Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1865, p. 2

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! .q -01 rdautes cf Ise Bear4 ai publie In-. îaniualieu at the nazi eusuind Spring lia meetings iu Whitby trifling vît1 People£imoit anrtie Ir.-eorte hatgs meeting cf tle IBoard. time and temper; lotus imitate OshAva, A puIiN aeeîing, a'alle > enstîr I.NCb.It wua aiseresoîved 19that insemuel as fercuseres t is rtestau et9a904 Aa n t a Meeting et b. B ard of Publie it appears frein evieuce add ced b>' 'tweliol e riS6,al-v5i. Zaîu fog. 4lvs.Tuesd&1 latsiè* wu addNud by Mre bîrs~n elai t 1rooltuh, 'tu 65îirOb-cîers, ana bis ovu sadission, ,thtmir. Towa ois er Sie-Wi5~ Lltig î~. ~ flhl.~joliA uàdct ois~bjc f~ toier lut, the Rci. -Mr. Clelauti au(Dr. Henr>' Steinson, cf Oshawa, attende& tbe Auun al-i.FarbnsJr. clS. I îetuwabdla eI Omble>',, vers .appointed a commtea for aboie examination yul îlhe express objeci Vburcusana Faili Mgasie -W C>. We are giad te bear tbat the St. And. re>'t5 large 0mn the chair being oacup01id lefioigprss ..etirelscgvigassuebeucfle ppi Cheeu& e.rew'a Society' lasdcijdedoneOncealebratig b>'t. 14. (hibs, Bsq., M. P. P. froin Mr. McCbe any evideuce h. coula gants, Il lala bro>'directed lIat tise tenders for $Sîons-TowTI of Whitb>'. théir Anniversar>' this yea > ala sJf.Ioasn l e> la u i rllof an>'derililtion et , di on thse Certificate ldab> lin tram Ibhis Board bc I&as efer Sale-L. Heyden. mechlau la al, and lIai a large werlting lucld address, set forth ai leugl the mnY 'pari fwheBord c f Se>' et ils men. canelled vil marked disapprebatien cf Dr> Lember for Salle-C. Draper & Ce. commuttee las bean appointed ta male a ail antage$soet Lai cultu"re, and nrged b0w bersor etfau>' leadlers, visebave dishon- île Board at lis dialonorable conduc,." ilsh necessar>' arrangements fer île mane. 'mmcl mere beneficial te farmners ihnn that ourabl>' ebtsined cortiflmaîsll Tho Board' tIen adjourned. M.droleae Fapter-ae yn~Thsenaines of tle gentlemen orminti of otler cropi. HRe ezlbited simples Of ThsefBoard cf Pallia Is.rt-_u -me lgae"a-I. H. Cochrane. ithe oommttee are a sufficili t rateO fax, frein is ra* state? in tise fiie pte sel antb llai SBeCXiiO Mutièma. n old' ins bout anàgLoe,ý- . .Cochranie. ibai everythlu u lecdenoi tisai ivuf ho ta i lobenisd4maumfaeturad siaie, lu hîhî Ri.r Cpad (himnR, aedJh teesn, Tsdngs ab ~~~~~~ lieyte coudoce te île confý% or l, &bsaple of bagacordage, ibread, ail Of îe sonrCemn (carmnw . um John S heteusl eeding ainLmb Coo hikelI.>' e aDr. Thoruton, (seêrtary,) Berl Mr. Ba in, vsmree bl leigl . Cei ... Grle leisure of tiss.vse tu a>' attend#, and. Cassadian grovil aud manufacture, and Roc. Mr., Malennan, Me CIsbo Mr. beaide lis vife, on Saturda>' night 1ai, quarer oulns-C. Otaro-dgiug frotu tise ustubera vIhO ave stai. hs ers acknowledgad b> those, vho Darinol, Capialu 1kw, and Des. Tueker, and tle bernes alierwards robbed. >5UCTION SALEuS. edd le ulcdhiaurs cf the SecietY ntajdss reel, to le ver>' supertor. The>' ast Caiieeîîî msvpeauo vadsrei «tmaeovcf bn*Tueida>', Nov. 21, 1865,' ai Moan 'in former ye.%rw, ve have no beaitatien lu He aise produced specimens of ail, boiled The .Committe. nominad i th îe lut, iNl evor, Miciga,msemafrottsedurin tis lictel, 1Ronge, Stock, 13'rntulre, te.-iA pradicting tlbat tîît coming Dm11 yul prove and cmv, and lpressed cil cake-îbe latter meetingcf tise Board presented tbsîr re- Newport,afierhigavn soa iedu rop ter Fairbnks, r., uriloeer.a great aveces!. w-.vorîls $30 pet ton-from Canadian fla.- cmlr fe aigdam fpoet On ftatra', Nov. 18, 1865, Farinm ~~e cipdoVrt wvih wuvasreceiveti aundade ptcd. The thure, wbicl realised m cousiderable csun. Biak' ioti, 'r tî.,~aas.Tlralaa alcfiorTheinuormatîin wvicIlgareortlaas olovaa-Wil a portion cf ihis le bongît a loi in Stoek, llurnlînre, &cis et Dak îlTeei iey neet n ttecnlsinarpr suflos1te township cf 8ombra, ou tise Canadian Wh pb.t airbankfi, Jr., Auctieneer., galant Voîunnîere ta tise front, onaccourt lil>xnern, andarieconcluson a e»'e eCm"k fl'Iado ieo h t li.Teecru in On 1'uesclay, Nov. 16, e, aoi'fthîleFecian senre. The respons te the vOte Of tlanki vas tendre r.Doad.R ier tyl- riilcof theI)oard o]fsieet the S It.Car hesmre rmstauco ~tce con lot No. 17, ?.tek% , ,occsio t rady as ever. Ca1tain Dat-mOn. Owtario, app-dated te 5ntteaLIe cer. conclnded ilu easequence tisatile minai étlng-Thoe Mycra. AnctioneSl'. nil, ef our Tovu Voltisteers, baut ye Mr. Gibbs, after thaeumeeting, axprasact tain Miarges, made by Mr., fWilli4m lave a large sum & bout lis persen. Ac.. biamf, w areiiiarme, prpare Io MCabe, Head 4Master of theiaacodnl o auf) ilttet he -on Tuebdiay, Nev. 28, Fra,' 'Tevubelieve, signified te Ilead quariers îhe hneUnviaeonere rpaai 0- edigy uSauda'niî laibe to h io els îeproperi> ty, Wil.Laing* .~ , > iefeect a ffax milI at Osis-atasud hleu las emen croeditise river ui a point opposite 1a,0a 3lak's l ,; Frbansks, Jr. rea snusorabis mon, nt once, te go otetaken mueres te put lis deîerminatiieu Ab. tle charges madc b>' Mr. 1 Ca ,tise old mana'h ome, tiroet of i re- Auctioncer. front;-,and oes 0t.Captiog euldSupcitetaionce. trnlîl ulcppers, ;voived mat maintîd eniside, and anc ýpreceeded imid.. tenent gas h jepreare tagoandter& viii viicl >'our commutte. lad nots. The. man inaide founti bis victim asleep in On Tuesdav, Nov. 2'lt, On 1-ot NO. 11, edn"my l apeaeloagm ieeuin -ig te de, le vialeti iltea Wdisilucti>'y s b d is vite blis ide. Seiiog ber 'Its eenf.,.Éu*s whitby. Farni Stock,1m tînt lits issue of 11110tickets, in the I"Cap At Whtbl ilere arecleut, ifnt oteter, undarsîood, aitIch commencement efthîe ha geggcd ber menth 1' a piltow wvitle h pletît. Furnilori', &., the propari>' of jing& Daime isncte preveul the Fenians inducements ter estahhisiing a fiax iil.-investigation, ilat le woîsld confine him, despatcled 1er huabanti vii a bludgen. tnée. .6 bs-houMes u passng t ruhteti aies. Thora are blitigmessil>' procurable, and self ta tle tellav'ng chatrge, as Celus'iaingLittle resistrnce vas olieret, and the vil. Stock. -_ . a nusrpassed facilitica for sleeping and tle oui>' points le vas prepare ta e proe t ain procended te ransack tise Ionse, lut Ã"il Êriday, Nov. l7th, Faro tok.Ne rublications.. before >'aur committe. or.!>' focrnd thiri>' dollars as tle price cf the ~peet.&C,, on lot Ne. 3, lnthe 3rd- rotting tise fira. Saine short lm ma The folieving la a cep> of 1Mr.. infamnies verk, île reat cf îiscmone>' bai. ion. of Pickering, île properi>' or Mr. "&Tiut smanMt FAMILY MÂGA- tIc 'initiative vas taken b>' Capt. Rave, Cabe,,% charge. ing leen depositedl in île bank et Upper joeph Lwton.-A. Thompson, Auctien. zuca&." This Magazine for Novecmber i8 andi a mill attal>' procorad whicl lau Charge. Canadaat Sarnia,& (ev disys before. On lis ee.out, sud île cortents, whiic are adveris- ince renia.ied idbe on bis banda, Tise The Candidates et the Vuiitbl Grammar departure tise vamen sucocedeti in aronsing >On Tuescl>, Dec. ïfil, at île villagie cf cd ini other coilons, arerd some cf tIhi preseni veuldt e t itae te do icuieihing 1Sclool vIe presented ibenselvls at the. the neiîlors, vlen a crowd collected SManclester, Stock, huplements .kc.-Alex. mest instructive reading va ever paruse.in lutise malter. W. are tbld that a coin. examinaîlea Of île Coolie l3oard, Isladeai&roundt4 îebouseto tbiear thc details ci ilruug, ucî,umeer. c.',.. r, for, October. a&tvI ..Binai nm - not exceding Port Perry, in Ma>' 1864, - - the deed, one of .tise, à anu umet iNLY $150 CENTS A TEAR WYhltby. Tburs4ay, November 16, M86. Wa NOTICE 1-An imnmodi- Meo sttiement of'- Accounts ,due t.hi offce is requestod. o.?cu..r f Oî'ilia, anti Ma. P. A. etiniorLindtsay, have beau appeinteti qi%,i thain respective loestiles-, te> collat and ani mt for tle CaRtxicîx, (rom tit date. P'artie§ viii o'nige, and ae tisemselvel trouble anti coatis b> mskiug a setllembeni viti ileas of acceenta 'isIen preseuteti. To thse People of the Town of 'Wlsmby. Tise meting bosî tm Oshawa ou Tuas day lut, -viicis Mr. Johnu A. Donaidmen mtdrauseti ou îe aubjeci et the culture anti Manufactuure ocfima, saolenî lescistIe Wl>' net apuliic meeting b1e.tae cenader an>'ofethîe inu>'necesaities cf tla teva 1 Tise peopla of Ohawa undrafanelibeir lunto, andt tsa> go te vrerk lu a practical va>' taerev anti adrane île.m. The peo- pieetfWîby, vIlle tise>' as>'640b11 es, *10#1 wbai yen a3- is thea; ve vaut ma- nufactures in thse towm," remi content ilh eaheiug the expression. Tisa men cf mens, la islava, cons. fomvand anti proc!aim -tlesmserve nosdti eanid lu establteling manufactures, le uhé cul>'va>' tisa>'cas la .ata!lisled -witm mous>' aud edit urs men et mens, miile tise>' cm>'ouin t aYs, Yam,. i ougît ita cdou," luitsuoup bsir 0ikfets asti are profountl>' indifférent as te tise 1ev, sud the hlp necesear>'. W. are a sert ot liii!. aritocratie burgis ai Wbitbis ,ve lare mati>'lavyera inu> tioctors, anti mati> offieisJ, ant isv "put ou airs ;' lu Oshava the people are mliti ant practial anti put their ovun abouldars te ils vlsel, Tissl'e le ami dffrence. ltsithees vise-are most intersaethe owoara ot prepe n uWhiil-remaîn lial.. ne longer. Providence aida îloe vise belp tisielvu. ÂA tep in tle iglt direction lqaili Issu s necessry iu ntirer e &suceeet i ncc, ho precuring minsu'fe tle sida te tise amilancemeul of tise tom-. -obiaebr h, aie leretefere poe ut.et 'iV bave boeau eacesg in placiug betore dov renders tle nèeetim'amns"etfWhit- Ve. Tise adcautâaes'vicen lr oin offers tetoiuirr antiý capital, ougisi te la, ant isi tise proper doslgmtistn, Prilahe wirn- the opportuni y 'tb le isdUttibt tt il vsw Vaut. Induestriel inmubnînrss , 5tise best menus te iis anti si-e lone geoai requisite. Rfibose, wvIces dli> i' lIte de so, ve te puti thein bade logotiser,#'la paltr>' privais contentions &aside, iiscw Oet litle officIaipomposit', tdsvets tb. saine «orgies vîiels>' aypentin umskiug îlem. sees poor and ndicuioua, ta e hsple il. dualOf t et' l. tewia We vîl tI'ls, thia egrorts vouiti socs give lits andt vigerto uaaq vdseiaisgs vsiel eulisrie! liesemesaand g<ie Wàk1li an enesed asti prospérous populatioin. :W. lav ex- p».tiet i laianti pspen enouglsev -vwili net amy enongis te do exactl>' vbat-- lu eadeavouaneg te umpreme opens tlspeo ple of WllIib tiai-trocise reste, aâ avale tisest'O a sens etf beln poieo. We sme lagglug l-ue ars Ist belind in *a race otpragru&a.Apathy>'tt our dut>, asth le tirsuleelsoftbolag a litlbloadmît tratle onolay toe, ane thse ouni diffiseilîhu in cOu r ai. W po55sseue eofthîe Iest, as reacleti us. It ja a grand number. $3.oo-vould le anfilcient te provide an FIe ontntsare:4' Autumnu" (yul an englue andtihiteI machiner>' necesar.- ilusrnsîon;)~ The cld &go of Si. Pc- Tise ceai of verkiug a Bia miiiila coin- er ;" "B oy île Minuster couiforteilbis paraîlvel>' ver>' ligt. Thc eccu ffuemai, wife"--" 14The Pitimua te lis vie"-" A wîlchi um large an item in otler msnufae. Biograpl>Of' c oflenGrisustories s altogeiher aveil ihat ci fiax, su&k garîeniu"-" lAunaIs cf a quiet iricl supplies abondant fuel of iseif in tise uigberbooi"-" The Star'of et teggen procesof manufacture, lu tact tise more Culte, - 4 Jùdas scaiot", - "lAbout voik dor.e the larger ti;se spply cf fuel. Iviclard ilarter-" Strightva'-'Cot- We @mll net vaste lime in urgissg ths tee-Pal San"-8Evan as thon vii."- natter; it te au enterprize iLat'alonîti Messrs. Stisan & Co., bave opeucti an, recommen isaIt. Office. luMontreal, for itt.suiefte eticr .... * 0 perioducals, anti other publications, uder "6Captainu eulti, sapenlste-udeit."9 the management ot M. George Barrie, ta Thc gaie-tickets inanet on tle Wiiîî visoinfuture ordera are lo le sent. Roatiare nov msignet il"Captalu Geulti, "lLondon Society' bas reacheti us, frein Supernteudent." - TIc elCaptain" la tise publiisers, anti i brinful cf gooti yopug Ju.lo thieîe undoubtetl> proves tisingu. Il reen Msste-a tale of 01<1 isinselt te le a clip ofthîe _Oltiblockc. ManheIer.lustrmed-Â tale ot Ait -49 YalvEaI re loves anti alite -Break- MÂjcuesTEaR QvtsTuclas- fauit Pic-nie in Iutia-Tle Souvenirs of à a e-mare etainded 4tb a ie ai etofIbis maset fasios-Kuamuar Scety-Re- ouonlaing village taise plane on Tuista>', fei7mu ot f a fat man.-Maidn msusika D.'claibet Sdi. -Lofty's etperene, -la tle BushvftlB10OTS &AD)SBoRs-Mr. Cochrane Pro- meentetl polices - reiity u~oasnd Wuta>'mises veantiliSeuin ds ite«oê bisceus- viommu cf tise tignsetfHelrses lpole- toertna e uineveq ,mieiy of drY TIe murehant princes cf Rugland-Tryot O gOots in Ios mmswIIan5igiuK bout Chsarles Stret-TIs modem Touruay-ýWàithlsg 1!ews eac tent-ail auiabsiléing, and& tiseCoîssil on M*uda>' emsieg. W.*vers illustrations ver>' choice. liOnt prascut, andi cuat givs ties peaklug;1 -Mtsua. T. & IL Wurne have sent îw'the fellivu vs is business trassacteti veil pinteti, neatl>' geL op pamphlet écuicvîxu tainiug île pcoceedingm of he tle Po- froms Nesss. Loves & Powell,$asking fer priviiege tate l auu building materist vinciai Sablatis Sdiool CoitWSbtioa, lh"don corner cf Breel anti Dun-da# atreeta. et Hamtilton,.Cr&nied, A Catalogue cf tise Provincial oxiibi- Fromn Robent Wclall, & Co., Venrsnai biinbl tMontrest, testîSepiesaben, vus reeremu t a re engin.. bu le* emfbld aiw y hepu- Fronm W, Caldwellt lescollecter, ex., basais lainfenardti 5'.>'tis pn-.plning as (ebalance et taxes for 1864. lâiIer, lin, Love!!, vîlel lu' gotop ilabils 1"z usuallyi>'vl aecisteti style. Tise repont oethtie inaneemnatte -. e.- - wa adopteti, necommentiiug paymeni tu IM'oiTAiIT SALa & oBrTs'R. .Wîilsonef $3antd iômfetteJesepi ine (arma lu Pickering, and aone l in WiI-Nevbunj'. b>', tire valua!beé7htels, tise bu I le Tise report cf tisestanding cosunitîsi vhiel tise telégrapb ',office iv lOucaianmd ou Tevsproscni>':vuasé m adeisteti re- e cmussdiug paymsuet cfý $3' te Thomas tm elalitalnteti tovu lots, iii. propeti>' Dever1îl, t*1..0 teW. K, Hannaism ad of Mr, Laing, are a&extised - on sale onl $1,60 te Beissi Yaraeld, fer repaira et sée 28t1 lint. TIen. e -s plendid ahanes Tairahâe 41. feu ievesîment for ecî ani' il. Tbt Ou mtilo of M. Perr>', secondes! by forma lu Pickerng and ltb>' an ,.Cilsaa aveta-alovsno e -mmpe moiva rnteti for the supportai ir collent condition s tbisn the former parter. tevuslip actuahIly'foriint part ef the e- ST5 AIS m i'0K5N tinpnisiag Village of l3i'egani-.at vidaI asltlesa paséseti iusrtnnig tise Clank ve maya&diti an 01t Compan7 las been to adventie for tanièai fer190.cordae o fermcd. Tise rpr in Wisitb>' i atone, at evtf'JmsPry s Tisona Lawlpr, te open second streat tavorsîl>' located ; skiberof the boie, sfrein centr e i.Breel liet, te tle Seuil in tise iglt banda, ailght le 'matie te pro- yard. tince a littie forban., white tise telegrapb ITas cuar rme àutAL. office bw'sliug, in point cf lociticu, is Afler a discession in clmuittesa io vle secondt tenuisecler in îleleva. soimmibers lad a g"4&SeI te amy- nuot sa, tsequosiir befors tie., wvgar Titi BaormeAx (Y%, Conviai or tod,-evlhrsei lseikaia vso e lsworld lun gesral, andt avera lmeep. ratlcr w shoulti bise saltin lu e ter rs is pantilsar, poor Caencn'a psy vai i duignate île Company prel>-teThe mate-SI0 per nonîlil fnom las; Marc! Brougham, Proepeeting Oi1 Cotapansy'5 blasuts. biss fOrmtlé-Tb Prospa t foi t Counei adjoannetite irai lipada> in Broughsams vusànmtenstaisd to le extellbn4 it% ~ . - 4 e ti dtle-15t pmgof a<lu ste .forin eaof SLLsdrewla locici>ý' îhe Compasny, Tise Dames of snob euh. y mtutinl men oun'le direetor>' as 'ce. ~-Tise anmammeetinig 17 tbemembers a r -!todkiLeilis Poulie>', Powell W ruf pce Ân nd adaent l:wn&huis au .J6Im!oIti, &ai Ditiel Tbaon am a eldti iîe Commercial Hotel, WMb1l g9uaratee for tle'auaeseQf the enterpni. ou atCrày lt,t 3 1lobk0,;iii 9The cap*ri*a, mtoak la$*00O (e.lsl db ýîéîueràreot1 u1rod &n n ielieve je now. aemrly al, tules mp,) âmvid. adîspied, sbavlug s 'balue ise $ 25.67 i ,0 ail l'oto 2000 saan of Mr~. J. , Tîl h e îl entI80 >"" te àGressiooti10 1,4, So1imtr Ob LM Coina offiée rd' tW-forthîe yeurs18656f_ pan>'.1. J. I(oci, ,, M. D., ?nésdeti Win Mm. asoc KIN(; commsniiie ILai M ) ,Vice Peeientis, PRed. -J iR 'e b>' jumpingfrointa 1New YTeeloJrry boal h'*k -I ,"s frtý fw deys ago. Re wu.%@lectCo* ofJ Lisai Coi.r.,-lrtîr, rs, pIa 'tiseGlouaib -i IU, t Ik et ré sd Boardi met, île questiani upon mbicis tIc'1 wire tiscu exaiinet.1 Anti (2) tîsi mnaveoPtisereto, prepareti1 betere tise Beard m*, vers retusnaed te tls Examinera, as ile>'lhad bM thi. 1 madiais e malt ftiseeamination.ý WLL1AM KeVABE. Breckiîl, Oct. 16t]% 1865. it wil lacreadil>' muetsts tilà1e aboie patclro ibto! them, ct5uld lapro. ved,either, ltsmie iembers e the Board muai bave aliaveti a sali cf sumination qetosto e b. mngletiinto 60Whilby - -1nr --et, r,'-A &mÏ pus. nt vas UP." Iinmediael>' ise recoguizeti lin as 1cr lmsband's murderer, anti le vas conveyed to, the Sarnia jail, vlscre le nov lies isucarcaratati, The other corn- panicu vas sisort>' attervards cingît, vhîle tle thirti cu letioff, ounits lcing reareseutedti ilho le mrel>' roeeilIm *creoss tl.river. lisi evidene would le a stro-ig circumstance againsi il. piseners, audti l iiprobahl>' b. detaissetifor tii purpese. --.6e ]ickering Township Counel.o lait insitution mast lave ab»Wse posan Monda>', Nov., Cil 1865. ce ies& efthties.questiousUerrept5hmi>. The Conucil of tbe Corporatien oc! " Afttr a sebing *xamitsn*fh*eeP>' Pickerng met ait tceTownuHl, meulera tH ng tue timys, et evidone e bit fisoeail preseut. jour ceiositlce, b>' Mr. Mc*bl, .' *lli etitious îineseuted of John Madilîl antid agi et otîes vIsha crecoi.sl051jQ la etî ranying thai a certain aineent etf umisses squaliliti. te 5 8'5 tant taxas la refundeil te John Macdionaldi, information suent ils îuait# lmdcun b>'Mn. Ballard, ef Jolis Bell, anti otharsT iderstiin, jonr commîttes te ici praylng for giid te Magnes Svanseu5 au21 Tht a yonng WIthl vIe 0t h*aei OZeex indigent citi mat, prosented b>' Mr. White, bI soamh'souo! île Fait f.843, «"id ostMargaret Monisoa. pra>ing for aid, b>'8 mva>' wiu himm ivo O e t ls flh7iOnMn. White cf Wm. Dunuiar, pra>iug for P pmpers,e f vliel, la ditriulti uO, d#te*laid te Wideu Lymial. Seveal cmplaitaIsP ver. asaid.asaly gironisl., b5aror use presieuteti ngsinitparties fornlisting ý îlth nnîole$sanO Y75U5 Istv'rote ebetruetiens on certain ,rondi allovazme. si devis as 9MOoIon>' 0f ls. fthe On ils motien oet31n, White, a Bylmi ciier palier s ha n md tv'. e 41. vIeirspasseil apprapniatiog tiseamouni ne- aiuesi4ed thce s - ý,ýeceW fi rom lîle Muunietpalhties 'fend for tbu obtiw. wîlte lMrWixson moyen ltisaiil. eevé nsn4êrtg ,on saua var" the follawiug sunes olntedgtht Il and pro- Tc tisa Counaillor o et lotsiyard thes Parias ftrlh e metasiuIt $btéiisainosein t 300. Toe ime omuillor cftihe- sceffsIthonls, tbosgh Mse t h voutlsecond yard île sm et $300.Te tise &ppean, te tha e Oesai. e 0ditions Conucfillen cf tle tliird yard tbe smsa f In. tle &aoessources of bat i.t leN $250. Ta tle Cunuciller etfIofounis *pecticg the anljecta ef e sa t , i"'yrdtihe saiof $30O. Toile Conaill;r, mav elsvl! toe ittai a . lHeugr>'of tle tttI verdtîe sin eoft$300, Iîle Stsinson f et ts Casaa Unt 4110, saie laving bÏeu approprimtti lb>' tis eotered Iie wa compact vl e efthîe -cncil for ile-impnoemant eifneee. anti pupilu-of the Wlîby Oesmar lbol, te bridges, fer tls present Yeau. accompan>' isa t9e lace e0551ins ~Mn. WlutevMoires ilat t ethe tisw' tioen md ait hlbm le a P ti îlsîau pos île tnooea' for tle ndemmeuiioned %aS oeeOetItosvituiesésaboutb>'Mn, amssain laver cf the permets namedjvim:-ý MaCahe belote yoar commItu , on tihe $M t.ordte of T. P. WPhite, expeudetiocu fin i de>' et Ile investigation, eteutu ln,$0teaentier cf' The intîivdeala samineti fore yens John Haugit, expetdeti Qu.DufileaCreelk, 'cemutse iset seatavl>' île' ce Kingotourond, $40 tucrrWetfGise. n kuovictige lIaitishe qnes thos ob Ballard, .ax peudei ou, Bridge on,6i1 Cois. tans ersmose ÙpoQ vIle île>' vfesin front e Of 11NsO. 6. te be texamined a, mi igptug ilstion M't.MWtste moves tittise. reevs autiso- ef 1864.' *TIie6c>' bs i h le, lir h ieteaerr opsy île aanoef evren, frain tise tMWalctomn of BOai1 Meurs. MeKenzieanad Freelaeud's coa, in ouugthe jame que "stions ove atain at SUluCoi ivs. Tîs Cororation ef Piec1 èniog vansetl internVals, tIsatissas ques us m ighi aMount, $35,65. b. tiseeue estied -ai îleettaie 14nlii. Mr. WlasouSusaethaltisher. le ap-ý Tisesecond part tfMn., Ne la abat'. prepriatetifrein te fundi of Iis Corponea- ge, via ;-Li TIai asisera teu mi0a- tien the sains eppoalie tiesemeons1 eames thon quesihone ers returBe teti "île ex* ilumeiionedtbq tu> liog in-tiestitute acu'mes as if ils>' ha bet-s the moiste -ciraomaîmisc, andttsaitishe olleiog per- tenai cf isre xamination","y commist-msonl e appoiedtateexpeudthels"ee tee te etf opinion,1 ote vievde 0gYseu, T. MargnuiSw ianito, $1 per veel, 1wlu 1 vsltiutfounded. - - Oere Strachan Oomminioner. Ta Tise follovlsg suggestions nsit ont Of Margaret Morrimon, $1 par veek, John this invsaiigatiou arenrespeeifolly qseitItd Parkei, Commissioner. Te lins. Lynais, ton yen- conal*denson by yur Jteisr - Gocts per veol, Thomas Tripp, Commis- 1. Tisat se exaiciatien pmperabe nueti signer. To George Chapman,'. Gcts, Per otbouoer tiais once. .- Of, e, Tîps ia1npp, Commiaiuions.. To - . Tisai nonse bu emler~ t î4i lord gli. Kennedy, 75ets, per veek, Paul Laie' mut~ csilWatt& fer tebîaaer atifiâtes, le rente Com'aisiener. Ta Jolis McCor- -love t teresaai lu tiser mmondêlng ex-. mak, 60ctai par veel, 'fliinsChater asuinîloss,î",- cmeumoner~. Tu RobertLaMlsy, 0êt4ý F. OAKLW~~ ur veel Thions Woedi comsinleav 'b>' l the tm ung vitl prel orit lIi bi blal &uel the kil ope, thil rot ce pc cl oml ais 00 in of dr ci hi m di ai a, i md i eslced ber te marry me then; but Fanerai cf'Lord Palmerstona. - ei Frorsi thetosîd'n Titme',October 2tti.1 resterda>' vastîe day appeinteti for i soiemu ceremouii, sud Ilvas artanged d lit h. funeral , proc esio n abonîti stan t t lm Cambridge-beuse A 12' o'locc forp 3Alla>'. Several iseure bifore tîmi me tise teeming popnlalion cf île giant yvere acen flocking in île Bright morn. esunshine, vhlcis couirasted si0stlitingl>' th îlte cli!andi vater>' akies cf tise yieus day, tovards Piccadil>', infant on uring île lest poitioens communding a 3w cf the mounful pageant. Tii. fav- le rendeavous naînral>' vas ilietmmme.C te vîcinit>' of tIevoîl lenavu imansion, anca te " lamenteti cItetr vas i te bca irne 10bi hlm lt long home. Tise asen. &go continedti t increase, as ever>' cçsaive minute sped b>', until it assmed 0 Miost colossal preportions. Ih voulti Sdifllît, te estimais, even approximtely, a nomisrae avsarmed te vituessa the uctacla, lui it conid lard>', ouaevenîti ,n, lave ccuntedi machs foe alihaIt million seuls. The vIole len-tl of ilh. ste from Cambnitige -lieuse ie tise Albbo> .a distance lunie under a mile- andi a %if- Was 11usd with deuse masses cf sataors et lotI sexes and rmli gages, îgregated te psy a lut tribute (cf ras. cteto ise, ilustricus dea&i The fooiways ene couiesll>' ibrongedt teïm tmast %pacit>', tisa mautitule in man>' casasn verfiewing ie lthebordera etftisa carniage î>', vite aver>' door sîep, vindev anti lcen>', andminu>'roofs aud lbons.te ps, loo presenleti ileir fuilest complement of cupants. Yet tIare vas ne synipton fcontusion or disorder, nor tMe leasiun- eml>' strmggle for foremosi places ; andi, ideed, île dulies of île police in main. aining decernn anti keping open a paso ,ge for the corteg-e appeareti to e afthe r>' lightoat. TIie couconrse, lu tact, 'amed deapl>' isppressed viii the selent>' iflte occasion, aven ls ronghesi and ual>' Mnost unmniiageisbla alenients eiug asr it vareawaet into silence and wdar. Punctmal>' ai 12 o'ciock tisa bearsa lrev op lu fronmt of the mansion le raceire sa lurdan. litvas dcavn b>' six salle oloreti aud plumet hormes,aarisoned iii black velvret, sud el h earing on its iouaings dtahe brmldic emhiazonnents cf 1e deceasat. Tisa sombra hues cf tise marse itseif verea miCarelieveti on altIer ede wiii the nolea lord'a çeat cf arma, irosounted 1>'bis Visconnt's corônet, andi maving inscribei upon ih his. val kov motte, "Fecli non frangi." Upon tha river'u seat vers suc dispimyesth te arms and moioteheeTrinit>' honse-"17riit- su in unilaf e," anti on other parts cf thé hearsge tisa croît sud enrouai of tise de. ceied, combinedti ytheia leraldie devices approprimiote b ie varions titles sud digni. tes vere censpicuouaîv repruduceti. Tie coffin, visicl vas covereî *itl crîmso velaet, decoratedth ul gîtsars and s Viscout'scoromet, sud visiel bore lhe smople iuscription, 6'1Sery>'John remple, Viscouat Palmnerqton, born Oct. 20tht 1784, dieti Oct. 181 1115" aving beeu dul>' placeti. in tise bears., lishe latter eow>' amergeti frent tl. cennt>ard imbo liceadihI>', te take up ils position in tle procssipo, The meurning coaches, sieven i! whiefr',were dravu b>' four borses, aud six b>' two herses, nusai utm -received ihoir occupants, tise mendiera of île fami. Il of courage auteriug lirai, and -being anc tccleti b> bis Royal Rigisnes tle Coin , unti* Cblef tle ArATbliib'o? of tâmu Leer>'r, andtihel cabinet suinitees, ait of ulsout ow worm bret black silk scorveo andi hatbande. TIen came île privait carniaeof tIc ,decesseti dm-vun1>'îwo herses, anti triven b>' a coachmnan, yvin vas tbere totale a long, faneveill cf i illustrins master. A long train, cf otIeî carrnages felloeet. Tise procession. wat tIen formet in thîe pre mrrauged ordei outaida ihs gaisva>'e. Ieadet b>' ibc 1various corporste bodies-t b>'îl th oinse Vonurs, atout 60 sirong, anthie Loni dem Irteh, musiering, motler ý200 -men, thl ý olemn trn, wviicicomprima4 ôver lOC carnages, Mud exteuideti alaug a lin 1streteh -fuIl *hàaitsmile tovards -Hyti' Park begn t mov, mrabalet, asnem Whiby Marice 15t186 Spning...... .. $1.16~1 l'Zn Parla>'....... ...... 55e toe. Peu......... Oa 6 ts. 'Gais.............. ts Bye...... .,. lcts., Petaoas.,...,... me0ts, Ha>'....... ,, ~0Uparnton. generaily sembre trapPinguOf thesedi quipages.PeaeO ct1 SThe great bell Of ii.the e fWet uicister laed just tolled one wben tle bead1 Of the procession airrived ea- the Western cors.- The. Mayors and deputations front1 te, varions publie bodies vith Whicb LId 'almeraton was connected were the first toaiit, and were nsbered in their order of precedence te tle aacrariUm, whîcl was the postion assigne4 Io theni during the ceremon>'. The Lord Mayor cf Lon- Ion was attended b>' one of the Sleries and the several Aidermen and Common Jouncllmeil, but tinbeot sîritsing figzr of ail was the Lord Provost cf 1Edinburgh, c hose ricl robe cf scarlet and ermine gare him the air of a Venellan Doge. tAis the hues approacled the- western entrauce, the Dean and clergy and schelars of West. minuster advanced te meet it, and the pro. cession W0s fermed in the following or- der The Choir. T~he Miner Canons of Westminister. The Master and Schoinascf West,»ioiater, The Canons' 'Verger. The Chapter Cierk and Recelver, The Dean's Verger, The Very Rev. -the Dean, The Very Rev. the Sub.Dean, Tho Corcnet, borne on a veivet cushion. (Pali ltenrers.) <Pail Bearers.) Earl Rusasel, The Lord Chancelier, Sir C. Wood, rnic Eari Granville, Sir 0. Grey BODY l'he Dulie cf Argyll, The Duke of Somer. The B~ari cf Ciaren. sel, don, ErIr de Grey' and Tte- Chancelie'r of Ilipon, ý Exchequ 1 The, Ch'lef 'ourner. The MKnrner. Enropeanl. Buttere............. .SO a2p5o .................. $a9 Turkeys.......... 60e-. 75c.- Geese - . . 40. Thcks.......... 20.. NEW ADVERTISXENT8. LANDS FOR À TOTS ý20 ln t'ho XIii Çon., and10,lIn the 1.. lisil (u , on sn hip et btdontoi s0ssnn. ty ef Siine., 9imbaces as uue. LanAd gepi d nd Wall settetkahbrsal Loi 20, 111h <Mon.,RIEt fBery Roi, Towmm9 sliIp osf Aubeimîsrle,. Cotit>' ty fBruce, 153 acéres, oe of tii ibext Lois lu thi Tovuslilp. 14th Nov. 186. 454iis DR~Y 1INE I1JM1RERB- T HE Sub$çnibom hlîyç e!1i ll sdisl1 for Sale 200iuA 4W51V.4of M!inu» oattise vetise takea wids île repent, antiread ân&- le syenteiailroektud iSensbe.- inYg, ad sbée's etion onMWiehn; bd se sond toe a ans c on e>n g o , . on friht n o he otitnbomo n, Ib t l bereId ah. wasnof fbto;ghtandil h e eo bren er ieascrec bu'cta ow. saed be a cote ad veyingead, Eoh slighed brfatueroe au feran;wL Iiia engthd b eee lu gett vrin ber ita, sad mIe ragee likatr e Min aartm. A.nd then in a'moment 1 tnrned and smilea 'nd eallie& ber wy augel and dear ; abs reil in w>' armes like a wearisome cbuld, ad eclaimed, 'W. viii arry. ibis ea.' o'ciock tasti1Tlrursday night the baum aud stable cf Mr. ThomeasMatchett, of 0"e mee, werS deatroyed b>' lire, wfh l vIhole cf their contents, consisîingoa %pan cf herses snd their batneu, a double sluigh, a cutter, #Te toocf ha>, a quantity cf cala sud other articles. The ilire la believed-te haie been tle vork cf an An appeal to the vemen cof Ireland lia been pobisbed' b>'tise vives cf sis oo th bc rnian prisenera in Dublin. - h sets forth the state çof destitution jute wbich the>' have been plinged, attribnting it<io tle aet cf the lBritish geverninent. The addrest ayows sympatly witl tle prisoners, un&yet appoais te the womee of Ireland of ait ereda and polies 10ocaîriribute tu their support.. Wcrk ;0 very mincI delayed f Baltimere shbipyards b>' the refusai cf the wbile canikers Io do an>' work unli1 the negro canîker, vho bave beeu. etnpleyed mnan>' yeara, are discbarged. Last week a large nunube 'r cf shtp.carpetfers, painters and jesiners stopped work- for the sam e 'MAIRIFD. PVÂRT-LEGGE.-On the 7ti lut., in et.,1'anl's chureb, - Ubridge, by thse Incombent, the Rev. Mr. Gvibson, -Mr Geo. Peart, cf Pickering, Iteriis s rah Jane Leggs, of Sott. DIED- POtLS.-ki î le railence.cf Wiiliscz, Tempeat, D, sq. M. D., Toronto, ou Sat. .urday, the . luI ina!., Catherine Anu&ý Maria Pole, eldest deugliter of'F. F. Foie, lsq., cf Whitby, aged 32 years. GRtAHAM.-On tbe Ilth iusti, Cbais tepher Graham, aged ?&~yeais, eldest soit of Mu!r. John Graham-, lut Nfo.- 1, Breket front, Pickcering. - FMTlýAIÃŽ.D- InToronto, at, lb. reideuce of lber inctier, No. 34 1Bz>'$. on the 5ih met., Frances Jane îe l$ >wife cfthe ela. John 177enIlland, c nubent cf, Whitby and Osa a, m d eldest daughter cf tlesa aplain Mot. gomer>', of the 1 th Royal Irish itegI -NEW ADVIMTIS VALU&MT PICKERiING& JIO-TI y4ndl other prcyper TOW9q 0F W The, uundersitned b inîstructions, To- offer for s Tuesday, xNQYmb -AT- IN'TEE TOI The following va aind, Lunds, Ind Ta LOT« 1 0Lot No, 18. In oflbe Town ship of Psjk LOT1 quarter of t cncesion cf tde Tewmn LOT 100 , vRli eoi g Sandybook, on the 13t1, andthîe 'fliun' at Fatisar Poinut, on the saine day. The tonner Inings nevs te île 2u d, andtihie latter te thee 3rd imut.- No official an- nunuceinent lad beau matie mp le that tino cencerning ministeil arrangemiensts. The nes says tle preseni Cabinet is complete, vush the exception et a aingla tdllca, tisut of Chaincellor efthlie DucIi>' of Lancaster. 1 Tihe British Governent lied orderemi ibat a!! restriction itU3Ou4merican vessais of van le removet. Tise Paris corrcspondent ofthîe Marri' iug Post says tise intendeti vitb4raval et France -freinMexico, laid>' auaumeti a noie decideti claracter. Maxirnili't ulemiincruit more in Ans. tria anti Belginin. -It vas proposat Inm admit Frendh ollcers anti men te inke the castit allegiance te Mamilian, if iuciined go tisai Maxinsilian sisoulti fint i laf sur- rountitî entirel> b>' bis ovu arn>'. Tisa Poss saya il cen scarcel>' le snppoed as>' Uneited tatimen Goerennt vonît ismalte replace sach a governineni b>' Republîcun confusion anti anercis>. 1 O u t e 28 u1, a respectab i-looing m m, 1giving lis name as Leut. James Hleur> Sater, efthîe9tti Connecticut Volunteen', vas anremieti ai Dublin oit tle arnival et île steamer frein Liverpool. The pnisonen van foutite have in bis pessessien a seveu.lmrrelied revolver, 200 rounds cf rifleti patent hall cartnitiges, saiti jtu e apoued, a box et patent percussion 1caps, faourmilitii-y tiiti I tfour cent. -missions laariug lis naine le serve in île Calpeciicmt Voluiceers as lieutenant aud -- llenel, anti aise îltemuin of £38 lu golti, gasppcscd to la for tl. purposesecf Fenian' If i3m. H. matuti that l:e1iad vetnmned te aTrelandti iejgea mn nucle, and » intaedI, e, ill'tairuateoAmet-e. ice, asris. 0 m ande ti or tunher inq ir>.-1 ý 0 Lom'ps Aat's-xeds OtraUa j icles li n ý euesu m âi ldjslig'prices. Flou ri la. le,2s. iena.-, Barnela scance;. -For, a igu IvI'est lu. te 2Ssbigler. Indian cern n scanca anti umcti ai as ativaueoetl.to Ie e1; 6d. on veck, Sagar qnlisnt sîead y Co ttee. ri, T;% schanget. Riceeaier. 1Tallov quiet. Exet.t-m ie t tz. S WMurnrîram, 7-ov. 10,-Captain Wlcz le va wu bnibetIven 0anti il 'clok tIis 1- 'meruing. On îlbe gulloirs le teclarat is - <f in n o c e n c e . l He d ie ti it l e n i e x h ib it u tg a. n>' synpièou of fear. Tîhismoruing r- PalIer Boîs, adinistere tîe saeramients d e Câ-t. Win, nti Fther Wigget, alue c1 0 1 t i e R o m a n a i i s l i c C a c i , t i s s u p l a c e d 'upon the. pnoner îleblack- canîbrie, rn p* marking an le tii seor 141 be iis vi'l 11 -be bure irgc ia-whste one. u in te ts oroI At iveut>' minutes put ten n". lx celcCapt. Wirz came -fromein l caini l>' tise elt Capiiu$ Prilson, seeompati'eti "SI 1Provost MarsalRusseil, amd otber offcen and

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