Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1865, p. 3

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Thée _ -uva aperrect avalanche 'of pardon-se1cereaiat the. Presileuttoscmansion to-day. A- grenier aunber ci Southerners -are hart fur ibis PUxpM asihan hais ever bap noway lofoe. Fuli îbree-fourîbs Ille 1reident's business houri are taken 4wulh heb.censiderton cet petitions for pard~on&. Titoyt, Sept. 6tb-A. destrucsdve end tbreaenint ire oëccrred ai %Vent Troy tbis afternoon, below Canial st. taing botb biides oi Broadway, and smo2,2ô vauable *brick buildings, motking.a lois of probabl.v 075,000 tu $100,000. Nsw Yont, Sept. Sth-Tber# sa connid- lbbie excitement in te yachting circlea;, in regard -jean oeait -rate that ste ncoins off on theil11h ihum., botocen the Fleet. wing, owned by Mr. fl.eorge A. Oagood, lop-i-l-aw ofCormodotre Vanderbilt, hnd the. Hetiloîla, owned by Mr. Jas,. 0. Bennett, Jr., unie of*tbe legest yacht% lu the United-a psîtu. It will be the firet cocran race îhat hes suer tteut place un tbits aide of the Atlantic. N. Y,, Sept. 4uh.-. À ioI occurred lufmong suoue ltibers ci te 47th regt. vile waîig at the Jlattery bitrracks to- day tb b. sonveycd le lIatt'a 1Island. stcs.., Clubs andJ ittuelcoîs were firi7 yuaed. The efforts ofilitee cficers tu queil tb. distunbance provitîg unavatilinv, a isquad of regulatra with iotnled nunkets vere tirtîvî cp abtin ta iolers dioperd, leaoiîtg mveral conurades ont the groumtd bndly Injurtd. Situerai niotera veresu sbnoqeritîy -&bcder titrent. ituin le naîttiu have lîutnle. pinusry Cause. Theé ' irztrial la lîing procr.cded vuîb. tb. develoîoueîîteohi ii ireatmut ofut mdI ers i. louîtg It la saiti ha t xthe raie off Mr. I)ovit the Prenidvtit antd Sî-cre'tiry or %Var are itn favor of a tii-il y civil Court anud ai the barlical jracîicable nmomnti N. Y ,t -'1îî, .--G d Ihfj e ittg 1091. Lurîtpe'tn. i abeal vas supplled leinsmsu qtunthlee ti I NEW DV7RT~8M N~ qI tA as *1 iIoto e 2L prni . et 9 centls la $1 05. Barley 60 te 65 cbn4per bahi. Fleur scarce; superfle la h.id at $6i te $5 10;.-Extra $5 15. Prouisions are cnchanged and alsady, and q galetý business fa doinng aI 0cr quotations. eggs are being îhippad largoly te lb. New 1ý prk Maket. IHame 15 ta 17 pools ;bacon', î1] te 13 cents-1 mes" pork $41 prime aa $20 ta $21 ; lard eut cf parket; butter, lob 14J te 16J cents, pocnd roll& 18',ta 22 cents , ergs, packed 10& tea1 Ilits; fregb 12 te 13 cçuts ; chocs., Amerieau 10 te I2 cents. MokiTacAt, Sept., 8. IPlcun-Sup. extra $7 ta $7 10 ; exra, $6 50 ta $6 60 ;fancy $6 10 te $6 30 1 Welland Canal superflute $5 25 te $5 80; superfine Ne. 1 Canada hbsat $5 30 tu $5 63; No. I western aibeat $5 20 te $5 26 ; Canada whoat $1 124 ta $1 14 ; western $1 0S te $1 09. Butter, dairy, Ilile te 21c;î store packod 17 tae lB ashes, pots $5 15 te $5 17J ; pearîs $5 35 ta $5 40,' P OOKET BO0 ILOST Il. JF 0STbtwon 'e**s. lainhitoil & o. Ioder viii bé scitably rwitîrtlod hy lenv-ing tso ostos aI Mr. nfltiitoù's or aI theCluuux Office. _ _ Ë. G1uiqtJ. Fail RACES. RIF a , uncler Uattthe l i te T rorolitte Luri>club, will c0tîa'. 09ol it de f27TH SEPTEMI3ER. Antd imvo Ibllowilig hyItie 1. rbntîdL of NEW ADVERISEM'ENTS. iiNORIJ*tIIg H JOS, Ai BÀN1)ELLe iAS s aanndunirsh ho C Bot orortin ff. ailil oitaa î 11warratu, lr taotteu wncf WIltb,, 'uacdat tat lt.ewe ol bcil *settiîro, R -TTth fli 1'Ol ta tiIOart o0v1î,i5f5 Nî tnd Cotnfort, tttdtoutertu .1< ie*esttvi Brk .131 ni, trr, erî .bo ne, tu tesqt the triutît ocf th seo n o.tbjni b> e 4017 iV lot No. 27, 2ndc-,o iogz lîlin a cuit. and se contvltue ynieivctqs. nmltit of Witîly Aaibs scrgerv peronied tpon iti BooBifs atîd Pt)c - Shoot, tv oddine 1lotI, otikitigood lite leg, L A 1 biilîIlig tite trokeu, itiuintg ttie ttotittid, AI- M R E S ÀU lering the cotittiiutlun, jalAil îiptbf-ihg i ithè SQUAsal and bdy wilh ,ew 'SOLiES. No cure no piy. Ad, clim fv re raila, ic c e t i mtdsert fy ha iodutWitt li te ilînits of lite it i al ti 0< Wîî by s d ti tt hue aim e s ha ,, JOSEPII A. BANDELL, hebc . U % tRIte ota i lecaîot l s Oppogite the Telegrîplit <lice, BY-1tV coIutiad. sotiitOr. &o., &C., lir 44, Chtùreh Street, Tarante. J ovine tirsis thnrel 'rital; 4lry lui-fi doy ili ie *bok slital ho a lre afrmflve 0cgobkbibte mcruitg Tittail Pîrtutr,,tGrain, tte, sif aw ind 1Wood esxljttid for uil, vilin th lteifl of liec M ttipir f thle To*it cf WlIT,l hahtll ntl'y hao xpe'ýrd 'or tile, nsiol %oi, ontd par. 1 ijtesi in thbito suife MiTt it qîitrn, tr vi*. Ilîltlite fieit,î îioe,proserivi-tvdlimite, viz Waiunb treot,{Cuark i-lite Pottardtntlsu.er,îî eu-flic Nifntit; t oeà sre t(tîct ou, vutisi . oàntv Buillitue-liraeiîteiidtbt Vi Desttint itîse. (drt ut treet souttl* cf 111. i.,! Inpria 11ItU-i.Broo-k etlt-so.>dit liè-t lt i fij l' tny 2strept, (isoclîtil itre, et eut ot liroek streef.) bu tilt Etiot. 'rtlat'fu i 'rhgs'îttt Inn tlgityo f an .kofrudtp)n cf sald i~-a.ter eipttisj 7fr mie, Mo-ilî nt or FItt3ylti. farmeroil groin, uit-, wuod 'r tlrinI t titiy piee elîhintu liliinuit, rcf leot) idTt.sn tif 'Viilbv, utuidethslt e <f tnt-kl -sîqunre îi lîttius hitl on c.tn.- nit htore t e hl iyor. or M-'giltrt.ie anier jorlu- dict ioti, fr fctr ccioes hao unl-jncieiltgbpa fii tit ezrre'liîuî $20i, heaide,4t biuts wl, se the' fiund 00tîrttrh..n. epeiýl he,t itand fh lo ofttttt Ot ita luit le.ltiiif' fl*e ,.<,g'er ie orî titri miy ltt iiîpr!4t.c,d thJu l aiteultittb it al ci th, ttit ltlt.i tf <tînît for a péritit nul Ou ttrr.:i g tWOIei t d itO tîlemn fic ainonufit sil fine ititids ci. ho rttttr itit. Grain ptitiîrrr lirr( n tîîqfr a tnooe rotiý-t-tftr p<î..t eutit t' l I îlle t "h le cojO-itctf lte fuil T-ii f rWihitic.10 lo Cottilit liitrot iftf'els ai'ay-iaw Ntb Marketîfeins are *npo1aed or pay- able. Itîîd ett 9w Tr-wtt tf tVliitlty,Ltiti-, 2fti'. dtty i,(f atgt 4, Iwîc. Just Received A 1arg lot of ,tewiy linprtVoîl ALSO 111E IftISTRONG As te eemnnd itîr oie nivo 1uitîton PRO(TLCTiîs ILlqf DA&VY OROOIKZ MAPLE LEA.P, Andi cueraoueintqjlte enpidiy incetieing. rj e-rly t-al iwcuiti ho sti. B(>X&PA RL(-)R STIVIES Of ithe b aterns a4»d buasy sat1i AÂY.ICtTLTURAL FURNAC0-ES,. ,One of tvhighe~i ir>'fitiner eigbt te have1j as thc vil1 psy for thetiseives in o yetur. AI te abovo vil b. citi a TORON Tb FRIC for CAS'11 F»Eaetrotught put up villi Trou beitifatf £J ew Lialop-pet in tild avent. aýtn iSod rik ttodm-o At 1le 0M1.1 Bli l, lrcck Streûî 'Whiîtby, Atagi 23,1860. Ba MEI'R CANADA C4IXGE~ Tuosday, Reptomber the l8th, AiT NlIKE (ICLQCi A. M. IITIEN mlIleht uphl rI eioni 11 teia n- tbil'iara. "éüUrly roassfa-o -e pnt, Ut, MotteiS, optonibor h9Ut. Innw $mai] 1;1tî4. VT'lasSo11omflemarIIE Counu ftîr("înilontCIftha Toroitt', sîtlt.en 425ei'S. -Townshuip ettt f î iug, 'iil t leling tu be ithd, on Notice. t rE be te h. ivrn!h. lu-t tnt t Iil ul xtti. .Sîn ftue t ay n t u 4i- tt'Itt ite tî. -tît-tt i tîftlu , fîtt s ci luît f Jthe 4ittî '.i ttt ttti 'ottt ttîîjt b a p, i ti 'httkll ring o l igit" i fan-t hlA l r, -t Jrl, ALL.N. MAI10, COO0K W&NTED. I. "ît, i, ojlu t th fi t i ltt'l .l.t-tuTjlt;tluy.ON, lit-i t-tri~t-. The Sa.vonfà whouîcit remniutaiNew York 0on the :îid btingts'adviois pte 23td<te-o h. Tic Great Easntern itt thm ei t i- Caplait Aitiensuitfully lc lueei iile- ~ ~ s.' Ing able tola lin At ttlaintti catiéi..1lje ailvocaeilte oitiiftctire ctl a tu-w ratie tend troper iickii ,.u1li p.tralus, hîNfa ai;nlflery Sale -thonu loy a oti enîtie ; iftoervaordiipic-k Up -i the ni 0110,tti colnin' ooiîig Ile raine. lh. Atlantic 'legraph lXituiaity havo n'- 0F hoir-tiitii luty aien- bti-ieI ttxîJîtte, antid picku t.hic id tino. Mn. Mexaui, wriiing LlA [A'f'~ lue notliaes, otbw tlit, ttu t îd-î-î ette tI.1a..1.tkt. LLE A Nu, once fuenardieti lu stop)itie Seatdîali's le se on tho t t'tlatiiutnif te -tir. 'Tihe I 'noncb anti Engliqit iîttrtt-ilîl arrive aet Spithisati oit te' 29th Augn'tî. 'bcP I K R I G .The choiera is distiaitin luCçtitu tii4epIe.n l'hocchelem a Gîbrltan. iartceiitta, j itrnietl,ë'e tifa IXtrecni n b-ltaicery, aui Valetncita, iî dmnaîtpeenuri. iii te ci&teiti-t The Sue-z captt l todgaiesi titi-i'd A voatl, iaden wt ith ceai lii4-d tirtecu B,'e-a,,îV8.i Br-'wn ll ui frmeiN leMdiierrt.ne-an il)Ilte bd -Stît unAdvihtell)4tan ofergleiy te i.ith 'uit. - i wii, itell, it.hlI-i frrl('tgelionne' Arrivtu-u lfte Perurùtn 4î trt lt %V i tuti-', vilit - v-lt'yli tu%&Wi lies ritmetii-e A ttîte c' andtltt. F ittIN! -,î netlofIL rYltttiî tiritii piti il i 1llte ËnStaittluil!t a CitofetS t- i iiîtri reîi~t 14 1 'l j' r A i 1 lle expatitti îu1iiuutuut tIelrttr- i pallîto iaimoneeson fort- bi 1 fu-itg.- -eN- H.P.'Val;;i 11.,irtitlhvie-t' C 1tinul lt Chnarutu. lais itîtt is te lti-iitifin tht- MolatI;lt, t'smolnd dayni octowr, Siates of Nin-ili andt il tuî i iulitia. Tae MnngeîI'adt bus a btit'tu-t- .t.hit Il tI le i tiiîur tuf I teelu-e c'cluît- titis upol î ti ulltnueîcifîit-î'itîît cf ît- ti-ici. liiie tloit'tiîtg ltnî-niMe-u.lit îg cItti- lirtght to ekit Atue-lvi. It nuys - îIltlettt.tih tue14 11ituilmit u )il elut outtîil Ir'î-.ioot c f thé U,îiîidStues tuoti-nult j hip ctf ttî.,tentiug. a i tî enorh half of JWhre done ihe, g.ifte Rialtu acatenrît- tuttt-tuof Loît Ntiitaber Eleveit, in itreite thati he a o nhst in iiiviiii itbite Mu'lird e-'lciorl of tue te sovitbis awn eyes itotî im' s cfvi vhichihe batsse ufice iiawn atit h rlghî TOWNSHIP of PICKERING, inagiiuary fpicturtus., Tien Pod topos ho tul ti It bcunu- letaîtingtt t-glier (.lieo Ilutidreti andi lant fi go 10 V'irgintfa Cantilittna ati Ten l"ifby Actes, mototr levil. btesselai.Tht-te Lerrànoticul -n îl-i-Ql-t iteoàaguet- Grecat preparations aaebe-utîg mia i i ut l îî iicuî-u. uîtd ti fe utt1t Itîttî lt-th ocraa ~'otsî,tuuîhte iroa fîtig rcoflto tei Ilt-ru Tliere are Iti tcie elinot.is uivî, Parwituit v)gir a ' tin reepton I sîttit117 sacres ýof i-lirt-4ýI lutiu. the l' trotch Bert. grantd banquets, halbi, 11t tiii i) oto , mi -e o «u utlitry revicais atsd lllututiatiotiî are un fh.î-lwutt. 'ill t-t,xho4utl ete-i hall, A tbe proigramme.ot 4i-ui-iytelrt-f, tutilittiuut sî ix-tiilto À Cork papar sys Lbhe1Pnian ilare vany t-tutu O ti,> iuti li tîre-ofr-tu iitthî'sfit-t activa iiithaât city anti ueigbborhoed. Tie liurchutier ilio;lli t flitî tlm" Orttsale pi-u' large crewasrt ragulanly assenbleti fer d',it t a di-"'t iii Ile î ofîî 't'riîu ttî -îrj dnili. - hiutuule fg-ir evrt-t t-t j<' ir l , --d îîîîîîtdp t f ile drill.uo ttttt> t it i Oietit %i tibtheite - The wveathat' coftlneed 'Il e ho nsetiti luist iiutoikeilt, (le .110t.tl of utthe purci.s I"nglaand. Haineatsîli ihtutêfered titthettu'Iivmty Wibl'îit lotir waittuln -nthediy of o-mi, hîaet andi al t dahx'etY fer lb.ect-es. ttt-cctitfo.trie tîce tlie rc eatife Commercial Marinies POW'oit *IiIt~. gourm. C. I)raper & 10.,, eippeti froni their nev v-arebteus sat the Ilarbor 'cd Paturday luit on board sthôniuer bG;eo. Henry," MeAllan.. trai 'ter, the irsi Cargo of nov barley. The. samuple, aeie ae lid, iluan ezceedngiy fine one. Mir. R. E. Ferry bas alio nov loading lat tbe warebeuaee eof Meurs. Jams.Rove Àe Co., the Fleur de Marie, with a large cargo of nov banc7y. WhitbY Market$. ob chiek aundi Whitby, Sept. 4th 1865 -a ar démaftd for aIl klode tl, hovaver,, ibasraseivoti ititi. stterday 76 cents. tY' the highstif 6 45. .i- .20 'e î.30. $-t 1 . 100 a 1.06. 45ci, .8.0'per Ion t.25C peu-pair. sept., 6On. for superflie - extra stata; do; $6 00 le - 76 to$es clt-slu>îuoetitutlt t teo h- ut s ulailsîuiug tuijueid ut Ultirtimof ptu3men&tuf aatl 'lTepur -!uuuîtr or ;iurcletpa *hall aàigu tai - grect-ecit for thae<onpittoit ('frlte pitraie. Tiie Veitton shah cits bee beodt tprodotuc auy tub Jedctioct ii lul plssicasen. h purvi uer sittil tiakethe i;tgîlsred tlle oS sttewîu n haetus itre-u-y Ofb ibou bil llprepars. 4ita dicte atdi- îU"s-egoîatIlfils vii oxpesul. li-cetussion t-tit lia ghoen oIt t-hae"Cond dey ci Nuoveune uxt. Furthe--ji-rtiealarsie:, l? halt l WIlicJ. I W. 0i. iileos, M. H. CoelustaA, aif James luâtîfl, E$,tuires, Wfltlbiy, andi L. Engl1tih. Foqure, s?,uî4 »d tL u1e drgiglîehl vnte of titis Court t- ~csler. J, 1lAhtEIt ( Wenora tlilîaè BIBLE DEPOSITARY II -epi vof iet riî ot slow ila vcli d stok of BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS vlthsand vithonifte'tsltuual re notaI, nov te be fouti At tW emit yof c Wir anti Detîdsuns tneetta. WhiltbyWt Sept., , 865 84 5n ande4uaidu ttrtetij lity e t. tbt 1863 1r0-H leâZ.erý SPEQZAL NOTICE TOPIONTO NUI1SE RtES. GL'7ORGE L1iSLIE, Propaiet.or T ..i ..r forl'h'iet-Nf) tl i L N 'A . t 1-eliet -i i , , tin in t. e i .e.d i t Ice t li i t i1. t. t 11113i GREWE11STERN RAILWAY, >110VI NU'[Ali IEXIIIBITON Tf.) BE IIELII) IN1 Monday, the 18th, tili Friday tLe 22nd Sept. 1865, inclusive. NOTICE TO INTEN DINGý EXHIBITORS. Ill F 414t'îtuitti - i tadrt t .: i~ An tfor ti iue,. Loil-rn', t . , -. i t e ti.t't pitu îîîît,ît ii' l en, 'etu îfi , , lilln'-ttle<ri lb-r t- iii 1 4 lu , t t lebn ttJeititi I,-a - t t l.îi tuf' - tti i-ll.i ,tut t- - lcti.irt-i-m t.," t i-ut ia -" ,in t tui . tu tii - - f tt - Vi î-ut tht itu> titolî o n firutît &(, hr-. t- l'v titventrs ciitla-tuti m etlia iuiitn l , - -i,?t1t e-nii l v, u(t -C tare et to 4v i t't tii t-ct.n tiit- ci t-ee te-ii rtjeiiel r t-u- t u 1Iut1 j .it 1f L17 t îi-kj I, ns. GettMIl FreigtAgent; IYL ES9'ENS i - oNu'u GOsmenel Manager. Il9,uiiil 1 765.26 1w Cu~ ~ of a Ile tt.ren vreIb TO 1 te('oint c si a J 't er aaTermtiner, 4a ni 'i ru, lCj C 'v %v i ttldt'o iii utifor b,, (-oiut c at he cotant douts, its titi- Teel-it cf Wîitîlui4eon Mo1nday, OCtober 2nd,_ 18M5, At thei110,:r cifl:o2 oae rn'WfutIc 411 1 .crolle"§s1 Jiurtisos <f rlite 11«r, t', entalo- ue-It1 aIt e-cn et a-netiwlill tako noticea-t gevnu hâfesvsaeeordine-iy. ~'ulT~Offile, per'C oe* Wi,itbi, jliUnual80, 1819.8 Nortage Sale IX Qi.D Y BLIC bUr0ION, Cee-) te B»1îtktt.nina,î.i.ilitae TOWN Q0E WlITBI, Saturday, tÏho 3Oth off Sept.i NuxI, Ili t ie 'rt, 'l-i1Hll, ~4to pfixn a B I-îtt Il' c - iut-.t Ifi- t il'e up l t)i'-il hitecu L ii P,--t. d1 ,, i -ti .tirîf optin eitsloreltii To , iýhjlp. ntrtft --t thte uit-en- ,,cr'ili tîîtt't rit-t i ctabi'iil pari-. t oft- moid LotiNtt. 12. tl, -tn) id'rti ccr- -in. utnle'r itte uitirit fil'te- la-tw No. 212 i: tii . ip- rattitn, iti ttl 3h (loi' eof P- t't-ry, 86 ftfvieul'-tit oder till bît, -1stitu "tt ltttit'e it-ti tt t i et te .t-j.jtt -,id U,î,ld Piexcirng, A imtt 68 1f; 4-41,1 INSOILVLNT ACT OF 1864 l fi tliu cuite r fJA~tfl ouss# an 1usd- vent- IfE tre4iiorp cf te ltttimelyntamr rîiti r l . t li,- m tt-i îî fo i ît,ýtlnent if titi e.otu tr et-l.- lm îîitltt I1i tti, r Act. It tnr. tii'- uîtîherr-tri t-1I. t' hil -,îlireti -qttfnî-ti tu fîîr- wU fi f'ir ciaiats,pevilg ts eÀecllltii Iti uolti, if uiy, atithe vain' t4 it, îtt i f ttIlte ttîttig lit t:i t : tlii.mut 't i h rttt ,i unOi- il-'r tnttittt ie-i-r t utîtttiaftch tlln t 'Vttiy i- tti is if A ,n FARMN FOR SALE PICK ERIN C N 'rw nrtintltdti f-yMr. (le-c;,, t. andî. ,it lio-înc lite tott-o-- lahut Mf tif 9, i i, u l.lt it S t-' t -110m . l tii e ti tlit 'r whitî ~ ilftetii ut frertu i$ , tv,* pmin-tu,tf iiifu r t--tst A ol i é tt-i a fl>tcefîrut indgtr.anti , lit. tirtl'.v ,r îi-l-î-ttitittne alii pply NI vni. lttuK-, INiS3fLI &CAT- TuF XAciIl. VA LUABLE Parm -for SaIp VI'ON LA Sy TERNM. . '1h. 14hLI is a'ýr fotii4,ue.i l-'cn, iell I " j n ttt nmilait rnhlei ulO ltai- A,.ugua iii ffi. ADJ1 BEym Law Nb-r Tlo Ji7utkblisli a .gIarAxî GYound -for t/W Purckaaeand eala o; -FaméWn6 r aiIty Sr and Wood, andio miaAke ruZeg - and rgÉlios orte gamei flg il enactecl by lte Corporation of thea sacted by he ttt hort, of the ,taPe Ili Th i te Tapanit PArt ef Village Lot 2ïdltiber Ouuý Bloe IL À. Wst of Brck Stret; beintg pari cf LuI 2t, 9nt1 conm-saîhn Whlthy, Mhail b. te Mar- ko qaefor 4Jthea aputWnJss olf iertoes' ~Gnin, fla>', Straw, anti W-eeewtbin thei ligmita01 î0 OWtIý 2nd. That cicr>' ia«atl do n n' 'h a bo a Mfnket Day from- re otciock in lte mornle5 tilt il oloclc 8nd. Thit a l FiurmemGtsn , Ha>', sýMIre1. - ntl'Moo4 expçoed -for s.. vîi NE~WAD«VEIT,ISEMWLFNTS. -'t -AM-P- - - lhëg to aln àou nce the arriva,!otd th eïr VlII âtid Winiter Goods, ex-steamships "lSt. David" and liSL Andiëwl," *hich *il' be lbtnd-4mrch larger than usual, Mr. litbert jCauýd 1 bell, ka"nbenithBrth Markets for the lest three monî 's- atnd buying dünder bhis otç'n caeei1 in=peti-.We iwculd direct special attW»ntion tt' he arneia st (Ysi in ,opi ttts, Ith Poplins, Cebotîriblack oel'd, Barathea, do. Lustree, Fig'd. & plain, Ria Plaids, iedy pla0c. in&clu, TeTilcirlng Departtnent under to u~fdtneç f Mr. nrier' v ery côffiplete in -Mens and Boyï Cm. ts, Pants ùtrd Vèt nail ies and qnslities, hud they ae-oonstitntynuiaking up a riutr stock' Tbyhve EWvdafrwi, Stock. ia*their UROCERI.Ye ANtiYPfl- N. *B. 2,000 Tede Linnen I3agsof a suprior niake, wlich wîli b.e 814, d'heae. SAIT AND PLASTERi POR SALE i&J.CAMPBELI, Wbîtby, Sept. 6, 1866. 8 F resî Arrivai Of n vp. reelvced lW n(dvarjedè of Cookirig Stoves, auon ir jh ill bc found- Il le 'ltbrtied I(2omùàm'otjwvea-lth. The Suipeilior. I-tle Quen City. The St- LàWi'eice. rfjeê GoIleîî Flee>ce. 'lhe Canada, Wth, othet' jatterns too umerous, for isr tion here Price rangiîg 11cm $14, upwards,,compjeW, with i frst-, class Furniturq. Vfo Soi Sawid, Bankti, Ginnimeis, lroad. Ciothi, Tweeds, Sik Mixînres, Gents laids, RibbQn5,eý IWQDL 34 I~ 18 6b. Wt*d-4g tQiIfnDunce to oui' cusà ttere ail, h - puù4$c 4ea1ys that we Lave noW icourse of Manufacture, andi will ýaehihit fo~r sr1e, in a fewv weeks, an extensivé assoàrtmùeni'oL active w r -N. 4,4rnt-w fLE OF -TIE SE.VEN'rilDIVISIOI< 1J Codrt cf the Cotnhy cf (lntitriu, Coiiveytà Slucr, CeMmOlgsloner t su u enoi, &c. EUILtic-Àtu~5k, 0 W. 34 $5 Rewrd! corporaîiofi of, ~~'1 thtorcadwl '!'uw li f w iity. f t t'e gIV 61 lty te Cor- pratin f lita Twn f Viiiiby.fr tbe ttpprlelixilttaof'any lprson or parrIons tnntttt utçtrpyllig Ite sllewnlkt or fonîcus withii n Cor r;twfor onvsh i:ufrmnntLti;îoil 'ou-i THIOMAS IITJSTON, Mayor. Town (jerk. 3 1-1IVISION COU R'S -FOR TuIE N i.l,1 ty ....., ... 40.t(I,1 A, 24, Picluorlng ........ .....6t], X8 M go:rl,..........sPt.OIt 6:, ý Itxion. ..............iti, 44 Cîniî e . Ot Tirh, à tidgo, C. ti - aniled A 1U S tp c la tsi ro "tî loo n1 ei;m ar., tb W h um A imoJetate riarttl-v wIl ho givelt.& New. ýore -AT' MANCIIE ST'ERIl 120 SL'LL 011 BBN1.' Cl11ATEfl tttcdntô!ylu tsi ib h no ut proeut oecttjtied byMu.(XteAm ftrttog .; , » , t , - Po 15tit OhOtbe.Yrei-t&o VETERIN'ARV SýUieGEOWOi- îunot-ry, ttuinttu lie'ý cciittdiInni eionu th bjG,11muet) ndlue hopcis hv -ptrict,ttiiîc ea <t Iffl e 16 iàiý. mIt lnti641f puhulit- D rh., JON E-;, or Prinice Aiitrtiiklu&pe acre lu iItÇoniiTIg hie 'frienduttlj tit! ti pumtllcgî~îenîly hutia 4httýi rc'îitntted uijor New oruurd la-propaved te rentume Irle' Prnco Alites-t, ,isly 18, lsii, 'hno Hg,!' WIUTr B Y', TWOSIIvAitÀ Tiiesday, andi or tif' tho ione' Whfo, 1 wilithy, Sept., 4, ýlsé.s. %., 9,1.1. 9, jse.ý. W 1 fil, f 1 8 T F, ÈL, 1 tte2s ý

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