Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1865, p. 2

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New AdvcrtlsemelltS this Day, tubeap Goodà at Oshawa and Manilla- Mrby&Cnshman. tbe*sy-gniade coetbia tand boots & abacu - do. êarâdalt & ifoîleins. he'b Wîzard cf the, West ant the meeridti Hall. ~hoeCharchoean' Magaine-C!É2wett& Co; È" gy ale fourd. tard-. A. Joues. Orange Bal-J. Ende. tounty Drectry-M'itchell & Co. kotce.-Jas. Brboma. For Sale et <Ã" Lot- John V. Rlate. AUCION SALES. à l ot No. 30, in tbe 4th côncession of Iwib$on Satrday, October 21, 1865, Farmi Siaceir, Impleanonts, &., the property bf MrJohn Tye,-Tboiais Mycrs, Auc. On lot No. 23, ia the, Seh con., Whitby, on Thursday, Nov. 2, 1865, Fairm Stock, Implements, &c., the. property of %tàecs Anderson.-Thomais Myers, Auctioîeer. At Black'ls fIbid, Whitby, wthout res érve, the. North haif of Lot Xo. 24, in the. Brd and the W~es-quaater of Lot 24, in the. 4tb con, of WYitby, on Saturday, Oct. -21, 1865.-Iml Vitainbaikoe, Jr. Auctioacer ONLY $150 CENTS A YEAR ,I4tby, Thursiy, Octolber 19, 1865. W~' NOTICE !-Ân immedi- Me settiomont of Accounts due this office is requostod. F1110 waats cf WLilby are uitliers zaany or so pressing as people migbt be Wi ta tbink fruni the beading we bave élÊoseà. Ve don't complain of the wtent of Roney, Mh Itaxes, or eeu th. bud side-wailks. Ia a town where ive hoadred nnd ifty ibousnnd dollars bi't ils season flready beca psid for grain ihere can icarcely be nuy ground -for grum bing; emd wshere people voluntaily -tax them. Coives ta thc aimaint of thirty ire hundretd dollars aà year l'u t he support of frec Bothwvell ou ticeDrain. Tii. tobe cr c feu dayu ga in nieciug the. dlscovery cf cil in saine cf the Minu> tocaliutes such ai Brighton, Pclcrbcrengh, Prolisoît, &c., wmicl,: enterprisea arc noir ieing prosccutcd mii lthe bOstu pro. mises cf saccesa, doos aa la ver>y' disparag. in& terans. Wi>ye more ai it aite at ai toas ta accoui. outil a friead in'tgctd- Biotihwell 1Il Bothwell" May>'dear èle, said ise," 9is le otthc intcreat-of the préprietar of the 6lobe ta see cil anyniiere else "titen Bothwell. The limita cf Bothwell "baunda tie clear vision cf the. Globe, su, tfar as ait regiana arc concaraed, sud su ntil George Braowa bai #s deep an -lu' Id tercat in saine cf thein as bo bai in "Bothnell, tice Globe anot b. ade ta see that thore arc otier cil prodacing locatities iu Canada. Brown's gaad-ltick bas gis-en hn, a discae tiai I aight <caIl "Bothwrell au tic brin."1 We more siruck With the s-.bemeacc niti whici aur fread attercd tho above reinartasund tic>'again oîcnurred ta ns ubea me resd iu tic fllbe of Tueada>' haL. an eds-rtieneni-icad id iCanaidiaoil regica tVI'îIlBothwell 11 &c., offeriug- 1,500 acrea cf Bothwetl, "iii hcil melîs," for sasie. Great is Blothwell 1 sud tic Globe la its--p.a~ni fltquet-te Ilon.- M. C!rtler. - Id A baquet irai given ai Ottawna, on T uesday eveiag, ta the Hou. M. Cartier vite bai boca styiug etiti, capital mince Saturds>'. The sfl'slr caine off lu thc Tem- peranlce Hall sud vas a billiai. cucceas. Aient 150 persons vers promunt, iucludiug Mayor Dickiasor. sud the aensirs cf tie City Council, the.IL C. Iltîsop, tic Epis. copal Iiector,tie SberitfJudge Arinstreng, and meaibera for Russoll Carlton, aind Ottawai Couat>'. Dtnr£craort ir cCaUTis-0orONTAIOii. -Messrs. Mitchell & Ca., tho we!l L'nirn pubisiers af Cout> aiud other Dircotor' ies, bave agents nan engaged tbrougla tie Ce'unI>' gatberiîag eatielticesand otier in- foraatin fir a fortiscouing Director>' f tise Cont>' of alita-Int, ubicli is ta b. A new cierler, Since the zisys tabouAbrahamsut pcoiai ed frein Ephi*ôa the cave and field cf Mac- pclsbi, for"fôbi- bundred shecitels oÉ silcr, as a bnrliag place, mon. lu ail ages' have :been aetttated b>'te desire cf providîn: a osuilable rcaîing place, for thc asiies cf uder ldndved dead. Wii Chrlistian, Jeu, in ci Pagan tie cmoninn desire pros-ails. It in au attribut., me rigit cal i i of aur bnmaiiy, -aiieit ai, nith Ciriotiaus, a wcrk cf mluc>. Tic Sepulcires cf the Ul>' Land, tic Catacainhi cf Roine, the temples cf Egypi, sud tie mare seceni walled sud meil laid oui ceineteries af Europe sud Anserica, & ail oasvideaice ta tic grcst xeerence msuifested for pravid- ing aitable andi icuored daipoatarios for romnains cf the dead. And uni ati bere titi *e régardcimte so mach cati sud îbougitfal revereuce us a cou"tr churtbi yard 1 W boreo ieu-es tise turf in mati>'ai tnould'rlng licai>" A great ucglect ti thuc port cf tic peo- ple cf Wbitby, lath le uatprovidiag ai si- aile ccmctcry for thé graves cf is depat- cd dca. tiere in ouI>' tic Ciurcb-ysrd nt the Bay, au expaseci antidI>' lyusfit place cf sepaitore, ia an>' va>'connected niti the corporation. Most cf tics. Wha bas-e lis-edtteir lis-es iu te. place-*haae Mmeirieusud good éta wonld bho echeis. ed sud reineabered witb gratitude, hn their native or adopted tai, are iaterred Isele- wiere tisa lu Whitby,- ilFacoi lu 1hi.4narrow e-Il 1e-ttcve Loet us basenacerucîr>' cf aur ciranitre the asies cf thc faîbers, tend aoticra, sud clJdren cf Whiby ciamet in prec toge- tiser, ad ual stcr thefir graines outr al tie remoto places cf tiec cint>', niere i.leir ver>'naines aind mentor>' are soca forgoiben amidtsi hose ofpeniapsunfu lcnd- y stran;trs. -Who 1mIl maoefret ia se Iaulable andad ucesar>' s ment Thme Town Baby gotie. Aitich mcetiug of tihe Town Coancil ou Maîîdaily erouiug last, tic Mayor meaioaed tsait tic licite chill, huownu os tie taira l.u...,t.hoc .uu..u.u.ueni,.,lP rovide for. lsuneti about tic middleetcfDeceinen uer. Dayy "lau o t --z r' - - 'luig- - 4 1rmtoeeieammin a- et A lady nameti Mra- lShaw, cf Victoria, of vtinus cutit>' disecuumits îunî!iusl -N-vJresicve a lten1 Wîb achoala, and pI'uy arI ittgy fiftccu bi sn![riMessra. laitebth Cc udreti ticlait<sbili the>'ntid t payý arc pet temiencatepruduce a credtablo lor cocut>' purposes, tiser a crn le ne faim werk ofîthe kist futrse Couta'of On' grounuti f ceaaiiit au tlîiA scor.of ex- lanlo. Th-)book wnul cotin tic siia-re ecasis-B text~ioa-. 0f tise aide nalk-uof over>' fariner in tise Cani>, giintg lot, penliaps tie leu saaiie bitier. lu morlId concesâion, andîti peaflte addemo<f escis, tuot bu qute the proper thig to a tO it sud mlietllir fntebotlcr or bonseholder : 4iirespectful terme cf our Town Papas, Ialooas genenal andi buaites diroctor>'. el. ânti s-e rer>' sentif(Dan chat me eheulti be t iaiiciicaîl>' arrugeil, cf tihe tenus anti temptet' iâjte saminesucS antutiful oct , if illages, ii fulinformatioun respeciug cempelieti fa trsing tise presrinîtate cf -tic ciarckeasad paiera, achools, societiea, loua sitioaka unler :1ticte. In fieci me iuctudingltecran>', mosasou, tempeunuce, de net uant te grule-ia-< no mention arangeAni! otiier bodies ; inuIs, iaîcrauco le b. disatitlet- eeerythiaig is lovet i> tmtssRtes, sesspupers, ceuni>' touueliip, sa the ooa-tiprices fan fantuer' itoiuce -'ant i iltege oRileru, anti an amounu cf oif aIl k-lads hus acaîtereti about jiett>'of miscelianauun îtfortteat*oursepeciag tic «i'nS and mati ecvcryiody happy -ut ecoune>'oh-Ont.ario tiat cMa>' b.co:issutet cul>' mini te attraet tiheatontion cf saine iiti uyan easy d es>' oence, sud niichu stîinausteati>'fr-lavw thots wiantaIo te actIe ianeut lse abtuaetosfroan myenihonsoonce4 daim anti iake hic 4 le.0 ~'Thc CaPtilan Tie Ion pnie o! the bcok-t2 Iscanti &o-ur article ougisu te read-lin uai-lansd $1, cheaper edilion, for (ar- WIIO WANTS TO MATR A FOPUTiUNE?7mesLmyona ecsitalee it aina of s largo Tlist'sa àvaut -aendione tiai tlee igit edtieoa, iutkiag tic Diriciar>' airaluaile tort cf ma eaulie supple ictmiiinibii sadset'uug mediluin, sunt heefere co ssaetome cf wVieîy. tiiet ceght ta e èentiaceti b>' aerrIîants fti laà-s srsuge suomal>' tâithti 68VsI beat clarteet lu al Canada-sud co of tuic besi siippg fort -W'iby, tiser. n isne ocs- manufactairet. To the nant cf mrates-power tietieflelene>' la attibutaile. Mes cauaaî dispossutisomases c3 f use settleti eltinotion ieu flourtug milla eau dant>'prohisebt>' exisi irbore iberei a anîl- streaut sud aunsiundant suppl>' cf mater. IP'li erecticu cf ateaiz flcurng milis bas-e long sinco expladeti tor. lae, bot suci te otislaaciay cf oIc! cpinionsansd olti *kays cf îihnking f tithero -sro people Who noulti itilli raibiso jis &long afier tic eld faihlan throsa-mitesasurumgaitian ttfes-einatic paner sud ocon>' cof stean. Tiare are facilitica for eainiliab. Ing sîcans lourhig militsluWiiby, anti econoinical adrsulages as-alable tu thiri wsrkhag mhilcifoir loctîlcîcatponoes. Ina eMlaiig stemin milssnayvhorc nier. tic>' eau bc mrteil conenmtallyt> ic> - osse5s atis-ttages oset tieiilîs oriseti SI' mater pover. Wicresa yon can pisce y'car iesa mUfle ibo atmost stiesutage su fer saslocation, mariol, anti shipuient, yoa muel b. governeel b>'tie course of the tress lin lie site cf yoar mitI dis-en b>' W«ier pomer. And tien, nul, yen bas-oe in* us 1eo cae a cettahot>' apon mwihli - sel>'tuta auSSI'engagèenealr, joeare li lie otier loft dupidenti upea iabsanti con- tingenees-suels aW' iii. etier, lb. l'all- ure cf Lie sappl>' o! tocr, &a., and eu *AtrthI>'etert mieasconl-sot mii Ithe certaint>' cf flgiling i hi ut isklansd - hasard. in tic Unitedi States, ai' lb. pressai tinte, sîcaun mille as-o preferetinl mast locaiticot, andthLir. tic>' Gan taon ouitfgour aI an expons. cf about ton cents poer izoret-eqatal ta abou-Tour policetsf tino mon.>', There is also the cast of a mhl.pivlage lu ho laito n lie ceasideratien, ilways mu expeuaive item. Patiug liese àéouacksmlssaausitlihe toicf erecling a steain idul in luauclia lvcalit>' as Whiuby, wieme, es-es-' i ditcepan, misj morti more l'or uilli tisit Ëýfor sippiug uutpoes-a loeaity niielé l*0.quumott>is lsexbasttble, an«, the quaîi>' «tmoua-saad -mie-e ieailles for siitpaea< trotld sas-e tiausans la tise Item ef-mrtagdi algue, anti mie-,tier. lsa s onsiderable borne i , "sd 0 th . ti anti business in agoneraît>'. Tise Diz-et- tory i*1l1 ic target>' circulated auttaide thei conat>, eniaaeiug is value anti importance ia tuis rultpet. Th.euterprinc ha & nov one for tic Cauni>'of Ontario, senl duiervea, niai ne irastit hi ili recels-e, thc liutal cucooragemeni cf tic merc-antile anti fariu!g interesLIs espociali>', as ueil as cf tic niele cammuait>'. Thiti nntirtakiug stîperSee, for the pro. sent, tie plun of a Dirootor>' viicli me bdi ia s-loi ta ho issueti froMiiliioffire, andi the. prospectais cf vuesne puliahed soins tinte oluce. Tic pressai undeni.skiag mil bas-c tie benei cf or fuIl co operatucu snd asistance. W Iuo dsew thue buggy? AIagisiloe cin e befare the May. or on--Tuestia>'esersng-uie dits-g. beiug tht iver>' bac! been ihreel ont milIhe Royal Hotel before lie licens., ubli hid nov aIl rigit,) masdii>' pe-fecleti. Mr. Wilson# conaset for iii. deontal lu s-cpi>' tathe char-ge amidt 44' W. madmi drhs-iog as maan for bis-e 111 Question b>' ptoseto-4 1Who drew the. buggy- the man the le otJ)l No ananer. The. Mayor, bin bis dileame, &Mic!hb uculti ezauline uthé proisiens cf thoelui>- 1mw end gl~ itô i écisont on Tiarsda>' evcning. 'the.questia onfb. determineti Who" mie acuthebuggytV: The pros-ailhng opittil W iai ,ùr WIlsen mîtluccetdin aps-cving thliaî ILwms the 'sgosrilla" st lie ROXl. - The lis-en>' iy-Imv ces&d.. .endmie if ibis bithe m.cae. Cj4. M(r.é:(. A. Jffae, (cf the t i do cf Hain- & tonesj> vlsose cas-i miiibc faud la ouier -coJltmu, caontinues lb. practice of!,tb. lau la Whskby. The. "m sasetciat*ution to tise duties cf Ilit ps-fc, uon wmilci aarked ils buaalqas Geooîaioa milb.thelanesd Dor. Itami as well as bis undouffl a bllidle niast Inouse 1r. Jones lots of éltz Tisa OsAiros BDLan aioma 4 id1u fore te corne off saIWO'& stas-es- t!>ct1- l1gbr gisbridge and -Plio4otk, WiwU tB place on Nonda>' .ueningt<Noyfmer~ ble trtkiug tt l. 11110girl, ciii!praptiseti ta adopt bier as lier or-n. Oit aplication ta te.Mayor, sud sftcr dut eiuoir>' ai to, the. lady'a rospeotuibilit>', &c, rhtimAsw fouadto bbis atiti a us antisauctor>', pas- session o! tie baby iu rai ien Mrs. efbsm, wia appearei ta ho deltlter iii ber prizc, anti carrieti ler off ejmu tgou lier wty ta New Btlmoaect, niere, front ail ire can Icunu, a comfo-taolie home airsitu tic lucky litie chiud. Ma>' lier ycars pros-c as bi iglat andtihappy As tic coacl,u si9n cf a feir>'iso Tic tient tiscor>' cf the chilti is as fol- lowas : About cighi occoct ou tic ieeu- in& 'of iiiI lti af Apnil, 1862, s yoang girl nanieti Caithersinei Moriari>' founuthti -ciild ou Ilyron stmost, can Mn, lis-aue;* Beaity's. Luetlo m ety;ue lieucesIoteMoisart>". miiore i masuatret for sauta time- Aftsrvsrdstiec cill mas phaceti, ait Io expouan cf ti, cama, lu change cf Mos. LoEee, uder whose cereful nuraing i bas graun ap a ucutierfoît>' fiue eaggiasg littIe girl. Sici non in lietr fanrîli yeael, haviug beua bora, ai mas sice aseriteeti, onuthe ifluliMardi '62. &yonaog maman narsictiElizabeth Moore, cf Rec. vas arrested aaI tut timo aM tic sapposeti moîlior, for chili! deser.- ion, slse nomnitied for trial b>' the magis- trates ai I!uby. -At the oasuiag Joue Sessions ahe mas tietianti acquititi. Mmie. Lasio osilet tise chilti Nettie liytast. itigli pricm ai! good crapi liaye seum- e t th te farame-sfalli pus-aes Andi nt b>' fu granaries alone, but by 111gb prices for everything hn thte shape of stock viicis Lie protincer bas te dispos.e of are tie pas-ses o! car farsiera filledti ceroplEtioai.' BJeef, pas-k snd stota mere seldeta or neyer se high ai. tis seasuon f uby'ear.- Ooti bttler cabiot ue liW for loes tia 25 oeufs per peasti, and prices liat ai otier limes nealti i. cessitie-stiorbîlarsl are paid fowl, aud sggu, c New 1'fbcttboas. "ILcusm Boclhlry,"for October, is sparktiig asmuai. Tii. coatelsti, ibis -menti, s--O tLe medicinal effeels cf -- susneu,-Mutloa los-es-thse uter,- Tender sndFstâe a trle -Th er>'ri h leea th le ioklag-s-eet -W rs oc MY slarlieg dovai b>' lie ae S-uelo n Boulîogne Pier,--wsimosg, lb, lopg&rdesii, ,- Witty vomeai andi ps-eu>' mnorn athe tisme e ofto.ce Wapole, - IÀ Belle Sausage,-More' 'whit.aas,'5.A tlebo6f, Cro-qee,-Pàrisidg6 day- as il vasasd sas hl Il,- Unonaispeariug, - Tise EAr-1's dagter-a non sansaîlenal i &sy,-The Iderciantiî rufes cf ÉIlgîad. <Chsp. l», -Oas- Weîsi a te«rlig.plseos,-..Ogil At effl JeITre>', the burglar chie', escapeel l'a-m gaah ou Slatus-du>' -igit, by euitiag tise Iran bard cf liis wludow anti semoir ilani- ets togetico. .h tappears i.ho bdlameý friends cuiside aasisiing. A cofareel atan iý usineel Burke, *m id sic easu hm cathe train, vas-arresteti >'eesira>',as bissate ,- usent matft'pihioie. Bus-ke Is lai lb. cm- pIc>'.. cf Paiterson, d.n'is'it i Uely assiste eti Jeffre>' tao seape. Svxasaua linan.-Ctlra,'Ct, 17.- Tie etesas- Bà,-itd.'- i!re-10e te t Loouis and Meusphis, uîeh 65«' tons freiglit tutt 60 passengeri, wv a onid ati New> Madridi, Mo.,u 6 e'clook >oterdty.. Tb. ,îaMes apreiati tspidily' 111*4tb11e ' bas-el>' tine o ls-tnelb.foit ubasudnt ansé iL paseage ot u>' e!ofuhoan 0tisap Wree o! ctme f$W.if. JterrlL.t.8 The. schooner, 'W,.DH.)iertittî'wua ,rfeked'bers lut Wetiuessay tigit, ut No liselloa ii 6,dbo uslae- ci r 'froe Chicago, for- Cotlhug.rod, wilhllis1>' ps'st àatotal Io«s. Yuusl imusr.D=e't kaow aboin eargo. iTheseuttI.-atdhC 1*W ,ie-d. lie.,slatél$ cf $6,000 at*lLl h it tbai De±ter eoid' noifot ~d~a ille 1c, 2#1 D casse oif on Tsu -atthe *Fsmlio1 Cours*, iln rmoU.ed'-« a lar-ge asnbJs of thé adusireil f futtting. - -- -daim The alieilisy Fencrai Cockburn, -Who opk so mach iaterest ia perfectiog the* Iafry Bilt the rccomoendaitory' manuer which it is spaken of on al l des- Profession sud ithe Ptèis avie ail beena tond in praises of the. Deir L And Dow# w. Lad te LawJournl fiig cf iL in the. following euloglsUc te 's .-4' It bas been before the pr0fmiWon aid the pablie for a long tino, and th &tii tions uaw efcted 1hii h law 0f reiletýtion of titles to real estitii havb beên '*lly onsidered and are kuoia doauàea Mueut of Ohr readers. Witllout spinta but su the. ai- 4named lengtb, the. argajh t& in favor of registratian geettly W ertheless gsad ta notioèe SIst owrds a comn- plt. and stringeaî eCa zdg Oorofthe systein wbicb prevails la Country wilh refèreace la titles."1 W. intend siiortly ta o 3 before aur readers the provisions* th. Act at lengîii, aind the effecit thelr operatj ion. They arc cf deep 1 resi. ta every dais Of thec catnnity-fo4&ll arn affected by tien,. 1IPOI1TANCU OF CÀ1REas-LteÃŽS IxiqRais- XIrNGIxaIÇaTItCMrYITg.-lna a4cof lRab- son vs. Waddet, judgment wý'à gis-en ia Uic Court of Qosen'a Beach *bhereiza it wus beldi, thaluder the, aid tîgistry aid the. description of the addition'cf the. oub- scribing? witaesses in ticenlMaMrial wus esseatai ta the. validlîy of the regi*ratiou. AnUPEarOF À GANG OroCOUXTWrrt#îres. -Detective Armistrong bua ddivlta bis celebrity by tie arrest of a gang of coan- terfolters wtalieb.goLlntb hus neshes at at lielleville, and xab a bav tS carryiug on the Il"business" for years. Two nmagie- traites are gaid "ta bc ccmprghised, aind farinera na bîtierto nere tiiingit ta c0 capy a respectable paulîlîn. Pndrew Potl'er, 2M; Samuel Laley,eaiticheaine age ; Jadeà an4iflepy6îrd Qnakenbaslý Ada N. Sticlelos have beel' examined and comîttCfr traan lattera ar c ont forl otfr în as titi. ssf.lrrd jdgw'ent iz coufarme4 ulat tii cantiei arc hiable for th. dcfetive liste of the bridge os-or the. Narows, whereby the plsintifi' fel cand utaiied ijurIes. IRule digcbarged. lâiave té appest granted. POsR ICawli Oct. IC. To Chrouide offifce 11-7 U by. This W,tk we band you a *tâfe 'mont abowiug thi.e eipti cf grain, it Joaies Ravwe, & Co., Wsarchotoses, tup toË3aturday niglit the 141li list ,,alan retteipta for (au 18640 ta a cerrespoding date. 1864. 1895. Fait Wbait-.....25,360 40,109, Spr':ag do.------101454 5,0 Peu .......à....... I.26 .1,1 Balance.in avar cf pressai yoar---------------------. . 49,615, Yours truly,1 JLUI!; BLOIW, Mr. Draiper'* receipis nUl foot op per-, hapls ta 100,000 la addition ta the. saove. W. arc aorryte circaiele the' sudden dethl of D>r. Hlai, cf Whitby, a watt known -,md respcctcd meautur cf e .pro- fession. H. sied en the 8Oîb September, at tbe aze cf 51 years-Laeo Joeernad- the. local" ai the Nasille Touai. .:b.apaklhgivésthé .fallo#fr<g as ot tissa rec6of r tul iàts a t pg<dly éity - ', &'A spinlsune . fzIkkerlt 2. " Roisboene cf ToWn Councli. Wiey, Mcudoy es-oiag, October 16, 1865.à Tlic Conneit met on Monda> eveuing, pursuant ta adjanraimeat. Ticeinayor teck tic chair at eigibt ccock. Piraenet Mesurs. Yarnold aud Gnoin. DISPOSITias Ã"T 1 -E TOWIR 5511. Tie mayor infahedth le CcGucil titi the Tomn a by a u sendisposed of,unuder s-or>' favorable circuaistances. A lady (tain NoirBrunswiick caluitilapon hi, sud vishaed taelaite away thc- chilla ah. iraia respectable lady lu gond circuanstenea, and ho coaclodcd tiat le iras botter to lot ber bave, the cilu, sud furuigied ît mci su cutfit td ithe amnount cf $8 at the .- pense cr thi wau.- rlEMuITAL 0o r-ttfasc'Cu. Tid Mayor idfcrnud tic conucil that ie iad e±amined tise nnisance codîlIifd cf b>' Mr. Cirpbell, nisch be fonudte t proceeti frort tirce.drains ia connection witi tise reaidences cf Mr. Duant, Mm. Compicl anti Mr. Lotu's,aiud thut lie ws of cpinion tt l as tic due>' of ticparties tietnsulves ta reinov thtirsnie under tic toma by lame. lHc baid, bowat'er, lofe le for tise caniuittec on etrees sud irâprove- meula ta report ounlthe malter. Capi. Rowes, inhseujueatty, e.rpresd bià opinion tise je iras tic dul>' of the. parties inîcrested Iotarcnot e tcnaistunco tien,. selves. Mr. Powelli eplained tbot ticeriLaince did net proceeti froin surface water but front amies in tthe litces and drains madie b>' tic owuors, sud nrged ltati t wais thes dut>' cf tic corporaitionute c eta eremos-al. Capt. Ravtie brougit up the repart cf the committee, sud ou motion, aeconded by Mr. Yarnld, tiec cŽticil Ireat inca cotttte. uiercon - Mr. Thisen utic eliair. Tic report set forth thait tic et and! turd ia tise North Ward excetedeý the appropiatiasu b>'$2976 ; but iaitich North Ward mai oaîiîled ta credit for more t4uan tii. os-rpîns, expeadcd out cf tic Norhns Wrd's appnopistion ou flrock sud Duada.s streets. Tisait the os-r-expenditurala i the Centre Wsrd mas $7.17, andti tisinlatic South Ward te $1 0.68 ;tiat ont cf the apjîropintiou cf $180 for the Base lin., as 'socf $154 68 s expcuded, ltsaiitg usîexpended $35.22. Tint auttaf tic aipjuoiation on Brook etrecut of $7-1.87, there iras expen'ded $71029, leasing uuexpcaded $34 ; andi thiat oiti Dudas street thero nos exppneitd $-9298-..beiu $255 883laver the appro- pitiets. Tise ttotlexpetîditeire ira e5tsaao ta Le $1F84.59 - ieinig $,275 os-or tise total appropriation. Tise repart sltoc set forth t'ýsat ubere vere on baud 20 carde cf siotteansd seseralt ibtsaud fret cf planaînsd scantliug«, antdu conclndcd iy rêtnrnetudi-ig tic lt>iag dama cf a tirelve fot aIdes-aIkotutirthenîi do cfffludas treet, isenca tk sud Byron btreets, %nai ith. pssing cf the guttlr; oi-baîf tic expenai te Lie bot-nue by tise amaIra cf tise prapent>', and cue-bstf b> ' icrperutiun 1 sud salao rcommctidudthet lac1îîgduam of righi curtis sf stéue tanUtîndas strert, tn front of Ibaý_ier' a and tic bluçtailsit'a slttp, tend %bait lic large stoces on tise rcad lie broen. Tic report nr sjaidùjted wiîb. cut amoudineîu. itlr.- ?Jr-. Ylrnold irougit Ãœ' tihe.repart cf ibis cocumittea iich éonsusîced cf oaitv tes: orle ecoointiïifihg .s t f $& to XMJ. Wilbou Fi"q., for 80* I~<6 itetsraxed a l lctctors rolt, but 'eit paid as-cv. Afier samo» tonitrks from M1r. Pcrry sud tlsjtain itwc la tie ceuts. of seiçi tic dr-sre mia oxpresscd ta do no iiijusioe ta the collector, if on examinathot,, le maifounatitisait bub.iatiua tetuell>' reeied tie Rooney, alebougi re- turrid b>' hlm ai bas-ha, betau sa receiveti -tse eomtui:isucaonttic auggeaîiou of Mfr. l'ont>, rose, ta ait a2auin at the noet meeting ofcfociuil, iu araler ta ciTâtrd an apportunut>' cf oxaining thee malter, ubici Mr. Perry undertoot te bave doue. sn ita lttievats lMcxcl. Rama Agrtcnltuai ocietyp 7b tite Edfto> of thte J7litby Oleronicle. The annuil l'air andlchair cf tic Marea ad Ranis Branch Agrhcultutril So. ciety came-cff ou tié SruI ins.4, Tic dis- pIay>'of laurses sud cattie aheweil a aliglît docreasie la licnumber cf enutries ais couspaircil iti ltist year and te grain anti moots an iticremssc-, other depaftnîchts fairty r1tpresoated1. Tlisejtidge.i hael aiueS dîfIlculty ihtsdecidhîîg tho e nrtqcf tise grain aind ropts-huit rcmarkjed titat lioy ws-re geucrailly oxcolîcul. Antougul thue latier James Mfauian> exhulbilcd ane. lag of îîluk'eyed pataitoes, coîutîiuig 106 pti- tocs, weiglîing l132 lia.- ih Tinîdgus cf anirials mura -Mersrs. J. llotges, Oro, J. Tfhoinfpmtct, Orillia, andi Hlector GIrant, Thorah: Grain, roots, &c., - Maesure. World, Bitanaid KrOrillia. 'hIsbllowhag prizcs v'ire nsvordcd Svbrllc lirs-es-T itnesAlex. TKen uedy. lI, 1D. llclinrott, Ilit, Thiomas Nefl!is, lIrd Sp'ai ofsorsei for gehcral.pcrposî--4 eutrice, Jas. MeecPherson, lut; Ja.s. Sin- ulalr, 2nd, Jas. Smih, iird. . Brobd iiiîîue-5 entrieq, G. Stalltcmu, lut, Os-en Morris, 2ud, Jas. Illrli'n, lrd. 'M'io yi-ar old gclding or f'lIy--(l entrita, G. Strathera, li, .Jas. MacicChdson, 2nd, A. MéFinuon, 3rd. Onue year olul colt or fily-rl' enrtics, J. Macl'Ierson, Iut, M, lil>, 2nd, J. Lics' lia.,3rd. FcQt of 1835i-0 outrierS, ONvcn Morris, l, G. SOtrathern, Itiul, Jms. Sinuclair, lird. Butll, auy tcge-3 enîries, A. %McMýu!lcu, YearîîlnuuIlu-4 OtrtltI; G. Strztlîctu, Ist) J. N. Macdonald, 2,,uid. Mllietscote--Scunies, f0. Tiompscu, lst, tufds. leitt, 2nd, Il. Laws, trd. Twsso vs-rmold tuifer-7 !rÃŽtries, 1). P. Micdoti!d, lui, Tics. Wîiipps, 2nd, U. Sîrathscru, lrd. Yuarlitng iifr-C, outrie's, Ja. Sini*h, liii andl lii, Jas. Sinuclair, tii 1 Yoke cf usn-G cusiile,A. Kennedy, lst, %V. McilIite, 2usd, J. N. Macdlonald, Yokc of 3 ycers nid tcritiý-9 ncuies, P. (gettiniga, lut, A. D;tdenlifur, titil. 'P-c oyear clsterm- 8 ettries-, 'Ihcs. rli)s sG Stratluertt, 2,ud, J. N. Yearlintg tcen-0 cutiîc, IDonaild R. Macdnatldt, lI, Jas. Smniths, rul. 131uIt calf-1 cntry, Ilîcu. iVIIlIups, lait. licifer uaf-b niîtncu, R, W.eV.ft, bu, %Y'n. BIlton, 2usd, i,. Pirathema , 3rd. Rai, nts> agu-2 eniries, J-le. Sinclair, lui, Jass Suiil. 2:11. Y'earlinîg rmta il critties i',G. Siratherr, lla-i l aeni-h entrios, G. & P. 'Pîuetp- son, LuI, Jas. Sutith, lad, T. MeNuales', .rd. Este, ltasing raielma lartuihiis year- 83 eutries, Ja". Suuitlu, lIs, D. hIeli,, Od, Itre ltutil-lO entrieis, G. t P. Tlîomp- son, lat, (l. Stratiorîs, 2n d i rd.. Bout, an>' .-ge-2 entre, Donald R. Sas-B enirlilg, R. IV. Lee, Semt s lt, ThruS. Wtsîps, 2ad, Dotnaldl R. Micùonald, rd. Tiantef 1865-5 entiumi John O'l)ouaell- Isi, R. W. Lee, jr., 2isd,, Donald R. Mc- Ditnalulirul. Sois-of 1865-5 enîries, TioÊ. W'lipq, lat, IL.%V. Lee, 2nd, CItais. Ilewsitt, Lrd. 1 entfy-HItrros, IR. V Lee, Ist, Win. -Boulton, Ce±rn forîhep rock. W Nlty, lot, UW. LQc 2nd Joie ,O. thorncil, 'Ira- lI, ChairleshIlesVitt, '.ni], lias, Wiipa, Two bush., ftitry-l C.t 1'. Tsv fluîshm. ent-~curesa, Dciinick lIetln. lsi, -Chus. Iliei-t, 2aid, 0. & P. Tîtatuson, rd. 'Pt-c bush Peau-hO cittriema, Jas. Me- Phorson, lut, R. W. Lec, 2ttt & -Ird. 1- +- busaS. ra-9 catripa, Thos. Kelly, lit, NVuî,IBoulton, 2ad Tbc'a. Wtthpài, Ord. D.aALY rlaotitti. lî t ti , la , t i - t . Ti7 e s , l"N A ,. M 1- , tJ. MoPherson3 hlme. CAls-LE Bout :Pouin CoWu iu'Illg-Ml-ant tîtenal, lut, Jotixiu Ditiiisnc ut BouMt Guida Ccir givstgllcSa ehig - chienal, lai, Jaii. Tluoriîd lue, 211d, SUil. Mue' tlerail, inu. lieet Grade Bull azed-Jas- Pcii, lui. hiesi on0 u cr 01d1is-tou luifur-JOit DiI- iuiu. Ist. (luit Sprint Dat-vou tilf-Sil. IMeumural, lot, Johnls nit ,usuî,211d. Beut Tivs-ýa eanuhîtrrulsllfer-Jouts lPar- kituium, lut, taiiuî-ýt leutnî, 2îîuî utrI Bu-ut o0a1cyen e)sI <r-h :It oî,ic 5stueill, lut &'t jrhd u. Tiiidke. <nil. J3eut Sphil lifrCal-.t'iauel thtuilii lot -&,tt. Best norid Iau-,Inm. Merlu, jr; lut, luis. Munlur, Sunt. liid, Wtii. Swait, "rd. Dix. iiîd. litjssiii i dutlisujit, Irut. Dl iîîuîuu]atiriîh i insil, lut, Satuueî Nttesrîit, BOSIlîusiu .luîui.n. Iu-ut luei of 3ltsr'-uî i-1 Mtt liensl, lei, due. 'Itiiitu.ds, Satiiisel NMeil-eral r. llt ai oi ut-ciliuua Ewsec-lis. 'Mark tut, S 1iuuîcttl serai, 2iid, t tI:tîu rk, trI. tiuet hci f .t1IGce l Lsubc-W'i. Sraiî,, lst, daines Mr' k s ts-I 1MIel ageul Boat' large Ieli-Wtl. BftuV.iI, B".1t Scw,iia ,re iit--îu Spuman, li, lut-eut l-,,tan ditssll Irlid-llltIsIopptuti5r, lied Bsir ttiduer nus eur t.-W:îi. hlosu'es, Isi. "r.Tlsrniidilus i nh, lt-Te t ru(ld Cios--!oulit tîllintin, lu'.. Bh- n eeii er onusyean- luas. iiemet, lut, Wtui. ttiuukti, Oint. Ttc,.'. a,,ch. FOuI l Wis-t-dutîu Ciuhhe7tl lst, Bslin j;utniiu . oîîutustî , îtu l,"i. I'anlii.î,11, ret. K-et lutiel. rSpnii g WSt*-(sut-gnale ooer, lut, Jtî,lîwiclit, -2ud. .0Lou Ient rul lieust tuîuh. list- mtTIsrnitfize, Ilt, 'flus. ime 5îîthuîîîîliî!t, rt, D. i Kitr, Iset, Julii%1is Iiuis,tr! lieu tul4csa-uliSmiths, jet, Banjamuin Jiiolîseîn, «.)iiIoitt 'illienrt trI. hut ait, tlu FPux Secd --tu. Jt is->,lt, Sumi,,,îu Niil. tii,n. hlettSi:- Iu'ISItslu dresuel lux-ltA tML.- thuelI, t-st. l,,e4antissi. Itis,>'Yumnx, tsWimt. itlîi,,r'. lis, GTeorge I-elu, uluiel Ttoredike, îti-st ;btfe-,(srr--iaîîilhl)lue>isî, lut, G.2 * '. 'tri-. 2lt hei. 'rlztiswiî, int. B ?Mt Si?'teI tesras (itiit ImTt, J.1111 llo--C , f M.st-t it tntz-l-Ttîn.'lnelu nli'umi ss G ad tîsî ce, r ttcut 1ý,011 iiii-Mlrliit luuus-r, lut,- Heur« vY ets-k, as B.out S"\ Whilsi ecIusrtt. Buttesâ, lit,'WVt, li u Ieusd. 1h.t i, 'istpuii-tt r!,,It ftgt I'îapIc. scr.. I)tt5 i-ie t1usîge-dntun J acoba, lI, Jîuuu-t!îwtir, mai. licut 2 4 *r.lliluc'ens-Jolsii Bt ad, lot, lit. tuent i1'lt, I-sI. litst OSq1 lustltitiectlt. liut 1014. itltse S'a-lr.J ulohl-e1ulct, luit. Btent Liiè.iîen 'gn-etClankc, NM.inilIa%, 1u41. Bs-st iiair Cuanu iiolns -Frii"ei Morzni, lut. Iic"t 10 yeîu. Fiimî lt-iMn.Ita<îry - eoi, luit, NI ru. bIiuuîlu!teîijluil, 3us(1,MBru. nait. 1.t10 s-tu. llatl? r Parluitiunn, 14, NIru. IîgîiîtFoUl-er. 21i, Mrs Ilutialul Met lt--uttir. luR-isolbititt-Mi tlt, Diaisi, let, Mru. "Vii. 'lîsuct. s1. NIns. W. G. Iteldou, luI, liri;. Wiu -louluc Ir't.. 1k-utC. Binuti MisUd,'tlrti-itii . BelusI he httm,-ts.Jlts1u1uil lit-ut1.tIF.Wi tuilher-M. -hU4.u ('îlîtun. lt, sîie, itI. - iics-t Lîuaf l ttu,-cle ltnrd-MNrr. John P,înluiuuoeu, lut, NMca. AlsItiuiîu Ilourer, lad. liet mlnisu'd B litii-M\I iLh; c lt liîiCnuuteîîet wmerlu-Mira. S'u'I. 'fa) 1er, lut, BIru. E. A- Dir-çes, 211d. liest Fai1C3ý lIZittiîug-rra. <Tee. Maitenu, lut. Mcc. E. ,u's. 211(l. lieut papes- Floss-rs-4ties, Eltîzibt-l Boss-en, i t.- i eta 1uurodn-M . W. G. llcen, i, t Nirsg. ýr>ero;, 2iud. PIcmerss.-Mrs. E. A foel ,Iiss MB. luiistn,t, tibse Ring, 5rd. FraIPuut Pumr-is A. Bus-oc, lot, Beut Petcil DaiiuZr.John fliaicu, luti lksuiTatiiîg-m r4. E. AB l-ue . u Dieut 5111e Citii,ii-httnu. lt.A. teusrs, li.1- l'ti Vrertlh stsr-tsLloyd, lut. fl uai bsî. ApplIs-IlebI. Iixon, lit, Geo.,- Iluios-er, lîîd. Litet-tu-o P0111 1d15Gruspes-Mfs. Jouhn fil- u,îau, liei. ~ectt Agrscuta anal fal Shbw. TIie second' Àuuual rFait Siair cf tii. Iloclin, On Dc -2 hiuul. lrlcy-1t2 cntrIC4,Joclilmtr lot, Thom. litaPi, 2nd, 2 hoe-i lul Peis-I clitrics, .Jolin t.rd, lot, This. Burnhr.ým, 2rid.., 12 bush. Lzrgie Petis--4 cutrtuu4, Juî,,, 1f- 2 bu8h. iirge Oue-I tic lenrs- aY. diii t, Witi. Cirrtiiru, 2îîh - 2 iis. Sujaît Oat.--7 cutricu, Cit. CN. wicktil',.W tu. (Mlrmnltlcrs, 'hmd. -2 btu,,li. ilututti> Sceid -Wilî. TIîompsol,, son, 2ii(1*. il. <'rros-I ctricm, e. Iharr!eson, lit, T. ing, lut, %%'Li. 'îtu.O lieut MWnzn-1 curry. Jolt',îýPttrk, it P,,1ir Woodlenlriy Jnsta' k, lut. Set of Il orueslîje tjciur t, ,John Stark, Oud. llOMt <TIC M~N (r'c1 à, yd.PllIl4 ,t'r n j. l'I.1llipsi, 1ui firm. <teul.ni , rwo I d.Iloinîc-uîadc I ltutt-4 ettrieq,,Nlrd. Gideon Vernou,, lut, 'dr-;. Ainu thutiie, tOueOV419L lut, %Ire. DoIlunli 121%u, .t Quilt- s'rhsN[ru il V ~uriu. lut, îs,.ic- n icx,, s r', flry M,,diU, 17t, NIs t> V'oiM w N ir't. ;..tut, lr.T. Irvipe, 21;,.. %Voielen Wli t .s IrsT. % ,lu, l'air Siocks G cntri,"'ICl*t StSk I-ct'.rain ; -T t-ntriu. Mis.An dre i otiut ville, 1 't, Mîc . ji t, l. c ttr-l ci %1,NIru. fcn. rlî1 artl 1't, Ndru. Wî:;. s-luî, l, Mn-. lut 11011, lut, lins. Jas. Mut, t211d, litc. L.u. l'u- rest, Iri. Peckrf lniuu-Ic,tricu. Jais. A.Rhi>vuý,' let, A. $ter,-1 ul i iludu I (ii c-ixetrioas, T.W B>cé <ldI ,l-I c,îtrius4, iiohrd CuI, lut. )cnll , uhat,2îul. S' titii,, 'nApplcu-5 enruIes, Itolt. RowI,,,I t ,t, %Vi,. Sun.'air, 4r, 'id. lh>zon Winitcr Ap;ues. d cittrie8, hu> l'airIr', tYard l 'ow. C euîtrius, duc. A. l' K < . tUt icilt. I21d. julut Pair 1l;r,ý'.Il vuntricuî, Donald 1rqulfart, lsý (lideon 1,riu ît M 1SW EL LA NECt Go,,tlen-i'.s Shirt. 'Mn.. A. Sî lcn in u. 1_i IGirs lulaCora. j. Viuerbnrglh, It, Thos. I r'.iii, 2ad. i t l'ttni,kitim. 'iJ ctfieeu, Il.L ornison', Tut, <Tleo, Verlon, int. Jur t'ncscrtces. e cutricu, lMru. D. Urquhart,' 'lut n. iu Jt Kc.jil. jaîr llGricy ef)4u, Nîrs. J. Stark, lut. Gibs. MnVioe SuLrur. '2 ei:tricu, Wîîu'fhiomp' sýou, lut, ,din X'-VýruîOii, 2 lu ui.2 cî-..riee, M'eut ln h1'rt tf- Nr.Jfs1Muti , 2uîd., L'aroi tr-.Iencnricu4, lMrm.Jau. Meek, lut, Mrs. 1). UrqultiLrt nid. Dy' tEu o oa &otan, whbh rr!ved M, Fattîer Paint on tietilîb, îes-bave the' lotat . Enropeain odviceg.- A meteing Lad buea c,,lîa'à att Lnde - -pcrsons inîtces'eed la sncb of thc Americta Sectinities uJ3 ba-éebre*l n luai? roera previoumiy ta or Ta cancequcuceof the wnr, witi ai view of, foriuing a co6m- milie. <, hC c eCtrities in , respect of Whbici ibis agitation ila-catnwencep'-arc bonda. cf Virginia, Lzouisittua, Tesenefee, ýNorti sud South CozolÃŽtun, Georgit, aind, 1M4is9îippi,, aind varioons railiwaiys anod banles in tioso State, 11a %mol. éf which rpreseait a veq>' envýy amourit. Thse DauCy Nuu.,cCity- articlesasys--Ir tii, iudubled States uhotald et ~latc for au - oi-raugetu<:at for funding the arrears cf dividenda, i itus ?robàb1e tic creditora' would be disposed ta nicet titra baif Wayt Ia regard ta tIse publisbed liai. ofper- sous auff2ring b>' tic Coiîfederate Jooano additional deniais riptiýorti. 1hTbe7tes, -n-eolgartica, termi' thii lt ai malicins imposture -i lisays -t1ed' staîteanunt thiat tie editor aof thc' 344 a laser b>' Confederat estock ta tic amcnnt cf £-l 0,000-or mncre snoney, la a cawpletel falsebood î;<lhe injoriaus sud ianuiing iasultiug cammneu'tm wunithe. Star lise baieni upon original falsciioas arc, there. fore, é.itire!>' onfouudcd. No reproii,î eauob ho ac ietfor les-lt>' w icb 9dsn sncb i -mpoiiition on tic genersal sutiarit>' of tic X. Y. Ilerald, aend iliscan aaes thons ille Lierneocf atl'cctcd indignation. Tie Moraiing Star haaing iaclld Mr. EÃŽladatoij-o*lantic liai, and called oa mTio in. Pur.-W in. 'ai, 2ud, y ;s- Colt-5cie uq niersty, 2'i -The Timeg is itfiýMoU1t1 lias 0 Tbu.siCîim massa to years of oge, Itue, nia died oe bouri frota hûltU at os-or>' stage Ir Virulent fort cf iufontunatèeiman froan aviag becý siousty in Cer casepeal. Ath living ina sdullere aIsa reporueti as1 toms. Alîboaglb t bth pros-c te bu e j~cau lutin cpleiuti, tic>' a , call for vigihantl mithout an hour" local oathaitte-S, t Gaverumeut 1:el tetian cf tttfact1 ampton 5ina dui motus cf tic ina, tomrauea, sec! w tar,.mlere ti-c e ai minci pont i possible sanîlary lic taken ce gean the iniahutautso country' su large. L iculti boat - huuýctii. pasiti bbeen s-tre!7 ia ch. tetau nfao No single tracle poisonau appu lias-e bei< cuti ber.nith alilthe v antinnea of il Thist laver>' oas, 185 -.thetbcyenrs luit viaitatioti dâeatis rogisiered week moere 1. 1U week cf îthé>'eà îaot liti eek w increaieof popu reins-n is los g 40 deaihis. 'iatoiof(>s.t T -oe sad Pr of avied im e uOn etei 3ty Wrent dupeet Pne bie the l'ai mast creditable disa>. - FR123- Lie1. HlORS".> Spali D)itiglit llorses-!i ant' los- lati, tszedtrulau lt

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