Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1865, p. 3

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NEW 5. olu sadditioun tu M&ls utitt tu*lt t' bRUhEIiUs NA*DI> IÇInESl« ~O l arge u'pby t ýOA Ol',' AMIPS Kitohon,' CLurches, j:ltQlic lalIirrovea eyt aoý, nttd et pricru% lanuully lisNiw .1ri.qlinuriers Itreiui kAslinteym, l)tlr.lu<uîs ,VIutc' uue 81ol %, lunlei, W1041q, &. JAMES IL. GER1RIE. FamullJ rug Store. Best Coal Ou soiD volt VAMJ1 <»<.*t* IMNGLISll au.(1 irP-eI cf tr e "t. Luins, înîtcu,&Q., &ut-. fSnzcdont, &'c. U44tn ~. IL CERIIIE, ltuttîubaC Strrct. Wiîhl'y. DIVISION COUwRS t~-<:x, ~ Pro. Ici.l'O ....ric~e..... tti *4, uxuîriui' ....'it Jithie C.1) STRAY STE1i. 1riim uttUe l e 11Y 'r Lo t~ tt - tt .1,,ai 'uttitue ili of. tOttolwr. u ti i -ur oUI5cmr c1" wite, ret-I d V5.~ticiurîri.m«t .u' tuke hii 1 ii eîi ad îyci m A Cioîb ruwn rt:rgoîodi-I ia cu'ni WANTEl). À N Arpmrrî -iieon.ru'ul wlt im.-lima unttli ii)U'JV elîuo<r wor<c à . iltu91VAN -eTI. AMIREWS' SQCIELiý FiÂTtE=AY noit, lt~h ot At thbt AT 3 IL OCIC', 1P. M. Fuer îSeliiom,>ee f Ior liOleltowcarem i lIU0d99i11Kuutlti<Cr, t'IrOl11ltic tteW ntlem, ai cl,dieî ým.t i l il a ea Irlu 'ti t.Ai DRT&MATIC REIADING13 33Y the e coeluruted Dranottt suud Aulbor, 14 V anden hoff I -Iuder tliee lnilecet 01the TORONTO Meclianie INST1T14E, (>NEEVFINIIG ONLYI 91EtÃŽUANWCS' *JIAJ.L WHVrny~ MONDÂT, 20th NOV., 1865. Triegedy itindCotiedy! t Putteaned lioneUr! Whakspare, ESherls It, nuitiDicens 1i P,,,- l.-Sceeefrm *u M und te12 SudAcia of $bAolupcroe'r roitgdy of MACBIETH,,ln-. PàT r1ll-$rcîto fret" o.iIatuCoeîy of tit SkC0llO)l.Foill 2ÂNAJ u.i Ptcr V4lTthi't~DIk~tî <1. LIlIOSITY litilr's Volettin-uDialogue bc-' twootu (ti. tWelIer i,.nd tliU. Iteoor% orpil t 7T-;Roadiog te coutt4leuue t 8 Groutîei. LONGMAN, Soceteiry. ALL iart1o& luvlow elsimÏ agnlint the uîtb- A ;u ro r rLettet5ie ruent thel. haine, byltr i 'netof 1Ouli.hr n t ' ib lltti ted r)h1lm wll pleut mele a metîlcîilnt te hlmi, k' thoe oe date. D. Q. FoIIIIE, $o,7, 18f)5, 46 Townm LOTS A montI i t ,o ogtrfi tpy TOWN 0F WIB A L$O throc blki !u theTown et Whitby, wtulilgitli Qruo ut)i tIns.Actes. ALISO VILL AUE LOTS IN Port I'erry, Brockliin,- Brlghton, yN84iLVEÉT Â- CT OP 18&L T - ,-.- - ~ éë ' E I)YERT ISC lJI M ru <ET ej'~. adkus Miiick and Miartin Fin's just ar- L rivc -B1 Wri Nt Fis' wl JJOWS &POWELL'S. Rlobes. Ilorse RIankcûtý, Ruilway ce., at LOWES &POWELL S.1 ew anid Chioice General G roccies, Fruits, , just arî'ived ttt KI ie hl in LIOWES - -0- Iluron Salmn T 1rout, barrels iiid lhaif barrcls, at LOW%17ES& &POWE-?LlqS. anud Whitel P OWELL'S. I LkiL.by, Nov,. S, 1865. 44 NREW ADVERTISEuEWTS. Bkating Club. 'r0 ttiru ttI!iik-tit' * -roui nunilut tntlcý t ii. itliu'N drue 0i i -i ii 4 li ritu. h lus mî lu Itlîît 1î l 110q ir-. q 11- iiitO i' l î','.it. l ic lne to aduui thte )r tii Ilii ellnttC jAcoliWn-AN.411t WTild LAND&j FOR SALE. -o- SEVERÂL LOTS IN Mara, Rama,- Brock, Eldon, Boxley, Soznorville, Verulam. For particuear apply in, (pre1uaid.) .1. IIAM 1'ER1tY, - WL;itty. Wlîiiby, 8tb Nov., 1865. 1 KEY FO0UNI). A large Brctukt.-y.- ritîl ethIle (tru1taOtyt FOR SALE OR TO LET"' T Il 'E lItiu_, It.liiusli-yti-ut eit ('reluit l0111w. Oit TO LET?. ut~ .em .. r TOU1 SALE ORu TO LEIT, ON IZEAýtuNA Iblle Iktutis,Ithe lst7n tburee-4tort-y bricki hutîuiitiug luveutoforo eemeuuhuu,-a STE AR GRIIST M1,L, sitintc..i.,..r.th.e t ciii.te1. pturutud F u'1 u- ONTAIIJO BANK DIVIDEND NO, 17.ý N 01i li l EItl tY IVEN, TIIAT A i ' o SIIERIEFS SA LANDS 00UNT','o0, ONTARIO, t>B, YVIRTUR-O Wý, I ý sEDB date th. N- iY.tbird de y otAugeat, one thimmad ih hudred an4 ulxty-Ilve,, o t te me diiectckJr the cllootion of arroars anld ESueffiOtts ue .upon the folowins TUsdythé Thirtepentti 4ayr of February lq~t t 4Mtlaë lfbur of Twelve oeilock, noon, at the -~ i - re'~-~ '~iA~ N,-EW AD Y E RTI 8EM EN TB R&J Would'direct the attention of cash buyers tq 4i ri r stocr, beýing -decidedly1mthe largest lu' tho çoupty, and' vcry comâplete in, every departinent, IN PRICES fIIEY AS ýTIEY BUY F0o AII AND IMPORT, PIRZCT i Special attentiôn of ihe Ldies s draote .d ta their Dress Goodis, Shawls, Maitnties, n'u j1ats, and Caps, an4, orfçGentlemen to theiir OotÉj,- COUII IIOJSEIN TE TON 0FWIIII IIEADY-MADE CLOTIIN Proceod te, the ilbib by Public .uctioll, of suad Aid3, bt Sb tubch tiioreof us may 1bc nececsary for the aywtbt4bf ta xaefr o sèibéi, unjQsï tg-apietogothcr witb ail lairlul charges, ljb sooncr paid. TOWNSHIP OP I3ROCK. LOT. CON. ACRES. YEAIIS UE. i. 155. - fît, 3 4. 8 90 0 9 8 4 77WNS111P 0op MARA. 751<, 1 M298Oil 60 24 lm, 1851 0 t.0 1 2 8 100,' 18512 e9 0012 t10t, 1 E.5 2t5V002 G4 1852 G 4 bu qi 8 900 à 185, st.5 7 à 9601 28 4 TtoWXSIIIP OP PICKERING. B. F. 30, 18517 8 9 60 b 2 3 4 1808 tuS 60 S. W. l'at l N. l'art 4, S Pa'.rt 2ét, 19t, 0G::YFOVR PER. CENT,-',-$r.uct t'1'uti ti t,<'i i ,pî iýt l t ck rf :tt ilo.ti.u ltrvt lu'hci,' iltuthte îuuti, enl ue b c a Frilday, Iflei.S 1sfIhy of Devî;cîn î îxt1 T1 iii ruufr l- 4 tti umtfronit tluei lb rtmnnof iitti! I .. trii 11.: m l nrriî i ' l o t.2, ii'. 4-u FIax Seedl Pjut[ Nll trr r u ii îny fr i y .eautty ofbFu t l'o L.i'ghort YCA SH PRICE. fr- NEW, GOODS Dold Btoaohes, now idosignW, Gente Signet Rings-anud ScWr Pins. Gulutta Gold Wedding Rings ispectacles to suit ailÃŽ siglits. JAMES JOIINSTON 'Witçbrualcr & Jeirollor. BlROOKX STRZET. WITBY. dery inthtie tocu.utbor, Il 1643. -48 E~ T. LEGER FR1~ Togetlîer wiîh an Acre of Landutd uit ed ILere- te.u . be¶ rugire%#O é tu l Pruu1te, ln rd uan effluilit rCc ilo ilultrOo lo w-' Iclu tcv orrehiîult-a S toriei t l . AN.etbilutic oci#tuade t-o -é. V. 11 kM., OetÃ"ter, 2t, i.42-lt Messfrs. GALT & HOSHIN, _ SOLIC'ITORlS IN ClIAXCE1tv, IL tl .. vY- ., n 'i iT l ,-,Royal Insunte Onhîduaga, .-9 TUO2TO, C. W TiioM.ts G.r.Q, . AnîHs.< Farmsfor Sale ooA rrom lnthe owa olif aîver, L.ouI- Wtlîîîti wo WbofutthuToen. Elle of DARLJNGTON, 60 acres ecaroti, about 0 acres 0ofirllielle Are troc frin #I nsCOmfertutbbO Lcg t[>Jgc~- uicw 1rnloeu 450 e¶ll unld àthW-f w 1lbc goldehCIp, ud ou onictemoil e psy meut, Meatriwtt wodailute of 31LEVlLLE, orite BAT 06F QUINTEY1 JIeing r ouÇt rIt Zot<2, lut (Von. dnyon tni 2 00 seritilh aout 0 sert» el<iarpd 1411(1 nuder etlsipu. Theor arwo fiourb>builng r bé~g Ureti a sand4 oneooltI Orobjrd, 1I Iteer- !ug the cholC'1% des4rlp ofo fruit. The pro "unt tern i llnçaare leated ou thoe cntre othopreperty andcooeuIua& avlow of OLJOT>- uprlus and go irater. Tho Items and ont- longes are ne*, r, Ii and eouinotdipg. TERItUS,-t At leutt'aO» uj% iwd baance. 'on ttu.. Muoý Lt Ire. 1!4 iStIlh u s~é~MAtA, TWO IIUNDRED ACRES, About 10 aI Oerod log4 imeu. &e. Trhim le e obolce.lot,,miid 1l5 ituat.çl oly $musotie ee nl.. trotenu b .treo roa4d. &so 1Lot?7, ;n he sthSnt. $MELVL 20e&r %parltlUla s. miles rom paid, ) . UXI'AItIU 'TURF UUI WIll Sivo the folowng St. Loger fWt'1860; 02Ã"0 Ob, TO TUE FJRST. O&Q 00, TO Tllg SECOXflt $rd fore tae hî bs entrante* Dil f tise mles sx.--querter oet àe Cu we Clttia T. C.W, Flivo oe ta conter or ne race. klfntree$980.ui I1 tit-to clomeon it MeU'Ch next. t 4oRace o oeofoearly lua U~ ilatgrtIcsoellng to enter. inust -end nomst ati j]c43gre.otorsm, wlti liait forteit onle.-, çd, uiddrqmtwd to the serctary, ou or be*re Ilue * TfràOMAS IItJSTON, Serretiry, Wlilttiy. Wbl.tby, Nov. lut. l. 3t Farm to, Let. WILI. ho lot for a terini ! of rs btheform blgtO otbe tueralgnuod i stuata Boing thes ial aitof lot No. 83, 1l1 the Otb coleummol o u txbKidg4 Cooutuin*i;~ 1,00<>ri ait otudf;r utdvxtil. elo arc K fer cr tsclitd out For tortm lu' ~ N. ~ -7, tfILISIb & 33 t1. 10.mtt & tao 'u',îu. Ltrutim al, 15, JB. $ilvoutm ,le N. la, ti N. ~< E petar TOWN~SHIP 0P RIMA. I,%1.- i0 #r 9, é' qR 7 8 .% 0 12 4V), Front, lt0, 1 K52 Il7 8 SeSM 1 2 8 4 I7OWNSH1P F 0F 1Acff. , i1 loi, 1838 61t 38 MOftTPEftRz PA!# 'T0WNSU11P OF SCètÈ. TOWNSIIIP 0 OP Âk, ~pttfu '667, 1'. ,.art oui itouver Ricer, 15, 8,ô 7 1 $579 î12 34 TOWNSIP P FUWPGf, ?Wb"I eXi? OÉ -T 93 1862 a4 IM4«i 44 li t 159È0- 4 Seî.pou.ed lbe V'atom'tc*l. 191 60. ulu:. 132 71. dIo. go 05. de, 4o 63, do, 42 ST. do. 36 74. lut. 121 90. le. su.ppecd te ho 87 44. Vmttîttdu. bu 51j. 13'tutud. 66 mi. <de. 73 DOé. CIO. fuS ' 7). ilo. 7 47. edo- 15 (13. do. 450. 4, VR. do. 78 70. do. Mn 41. de. 40 os, do 1954. (le. 'Lt -. . ¶74 30. lO 20'l. 'do, "580 t do. 22*. - do. 37 71'. de, 1154!. 'de, f 40. $33 JMris Wcara) We«& Pt .»ta *»i 141 1859 1862 4014 8 9 e 12134 1ib9 60 I14 185 9 0 1I29à l855 60 I 1 a la(el et 1 24. 1 "4. 419l. st94 Ptg¶. MOI~ 0 Aw , dJo 410. d0. 'de. 'do. 1VQ~ f~4.lcoâ0 i~ "CI< U$Tt4 Kkr, a ..Pr Lo» 29 wand con- . * 18 60 0- iffl 40 I 3 84 185 6ie) , 18.519 60, 1 4 1889 40 1 2_84 T0WN ~ WHITJl~ ~,îfre Wàrd-~iet of Proolsu oYtv~sê lotitfwe Broçk St. 1116$k A, -do de ' do ta P B~oo~ iii, 49 .IOK~ 098. fWîout.0. 4559, 't.kô. -~ do. ~ - do. do.rf $19. .~iie~ In the Groce*ry dicpartrnent they havé re- ceived a Fresh Supply of Teaâ, Sugars, Fruit, Cod Fish, lIer- ring;, Crockory, Glassware, &,, &o. 0) il -h o- -J.r Ur i à, kq- n I«v 1Whitbyp Noveutbcr à, 1805. N. 13. To arrive in a fcwr days, ex-Stoamship St. David, frorn Glasgow, 5,000 hicavy TweedIled (Irttn Baga , Beit IlLibbon antd Bucklct', Fact.ory and Wlîito Cottons, Blatikets, <&., and by iuce îng Stcauicr, 700 bundica of (Cotton Warp-till nuMnbrs. NEWD."qESIGNS! H A T HO.î"'BR 0TH E ILiavo just reccîved sorno entirely %cTw an4l Elegant. DeSigns3- in Parlor'Stores, to whlicli tie invite inýjkicction. Tlicir stocli of COO9KING9 PA RLQW ýPÂRLOJi-COOK, AMTIGiITq Ihmb, and Box STOVES, will now bc foiund cdrnjplete, and one of Iibe largest and tcý.qt eesorted et-or offered in ilis euarket, and astS tey are- deterinin- ed flot tû bc undtresinid, their iprices will be toutul very iow. FO'Thêir STQVE FURI- NlT1Ji1 %tîill always lbc fourAdAaý beforc-I1IS-CLASSt. COAL QIL ANtuwD LA.MP Of the first quality, always on band, and, at prices that defy cor,- petition. T'he7 are continually -Lid;.tt to thuir Stpek of HARDWARE, GLASS, PAINIS, CILS, &c., &c. Boll-Haîîging donc in the best nianner, htrving jttst receiveci a gddl aasortment of BIELLS AND> FIXURES. I 6 oq d J1trd Wood and Butter taken in e<xchan ge for gLoyee,.-6 HiATCH & 3EOTH2E11, Fari*erâ Stovo and Tin Shop. Wunted a, Qood Vfinsmith, noue 1ýUt a 4teftdy haù4 ieeed appy Zý 0,ASH lPAID FOR SuEt> SKÈýS. l The snbscrîbers liuwe nowv received a fall,assort ineof dFou 1andJ Winater o ds, ùiâititïg rgf - Dry 004d, Qrooeries»ý SIIELF AND HEÂAVY HARDWAR~E, PAIN1PS, QILS, GLASS, c,&, Whieh they offor at much reduced prices for cash, orapm dcr 4 aybe.s Jiini i18 i te-Thecy wouId. pýarticuIaxIy, give n~otice to those parties wbose -note~s and a.cèo-unts are nôvu' liast due, tbt payut of th~e, mi mst be aàde ait once. YARNOLIP ç o. T -IT Sittzc'erls tarin Ctiety I i bcAt ii .1. unfufMtdiina li(Arc ltupublic. fûer r-- pelîing worinm %vu aie iattilui.d tru. ii -, A GOD rT IEN G TT>ESMugttie (tnînrt l eI',r tt. fr.l*Btr'tit,, tOeIt;, t';Ice, <1 - lboidoiooEyesç, cîtît- L ein er~t postià for wlilueh gilOill l i~t it l 44. - IFYen are ýtro,uib]el i.d w utft itieîupuî<lp tics o! t1Ibo a-ot1,100et. i llrige'Inden Ye~etaiceL!fe Pille, (i,: SPECIAli;NOTICE. irIeomtllouid Brins,' il.k 01iagu fti very lacet retuedue yI e.111 i TRY IT.; mttllutu, N u1 * or Nerycuii sold, by ail dealersineiti oici. A-.8SItIL . Commuclnirg Illo dyiitin yq i 8l -juturtui)cr. Daily LUne-to ROCIIÈTý5'i "Jiqtiielucuit rotItu JtoLtuvtiue It anud tzua.t-iilbeut stol-rtitûe Upier Cîub'iii "o r inh i an OHRYSLEII, MACTER, Lentes !\orti 'Flore. Port.4t'or it]tIl over> day, (iilu 'upc C'obo:urg, mntt 2 4î. Po'urt 11o1e, lit 3.30 p. ni. ,u.îîmiitg. t>IuîuLn xîpet)lit. ont iluuîr- rir:t al'uîiiuttr iit flIkù*utitir. W V-sit tiiiuNor, by R il Ucm rl.ift. o CIrîwilIl ti14 ttitiîeuit lortI lople ttl4 îm.:,îIv uîrri'c ilu IIcetîîuur lu tir'îu luir Eqrm '~i f'nluet, Wt't ad Southît. l'uut-eet-guru t bu te Ulnîýc(lilcu,.IiLtuitr. tcr, couit ity ot1».el ltr!iIit il l tb i 1,î i'- r lut tilaiottuî ;4 ttr1yIVulit mmCî aîîguudi'~ Ilo;e, lau' t ltt tii- Iut rtc- i'. L.tltç OItirin im e fer q,'îihîtrriuhuisL7 L:ulbuv I detomborot-iî liii udcxprl trIl. Est il Wroi, out Gmulidla tlt;& A îi~,il eitâom or n UIMil LueTretllc tîuî e Tube tRwift; aiOud ipfleceîît seoatîlr'iîo- rîlu CespciulIy llttuî i p tom Ilitmaote, %irtltitui ailut u iîiaîeuadhuer maiein un r iié rouas lare ecg ïtt îrîtluhe(ýd. TlUe Talute uutlid Lavr ulwaya u tpiluud itul ii t îcry lt. l'tie, Caibr, $2 GO; Derto, $2 C?. Btciu4t it oL L toncrt, tice bA-hulut audu 1uIiif for. For *iirtiiuIriiiforinntièi ,apîily to thre Ci Kbguetu iteti t'tr If r.. 'JOHN' S AUNIERS, D E G S t o r t uii t un u c e 1 to p b l i e ; t 'l u t l i e BOOT Y& SIIOE STORE, Opposite ilIca. 1 ,0 1 bi, Brook iJtt.t, t by, inîtero à,i8 Fît'pirud if) gilretnd. cjo 1o1l 'itI4ii - i..j ' 't ~kOt s~ou4à Wovel-1 onA-dà *~&w~ -1857 s860 lu 2 à u3 t 01gss 99- g ilS, t~8L, l 1839 6010 2,P -' - 0 1. -i i la'ï r iD 60 1c :: 2 3 4' 2 - - - n 4 891 $4.4 llau-s, apply Itd r M0 SIIITII. - Fort Wllby.t ~LL in the r. > oviti- or' Ca. iut 0É t)USatof moe.. minher ýs wlt la leF pors ---i unît;.j. mrnrt, . e Ile. Sauud 9 et 1805 4 55. A ,Id nt uffillo rappcrs, &- J. UAMPBELL. 1 1 1 ý e..'ýl ý 6wJWJýj ý 9 1 - jkdwý ý ý:ý a 'l

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