Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1865, p. 3

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Ài k~'lIW'WWP ~ vitv ~ - SE ÀNDREWS' IALL, r KRAntilieraari, c 8t. Auclrew la in b. ce. Igbratod 1tIp St. Audroe'aSocety, or Whliity end Vluity, by a arand BAIL, Wlob 14 tatlk, plie., -nudor tlraecio - on Thunday , lnego Nov. Soth Ticet ,adultttluq La,.t1 ansd gentleman, Ir;to cobtaîn..1 or tlhe tewardo. :-o. ct*IL R.Il Lawdar, G. Oeita, A. Ander- moA.'IlX;, J. Prltur, J. Yniiiii. W. IA. Un KGo-do , amn ,* MoPlîi.1 ' d AMBS BAIN, MNOLYRNT ACT 0P 1864., l1 h, matteet fJiilfABOWtsi an muaI- T 11 Creitor or llebo. uoett ro natiflecd cultalo and Ietso, tuder the nbuvt% Actm, 11.1* date witl itt iM knig.. epeifvitg Ille pie'urity tby hul, Ir ony"'si the vaile tif it, 'd I e lualbutctit wbut ntte'. ihday À D.ott>e, 1863cO. QI lite Village ou1tiîo, lln te rjw&isliip f lteueh. lu the Couiity olf siti . nt;146 VALtÙ&AUE FARMIS -PIC KERIING & Il ITBY 10 TE LN .And other property lui the~ TOWN 0FWIfBY A SPLENIID Change fur Invemtment. 'Ihe undersignied haÉ ?cceivcd instructions froîi WM LAING, ESQIb To ofrer for sale, on Tue.sday, Noteniber 29, 1865, Blaok's Hotel, IwTHE TOWN OP '1hè folowlng valuabIe Farmns ktand ui, and Town propert.y. 100 dQIFS, being lb. North-hal( of Lut Co 18 lu tbe th cbtcenon oftlb. f o* f iýtaking. a4 acre o!land attabed, -~ LOT ô. The. property içugru ga lb. "NATIONAL IIOftL, Situateci .4 Port Whitby. at promMt o 0cCfl pied by John Athinnon, tagalherwith bal An acre ofland. W~ The abovQ botela are well aituat ed, for bdulos nm and ave &Il tho noceaary building s d appointmieta. LOT 0* F'OuAQ-"w$- LON-S aituated esatl *LaI;40110orth oi lhe Centre 1Hotel, frorttdgit iockgb-ret, sud con ,taiatug quartsr of sanracre th, (wilI beasold elther m"e,- NEW i>.ERclq -M1 T S T. T. Te A QROIOEILOT TO HMAU No. 1,011ýth-e aorner. Whitbïr, ?Nov, 22, 1813. -Ce ROBE-RTB,9 T. Family Grocer. T. -1. Put up je bIbs. packiages at 75 ccnts-per IL The genoine weII-fkivored ai'- tîcle ;--No Pedlar's Stuif. BOOTS &SEQ 0ES. CÂNADIAN TWEEDS, BLANKETS, DRES8 GOODS OP ÂLL IN1S. A large lot et FVRS Cheap. Whithy, Kov. 22, 1865. For Sale. -eD- AT a grant bargalt, autoe iCcOVERUED rH2ETON9 '. (liqRW,) tIADTTOR QIII. ONE CLOSÉ 14Iit0c yA wAÀY,,, 9cctind taaid, (tirli tac*,) bot],tholi e u e r- ticle,ý will Làa aId mI cut. 48 'O).N A I L'4 TION rut lb. musi ade te noie A "i 'th ie ' r-evinii ltiliaiîacnt, r ain Adt Later-ýporttaait<a.ew lintikfurttheI tottv o utritt terîa la lie le at he b.Tewt et niIcsu to 1 'lie lleiThe wile Cspltal ouf 0cls§ thau ove humai.- or-Il tltî.aaaijduolîscu rcnenîrod itmtaiu et whieIlt te b. palS up betor. the s*me go"s lata pertion-aftnebloil persana iita itice. sudgoverutitoutacvas oeyrllmegly. 46 INEOLVM TACT 07 186u Nb ltemalter of PETER TAYLOR,'Of Ltae Tawatià.ip etfLaut Wlitby, Miller, suùtetal- est* del e« an $~l. A pie,thie uiidur#igilod Ar,- uinîesu 'it. irquirod fa ftirei*lt ar-, witlîl tWo o t,4 li fet udiate, viatth ote elatmtu. upocît.lng flim e aetirily tîîcy lîcîtI, If WliLmy, l It mdp#' etof xr185. JAMElEsiUlDZN, ASSUJRA&NcCo e(PANY INCOIIPOURD 1851. il A 'lrrrn A i r 6 in riftf UA 4 J. AI. **iJt8J' PI¶aiecU, aoawMwi al a., Vice Preident, Homi. los ouyIcie~atc1l ierrettry a4lleiScsfr, BÂRNA&Rp HkLpgl tS~ lIE osideruioeued baa beea ppalnted Agent fo feb abave Cernuy stWbitby sud OJabawa, su ad la pro pare4tta celve proposas,_ sud reo ounttes-raluaColee- rit$. lEi FIBN r LANDSFOR - SALE.~ LOI 6qhM Cea . 'owuhil ai Me .et"Ca tv c e0s 210eo. aRes."eh. Laad DOIb vilt seUled ueaghborhood. 1ot 20, 10th Con.,, este!ofsidod, Tewp-, lp of Albeamarla, -Cuty of Bruce 153, saces,,opo p t4le beuloa ln tb Tpwipslilp. 141%~ Nov. 1865. 4-1 DRY FNEL1JMBR T lIebélbèu haire ýon kh~an vidlor Mae DRY PIN]@ LUMBEU lu thlcnesa. of Iconeonu e *tree Incbexa,4ýp .ult ouatomaeraPrim e. pI, d1per thon- uand. Pott Wbltbj , o 8 4t é i H. .1.COCLRIR . buNI)As ~1E ~'ST. LEGEA FOR f866. -ONTARIO TURF CLUB lVil i!vo hbe Iwloi8t.t. .q.î' rtl 86fôt - ,lo TIE N irST. PO0,T IE R ECORD, -3rd [Carbe late ae strece,' lsh ub t wo miles sued&auocter avorthlie tia nteoror rada. Fraruce2.-iiffr fetlalose #i u#u t Me rvi r telu dk Par-ues deelrlug ta enter mut " il ieu. anda pe&i" ro m en-, vw"ehallt ortitl nales- eti, "draatod to te aorotry, on or hefor. Cao dey oetita. Wbi;by, Ne. lt. TRaA.,MAI iiSTN, sitedtie y, Wltbk» £.NIN RUGS 4 #Ib NEoiegks A large supply et COAJU OIJ LAMS FOR T:lh- PI-arlor, Of1 thetit a pteu veas1b, sud at-prIe.. uuuatalty lOwý e, 0%aringldr*elS Frencb 4li eytDltbi1dgee ZK , 1lunt clalamîvéý., Ulobe.-bbades Wite., &c. * Pamily Drog Store. wldtb$s ±<0v., 8, 1888, 44 .Best Coal 011l sOLO Foa AUIo* y 44-lm DenfdasStreef, Whltbyî NO T 1 1S BOOTS -& SHOËS OLP RED STORE gh Out, tullebleé for Wîute,, TEM&Prcbases under one lwndred dollas as n tm:4dluT u oefdur anonths Baullible pipé.et -.ýn Boots amd Sho'0 Retàit Home Mail Bpetsansd Shee%. aloort and iges, nalýl ijuallb thting fortl*p * osnt sessoni JItbbeiRs sud Oloth ltübber-bottomrilOierahoe.Aiso tqbadJdit eid sud Prunella Pmimp Gsîters, luit the thing for St. Antlrew's Bail. W TERMS 0CASU OX PRICE. JouI tq hauel PiIty Sides Shsvcd Ipper, of s superior quaity, anlitabie for eflutoul 11r614, Sîso ip aud Cal!, Spanishi Sole, Pindings, Lt! Whitbj', Noveniber 22, 1865. JAMItS IJAIN * Cc; 46 JUST EECEIVEDI,!- A quanhity of(oto Yairn, best make. T. 1H. UCfMILLAIS Co Large additions to osr Stock-of' Dry GQQods. T. H ~IJA o 50 harrels best No. 1, Rotid llerrings, Oilly $5U 50 per barraI, tr î -MeMILLAN & C- 50 c llsts and liahaIÇ.chests finegt F'resh Teas. T. I IlMeMILLAN4 & Co. Ilogshod# of briglit Sugar. crihd, ground and crtlshed A. Sugars. liarrels of dry' T, H. MeMILLAN & Go.1 8,00gall ong of Whisky, embracing Ryo '1 ctd1at , and cotnmon at innunfacturers price& LY 1 MeMILLAN G. Uurrtels or Ieît)isoti anid Ï$o ns pqre Whisky, seven yeîtrs old, imported dirett Jr~sh T. U. McMiLLÀMt &YC Agents for iAldwels celebî'atod -Alti, i n packages of 10, 15, 1$, 30, 40, tgnd 6)gaons. T. L ecMILLAN k Col Tlo arrive 400 boxes, Jitdf:ipd qurter boe of New Crop Raisin, einbracing La-ta rýjR 4. Vtle Whitby, Noyçjnber 2g,18, - 'Thé stibseribers have Dow received a fuit asort- ment of FaIt and Wiaitr Goodg, conSiSting of Dry Qoods, Croccis, SHEt4F AND IIEJAVY HARD1VARE, ?IýANTS, OILSI GLASSI &c, &. e whicli they offer at much, reduced priées for cash, or ýàpproved credit, payable it -jinuary, . 866. tbose plirties whos~ e c- .aiù4 1ounts:areq. nqw . ~It4qe, -ýhqt paymnt.,Qt t$e,, wïýg munt ie -~ at once. 'AR1WL è~, W.hitb ,SePteýnbeî Z 8S t Y.YYY~4 - tI. Buffalo RobeâL. Morse-,,Blanke g, R ailway LO WS&P~EL7' uIi iY, New an Çjoip ~enerl Grocries,,I~'~~s &c. udt Irt<ecàt LOWES S & Fih nbarrels nd 1alf.barrels, at, Wbitei Whî4tby,1Nový. 81 i865i >44 HIave just r00eived Somo èntîfdly Ne* and E-Iedànt DéSîfgnýý, inj Parior. Stoves, to which lb tte Inspection. Thofr stock; of COOKIING, PARLOR, ePARLO11-COK""AIR TIGUT, Dumi,, and Box STOVES, wîl1 now bc fodnd coempletè, and qne of ihe largest and bust aasoriede#er ofYerod in iai market,-itnd A~ the7 arc deter;iiin- od not to bc undersoid, their pricos wiII bc found varv !o-, her STQVE PUR. NITUJiE witi alway lbo-Ysseoe4f5S-LS COA L OILAN D"'LAY$ 0Of the first'quaélity, always on.hand, and at prices that defy ppm- peiio.Thel are cniuu ~dnt li'$Ã"~of II4RDWÀR4, 9LÀSS, PAINS, OLS,&C, &c. ý' *-Bell-Hanging done in the ilest Un'q ner, h1Wýin0 jqs e9eived a; good asaortment of »ELLS, I LXTJ~S "'Gaod Ilhrtt Wond aWd uttr taken in exchange ibr Stores. 1 V'açmers tove apd Tin Sýp wlintà aGood Tinsni4h, nono but a teady band need apply S1' ~W GOODS Gold troaches, zMew rdesjigni, Gent.signet Rings-an~cr Guiusa Gold Wedding Éings.' SPOdtaoles'to suit al u'ightoi. MÙU ESJOHNSTÃ"IN- Watchmnaker & JeweIIer.ý BREOOK 8TFlTe WHITBY. =)(8t unuon tethlbpublic, tIent lie BO ,OT, & 810s SOu Oppoimte Vi.e oaiat ae, fBrookliltreet, Wb1v-t by,.whorg ho au prepntlak1dvo ien~od vellue ta ~u.ourlifit, wCarç i du 4uality, At very 11odratlrceo. g~Alordoris atteuclcdta wlth iitbtly. parlieulter tttauidtrpl-u.A il la notieited item utntal?awbdsiro aril eauqy.fiug boot anti lto,. W Iterncmnbertbe ddreuaa, JOhIN BATNDERS, *I Irflaitely opposite ttt-' ylIlt WliIt~F~Ã"ct.~5, 805.42-Oin s TENDERS FOR Sý0-M. uMhleof SAT1IRDAY, 2nd lied.; 1865*, For 100 carao!rutble Ptone, -ta o dlIvl-0d ou orbetorethlb rimtdai of Mclavi, lbOG, aî 401 Cordae1ueTo'wn Mall. -25 " S ut iotiîro f 1Cou. 23 ~ '9 At l'lrk', Ie!, Neût1Vard 10 a In Jau Yard. Ettdb Unfil 1b1 breaklg. viii net bo accept- TROR, DU.ITQK, whiîîîy, MIîL Nov. 1365. -* 45 MEDIeATED PAPER't.ý 161 aieata JAMElS BYIINE e- Dow to Plain & Fancy Wool Plaids obiurgs,- French Mërinoh Hosiery, GtoreE t'. t 4 îàîâz= il POWELL'S. - - - 1 l'

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