Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1865, p. 1

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cno ".54ô&EA it ? )XAi S i5 lus rîlîlitien Il Oire re( ,1, ligzîî anti eee, klieclint Fe Rainer nre Manufacture' OW's, ciIJ3,V W.. iý 1l ro i",j uu, lî:tl ts ifa-tîz~1 ti' Tît l i , .1 -z,4 'VRIîîl, e11,1114R ApNîtl an 1hîe -li i v z. , ti ter, li kg- t-rich in i Ca i an i -îatrsî chu WHTItin azîTirl-tY r.['Air M UIN il-iiiarg-t, Ilîttl i ( W i rte Whe<m Cultiet 100d' lzlVi li C -v. 1niS~iPi O i-i-tiiii'.te tii nejztuet tj I-c île-e-il tciizt. sel s .izhi-'I iiiiWO itcîa - i~iiii~ lie tiliii5-5 I l'eut llIGi. -e- ~lit5 îoreczuîs ie - use-i -t~JuIo -i 11,0 -, t-Cînte ta-z lit~itiIlq, - - - ie.cc 'hf lie Stice ron Il 4w, H- tesex, ny AI bis. lrlnting EstabUsuuutcntt ]Brook Street, Whitb iy. T.ERMS SF50 PER ANNUM. ADVERTISEMFNTS! f. -4L Avrtsz,'tneuazured lu ,Neepar- 1. tel, .And oiîrgsi tl th ie ratle oni cents îper 1 ie t i iesti. 2 tzlerzltet e, cach Upol ut oityxot Ptonde with ait' rtmrs by the yeur or otlîîrwîe,. ()rderz. to i iscoutin~e Il d ert scnlittsmueot, Irae l wrltzlug. ]UNE OF MONTREAuL, --. ,- - - - With calai PrinWed words, grent tbongb$s and nuuruatiig Ïdiy, P 'advoë'ýaté KflMhrhed VOL IX. WHJTBY,'C. Wb.T. SEPTEMB IJR ___T71IJ;7D-172&1-M8, ~jUjjOBE IJUjL. $100,000 TO LOAN. MIE ateove iît kowini etatiliisti id TE ti'ideoieneî1l ins jast tipletî'îi iArite loe aIid t)preillices"'IVe"iced lztrd Ired Âcsn.wsnhzlu soitlt1 o hy thse s,11iriher, Wltz'rc iiý in'll aunnys bc #i0O,Suu cititîuprovee larmes, flîzîrî ont lunrî'i readîy ho Atteoci pcCreaiîaly t, tise wilitzi ofh liguirets, &C. AT 7 PER CENT INTEREST. l;lpoMsh. zt'eci Cztivenlciutiy and Brni g9 nirtortably ftttti tii;;lzîîiitecl, îzaîzred, &ë o. veýrrsécati have mnoey iromzuone ho hotu i!tisciewl-rtz faeftwnr tuull eusîleery Ycurm ,Ne coinitiiiut)i csargsd. toennirnertittlu iie tciW rtrzeer q luiiiu n lmo agent fier the CtaaFreehai'] tueuse ,liîizleq. cie tlvns idthîe 'fel Ie tuitfuîl-l. ug Rt i wtiriiti neuecy frein - 1v saiîzlicl ut al lîlîe. fi e l e i scrs, et 6 PER CENT I1ERESI. W. R. DhiA, ,Manager. à*tav u arer aa u UiVrtSi N 0 ~NIelN. I /upply pers,'uîîihly toi~ 1cm-e. i tiet., z - i i, o- lîi,~u, ltiht 1' li. lCet and. iGr-,uilutîlt ezral Aient, &e., &r. M. 1.I xciieq.e, il .. ~L îizjt.-. Atteuhive 0 ttcre, ztîmid t-el r. ATI,îiu. 11-24riteth T wi A j'- I F L . l i e H l l -,l at tu li0ce uzite -(urni, Cîîrt lJaes lzzzluî.î.ilh. i4 r ) ler s t o e S'OUAIG E"110.U W aTA(v &.4 o< LATFt'ar. ~RltglE1SiîtilNe -lme,&c tA'ul u . M SR N7 Chîtrel -trevit, a-ru t '..trf.ùt. AN;l'S MIIIIi . 1 . A. SA MI')tlfuzrl, Tod1îîîîî, .1 lit 1 lu- l tAT ý - - - t i r-.--i illitI ',ilvv t) U'- -'îý d ,i;;: îî. - A 1,_____13__ lr-1-1 liL I l -. 1 - 1>1-Xi Pille tiiî~ en- ie lui ltc& i1 W1 iiuiiIrl.tSe--e-zcs-f, i. c e, Pince A t1.1 iilf Fl-Il..il--tel i DU' N I)-l lîne t lii T. m-- IT, RY. i r' l .ý e i.% :i j m 1 n I N x î - l N i Y t - V .-- e a î z t , i , î t - u C - i n t , , ) ~ I . t i ' I N - i z l e ('1Y-'g'W TIE 'UibV ) N1) A64T WIN SOR 101' S , %V llTl -I t n i ll~ nl -n î-î t,' - , e'- 5l~ t, i C 'ue hî-r . tr- u - i n - - - I. laî et î,î -tal . iil.C Ul i et 0vtx ' i L . l. z-r, t-- tI- -a i i-r ,vîn N t--lzhiu1 tt --V < ' J A IK T . (je l 1 t u ~ i n e 4 i!! e ii e -a o e at tu n r i- COMMERCIA;L HOTEL. tI'Iîî zîîî -;-- I wi lieuie, 1,1 i i Ici nîku- i-el- e cu zt îiii s-i- i, - h i t D-. ti eli t i h nl o-x fil . l r u'i Ceîîr.-i cix N I NOt.E - tycu> lîni I t- .NY 1 - O . ilhove- AT LAW. ctt-, çzclcuifl-..îîcîii c cli LiTti, - - El lttl iz Ac T [.Ah W/% Ni ' S LtI Iroi t i 'ittiili -î wlo--le i- t Jm . K-li. ORDO . Ix- Wîtîîzy. îAT.AW, CH. i"S V. ÉLLUIe' A i'U)ItNP*y AT 1.8 I-iuS0 (l-ltilI iC ii.i, i'znielil.ÇW. I J. E. I ;AR ii'E[, 1., L .il., ei-î t ri u, 0 ttc 0i. S I ,-tz 0îi, af il 1 uhi M'O N & IfR 0T I11EFR. Nornti vi ut and N~e'mantiît Fire & Lifa Inzurance Com'y. W tOc)' , &fi.7z1284bTl nOLiCITOJI, &c.9 êC., TJAS HEMOtVED iC îl w Oltiz ta (ititnri t UR1 li I teTII Ei:-r. î(OPPOS uITE il.h h liIrI, 1O -Tio- l Srioi fiait 1,-1 Tç i lieu Vo og 1 Ir cuiî i i -i u ' ii - ,t -i 'I -,în- ti- EI>W III> & îoîsER. -î~ eu illiici t.- i (A iC u l- on W l,~lteltlS 1, ltt, t.lti - zie-os cme i-, ~~ TUE ONTARIO HOTEL. V hS tl rl-EtsO3; IIiK s un :u-wtii-. j bE&TISTRY. nUtl, eîi iiar î. ueiizke entr1e i-t 'ul tri î,lo îniyzltrign" *.- Tci t - i e re '1 A divIl ti ott ri tcilltzilndt-e. eunhel ,e.tî uie if(eti tille,t run crt*J îiiitue lie nî.&nsihse I>urieiuir siteniiii îaiiheter éreiatloD ni ihltet.Te-tti, Ait usent wa ratte4]. 55 W. ILi. hUit. IN tSURANCE1 A->~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i cra ttti.sue zc. r theistry ilfnce'..el IljL t.inzttrmetiii bas hhua 51ltîTetuilAgoni ee" ,,& .T iiM xlý=if) le fiuiioIgg tiist-oii -- 40 É-.--)-----------t ie trte lie lt miiatn.- THE ROBSON ROUS& 17ep 1 1sg ef eusac fopa TW,Ol.Nt(1.11i'IVriACiNt lnta- 'fie Liespool c.'d Losd, Mîiiea, PuIteAlilct, ntscl'5)om ei-patiIDUNUAS ST4rlELIir' IJI'Iiy, C. W. ~b ansq ieIea-ic ocay I L -J F r t t i t W . ( EOL AE < ufI Ct Nt M . 9 )t.r l e P r m =e - t . 4 a w a . c C o m p a n y ~. R. W. CLAR . III D~ -rjlEulilisnlSrn zn- Yîs,nne.- that lie ta, F. cLlig COROitNERi, t*. Il ~i ie 4ilIdiug feiztualnly k!uiwn t oeuhstnOitua qoWts Store, itnucit itrezWuîi.refirnsuir. iuit ht44 iîri liit, iii iti tri 'ut tIji.-îu. üÂuolxs-r=, C. W, liras Sri-t, uNlitîl-. ~ th ir oeryfin Uxiisg. îuBrnrentteuî l, e. iO l'Ulif'it.NSET) TUE iAIBt)VF - --- linitre- li- vie remi*e LETIIOFTIE FFtiih)lVltI<NCOUITGEORGCE ROIISON. thic-ugOte. encil îrutt' hlm hBan wlthtlite rasetitt ii î e.5 titil1e i-a.11- e----- iice-, - n % e t b ai aly 'r - 4h' - - lR(~WL-lNjUhi, fllen5nil, sttenî lance. anit T tlnoiteiîle t-s 'iner iilie bhctstyutle OÇ.CALL AND) SEE SANDY 1 <~T.&VERN STAND IF-OR SALE. A.ci isPlou R, 'îNîLE,Auia tecen thie 'i ItrocnIon TA," l -ntr1 Stl an'] fanntcriy -1slrî i 1ue viielel oltî ni lrt It te Village z'. EICFA TT I, ,BbtUOCK STIIFETrl, ta, e I ,,co i Nie, nieleciitegtI Vamî,hî,i faeJfnsie on ilocl-rate if EICJTIINtmTTAIL lit 'eirtl 'lie p liuiire rcwelie tcrs,, lion ate(i l i l hitby. t hied up tatd atet ilîu t h le ai-eo'tieueîî- î pelars &c. - 4uv--Umuoim' til i g it, c-ey gÃ"oothéie ls4h ' iesecs ta A pria LOISt e onioft o ieau sud h lionltn*elf, linine- JAS. VR(IO1TATÇ M A UP.tuNiN T.-(,'4 orner of,ir-andtti x- .beesil premeteet tZ-tnsie as weIi se ct-iddBe r rph Ripanivie Ittrel forante. *8telilutnts note.,Api1 t) SS TRUS IIA US'rO,sityt2)inn]s mnt ai, CAS O F.R FIAJJI!j WilTRY C(tint ,0o it litthaeItalien. OW N CTLERTI 'tEiUgihEII. TheITTI'u' T e n rien ntcnt&t:ntdy-eajj, Stno AT TUaI 1>11 z.Tiusi li11- hotne et t 'eiek. Ar asetitegir:Sitonees a'Iannery,, Porf W'hitby M >TiA~1OUSE, 127 iig St, WCst, M- Toro.nto.ICK Ily A T K iNSOk BSWL B AittiSEtt~jl t Sreett, t dears East cf B TztrnAtro prt. iuroitîo. jA tgn' or York atndt nteriz., Notar PIF. Ni, liWAIT-, Il. D. R1IUATKOPT[1FIJZNLVEIZISITY OF bfe%~Git Collago, (sicossrta-. ,Were,>, PrInte Albert. 42, - AN & JONES# IN 0'rus 11 IANCETIY. oflcea, l-P"t atpoltath iyal f[tte, Whithy. GEORGE GURZEY. r plhiANTTslla, Draper &.0., JC]ni t, qnt>dfncn'.mirarntecnts de "p lenlt# beas e st rencalsoc, ms-no chntoes c']sfor oprlaço Wer uJeeyy article Wastauuie. qê St, usa ix10 rat SALOO *1 OChaneery Sale- VAIUAB3iE FAIM. PIOKERINQUê IX Ttins ucoe -f a iece n Cisaeceny'l -in lte ceose ai Brioliiii m8. Browtn ui4lolers1 Andti lti thecapprôbaitinn of{iC îrgellenry I>iitu-l, IC'-quire, lte Mst:r uof ltthe ui Court ah WVliut4e, iili bc 90l1]14Y ltae suid- iaizter, et luis Cîobre in tii3 l'OýV ON F IIITBY; TN THEF CQUNTÏ 0 F ON TA RLO, -monday, -tbe Second day 01 OctOberij A, TR, 186'5, atnt te suof aiTweive a'cioc4 utots te foilowving prernîses, berig coMe- paseil af tise Ifotuh half ai i.at Ntiniir 'lon. ti hflird conicessilon ai tisaTouen.I itsip ai Pickering eaut tie Nortis-tt&I ail thue i5niillt-itahl of Lot lisnsbcn Elvaon, ie the Tiîurul çlcsof a lte TOWNSHIP of PICKERING, Conleuinin;; togeltua nfue iundred ased Ftfty Acres, mono an lesm.. Ihuàeru îii eue-ted .-n the QlOy fau:rsgieci fîîileelditie titt m ii,i-lred iar'i on Icnn. ^rhnecro te wue iLei cnrîteards iillu Vie rfi-nitiuiz ariasisoer.pcs-tfi clii- Thzîe liîidwzl TI i-inrtule iti,]or-ils sî intaN'îtzzIl tIire rî )esllozs O(r eI l'iiif-rctse tiu edpantîide tibis - iuuiîciileaMiseS ste4ieit wsuit, the j-a Izeftivîtpit et iî.,r eks fr ns tltcdiiy î4fsen, eu,,5 axeu-te e4 iertijriie di.1-n 5 îtivrbiar i eilIde'.ue tfonrIl-e Ls "'ee zi1, rtse îei tzi iia ti u juce aûot,i ,i lqi aîlis rýj eene e t hfc- te eiezipieticii t ttipurni.s I? o ~ r;i, a tek-i it, e-J toi.b tII 41klà -r izftev -t d -rt I h l aftl iure tl4 ucnd îî i b-rtiig f e t i g de lieula. Fuutier iatlrta-stll*ubeiuAnd INioJ . fi. cI'.~ ~ ~ ~~~~R J. Ilîge ' ) ecru u ziuenes of usIe Court. G EO. H. DAftTELT, - IlA XGRElEN w4uD, We . 18ITIILE, GRANDItRUN I R*ALWÂY ITOTJL" (Bout side of, RâihcerY Ikp JAMES PRINGL»,. 0. C. utcîor. VEERINAIRy 8W«IOON B ~t) essmtuI isintoi t isa t1 11013, -aie n,,sd o lppus bv trictntti-. tiezie0 t e icnce atqit isitmlr fpb bsuio- enitree4, sceotitbatus- belaus CHEA? iARE timnokîta, Doit. 23, 1W.Vu.rsncime ROWR'S STONE STIlRE: 50QT IL Prt'w blI, O, g211, idrouta- ROSPf!Mous LATE 01p TIIJI NON- B B 8 Jntpem hutneisuilobts Iiendn zte t utti l ieIi, tisaIlie le tous lit (rtraleo urln an tise reeeptiou aiof ;uets&- %inc ,Ligeturannd Cisans. Goou- -reEm 15 ptiHE sv - i.yBactis, (scparnuh1îy an tae-tîsr,) -0ossnt.. Viiq Tslo s,, re e n fue'Ii h Muisie for 11. ie., cs iO, Çazmmp PM -AR Scincas, sia. p- cOiSte<,is, I ei-,, oau emon. ~ ti~t i5t55Â8 sSxETWilIliT.able teris JOHN 8PIURRTLlï .....rplus-. PFor nËetie n ga.ineostW* T'ici1F dmis-es ta infoimn iuirqn~sy - ~ w L abvL fisde iu tsut oie nomuppli ng i , i 5thse J.W - ' ý , 8 beut ai vine6, itus4rs, cîgars, anti re s- - .- i~C U ~ . i t)I!l( mente. A Wall 1nppffced table. Qea)dslsblng - FRSL WlibOt.e. 1,icail 9 Acres oi Lanud, mas 4 W iCilUsîOo V--ou*ipe.YWk, h W. Ho. & d,. CAJ)DTYq -tpui4ee.e'! Meanfisctunesaoai very description cf URS. WOON, 8ae' ýJ t ~ a<ej i nîTilui, lu The Btrefcoî Ui. i t ' t l l »I u p p a o i s l o , n Bl , Anfd ti ynery winisield tttrtcfi- Ktetdl'.y -oi pi, renJîhtr btuijý 1Çý11 ystriwl,î.rriuiq on the bllii MW l i t h e a u oiit t i n oa u t y t s e , Tlzrozugi hiy tom ri ru's j-unty grnAe 911 lylzczrîT 1tiv lieejoy,9 1 O- uîe iatere!fuatboy. (IIifer bo I-hond'i .4 a ti x pibw Knawledge nevçr lpitdem'tsçihaool (If vo izr w IW tz.',.r ioig etezzee (Ifthie titî.îîîîziofthe Wnid llzzw île wollzîkdits, lii6ý h, An lte gronltztdtu îo :.izkm hiw a-cii, ilusr tihe robintei lier yzî~ 110w tUir orio)ý le t tix îa WIkeza the, freet lezrie. tirrajw, IVîi.rf> the groltz,îlltiIt truite t44 zine,. %\ liere tîze %Oea-t i'rfze'A ft îliiiîîe AAz Ie5rieithe ipliltis 4), liCà& l:rz,et zrtîzanm t FOr, (e.rllewifza te,k1< iîzî,lt tskii, £ÇZI!Irl re alil lie alie lizizî in liai ,lwitl, hlier l, ie eA, Fiie t» lhrtz wlîlî lr bc. tsiks, llleiî rz 'ýI lM lt ilt, fl.riz ,'ttiy M !tirie Ill, e lin tziî lii'gu h i rnA l-e iî.le u-i, trt %îl, eu.-î l eti.- i n'tielenlri I i Ittilî -f t le Iclu - on tg .M E-ev ceilii rzaotlice ofaît-t puW,-4,0, I 'î Fe r ahing yit fot'u h,în aïrisien." cil inun le rd-1< i-i, tzmer o-ntiebt!zît tat h ikgthehani-t ,of.. iin hz-il it Yu1jý b î, I gui î lz e t eie z tozen t uer r ltnthrace i etutadColl it teecce, lutu,,th od hm rtn mod igehi nitite bcileaila rae 44ng 1.LentediapantuyqL a dy1or sjL ictoaam iof tse rae, Haye"cueusoeIs sica']o a "îttle, ho bastdrdnitan ox-hitia; thessi dparta!ofeisicit, vil tise bors gtilt n. huiluai piaced earthte balse tiip. lNs èsrrod a shbort lia boret un bii- band. Ho radebtis th gels Étand, and - aft're'] ta enuter bit baît tan te.race; bat tse 0- ens OfAthLebasebiat vere entent'] act- est. Hlayes appealedtg ,9tihntas ai tise uuOlidI: inslsitgthuet 1W il lhad Il four legs, sud lhair an," aad ihat Ihenecrire b bail a igh taeelnteh ies. 4ter a gond dei of swarissg, tbe jadgeâ ditareti tbstlu- salves eatoled itadecide -tisat the bill hftd tbentgfaf.to rnansd vas icisiailês cardiicgly, WItse tthe -ltte fur starting sriothesal and tisa, hanses taoi rti jsacer, Tswsrircn ers ont ai humoar at belng hottheret, witis ise Ulil, and -it the burlesuse whick t Uey suppodu uaï inteuddt, bat tisoaght li ft, 1 uaàW b oser »s **onas tgc Lortes utartai. ,,Wisen 'tise igon i ,Itàgivas isbe7 l, idstaxtw; Uayefi gare a blast vitit bis bonis, sad b i. spt intte ide ai tise b#4111';-vboiand-' ad off lth àtnrwbi havi ntut r ifll,ï spee4the dbsrieti tt.hiseiéBppuiag.up andc dous ansd rýttsling mt ry jamp, malcfng1 "aotblton f uaia tisît. hIad tiser 'be,ýi 1rdo'narae-cosarsébeton& ,Ttte b1ômseï ait few fnptii the îira lçý,ea ne 6essi'g ta les ied tb amLùàde0 d'eir--- ibintion létakise tise Lisonesl cliit togegl or th&~ 4so W iio aonttïy, and lbel .nisofai hisqua,td e broàht bu ak in tisua, e '0 Tise ad#,auia'vegi realiing fr(.à it possssio . ! 4 Uodappie arcisarda beieg rcutized, thblsfuil hytLhos As s la titis iocauiîy, Who haveilhse- freuug elsaui ta aLa a~oaitbelt'grit opésra ion s tise p u ting ofanse reb.rd-,fge s ,h l'andi. - - y h iiei u tîi~ri 555e,~ni of 4cg. aSt,) appies s.r* ýetruiestly -songht; aftefhini f>brbase ch ~.00pst'barrel #titis., o tsecesity, 15 gisaitfor fruit that iWin "na kteép, und it may be iairiY .upposcd tis Winter , Varieties, , iten -hàiteeon nfor gatbring arrive$, *1Étêi aîcifb es uci marl i na dobleasmach as that figure, Whaî fartinaWheo bis n e ye ta the pra- Sitab le c s zpir.g oa i shie fan 'ma, ivau îti b e *kithaîn orchiard, asdé-fron the comiorts "Mstlticg - ta hiidiauly, irons baving i pientiful sppty ai tii generatty acicutate letigeti bealsi-giving ,fruit. A greal many peepe go te ivork aanc plant an orchard, anti upoe tei aiieg Il cotie ap ta tir expectîlee. give-np any furîner cffonte, aisd charge tisa failure le dm 'aiecause, over whieb tbey hava -no contrai, -the climata irivariably cbinen in for a large ebaro of the abuse antiz 8tUds cireunistances, wiena, if uhey ivens te asnit lemselveà a few simple qzueeion, they tecuit etziîy sce herein tise fauli iy. andi that il was tithin temr pouree enisil y ta remetiy il. Loet us compare the cita il geti-uly geil it tue b-andn o! n ou-e us f tise tartir-3 -wisa plant, ind WCe sittli Seo bau it fa thuit semany people Sa, " I hitus1utause fan me to plant, ian 1 couii utven gel hall ni te s 1planItto lire; anti those taI do lire ncerer do auîy g<>ii Ini the tirst phiidP- ia goati ituai- ion, ougbt laehbc hasen, ithich, if nuit seidti ltheceesulcicnily,) ebouîtibi miîde se by j nttuiin le cdrains, anti evtil ibn il ths 'y as-e no% judicionsly nulle amui laid out tise dentre] end teili net ho gîiîîed. Tii ddtesegrautil aughil teha depily piougheddIwovorantisrae humes andtihie tebole surfaice coll dreused elît ratten minora- Its-u italie oui the gpaon] se Ilat, ertý inca may stand ut tise itonier ofa i eact vIae, -30 feat - spart sacs way; iayinz ascentaînei.,tise precisa spot iviore eci inca wil) suant Ici a large hale hi du- ta tito depuis cf. foot andti îrao fret ini tiacitetpr, ce a ti- -ivien tie troc is pult ils, il yuil stand lin tise cenitre ai a space 2mach langer tilion tise iole aceally occuupy. Tisa ýsurface solit.iStidiggling ltaeisole sitaultl bu" arefu*kiy laidaide,1no tisat ilt iay beuadtdOs mmedia lely about lit roi4, and shoîsitin'ôt libé te surfcesoill bc iglitted dry, a safficiant qnanîioy air top e hould be proîrlet! .fi-oas -otne - *tiJcet 4 yý,r cona a dep9lsit - ssaysci tOansd ira by tise vnt, iei jpreveuts the mats fraielajfing ot9 atise] grouedw-tbenise prueingfauitSb-ou)'] isa usati anditwe.-îhir]a oaitise-lat yan'u grausti af Woodtia off'-wtiii in a tisai eseential operatian, as thse trac, haVIng bti' ils raqaOn feoetiers culta it y-tiggiug,- ie utueble ta sîippty tise amaunt ai noanis4- m ent cce ss ry t a, support lie o e t p ant for Ibi neason - if usai eut bac thUe amnttof evuporathen îtnaungh tlebavei is thlie samte s e hn-tisetree staod injus Orne al san, roals adcq 0mPlate; in tise Ntiorsery, anti thse.mens af seppliingS. tiis eaporation baia hecut deiaéd il y haig bai ts routs motitated and eut aff, a n '] b y i s a v i ti ' t O g e t l d it o a it ies a i again usit i is fcet.trs lepiofre ts lpl care go on ugaýin lu an aueqaatc proponliani- ta thse lu. It is intendat ta cnap 'ibis gratina îis hay or' grain, a spa"o ougittehab. ýreserved,,as-oune ccirheo. wticit sautti latsy«s is e pt'dug ea'u']frec irpes ueetis. This -space sant'] ha- caver. e'] ovçr itit weil-ratecl séitituin it r,r tsat isa trie msy nal aaly have tise beiselt or isejuiceli wisialtile airg wilI waus dit' ai tisis cavchfng, uî ihat it m , y hé ielpeti hy thse maisteo seuredt tat by tisus ptra- vectieg th isegruttul fs-desb'elg'âd iin l Hfavingib us gianceàai atie treaim"ent ae 'treç ongisîta tut, litasn bokit atisw hiais. il tac aiten gels, anti wbich, catilhoseen byý iny nc fii ravelling throusgh a country wera reçgs ave sec-anorirtaegiplatnt. gelseraliy cttasea, nagartiles - aot- &c t u s i t c h e is t i à e l o r,[ b eh t t e : - c a t e d t a( O tIejt r -prose sat an ri isjr i .r%'lI caai oejsoitser fs-gtgfulî apace ai the-e- - tsîeep, rocky mountaie side, jEhen cuan iita Eow AsIts1Weeoss TP t'ui taller snd siranger1 t. than suny wus)ha h cÃŽ ia ifssNe 7gi5isTalqred we Uîri ta be e carnier be fore ; viso, ce)rnegpanet, wsbbegs -hlm ta> I i4 v iiX W if c e t b il '] n n b o 'b b st i , h o r çi d n e g r o u ii'a g c q u e s t io n i-lu f ltue f ta lthe handen, -and eid'id ha if heiJrgally bas thetiturekit o ut l f t b r d o w i u i l t e r u g g ad ,, s t c p . -, - ' a t y ' e t a i i tl n s i n v i e u , h a c al i d c i r a i tprns these gaeeouissc, sc-a~dIu ienards as tihe 'qiestion or1 lteé ladicireliaveti eset aîisarni sij ns 14How andset-'thta ml -sarny, usas seated, lil-han carnitige ai- thiÇue Mfwy Suitsetertinentlysusks, Il Whatdt a v~i egeonnet-if thessn rit 'u~~~iIî ,niatangovern !and aie ncati tiseadjusat <>itisugbl lulitiCP, uislises bi1pta taile htan anti tIis expline tise !!yterieuiaof-iýtbô -i ts ai'szteftsI nt mare ietimsel éultivae it i ' or &h t.can k adi ýa - cuast unry, -WC - half lo80 Dur hi noussang ece-tstat-tie uam aeat'-s hop -tsaiwor "Ce,"teiis isedss ower'i-bich iseorght tàé., hop--tat orhIl , r tbbau( ad i gi'eat thing ins politiemi scoute. p'hnntor -te inglei, for teakctiser. â ththe'fii~~abtf p.ineers îisdein Waa tie titls Ct la imst4,o"a, fulcatsaideration baueetirta']1Ubstis t hd ittppe pfove tgireat meat imponial, questiaon.-No ftie', ih wai deaeti ttevcry, rttupl i ofiéTi - - r, .1 -, vy'b~ îe g iva e nleg - tt h gf 4 i tit , pa1try t he peksp lé waith issaeny ho w- a i .i t rghg,gt) *iâreJy k y h bartd tise Ot'liuar-tniaus<is ~ 4 - &IMM ýJ Ae ý 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 EÏtraordiînary Feint ,eg Meen. AreMarkabie explof t, sethibiting daring aadpresence et min'] of na ordinaty char- -actýr, *as perfo rmed rocetly on 'board te ship Mindaetao,bomewar'] boandt#roin > i.n~Tzqiique 1 to tus ýport. Ih -nppe 1ar ihat when tfoip i was ta tesouth and oast,. ward or Cape Hlorn slitp prung a leait, and made ta lte etent ozf six inciseS of waîer in an botir. Tise vesiwl was, placet! in eoîzsideraisîe daniger, alint teaï .aniy' by --canetant punipiîzg thut th,- ieak caulti bc kept don. Afler tii,- rumjzit had con- N O 3 lintsed for abo ut six weelza. the vesse! beng thei about îwo àe,&rei snorlh af tise - uao, il was cazîîsdered desîir-lte tus *er#vlg thse troc hueiness ini ail its branches, ascertain if poesible, the position grtl. ad are iven in h e hope that s oie in leak. W ith titis abject, Mr. W m. ùo tjt, ie tendîug orchard planter may he henefite' the ciziet alflier, vzluitcril Iot go ovor- by îlwtsi and our countr bmae obard anzd exanizze the vi-ceel. làriti'. Il b éeaa'l l and more wentîy b ' t~ m c dive d to i tlie sea, ho ijo okz'd aiong îh IL fàïl4ptd braneh ai Hrticutre. the hal liofte eiip, asduti îmaîeiy rund tGI C L . bl a t n ,w a t r ho it n t ie s ijrb o a rd id e af ------- 40>4 -the uppor rudder batndti iad wotkeéd out and U Wthcy bragist lime Younga Lady causzd the ieak. On ,reaeiiz the surface Sdaîve the ilonnînin. tise durer dirccted te carpenter ta make a 4 - emont wooien piisg, aund having oltaiîiod it >f kwolrespondet af the Boston T ass. ha agîîin decertded. lIaviuug iserted thea It éript"ehates bote a yoang lady broke her, piug in thse boit isole, witence the' leai: 4 an kle-bone on lte top a f M unt iM onat orIgittaîhd, ie nacceede -ilhi triking il WitlÈ r rck, andi citer a physician ict the fractare, his hant i x il tezsporîîriiy, atid ea i h tise diullcutt question arzîn a'3 te Il( w she ahiiged la lame up immediately for re- >* was to lbe carriati do wiv e i nt a in. piratian. A - third lime he dencedey, To iY atn mmd there ivas but anc talic itii Mnal ahammer, wiîh- whiciheh e asyof ,4etting ler down, wih fas 1 iu te-ptugiigita iaiya r s sup seameoin 120 ibs and tfst wes by! cunistances wisaId pe 1rit. Thls~ hie efi'urta, a tb ingta ie n upon a an's bacir, as nce- ere saccesfal teas pruvetL rom lise fat> f-I boy would carry anotier. T hsis i:as n e that tee icaitage ai the sisip ce sld ,aud Volting te hae, an C o elae ofaitise ladies, ste m ade ii m ore than thse a t i qo tîni d but there ivas ne mincing tise malter. I aifteater, tisrce qutreri *f an incht, turing o isouglit of sending for a chair ta et ber the rem iid r of thi avoyage- he ptîi' leI, an t t turn is baclo ta bis, as pe reonîs siT rétuaitîs iii ti s h iip. _Tise deptis that " are carried ocrs5 riers in Suiish America, hoe reaclîcîl ii, diving ungder the vsel waé " but tis . oulti net do, far the chair legs about 'irc or loren fret, the d iuIluIy ai aniber feet woutd bit thte rocks behiîtd tise npr ioaî being inCrct-4ed by tise risint r him , asi h e stepp d down, a d ivo u it icis aid falifig oaitise îtiý, couisequent n te e them hz.adiong upen tise crags belew. sei whici pe itItise lime. Mn. Tivo mon couid not tske ber tzetwcen, Taiittis, us may be eupi1îed,a excellent- t hem, fr rtie narrow, crooket, recipitous msiiiemer, tntt ha-as beei intrumental lut r patis wouid ulotadmit , of i. saviitg te live i f neyerai pers as fro in An old getttiemttf, b ald andi venerabie diôwine' pp arng, a faner, puiicd o a i b tc aut fandi bat, nti T loadetibeho igb upon hb is tonT T iîettr -PriRugI,,I bocan d sisouidîrs ; liée lasping bis bands Dîrîoltîh Collexe, bcd ticry narre-w beli id i, oe brloe lme.A. sý1t eut iNiagara Falla an Friday eveniig' other mac aI bis elsottider eteadicd hbbÏ, Wîi aliîgotM otItiniiii anid su tise descent wae begtin. Hli 510, parcel ai ladies, ane 6i'îisem droppedlbe.- ing iel foriard, ulruggieîi aiorg, witis parasol, wsc i.om 5un2f ber bonld igis abouzo his, ced ber t'rofuse down tise batailis te river7 Mr Rudgiec a ndt iseautiful ourla fioating tieligentty w t doivw n t! n4 picted il u -p, but, on 1 about bis necit anti face, a remanklciie îempig ortue lteialibngae' spectacle as tise aid ni an svorked bis way anîd' the groutud bard, tntbisro Iiht acrass tisa. top ofMh rray mountaizi feu lldora tetahbie- eu-y brilsieai tiseproci, i4ut wbelà they, pproacbeti the brote of ithe 1h00, wiscisaI thispo >M5îi lié4 ré0fe aimaitliterpetîdtculaër rocks, be staggering, higis; Here ha cauogbc liait of'tise rocié uner bis mnat, ber heart qisaiteti an(! qîtita nif n upturriet troc, tise, trntnk ai wiig faileti ber; butat uing :ber cyes anti issu ' avrrli thayss. Tiese lici causej c!usspieg ibncaieWith a firmes' gresdp, îiiîité ir e 10 sisisire vîtleni'iy, and ih cppçaredh gaodnid ino aya- saily ati geîly tti tep-ont af fàliiiug oer tie pecipice.: do w1, witb the prayers ai fifty banîst isg ale isii pni calt o s l about F. ittaiiybis farebeiad dface but 0 aggustaan ce:vis h att, I. ao tidlîhèt t burbtiîîy, and ha ivas aa-itieetiy :mccl On-tise pairtcf Mr. liu-gles, or gueit glajto tafid a rcigplac e tdtepasit-,iis0ai ini, serie'] eiîlin tacrseic preciaus burdea. treu}to ful.- Atîhià citiaituwmer:t ocr Ncxt ,câma m o~incutat ynecr macnaoft se tdies look aif' ber bt, qoiic~î ivis 0ll'cr IÏ*i"'broaà eshoiders anti erurdy at ,ct ie it tts a hil tt sisnseles <otisetryieng cnd ticiteerous taSi. thc, articles a oft)hii raie the roit tOf Sneàdied bY lte -ktedly suppcirt ai a bardod plinîy, idîe auîtr apsd ~ eab eoeler,'bo~rogbt'be ~o to sati ta tlie-r pe ri ~farned adcet i? ,another short #paqa, Thuere falas iea d dowls te Mr, uuiglee, ch, ttling hait of- denco P, John Cutter,.of i tizlben l ,It. ,SLJIuLmeiwoýie -ut)k.. Ie.i..f i t"1171-,ý

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