Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1865, p. 4

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Ultise iibll o I liIsiteaim la tisai geutle 1iasi'bras, Ant i k eaishbsl ita brigittuOȈ la ber Dort isair" gol1den glas. lier lips are llk.e ted rogea, *ntiglauisoMla luer aiSItetO Àase1 IDt sirt i dusoses lieS'beart 1, friae bmwill. Tiser.la,% pntreligisIbeamssng. 'WIthlis ber Violet OeiS au is. erei, 55,lltreilg 1 ! visions lirlgh anti11b911. u.î,voie* 16 1kbit si t5iaill Tro m3 I-i scoeuetabringissi , Mote joy Ibmau gisibelOs. fias iLove bas ne dweilitsg Wltlsiln thssut pure Younit herti lier evat>' gîstice semmuf teltis'> finch di> ironis5te tispart. Iliesvalu eaels briglisipessiSIol Wben ich a tale un tatd! Were tbanktssl tisai tise e"Isnal ,uso55 Are botil b lssir tp se bIuii Tist ne p)rc'SSttlotlu oissiti V St'5 55tbAl5 _And pull titseui tresnthse it, If tlsey "acre tO, WO hvest)'f> it;oibt Betigenie refirmiii e dowi 'would ri'cemesss te takA tlle'smown Andlilglhtishe wsrid vith gs9s A FITvlt ApI'SL.-Thmy bv »aY- Of doing op tisinga in tisae'ParuuaiaC, order, a Il ofc f iaNsOrleans I>tCcYitlwp aLtegeliser unique. This lunlthe wiy tise>'dan tier. s - Mmm, o0s1i sicet ise,1Iml.plo're yn-ss, il es t e tlfflsn1s5 I d.ru I5Yosl. th 5iiib tise ,41 u'tftise lsulsr, ,#eet sme tiscri or. isî 't' toit cii 8acLcrs.-A secret la-luise sience-yen canant talk about fi, and keep it. Il la unto mony -,bsu once jeonicnow iscre la ans, concesieti, itlai half diacovéreti. - My dear Merpis>,' s&id ast Irisiasan îe bis friend, 'Wiy dit Ioyn betray tlie secret 1 told Ioe 6 ' - n' thbotraying jeu YeD auit ? 1Why, yen aispane, sure sien 1 féonuti1I van't able tolisp. il su,. self, I toulit lte oueboeti'mse tisai couid.' Tit dàrysrirs.. Asitissrogi tise tso5n tt it 5555Nrser$jut 'r;1 hut vJossa 'M ail., Tise1ouiî trîseit s. orsuer-otme And brouirlst Fülore es 1 i- Andl thilCo sr jss)l's loi lstaWal were IIu wltU cssesti" Tisey esarieto i.vslir Isw luNI(iri5ds" thse stepiTsg litssissssd criesi et1 t5 )rfLhw ypou fa pattne tisai andti ibt sogetber. W. observe the marriago of James S. Tisat Sesan Eli»aisti Tisat, annouaseed is tise Thomaston Recorder. WINDSOR'S QU&IWP E 1AND, ADDUS RIRAI!'t.' SN< NÂJOR .BRASS BAND. 30» D. IMcPIuz. DAY'5 0si-COMMERCIAIL COMME!~ (Fon>nrteriyalir> S't,attn A I e D.>'s i ig$trsset,T'osroito, (. W. PWWS 4S r EatS of Ileqan lBook Boomc. PiIACTICL. ibhmh sl ss-ilstu it- mdto tiscreq ssr-reutm ort thu ess.s csssnu- Young mnOp NreilEdfur tise pfactipa l te et tihe coostins fluse. sn'sIllfor generse issa8i- Tise classis.oet lsstruetiosl cuibriopsa horsan %e ookKIteeig, 6tBassit llok-XtwReei'sss Mon.s lion 3staneesqL,) i'cssmsualil ' tcegt'iphy wic. Staff ofToaohers and Lecturrs Mr. DAY, intetrutet nlise Sciessce e! Ac- coutlcesssr!Cseitlosssasit Ceesmer- euX Càrreapsndcsees ud la1eetssror en Bwil- amas Ceatom@, Ur. B. SLIVN3.Â,iarriatol', utu et ou Commnereissi laV. Mr. BEN. IL T>Y E, C(iesf1 spersitsr in Mess- treal>TeiegmrayiCsn uty'sîsffies, Toronto, In- stre'ctor insTsiasrraîIlsy. Ut.W.B. T'raU EON, Instrtector Inelioaso r". TAY bissu snsisi .es re In referring te Ise followlss gssiILsa' s Js . ...Grasset, Aiex. Murray, iExq. oft MsmTtt,Murray & Co., oftMeistelsq iMeMastr & lire. George Micisie làCo.; David Buolsan, Eq. Usrsart7uiVseity :tJ. 1A11i6. l'oim..ter; «,.. Finoh, Eaq. oflolsaa'd & Fitch,; Adamu Crssoko - Esq.. M.A.A L.LDq ; LW. 8ith, 1,sq., ilarlt.s,'.CL. Trtoin-,u onItitlue Bo,- abssa'19 . . . i.juers, Eq nMaslrovîs, &uq., JsIsailtors;JIl. Bell, FEsq.. Montréa- W. Tren;Bt*tq, Noeamariet; 1ev. ier.GÏreen e Min s quare, <ilsairu of éCous>' Board of Publie Insarssoess ltssî. Por tonu». idreai,, <nellciug letter stasp.) JAMES B. DAY, Praotieai Acconssust, Toreuto. Parmeriy et Londons, Engians! aignpoti b> Bryant, ittrsttesn & Ce or Bryasnt stratton & Day. sud eossterignesslis Jassie- LDay, are borebaIn> isortnsei st tiseho Mrne Albo, &H Stusdestaisholinsg leoasi. algneit sud oossnies'isind! utise creseu andi wislîlug toooilplote of revlew thoir eousrge of tudies whuil Mr. Dsasuttetstm - - JAMES B. DAY. THE NEw NUXER or TutI O itrilcaMAN's F.IIrntMA A upaotwrlily wbal vos, lefssre i e sts- .labuet, ta blauk lu ans perodcaei lierature isgissrata ns ai serions dhaeumslton derelc ef partlisn email>, bas matie It bigil,' aeeep- table te sieTieate men. visile ia oasiossal alulsion of anabawg articlestutakea lu vwol eosete tise gem qeri rea5. 'rôTie ltelos ôa<"Tbe CloricaI Q-i' are alway% lsproulau." .-D "tib'hre Ceerser.:. tf,NàgmwZIIt., for A U(JDIsr, osafesu rbrlt Chaeis ils.',:An Oxford Stiery. CisarterIV.-AtUeolVe. Cispier V.-. Jio Lun', wlsinntthe Unon. Chaptor V-Tls. Coiee Tntor, Kr. John Stisit tMlianidie, ilebalisullrpothisl. B>'Q.. wa Pl LLD. _Shetoiea lu ihem srt. ltsqey NEW GR-OOERY r IRE subseriber would respectfuily inform hbis oiad friendsanaxd 1 customers, that he has agai started business in the ýabove lie, ili the IOLD CORLNER STORE,' opposite the Robson flouse, WeDundas S'treet, Wheitby, Where Fe intends keeping -on band, everything required for Faîily use in the Crocery line. L&»1He respectfülly invites an early eaU and a fair trial. CASH P FOR BUTTER The the làghest Cash Price paid for good Tub mand Roll Butter; also, Cae paid -for EGGS te- BU'STr AMEIR1CMN CHEESE FOR SALE. Bost Cons and Corm Meal always on haîsd; also, best Iamily Flour for &ale. 01, OU- Barley, Oat.s, Peas, &c., bought, as usual Whitby, Juil 12, 1865. 27 Thec'CaiIbrla£LaI A7L~% I 1With the L .argest, I3est, 1stock of anid (leapest1 FRESIH GROCERIS Liquors, Crockery, Glassware, Boots and, Shoes, Clothiug, &o., &c., in the County. ln %whieh are Yfoungý9 Ilysolis, Gunpowder, ,Black, Coloured and tln-coloured Japan Teas, frorn 45 cents, tO the very best at 85, cents per pouud ; Pure Brandie%. Wiues, Gin, Ru">, Toddyl- Old Rype, and Dcuies- tic Whiskys, Freneh TeaS'ets, handled, (14 pieceg,) at $2 75; Large Size Tumblers, at 75 cents per dozen ; Ladies' Boots from 65 cents:- Mens' Cobourigs, at $1 00O; Mens' whole suits of Tweed. from $6 5q.; Tobftecos, Soaps, Candies, Biscuitm, Fresh Ground C.offee, ýugan3, Raisins, OUrrants, Rico, Stareh, Bine, Brooms, Pails, Waoshboards, Brushes, Matches, and al, kinda of Spices, Fresh and Pure.1 4 It is needlcss to quote prices, the well- kn-own reputation of the IlCalifornia Store," ini Oshawa, an tise Cheapest in tho Pr.ovince,, Terins strictly Cash, or Produce, and one price only TH'IOMAS MU SPRIING 1 q'1E adv.sntages oflered by tisis Institution for seqnirlng & THOIB)UGII PIIACTi. CAL. l5X~ EDUCATION are soperior se an>' Coummaercial (inliege in [tri- llis Anstrica. Tise Branches tan ghi cemprise everythiusg noecsary for tih e ookKeeei er and lissieýiss Min; tise> incitd-- THE A(TIJAL BUSINES EAB1N lis the mosi complete arrangement of ils kind. beissg tsrniafbesi wtb two [tACNKS, a >uEfCl1ArS4~PoluLMandian EXCII.INCF.O'VFICE, isseîh arc sPcn every day for thse transaction oi Business. MI" Classes in TELEGRÂPEING evory day-im PHONO- GRAIHYT, 5emi-weokly. "For Mosthiy tJIasCr.ic, tpeciasenu et' asnISeO, sUc, addrM et cusleih Samp), MUSGROVE & WRLIGHIT 24 TORONTO# C0-W. WINES. WxNES [JLCAII Y. - ------ -----0 Gottons from 1 Oc. upwards, A large assortment of Tweeds, Prints, Cot- tons, Mantles, Shawls, Ribhons, Ladies' >'trawIvliats, Boots andtSii~os, School Books, stationery. G rocerîts. &ù. A LARGE STOCK CHEAP. BOOTS &SHOES, THE LARGEST & CIIEAPES'r STOCK IN TOWN. School Books, & cStationery. Groceries-a large stock always on 141bs. of pod (2urrants for $1 00. Teas'â at 4)ce>nt. Good Whitbv. May 3,18A5. Thle subscriber lias on liani a choiceassort-j - Ment of SHERRY' AND CLARET-y FOR SUV.7eER -USE. C. ROBEýRTS9 1Whitby, July 19, 1865. LTMBinerITMeCSiÂI<t Cïa areerana tu,' of %il kintiset'f lumbeconstently ounibasd. UN DERTAKING. F in EnAj. 5 tu ilappi" d siatteiei bsand. ,4- A lu t lire enaboraltorone. Whitb,', Feb. ahb, lm. 11 Fami1y Grocer. - outI>' etfaiselýTo, sL vn~ia rt qeiarier ÊSeeaom., thIe ?esanti dCeotv h Court, liand tifor he I lts)Ol t triO, «vii be tioides t thi( Ceors, lon5t in tue Town ef 'Wiltlle, on TUESDATs SEMT- 2th, 1860, A ,ts er of ii o'e5qel. acen; o et'ic& Il eattet tise Pesmclorodere, Cea sassile'. Mid All pisis'e ossonel, vili i ke notie auid - i ELON G. REYNOLDS,' Pt Ie C. Noea. - 1 Ný ~umiie r qo ots.1 Just oponed a eotnplete assortnient of Ladies' Misse, Gis, and Childrens', Boots for Suminer wear.1 Everything thatt is rsw ini the Shoc- linsse5WMI be foïund at thse 0&d Red Store, at prices4that wiI sstonigh boyers t&.WREME.MBER' TEËRMS,-STIUCIýTLX !CASH. -On4j one Priie. Jam0es .Bain. ToShoeakers. E>ne hundr-eda ides of stiperiopr spanish sole seathiert t hand, INumber oe quzality, New Styles of Lasta to hand Machine Trbread, Zinc aud Iron Nails, sand all sorts of Shoe FindinZgs, st.he OU> RED, STORE. 'JAMES BAIN -i -- -. .1 j If thi~ 18 SO, wil JUST TO -- A LJRGEST.OCIC -AND,ýý 0F FAMILY (GROCi RESt Wineg anid spirits, I>orter Caiid kle n bot- Til E Il IGIEST TI111C EP/A11) FÃ"0RiBU TExh I HAMi .T ON C ou No 1 and 2, Till's Block3 2 SEL LIN G 0OFF RME subscribers having resolved for the present to. disabntinue j the Credit Business, from this date tlîtir Tcrms will be Cetsh, except to parties who have paid theit' List accouîxts iu full, and have opened aceounts for the -preseîît year. Goods puî'chused this month, will be- sold at And noteg taken for aecouints aad purchasses, -payable next Oest. AIl their large Stock, consistirg of' Dry GOOdlSq 'ccis Claeail sizei , Pa, ts & 0OU~ Having ie oice.soinetime ago, that -,ve required patyaenit of aIl accounts and notes due, and, pw4t d'le, amij as many h(tvýCi given no attentionl to said notice, ~r AS Vf E ;REQJTRE MNONEY !1, We must okt those that aire .indebted to us for it, àid their accounts will basa placed> for collection without farther deIy5 YARNOLDl& Coli -Wbitby, July 12, 1865.- COMMERCIAL ME'N -Wil find excellent and convenient accommodation. 1 Dl*'ITCIJN,PI,s>W.', ieslro'sassdt l'titts ('ultivat SEED M<fl IRNIP DËJ mosde tp 05'sier, l'iota C'sstinaca !n giiess Fves-irtisme oietedti iitise kepi ou n sl TJist'jiusrig Mesue on sthort noîios. -- ivsvisiis"lusf-eshare hbnepcs t výit;P'auetuslt.ansd nk iadestalf, BRITISII PI *The London Qu, vie*(ofigOr'atve.> nohE Rtibarï*ifl -Th. Westmjis yo 1 77 jDIÃŽ DA: se, Élie Tonne KM.sn's Frienti; and the uie olle5's cd hai- o tjili dvosU, 1,1£ whiloie tl[e to tise trestrlot o0? Beya.d Adulaide o stFetls ô ~dito, C. W. Yeaiïe, expoene menabies Isim te, ure rlàtpnt cases in a very mshort tiffic. 014. iigçring tis tresitoi itioitt: Morcs1lv, and cure@ wafrantmd. Permins *ho *k4h -i-o ddiiîfiltuj t Doctor -can do $0 ititi tise lntmont sooreoy. LM, remedies, are pleasit, certaint andJ ,48:yo uss noednt xtop work or 'Change syour 5iei« Caton tise Doctori tsay an joug ams).OuONia~ i~r uotlg for tuvice uriepse n u ouoll w itis . ssÇ t c- h e o e.oor is mai l a outé. 'Y o ng -sus,, who Iive fzttlunvietime to eetirMê habith eau reeeit tq iîsseiate reliet-brUy i'isto thse Doctor. Patients tFeuted bylle~raau nadi- diucs4 sont froc frditss disnssge or cursohity, to al perte of theso rld. Jiruliéeisouraifront ciglit iu tise, morni'f enti eigtit in tihe evoaiasg)l. Jo0s.F. Rainor Pianoa Forte Manufacturer WARBISÉ0 Àm, WHifTnt, tti W$ lIEICE un> l'e foftnd àaIi 01%wortmentLof ln b pfIdeo lu iluitsisi d rnatsti al se fl'oin SOt)9U, 6Y4, 7 and 7U otiesa, U'leufa- tuili f is but1155#5iL55554prônosf" eby- tihe mous distissgaulted to *b boe ans asçedb>stenthsssdpssrity nfrTone Wili fautud ts' stssnd any ollinate. O-18rsfroe*n#n At tiheIProvmnoiasl Exiiistion l'Ci l lu Losdon on 24 te 27 $ScPtescsbcr. 1841, thse tiru pilte veto swar'led ts .Tssseph F. Rlstsr for tlise supetior quaiity orMA is t'aso-Forte». whillis er. tstt cd 1ili regard to TeSteS, Tue, sB4=411,j' cfToms for Ie speriorpc.liiqi ut tiseistsuet i aisotnok tise Sud prizos ntîst rov nôil iFaite - lu ItfsSsi d1850. - Thiec i'assog of.F. .lainer *tire 1ihoed ls ths "iheîbsand a dslisnsi lwar, éd tiseil. -Mr Iliaser's ainse inWel i kso'sssisthse Canas(ilan Publie au alOs-m uatrrn reqttifem s utsrensnsdsinthiithug wliail..Iîisi -ssetpmenfs s iussîlY arssîd. r4» l s dsif 9119, pleaso suiae tise numnbét o Piasso Wated. Jll os. P. IANB 'Jrr t tise aisuve, willhei t car pro4w ide hoe miuerintonnceoy Mt: ltitlhéFslA Vorenisfl At Ë 'IF, Ott) Wîi[TBy FO. Iu lt, Msss)Urtctrriad dees isniil o THUESÃœIÙIINI IMË Cimbli ».1tfdperÊ ids a Mabef<, F our dl'leront ktidâ sêof Two-horse Wheel Cutifatoté STR1AW N iD EED CUTTEII$. GSAN¶IGRAIN CRI~ER, Manilla, June, 1865. MON, NAILS, Private Parim the SOI Whitby, April 12, 365 W laits>. C. TU WiiT At Lia Priat .rock St TP.MS $1 à ADVEr. nueflrst isesrtion, Ispecial contracta tle Jear *r stlser* Srdevs te odiaccel BANK O1 CAM BERON AN s s 3t10irortis ori&c, &su.2C t.e tilastoN, Uisurelcm tlr i(T .ort . s i P.20, Ctc.D'i.%-RM Terti>uTY. Lt O4either islsu,eu bLo.V5ily

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