The Ptine of011. Tellmneut, 11 laiîna'iiillemuiirc', 011 lit iit ilf i t' shw; For 'tis î'~rîfî't de l, iîti,'us e thoff a c Oms . ' 'Iii ci ie t 1, ii~ ti ti lfm'ùtîîlieîvîifdntgt Se, t' i t, tflit livejit;' i ftttl, _ l ut' eWrî mti i',îk 1' tur 1ffe, ýt1lIil (lhî bu'r'u'zf iiitl'l hAt 0', n)(18îa111o oL, r11li"i w'.11, :rfl îe A11d1 trei's 10t!. i wî -fo"'fi, 1Mfh'î'tin, ' 'f f 'i* "oiq t trifllicr Shfi'îî 'i v t1' '"insotfil' . îî"'ifa S iet ft i ~i t-u 1'l fi 1 Ifile'A i miii'" nia f 'f ei.' ii hAl ,oiîaiip "iii.!e Tra'utiluo Spù' aoifý iî" .o' Pîfif1-frIf fi w 1 fi 1,f" f n Ilits "t rrî'î'ihnrm fîs'ifrviait" i is, a' a !'fiîî'. flin' t if f f a' timîff ' ta r vfiîl. mi' ' io l,' 'i' Lo If"nfîîî at ff' ,'si î f fi t, a A i"lff r, iir fit f i ii oN.-Tefi foi. lowifi i'rit'"ifn 'îr"'uuu f r'1,rom lifi i fif lic k"li t t"il iz Atii 'i l'fa tiofjî f i e pi'îif ti f i'ti'ir lettît Ei.Et'Tuoa ', IXTirYimas Atio- These eueouit-ers i teu'uaed iront 91raeî gay. Ont et lue addest oecrsued lunthe year 1808, u in cîîttiontitIs tht -potiitsg- at Wexi'ord. It bscehectu oticed by Sheridai's biiruruî'br', tiuet be wtusa candidate for W'rxr'rd fin ibet ytar. He wua, howt'ir,rîtly uininisffy eni;bis name was put up, buthoe did îtin ttn, ner 'did bis friciîds exert tltex"lYcs. Ail th, polîing lay bel wreuu Cîicioîglt and AicocL'. At the hultîgs, uitîclecîori Who bttd promiseil their vot'%ct iitht"lteé rsbr enaly tendered tiiemto tte former. Aicock calIed on bis frindfi. )'Pt <ifoietttt reject thesù votes; but Cillough, anxieus, of course. te ha tt li lud of the polise- cepted (tietuwith lîafacriv, ,tdt'ouedthe rescals with muieb eatiric'tl grattude. Tihis en eatsfterftied Aiciiefi ibat lue sent a challenge tn i% bi uuera'ry, wluiebh wss coneiied iu sucb terme titat Colclo'ugh ac- - nrding teite ileaq of tose das, could flot pesibiy delefti it. The men wcre net'only>fi-ienîl.ï 'but hliir Çtmiliex ert eulîed In bond&' of ftiendsbip tee. Two et Ibo membens oetihuisa faîtilies vere, if vu milsiake nt. uiii'd ituremire tender bonds --than those of fietîdâtil or this tiectioneer- logiidnraiau'otild ntol h'îe termmafed se fata ly. Thrtwolune 'ic'tds. acÊonip.iýuftla waa thei cutii0i, by inoopa of tiuost' Wbo ctllîd tluhpeu i'ailcir friî'fds, met riean tho cluiutt and anui'itnt ImbliitrfftCity. They ver nsceni,'iuîiiit'rch ui-1. as if otl'eucui liad neither ltieî giv'ai, takotu, uer under- seod. Thuite wse ruo niaijes i.twrett thet ;Ibut wiii wt'calledIl "hatiourt ad becun aouned id oiwliu isurb diitge 1uil been 1deiin, it wu lwa utyt!i epiile by mur- der or xattiuait at fi. lTise tuvo îns fired, Colclouu: ii l1hi îhuit utfldhobis a idi, feu lisak ed.atid l <' onouir" vas satiafuirel. Titi euizision pronotsneptd by noeifof îte;îerlatone. of Iu tlit'ri'~s an end - te the miter." uas, iuuw.ver, ot itue true eue. Aicock, unlairnf-i'ut body, bail reetivei Aucbhua mental tshocleat aeisgbis fried lyiug stutri daad an thet ai that hoe vwu more te len piti('d ibhait the poonfcilow lie Il sit swmivffiv usil sudctuly sinl.' As. ouredly, bis Ciuiiutiiui waxs verse thon that of te 'dead uf'afi ; for le speedily sssîk lutte att linboc'i!ifyfronti uviiclu hoester 'recomereil. Afcia'@,%istor afts'r meurnn the. conditioni of suc'b a brother, mgit baye met tliti uoririwitb'its sunlight Drain, vhen tits luidow of hber rgeà ts 5mev bd - passet* l away;,itut ilît' 'st ubat sucb a dear brother LAotiti lsr deareat frierd,colipaed thn world und il eiligliut tilzettier, sud tht lady's mid ttliriîiiil ' yperislid long before tbe natarel du'ittlîor bar body.-Cornill Magazine. THE NEW NME r ' titi -i it [ o tk o('piii féel 1 l e.'IM t ileeINf. adtil~ <is4lor or f mii ii autir'lcxisttC] itst'tc îtaît " t, reu ré uVie""f"ti, famuf et' pirfi ut 't hiri '.',l i Yar nitl h ii'i h if n gcci ..terf>yt'lti t Couietr. Naailer XXTI, fer .4 U rjqlE7euniait. Ci-14riaLurchi'fa . ~Ait hhrfiri Starv. C'oifîka PTifr, ni. Joilie St ut Mill ad tbe Nealhar I[ytof"i..1fr C. M. INeLEIT, L lgJ kciefltîfiitiilcat'rt. »Yly iît e. It. M. JouettiTiwitirr,.1ltxta ('r,,etim. By A. Il. (Itsewr, M. A. (iilî anrdsata. Oui fuiafafli'finauufoifg the Serbiati OlïiW'siau*i fuirtke),. 3y G. Mua Mateaxucrî Rituiu 4es oh' týf ii 01,1 York4îire, Et ation. Bvlv f u 11v. lItttN A mc Jteaia. Ladies' in ak us htontrulfr'atifl. htcsdastuluettes- itluWtii5Olf UiIOiC.Ma int fiiby dçtth., L w -1îis u,' fiafa' rtcf Etc1îh cuisg. (%à W t,m"rîaaE Dîuar(telog.) A l'uptilà cr fiitory et tht Ercllfsi th Ch(titotr X.- Anne Boeyn. I)îr Cereau ( fui ly thue route. Leluysfist 0nipaf lofufofîtCrt' it ci etutABaf et, of' 1< w Bous-Essyi ]ifie fisti- 'lie'fselu% Decter luni'Ojttlst Ltter tel rdii r favuwrb LONDNli l' - Jîtiauialigg & firît. TORON- TO. W.(). <f tçz hufili. NtM0NTRKA L, Di.waîilrIîthùri, ii tu hBokstlas. 82 Cdrocker's Ilotel MR* J. V. liAMt, LL. fle, Univ : TcîrauItn, B! ABIISTEit AND ÂTTORNItYATIAW, i> oltitur lt cliauuccrir sud jtumhtveuueY, Ncuhury Ititbfle auti C(oliueyaitern, lues relsunucd thut I.rsa c i ts ieproieuitdou itu sf1 tthe Upper Canaudi"'(Cirts..; Wtîittuy, tiatottar, 1564. R EF ER ENCDS: 'fheu .stnre' (4lerti -t if. c.. Qutaine. Tihe 3o]icitur' <li.taruit dit i. (C., qttt'h't. Thuo Cuttliîi u'eh'f'ruuwuu L;utia,, Qaciet. Mr Cfîauley, Il. & A. 1txiincsC., Mentru¶ SNëteirs.(411 itIo ., iMutreali, Viue litn,,J . i 3s,,M'e(lcýuuiu, lM.1. P .,'ot"iwail. Tthe Il'mai'iiut 'if itue ("aituf. l;tuk, ingsion. lfuie AiteituILf. &A. Eir'aC"t',Kiugehuit Niusra. 1Hirk1itiak & Zictfugttu. rtili lti. <iu"rgaSI' ulea . L.,lourg. NIusdn.'lutw'tt &-'r(Io', asud Isclcîar & Co., Toronto. lil & Aluatt i&I.itonet'l. Touruanto. Chtis. 'T'. Wfft iCo., Type Fuitders. New ~'k 11'iuiuui, 1ftf& ('c., Type }ioudins, Ta'. & .1. WV Jýitifoeia & ('o., Liw Bock' Mav &tBrothi', LttuwBooloclurs. Pl'if- NIWehster 4.T 1. ii. Ctuftegu. 40 Land For Sale rp il AnII'all" the Wsin ý OR BuildigLots. Vtoluu % tuU t i o ts, i l:h >w . o for casht, ornt a ir tu'ia t 11ti-,vz L'f 1. Ati heu,?. Min., 20t0 Acres. L t 5 71lt 'Mitter. t200 W ,' Ith "!oiutio î100t W 1 ' 7, lral 4ic0 <00 Lo't 7. -,tia " Bemiet Ç.1u1 t' E1,4,f19. P"rdf " traiei, 10", if fi4 t14, 50f1 aa ':f. , ' Luth 1. Ot l Verat'ltiu, '6, 'J, 1 7, il , 't 4 U' S tt.rv les, LM 2i2, ai, '4u 7,loftu ,Sattnvfia, b10uta q.1hi, -ia i o 24 49 7111 -l Itt q" cie lOt. I Lot 11. 7tti" 410 200 N Fi't7iuli W Iuithay , f1-taiem andi tuivite e safidetuio'oa tlot ti w'rumis oh'Litta tlt)' stil W)tihhs. 'For furtluer finfornatifes. Ah lify t>l, ROIeT. E. PERRY. 1sVlttiy. %iîl"i, l1i'2' The tendon êuarterly Re- v'ieW (Conisersatime.) The Edinbarg Review (whig.) The Westnistor Roview (Rladical.) Tne North British Review (FueChurcit.) Binckwood's Edinburge Ma- gazine (Troy.) 1'i,t , af rnii'a'r l e eaitt' t.5 ' utta 0l , .trpit.t utte La.' dset te t t i t' ýC à fu' Raru,'sfy trddatc andil lu. nsufua;tua lierttu's t . r l y iîfrtf ttn ,'a tht' irare l'TEs FOR 180. to 'ol, an auttitr ttn Kvuitw..... $00pMcio us Stmtf.e.fieVilruu',s......tlLog 5", lciUaw,s', hmizi....... 4.M a 1 "r ttfakwtettatl ut tc teirw.. 1.00 " l".'t liiarkss'auud saut ati' <w g-fe s .. trw......-.Mo l'o.r t;Ifskwusuul suitthe fl'utR le- vuw......... 15.w usuu,«ier* intt tathe 1i't-l "riuvi wulf re't'ss ln uvttîiuua .triitatusprv ugaintit four ti rîai asfai b' Mtfrtv'.,at artifà tat s*e aie(rCashEiireuete Titt' a..'k wîht tal. pintait test ttemuly isaptrsilqsis- 4(y ggf pà ixme. mid tawhte ifu' sstri t fAm',t'uuissu Prtludî msar ith ita mtatuit i pricesore mueti i amis «Pti,.nry gtss.uu'tf' ta.Itn-tm t'hlcl rusinut su ire failefai r rqow l' tildutise saitetr e'itaine uurt s orel t'tial riutig. licre, u rt', a it ipri's's t'rt'swillh b fiuligul as critratu. f4rtacii,, einti ut mollet' farsistt'u. s ttiutse ah'an> uftti lausnlpttag petrôttas t c atht. t'osa.. ti umrit tritit th ite rhe ite al osudiio, whiuetltheiittpreetratprercuuesa oangildwouttd attou 81000 e y't.ts'ut'<sf85 iertadlff &. 5uSd in hi, te furiibtw nw'uairs asmanu a'se5 in GhUi-$l raaittg us asi ltet ime(Jets1505 ssrty $2u60 irus'erauy -Cut rtrams attha tite see,,w." sî'nie's', sii te reoufigpuuluir. dT, lc nteristt's'raed iflitiuii.itet lu ie on.1 ra lIses lteeit'aieadiee, t) ay ms staff uunle. ttintslrritatlîy Adtiit, duffearat îtl-ta itg (rom ima'urht ttsy src wrissss. lummin!an sut tul wsttu sula'tttags lu> te petople Mbaf ut trisy, itt'sery creeif Bttîlei'y. TIT FOIUR RViIYFOR 1863. A few aaptu't cf temîssire reitain ot ansd, sand vi. t."d sI tutI0115lu'wblue foutros' $2 lus' mss>uae. WCDIU ,pus'ah Illute PARIh'H CtS UIDE. ey Ilieas',' ti' Eduiiterg,anad te latJ. P. Numi, refY ,Coitsg. 2 Rof . tyal Octave, lm0 pugrs asnd tueu rtgraa'g. PfftI M<'1 farte twvolmue -ty Malt.pue apit LEONARD SCOTT-& CO., No. 38 Walker Street, Yesu York. $IOO,11OO00TOILO-AN* T E hm j ceinalbs ttcomptateit arreti- T geneutswlb ha is b enaillégite ioatii n1000 lu'fproeti fansg, AT 7 ]PER 0CENý!T 1-NTEREST. Bors'uwirs tn lure money fmno uie toton lyeam; - No toiuaisson etitarkzçl. Satu iao tgnt for the. Canmaa relitolî 'Bulding Socety, viulcb inuitsmoimy fromn iire te tenyears. st 6 PER CENT INTERES21. NO Ct>'ii" 'ION. Apply ;trsonsliy te, MOiii Asignoci, lait, Insterance sud Goners itenét, gho .' e -Puintcs Aistti!Onies--O tel he1Tu" 'HaIl. New Jeê"elemy. I i _i DAY'8 oC-COIMEOIÂL -COLLEGE (Fornet'ly By.nt, tlti'attoit &D.y'sjl Kinug ttreet, Turetuto, . -W. Fit,! door asf of Weseyan Book Bom.- C ONDICTE1) -ACCORDIÎqG TO BRITISHI 'PICI'.wihh suelu inolltlesitons suit- c' e t re itutsofthet uau'dass autmu- sity of Nortl , niis Design. Younig titn prepuîreal l'or Otse 1ractirtu diles et th Coeuting lieuse, sud foy getouii tunati- Thea course of' instruetieti ctaiurn,c"tMercan' tilt Book'Kepbn&l, Bltiisk ou-opl>iui't, -Mon- ey- lrokLrs' Books, Conmtercial Culitieusa, (ielaiing tise pusltt fEîisîCetaposi' l'liosograplu>'. Staff of Teachers and Leeturers Mnr. DAY, Itstrtictor lithe ScaiaeeofAt. conuts, Comuterval Cîtieulatituus, ftiiol Cotutnr- chaI Corruqps'tidetiae, ud Lecturen ou% idls- ae Citouns. Mr. b. 'ULIi V NE A, iaunimitcn, Lctir - em ou ii'. Mr. lBEN. Il '74>YE cisf tt ai'uit'iii lien- trei Taiograytt Cýitauitly'a Qfitu", Touate, lu. sttrttr lutTcîlei.,n 1 Y. grtpiiy. 1Mu. TAY luns rneli u i-, alit rt'fi'nuiug te A le '%. Ntitny liq "fM'T't iirsv & Ci'. oftftnS'eer a 'ut l:ati'r t'lire. (iceirge Ridule s'a C.; lDavidf lflincait. Esq., Dis rar,- :. lael1ut'l'o' t insster;' W. Fieols,'Fq. ofIliu.tularad & Fftet, ; Adisi Creeka Etq-.. .t. M . LI>. L~. %V. Sittiu, eq., Baîrr-ter, i..~,"ru.t i, . t'u;tut' e'û EqIsifut'. Bell, Eq.. Mttneaf ; Tretut Eaq, Newlaurleut; l Greill, Wtl- Fir tartits. adtresq, (atîclcsfui2etien ttamp.) JAMES E. DAY, P l'nui a atl . ,î"iii titî, Tournie, f"inarfy 'frtLoaudon, Etrnil N.'l.-Al parties tholding Alicrtieti'ft$crihp, ,fitîît't b>IBrysat, f'fiuattei &IX..orfirn ta Strntii',a & l>sy.,ti cuuunuft'sfýiad tuyJ'uuu E. liii. aure tuher itiuunrlliIhififtîr' aaukffl' s'il f Aitas, aIlitt uteluut 1 iiilrug Sathsau fil wîu~a u dlhlte «or ra»rtmw tO'ir torsr.l, ci tttieus suftilî3fr. l~,ai fiî'il ifuhth ft' vaut do sf itnutit i sitisutruc wî 'u i rô JAMES M, DAY. FALL AND WINTER GLÜOTHING,, uîew ,gtock of PLAIN& FANCY CLOTHS, F«r Psusand W lister Wemîr, eev -pist ef wbiicf t beecn elte 1 iwitit groat cîrs by oste who ittelersants what grxx aul iafts'ehaor, Tihe aistribher iî, axtlalsUry Ili -it > tIhat lit Usq jkreat sclOQtiîr'u tf C uwili taifoto' anre qiaîittiiv f.ul supenir te anytblltsg essai t>ybrotiglt te thitA tatrkct. Fla rul -irA. (114,411Ceps, andal ii lctrila. t-ens ut Ilote* <1ctfîimî' 0m eut rîleit, sad aise AIl dcacriptoeus or Ciothi kept fer Sale 1> thie yarit or picte. or muAs tmp te trder,. 0-CASH AND NO CREDIT..Sg r*0V FITI~1.-42uuteees'lista, Cspm. Cit'smsis <>lre., Fane sru's, Stspendtro. l'îcicet iadtrctGlia, ne, s&c., al o(lthue fte.trunauitylkoltt teiét.swiy est at the L'ewaat tayiag 'rice.Au sarly cli soei. cited. GEORGE i<'UJLI1Y. lir"ugham, Oetober, 18<. 41 Thie-'California -Man' lVith- the Largest, Best,. and Stock of ( 4heapest IItESH 'IGROCERIESY Liquors, Crockery, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Clothiuig, &c., &c., in the County. In 'whîch are Young [lysonim, Gunpowder, Black, Coloured and Uu-coloured Japan Teas, from 45 cents, to the very best at 85 cents per pound ; Pure Brandieg- Wines, Gin, Rumn, Toddy, Old Rye, and Domes- tic Whiskysl; Frencli Tea Sets, handled, (44 piecegl) at $2 75; Large Size Tumblers, at 75 cents per dozen ; Ladies' Bots from 65 cents ; Mens' (Cobourg@, at $1 00 ; Mens' whole suits of Tweed, from $6q, 50';- Tobaccog, Soaps, Candies, Biscuits, Fresh Ground Coffee, Sugars, Raisins, Currants4 ie trh ie Bruo ms, Pails Washboards, Bruehes, Mat.ches, and ail kinds of Spices, Fresh and Pure. It is needless to 'quote prices, the- weIl- kuown reputlton of the "California Store," in Oshawa, as the C heakest in the Province, Shall fot he Jost, by the Manilla Branch. Terms strictiy Ca8ti, or Manilla, June, 1865. SPRING Produce, and one price oniyt THOMAS MU] LCA HY.1 IiVIPOI{TAIIONS~ Cottons f rom 1 Oc. u pwards. A large assortnwnt of Twe(-eds, l'rints, Cot- tons, Mandles, lshawls, Ribhons, L-adies' Straw lats, Boots and lShovs, S,'chool Rlooks, stationcry. Groceries, &e. A LARGE STOÛK CHE.AP. BOOTS & SHOE$,ý THE LARO1EST & CEPEST STOCK IN TOWN. School Books, & Stationery. ,Croce-rie-a large stock always on band, 141bs. of good (urrants for $1 00.-(Good Treas nt 80 cents. M. il.. COCHRANE. Whitbyr, May 3,11865. 17 Sunime r B[oots.1 - Just opened a complete assortrnent of LodieW, Misses, Girls and Cbiidreîîs', Boots for Summer wear. Every,'thing that is'new in the Shoe liue, wîll b. found at the OId Red Store, ati prices tha.t wili astonieli bnyers IWRMEMBER TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Only -one Price.z JUST TO A1 L.tIRGE NSTOCR HAND OF Xines and spirits, IPorter' and.û le in, bot- rHE' IIIGHEST PRICE PÂI) FOR BUTTE.R. HAMILTON & Co. N 1o 1 and 2, Till's Block. SELLING -OFF, -o -«à - . lH~lE subseribers having resolved for the preseùt to discontinue Tthe Credit Business, from this date their Tcrms will be Cash, except to parties who have paid their last accounts ini full, and have opened accounts for the present year. Goods purchased this month, will be sold at And notes taken for- accornnts and purchttscs, payable ne xt Oct. ~AU their large Stock, consisting of IDry Goods, Groceries, IIARDWARE9 IlION-, NAILS,ý' Class, ail sîzes, Pal nts & 0115,e &c., will-be offered at very much REDUCED PRICES. Having given tiotice sometimno ago, that we required pay me nt of ail accotints and notes due, and pat due, and as mny have given no attention to said notice- 1 S V ARQTEMONIEY ! We must look to thtse that are indebted to us, for it, and-their accounts will b-i plAced for collection without furtiier delay. Whiby - YARNOLD & Co. Wib July 12.1865. 1 'lite Yotng Mutt'm- Frlandth and, the m.dc < e',, comlpani. oui, à tillilteten MWui wholo fimne tethie trelitulent of At bis 04Qnrcrt'rio lityaysid atilid atfetif Toronito, C. Wi Yeûrr4" oxprioeti@nabel h tui te fire Mrtt caties ini a very short time. <>1<, ligering caïfte treuted withe'it Maroury, and-dûtres warrettd. Perooiç who wliii; t onailtt he Doctor tUse' do so with the etifloat s5ecresY. -MbY remedien-~ are picasant'. certain, and aile. Yon îîeed net stop work or-cliange your èiot. - CaU on the Doctor;stuy va loug as )yOlealWechargres notliingifor ail ice. Married rtirmiîsc eau l witli safets'-the loter liqslà di ate. 'Young men, wlha ive t'aita vjctimiq te secret habitis exil receivo ituanlediate relief y applyiilg te the Doctor. Patietnts trestcdl by lcftr, aud i#tcU- cines sent free front datnage or caiotlty,,lo ail psrtâ-of titeworid. J.:flfce heurst froitif <iglt le the moruine aetit cigltin the oeieting 40 Joôs., . Rainer Piano-Forte Manu-faceture r W"RR0MS, 'WIITBY, Ci Wâ W ERE init)bc ound a n assortient ot'Piano Fortem itPlain anui Irnatuentai canes, froni 6 te 6j, G6%, and 7,14 octaves, niannfsc- tîre e' heliitmu.ral, id p oincfi by the motf distingeislicd Artiste.I le nnAftr- atied b. tregtlatd purity of' o. Wi bsold on the meot resonIibie ternisand Var- rsttd ft standl any cli'natc. O-Iorafiom a8, At thie Pruvîncial Ex lihitioe ,heTd in Londcni on '24 to 27 gçptcotnber. 18dU. Mite firat przew,*» a'#ar(ded fi, .Jostbh F. Ecooer for the - spéribt qtlality etf lus Piano-EFotes, .hich wcre test. ed ini regard te Touck, haie, t4ùftIy odl f Zo and Duara8ilL4eof Tut;e,iiiidUaLto two extra Prièà fer the miperle'olimlîoft ths insttruenriIl aisetok is let prizes atthe ProviiicialFaité 1in4iib fllSad1. P. .Rainer were flseed th .Mr* gastessaneilauvel known teo te Csnit dinn Pnblie as aPa.urtcnc,~s requrA ne frther commendtin thon thoi -wiit is 14inett'enients &§n'jusIyernd IW»-Tiiorderlig, pices. sîsute the numnbé, e Planoe#atted. JOS. P. RAINEÉ.l Whitby. (>ct.. 1961 1 9 MR J-V. IIAM huitigbecotIrp the proptie. or eof tit ahve, wiit Itemi. Il cattriad ou inndef ho à uperhitetné!tce eý'M'r. Icalite ra Foeidahe 19R0WN & PÂTTEIRSOPI Agricultural Wor1ksf --AT T lE (LD hèll'.iTY FOn"NDIVY, WUEI4E WILL Bi! -OVIZD Comb«dInejR&q ,er citat Mmesé, Pot'diitercnt klnds of SIRAW 410) FYKED CtrTTEIIq, GIANT GRAIN CRUSHIR8 Scotchj, Amertctn & Uafiadian 'Iougftg et'vairions manfltes aud ieryles; S'teel Plows aad Steel Pointe; lgFANN[INCY'MLLLS, ASEED A»i TURNIP DitILLO, JWAD SRPRse fluie teorde, Mw etntinrs ! grnt vnriety. iýtvry itrdletenlineotod with the husineus ke'nt 01,thaaid. T'rhresîttg Nieoinem repslait d Evrttginthtie bove humnit ended te t, unteoit, ndo ;'ô 8. 8 At bis Printin Brocir -Stro ýTEMS si 50 ADVERTI ALL.Alit'rtlems', lins,fitr.%t insertion, ai glIbsequclent insertion. tetuil entracto n tbsysar or'otterwise' f" t disceutin writng.or CAMEROIN le Omet Cituteit treet,Torot AN<WS MO1RTqSON COCHRIANE & B ARttIS-TtItS, J Mm. lloilti'm utiiee i O IUTYCEf office-,pitctsaic t"ec 146 Il. COCU] O qU N TY CRI0 IV '.tanlobania~ 'Iôlter int'tanin <4tORGE fi BILRt It'sT P, ATl car. f)epiîy Es' iiszv, andt etaniine-.' :yIl'O:îIIriso. Offic ROBERT T)ARRISTER-AT-. I>.SlitiotOi 'Èlà g CliLLE J' T) AliRISTEI James5 ýBainIýCO0M M ER CIA-ýL' To ,S ho emakers. .One hundred sides of hueirsais sole- Leather to hand,,Nnmber ohét quality, New Styles of Lst.s té hand. -MaeQhiie, Thread, Zinc and fron I$aiIs, and ail sorts Of, Shoe Findinge, týt.the-OLDt>RED) sORE. -. JAMES B$LN -W. 19. & C. S. CADDY, ,>lsnýafsttfurcrs of evcry dcscriptlon of Iâr8adIeo, Hiirneos,,CoUlar8, TRUI Fire! l>Fire ?ir1e! Will fin& excellent aud convenient accoflltodà tion, Wîtiam B Yew Yaxds of the Publie Hall. Privtate Pl 1' (bATH 1'L4TT',)~ - .YEL$ON ,SBEEp"rTOR OY2 0 Gol4 Atîtuv'eKiug Iftrect. rvfr't it 'ibrilier bei. to intfmate te thos. lu j Witdtby, ted nisiidin4 couat "that l'a lieriklytmi rinit,s. i.,t n. ... ... ..i ie If this is 80, wiIl 221 whitby, April 12, isôà 1 1 e :