Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1865, p. 2

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I KewAdCYt50lh0l~ tiisDay Bootosmut! Shos-JanOs Bain. Wiuîer Cork Slet!-Do.- sel <lasing dumb etoves-1lO, Greautoot! btai-O. floie Indien Last!u on thé Grant! iter. NooLo#li-JeresiaO'Conor- Boiuesle-Wm. Morimier Clark- Autiîon Sale -Thol- H. Walme. pgtoai(or#ie-S. Il. Cochrane. Putblic Aacin-L. Fuirbankg, jr. Auo- tiluscr. Inmulr,.ucy - DosaIt! Mcliarchmy. jnirelvnt Notice-B. J. Wilo-Solr. Aatamn Tern-Whitby GrawmmirSehoci. Orange Bal. am ONLY$1 3 CNtSA EAR aVhlIhy, TlursIS, ltubpr 12, 1865. :- r NOTICE 1.-kIl immcdi- iato smttlomont of Accounte duo this CfiCO 415 r'quoStGd. Thv e Puîn puhIyî thé fou>' cf Festinisoe s nov repiug lis retîrad. Utibppy Trettla1%aiantheib uee (f sumerosi arressith absmuguidet duptelie Lave joiaied the 1" Boerhoc," tanudallomed theoirus tohoLed otai treseîîsblm cerîspinucies. The citiand tonasior fCorke, astiother districts bans becs protiuaimeti - boutes suirchet fer armea iipectat! potions aîchet ann s-c reatet ta, heir lieds, in the eud cf sigbi, iit!a geiteruat aie o a r aundtiexcita-0 mient prevatittbrcagboaî îLe coustry.- >r hoe tnt coîsecquesce, as mit;Lt ha expeet. td, are a rata os %lie bans, disorgania- tionaof utbinets st aagnationocf tende inaeilul la, a-îar! irisaeataie c ibm proclai'mcd tdistricta. *ben viii Iriahaien, ât ihome, andersamundti eir tram tutmret ast! and-rîtaîg ihema igbt, mhat iii icict coictice te ibe gouot eiet titraci. fd country 1 À ga siter foît>' than »thie '~Fesinmovmmt esu seriperpe tatil y Iriahaies, ai homo or abroa.- Y'beir tioantry mue jut emergtug froni yoire et difficaliy and ditrese itieceai- parmîire pnoapsîy. Yemr afttr ycmr, ibe grieauce cf mhch Iriahin jusihy coin- phinot! vers leiag removret. Andi neyer ladt Irisb affaireocecupie ot! aunmc&tiles- liton, viî the desire te thoîr aneltemtitos, la the Britieh legishaure. 1i1 indic&Uous -poisutile the cotatsîyitha the tume bat! arrivet! e-heu enîizbienet! legistaton mouit! bauvipit! mmm, tholai remnasi of in justice toe rciand mt!ma"ituncemp- lisiing w-tatforce cati ocr effect, tbe trasitiuuty cf Irelauit, andth ie peace anti welfaneofet la people. And! ubai ls thts FuniatisaI. o vhibibehématenial adianeeent cf tb. coantry is je bd ac ueidieed* and ta ieprespor. - Lff-caret!Yankee spata, coacein. sd!-ast! noaiabeS asnd upporteand mtiem. Cearmgcd by Takee-not fer lon@ of Inulalct-bai ot of thé bitiere"Irgit cf iaaiigntty ast iltI-vil! tomards England, t)enooicet us it s by the Catholîn clergy ot Irelana, anaI coat!esnd by even' nght. tbinkiug Irishmasiheonster la grreat ibat i lu eai! r-r Lare obtuinet! a footing tinIo country. Il meait! net in au>' other noun. tr>' on ihe gloibe but asnppy Irelad. Thbene, ils elafiple pe.adaaitry are emeht>' de. tudet b>' tbe boasifuli Yankeen. -The peant baving mas>' relation. "lainAmer- icWm 'a aiiy orkedtiupes ati percaudet ~tolokupen tbm Yankee au a pauiot anti a friand, andi te give mplcit ci-stetâce te his 6"talitat" atiat!moti improbable etenieu. Whitthe îeYatnkee ta simplyi>' pmayina gaine' or furmaidiug as "specoiatioust ftan>'19 eretuina. Irish peaeast e-Il belteo hlmtoe b ahenu, at ti thelb treetiofutOidttreiseti" ia vbat be isin- teresi:dly seeka. JI ja trom tbe Ament. « ansu point O f newtibat ho tok a pos tbm *Otinàrn of Anaîrituctlandst Britieh lustitîtôuici, aid drive fbis comparimelue, andt for eern>'itithat bétail iai charas ithe blâmie open tLe latter. With eins ateligent menofethîecountry' ef course Iis i4anot ths case ; anmot ile a gnuifytng preof cf iî lisaitDnet a selitar>' boaeio f rak or staiones a uhb.friand lu menettit wmih IL. Fenimr fol>. Tbe exînacîs micb mue ire elsembore aVIli fa Iern qo te proiné his, anal aise shem tbat of &Il îhe foulies of vhicb. euil>' dupet EIrimes bave bues gulit>' tt Fesin 1011>' us about the Rnmt est. The Xonili Weutwonih Comtie. The (Wbs u ccusiotu a amnig gr Otditinte, intache particaluar interttcf iae poniéfto, frNrhWavnh n Al sui.l.etra sessou of Our Logis- laion Waied together' for thé purposO of réo.llng Ibm Report of lb.. Confedorion 4migaiion to Englmud, &d ai takiag action thereon, basu otbdg prodâctive or sol direct leglelaiou bétiig uponti subjecis for wbich itvu tim.tbl ied! together, yel panlameut bs D ot attogêthmr boas nfatrlfun uacte baving ât. bplortant beirins upon tbe volfar. of sobily là goneral. Thé met amont!ng ibm pleeettlgistrY utl viii affect au "Importncabus a respect tueveideuca -by vhlch thume le mati «tais lu Uppur Canada *Mil lh. perpa. quaiet!. It atds mmcbiuory for ibis paiptice to ibat ahromdy ln smtâtomicet the lutter. hihherto only haviug the .1.0et ogl'vng notice te sabuoqut parrdisirs or incas>- brncsea-Mn. lMovî'à -Bill ftir the Qaieting cf Tiblias aIglu beccthe Ivw, aund tilt protide a uyeimdt i >' vbieb ildbi. aui lithos mal b citarelop updti rttbdenet! ciarhctable. The i neoinent Act biu mite nedmitet incendition is many respect& ta mbicbfit wau toast!defecire là lie ;fermer shape. The ainsi important altération botng a provision mbieh mukes il an @ci of bhuai. naaptcy for any itaer te permait au execu. tien 6&Wrt!gatust bIs egtVélo te romain cuiistit al.he sw 8~ iffu. tn fonîyseight heurs et the lime fixot! for the ual.eof #uid chmtteiu. h Lrisig bisa feurat!that evnaso f île .tmmp met vere te rogne ite coin. merdîai commanify, mu amendmneutt o lIai ic timposés a dut>' payable by siamp cf ena cent fon utles or drft u nadir tt.nty-five dollars, imo oasteturnoismuder fity Sdollars, asdti biee stilfor. those etfaerety. fire tiollars anti ap te eue ondrsti. Stimp. ed piper may altoec u set! talima cf ut- Lesive éaimpé. Tua met comes laie reret os tLe let Jansmn>' naît, battmiter lat of tibis présent montb, slat»pe my ie hcimcel - lad b>' tridthtgîe date ofutig stress thon issiemdofethie partiel tiames or initiale as Lertooerequireti. The Graitar Scbocl Act bas aie re- cesret! amotudmet9 totaconcit. e-it mclo bine tbm appintmesi ert ibie cfthe. sIx TrusItes, tbm nomination oet tires, la bore. tofée, routiittg eh the ceuni>' ecncil. The building ta te veut ta tle Trutees. The grummar sehool faut is te bu distni. batet! in accerdasce yuibm ue eage nin- ber cf papit. attent!ingibmecbocaisud local fout!s, (exclusive oet Ces,) muet le raiseéto the extent of ai lesât os3 a a ibm gonenaicait gent, The edcc t ibtis Provision ýriil bu îo drive ama>' grilcmur acbochl Pte a union with coumon aclools. Fifies dolit/uspuet ionîb làte b. iallomcd Iote b e amaster fer keepiug îhe records o et eresogicail ehueriîtous, mut a soir et ifti>'dollars pen arne um approprimia fer the iinsrucion cf the papilaleu the rudimntscf militai>' dr'il. - Au"" ote bprenstitcioef ctigloaa diseassasat certain"minai std > 4tîuqat tiges n l iis ?rorinuaseaepu 0regelat tle Il social eil" lan 0ù gbrfhooovu penalties. Ilmaylbe fcnnd a- ceem r>tlai a souduréetatendet! tonthé prea.rnaiiom oI ils heatîh oe lier hjety's Ptroope, us>' ai a future day blezétéaddt!s u nbeodt other clasmea etfiter enîjecis. ~1be Act respitiig the Borsan et Agni. culture anti Agriculinrai Soctetie bis te. ceiedtosesamenslschef>' in regardt t the couultiu c f the Bo ean! tarts and Manufactures. Thm chriorst! Batiks cf î'îs Pro.itiot have eciret as accession 10 thelr num. ibure b>' tLe incorporation oet h.elIma i .Norhumberand, living ie béat quarten 1ai Cobourg. A An Ac hatlang fer its objeci the ptencti tieon ofthîe upreat! cf CisutiTbhiotele i Upper Canada, bâtshaise bccin »i. The dangers cf thé Caile Plaga. havi bacs coasiteret! ta an mciplast apon the 1satnts bock by ' mhoiessiremi> ayb takea for the aroitauce on mitigation o the discaso iiuosg »i. Taver.ksapirs 61»e retetted a sitare cf legitatire attention intahte uape 01 entrY ammataiente to 49Dmukmu's Aot,'i tsciitalhng ibtlr pr«oitilon r eftetu- al>' fer offéncu eothimttétiagaltut i providions. vers 44 etrte.-thm Seuihdoeta ial tmml we.b h e 'bol* lob mero. Meurs. Miller, James L. Daviieon, Adm Spears, D. Tb.enntc.ud ma!les. Wlxioi ~"-Jîi$I -111a nn>'supe. rien cmnpeîsudmt!of cm.3,, - -1 mairies mvers, 33.-22 of mbichvest wll.mad. Plckernsugbottei.. Tb-oiàt of!oos eni 1,M§j7J largesuumban, sud il qouti ts I>' good, considerlnjg ibm dret liii cf iii. uiMstITbert ver*82 e tries of (t-ometly *"lanemd pour ad île>' lievers of a rer>' sapior ien ha ilomeutitemanufacturms, the lan ms ber of 114 éuiriet eocmpristi muet of tI hoa&e-bia.lm fait e.1db., satinais, BiannaI tIc., auispol. tehumea fut the udutu asti gond! ofuthevfi.y itin jadis.'i Pickeriugà Asdt! itiapûts inu sa tt ibi fam>' or lattes' deparmect vbtcb v esbll amthé leva hall, ati tuait mitb pret>'ty andefutiartles«, and la vLia wue alua cenutinet thi guomior porioat the borticuIîural tispunhmenansu!deaiestî muafatr. Th tilpla>' dit!Dntt cou up te ibat of the eonat>'tain; but it va moi a ver>' grmi va>' bhiit!, mut! sias>c lbm artclso ihosua, vwbb v oi!ennu emperior. Thére tare apvsrt!s et et boiîtréd enlrle itlIa hiai I.tan'eemi admission-to e bco uet bvaniduit te quit* a pftit> ssntai ils et!adcff i day. The WVttby, <Freeuau'u> muai Ma jornitie bands vers p resaitdtired u tim village vii 1111>'airs during ithet!ai Thérs me mors lIas nca !ane la ià érsutuj, mm*shela1ng engagét! for tii pa poue.stoboteIu l t *et!id Dot va et hes igiat (aun'etf tua- wis led to lmas tsai.st! ntu *Pre,U oaurl I lo.e(; out1 ib irt-f111Yaîaa aaDtily,4 N nicu, .7 pWm. MIlIeu, .it B0l~ 4 *os Dtît Wlla lia lid, 1 C. W. Nai t r. t The manter ef ievyiîôg d udtis -on spirits, bien, « anitbeece, bliasen Ibse motilfedthe ic.powcu-s cf the oietul et' Êxcise, consideraîly Cala4rgei TheaMititia Amitlas iseiWet sent!. ment, subaitalion mut! complu>' dlniimPaus are- empomcrmd te, b. madé. -Iboecamp of tnstructon for le cadets oftýe umlîttar>' achojols te mabojet, ad tlbotprovtuteon Tfire amuai, plouglttng afttl o! ihl iboyé ts*sablp Agltuîi i ollt)Y lob place aillhe foifeMr. Obdmi 4uleo hac- ter, on Frit!.>'lui, TIers er. but tîrme plough. on< île.groftatide-nt atiffeAer.to thé drnus cof tir b e t maend oefgms barduao! lji. th round. - %tiioilowt*ng arrw Cti1h iâsor-e due ot tb. most nceecfal Townip Fir ybich vu imn.mber aitendlng WiU thai of tbe Township Agricoitara ,oioy or ]plobïiW, eld 1aet.Brottgbatf, on Tues. day lust. At i modr~!wat * îtcal beré Cftldý miiBavebeau avIé îlà iaû 400 Péi sou otie pient. 4awah i i l~ could b. desire do andt, eibist.deligbiful &eaiso f th. yeai, lfftor'chghly enjoyable. The number tstf 4ehlelee cft evsry ktnd wblch blokeilOthelb. sreete of ib vilage sad etirrobndlng loclity-froa ibmtheb.vy liâbet wagon Md c~pô p1~iant, 1rocàge isudffWt, W thie s:yltd i lglt buggy in u'bich 1hb iwêliIdrWbdt. yoeig gentlemin-fari& obe u idk.l+ 1toii l-*Is traly vonlderfdf. bus cooldotiatUily bbllera tbat ubmrd 8èA many rebicibesId l ii kl cofiutï. É?cker. tng heurs i braveonais <'for tts wbâitil oa the iptcdd i uaitty ofits stock 1 bffti iits on i fair day like, Thuritiay leit t6at the Pickeriuj Inon cati pvoad;y pblbt IlU thb amereas etldences of th. ptogrcstsumd prosperiy of bl. townshtp. §or *ser< the nitrîidriduaee of tbdsâ lthe On1 li ua- dtons prosent. fhere wue air tf abstn. tiii independence éabout the comifortible. loeking volt drisseid mensand woien, tnai catiree of iluecsahd <ouenment. Ër. Gibbe, ile membar for gottth OhîtI*ai on the greand darln e bmdis'. àd wiht Mis. Otbbe, aho accompauted hidi, op. peared to taite a lireily ntereet ln the ex. Mzbiion. On' ev aide îhey met wiîb tbe kndiest greetiege. The cairies nom. bered In ail cose apon 800-beisg rery neîly eu uuny us ihose nmade at soe cousty faire ihat are cracked op te be soins pampkius.-Tuu. vwers of herses 92 mtiles, and ibm.. did flot incladu stallions otan îwo ycirs old, bieod, and etber casse, the exhibition being coiaSned to dringbât, uaddle and crriage, and gene. rai porposes of twc yeare and onde. Mrs. Bell, Meure. Win. Miller, Jr., and John Miller, tts. I. Davidion, John Gimiet, John - Baight, James Logan, Fotbetgil, and gilebriet, mers tbe principal emibitort. À iusdid spring foul of Mr. Davideon'o attratted mach attentio-wus in tact the admiration of ibe crowd. lHe carried oâ the fira: prime,and &lctheb. iret prisai Markbant. lie la a colt got by ,Comet« Out of Ia mli Iromu fouryear oit! mare, .wbich formrciy helongedtoteUr. Georgt 1Milia, cf tht aîb ticauowlocfrlclerlag. . Sr. D)anideou reftued, on the grotA, fîft fpoiztitsfur ibm da. Ont of tbe fotiteet 1 etrie for sddle borne, Dr. Taùker'l r ibemnaot baied a dessinai! irst pris Tb. nres of et uttie-borog.hrdgad à Md ealne-.verc 4-ail of a vary sape rion desciription. The chief t:tiiblton beri Megain more Mr. Dvdinwho carrnet!of 3 iret priai. for best îborousgbhed cow am eorie.year ald buter-Johin Miller, Williata Miller, jt.rmf& i re. BaIl, In heep, thet er,10 lb'. oabbaem seet. Mitm ps teadhpmas rin la la re tg to hi 09 bi q ai fu a e, r T n Ugcv iosy., WIk rSxZ 1 e en, i h pâte or mtb- etit, ls. mist sohn ut, J llienls, . iio, r., ,oat an-d man apeur, ---,;4 s e. I ionLad i Tweo 1,Eà- eniiýrcL. Jh111 lsud, Win Jut. WiMn, it S amrahig $v1.entiles, «. iii, M. ils, Sd u. LDydn y Tw oe Lsiaducu8ers, Jrd.11 soi evelot, onMilleS.~ urWof olh., ti lnit UralwYnnvlsd, ro.miiun, rt!. A imn..taô164 s, L aon -d S .s S .dgsd ara .. sî4;0.Bus ,Asaet o-4 cutrke&i,,Caknabiger, lut. Awilin, d Wla. , Son. a hSoi o/ ÏÈ..4 îtifes, J lke uW ltttcrla, . . iloabi. W»0L lit UladYo, RSudl, . lo,Ï eui f acnl-adtvt4elyro, Lcr Art i Joho, dlt J.irky, d.onîlad lAgedr owiieu:5 e lrmi, u. iso, lei A li.Wm.MaSrld , . tioimr, rd l i BorsWa.>1 9 fatLa wuul, oair 86ck-4eastrie;, (L Pird illr B. d S. Wiîalson 1, t.aa. MJrfd be. ButteIl es, WMl. y it, ir lotIi, lirt . iitimIay,Sud, Joc l lg, iOta io s-iL , estfirie irs. . lios, loti, UN. . li,, Sllgfld, lar. S oerllo, rd. Pah irneff-tentie, J00. iitîrw, lot, B. J-Ian lso nad, tienr. Wlt.vaor fd. el bla pptte-I entrio, re. Chailr lUIe, lut, b. 20dgut;o.in; Thoinas Aîao,,rd 12 miniCer Ap-l enti.rce.JBs iacap- i râ onlt, li.t), i . 8. Lad, Thc e A gr(os iolâ lion)-15entrs, dJoabTtioit-loin, Jraîn Wel son, rvile ladr, di ada bî Ji.keltt oiseu-S oigarnr, la h MeCc A1ah10ist re. B. ýIfsixomte, Jon Tdi sontmloa$Tmmuite -T. d,.Tt.te, u, lô Po. Lad Jon This opi T, IrdPt!. i 19,y Sil Sota~,.rnetait u, Cri, Jactda, oui Ji ucti e Cors etîies.t). LveMcolst aco. Bt,1rulaB. izt de Bd 12 scTcIpeý- catres JsltieOSl- Wîoms. a oi. Iid, Joh e, 'iaa, Joird.tg à sea im nlde- m aîr e r, M t, chosJes Bailey2luiJohn PThmi, rd lay JoitPrber, ld, Joh lÇ,Parere,î'mi Ird. ,y but he leéno, , ein D.VArie, lit, 12 Ilie Cs t.bg-le J». , Jhn BsIlit, lui, loi. a2ylad, uIl&oFile, $rd. e it 1 goacarolot, 11.Mnrett, . l.lltJb mdle. i onPre.aa Jie arke mites T. emogwtd ra.- m ina Pluoael!. io kub Cbuo 6t' iie a.uta s-5 entrieilN. benti&ey, a la, hesds caitl*oI29,-. Flantan, <he. dni5 IlB oepis- e sin, A. L.e a, Jta J" saele li earrams 11yhono.ý mete(tticlîhl7L-Y, is n j1 Fenoelo, nd.tIlerlu. 3 it>de. plidLanel-ITitri em. lIVonG 12 Malkm lt*, lint*a MA. nr, it,. ohnk7 > eloyd ad 10 a rsa~*tiil OI t,-0utr, U68 ten Fer[ie, lot, Mie 2n 1 Wu Rt iseilf l, i e. B. Z I's plid-Ssatrluit. ?W tp-& W. ;Iesit ooebaauentr-40 G ron, i httUbn, goi iie in.mmD euiiea, $rd-. i Iteir vnOhie, Mi'sOaTho-e mai, m sbuitlad, m. lILs. lrteuS lut bor lut, st .ilp, tu, ud 10 yds. tembtov&-a titueti eNISI ilmr ý, qat .I.sddt1î. Misaubata&de auotl &ci-àeteil, I.ci terf ni Flierarie end.. a. cf tb ooveill,t-etutee, 9l .Du. le V.s rs.mdda liotesM.Maors Le, MdI * uierve-tattaWuWbb c S.Weh Lsde.A slip al l t 6" noida vouid be ibruwaD lt. the iliade. N s tyoan eDOua.Iýonu bave a loam004 laterosi lu ibtis linàa, .iar a soi4tlarge enouâh le deniate oc as rsbreatthfrein tbsîr oms petîy'-lnterest, for ibe public good, àl te tasîey huie aiowet! 2 er 3 hnndred dollars te b. .xpended oq ibis yodâ ,e tu îeeasii appeal cf Beach, twbuaue public mes are faiiy sesible ef the great importancetf bis linoe taee i.ns' pmnlit of their Township,) bat miter ibis vus doue, mut! a fet dollars -mors judici. onily s*pep.aed, vonît! biemdetbe .roid allibîs, tue oIt! poîîcy vis adopi. d, îud tia roui la loft sesyoa no* eee it. SIf saeh lie ihÏ "el1iIcter cf car cunceli. lors, ihe so0,oer tîbte i lmisse thelbotbl ter fthIe Temuishut. 9U bIf rot, îhd thtIr «mot;ves are migipprementedo tbmy ibenit! 4 lent, "sure Lb. Rdii4!oaity irom the chidtci cf paytng bsafy dimages by mikhig d vii dSmd uadur I(Élr eibef t e tiello. C. K1. IIENDIlfgdý*, * rook; Sept. Z5tb 1866. Fi The u G eneraI M Dotam un.. -pu, uuaiuu.unaar7tgas0u,,axiaste t.bom gdfvevL po*ible te hève it safdclently t!nu-b/idédIW rt é tl lime - In trougé, t. he ot ih84getî.te eret! ýiýbbé, Lus béengagpsd.for amnral. leurs sicb Engt asti t ta>' taitig informations. -The- priacuerothé uitiejd viiibu fnthn réimidt! s Saarta'. igla for the gr Thuro ebu en nofte trtlm r.05 ads thé pressai do in ibu, cli>'. TLe, police are, bevuven, on plaint cf the ihlo oenet ton é aa'tben o! peos ousfr Protstant oie thoni ibi>' hohd iridns. A nuimbsr, oet <niaimajeni>' thé Dullin detécïitré tercebie procStio ti lit Il4lejust it te Engimut! mat!varices' parie cf Irélat! a gréai de al tu vitb warrants for iLs apprébenaton ' c-f tant! teng agi tbe mioving apinitls cof île organisatIon. ,e Thoicgh Féuim lim continuez te b.e thé The igteo îopic tppurmosi, It lsasurpiteng bot itietle lerfsi feling mors im otdtiar>' cantlin. 'u oui of -12 jut :pimyet! viîb nstrencs 10 it. lun(Cork, eigît ero Ca Levénver, ihe exeiteaient la rmiber on ile magisîa.>', -c tucresue. lt-la O51usd ilaai-numbere of the 1mb-Meuir& miltar>' çepinet1heCork ganises areMarin., W disaffeiet, and lIait te bamita are bu!ng Irtco.T mu pon b' bm h uiit!. -Englittd--Lori Thé Cork ououâ nbas the folioy. îIf ,t..I , bvVIlst uctdplp.,nD.Dsei, a tm Xi5is11eq120 ,UG.Sterling,4th,. Artlll loirtni-1enrIse, ias M. Gre$% 30" iasJ, McÇlslgbt, ltut!, 141». .tGreen, srMWse ouy Brrr, 4di Nnndraw~ib enianeaMme. Tamm christt. [at, aud dip, Miav. Btcgsud. adlit Mr.ÃŽ-Dà Dataist,lud; Witer coleipetlang-oncenîry, huttes. elot.and dlp. F tinkt--1#àtriies, "Ase0. Nuh, la A p., Mlu aés somr%,'llle,ld na * &J,( n, $rd lla K A. Orton, th, ,or %$-1 envi, Mms.John Eloighlelit Éc, Fio> pieren.feo-ltm, reIse Bartod, lot, "so. Naeh, ut!. Qmo a lgl yak fruior io4Ovea...J& ~,Johin FeU0 fetas a Rui W0l;ýboo,-Us.De Jot too lite la t<lie$k for seen the Glê ob ceaz-s a.±ose MaI ba.k upon Party preferencee, $,Idt Ilot,20d 1 W.. Brou try ta excite périy feeiling. K. eorge '"~ Erowepomll*al vorne la bieoo .eumd J>Tlt5@t ' lIe$ fiîleumemu t. Party la ico palpable te h deo-dlm; osu entitis bis opinlou# t'0 skiasr w@igbîCr eatertalug4 aàtdJin*" by M1 respect trom lb. elector. or motà wen. ---- .4 voeili, or a»y other eonattuemo. The M'u M isI W*I*rXi d PoitnWHunay, Oct. ili, IdEs. Beoetolaiastaisinstcfr Loelp~mut!a $hipments et grails ai Jmes Roet,1 Ce., Warebeaie, ap te Ssatirday nighi lest, the Pat! mbsat ...28.S340 bush. Sprns. mbat ....... ..3,609 il Barly',...... 163949 d -Pes..a......976 t 1961934 bush. ismnfi# tsaiues neLau? WEmk. Pull me.... ..4,469 bush, O~ii wesua.. ......... 6,164 lcah. Spring #da.1.' .. d433 Bro..... ........ 33,655 i" Pes:;.......- 608 di 41,36Q bush. - ilrdgcrais 'URiixcLART 1*999. ~atey......i.. 4,88 *bush. Total Beceipl 23,'29g di Shipmente. . 162,808 ta liore Sarday een. iugtMuhOct., 1865. 75,489 braob.- 'fours cgpetaljf; JOHN BLOW. luo:Iomite ci.ndR aaIUS 8alooi PUrEuLs.- t <le lite exacAdùtnoi aars. Bitant!, Wels, and Witcol, papis cf il.h Wbltby gramtair Sebit, dmtri(naiidt!in il. Unirmrsiîy or Terosie. 11t paseil ver> creditabls 8*mdinaaîons, but Mr. Ballard deîerlt uieclal /cogduastos, as ha obtainet! hoorat inathebm cbjecte ef namlnaio ioepl oet ns d iluthai one ha vue bra*aeif!fret. Res *ho dbtied a eboiarsip i ta lbuaticesentitling hlm to #010. This la the firet scbolarsip ta Aeeobtainet!by a papi! etitioiet!la ibis 'fieGnuutmIstibîol Dm4ïii Yiitlu-the face cf lblaeévidence., *Itbiad' attuidance about iwo*tlrt!s cf vbmlt Itwu when IJe% andut he, wlthdraval fyom,,ths, bc ~ f Ibeoldnen of maniyoit ue respectable mapportoeM,1fr. 1Daninell bocia f taproréeei(l'and mateat!oe using bis citelal position 10 rbmsdy ibis ulule Uf affai ri step. cul cf f le Wiy te maie an atiac upon my nepatationi, as a luche, by conipanlacuùs ailke u5tiillstifor ant! unfoundet! on fiel. MnT. Dininol non a&morts I'lIai tMn Mfc- Cabi'eoblhet and sorto . uxcharge lu, in relu. tion te the oiaisin; <a( Teactir certif- cules lay the p;iplla o t e ichool froua the Couniy Beard." Thisle a greseuatis.atameent affording another "ezatpie of the etlnnlng.et the arc1mif1saderas 1 noter did ,objeclneyer ciW o o*tiutnstté.tc'opp,ie efthl. Whihby Gr»tmuarsn 3dho1, oê' cf any ether sthool ?btiol.g certiflestea fromthé eCeas. îy e dy b.tilttl hof Pfipe qIlti, fInetIinsfodie ') ce et Iechek* But,. my eclief and sunlous charge ia tt t<ha pupilsof tha W/tW.y gramucoA Se/cool ep.<iie xiitréeoss asloutof thce quesions irii<eW for'theavueotfttem. ureft, County Botard of Publie la,- sIruetIÏn, be/tre t/t fbody auebd, and 1 mai, nota ed, t/at Mr: artnell boaated of thete mults la oOtinéd, aw eeideniceatof sueee.esPl This alatefin blêM. Pàtnel moëls by Uyts gthut it intos à a largc uginat Dr. Tîlornwnithn b.Sccleaury oetihe Board. Now Sir, Dr. Thornton'a fiaite vas soi uocnhoned Ina iry communication, Whs& à am prepiret! to proie ix, ticî l p il ichase names Mr. DartuclparaTc. be/tiord <ha publte mesting aboe ro reirred ta, canil w/oUm hea 1,iid as eidee e tke éiees oif thce se/cool, frem /êaing di#tinguis/teâ thtmelaei be/oe sthte Ctiunty Board, /cad lu t/cir possesion, be/tire thteBotiard tiaellt bled, t/celustions uptin toaii c/tey re te b, ezam!uedt, by toZA/l mcmuietiey /uad their papers and as 'eA Pgse1dbe/tirs t/te Board muet ai u.l, a landed in t/ais prepareel tctrk, ai if lit /uzd bee <he im- naediats resul< cof thae aniîaatlblt P' Thecue mrious charesMn. Duarlnefl cheir. îctonizé ai. lutiiuatI6ia: Nov Sir, tith sfr- detice ate 17a;DarTael, they arc sotint- sinuations. I'hcy are direct charges, seriotcsiy ast!dcieibonately madc on ite îolhorily et cye-,eutnes es cthe trans- action enid who aie ai mny itW4 prépaited te sMitte theîleame thoeer it mmy bicorne a subjeçt cf pahbloie nnetgatiom- Mor.kover, atthoagh tlaey lIane eenr e. pestedy si e,Zhd4plt'iJdinriiéT!haVe neïer du*tô efmânyihc îlir. Daninel goca n o s lay "W.ohanc ibm !snto t as noymens sdi'libler strength'~eed by Mr. McÇabe'a insinua- tiens n he <o nc aide, andot ie .citcOr, iIý. Thoi4Iet-uint Wncharacte!ind 1,b st btu' i jiithe public uaay laveait 4!pifdny o fadgirij theiher theU titmen.g ft question mre correct or à'Oh, evunybIodyuyas akmptepps yl h ill;îie soo.' Aecordlugly, tbree.fouardn oô thé <iiisines ib thbb6r1aood hatir ëd uf atody cf titi. bnker'. tibib at m diugerons sud uuàa itive e itory, îi. tIýatql(*of Iblir dvii 'houeemThe excite-% uýni In tovn vas beightonod wvies it wamé ndmonred iste lest nigbi ibît a nomber cf perions Wadbeoti irrested ,yeslarda":alKiL, tim.. On makinq inuarieu, if1 a16'i moyen pensons, mostlylihoa'era, baed been arreatmd,,bit- sol for beiag -e.ub@rÃŽ,OtIbh -Fenlas Brotherhoot! -They vwees&Il pet-. sons, who bat! tatteriy bei' (4enifidasi havng tikenlrt in tbm rec4nt 4niy le. îweentbk .opl an4tii.PpeatýDar;an TiiG; , ~iirdaI elri "abrongi before, Me, iPysay B, M., oîafý ý cosmtit im for trial eai ibm nï .' Chele. martyr Petty Zmsigna. . h la ruuionred ini Midileton ibailG0Ã"ddîîio9îl poice vili be etatobidthere ni da thé,isîp'r.u ed ln a central coanty, uays tbaiis-.; 1 I T'a rostovs, patinant to intotmý tien, rýèetied frein Duhlin by ibe anthiori.. îles in ibis toton, SuL Inspector Moria r j proceedet! on ledâsday tith îe estiii. ment of Dr. Souis, ci Ibis tows, for th4 pirpes"'cf urréktihe fliAssitets,Mr. Moi: 'y Mrl orrWsy wai tind i ilhesbop, ansr iretéà. li eyi vers .4keu freni bum, and bis runk searched, and! scierai luttersand coomnnicmttona véesfnd, îLe contenue cf *wbah ire, IîHeeér Is hibmt. termai erthlie itilm. nôL piLhËsbet aipres. est. A prayen.book aa scrlà ýi tîidj raies cf ibm Fsstuu Bylteni #re imwe oast!. " The irmAi *ascaused -.by w «lutter vlsicli4, W#8 lea~aeàIn ili(é officetif bIrsî Ie, addrus'ed It la. diiqr, and a~'t ing thai Faiber Egan, cf Parsonssiova lat! desousced te :Fesians, and bdd threâtened te inferni tbe police _ai tde' i 'xle t' àitêW ia ihe parisÉ, W tthai uicey bat!, n.r,érthe- less, sers n iOoe e goot! 0e0J-the letter iskedt! lie idite te q'c atibier tgai te accetit ifor proteislng to bu i'an <nfý.~a mer,'- Sevralnt ôtbte tîeàiià boùtbieut locallt5 bsî*e dIîdb ibemelels scarceibheel to dsid4o"]Dg tbmpolice voitti 'vat ibein.' .W. have beard the nai"s ot IOai' wbvÈp haiv4.gonà rry bust idtrêé* théEt. The ldemPi ora îWë Là. iLiii imter frein Lôndos, gir*ngï au bistorical ektetcb et tbe Fesin monemesi, rom ibhé peu of Louis Blasé iq vbici'a obina là' mhichth ibm n unonnceamnt cf a l(~aam ciatioùea die 'objecte vas-receii'd',s the mach more serions vie'w nov tlken c it. The portioa of bis leiter mocmi inter. e tts e bMEgisb reader is uts conc - s ioe n uvibtc e binsos tst ibe importance à uîiitdlwet 1e aya: . . p'eovm f île Feu(itsa Cufederstien b.W pLeea enormoaaly e»sgmrited in tbe Am. erican narratilon. Idié oi ot bfgIt1 iiX .Bagliu a bli e hi tecrash 1irl i di; atampt té, esizi ibeai. l'ai agreet! tbat -the preseiV d b u t i lg V'ery seiosîo iqîetiolar.L)oipL f ». et e osde li cî aie p. * roîib t h b atbolie çàirt&s.But if mnaulm iasnoimportance ie drgaii- tact! reaistancee> il bhem oiderabîs iiper- itaeas si ipes f 9( Ai Ço f tir»e 'Cetie race to, gazon docmin'aiios'n. An 1 whaà ;iîâ ÃŽoe ibvMitidtib metiiag rt.. Iennett. 1 bars becs ihtentng 10 yont blemiag for seute tme, ýat cas stad it no longea.i t. is iné Ilkýe* t(.fryug of tanso eau biheb.oice df à- gadI herse vhicbh 1beliefet! yod ite u6.I.vii vnra yea ton *ibd, or,$200, crs mach moresa yonbcurs milI uiake, end! io prote yotcn motie. ]My aoney la tejie toast! ridy mt Reiihoîîoua's bots!, Wbiîby. Accopt ibis cballcngê iti loreimr beimîttbr BoIt Y Tours dt ils score, ý cet. ldtha 1865. -SrTio' Tête keniau Memsaeti. Liverpool, Fzit!ay, Sept. 22.-The agi- tation la eilll rite inu Literootoetulaqaeofe the vigilance cf the polifte;-tdé b6th drilla and meetings for diaucusatos mne coadactet! vith comparative freeoea. Daning the presïiit ek te 1ars> a umeeting bas bien belt! vhichmas àiied selnoiloue b>' mon efthie lever raikst y soute Psrsoas cf cousidarable mauas. Ast iiaei±Lng rpeolii6em mre adoptedt! tesupport-thes Fenias objectia mut!rganizatton both by muolet anu eby physicai aid itaneeasay. The quesiicr~od bt tiÇê prchaam cf vessais va aioise ucseti, a<a4 île feifladattor et au Armamant -fer pri iàîe#r7ng )a.r* e l du theet ofpreyisg unéon BnitteGem. M aiéé m ai sippearet te b. keenly neliab- et. A reselatien to carry ou a object cf ibis kint mas carniet! iih suthusiastie * demoneinailous, and mach- violence sud vildtia às Iangt!ým. Ksoi e<ff, govener, ibat, tLe rsoi:î,'o*' ni t ere frctlb, a cal wuu"iti f onraihcriptious, and lu a veýèy fi vaminuies narly 4200 vu lait! toma. WitL ils excepton ef the vapeur. isg ait!tdeciamàiory etylseof talle wbiib mightbi adexpiciet oq atah oécmsaa1 the proceedinga 4 ie; ortferiy mut! hýuaiém1ike.. Minteavers rend et preiries .meetings t!d ieooranta matee ofilià reactuticai- aboiere i; Il ld y nea ilfèu ace M9r~..eàéÏsgrs'itl'<Le qa' v conui; aî e lofi t itcO (ct*, ubé.uathes nems oft tht Dublin arrue. s rd lasbure ianned. Wlib.auiudof 0rio.rg ibis st! deohiredt! Ibt if tlaoy boliciîet! ýim" &bout the aaodsey, ho voali g?'ne etidmace Liverpo91he,%~~bjd.sîiai i Ke.Tork n. e mitibe,. iiutU L "In an.noui icdône tu merit a liîses, and opened inost cÀtiUly me We keep, îiountain Due Wh CuROCTI bsitwÂ,Ociol .Ww-At ïhie oidul 6nu Wednes!y 2Itr lu SMTH-Ât ÏWbitbj kar. Jeha SdtIiBoot à ýysm LOWES-At Wbuu I:auÈi, infant t!angbimn Baq., age! 16.mentdi- LAION-At Whist timniel SiLatrnlfa VILOX ,;ilc. of Mr. Wei. T41$or, ah - Wkltby lh smog............ ..g.......... 12 t. L<AS- bàýiV,- botter, 22i; kogs, $8.6 A omâiitties vuaS poiuio t! aI lu at .lTshi r u arriihel tc vi!e inlu moetlag oethte Ceuni>' Board ef Etacattea uay possds6loll*benener anid i<hèrover on ,iî fo thépo~~osKr. Di<neale>na>' Stucfit te aaîk ton mdh toliet ouotdiy nz e heproepublic inriq y>1 ,, ýO( Ïvmüarsg tb ob" mae b àÏr Mn. ÙDairicil syo 4/ce les lnacty un7es- sf~vstiatig ié cargs iideb>'Mn.tigiet hi, bi Mn. fartnehl is -iot the MecOabe. Thies ili b. a atifficieut renés« Boit! et publie Instruction, n'on will lits fbr..Iotamg the eoourermny vbircb bia sconclusion " lisla "otuil>' ýithept cisple! s mah c ou spceforibétoandation" lave mach weight witb ilie ut.publie wmIca roeccstouatmed Wbiuieve lIai butor. ajuâdtdc opot îe etI c question iioth siie c tîle bo hIcet. Ai- B> An Cu."xgr.-Mrs. Bren etraltting, ior th. si- le.k c lsas attmrtisumsat ta ibis tise ju ment, tht tle prila cf the Whitby Mi. Gnsaman Sclc did obiain possession et tle piper. lut thd! manner iasnuated b>' Mr. DI>rnch, liii i tis Udt doms sol vesk- 7o <Au Edilor of ( lthe biy c/tuoii*t. en mua iertiona tht ihey d1tained lki. -proper possessions-et theffi - tbcy oght' Dada Stit:netts ln ave becs obtaind tb b pupiis Tun epi>' lu Mn. Darnuh'a .lesaI ai al, and. if obtatnedt!,Is>'oughi sot, ti - aimucation permit me te notice sernn janatice te the public, le lare boun s u sa - h thlIai genihernar. bas liai îLy e>' mo innolvea "ileepoints ef pallia htiita tadeit! naforlusato, au Mr. D-irincl - c.1 ashjdutaqeio totustlyhinkg. lIaan>'pacpiis shouhd hune ni; o amit, aquesiontreti augofan forgelten thernselres tehane . régs, ail n ot alvango lIati n uee inch umeûpesa ar-eriiaition dbatéhuasiuts f Il,-h. bas continuait se. and if such a mrepttioau tb4iwu soit t10 erOI55ittîd« and mokarefuge in tithin the neach ofoihirS, a&% meil aÏduoe patishit ncailuinn ni nt f OM T atahppy te, betiaes Ils nt lau 0 over iusm ettb *l bl4idfle' u! 1và&o Boseti cfthe Ibm tîby Grami. 5useify but extendt!heus vii. tanSe a m @ relukna*1 ti luny'oun ceonims ".The remaikscf W, Ryaran, lun1bis re - Inlae"a mn M. g, io clieoc- peottfor 1862. are se apjodifato thIltpinlt ien, on my>'rcputmîîu ýa ateaither. liait I asuel febrLés-qaoîing î -ýl: Il Oui- bIs attention heu tisîlie&at 1 e o ulyt! ndCircltBeZiai-ursliaxin tlet imtair lea tie a ngigetp lav ue Ite exeinuios of Imeaéra in thé subjecti t erc n equestion corteciét!iihai ný- 4l iasgeiaI programmes, andt! on î lesgo spe ceiltici o f qalification l to sclers vbo Hafsiig'aibittet Io de ttix, êttheliast/cc. pis an>'sottlof anexaminailon, Ils>' senti kt! adcapeit bis momoer>', 1réninde thi nil mbtheir repeetire cutunlies. vith Um of his engagement b>' priati Imter, lu entorseint. iescbers unftli ate k te thich hs dit! set nopiv. 1Iu m es (lacs. f ithoir, acheols, nide 4te técl tIi-e tercet te correct it paiblci>', mu.t! b. uau et1the more attacet!, papils la the oft:Y avenume peu te nie fer ibu ýptli-pose e l qtio ubjects OUÏmeemmus Sehool vus te einime tl. greunde, (tlrce t ici ne& ttIi'us vrosg ndividualg fcmbr)on vWlIiguilua' li, v0earta h l , lthîe au p pont etf-'lthe aient mw« base&. Tireofethîes. ho ai once Sce 6d ý -à el 1hoffie of touches-, snt absuchbuie& Wiiillyv adt!inig th#thîe>'brng a !'iîlyUnqAle!csbc li mhouhi t lharo boas ii*d t! i>'hm, ast! euulPeiiton *li , "e *ell, qualtgat, ebia ho bas endesi oiret!te drm of attention anjur>'&-altcle' x attjary oettie, freai the itird, 1*hich la the oeuaore, Sebools îfcecieivmé!a * iamedalahlY affcelsg thir lutà of s the e t or n>' rusailX ptemualoce thîe Publie) b4Ya number et extamusius lmic osa cf niy lait l ii.,ven I stalet,, *ate t&ipe A -vondt! i o, spcn "ha if ltatchi" h luemi!mcstip îe.ilarendie&l.nadmsua7 butors ea"iig lhe publ!ç1in thte ianielmotedümtionet! lW tbis it! puai sasposssing'dmit-eliM ýterti6C&tes crIc Firs4i . il i le emsilo-i Cht vlu lis dit! net eclaalhy t!séss ni, îl.Inn, ter'- %ri lhUer, lir. Dantli4l, keserted t la eta c1 EdtCca1)'n bhélaou'ias o EtIttfer ni> sluteumul lai hé liait ngiget! te andth îe eiildeno tli t ïiWthin~e u<e malýte'IsoctrOdin enU éshiuewussCeuscil o! Public. tasttttlin isalbo t!ovoid oft-truli, muid lIaI on bIs memor>' inatalIeauanot!v being ,rafreebedt h Ie roubiamitby' Mri.s-c. -- -Ditull gaya tlue' e1bosuPe eofIis tarbesniw'lutter, ho admi juhe rjli e e n ut asttîlmi I. dit iiheras10d om lat i1itctutIost k onat

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