Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1865, p. 3

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- .'-~'.-t ~ *t-4~. 4~~s"~'1~ _________________ a i.. t NEW A)YERTISEMZN T S- BOOTS & SHOES Wholesale >& Retail at thoý > eOLD) RKD -)STORE 1 1. BAIN would aanounce to the inbabitanta of the,-Towu nof Wh)ltb at surtunding Counties, that lis .nterMd loto co.prtnerahtp oeh the lmt 1at,. wiî gt.te"pbutn, for the purpose ot manufacturink Bots andi shoés, Whoesale and Roîil- antd that lwtlnt'a wilI herteater be carrieti on unidet b. tyla mtd flua cf Trhe %Vho)Iesale depftrtrnent_ i1I b e rurnisbed wit1h'.all the Iead- ing staî,le (<» congimtiing of Ladi&es, fienta', Misses'. Bt$yli, Youtha', andi Childrena', CON nd ine tt.uuta àul ituelq, made otnof the. bout tnaîorial in the înarkot. T1he Itildp tm rtWill, as Û4<ual, be furnisîhed with an enî)Ie'îaplinoeti oti ruas, chiefly ut thuîr own inanufacture ; and they trust by stio t a tellt4t uint .n, they wl continue tu Teceive the ptîtronage formerly btntowcd on tlla gt ud cstabliiinont known asq the 1'0~1) RE~D STOII>' ONT RNE" cIL .UTe Encourage. houe Manufaictures, a]. anad buy ypur Boots ttd Situtitfrom - ACR1ES, aa ttrt, tii.t Ltt tutiii n itIIirrii a fîu t Mie-tla aaîi tieîî¾ifi KaItr Éiii lit riiriih,s'. til.sdil iil an iftc;nets. JAMES BAIN & CO.ý ut THE FARMERS ~tove & -Tin Shop!1 HATCH & B3ROTHER 1 ave noivonit and av ut ozkîi. Purlor aud Box Sto%-e '1.OWE-*ST 1>RIC ES. Initeidiing1 th*i a call, and î»t 01 te vi thieir tot-k, T1hcr fOý'Iii Fl ttitd-qtiflîty. atîd iAeoiîd tco notw. to Ll\N01,OI) OVL,'N'S vI w (Wali pVatt-ilns mâtle ýspeciii1 attcti<flt to thieirSl-(l - lLve' Tî'ouglis mdtistl .eri>i uin halait firsteli.is goods at low prier NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITOU anut' lutait1po. Tho mrîiitîIi rip tptil-t.' t ." i' tt 4F.4teit i't-rn, I ttîp f. I'iiîiî te.t'î,, i l ii l ît .Iy, ' i a t h iwttrif m l ul. > VI 1. il, thpimrî r c'. i tri ,I i ri %, tal,.. 1 ar, .r,t'. rîî~ U, iIl ir' i A trî m~ri i tI . ii. Iit ti' r a i Prt. A 1) :w & f.., 't.i rt iti Hotel-- to Let. 7jIll' iih.e. lit lt ttUs It -n) iti -u'. ai t -iwlirtrt, r,îtt foîilîa vii (,r Neii. ir. Te'rtoir'.ti ntO tuir rN vtiitttitî h suit. Atplîll 611.1 it orî ater , ia it i tliiit olt fin -r ftblicoHaok to and frôm the Cars. IiFl.)tTIEÎi) FAR ES A î iîilof Iificti titi , nid toIn ~t h t- lii:ti.ml,îi tntîlthe, âf# l ntel. anuitcuits ett ~ iti nie rIti iý i"r-i4r 1itttiliiii me- Nioîaitiiî t îiIia'xsleft hf't4 t tiî ttlite It'it litte bd i tItiirtti t^t. tid 1attivs titeti t it tth tim e' i n t (>t at i nt rit ithei ory Qoods Salesman Wanto'd. A N c ehn lenargîtte$#ilesttt ;ttarai . l"ttiroi ythe l it u'rib.r'. A ibenti2 smiittry wlti hi.p1diti ti it ,îiiitîii Pariy. A Itîili&ttîtt l 0be mnîaîi0tpinti lytoîiiiii AUCTI 0ON B USIN E*SI LEVI FAàRBANKS, JTr. Li censed Auctioneeert &0. Sakis a!tend-iss ailparig of iL Mr Chots mh al .or'lotiaI the ConatLz OQuîiz, yu reçoive puietnatottlon. vierv Large assortnwnit esa, wtîichi they offer at the Nery yurtlastrs xiii do weli tO give toutî patti rs xvii eh comprise :tS1JUiis of extra wei-ht I 11EA\Y IMON. ideby Ikr Majesty'% jutie oft Peli the Cony7(otroao tue Jne Session;, 186e, to the September Session, S . Marne of Proseotor Marne of Dotentiant. Xtam re Charge. Dah Of1 Tboîpje liinguion *...Jamnes Garroy ...Non PaYoeento! wago......... , George HaaTioý...Georp Mggun Tbreatu snd tireatening Iangukagê-... ag. George negulson . ...o180arrison.......Threaiening............Ag chat. G. Soih..... !Wo. Merrnck . Asai.a.iBtî........ saiad...... ... Jline John O'Neil... o, Bî..ey .......... AUMauI anrd Bat.ery.... .. iin Wso....1Andre, B;;w .... Slling liquor without Licence............ Aulîl Wmn. McCitlland. Joba adul ......... ...a.g......................ÂAng. Sanel Cutherwood. . John Miller ...........NWon payatel.1 or vages ......j.........Ag James Smnilie . JonH ti r Laigaattli........... JbHweljr......... evn Heniry Couiter. Robert Trnmiey . Laig 'po.................. Charles Hopkins ..'ýChane Levas . A .l........... Asmt...............a. .............. Bernardti ~lligan .Asnlt ...................... Do .,........... Geo.juhsaon..... ai..................lit. Jimn î1itancan.... Davidi Fialick ....... tmtiltandi aau.ry ....... .... ....... Sept. John Synea .......... Mai. H. Ord...... ... &sasuit and BJattery... ..........ept. W . Fraiik........... Eijttb Kentia. .. Fooy ................. ..... ....... 1sept. Robi.. Goltier.......... W.. Coiloran ....... lonouonly àd ant nicionaly biting, .. . g . tl- ý, M t -- .--I. Ilà.e Narne of Fine Fia. 'Von~otionPenalty Or S . George Lcssk.......* ..... Do ...........w*i t oits. 27b ..J. B. Fes.by........ 1 00 JuIi 271 ., 4 00 Juat (Joaepb Çold .... 17th... . sanud 'DO PaU (Deo. Wheier. .. J.K. Vernon .. Bih..........and >.22 4d l'a (Ueo. LeAsk c... llh.~iar Siter 18 99 To' t.... L.. Thomas......... 1 To lSîh ........DO...........2 00 L.C. Thom"s.. lGh.,.~ anti 200 To (Clan, marala.. (j- . V.Thom"a.... 1ob01.' C. I and 01Io (ha.Nra.... (L C. Thomm .. 1h .... anti 2 0 ... Ueo. Whele.... 21111 .....anti Io100 in Josoph Goalti.... 7 .....eo. Wheler......2 00 Fo (Roberis peans .... (George Whei»er ... 24L soli tJocp Oui t a.f..L.. . 2 00 .. KJr>"7= fflUtO;rga J'oidgc ... .. tia........tt to order. '.'hveL (aillon t ...Seiing iabosicifing ilquor after 9'j 'aiiîgDttil>Stre wlr:ltc1 oh Cam.........John Taylor. jdc nStrn iga.....Sp.111h. Do....... 0...... 10 00 F S, EMows, &C., Ltiwlt)tiOniiand. Robert Fatonu. Jt unTraelg...........................Jarât@n iwi251bh......James Mcreight ....... 1"' pl1111)titandtiwarrîîîteil A i.............. o b ad Jul l2 . ( a nd t id hardware i"w on Raipla Harndeu ...... obert Wsiker. Daobe.1, oot Mater1oderta. ..... . Harntin ..... 1 00 i t>e John Post......Andew Ausuin. Ai u......... Asu ... Jl14 ................ai 1h. 3.Gon........O25 F AtFII 1 1,11FR llt, Antres Austin ....John Po4 .......jD Jaylî.....................00 F Mn. Hhtr G. HhiDo.................Aag..... )o........ I Nt). 4, Brock-st.,,Whitby. Mary J. WinnacottaMa.. mrs adi......... rrepàa s.1th*... ................ag hfn '0 50 8 Do ..............ilsahi. Webster...... Do ..... ......................... A lt D.........5 Mn.. Spnowlo. Ina Starkts...... .....l'tetty...... ........... ........... JU y Iltb: D........... EXCELLENT P . J. Gonn.. Farn orSaè.jw xiMte......R. H. Nobbl.....Paning forged billI..............lpt. l&b..;. C. Dnspet.................. _____J. S. M. Wilcox.,. %.I l t Kiti gjî.-t(, ton l ,tuiiitiitilittr John Ibmn............w . . . msntl e h. . a..B.bo . I N; uau'ilt227,' ams Hot..... tz Crvodripa. ...................... ....... Jub t ih 45tk o. . . . 100 C AI t i-.îutl. a ht i ei't r vt ) e' ,cA H or... ........ A. r Hait..........'tnp u am i ata ...... .,Aa. th. 'o b> tas e L ... .. r. S..... tNialng ro f- Boo ....... WlitAii 'PAl AVLctI< Walter March.. ....Napolon Hcî1dctîta uta onperfurtoanee of StatteIa$ot~. i... Au. 2th ............. ......t l" ii'.'ttI211. 7~4a Archtblad 'ikey. .Aiby Burnke. rformance of Statate laoun. tAa. th.......Joeph Witton, jn....I' O D.________........___________...........Dso'drry ............................. . ..... ......; . ." W. Brown ... filE'.I)~'N IIEWEUe I ...... l...argaret Miernay....1Do.................................t@.. t l1,IOB lI W 10U a ...... ..... N. W. Eton.. ~~«".~' *.f 0Ywi *iLcestIntatr . aiocCmea SelliUg iqaor otihotttcs.. ...... JUiy 151h..ati,9 nx mot he N. W. Brown..... T H E John Prou tifot . ...John Atina n -laî 2T....... . ..d 0 II~T~.[ 'ttardoy nigat ...................... 111AINPd)WV jjxt " . .S. Decker .....Sarah Ana LAelle .vga...... .......... ..... .......... re I.n.i......... h'îï 1N s ~C IE EK. iecler .....Mary Afint Labeille... Varnancy............................TOM - -7isel Sipo. WS.. McKenaie Threateniag te shoot............... Aa Ih Chalft Robinson....... R'. ieli' t 1 îifo->rti t naî 0. P, Buck ....... iAgasCumi . a.. ....~ta,.............. Ag t o .... ,,j i'nt.îîîtjiti'mt tiaI i i..li i',tpeler itorisona>................. ... ....... . ..do ...............5ô 00 tti't fitnn'.Iap îyur o. astoati . . . hrbn AneuoiDo.... .......................... .. d :05 0 .t't tniuii et 'ept 1 :t lierte, cao ha tiw a...............tChrlbes n d c gesn... O ............t ....:6 do '00,d 1'rîuiîri'd. thhtîati, 1tqi..r.....faobertt-aiaaiain Welah DO ......... .... ........... 10..OU ait' ....ttt..i..'. tiiît'iti'e iît i o.W elb. .... Aiez. Morgaa . efsng to do Statut. laboar...........Janle 2?ih .  0S~ca . itE<FitlF.D Jon 9ieea.........,Dn......................d ............do....... l'tckernig, 11 I 1. t hariot Palier ...... Jon Ganid .......... Dain; îiibler'.sheep (romta nber party ýSep1. Sîh... John 1Halght........ FaRmsfor Sale Ili u. 1certity to thé, abuve to b1wa Retirnof Çoevietîti F O til I t h N tI n wiItBV n isdisNt h1 anrive 7 . it2,iitis iis tilcêt; 'rit Ietit patir of I1,M4 21 andtt 22 lit the t eeîii.tt. Fot tettiit &.. Oaflit tii. CARL;. Office of th'e Çlerk of the Peatc, .I. -A .D Whi;tby, September 1865. % i,'.-. ti tiai thOe litlo i nt» soa W t'i tt , iii tliet rt uiilifitt crnntrv- for the ntrit uitr-mitige wîtt t ici ha htîa betf--0 un")iirilittiie v lep tod liathuait èec Itui ii t NOTICE.*EW ~ "J~ 'i8 the tnilagitçd la &nx:ona'to cloe is J itocka Iitnedigttly ho *411(eauilct 1 e al whuoraei itstt -l*l t llm toa ata#a .01- 10, 868 JAIIS b<t101. rhe su'serberave now received a full maort, _____________________ tent of Fall and Winter Goodis, oessting of 'i~ '~W. beg to an»noe the arrivai of o NOTICER ~w4ih are. now complete,,-à verj--depart LII partîcie s Iu lrpyleott tctty i A tnmtte tI0tnah1 8b~ Sott atifafltttg &ÀLF llEu ti&ITSetedl if glie. nn or tefrît the flins; ay « *f cnhar ,ANDII ýHAnRDWARE,. de 0W ices tuou.ttlp Trttaitrer, 1.roqân.tthe rtnILS, GLAS$, Ac , &C. tCé e . oe whe isp iti atd tItae linsing te,. f(ront the à d pl e výê 4 iý l*8 f vwi'n be offer at iùuch reduced prices for cashi dune lay RItotsolii t oale lia aboe tate tJ t,~t.,~î,ao 2th or ,approved credit, payable! lut January, 1866. " -7id TClerk~trrr ~ wudpriuuygv oieW FOR those parties whose not%6and ýacount'are hfow Boo s &8h ~ Spaat d~ hatpayeft of the same must b. m a MATTIIEWCOUNSYÀ~~ g~ oartae teglsttry <)tl, Brook Street, ,a M. ee t STn BS ~o~o WijbhïSeptember 27, 1865.mi o ts and >Zhoes î,it, nýAer uà USI JA11 I V>WN. gee e l - - -l -i4 0 ~~~,~ a noeof -., B iI g~ ......wit..... .............. imibed4i iy ................. ........ -.. ................ Ton...y...... ............ . .a........ Ten des.i . .............. .... .......... No palid......$. jone 271b l"b ........ .. . do IPoaîhmaaer....... ... 4 .Flue fot pat, anti Sent 10 ctsyn to gapi.! .~ommitet for .15 day. . ......................... tCuniitti for' 15 days. *0 . 'iN'ut Valsa .omniticdte 0gaol for7n.onth ... ......... ...... . .Ctmnitîed tb gîol for one tuontha .. ........ ....... ...... 'Cmttedlu defatult of Sturetuon. ,.To T~essarer. ..............er. . eatp Ow nahip Tre............. Ordene t o deliver the sheep to Pulir anl .....py coui. rfrom the daté a-bove stated, as rtuine 1td. -t"., it .i.tit.-ti. f~4jp~a and adt ie when Pali, ôr id b. pai t f10 ad hynt? n gnea b To wbord-pald oser by saiti Jùo»tlëO.Ifntaiwhnl? Aigerlo aMi abe'sersations., .............T paid witbin 21 day. ....... ..... .. ..........................Bannd d'etr go keep tbe Peaco, andi b. of izoud beaaiour. .3t..i.... . . ........ .T1h'o wnshi p Ireasu rer.......Paid otithe 9th of Jniy. ne th ........... $i utpaid-.... ...................committet lugaob1cÈr detys. tO ne haift l cooepiainant, and id dq Wn ........ .... the other hait to Township. .i Troasanor............... . id ;"":... . .......1 W.. IMcCielland ...... b. p'id on Bth Septemberï...To complainant ................... ha b paid in 2 weelce .... .... coDtxty Tresnror ............... D............. .... do o b. pait in 20 deys. ........... Not paid............... Ran away. ................... t ot psi&i'.................... ..............County Troanarer ......... ....... a2 wehk ........................... .................... %rthwith...........Connty TrfeKorr. t. ...... .............. ... . ......... . ... Commîtteti for trial at Quarter Sessions. ... ..... ...... . ......... . .......... Coigmitteti for tripja tQarter Soig . ýorthwith........................ConntyTeaier. ..... Forthwitb . ,.......a...è ... .é...................Not yotpaid. ........ ...Botinti oer to laep tb. peace, 12th Jnly.,.............oati muter. ,....... .... Forthwith........ .. CÇonnty Troatrer ................. torthwtb................ r do ........... Forthwii...;&., ..............do é............ 8 dates..... ' .......... do .......... 8 daya......... ................d......... ............. j ............ ....... ........................... Committeti for tri. . ......... . .....Conintitteti for trial. 39 jae ...........Township Treasarer o! Brock ... ..!.......... . ................. Fine remitteti. ...... Sent for itai 'Wliîtt)y, Sept, 28, îý65.

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