Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1865, p. 3

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- PART, IRSHIP NOTICE The uodersigoned' haie ihîi day entered intô péartnershi'p, as General. Merchants, under the style and firm of MULCAHI OIiia, et 1, 186. & CASHMÂNO TOMÂS MULCABim (CASUMAN.- -I in nobhèing die above, iie FbCà te gay thajtu e new' firmn yilI lenve notbing kn1dône to merit a contitnance of the 'ery liberal patronage bestowed on our predecessor. Having enlarged our .pre- mises, and opened a. Branc14 in Manilla, we noir offer to Our customers over ffC 4C E>it C 'orth of the imost édi6ffUy' selected itbck-of goods iw thei County. 1We keep -none but dhe Mouîftain Due Whisky. . Hennesse 's CROCKERY A NI BEiST, BRANDS oîf LMUT1JRS, hind havé ii*ow in stoi Best Brandiesq; Graham's llest Port, aind Diamond Sherries, in wood nsud bottîr. GLASS WAIIE in gpremat variety: Ourlerais are St,-icty 1 'bSIIÀ tWA, October,185 - - .- N..4,- .Ali' prtics !ndèbteilto the late H6dùsc, will pleàse eal and settle immiediately - THOMAS MUICAIIY. é Firet in téifià ist, 1 n flrin 4a ou'3rt ratin àa1 ' tylehid Modufachi é tands oIs uaiy *1kG PIthu Adjtbnýiwltdgfld by'thè trade obbd ecid d~the BEST ~I the fÃŽnarket. Our ts,~rûioI céftc, i~ e si ied iy e.ii'o tS tiiîis side;of -Motti'al, ndas they t-l*rre màiufactured to ord4r dnng tke j~mer piteà, içý lodb r h-.aegenavnc ]j Lete,. ~ oots B Soýs te tradeand p . _w pn dths, anw 443L. s AÉ inn~ iaùthlatgatdatice iýer cent, -CH APER t n Montredl Who1esilè Pid1as w1 idte 1Wfly. tdi ityisale I Ou ~tok qfGROCERIES 'wIIIhe cornplete on te- 'a thhe bàine Of our TEAS from Englnd, abqut teeth.of Otitgbir, pnd 11 be foi b einxceeâ ih ii1t n hanstchtet unriv4ledinaine of 0licgSCALlFO14IA MAN,' Kv r 100 brrcjs of Dornest'c Whjsk, 5 baré' l of Toddy. OId Rye, Malt; anid C~ash, and in return WC tffer ydu tlièëthetipest goodg tlîateau'I4 be boughL' OSHIAWA Ab, MAN]LLA, LOW-At bisrunldeice, liowuuanville, bu Wednesday, 21t4 imt., bacn. Il. L0w, D.t., P. IL$. . . Eaged ti years. SýIT-k.Whltby, on the 28tîb mt. M.r. John SÉîl Boot & Shoe maker,aged 67 yeara LOWES-At Whitby,on the 1 thb ingeL, Zrnily, infant daugbîer of John M. L'.es EAq., aged 16 niontha andi 18 daya. LAMON-At Vhuîby, on the Tit i lut. bau;.; StILawrence, infant son of Jamnes LaMUnoufEq., 8olititori age t Tmottha anud WILCOÉ-89q the 4 mtl ., the vife bf lf . Thomnas Wîllcox' TAYLO-Ou îlit ib Liut., the vif. 'f Mr. WSe. TaéIor, 8henTs bailifE. Wbuabyi Oct., 1lithi186.5. Sprint ... ......... $1.10. a ,1 65e a 68C. Otto ............ . 3Ots. PdIatoeo .......... . .0t PS1..... ............ 8.00 per ton. Buotter............ T. APPWeu.... ..........a Bas ...... ....... 121c. peae, 1& 6c tb68,; gour, $6.25 KoNiRraxt, Oct. 11, t65.' FIou, imaperior extra, $8.25 Io $8.50; extra, $7.50 Io a 87ôTSWe1taud Canal çUperQmee t6.1 0 to et.117 auperftDi*e~ . 1i Canada whaat, t8.24) to $8.55-No. 2. r tomwk«t,$e14Yoy , Oqi. Blut * ienadian flouL *cillnd 5-tg 106 Ioer; $8 60 se8900 oromtboui and $9 1Ito $12 75 for gondta tObcoiee extra. Wheat, 7 $1 ô 7 ot 72 for Chicago apring; Il 72 1 ItfouMbilvaaluae clb; $1 i3 to I 75 tor amnber ,MjI, pand #If40 lfor aitiber MIiclugan anud ne« aibbýr 8t&4, BIarley * 4er, $11ta(ô $1 20, ite latter. for frlw. iow.uj Stateansd *1 20 î« Canada., NIW ADVEETIgZENMTS. Mo'gageSI~ Èiî týiina ôf a t, wer etfCuJlcontuiied in a lime of sata iea vW be olt by PUIBLIC AltliTIONo ý O WN rAL , CANNIN61Ã"02ý = -r hjo&. I. WALSHE, Auctionter, coelin or thé "owubiIp or, Bro#k, Couety of vittorio, contallniug about sm oo'etîen aria. T.ltf.-oii, hIbai, mlanc"Des blI sVeud oi oletr do-ta 4Kivg4n i t ., 'tVOto. SNot.'-t[ At.lug op, ieffal 0 alflfC taimo oil ry Ilote, dclted.pruawy ISO, for the cern of $1, Oet80 0u of the n8Ee a el tsai uJ LiqAs ..thoe beeitahlos or mlil led.7ec NEW A1)VERTISEMEN'rS. LAMVPS!1 LMPS!1 HATH &BROTHER HIave just received the largest and ÃŽnost choice selection of Lampi cver offered in, Whitby. Ilaving pur- chased direct from the manufa-ctureré dàring the present high price of gold, they can sei them at prices that defy eoinjpetition. COAL. 011 of the best qnnlity always on baud. L They are continually receivilg additions î.ý their à1ready iarg'e Stock of bboking, Pazlor, aud I3ox STUV ES, ainong which wiII be fvund the "P'rince of \Va1e,". Cookinig Stove, which took the first prize at tlie lpe London Exhibitica. OL te Particula*- at.ention 4aid tb LINING L OVENS WITII 1lJAVY iIRON: 0f ail patterns itiade, to order. Th ey eall Skbecli'ltt fttentioh to their Selt'-Cleaning Luub Stove, warranted togv st8dcin ~tv PpeElbows, &c., always on band. Eave Troîighs uand Cistern Puinps puît up and warrantccl. A large assortmeîut of Paints, Ois, Glass, and Hlardwatre iîo' on lmù1fd, first>class goods at loir prices ' The Ftîrrnrs &tove anid Tin Shop, Whitby, Oct. 11, 186,4. N 4 BIC I oE NEWADVRTISEMENTS. t o i-~ - [J herce~.hacri ng date the Blt Cdru-. or Jky A.1). let63, sen alieiy Aierew lwlrute pi perun. 'ha pe7nAf pul've e lundred sudi BthY Delisicaed i tg ~t etht-min oece,- lieuse tbe4uug coiun3yutactnil le the tt.ltlaif if Ito Norttu.tt.lrf, nLot nueotur Twerent%viu, Wlli tteýlxrt S onl e-t Ton Aci-e orseit $Soeth.tealf,> oouttaitig Yuty Âtres nora or lems. Th~ Ve F ura a t c e'.eltate of culu-ti ome j ated ^buut tva anti a haif mula froi tBroci t, s4sx tetanmnules frur the- TOWN 0F WHITBY. Thi e e property viii ba oiti ly PUBLIC AU(TIONf FOR CAsl, mOr BÂTRDÂY, 28th OF OCT., A. D., ffl, u ALEANDER'S 7ROTEL, BROOKIN, ut two 'elock, p. mu, by Tha îtortirae w il te.pr>druei .,ct the* sale. Foer Çurther îurticurs asud coiutioius ofa419, akrIy buo Octoiter Igîli, 1 6.). 40-bd IN80LYËN'T AC 0# #64 jou Esquire, ut tV0 o+o.lbih lu the P M o t tntierle, OetTuecdY. the thitry OS aî <li i'Ocobqrspo-aj, uttp heur of if n 6ock ile, laforcuiotuf, Ire thii.ree of rbceMng taben t u i&a Ira, antiof un% àotu auy inake mli aseituitet i mdur the atto*eA. - -o att he Touwn of! itby, lghîhCq4nî Iof 9uu1ado-thbeu plaýceof eudug i4bzeeser.i #%lrnua. iiq lstoul(eovlle. la', .O Twn1%blp er Markbap irn lut UeCouuîT oy rr helethutti *]Litby 5éRioz cc-, . EchoPbI.'t TýPle Auéuon 7rusoba~lo1 1161 MONPA .l14 I8tN , 85 X. W. iJÂtM >. 40 Soc. BdGr. Sohoiol Trnseteem. ORAN>GE 1BA&LL9 AT EMAD'8 MOX,79 ith lino btweeau UxbrIdeai et ipng, q WOddfl Sa,Np-, lot, 1845 Tloleta-doubf, il. -Singie. We & NIduLtIIkII, ôxm l. NOTICE. andtbe tipublie that ho inieudicoloing ep bis bWimemm here, afier IboIi. iSît maant, .par ee l k*lb ý. t the li store) andi ettle theiraccounta. TAXESi. TAXES!!_ hPlEseaarber i-e. talcn"oiletiiell T ulxes mnctb te pati vîtkiu nuaathy* atter nsotice leit. li second eau i .uusst q . -,. a se Colîect*r. INSOL.ENT AUT 02 1864. In tbt mitter od'ANDREW MOIIAB, lmulu- ali.te de uifiqt, tinter the ove Act, 1,nue, the. undeeagiuad'Asaipec, and. tbey cru r.- qu led bo frtiubnuhe. vithitutio ioitthc (rom tltciate, vi hb their eellai, speclfýyiug tae- curleiç to d, Ifsiy,àandteii.li me ut l, ene, Ifiiente, *tatloe«- bita (cit he vhoe u t tttti nter otit, vtit te vouebera lua p port o! snob Cdia.ý- - Uoob WIti, Ang.t le". 39 sin NEW'GI3ODS aiel,~anbart7,1814. 8 Whoueu bc4*eI1 odI oîii oulcee m i ceu TÙ UTÃ" FuoYEU 4"E5 AS8 OLLOWB: NEW AD)VERtISE.MLNTS-. NEW FALIi & WINIER GO(OIS, HMILTON - Ilave now to Irnd a,,4>r. exÃŽensi4-'C' Stock 0F FANeY AND STA.PLE DRY cooODS, Black & Colored SU4k, . White Scarlet 4nd Fancy Flaùnel, Pnnlinaat - , , R s. -Jet , e 1 rod-lt Plain & Fancy Wilcqs, PrpIC s ~ i Wool Plaids, Tickingý gsrnrg Coburgs, ~ lih ~ t~niin~d French Meringes, WVhite & Gre#. ('ioi,Oecoigs Hosicry, O6 r~ Neck pje2,- Col1ar& -MaMle ÇIothL~ New Millinery and MântIes tÉF-IN rHELATES TLMS .~ Otir - inirnéiise stoék of Read'iâmadc lu lth- ing. Clothiîîg made to order. i.Withi our usbal stock of Famtily GÃŽ'bceries, WINES .8 &NU SPIRIT&. R AIlTbN do N Cô. No~ 1 and 2, Till's Block. 22' ,Tosubatcribers bave now r,ýçeived a ful 8gr tnent of Eau and Wîniter ('o"odg, ço»iBaung of *Dry Coods,C roêeried; SUBLF AND 1i1ýVY HIARiDWÂR3",IINT5iý Whihthey ocger qt much r4f~ o ah ditappro-ved çrelit, payalftéis"4 aJuwy18~ m~Th'y wouIdc attiA1 gvenoice t those PrLies iýbose iiojes M *ý«t - ug are e o past. due, tat payment ofthe sane *husé b. de:Meý at onlce, CI-EAP FÂLL & WINTELI GOOD)S AT BROOKL1N.' Mathewsomi7iRatcIifte C o. 11ave just received their Fal Sfck of FâU1 and Winter Goods, which ba'ting been purchascd heâorc the Jate advance, thcy arce prepared t o ofer at UNPRECPI3PeTEbLT£ LO W PRICES. Family Gbejsalresoko bt and Shocs-. superior qnality and chéap. CLOTHINI~ 4%~DYmMADEY and made to ot'der bn the -shbrtegt notjèe,ý in the LatestSylu Tweeds, Sa'tinèis,, Flarn;iâ, TJI iOIWj%& ofurow Minufact t'e, $oLPro iTAIL, AT WliOLESALE PRICES, e 1 pwoklin, Oýttt. 4, lui. !tiA1ÃŽ7IJ5VY~UJNu i4Hit' ~ Co. e dOTS&SOÊ Wholosale #<&1t iate OLUREDSTRE. J.BAN a ia . tnce fhe iiab n~of l !own, zjuiL, te i'.1hpbrnotupoanmntu=rin; Bootle a nti S .* bolesal and Rt~il..Ah14tb~t uainu vi» iei'e4ei , s ed on uoý i4e tetyleoand flig of, nhe WbloeWae deaien ,1 be fuïîhdvaIaýte lead. lng 9S8t ap 10 Go od 0,4cona81mi tn gb fif de n t*'es, BOy' otapbdrn coe an t ie Bootq w48 os idao .O the IObeet ;ÃŽ final p utbqtpàrket Tbe Retail 4epartment .,will, s ps wrna, bë.fhshdwihn e000"ma vatnèty et goOdà iedy of their ovnu mufacture ;and, they tqtb mý c t tention to bqsipep, bey vii ontinue ta clvthe onaFR 3rtrlktn*do thaf notod establishment kuovu is flhe ",ËO XNTRI Ç9RNER £, ncolae Home ,MiMtlifactnires, 3and bu7 your Boot and 8boùfrrdis -- h' Fal IJIPORtTÂTIONS! ,Be to ù*nnounce the arr]isal o'r t1i'r« r"Il Wbitby, Se~ 30, 1*40, and in t!oods, e bell, bavibs beê'n ii aid buyinj; under hi spe ii tein p Drem Goo4g, Poplidetta, >. Crbourgs bt-aok ýà%à;li larathea. do. 'JAM~$S ~A~N & CO; à larrértharn* ai 1st IL PAIR AT BE AVYERTUO0Né Il~E firit cf bisc re'ii.or c~silebdQiur- Â trly Fààirs wîill cte l 't i . ,s VILLAGE 0F BEAI4ERION TIn1rqda'-, lSth Octobar, 1865; Fer tihe sale of cattle mins etr etnoc. Bef.vesrton, sept. 98.e-tC Qats Wantedt' Cul, b. pujd fou!'ritny -quthl ity oe OAlî KENTXILLS, BuOKLIN. P. iNOTs % BRO. j ARES B11OOR OR m.odntril , ear and durhbillity, Fh Ol.lmamdb work of J. A. andeII Wulllk.m, oi b :ul u e1d. An exteuukuî 1>;ovlk unaugrpacuo lu Clio{>nt.- 2 Boots s hoog Of the RighitKind-GOTO , MAITTIIE4W. COLL1NS'S fe Nrte tugiettry Offla., frocik Sîroat an i te .LARGIST und ES r TOCKC of B0-- 1aodhoeg' ÃŽW 7 ÙE 71TI CUGTOMES ara invlýnd te allenit examin#y c thlcs to&.jnoluorfbtheuli7,antitoe a nôotfc busprcuse.1)( xl utuoýf>' îemeolvqa uic te where tuoy ent gelt W6 bont.burguuiua. I'va Boots wuurrsntedl to wcsr- Wii i ctaild wlulîoiit a er Any Wcutber cuy luerc- Asud blut cu't ho heat eiuicwhiero. - DBY th boet,l euty or th >d hà y- Septeralbýr -27, 1865. 38-Cin

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