NwAd'verfisements Ibhis Days Paciet -Book Found.-c To Drà biards.- speil Notlces-Maher &C. iod-deorge flickinbottom.t ttopounde'-a Chbircbnian's Famiiy Magazine for Aug. 1 Insoienl Notice. SpoclitNotice. To IAdies- ia Crd.-G. C. -Caldwell- ONLY 8150O CENTrS A YEAR Wbtthy. Tlîurs4ay, Auguist 17, 1865. The Miniqicrial Expliau'ttons. The expianatioas cf Miniature read!in bouli Hanses on the second day of the session, in relerence te filng up the vataacy in the cabinet, Cause'! by the demîli of Sir E~. P. Tache, vil! b. loua'! amoagst car parliamenlmry proceedings, an'! eUh, we feel sure, ho read wiîb more iban ordinary attention. Frein the memoranda sumhm,îd,1Mr. Brown would- certaitiy appear in nying bat an envioas liglit. Everywhere, it eutl ho meen how the sellsbness tend egotisin cf theman trope out, and with wbat coneammate cunning the dissemblar vould asake-believe that bis parsonal jealouaijy and -lac aml'ition'f ware nothing eise than the mcii disintereste'! statesmansbip aend the parugt patriptilso. Ail quite in kceping wth the public character cf Mr. Browna; ail qie chgracteristic of tbe cnnning tintiuous pulilician that neyer manfally serve'! a friend or ganeroualy spare'! a foe weentihe Iloing'either interfared weuh the personaiapirationls of George Brown. Ih ia wortb cuile contrating the condact cf Messrs. Macdonald and C artîer with that orMir. Browa durlag the criui@ in public #faffmrsebicli the critlda memoranda dis- close. Mfr. Macdonald! le sent for, by the (lovernor Generai te leconstruct the Cabinet, an'! aeked ta assume the position of Firsi Minlsier, ai being thse senior tomber cf tihe minisîry, an'! is toI'! hibm M. Cardier, on thse san" principle, woaid become thse leader :)f the Levwer Canadian Section cf tbe goveroment. Mfr. Macâca mi'! ai once informe Mfr. Browa cf thse Interview cli tise Govarnor General tust 'hohad uendto !thei.proposition of His Exceliancy, tisai b. ha'! me..M. (lCardler visa ha'! at once agree'! te it, ani lbe iue invites 1Mr. iBrown te accede ta the proposition. 1fr. Brown repiies4hat tiie proposi Irvolves "great changzes"f$rôoe the. arrangemnent entered'! mb under Col. Tache ý_ tba&t Messrs Macdonald, Cartier aid bîli cere regarde'! me party looders witb Ilparty feelings an'! mpiratiecus, and' fto place mny cite of them luaua attitude *d of superfoiertyoyer tise aIlers, cliii the "reu av.mge f ibm I'rseelp, vomi' In fa b. publiesain'! teseen th.e curt fer "gea' fahh, an'! seriousil endangîr the~ Cexstence cf iii',coalition." H.e serte thaitise Coalition vas forme'! for i te bccompliabmsent cf a grest mecre of re- "' for. eseeuiii ta the >sece an'! progrése of the eo0nîry" tho ieWia! onecnîed to (cran the coalition 11, on conditions wblch uoîbing but the etrongeaî sente of public dnîy coul'! bave induce'! hinto 8fflpt,"-&o., mn'! that liean'! bis collea- vuas acepte'! mes ueli cithout. change; an'! liw ut on tieblasof tbm coalition Mr. Brown preteade'! tg ospport "th gov-isinoment ln lis polie, cithout entering ti c abinet, butual lie atercerde ith tva cf hi.s iupporters di'! enter the. gov-' nmn pdeference tota im ibee cf bis supportem..'For humseif. 1r. Kedonai'! a'! that ha-,ha& ne persoa"ifeeling in: Ibmmaler an! iai ha'!lieîiougbs h hie duty to set iî ail'!.fourthe.-gond uof lbi counateyan'! me vailv'hie ovupie-, -tensions. fneOunggested 'btai hme lef I. Cartier shanI'! b. appointe'!, a.t nuit le euioity a' me uetmciinfuential ma la hp cen yt ection. M. Cartier 151. but, ta mialater te hi% Oea Vanity, te gave sppemrauces, b. juet cant.'! some" lttle change la thu Dame ; an'! net have it cont. mente'! upan tisat he serred undur a Mac.' dcaal"Cmr tier Administration, VA Oscblýu namme a. Weil a.lan(fut. His ova vant,;1 tLe inconalieenc7 eofliii position, bi*s par.i senaI ioadons, afraI'! political anlagonios cure tLe reamous liai ceigie'! ciii Msr. Broca ;cnetishe couutry'$ good, a sente of publie' 'uty-îhuesanocf lhe great idiome ai Canfediermiion hasll, nor any ce itasor patricîio mctiv. becaming a isigh min'!.'!a aene' a stalusuan.1frý Broca acta'! tise 'og in-tie.manger part. Tbrea-o v.enuchance cf ils attainiag the position, an'! h.ocei'ubvt1aît ilsbestowai upot Mr, Macdonald. Ait hie anhîla ex. cases are tu maDy diecroditabie susiturfu. gee ; an'! thie in the cancînsion' tisat very candi'! naprejudice'! min'! muât si-rive at on a-cFweiui cansideraîloas ef tise meamiag ofIl the ministerimi explanations."' Tie Goverament Poiicy. Mfr. AitorneyGeaerat Cartier tanoune'! la the Lacar fHous, on Tuesula, the fol. iovîng as tise intentioneai tise goverameal on tise importanît questions aliade'! te. On,(onfa'eratiîcn nofurtiier action dur -ing present session.- No meaon fortifi câtions belons next meeting of Parliamant. Subjeci of Militia undergoing strict -revi sien, but ne change p robable in ýprovisions cf AcIt tus sesion. Ileciprocity eagagang taxiaus coned'eration et gavernaent. A meeting cf dalagates froin &Il tise Provin.' ces te talc. place to arrange unite'! action. lntarcolonial Railcay to vait for Ceufe-de ration. Question el Nonh- WesttTeritor, to le brought for an'! this session. No matenial alteraticu contamplate'!lain.' toms, excise, or stamp dulies. luiedlrecits'. Mucli cancern an'! anecineas il feit threugiiout tii. Province at the prospect af tise ternidatian ai tise lecipreciiy Treaty nexi Marcb. Tiiere is# ce regret,_but tac Mach resson for appreisensien that, lie Treaty, ciicitien expia-es, cull net be re. nec.'!. The Detroi totavenVian augure'! cuit for reuiprcit ; but erI, an'! plain. 1, tise gamernt aan'!politicians aI tise States are adverse tuie ',renecil. Ma-. 'Galtes IsaeMission to Wa.hingîon va. evidently anscecesiful. [te got visatiti slgnltlcanitlterme'! tiseIlcol'! abonîder," an'! cas rferre'! frein the Secretari'e De. partnat lu a irreiponsible bod!y of gen- tlemen in New-York te. co hb. cul'! 8*4te hiseucae. An'! in reply 1e M. Dorion - vu iti'! bisa stating as tise resail oi bi& missicn '"tuai oser chanuels of rade ame open te us icis may bu devulope'! b, the ieglslmien of tb6Hieous, se s m te enable' ibe people ai ibis country enecesflly ta muet thse dihcuity cisieh migit arise fa-cm a vîtidracal ai reciprocit,." Tb!oms"-,looî boepetully fer a Wu 'naval et' reciprecal Ira!.. Io ordur te b prepare'! for suais su e'aergîncv il coul'! bew miel teobave i"oaehrlauI, titi'!,pointa'! eut, and'II, cccl'! ho coin. fornig t Io ai ib eh ft hecii.logie. lmion contempiatpd !fer tl«b. relief of the commercial an'! flrmiug is'cmreu'biy. 'ut ce suppose Ibile viii W made knouea*Iainl Our neiglibeurs gain, ncýtbing t>y a Wlth dracai of reciproci,. Canadiau ta-a!. lia boeeile'! by it, but Amer!tca i'e, muçb more rio. Facte an'!. figures. bave heen "Mddediu proof of 1Lis,, ver au'! over Ãain. Oîbmr ressoe thau commercial vittr, aI'! ou govur'menst havre îte rugit cf comsoainîrg pffilyan'! dlrecb& cis ibe.-Ila-tials Mi4iter mi Weshbgtan. Tuls eeQaeamica ecmacot fait ta iark vel for tas84i.n e gQtidom 4o«,"Dg plamy, vissa Dur.Miniaters a cciue few loums.or; s (mv minutes Isy telegr*ph, ,ommualcate direistly villi Wsbîugton. "'Ir A.nri"esé oureommercist poiicy-,,¶iucmen4i tie hua'! of ot;' is nrtd mhth ot dlement. this t4 w un ,are] ielquafi5ied set: i s , g eve ivery-ieltuaoenpoa4hsun îisaêtIeywill$ do0 Rueporu t te legates te Engiaad. Tii. resait cf tise misien of tise feur Canadien Minièters to<,,Engîa'! ciii be ecnd! embadie'! la oe report lai'!b iv . hein beore Parlicuent, an'! cihfse priai on the fia-st page. Tii. daquosen i leta- isapo, oua ai the 'Most importat 81b. Papera relating te tie position cf tii. Praviticel clsimlig pabie attention ince thse Union. Tise pebiic defetices, finanees, tise Narui-cet îearitary, Reciprocityg are ail treate'! cf claarly ýad snecinctiy 1 ind. ce bave the satisfacmry assurance tisai, noîcihitan'!ing the çrosiers, ai bomne an'! abaca'!, Canada oaa an'! ciilbe de- fends'!; an'! that lanceeai ne..l Great Bnstain 6"ackeowldgeu theabligWaionof defeaiding em'rypriesso Canada wit& ail Ihe reetscesa i cma. But à î i.nDot by makiag ample provision for ils defeusce alaise tise ecurity or pras- perity ai Canada eucan . asunae'!; an'! thie, an ce sisoami' have expeata'!, amongsi otier uecessary maltera, the Canadian delegà tie sougisîta oimpreas ajiaittie m- perilIgovernincat, 41 ne buat utinsale defence," sai'!t.hey, f"for Bi*iMtA meric4 iat I b frisad îjthe enease of her population a# rapily as passtbe, and the Ausbaading of ouse reiurmea owoardg t/sot end." Word. of tauts an'! ciedoin. Leut as ancrease oui populsaionasirapidi, as possible aud bhaban'! aur rescarcas. It doing me visai, an'! cr11 laes oua- nccass, an'! tise truc security an'! presperii, of ibis Canada. To tisai a.'!laena-u facilities for pa-cgress ho eniarge'! an'! made mare avaitable ; lai sacis a liberai policy bu adopte'! as clinduce rapi'! immigrationt tu cun sioes; let Canediatan anufacturers ho fosîcre'! muidencourage,'-les, ila a ved, sncb a vise an'! -enerons puiicy -be adopu- e'! as wiii net oaly indaue immigration, but ratain tiiose mrea'! satile'! amcngsl us, an'! ucui-e to elaliractad in'!usta-y an'! entea-pnseatise meams ci prosl.eiiy; ait' tisai - Il livant.,and lunds of troa'h, i tlo # ciii ba Catiada's Scet rampant ai.' deiçace. Our Mnisicrs evidenti, undersian' tise situation; iiaey bacc tise couintrya ants an'! requiremeusus, k't tisea put forth lie proper affant, and in tise rigit direction te muet tisei. Ax Uxteetscîtog VWcvusxkx tonnamo11q ToRxT<s. - We regret te earn (ram the Toronto papers thai 1Mr. Andre Cocus, af Uxbindge, cas roishe'!of thea nm cf $234, in Torento, on Tnesay lut. tIr. Cecen, lu appears, vent ino a barber'& eltop la Exi market square, mter b.imîg siared bliecopiante'! ta hâve bis beas'! sias paon.'!; having iret takeon ble cam, con- laiann thueuaoaav, cfIT an'! laid it down upon a chair. Tise barber, m auloe-d cma nane'! Hollan'!, remave'! Mr. Cocaus so ausouisr chair, iurning bh ie cciinc h coci, and! teiling han la suai là »i yea ta #«Pe issapfrout entaning iboin I1Tie slmaoicgpeératioa vms tien pmfrtud,1 an'! e it leallege'!, cas azatbter wicl ha'! thse effet of relieving lii et lis "%ubi4Tise ll**éCbm muf Mùwbo et in the shop at the lime, panie'!respectlveil David! Rolland!, Tics. Etvard, mn'! Bicisard Jacksn, vers takenlau> cuslody] ,»s 8uipuîsa. Ne moue., Lacever, vau (eu'! ont udr porions. Ttey cote-e e- ugib befcre tle Police Court an'! remaude'!, Quozr. --Th9 fclloving is tise sore cf the Wbitby ma'! Scarboro' elubs, vl.ic.h Came et aIt Corbmute Point, on Saturday WatTs?. Bcebotteu.46~ Armstroug. - uoc...., 00. Tiscalte,.40. ISacltt's...,u,.,. 51. Aruns3rong, -.> Total.~2. Jaue, ......61. Johuseho, ... 1 roi. Rit'4e ms-h The se a'msd cnpetitlean fer tLe Chah. lange Mettasof the 'VlaateerInfantry 00. pi <ils tecce teck placaon Mouds, Imet. Ia addition tu abe ueo moetfres mouey prises cmre, «a& sa, se'!e. The 7eîîocîng in tise score cf tLe vinners s - &W yv,' ik'. 400 irve- Caa--W eusng 3 2 3- 84$3 8122 214 Pvt Stev#t '004 2-42 0043 '18 Co Boerowa'ac 2sa2 00n2 0c4,Oi 117 'Sergt, C'tek 28a8 2' ac 01ciao té1 i'y VtWulbans 212 3 -OU 0 O'2 90 té "8.rgt' Clark mn'! Cor. Borrovuaasb.. iag tie, s&bet off', cien, tLefermer anada aus cuber andt'!hes latter a ballI'aela, tins omiftbe W ~shplace. Tiuecwmpe0ùtoss li'-thse -uaiseid 14ouy pen to regnimi' attetdantsýt Idmill. ond. ,Pnwpecte Alsea'!. TIhe pieatifeâl 'ievet ch i n e' ov 'nismly xatisurud las Muot f(mli 'mûluia Tic el Available Ifant" je now tise ree lairamntniwitis ehihostile poiititias' adjuet their-'!iffarences. Li aays ~ bad inventions, tise IAvailabis Man" jin~ country* Fer yeara hostile plilticai Par' tics la tise States have uhrnst thicr »e mn'! grectest men eut ai vie, an'! reeai4'! te lhe "Most availableie aa9n" lMr o mebieve a Party victory theïiselves, eorfise. vent lisair eppoamats from obtaining a, t riumph. ýIt wcasose -tise slution'of, Mr.' Lincoln a. President, an'! la the-bise .of tise pensïent 'Ciief Magisrate, IMe. Jchnson, me Vice-President. Tisey -cere ual selecte'! because tisey ver, tise bhst, but because they vers deame' tise mont aVail. ahi.'> mua 1an'! la arder ubsi tiseir salec- tien migit stop tb. ivaîries ai greaitr,ýnd more powanful part, aspirants. Thé' raie appeats tc bc. cher. there are mon. lima une candidate et eqa i flese an'! sbiiity ta fill ait office, forer cciita Lcep the otisar docnands belitle lise position b, haating up an "davaiatbie mais." 'Tise resui belng tisat instea'! of iseving fia-et cliseBien in lonemost pesitions, tentb.nate "lavailabla" mew-il tIse posta cf isonor la the ceenta-,. Tise cvilini taking toot in Canada, tend, luke ail iii ceds it ga-oce apace. Eihierto it isasbeau principal, cantine'!ta tise alection of neuves an'! deputy restes, an'! tisa alet$ion ai ceunuy War'ane. [a tise former cmaetire IlavaiiabIe man"i cas master of tise situation htween tee cen- lendiag aspirants for municipal honore, anJ! b, bis oea vota, ah aitiser -side, , made tisa reave, or tisa reavu à nd dapt,, as tise case migisu be, availing hume 'If -of tisa cioice ef ofices. la ithe alaclion oi War- dan a nambar ef fourmI-rata' men enter iqoa a cembination îo eiact a flfuis.rate man, because tise, are envions ai Ma-. A., a mia cf iret class ahility, and tise hast qualifia'!ta tii1tise office, or Iecase per. Sape hi-e politicai opinionse are nul sullini- eatîy orîbedex for thein, Tise fiel'!ocf am~bition fer tise avaiaisie man in Cana- da extiende'! no furtier, np ta .t recent perla'!. Juet nec, isocever, the spectacle of tise "avaitablea mua" bas bean axhibiîe'! before tise.country ila a iigier asiere. &n s1à vâ4ile ma"t'bas tiut apaus un lb. position af Fia-st Ministrteo f the Crvaw ia Canada, becana tIse leaders of tise people are boa fearfuiiy jeatouti of asti other tealaloîr au higb a position tuolie vorily ille'!. In anatier crticle ce hava cemtincate'! apon Ma-. l3a-acursnas ita this connaction. Ha prove'! uhe siumbling block in tise csy. Hiea ppesi. tioa prevenleastalante'! stistesmanasuum. iag tisa Pa-amiea-aitp, an'! campalle'! a meon îc tise "vaiisble man," Bau for Ma-. Brown,& objections, Ma-. John A. Mat. deai'! oul'!, (as Won bis il lit,> li ati tbhem'! c f tic gaverament. Mfr. Broca la-tic selishisofaibis Jetions nature ceaI'! net permit, ibis; bIsu aouar Udai me the isenor wchile' oeist.! 4imsci Narcisse Beileani, pon tha coaity.Wbat, c pmsirit?7Wbaî a disintercte'! ColeagueT Wbie oa the ue an Lais'! li efrne uos, petriccie Macdonaid, caivnis herigistii clawnie n ordea- taukep tise goverrament tugethbar an'! paumoIe theucountry'scal being -; tise ion'!bracliug Pcl' lecJan, Brocn, cmii'! saanfice-not cloaL li scol- lesgues, but the ceunryasd it peoeperity ta his. oeca -coatumptiblu agotism Tise leuOparddoms«î al cha nge bis epota. Mr. George Brava in tie îsans. mpracticable The Âddreas in reply to Ibm speech fromt tise Throne pais.'!bathHoases on Wed, nes'!ay. la thse Legishative Cauncil a Mso- tien te adjounatise d'!bshatuas negaivedl -21 tu 30,-Tse folc*ing ýprinte' se,- côuni aiftise negeciatione fer reconstruc. tien of ihe Ministry wau rend by tha Pie. ier, Sir Narcisse F. Belleau. uNo. 1 -MzuoatAwaumM NDe 4TU Aua. *18665, OF' ONVRSlsÂTIoN H5L0 ON TMt PaICOEuIso liT BITeZICN MABs.. Mie. DONALD >g» BROWN. "Mr. Macdonald! yesterday sougisi an Interview cis 1Mr. Broca, and! informa'! hilm tisai bis Excellency tise Gotrernor generahisad sent for bim ata morning, and! ha'!etate'! hie desire tisaItise admini. -irenion, ns IL cas forme'! in 1864, eboni'! cealinue in office witb a. fec changes as possible, in ordar tu carry ont tise policy annioance'!iy the government on !te for. mattion. Tisa itliitisai view flis Excel. ieneY ba'! expresse'! *tisé opinion tisattise mnt ebvious moe of supplying tisa placu vacata'! by tisa deatis ef Sir E. P. Tache ceai'! ho for b1r, Macd!onald to assume tise pesition cf Firsî Minster, as heing tise senior memiser cf tise ministny, tend tisa Mfr. Cartier wouid, on tisa sainie principie, buconse tise leader of tise LqWer Caiai section ofithc government ; ad fiai for tise purlînse cf carrying tisese vies lie affect haoha'!comasieglone' Mr Macdenald te taka tisepost off inst Minister, ant ise saine time raqueeting ail tise other Miniis. tara te retain tisair offices. 1Mr. Macdon- al'! furtisar informa'! Mn. Brown that liu ha'! nesente'! te thid proposition cf bis Exceilency, an'! ha'! seen hi. Cnrtic'r eho aI once agreed taei. B ie a ênitviied M1r. Brocnate accedo to lte proposai of bis Excellency. Mfr. Brown replie'! tt tli cas quita vrepnrtid t enter itito arrange. ment. for tisa coaîinunace cf tisa govern. ment in tise saie position ocruipld pros-i. eus to thse deatisof ir E. P. TIace, but tisai thsaproposai stow mada involve'! a grava depterture frotîntlit poïitint. 'is govaraimani, isretofore, ha'! beeauacl- lint ('f liret, political parties, eachtu-pre seitted b, an active party leader, but ail acting atider one chief vise ha'! cease'! te ha acinated bhy trnng party feelitgs or persotai ambitions, a'a'wh its wa li iti>.'! ta give confidence te ail tisetitres, sectionsof ite coalition, tisaitthecondiuiotns chicît unita'! hein coul'! ha carria'! out la goo'! filiti ta tisa very Iptler. Mr. Mac donald tend Nir. Cartier a'!diimmcif (.%Ir. Brocn), wcana0o1thlitacontrary regarde'! a parw t> la&'rsciitarty ,feeling itzean' pi rations, and ta place atny one of ibensi în ait attitude of îuporiority ever tie tictlert, w ith tia rasi uAvantage aI preasîersltip, croul'!, la tieptublic min'!, leaeratise securlty for gond faith, anti reriousty endanger tise existence, cf tut conition. l ceaI'! lie an .ntire-cflssnge cf lise situa- tion. Wtiieievar cf tise tîiee ea8 ta prelerre'!, tie.,act coul'! susunt ta un abandon men t f tIsa« coalition ba-is ait'!a reensitunaiitcfflise ;goveiatitst oîfordi. nary îusrîy princiisles. under a parîy leader unacceptaisie tu a largo portion of' thoe on-vicia support tise existence cf tise mniâtry d,eitls". .Mr. lirowen reatinde'! la-. Macdiald tisai cisn tisa coalition wns formue'!tise liheal part! ia opposition colieîimi;c'! a mnjoriîy of Itle 11411180cf !asembly u ihat sclelf for 1t10 acconspilis ment cf a great messure cf reforas, uisi. litini l'Ise peace nad! pragresi of tis eun. îîy tisey hba' laid aide fur tise titniparty ceîtai'erctious, ait'!,eansented lu, nrtitaa coalition cilhiitieir opponeais on conditions chieis n'ôhiing b utte "îronges ti e hc n Public diii, ceali have itdneaulhetie't accept.,. He rensinded M1r. Maedou ocf thi. d&daae;, and! easbtririasin g position hao<(Mr. lir.)wn>an'! bis co'lleaiteu Ut. NldcdougallAuan! 1r. tloclan'!, ha'! eccapie'! dutin;Z the liant year. usite'! as %bsey weree ws aie politiel oppostentis cho bel'! ailtise important departîni etof stale, cL ile aike'!. hum ta refleet on cwhat ligbt tisa Libari paru, muai regard tiseir nec propcsifitsn lu abandontihsir distinct ive ýPoaition aùt'!-plameone oft tiir ciiafl aîîpuaenti in tise Pemiea-aiipf, tiongb bis Cosearvative supporters- in Parliamant arrangements siscal' remain a. before. That h. [1fr. Macd!onald]J hhoîib ith i& l Exceliene, tahisa u cshle boa( solutionç 6f tise mater, au'! coul'! net but accedu to .T hiocavor, S ada' oipersonalt feelings la tse matter, an'! thisaf ie ha'!- b. thougt>it hie' dut, ta setsisde suaist feelings fer ise saliecf carryiag oui tise1 great sciseme se bappili Commence'!, t aa suicesstul issue, Hefieîirefere wotiid readil, stand i.side au'! vaive bis prelea Sion§ su tIsat0iepoaetiser pari, (han iiimseii migit bue ppainte'! te ,Ise 1'remierehip.1 Tiat ise îiought M. Cartier sisul'! S that ' party. Tisat afier the deatui of Colonelc Tlache. M. Cartier- haond daaht cas thti. mont influentiaî mia'la bis section af tise9 ceunir,an'! coul'! be -'eiected > tisea Lucer Catidiien aupporters of tise geverti.t ment ns thuir lead'er. TisI neitsen Ma-.t Broca nar 1Mr. Macedonald ceai'! dictaista o Lowea- Canada as ta them séection cf am leader. Tisat tie Premier muet hbuîlc.t cerdisîg ta usage lise &snior membar aitiseri frein Upper Canada or Locer Canadat, an'! that tus fie [Ma-. Macdonald!] ha'! in couset qunca of tisa position taken b, 1Mr. Brownut caire'! bis aca pratensione, il folloce'!i tisatiM. Cartier sisoul'! bu appoitîte'! as Prime Mmcustea-. Ma-. Macdlonald Fette'!,i in concltusion, tisai altbou,ah ho ba'!oan neasan toasuppose tisatis iiitxcllear, coul'! objeat t thie saecîloaf M. Cantierc yuu be uinust ot course snbmuit tisa prepai.f tien 10 hMtais'! btain I111e xeflaacy9to assent to ut. Mn. Broca replie'! thet in ' soins cf tisa viaca suggeete'! by Mr. Mite.t donald, thera' cas a difiereace bateu 1 tuis puopositionandit'!his original oe, butc stili tisat thie lika the otsar col'!bcha - proposai for tisa consructioencf t tuc govertunsetit in aà manner seriouiy affecting tie sacunt lii'!Is y tise Liberai part>'. 13( a-are a soaguyting upon sa'!isa pro- sie>, taover, cure i-. farmaiiy unade, bu coul'! desire te cotusuit Sic friands Ma-.t Maa'!eugali ast'!M r. Hnwland. IITheaIntetrvie tien ter-iasie' an'!E tie felitsinc conreepondaneteck plasce : 46 Ou tSi saune day Mr-. bacdotsai' droee-oua ronecasnfollows t lunaediately afuor cor con$'Orsîstion,1 tise bauss c f. chiac e ihave airendy ne-i dura'! te enibing, 1 obteine'! gis Eîtceiiaui ey'e permîission ha propose to yoa tint M.t Canuler, ns Seing tise leader of tise minis teriai injorit, aI Lacer Canada la Panlia- mant ihoul'! assumnetisa position of Prime MNiti,ter vacatf.tî h, tise deaulu cf Sir t':ienna 'l'ache, tise othr-membaus of tise administration continuiutg te oi'! dthe position an'!d offc s aera. Ail tic Locen C'snaiat mneiti f thseCoutucil1 tsâtti.to te issproi.l>eiuion, 80 do Mnr Campbsell ai"!inyscif, an'! I asaure I cnu ulsc, spaisitk for Mn. Soliciitor Genenai Coelisura ci0 je itueabsent. M1r. Bîrown replia'! saine date 1 hava rev-ire"! our laîten of ihis1 aisernoon uavitune me ta ratain ns> prescrità position In a govutmettt te bue forme'!1 under tise 'emiership cf M. Cantier, lna neply I have uîoeue tatle ft-r conusulttliont citis Messrs. Iolocns'aa< MJacdcouugaIl tluat ce cars unly rnaer'!il,'-; propoesition as oeafoi' tie Constructionus"f tene grv- erament, in a muar seu icu;l, affeccii tise secnriuy lserel'ifusa-e bld I! y tisaliberai party. Atrioasia- deuireussnevauaie 1 Sacaever, ibat nothitg sisoul'! eccar ai ibis moment 1t) jeopardizts Ote platsai tise coal ition goveramnto n the cciiatitutmouitl tinesP on, a- cciuoi-ussane tisa raspousibi'ý iity cf eltiser nccepting or roectiiig 11t cithosut consultation citli ana'palitteal* friesî'!. Tuhi a iprepare'! ta do Witbs-: oui aay delay, an'!ltat au'! dit vi)liWSa necese;ary tisait 1have cieanly clie'!inha cnitiag tise Sasis on cisicis M. Cea-tuer 't proposez, to ccnniýWt lb. :nec g ý'jvera-î hl ra, Macd!onald croie 1fr. Brava on r>Jaega-et to .tuera freinSour note Of yett!rtlay î-,beh yeacananet auwme tise-2 politicail frima'!., -ef, elher acaeplInj or rejecuing lise prupostîlan Ibhât M. Cadrtier1 bhaul' b. place'!st tis emad otf tise iupv-1 eamesnt in tise sica'! -citii. lete Sir FL- P. Tacba,' us ,tic unsdortaa!iag tisaitiseh resu of -tise Co,ýÇit >sIsaul'! retain lissir presen ofilea ant -p-suiails Anden funs lorritory le bu incerpenale'! lie othe saine' Bysîtusiolf gomernanessi, an'! the gorerameni cull soeëk by, sen'!iag .eereentativcs to tbc lacer provinces an'! te Etîgian'!, ta secure tisa assani cf thase mica-este ehicis are isyna' ise contrai 3f oua- ow ea luisîchieon ta sais a mesare ns mey enabie ait British North Ameis to ha anite'! snder a general L'ugitlaiure base'! ponisao faderai principle. Sir Narcisse Belleau sisoul'! uudea-stan'!tisai occurrences lst tise martimu provinces un- fenîunaîely pravaiuted tiseagreemat frein Seing- canna'! out se far as regards lime. Tisai it bcLa'ra neceisan, ta -oontiler chat course cigisiteaha pas'td!in aotsequnne cf tisa occurrences. and tisI ce came to an agree mnset hat ce sieul'eatnuisslIy strivu fan tise adoption ai ibhe- 'saeme ef uSt' Quehea conférence 1btsiseul'! ce-be attable te ramave tise a0'ectiof allihe rteur- lthoe provinces Ia lime ta presant S mesare al, tise epealnq cf the Session cf 1869, for thse complaîlon ai tisa conioeaatîen acharne, ce sisouta tîisn jiresent te Pet aliameat an'! prags citis alluthe influence ai tise goverair- matît a mensure fer tise rafortu of ttuoea situtinnai sysuain aiCanada as 'set (antib is tIte above agreemasa i fJ,îae, 1865. lé Thea corre4pundeace -'laie'!on tic 7tî inst. citithte ioiiocing iciter famMnr. Maedurtald In Mn. Broca : "S8ir Narcisi Belleau returne'! froua the country yestardity, and! 1 ansishappy, ta in- fînin you tisa i e bas, tisougis eus greal reiucttssce, accede'! 10 tie raquait cf M'. 'Cartier aut' mysatf, an'! accepte'! tisa pesi-- lion cf Iiirst Miaister, citis ltaeoffice cf I{c-civer Geanai. le accepisttie polie, -oI the tle govaraneal. as clatie' a yti tnta il Stunday taermu, an'! adopte il as tisat cbicb ciii govern hi& administr'ation. Tis, poliey ciii of course bha aauoutcc'!it bou houaeoh Punliatment as soota as p'ussitste.e" In tho Actiemtui, the Addnasswsamaya'! b>' Mr. MoGili seconu'e'! by Ma-. Brassean. lion. J. .A. Misc'outil'! entera'! miat axplstntiona s uttatise ecoussîruutiîî of lil-, Goret amatîit. Ile rend tise saine papier as ws rea'! b>'tise Proimierils tise iJpper flouse. loui. Mn. Cartier gava similar es1ilantioas ln Frenchs. M r. I*rctsn adula'!tise foilocing itheis eiplanations. ISMît5IofANaUM Or J. CONERSvATIONcv TWUNI vliteGovstitNtruuîGzNm'EîîÂsAm) MR. Btow,;, AIr;IST-r)aRu, 1t610: >'.Brown ace lfoime'! hy-Lard Mchcibiat hoha t'!coma ta the conclusion 1 uai thtq hast coiunsc bu coul'! take fan" the pua-posa of filuing the tuscaila cause'! b, tise duatis cf Sir I Tache, >vas tanaaitrosl MMa- udoaald elitiste racionstraction oi Lite0 Xovereo'nt,asli ithetiten citise caisntuet usexi in soabonity ta SliiB. T1achea, an it'!cl tise view et-maluinigus Utile chneas posible iii thi, personal chsar- ier nioftis umitiîisiu an'! isaving aslce'!Mn. Brownutatogive hiu lus ýÎlècsaon tise praent tle c f alluime, Ma-. Brocut expresse'! lis opinion liaI tise cana-se entîii;aie'!thse Cuvainon OrneruI usotld hava takieta cousit have bren ta * hava maintaitue'! tise ge'ernutiuatiluitise semae piosition thatit ild'previont to Sir Z. P. Tache' asdnîli, S, pI-cio' ut tise iea'! ci slite ministry comae member cf tise Legisia. tive Ciuancil undptwomchasioiisei, Mn., adoai' undl Mn. Cartie'r inigisî serve ai ibry lia'! îth'rto dont- andan' Sir j1.1. Tacha. Tittt ho grenulaufere isai cea-e tuie Iea!iag represuatativus cfuiter aI tii ýh rPe 'Ça-ca poliiin partieîs'leieetsvbtri ise pr'euit 'coalition had' hi'? lforma'! ,!4'pitiait!tc thea'o" aifths- rmiai.strY tua reat c oul'! be te impenil tise coaiionaiof piia-?es cbihiait ha!'prevailie'!for tiselast, 13 'Mtinuhu.Tisa ieh,(1.. r.own-ct) L~'an e <are'! <ifice uat:'tiesa siictlssti>s et it irn, soleiy for tise, pua-pose of c1r-'ii; ,-însitu- -ittOillchangevtics hc hhoconsidera'! esîca ual1 te tise bra i kterastsoaf-use province,. Thi ite is '!ssirouejf aeiii f ruas ufficu atisa erieRl posisible ssomt!pi, ibut that ise,'Governer Genieral aligisu rely'itsrt lus mln, evenu mn, adminlstratihi s'forsae'!on tise bais ieoftiseagreemeisi aI 1864, ciii- racaiva hie Most isearl, support." . !uýrepIy tIo, Hon . n..Dorien,, the Attorae,-Guneral West sai' tise rameour tisai-tIe Pramiershfp was afFoed Hon. Mr. cam'pbiit ensincorrect. -Mn. Bolton prpose'. Mn.,Broca sili objecte, and D'BL canlte lime îococneutit ie fiendo. Tis is lae'! ôn Satur'!my. Panliamuai assembles on MI --uIes'!ay. 1Mr. Brown cii omoinet ai e <lera e o lime to Ilcensnit ils irlendsrl mdais' u an insmediato recenstructionofTh ~aMn it, aOum"sss, M- Cartir# .ü liii. Mn. Meomid, eplvea hi&c clcm, &U& &n Died by tmry cf viols hy tisep 1 1 certain course on thse Imâperial GoverÉ nent- should be made known. fHe did ssci tubt tbal thé ccperimi, G.oernaientat berý willing ta open negoliations, butbèji ad ta ascortain ebhether thise chet parîy atioa was' willing ta aopen negotfie, !,-He hope'!1't coul'! net lesuppogse'! fron ladty remurkt-cbicii ha4 fallenïfrom hlm that ho ha'! attribute'!-ta IbheIdiperîilGoverqaeut ain, in4iÃposition ta negotiate for'ibe rn- a i ôf ih à 'T re a ty . O n theb m o a '!î r y ïj' !%le isad sbecen the. greateet atisiety ta muet the. wiss eof tuis country ta hal tise irae euth thc United! States placed an a proper footing, but diftiliem isad exista'!w icb tii.7 coal'! nai contrei,n'! t lis' ed te~a tbougist ta bu for the pablio interesti -tisse ditllculties sisotIJ be broadly saad. Un Friday, afier balf &n baar's emeain bath bons.. teourne'! aver ta (oesdcytbe cammitieta chich bills res'! eomid -bd refarre'! nat hvi b he tenrgaaised. taken np aI tie stage 'sAere ilt lie*"' su-' malinea'nd carnie'! îrough,, bttaAugùà t 14. Sareral docunié-nti e f4 lai'! Isfore- lb. ' les by Mr. Bi3o-n, relitting ta thd Ne twest terriiory. 'Bills cure inltrddnterl 13y Mýr. M. Perreulî-te atenc sêatet' 15, cf the coîîsolidaied stittutes of 4loet' Canada, und ta malta furîther prv«. ratpecling sehonos aia-gticulture. j IJlfyfr. Rose-A bill concernlng tPT inspection oi fleur an'! mec1', aise a bill coucarning tin inapectIor(atf pot an'! Pearl ashes. On motion of 1MAr.. J. B3.,B. Doricas, leave was gitan ta tise St. Hyacla1tb election-commlittee,' te adjourntii lte 22nd inst. By INIr. 'lailoran -Te provide-more fully fer- the pualismantk. of 'offencea againsi the person ini reispeet oet le'crime of kidnapping. M. C.. Cameren pres ente'! a petitidn freath GiareGorcf Teroatio pnying ,te ise saparste'! frein tise* Cunt _aiPeal 'and annaxed te tbm donaîy oai'York. *MF. Rynsai preaented a petition fýom thse Municipall iouincii of tise CouaîyÃef' Wcnîcorîb, prgying for an Aa ta reatiict thie rate of intereat ta 1 per cent, ' and for, tise:punisbmeat cf ail violation ai tise' 4w,1 direct or indirect. Mfr. *Gaii broughu deen a siatemel of expeuditare te '30ïh Jue, 1865. Onu motion'ci M. -Dioson, a select coin- MilIce wasa ppointed te assist 1Mr. Spnerabf la the direction offle libtary cf ParIia' ment. Ia reply to 1Mr.Hi.îan M. Chapaisasai&it waashdne ltrmiaalîo Cthe goverdmaýint tao rEmo'# the publl3 ,Otfices leO 4tawa on ihe-- progajîi ',0( thse preseatasieon. Ina reply ta 1fr. Dieksoil, '1r. Gaîl sai'! aftapprotpriation 10 tisé' ImPréearlent-fumdbs'hetit madeut ~of te vole cf crédit oif lit suission. Som&. .difgfiltitis ha'! oedréd b'il the wà y cf it* imniadiate distriunîh,,y1baftlhé, tentied ta Bay it woUNihe uistnibutcd clIi n the in«x tee or uistea weeks. la rtepilte M. Bahleaff, &M -Chnpnls uni'! itl wsstha ftentldfr oô( tise geverilacot ta contince Lth. warlç of' enet'siag thè nsew buil'ige ià tenaed for thé' Lae anaeffaras.tr prisn sitiatacd uLit, îVinéant'tbt Paul, '" >.~ Hfr. a omv.' ed1,or an ad'regg 'Èvdt"f cas ctirried, siiacing îthe ;tyment cf prin. eipal"ad istereat madIe by tte Baaà kof UIppar Canud&s te uc goverament, nder tise order ia-council ni, N0'by<bgn. 'jR8sa , - - ý >., ý -.ý--- -- 1 - - ý - .- , --l - - ý -1-ý.,-,u - , - - - - -- , 1 elammm - , --*,-,- exciteni an'! ana Ëeià ul le-ftu 140î. Meteor ar line o. ac Ani