsytea harbair Ion îLe pur'pee o(' xmreisiug-ber iaabdo proceoedt laants L'Âcnl, àiall to' n hot sigat raMues toieCPe; fan. the POaSeWt ramuuiaing"wl tRIL' gvernimet respectin g ila. nssing' eftb.ý bleclate. Soon sltervarÃœethee rebel flot. illa,-ceuitug oethoîLemîainer Voidroe sud four schoers, Vie obsdrreà 1lu chas> aof and fnng "ifs salîý- steam ercarrying the Engîigh '#sg. course wus alteainl ihein direction, Ïut, on closang tac gabel steamcr,* a.boal va sount ou board te lu-ý fotani Im eplaiu bhait Captatin Wtle inteudeàt te Yiejitile i#o te n îihlity cf tLe Englisit ateamer, anfi-thai if shocvas UsIIytien, Le coulaI do as he plesueti, but if nuudoubtedly Engliah, Le vau)d Dot allas ther ta bc interfèedefitu. The steamer proved ta ho îLe J'asalca .packe4,sud Capi. Wuke Living fuîly sailsfed hismeilf as ta ber perfect ight 10 thie-ftheabs ba, - ave ber pratecthoar. ' - Toe uet moruing, on o'hviMg ni Cape r Haytlen, an mreplineuiae- i whnî hafioc. t-curat sas sent ou ahane ta- tLe Consul', -anîÇslaerdy ai tersards au affilcer wag land,. -ed d 0uy.H.ua rspelled .b> an armed force; shereupon C"apt. 1Wuke sent a letton cf remlouatranae la Cen. Siie,' t'a' siicl no reply, sa vouchafed, sud a publice annuncemeut mair'e that no commauncation &ba'ald bs held sia.h iLu IÉgjjsIt capînin, -, and thal if lie landeti Le vould be ass w inated, snd, Iberetare, shonit net b. pen- sa - iied t land-. Tbat eîeuing the BritLia G Canuuato vas forcie'iI euaered, sud tLe0 mas rêfIdygees, vbeWb hostecu nden tLe w proteciionof the fl!g ince tLe Lsginning-, ai the novoletion, Venu laken ta prsniand Il loadled villairons ; the insui ses irepeated 6t ils "neit a*ohiang. The fl.Il Ãœjr sasle t en clssred fer action, sud aIl endeavors p te bring tbe,&afairte a peaceable termina' W tien laiavng fallet, $a1Ile&l sbving been0 positiveîy retuset, an nti îmatîle gitanf Ibat cenrespondfis uessa loseti, tbe BaU i Dog leli Cape Raytieu sud - preceedeel 10g L'Aeul to comOnnicai. with the Pres'adent su -bing forcid la 1ai. tLe barbon by theg treaîcuing, demsai on sude by the 0c rebes-fresb guns being--no bposition gi every day sud poiuted aga.inst ber. 1 A84 à~~ . u., On Monday Oct. 23, lb. -a Bull Dog returneti ta Cae iyiaji iah le thm intention of destrnig tls rebel Ilitlîa, l sud alierrada ialseeleyproceediug teý- -W Jamaica.Sidict onders vers giveu thatCI n<.It s ibot vasta ho fired on tLe te-un, Lbut ai oniy, on lte batteris ifeL redagsiesb honr. On passiug Fort Paet, - althe sun. trauco of, th'>-barbon, s broadie e as at fred as a amiftS le boee luside et viakihi they migbl -czpeot., Thé BW lDog lbou b Pvooea&d t#ardu aie steamer JFourogg, I witb th* uêuaaof rnoning ber ,dosai, ei but vbcu vitbinu 50 yards lort let vessaI, b geing full upseel At tb. tisne,- theras on s b reef ahn eqalseaIlsovàbic I. The cres Oe flla. dmU~qt theu opieei fine ynth ber tvc, gtma sndsuketry, sbioh t4 tosi. se astoede antils'uuk.-withsiielî. An&-c J acboonet t i-next sinTe. -DirectIjîbte nc BadlDogç ran on aree4 lbeebatterieseonu l shoe.opened i inon ber, -andl U the vawu Ã"ulY dilstant ab3ut 4'50 yards, ne ly everp' Ûsot tld ; but og tthe>. vny 'griai aceuracy v'aîb - hicb It wvas leturee , g"ns sors tapidlr dlsnaonnted r r R Lte s E urpcuu. ' James Sieplieus, hiibo esaontre of 11w Thes 7'tmes maya ibene can be.no doubi of the tresson f te Head Coene sd ~ ccmplices, sd ",togsa tep bss-ar' VinI extlugiilsh Feuisuisua altogeihon. Ail tbe adaijourasaa l is h;aâý ipubîlb 0becon. r espondehbot eleen bfr.-Ad*îma ndBda inasU.l reference te tbs Alabamaoli , 'Tbe Tbaesamy. -z-" W.eaneiiy bàpai the Shousudoali'a offleens and -mes -v ers aet libdratmd vitheel cosanmunîcatiou vitt Xn, Adamoe. At prÃŽeeileý deeline le- se., aepî- CapI. Widdel'osatemeul asMtruc."1Y O'old 10 4be amnouni cf eue miIlanoà ant? twenty4bbirthousmud panas vas en route- frs Ansinalia. i<iac London Siar soyai t cermnes deueis obiefly remankable-frter wivtb.; nrasal by 1fr. Adasmet the, afen et arbi.,. Banl UngucU gçadaal great Isungla fade oa prove that tLe Britishagoiermeut dM The LDndon Timeray r t it i's ne-. porteil tat 1dm. C'uaing 9lnataructed, ual nlffýd- -60'apea'ate yuL hýMn.Adamns lu biiuging the respective dlaims ai the tva' govarameis la a setîlement but le acor. sain thie apluioni prevsiliug lu Eraglault coneeranigAmenican, finance. Sncb sà purpose, lisays, vonlel htnongîy sîtest tLe pacific disposihion et the American gevs, ersent ;- and, asr gond credit seins saunaI poîicy suïd gond admiuistration, a'ch ;ies ihonld -hoencouraged as s becefit bta' 11w world. i! Thae Loendon uSar sayo Ibere lu ibut lutie doubt îLt EarI Rusol bas dteriaaèd te - ibsit s-retors bLl'o hRotal.ane cf Coeni TLe Dublin Eoetd<ig.Mait slates tianta arien vas*despatchd tram, Né*s-York ud kplembor aud arniredi boe. suthcreden. iaIs ta appoint auotbun Head Centre lu the lace ai Sinpbeua. Ho eaccompîluhed bis nission sund relurneti. Tho nase -of the es H',eâd Coun e Was bep scret, ng mairdiar is c'mmittcd lu Brooklyn anr redueîdsy night. Thte -vci a raithy Cuban-theatnical manager, ussel' roie Garcia Otero,>vWho came te Ibiscoun- ry s short lime aýgo on business couuectiéd vi Lis professicu. lie lefistepan toppiug place, the Banceoun b otel, lu -, Irai Jou -es stree, hoiveen siz sud sese 'dock: on Wedueiday- eveuiga fettIis reli, in.cempsuy vith a fniend niameel ose Gosiales. Senior Otemo -Lad, it id bouglt, iras elgiat te ten ihaussuil doIIsre- ai blp persan. IL lu supposed -Ibstal ter, ovin~ 1187hotet he s'as joined ' by otlîe(7 aniiei, tLe sLaIef6ceodiag le BnookIyu rieru,' aiten o'cîock îLe usme eveu4ugj. lae vwas tonaiundered, but1h is Ë-6Ã"Y as not, then calaI., A dsger and t vo' -j zar voesfoSdatinean lais, wbieb at liri - ave riso ta thaé ides that b.' Lsd cossittd jicide,'but; claiolé bigio rvael se tactthul las vusbnally saiderdi 1,7 ne or 1more 1popeis.TLe matis vas' ren inta the baýuds efthbbdecetive police, id*laIet $eitîcrday aftrneou îthoy -anrestedi- Cubin ruamed '[<beodare- Marîluez Bel!» - zen, au boirI tbe sieamsbî'p Maulaitef' ng at pies Nu. 4, North-ier, asth a sh*oot te depuri fer liavan.%asud Vers -rz. TLhe persan of thae, prisouen waa tzsiued, vbea it was d'ascovered ibat lais unda vi'ra cut in seversi plsces,-au if vila alaarp instarauet., A pir of gloves, cnt, àd moiled i 1h blooti, venelso founad, and' i clotalag sat îbicblj sailef i vilafresb.- load.' lie vwu bndeufed aud - ien'- ta - a -poe NELSON-Si pf W.. Smith,:E mu. E ,am emll& Iîa«te $bdwbr gage 'an u.tIeo, ai the Iamtùoe of Dr. Btsi, about ait seekis 4etosMn.bNormai lII&'a desIl. I did ot aianstad thaï lanei 1 d 1t nonv- vlat exetd., J signetamirailpijirsi Tbey vers l'u Dr. Ham-$ posseso, TiainIs a'portion ef- ta. Witteu sertsaI île fout oail.b mortgsge are la Mn. N. OQJUMIVa vnlting. Thé ednàidr làsut. PRâserse xecu- tlag s documetf a uMn. Lmou'a preece. Bi LonaIsp atir ltning toe irn gumeais of Caucasl, expreased an opanion tIi as tlaene vu o ovitence 10.6show ss tL&Pllatiif lad evr irnsetoea*cPt snob a Salpg , e.WU produce, bdunll taled a lies for kit perclu séony o slglio aeelv tht unda monigmge la fee. H* @.ele Xaeiueutif< ibe O 'Bill aerder to mcith* e m aec il e, uad dimcued the cas te miaouý oyi fr ton e otl,. for the pompe.. o givitg an' oppovlunity for.aIstheîto, mils s nov tefence, if ce idvis.d. Edwards vs. Curris. Wuas freclo- ,Me BilI, and Currie vat. Currie, 'vuas INUtoeeiutbiab the pîsintifas lien upeai 46 suîiad&5 Mn. Blike'intnscltiby àfn., ateavood, appeamit ion the, plinutef ta Mr. Wiliso mtriueetib7 Mn. BiIing9S, frrietfsiîa IIW suils sere o !Mda&e d il alt teumuce nedsr"W Lê lu au extract"froma a Iter vnitt gentleman travelling itheSom ist Tuscnubia, Alabama, Nov. 12 - ljma d to beaune of the stronge tovus lunlbheiste. lThe people1 fered rrai ud tbere iahardi chan he*ut ustcomprouia smm dspsed to maesthb estao sent .Mate of tbiaigu1 but ý Ca, m tbsy eerdially anc Nortbera men- 'atany rate, Ms îLey 0,cr did. T pap«Sitorleabout àme ican fiai nS alishba. If ny onebad il to naue oue, il wOuld nise troubi sure'The couuty bîonis of Deve bhad a Union mac la itiandIdeul 15 onc tu, Le fon&nôv,ii The-Detroit Fret Pre.u l&met the teraumelon of the BeciprociL3 it as 1"I sud tan greement1 «ach of the parties nesliied étaoH, vmtages, on thes pnerile complu one riiwe a Ibtie mors flan th Thais il but do eof thé evils of ià Bepublican* Administraion unwl thsecountry bau suffcred for ne yearai TueF N 'lruo"ATE -luhenian Sidierhood gave bail s Buffalo laut week, wich vi attended. Te green lag f Ena Rîars sud Stripecs vers freeiy disl ail parte of tbe-bailroom A. & plea g ag;"as lacmd aver tle Eugish1 * tu Br a s 10oss m d downwv li tbe red ofa defisg coucemimd. *i ai éfo owing mollo;-."The 1 laf Engiaud sball fall benegil il bud the ap." (I 1) Obteéaga bus thacwOrst sidewall bounry, sd C. uckley lias ci verdict o 'f $14,000 damages ag tity for inj*Mes glstaiedIno fii bue of ibsua. A GOOD THIN .7fopE'8Msgnetid O!ntn im lae Ihif..

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