Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1865, p. 4

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pt - - MULCAIIY & CASHMNN - OPLAWA AOMA1"ILLA IIEL)1TCEI) FARES 1 Puli rIlacls> iti raîargilalyo 0Oaa ils ami viii orailiistrains, t dteii rois UeW'It- la i lui, t I tlle Ilyal llaitl. saai cilia ui tai eter îuiaîsaaha~ alia tomr. liaailita tt c- .~~s~s>iiit-.l.N oft b elaf"refianli tthtie oliv l tti al! lhonttciidi t tansd 1-antIca vi'ai ïli -h tra n, I>îiiiîctritilly cllîdl for lit the riglitlist, and n, lit lt ilig t tlte .Istation. çrFARÉS REDUCED 1 - IIESJAtIIN BIIYAN. vWlitbya asept. 9,1,1. 30 VIOMAS3 & COULTHAIRDIS U:INE OFO STAfIESY lcgai, 'ania' I' i.nt 5i , ail ilîii ti ng ý%.tllthe ýni i ' t111. aaa ve'a ii'-tciiil i 1iutal , %i X n iM i- ia i i ti, il.Il. aia alli! aii- " 'la in iic 'ýre atitisr train. "aC. 'T. IL., E. n la %%taf i IO-Lia- tita te Uadtinîil ' r a 1; aftI'SIta(' 1. lw -I1ii;50co lia. loPeoaa A,'Itaa'î v'L!î"'aa i t12ia.Žli- ilia $1 -'. l fnr"va n i a S, a cre' n cd ai t' t 4Tt iu n 'la'a tfretiit aai tins N1111 i-t n a' fon nbr aisiai aor packz: aiiîi-. l.i"kc l ad I i' fuai iid Sict-'. C WILITB1Y TO OS1IAWA, -CIIAP l'ARES! I ile taîî i . " f-711 l Uî I N 1% Ille i .1 l r rf iin nu-!l. , , J ustP Ï k ee i v e d 's 'i A I:ngo t of ticmly iinaprocd ~ LON DUK ES, AbSf> THE ARMSTIIONO ~OOITN~ TOV:E, PýT1irNIrD I1S,6. s jA. the demlid aini a rl e ramrous Gt.oveua, intluai'g tIti lieprovotl PROTIECTIONISTe DAVY CROOKET, lMAPLE LEAY, A ni oihers of ccllc'tat qiiliis larapIdly iîîercasing. An ci' I* rail would bo ad- visit le. Ai o a large stock of BOX 4-IlA R LO R STO Es 0f tlî oi tten dhcary incial. AGILIMUTURAL F UR'aIACES, One ofwvhich ovcry farmer caaght te hâve, tas tht-y vwilil vifor themeo~,lv' ie ne ycar. AUl tIhe aove tilI bce sold et TORONTO FPRICES for CASH, t:-e-FavtrouglaIs put up with Tron CýF New 1iig put le nid oycns. C.ý7t- eliingI)r nianptly attenulcîlte st the Olti Stand, Brocli Street. W!,. IIIYAN, At tic t014l Stai.dBroock Srcet ~Vilitby, Aug. 23, 1865. 33 BRZOWN & PATTERSONS' Ao.(ricultuiral Workst AT TIE OLU WIIITBY FOIJIDIIY, 11ROCK -ST*, WiIITBY. Misufacturrs and delers il 11kietis cf tigRiLIULTURAL lEPLn-MENTS# WtiEitSWILL fBC eQND COMna &a,perandwZ Mmers, FOUr 4bIleront kinseof Two-horso Wheel COiltvators STIIAW AND. FEUD CUTTE~RS, GL&N'L G(RAIN CRIUIERSO, Having cnlarged our premises, and openoed a Brutuch at Manilloý' we no'# offer our custoîumr OVER $30 000 WORTU 1 0f the most eau efully selected stock of goods in the County. First in the liai, andti flzt ln quality, style andi manultacture, stands Our REAy * *ELOEIO Acknowledged by the trade to te ttdecÎcdedly thée »EST ý in thé' Market." Our Stock cf Is, without exception, the largest held by any 'rotail honîse this aide 01 Motreai, andi as they were aufactured todentir duning the Summer ýmonths, and putchased long 'cefoeo the laie great ativance le Leailier, anal liets anti Shoes, the irtail ndtiiliats ta-fl ied tbem now faally 15, and inl many instances 25 per cent CILEAPEII tîan Meetreul Wlîolcsalc 1'ices.- OUR STOCIC OF GROCERIES arc now complote and mill tac fotnil tua excect inluQualiiy anti Ceapneis, the Iitîierto unris'alcd naine cf the CALIrOIINIA U,%N.'" We kzeop none but the BEST BRANDS 0F LIQUORS, and line rlnw In t.ock ca-or Z-ir100 barrels of Dontiiie Whtisky, 52 'carrela of T'odclyt (Id Ilb-o,Malt, aiadi Moutitae ainVe Wl Iky llennesiioy's Bce B randies'; (lrahaaa's Best Port., anti Diatuceti Sherris, le Wood anti Bottle. CROCKERY AND GLASSWAREÉ, in great -faricty. 'Otir torma are strictly CASIh, anti inra icum wae offer you Lhe ecia"apeaii goods t tlt eau bce b.oîglit. 'UD'TTWil A Y'70.t ~5 S 1Oalaawa, Ociobcr 18, I80Zi. OSliAV. &L-MANILLA1. N. B. Ail parties indobte o tt.he hito loôuse,. will please call and stctle iuaiîsdiatc!y. TIMSlI'CIY --I -- -~ ~JMVmHI~LL &< ww~ ~j -- __ w~ £;~?q W I - -- - - - COUNTY O! ONTA~IU 1 liroolin, c.418. 30 rjIlFnâirantftgcç ofiorti 1y thi'a Institution for acquiring P' TIIOJOUGITI PTLA(TI- CAL. i1SfNIý,5$ EDIFtXkITI10N are supericar t any CcommfrcIal Colkug e in i tisb Aîncrica. The Ilianches taiuglat comprise cverythimag neccssary for the o ookKc Cr anad Busines Mau; hey include- l'a the aost complote arranggement of itî kind, bcbig fqinaishccl with tare JBANKS, a ME1'RCIAN'S EMP>ORIUM, and= aFEXC IG KO0 FI E, which are open cvery day for the transaction et Busines. 9-M Classes in TEIEGUAÂPING oeIey day-i PHONO- LTO O CO PANYGRAPHY, semi-welcly. " ~ V ~ t For MOr.tlly CVICa>LAR., rperimens of Winvrt\r, &c., addrcas <enctoging *Lamp)' MLJSGROVE &WItLGI, 24 TORONTO0. W- NEW FALL & WINTER GOODSS, NE W GROC0ERY HAMILy.LTON &-Co., Have now to' hanhd a ircry extensive stock 0F FA.NCY AND STAPLE DRY GOOLDS, lack & Color4 Silks, ' Whité, Svarkct ani Fancy Flanui, popliuoetts, Illankots, -,Broadclolhse Plain & Faney Winccys, Carpot.s, )oeskilis, Wool Plaids, Tickings, Cassimeî'es, CobugsShirtinîgs. Catiadian Tweeds Freuch Merinoos%, White & Grey Jottons, Overcoat i gs, llosiery, Gloves, Neck Tics, Collars, Mantie Cloths. New millinery and-Mandles Wf IN TUE LATEST STYLES. O UR -IJPLIEJV SE STOCR, 0F, READYMAD.ECLOTHINO, SCljOTIIIG NADE TO"ORLI)ER. ~ WITH OUn USU.AL STOCK O-7 F.E1PIr YGR OCEi1lIItE, ~.WINS AmD LtUOPaS . -m HIAMYILTON &Cou No 1 and 21 Tills Boc.22 Fali IMORTATIONS R.Je CAMPB:I 1gto ïiunounce the- arrivai o'f t ana .inter doodls-,ex-steauisbips ISt, Daiid" and whiel will, be fonci uuch larger tlian usuaI, Mr. bell, -having been in the British Markets for the lasi and buying under his'own careful in=pcio. speohdl attention to the annexed liat, ousstig i Dresa Goode, - iauley jlng ShawIe, I3rop Popintt, Wool ShwlsTw Iriih Poplins, mautiee, SiIl OCobourgs blek & col'at - Priaatirj '- i Baratheut,- do. W1lite Cottouat, WC Lustres, Fig'd. &plaip> ,Factori.ý, Ger Gala 'lidta F< 6si, ROI Back & CÇl'. Slkls, _ akcto, L PROVISIO-N STORE.ý# IUBsubseriber would res-pectfulay inrni bis old friends -and- T ustomoers, that ho lbas agmin statc business in the abôve min the- 'OLD CORNER STORE,' opposite the Robson Hlouse, 'CDundas-..Street, Whitby,- Whoro lic intends keeping 'on liând, everything roquired for Family use hi the Grocery lino. 9W- Be réspectfully invites an carly caliud a fair trio.L CASH PAID FOR BUTTER' The the higbest Cash Price pàid for -good Tub and, RolOButter; also, Cash paid for EGGS.,, i~BEST AMERICM4& CI1MESE FOR SALE. Best Coin and C ora Meal always on baud ; aiso,,best Family Flour for sae. - [ojF- Barlçy,' Oats, Péas, &c., bought as tusual. Whity, Jly 2, 105.27 Fire!- Fire! Fire! lias re-opencd theCUaf'rittgeFTac occupicd-by DONOVÂN WALK.EY.& Co., sec ofhis late ?aFactory, and oppoýâc theTowa Hall, CIIEAPILL&WIENTER GOODS AT- BIUOKL1NO. eMati1owonYï RtoIf1l & Con LhtVJUS r(iîeWd her Ea -toôk -of FaIl and Winter1kmdsli, d ie h g teeiï purtchàüedbefore the late adviace, they'- arc 'ýprepaùred té offer 'atî tmPR]ÎrvEDE NTEDLY LOW PRICES. Fail "rôeries, a à cirg tof 96Bots and Shoeseperior qtality and cheap. CLOT HINO REÂADýY4W,-ADE, and made ta order on the slîortest flotlCCgiin the Latost Styles. Tweeéds, Satinets, Fianneëls, Jnions, &C.9 of our own Manufacture, SOLU RIETAI1L, AT WUIOLESALE PRIÇ9rES, - -' '. - m . ryv ap. r- Me3Millan & 0CS. WC beg announco the ýrriv-al of our FaIl Importations which are now complete in every department, embracing the largest and most varied assortmçn n n arelohw ofr at unproeedontodly low prices. ; nt-h aIeihc eoT Our stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is very exten- sive, and 20 per cent clipor than elsowhere in town. TÙerms strïctly cash. i é. H. MoMill-an,&Co WIÈLtby, Sepiombcer 2Î, 1865. LOWES&POWELLI Beg. to apprise theit' numrneus friends ând customers of the arrivai of their Fail Stock ofe Gencral Fancy and Stapie unh( Wines anci Liquors,' Provisions, Crockery apndGIassw«,ire, &C. 111E LARGESI STOCK YEI-! M. H-. COCHRAN Resp ectfull> i »oims his custorners and the pulc tiv t c ic L.RESS gOO S t-IN dWIIITBY. t-a- PRiNT S toko i,,10D NWITY DELAIN-ËS DRES$ GOOMPS WICOBRS, CANADIAN TWEEDiS,&o. anud Chilârens', of suporior mako and flnsh- selling vrery cheap. So.hool :Books; &,Statiolnery., G ROCERI, ES o Il kinds, Teas, Su. gars, &c., &c, a goneral end complete assortmnent. Mý. IH' COCHIRANE. Whitby, Sept. 13, 1865. cO MME RCI AL MEN Will flnd excellent and conveniont accommnodation. Witi a Yew Yards of the Publie Hall.']Private Parloft Steel MÜRMÇ a-Nà wb, Ariw w7i&ýjZl 1 , % 19ý1-Lv& D URECTORYI T l aooworl l now in conrme of ptffle r rrio, e oplbliahed about D0o1onbar A short hiâtorical sneecust of the aotifistnent and prowtb orthoC cnnty. An alphabetil' uLs cr tllerC5aio itâ le c u tow nshlip, witi 4th o Conession uni lot of their respectWe ?osideu- Ces, eating als but htr frceolder or logise- holder. A busines anmd neral Dizootr3y f iL, TownsVillageadlwtof ulnoaa tien o? th. hrhi,~d1>soa ibl Làtarary Seciocti, Ilabo0,To1npemnie, sua oCher Socictiona1 ianks, Bankeri%. Insairance Cotpaici, B]iîaling Societles, liofSpI1>"r, ntallwsZ 8, and Stage 9Icoutea, &0. Cons t>, 1TowngLip, Town un il141996of015- cerp, C ourts eof Law. und tire varicug tincesanmd Plaeof iholding ; -J ndg, Clerks,&b~. prîco par bock, bonnd la in etl , . Pannra' edition, (clieipur biding,) fi 00. ]Rates of AdvertIs ng. Ftnlhpagc, avltibooks........'. l (as:00 Iliti-ipage, awtl book, ........... 7 (m. Fourthi-piagc, wlth book,_.... i "archnte dothers will find thia work ail oxienPt niedi'iin f or advertsiag, rste tplb. llîr are deornîiacd te te erery xertion-te mêear for It ait extensive cIrcaal'tieu. ASSURANCE cgMPA&NY' MARINE DEPATR. W ILL tiakelluil andt arzo itis~e h W etpaiberatia efprerniuan; lue11ur- eico griaicîl ounlHallriskm, l'or tLie eetaftor voyzagercargocr'i nelired or. the diftcrçut Cla.ae Vcf sau Sit and Stenîn iioss!4 ôté a4 fred amy pomt e thbf> laelaicd, Rivers, &e., a protiupt-libcraLiiiid hcluîoratblo acItlcancr.L cf ail j e l Ini uon thec Cvftf'pally anay bô rcliba J011NKBLOW, SPLENDID CHA NCE! BLACSMITI'S81101P -BUSINE SS AI A SiIBU URI T dlF iiforsipied offers for r sItir te foflowz iag prnprty êitruated i bltlac V7illnge. 0 AathbT:rn. 7 bluekanith'a asiop, OCxsOD,a forgea anil 3 cots-cf ioode &0., itblaerse- powcr Lîiriing latlia-litoeu attitcliedt- qaîarter- ticre, coner lut. Alaao za.l.oining et about 31 iýcre, hrviig ther3con fratrie oieîc, 2dct2,, witit 9!eod ccllîtr. Thie lot la PhLaaaafcdwlth Lkilv7nu a;'pk treca. Algo l.alf-ecro lot, vritiarollinp r o- 2OX301 wltla kiteocta - ceaiwoolicti, stonw oelitir, puinap sud woll ilisido 'baok-kitôlick go .atable, good b * - sIllVhr PluIn, and cherry treeaa,qe. Ih l âliniltanil tnJols 'fiy bcho rnt~l tri, iguitalle trisant. ;Tise Cucft n aa C p; ti,ô auand il binc tiue beat lai tîja Ceusaity ni Otteld;. atid ne lack of luasêtuceas. Apply te, JMSWAIKEU; < Astlilanre, Ang. 0,9, s1. GEQaGE CORMACK. J IJIIEiL MERCIANT, arpenter, and L Joutir,Greon St. Wlitby. A lairgeqetan. titycf 'dl kiedi; cf lntabeconatantly on bond. .UTNDE RtT AKIN G. 1 37-tf 1 Whitby, September 19, 1865. 1 ý 1 1, - l'-,

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