Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1865, p. 3

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plece ut boos in bis baud, ams trophy of' the personals cperision of thé vay n havieh b. bai! uoffledin a re* termqj brihery audîresting bis candidate.L1 J l RO E T E sorrouaw RevatacrÂnTrU MOT TO 33 Who bacq bat! a nrc ea xpenience'cf Anetr'r£D.-Jobn W. Forney writes froin )verSO y.srs lin teir manùfactuMlaI WasinoteLothé Philadelphla Preusas J foiloies ;.- Wgrranted in evera' t ul 1è& Thé Free Sates cao sud wili do witb' TEIE atiua outthe reltel leaders la Cougre«a freter ;- s#M thé var bas tangbt thé loyal setions i 14GROES EN PL4IN(O TE,1M tbat béy viii aoesingly progremi and! prom. pewihout thc Sotheen People. Tf thobede efivg'd theb i--igt awMuu>4Of onenit ovei latter are pîeseéil itheb.rab wrtnugbt 6Y gl qÈercat the é 4brtedé Lb. robellion, and! are jesoîteel ta try sud tnd bacte their bétrayers into the National tomI Conacils, they mut ,eo hé laidulgod o bmevinxhbt~ TS u ibee foolsb ~tslpi.Ther arepl t lheét mtketa uf LonlSn, ]Pavlsq4 Germa precedeaus etablied by the . ontheîri ny, Philadeiphia. l3aitimore, Boston Lit politicIans îbemselves, for in.ping senators e;-,ewYrk, n4 a:Md repregentatites out o? Congrps eu i t tbey do not suit tLbnionlti." *WbsL Àm r ociLtubjor 5 $07b taik for an office uof tbe tUited 8Saes g y. ; -I - DÀY'8 lorTlxsBOIM.l 14m milkote t atnf Hrontealaforra- Vrnr 1 haye hope>! oralhaaPOd lIn vin- W*hlch cornai49contkate lu oaiet otin ti'o rnxýUS" MÉcItAN1lCS M LCI Wicai aat 'c'in r aln mito etnt ut tlothora1 wialaîng Woti hasiIl Èecnmpit ln mv _,nttrlnr.S A wont uo'c linr. and! of pound%- ~ L ~ ~ mias>al 1kv tatlor, ton.! trttInr rudae:JL1.1'. !fJt5L Lî 1 nie V yin srv. 1,ythe, Wn, oR Abonnailoso iirît ogratitin.o Vor pattinir op woei lüch dOla>' YMvo'aaar, grntitdi n nt o Thr 0111V oi'p t 1lit">1 t pfnient, ng L ots.9tuo Thale ial v lît 1t li', t oialeialdlI, Anl tnîke hint gte oa tmped ri'»t-' ViTe folio' iîlto1Lutoe, wil'bi ali1 0 for cash, or nt aà faim Vlootion ou tinte, viz. ( 1 eAi ê-n'l'iraithoeraawiai, ltt .ltt Ca. -2,, '0AAcres. ti (Ir preesîne itýaatinqilnsa r teokg. Lot t5. Ttii l ddmar, 200 4 Anal amwy b t,rlsW11t41 Plttaitalls w14t3 11h Ttago.*oîtiîoit S. Are alwayit1 lu onéina'. itî"o. ~ 7 rl .d >) Ail tnture toketo9 ixlli!aaaîa 1,11 lo>t 7.' -it " italiloft la> i slrara' aliiialpha" il tta i 1> t t t 1 , 7r1il, Jxaaratgaa, 200e /Iirl tovysgn- 19t uo $t ~ Ta, hle, Ranchs 50 4" Âpant- . a i1 Jn114 t 9" Vit Ls n Feaua.1,, 17, frontt lotilirvilla, e" o 1%t,> trea ittth-lt nota e i tats , . 1l -6," aarrvil1e, 100 te tr ltLatast8'0aî'thaii. Il.tilet Tg tiarr a on ve tlqt tocrer hitot».At i l.> 7.tlFh " du 0 lai titire oiii fit ai ov'r dritc'>,t l tti. ilihIl do 200 g T taaro i wnaînva thit naîvar fîItit.>! Y Lot i, lé>h ato 200 nr ;14 i,"tiithro n,rr 1oiM 1 Latt 1. 7ttî*> do q00 Ifoca. tlia'n lI irait 1 taiaolitd! <va la îî1. î801 le an 00 Muottaf n Iat îfnl'i vd ie.lt%, N Iý 27 O2a te wtitty, 5 tlroutlea are like babies, tbeY grOw Svarallttntlu bhi!! jing ttfaor hnoi ie, V fdggr bynura-g. id p;rl<ate roialeucea itii te 'owucof Lind G Liger y nmin.,a Vi , I!wbittv. MPOTA? MtltA(le~riA, Cng.. For furtiaci iofî-rmatlaaai, An itiortaîit gelleral orderrlhns emanated ABt>h front the Miilla tlirirtnpnt, luin nuaietion ROtPT. E. PERRIY. *lLh lb. diamiscal to? one IHonorions (Chain. 'WllitîiyT pagne front theil Chasseurs canadini."of wa>îîîli. Mandai, l"45. 1 i9 Mkontreal. Tbhe Comniander in.Chiaif cloo ii offices and vohîiteers lu malleta. hei Ulves thorotizrllyacquiiniril vithi tlhe BR ITISH FERIIDIOÂALSu clauses of thei Volitteer Miitia Act pre- ri?,. scrihing the penaties for offncesanad, as The Londoi Quarterly Re- £fl7 ai'mad force nul ander prop'tr disciplina i Vj8 (Cunsertati ve.)9 toast b. a source of embarsaimnt analTd E ibr Rve Wi. tselessexentie ln the country which Th dnâgR ve (wi- imalateins il, Hice xcelaine>' clg for irn The, 'W'Otfliflste Reviw. pilou obedientea Lulawfal suîhority front (Radical.)- th.s dae. Tne North British ,1RoView Tu. uoîut A At.covnti.Ex tact(Fraie Churtb.) ôt asleiter front Alexandria, deteal the 27th of Jane - Il My Egyptiin aixcriou, ase non BI'ackwood"5 EdinburgS Ma- Vil! e, hasllaid ta My heing catîghti .il a gftfl8 e(Tr0.) trap. Alaxandria, uniler prastult circliLn Aurda itimit ratOl b stances, il e nilher a very <I >irableléplacae i2b, ,,aocrld pairtcalg. btlai hemào r elt to b. lu, nor a tory easy ne lte t ont of. h. ea.lledtal, of iaieiat ori> Ih5 muidtx- TLhe exemiple of a precipitatai ratroat, l rmelad a u advîme lcl~e~w to l "ar>ia bi Lbe Vicaroy on the verrv finit alsrta 0f TEgls IFoR lute choiera, esécana 10 have causeda l a b ina F lor tity nu ai(tftai ltvt.i. -- o*'peraimam. panlie aoeong the Levantines, Greeles, anald " a Rev.afaii tVI>ll.....lou 1 Ialiens, ana! the>' have baen flyinz (rom Fer,.11 foi> ait aIllie its....... M Lb. place loy ihousauds. The Mltese ton u, aaltahi "%.ozaa ... &0 t For tlak xI ' ait Oatit Ie t,v _-W 100 tsuppose, are aaiiaoninz thé country for raacttacirv)'a'a a> a ira ait'te thir Ona i tle isltal. I bear cunflieiet iil u a.... ....l1a'. reporta tabout the quarantine whicb Malts Ritaa ..' ...W1,0 po,1 sokw- idthî, .fitrRe- bas placea on Alsixatadrîtx; sume malte it ,<,>....t . 0 saonsud Othe"rs21 days..Thei choiera SBavrarsaaîtritih rrui>iCdO ritii nat in4 lias nuL attacked many Roropeansi, vlieh 1 ioctwý.. aigtcetsima aie eitri ei tu amn rather aurprilleil et, as ny o, f theni caer th- (T. ~a#it;'iaosiipoeq are haIt doaIfretifriarbi. h Isbucommit- tiiv <'ipaiu. s " e i>t~e aicv at it timi0 Perioîti' ted gret havoc aniung the ppuxlâtion or tItis'iaraithtad atiaeatliiirair, wredorM to 'a- iiadwrcy eisttaV hoth--awe su cutmnueistoes thie poor Arab districts, whlcb miglit have riiiti ilns x tetone oltindli ll rt been expected froni the filth te-y livé in. i aeetli, ~for lieaot g.( mener iiaafttnulibed. 5 ht la bard Lu gel ut the ail osi atalityiuca i tias ifaaay o;t-haoe otitaligtt pa>titin îthite ceaI. tbo officiaI accouai ut the ueimbcr o? desîbi 'rcoiopsoî.awitiibe e'soi .4 f thai de!5ladwu!it -bcurin<j daily b ni itheiwholaie th. Te ale 10 làl'et.ofi<atlta ot Oud .füll eéit c f thé moitaiiy * te o réîeailed, %t1ltoitlih'.friaiO.la ~Ora>al>1itli t'he Btî!i-hlî1'a',aaheii faO ciri> shoetsiiaI itîttrggll in order not in imîraaséthai public atiren. in . 'taa'iaiaan'S aa ai iur ti(JA, 1 160)I"c5fy The following la the officîiaI accoant for 5200boia aaarmrt".'-siad re tras intast intue ilS tO i thé lut fév days of deaths frotachoImý e ,i.27he ratita aigabir. Auit ri e ittera'itii tr*". rMi ra. t A rnerraiti, tiuly :-lS9th, 94; 20th, 101 ; 21 it, 159 ,dereiii tair aa'rrii'eal hit" tamamîi'ti ta hy leaii. 22ad, 145, 23rd, 159 ; 241b. 141 ; 25th, ileathr oa. t. ->l t ii l Wai. eilt .o>gttigttai- 183; 2tb, 193. I knuw fromnt areliable i te otlei et aaits source!that on the 24tb, ohainthe official flote -llich iîwm Ur10,i etis, te eemd aniii 5m .I~tiI aumber vas 141. the reas1 umbair utfaieatbs a.>a mty. froin choiera vwu 258, andI 1 have no doubt the liment death raie ii abuye 300 TUE F IOU I1RPYIIWS rORt 1813m daliy." ~ ~ ~ A('v iopieî ,f the iaoyai reuditot«tU sat, a"itv. tie'. salaai at hedteo'iaate totr #2 tir uni one. %t ats jilîtastlýei Ile t'oOteS or THE Et£CcTON. -A Iaughsble FÀRI uS .Igt U iDES. itory lu îohd iii relation >t Sh Both War. UrI lairv ilaiihettîs aiaelithoith, atrthelaits J. P. wickahirai electin. Lord Duncan, la the or oiec1tela. 2 ois>. Royal Ocuru maii course of bits camteas, callet, antd nul fr li, foror the >.~ iv ttw oe-i'r Mail, Ppa p the tirstlime,iite houte ot a gentlemuan LONR SOI C. iaumed Bail. Ioc nov occapies a large EN RDSOT&C. farnonter Leaimgton, but who lias forPZi.kas ierly engagodi n thai naval service. Thé No. 38 W<slasrSrmt, Yet. Yo. hottei viitur vasont termes ut iniimacy *dîh Mr. Ball, thougb differing rom him lu politici, and ba'ing hoîb tired and GROVESTEIN & Go., hagry bai ad, on séolug thai romains of à roud af be on the tablai -thara i qnan. . ...i1Tati n -e -ee f-aie y _ utP L IN O FO T PALLANDWIbrER OL,,eOTHING. T x. TIMn srablertamajai t tac ito -a rplindaia toosi çea 0 PLAIN & riNCLOTHS, viilct) biaisl>i<'i scleetao'l vitti Oregt aire lu> <tai Who liaaaiae"or(la vwitlgracal auoltyo>iitoisOf'. Ti uaixetarilmerlhais un Iiiticm r>' ii '.ing th iot i Mae proccut uelect ioi af Uo a', l bai ud alarge of iNy > Gaat upariar tqa> aything OesliuritoI Lai' m>arketl. 'laiioitcl OShitaCloitta"Uî, uidai!al leairp' tenqn aimat Me'at tlia'tî.t'a ralea x iil also A ldr«cnifliooje of Ciothx laipt for,$>ilo b> the yard or pes rasl ~ aoad 9:>CA8H AND 9O CREDIT1.04 Cape, , Ct'atm,43Ii, FarCyTieaa, Suspeondenr. Pl'notet Jlltemhi4au. Gloi'ai, g $" &> k,l I thes I>a'vcaU syitag iticce. Au anTI'cull mal. Brotughamn, (tAita4r, 1944. 41 B\Roca Tuw r/ MiR. J. V. HAM, LL. Do* Uliy - Tarante1 AjRRISTER AND ATTORINEY-AT-IÀAW, B stlcior lu Cloaneer>' sud Inmlveuey4 theli ticotbis4profess0 Ion Iailthe Upper c aIrl %Vhiby, .*to6r, 814 i'he 'ÇaIif~~nia Man~ j&;~~Iv I~w ,OXMRCIÂLCLLO (Formnerly Bryant,. Strattan JtD.y's.) Ring Struel, Tôroltt, Q. W. ÊWr~ dor Sa4t4f ook Rom.i IODITmI ACCORDTNG TWBRITISE tJ 1 pItACTI(E,. wijt1 ý îîdloaaounit-. ý'tthtîic1ireuttits othe btuico~ftf lttf- Younaz menu pr'paroLi f'r the practioal clades of the iCOtlliti îîg Houo, anîd for gorlerl bul' The coursie oflIittetloaaombacoMrtan' tle BikKoatita Baî ok.eiiig, Monk il rokaarrt' hookm, Commaiercil Ciaîaltiolx, (lcittling Ite prisij'ilitof Eaîaclirti aCnipost' tl Jluo~ttl,) i'eonShJîî Ttegraphl ue Staffof1'ea ôhersand tocturers Mr. D AY, intrna>tta'r iia tae S>'I'a'i of Ac- conte, Commenîrcial C 1a:11dtlaia, > l onîît' clO arva.tdtiO 4ilid tturer on lia'.!' Mr. R. SU LL1 VAN,I.t.A., 13;tn,î,r, Lactur ot on 'aîilaerelal 10W. IM'î ran] Telearaîvli Cia y'ý,ivl îî5fIee cYooto, In- strilOtir in 'fllitLh', * 1tt Mr. W.B. rt> 'a,,Itu tu lialotiO M-. FtAY lis vaial t-I i In lurefa'rriIiP to lae follaawiiîar ,!Lel'tslaatt :-Hov. Il. a. (1iraaet, '.iait. Muray, Eaq.. -t' Mofftit, NMirrav A C(.,A.1i.NcmnAter. Eaq. <nt NllMatir & ru. Geog 0 ie>i&i>,;J~l BtararViii%, r.lta t J. l,,aia.maat> Fitchi, E..of iltwla'ul & Yîh U»'Crna>lc Barrister. I. .> r la'iton. la 'etic ;r î,aaM .!;IL. Juson, li'q . A.111.11row, F*q.. llztinailta'ail 1. Bll!, Eoa.. M'îatre>u W inztnsi Squ'aîre,>, Clxa*rm 'a 0oftionuty ttoard of P'ublic Iniaaraîtiu,, I tait>'aa. ForWtrms. addlrp-%, (ene>lcciiaa, lette tümoiltpi JAMES E. DAY, Practîcaal Aeeiu'iant, 'îra ntn, k'arintrly ,af ILaauî, }:ogland N.11- i arttea haalltiîattaWvertimltir ,-Srip, Ritid "by Si> ant. tr,mLmtt I'.or ltr% 't Strlt ta'xa & 1)ai' .ta'! oaatiaaL'ttalc»l o>' Jaant E. 1),i%. ait' elariîî uft'u 1 thtt tla#c tami> will Al>o, aIl >t'o.at< ts liodiO ,aomr I and wviilng iclt> 'îîJa!e u tirjoviw tudlr Or'îîni ', stu ',i.s.it"' M r. « D1)"" or oi fid tlaatil1iv 41 SPLIING ITvIP OLITA.TI ONSO Oottons from 1 Oc. -upwards. A large assortaient of rweveds, Prints. <'ot- t:ons, Manties, Shawls, Rihhonis, Ladies' Màtrawv-Hats, Boots anîd Shocis, Sehool -foôoks, stationery. Giroerw-i-s. &c. ALARGE STOCK7 c.4EAP. BOOTS &SHOES, Tll' i ARGEST & CHEAPJEST STOCK IN TOWN. Sooo Boks, & Stationery, Groceries-a large stock always'on band, l4lbs. of good Uurrants for $1 00. Good 'Vreas int84> cents. Whittby, Miy 3, 186à- ' ~umm~1~ I.t'se, .1ust oppxied-J).cuxnplete, asortwegfi of Ladie MWèées Girls, &!ld Clildrenw, Boots for Sumnré r wear. IE'ver g that is new~ in ithe Shon liné, wiIl ho foilnd at the OId Red S'tre, at prices that will astouish buyers Ig'REMEMBER TýRM$,,STRICTLY CASH. Q -ni one Przçe. Jaes Bain. One hunilid, sideàs u't iperwr g p4'tid] sole Leather to hbaud, Number one quaj'ty. New Styl&sof bat t bad Machiue Thrad, Zinc and Iron Nails, a'd alI uortso.f Shoe Findipgs, at.the OL]) REITOE Wýhitby, ApiiV12, 1865' J iir 'ie JUST TO- Af LA/RGE ST i'this- is so, Willyod DÉ. DAVIS,. and tt> 0w nou omê' d e Lu the. ren t o PRIVATE DIS 'AS At ie Ol! Quirter&, Corater alla udAdolulde iattrooLdi TO~nto, C. W. Yenrai' expemnlenoitblcc lain t4) eorucnt uitdwitliaht )aercnrv, sud cuirts watfstit. Persoai who ws L snntthe Ddotof 'cari ~~~40, o *tihthxe utino.tgeoresy. , Ny 1 aie lotînt aigi, Mi 4.1e.Ton n C~ .top wo*k of: àhtnge ybur èet. enu>6, îa mon u'ho iîaçaf tllüuii iactm tu aeoret'fil4itA conrecivoinwo4ltoreliait by fxpplyjiiç#aiiCo Dbctur. 1atlicijts ttedby 1arçer tonc q -d enaetfaeéildoiaitgai or éuri'osit>', to al piartofLh**t1d pi igitlhtlutht evelinit. 40. Jo.. Fw.',Ra ine r W*IlglbàM49WIIITBY C. W. Witlî the Largeât, let and (4hei4pest stock of Liquôrsi Crocëkery, -ýGtassware, 'Boots and Sbo0~ kt1ug~-&., &c. inthe COQnty.1 ,In -wh1chý arèYo,- IIysong, Otinpowder, BIack, Coloureà and Un-coloured' 3apan Teas, fItoni t5,dntW, to the very best at 85 cents per pound; Pure Braridiet, Wlues, GinsI i-tl4T6ddy, Old Rye, and Domes- tic W hiskys -, rench, Tea Sets, hàndled, (44 1iees,) at $2 75; Large Size Tumblers, at 75 "cents per dozeiî ; Ladies' Boots from 65 cents ; Mens'Cobu)urg8, &t $1i 00; Mens' whole 8Uits of Tweed. from $8 50, Tobacco9, Scape, CandIis Biscuits, Fresh Ground Coffee, Sugars, Raisini, Clurrants, Rice, Starch, Blue, Br,oms, ' ails, Washboards, Brushes, Matcheis, and'al kinds of Spices, Fresh and. Pure. It is needless lo quote plî4ces, the Weil- known'reputation of the "California Store," ill OOshaWit, ls the Clieapest in the Province, Shaliflot he Iost, by the Manilla Brancb. Terms-strictly Cash, or Produce, and eue price only. Manlla> üetTHOMAS M UILGAIIIY. MnaJin ,1865. - liesq THÉ,~ MIGHEST P1M1tCIEPAII) FOR BUTTER, HAMILUTON #Co- No 1 and 2, 1'rilI's Block, 22- SELLING 01F1P, TI HE subscribers hawng resolved fr the p eent to discontinue the (redit Busi+ess, from this, date their Terîns wvîll be Cash,. exccpt tu pariities wvho hiave paid their last accouintsiti fuil, and, have opened accounts for the prescit year. Gouds purchàed UDUIED Phwilih slul, And notes ýtaken for ficcounts anid purchameg, payable ioit Ott. Ail their lairge Stock, consisticg of IIAIIDWARE, IRON, >NA11-iL cla-ss, 9ail sizes, Paints,:& 01e fromn O to 6g, 6 , aindi 7 , octave, na e?î tumrdofîthei Ust i acei imaponmiiW'3 the muett diyitinalae Artsma. io bt uit taeb>tramg o adpot'o!Tno1 broal ta.100 i rooolotne adat bAt tbot>ruvainciîtI ExehillttIiild lil.<1>dbÙ on 24 to 27 Septembr. Isdi. thie fitpr W.s awaralca to ifreeph F. Raihoor$lo h6 -44 i th~j'b qmîlity orftalaPlanoote.wlicuvr ott. e>! ii nregar.! to - Tass, -7bne, Kqo<tfotg of Tont uJo>) Dua.atbUiI4f Iouv atooio twouextra arizeb for the siperlarpoileh o! Liai ii niis i .'mi 1tt 19I S hauonc t 1 Épriteés attie ProviîalolFalrè lI 1818an tii18,59. TimcI'ianotîof-Joii. F. literworm placed l l thi llghaiatclffaatial dploitooisatedibemi &Wr Ralutér'a imitita iis Wall kimowjs'tît. b Caîmmdiait, Publicasta l'la nou.narhfitacýI re r, andý reqîmîres no firtaîcr commuofindatn hlu ih uet wtich hia infçtruomta 4go' U lust> crna!; - .. J-rIn oralortitg, i ëe etolothe tnuinr d Pijalan wantéd. JOs, F» RJUNER. Wlltby. Oct.., iROl ' MR J YYUAM lmvlnghaicutnothai proprle- or ? lie obovia, mil hliove teorrioal-ni ti det le imîîrmtondaiuceofo !r. Ilalurerai Furetosit Ag*rhuclturtal W orks!f AT TIlT 01OLT) WIIÎTlfV tUolT Bflffl1K str.WIFI Mîîuufaturers and âcolerg lu il ikid', AGRICUlT7URAL IEPLEMEN"$W *JIERE WILL DBE 'OU2KD dtentbined Reaaerm cand Mouer, ýSfÙgAND ËE ED CUTTERS, iWfAf ýi(Hlfkcm liîidà rns t>jTCING PLUWit Having givean notice SotiICtinoIgO, that we required pityment of RAI ail accounts and nîotéeýVîîoî and past due, and as may have given ~ n attention te, said notice, nîlotorlllo Mirer>'atol 0 kaipt aion itti. TIti ~ ~~-~w'. enoshort notice. az S E I l PtIýý,M I ) E o :%, .r4 ivérytthiia t In'h N to vith> 0 tait Ne must look to those that'are,indebted te us for it, and their Wltcpae1 accounts will bq placet1 for collection withoutlt urthier delay. YARNQOLD * o WÉitby, JuIy 12, 1866. ~~OMYEI1qCAL EN W1iltt& de coee t nd eonvenieflt acco1npodation., Witiuu a le'w YiiJsof the. Publi~e, al. .Private. Y ors J ià FAMILY GROCEIIIES,11 A le in bot- Il &c., will be offéred at very much RE DUCED COCHRAN-Bè-, TE£ WilI'] At hi& pria flrock St ADVER A Ll t iertion, tlue, tert ineT.t a4'igbuequntai _ ~ar or-otheri * d ta diméor l i i iOg. wr, b ARUSTtRS, "htOfficep S.ç liGUS InMOee! or. odea o 70 cIe O'F Wines and Ji.

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