!ITBT OERROIGLE in ou vils xomite or 1i si IÀ IAOwtuEk, UT W. I HIGGINS M Illi. Printlng EAtablibliulOll, Br~ookc Street, WhitbY.I TEINS 8150 ?ER ANNUX. ADVERTISEM NTS! tAclT. Artltsoats measured li Nonpan- £3. isi, muaI hargeaI at lie rate oet8Icentsalper fins, tiret Insertion, sud2 i-mnte pafhUe, eacim s U bse uent-titsnotlou. Spodlal euttOtmade vlthim dvertlaonnbY tWhe yean r t lerviao' lonot Me Or4eni ta dîaeoaitti, dvant.cnmtsmf be-lun vrittnig. BANK07 XONTREÂL) WlirmTB BANdi. W. M. DEAN',Maier CAWà ER0O'N AD ~ ~ ' AltW isAND) ATTORNFYE4-AT' W' BLaw, soli~otn tti fl4.to)af Onarei, &e., t&c., wbih WNY M. b.CîoiteO<,Q.C. Il. J. iîroom14l- ~.~~emev mm pntI nea1 tityl. A B ý1 lt lh mt'ie tlr,, ns.', M0RRMIRON& Aelo Tornlito), 41Y~ unlll 0flOt~pulî V.Il MTn,lll.alnr . lt . Colt5tAt . .1,là . 1.B TNFPUrY l.".,KNl?' E YFî*WS - sN I- eta l til - rh 'lit% ' 1.1 W.îîrt çI- ollitipOlOtrl-v, l~', 4 tie I.-. ICl.A1.L .1. t tIERCp.n . DAîià tNEIaL '~l DARIIISTEIb Nl'ikdEYAT ILAW,a offic- vit"tiit lIiiliiistr' ,lnik 'St. i ii' Tornitn. mn K TîIIF. L l -A'.It &W-S 0qî"'il'it~ ty. CJAR. C. 9 Eb.Elt, JA';. tIIN ýwi ý',uiuitim, W * ti' t'. 'V% & Iit-l iATt'- ld't Y-iAT-LhW, 13 itta.i---îat 1.-ena & l'w- la 11 mu Wlitimhy. C. W,. A.'r rdItNFy AT TAW, ,0IC)ll("ld1t1 ton, a-., i 'uîîîV.iV. teiillrai'<. W. J.E AREW ELI., L L. B-, BARILITERAT.LAW, &ct. qieyatieitr, a&e. I fia 1,ua t 'îir or%îthi ef-tho PoRt Oim nai. .W. l LY rdAN EN(ulstl, L L il.. flAUUSTER 1AT lPW aioirin V, 4P_ 5en'r, Cnîeyfttl'e, tct Slnnei~,~opO5lt tI'40 - JOJIN BILINGS L AW, CIIANCERy, & iVEA1N fficeou PrnceioAlliet, tva IOtiqrawaat"Of 'geouï LL, tmsoiable 'lermi, atmi prompult oftanacea made.. R.W. CLARK,-M- D- ta"-SrBrook SImdc, fitt. 44 -R. j. GUNN5 M,3. t.jtJUGEON TO TIF- COUNTY GAOL, S Byron Sîrootý,Whlbhy- . jolI-N IIETCÂLF, i'1LERK )F TIE FIFTIIISIO)N COURT, Voompina<the Tnwîiali rook. Ad- rrAtILoR and - )ltAlE'-Kîll StS.Osa ..Ganments immde toa odn nthe bept tyle6 A. PlINBGLE, MEII~TTAM-iG, BRoCC STREET, ILOUIS DUBIS'8 flUTÂUTIIANT..U')rero! Tnrlt sud Ex. .iplanade Stnelht Toronto. Rofresimmnte TXlOIIAS HUSTON, % la T% ,ERK &TRECAgUItF-Rl'WITBY' 9(<>1TREAL BOUIllI 127 King St, Wat, 11Toronto. lly 1. JORN. IL WARIWICK. ATJINS0N akà )IOSWELI.1, O &EtRlSTERIS. Ki n Sirelt, douro Eaut o! B >'rmroui'5 sIraot, Toonf ARIKH &à VILUAQE., C. W, OFFICIL. &Iinefor Tank andi Ont^io? -'40& Vi.aU* IIRATIIWAITE, 31- D- Rlkl)UATitOF TII!UN[Vgtt8ITV OF b1OQUI couoII, (auqqeagoor 10 Dr. Wans.) 'P in o* , U AlbelO JI E S 41 lVIth calm Printed wolr4s,, great tOulglitsasiut<E 'OL IX. WHIITBY, OCe W.,T GLOBE IIO1TBL. RUSSELL'"S HOTEL '11E boi vil nouola otiblsedQ U FE B E 0J, te and ruie, hre bie ia ed lREundcraigned Prcprietoro cf lie b e lime o aaror. te teredho w III ly ho ý namecit110ME, bagrepeettnlly te auprlae md wanls of hi a ettcmdpo &o. t forfllendd, and pelrons, LimaIt teyimrmetbo- o vaîms cf li, gîesta, ic.flou ll 'noveted tlîetr citabliiittOt durit.g Tite promisqes ha.% been con ventently und tlie nluewmcmeamo ief o 0eftt mfortahly fittod up; puinto&d,1paperedi, '& ImoMemi. a o hlc)no ogllt no wdImT u'..rt thceiterni't4of aftwae to b utt. and eîery Ile Meg Pbc rnteri acomnîoaianth TTu adroIm r ent ta nialot'the Tavllor' ddtin tali ti,. apartaommema ti - m ,urle t,,i, nd the Table boantbfui- tan, ticy have nov VlarldS amd Sd-rootnI ti, l atîllpl[cd tat> tneslarge hcmuse neer tlc Intel. îmici, for noltort and onvetenmc. mor niiinrpaspcditu e eity. roice to rârmers and Othersi WM. RUSSELL &SN km 'mars Wlupll,'nalr eAnd itetail. rouu aa'COMMERCIAL HO TEL. YPronf, hi galonm or lîarrl ; MeNntlmghtn'R lenle vit, do. d'! 1,.- llmr'i- Extra llortified BROCK STREET, IVHITflY. ïîiseo, «do. 41o.; beed Por Sherryuand 'iueh ckBtrandy for tii. aek, mtl . iatoet Thlo ,ncerpignod lieg le nnounre thuIho À qor aond (ligars of tho l'cit lmrnnit. lias taken lthe ebovo voîl mumavu prenîlues Attenltive Oîtiçrâ, alla Iloraca te0 hue. whlet lave becîi newly furmiglmed ai.d roume- A. ALEXANDER. v e va' ilm,,tîî. verc e i bot accommnoda- rooklaJa,. f11h 113.tion gointZ, wittî cairofîl llentia, van elveyu S T A i E 1-l O U E, etabttg*ettO)lifivdoTt,anldfatttve. NAiuI29 JOIN MILI.EII. TS.IAC FENTON, OnînnueouLlning Hll& Eestusuranlt Proprietor. fl IpEfil leET[%F-. (lIiES T. U Jum-.mî*a Catltinr.],) Torito. )iîmnere BEST % Iiare .o,l tiqqomanc;.erancQom 1,-nhalpotTwoi-Irota Tiîr..ý' oelck. mý,,îtinoi 'r' raver'l ' tl tabllnîlmmd L:îleSîîir.&c., li .t hima.Wlita, 'timlivo liostlor. 1nlLî,i nl)r. &c., cille hext breîida., A tI 1 i N 1- OT EL. tf' 1 .Ihio J.L îmx'saliteki, WitC ANTON JIOTEL, JAME lLACK, PtN 'mFEIICKERtING. fltm,.Tt IE -AsTW. CUTIIIIRT. WA'rINDSOR iIOUSE, HIB , .bmIroprietnr. vul. eam i' , l'itotiirT it, - . rIl , o l IPll i1niiteil l a,îîîoîwaiilumnl BOYN.TO*,ieg io*rEL, (4iA it crotmmelatiftu 1er travellera. jol buabling eîl a ttentive nat ktra. 22 M. 'tfP(iY.Tit)Nlot-- b iîflrtîli lu;- VICTOMA TRTEL. hnmrtiîiCi ii-,tit o 4, 0pl1em:m the Vic'rOlA ii'riti. anrrnteîuî01) iia troé,lit t 1 m lentt1wî Ihîti alA nî 1IVL - ,. Il.*ila- i l é l ly01îeîn ielibyý; ANCJ O.AiiUIRCAN OTEPL. TII E .uberlalq 1a fuIr-I11)thre. ave aiIA ,rtahllahpirti ittel,tuti titie-vw fnll'utîm;r uvoyeni in~tlltii tnla4it Irneiiuu 1uibir.- ilit-e 1111 a (tI . 1 il talelitmdtlti4tti e I Grand Troiuk Rotflway iotMPS. <Snet le of Rauii,'lf ep'fPart Whifiy,.) T kiiowii p ina fm ithth iew ofiii' iti c lte e~iaritii 'tii- i rveuliuue -,1 llie. Il--- *a e'ttiy a ettitin, tn1011Itl i ivt t l unt t' il ti liae ewuîerli a ttiei ,na I'tal te iVanat. (acuaf tiillitg, a ' a-Irni'iulîentiotn J'AME'S PINIEGIE. Wiiiîiy, A pri' 27, 'l «.- e1 GEORGE GURIL EY. tiuiitle ,-tinutl'. iriaemta ,isulru piiilte blit im trvi'.lt al.- Jiielti" ' 1 taitiph-ai-'- eul-fuir sprinir werît. Eirriarîilie Wtttutatii. No Sit, rie ~mu112 EDWARDS & flonDIER. glteionlîre lemu4t'î ranimo t ni aiti tim rk ct.,inii i 1,s le ruýf Ail vtrk iia.e up 'a lte 1 u'r'îaîu.îe lit inuiAt l'itt-Ii in-oliei- 1 VAR.4 & PEIgTERoO, P IAiwTICAI. l)a;.lt.i,ilsluuv. -$ % P )ettal Ioinx, di,','îli appo- el~ te the 1et (bte.-Eit suce ou Sinmc(e Sepot, ehind leur .inrti o!fIthe Onatio WOON'S HOTEL, WOON & r »OTTIER-. NorltfBritishandmliMercantile Pire & Life Insurance Comy. W. H. JIRAN,, Witby, gept. 7,192. 85-y 8OLICITORy &c.1, &c., IlAs 1I)Vl~Er> bis Limv f>tielti ntant, Cliamtboco, lit Oe Ioor llnnti fm o ti Ite-zistcy 0ffce...a Wh itby, J Ami. 20, 1862. .THE ROBSON HOUSE, DUKOAR STREBT, WHUPIIT, C. W. FOIEROliSON, Propntetor. Tr lIE sbcriber beugeo annonee thla ho Las Jlenaed 1he building foîorly kuown as Surptîro' Iote, waIhwhanbeen renovated, refltrniubed, and filtd op tlrongholmî, lu the best of xtyle. Tlho pramiaca are le anty ait- nated. oppomlte tht. 1>oa Office, atid inth Ie con- trAm cf the Towin. Tbe llalwity-q>nlbnCI ils t tthe Ibid elpa the 1tagem for Umdvidgoaid levrtn e.uVe thme door evertili j. Bar11pe 0 c4ORGB ROJISON. W hltby, )iv* 1860. BROOKLIN UOITIIC. eA CLL AND SxeRSÂNDYI ,1 Lai = ton the "Brooykll, n iopt," I1' QMII VIllage, Wh -ne ho wtt] tbdtsead _tn sait11hia f riunds.. Ithe premise.are %<el fitteçi su d cn &'tnt là the.accoruoçde- tion goi, ryoot.ft-ohoce10 the comfor4t 0 irau1pia Rorelmet%1,Ivio beau promoted te i" ne wvol]m cmU9.4a1. Bsa nov. dl ak ot ot et hi imIrt allAi, w.t-t il inIavrti citve- lieIt-t q \Vaineacf - ,imtîlanv. Feb. 14, 1 «.. IM. SMARleCI TAINI)AGENT. AY IiEt17N L4 fai-Itir ,ilua l~,mm om'III e l'-nutien -tof itai in. <ttnnnî )lam 1,lcr"t ttuet tif tî o Onfity Bullît- inga.I i THE ONTARIO HKOTEL BîbO(K STRFF.lT WiITIIT. J. nrtUD(>TTOM, UD5!LL'm IIOTEL, and Il11u,0 pnittle ilha'te lit te'nm thin itahe ab-.in weil kî,awl, 0-aiîd, witerr Vieo travellingr ceinlltlll t' villii lîit.i e ie vuimaiiim mIiA eîafiitsm et »alil Iotra. Thie table lrli -le-IWitt au',rNti , q Ilii.. à 'amm - the 1lî,r m pbie-I g-li htue 4I ie5lqt Ils gýnait là ti tu-îd JAMFSdtINIR1IN ESrVBLlSRED IN 1782. GILLLESIIE, MOFVATr t 0C., Agent4. fo Canada. JAMES I>AV1SIJN. manager. INSIa'IANCF.S agaiat 1.089 hy FIREare afeeteat on the tmoat favorable tormna, alitd L-O&SES VAlu wllotre!crtiioce 1the Roiiral in Lonmmil. Jîîly 1, 1503. INSU RANCIE T Il E nnderagedlaeen ppoetl en in thi. oalt ort1 floiu tea lnîurmncocorn n 111 wliehb.l 1 preps.red 1:sscept igii-flb!.e4d marIn,- - 1 The Edinburglê LftA'auram couap%y ie& Liveurpootand frsudem 71ic Mlonreal Fire Imauroe aCoupan,.1 7u Prvincal Àanmme fJOUGIBl. - y. KELLER, Oluwa, NOV. 18, 1863. 4 Brit mta rca*Asraa4 ëCopafty, NCORPOILATEIU niei au Aeci tfh. TIMr Isession o! thse v*n1h ProvlicAIal n- OAPITAL £100,OOO *JOHn; AGNFW, Trravelliug Agent, Byroitrtfat. Whllb! AD VERTISEMEN T. Roa, oB i g mric iaf'udpa er If this 18 80, wmyOU Profit by it'? nhe Y013moMn'$ Frlmd~, and tie le eîîe'a *co.mpmimdli ono, .11il i-vOtesig i. vimolo 1ime top tme trealtment o! PRIVATE DJSICASES At higI. 1Quatera, CoTUOn llyautif AOlatlde atretts 1*it" i' xpnenonfinbl a l)ti te ocure reet c«Ua ne iîiîi-m i,.rt l ti ia. i 14.lige rie g oaff tycited witiout %Iemrvé aboid enrls vatraii. Persans v110 wi.ýta conitiaithIle Doctor 1511 do s0 witm tii' iiat it t mere-i. My nonediibi are pleeseiml. rert.ii, mund 1s ie. Ynscn ae ont stop vork i r o'iiî,igc yolnr iliet. Ci on the Docteir;- st.c e -aîgan yenionele ciîtrm noîhIing for ii i...'Marrled ,or-.eima oeil Ssii vth tomsft-'t"i tI-eor l sailtclne. Youngj moa. vhoaue f1, il %tl tna . t rihabitçi ean nteeieirniîie,'jiate relief hb), iî<ta liote Dectnr. Ptteimtt. ruited l'y I'iarnd meth- Chimt tteit fni-.ifro% tain iitgric .latY, to aIl parta o!flime TOrî. <ýrOffltcc liii- (from' igl itim te mnrlit Until <iglit lu tl,ý ,veabiir. 40. AUCTIONýl MR. Fi. . CAMPBELL SI.itVîN41,tl aucdmnAuclio m touM il fi c tî ii i î !Ittak St. waet.It.1 h i a.îîk!î e oagî,cmatf Mthu ado]îthem' ef*a#ý lu h %i oItlethe himiglit si lller. l'armise; en, trniing tsi irIr aupit% 'o nut nai ulpeld et% Certim'a' le -wiutli or h anmd tlîir riÉrlît clian9b tiuatk, %alît 'renies vel'y mnmeraiîe. ' lt E. CAMPBELL,. Ataamtusiecc anal Agent Land For Sale' EARIFf P'RO3?1'RTY4 Building Lotsý The folto, in 1 t ILotl e*il'o AM lI forc "s-il or nt a fair Valu-m an n me ai. Lot 1, Ath (> Il lînri., 2'00 At 1-- thi M.titlg, 200 w T g, bd ' iq et,10 " liaiImfro t ui itret, oi- S47,lti. Sonteivite, -*no0 14tl , qui~ ~ u 2tOt liii 17, f7ti S done ll Q l-' 22h, do ~ aa LaI 7,l Tti *- m eaie 200 L'ut 1l. l'ttî i (le- 2oq N Y.W27 2.d" Wiitby, 50 Severn! ivliall hail-llng lot* fer 4i "o, - ammd pri-uimte.iaithe CoTomrZaeof Lima! air ui tmly. >'or furtlier informulot. SAipy t*. ROBT. E. PERRY. 1Wblthy, Macm, 1845. Il - BRITISH -PERIQUICALS. - riz. The Lond on 4wa-rterly 11.. view (Couservative,) ý The Edinbarg Eeview <Wbig9.). The Westminister Revloýw -Tne-1!orti -Brfitish Eeviow BIackwood's Ediiiburges Ka- gazine (Trop.) The Acun ebiitro cumni~e 10 i5011181 l abeve named pericodlcel.butlosoteie m fpdintl 5510 jly nrreatde tey ams TERKS FOIL 1865. Porany one o(the R s... $400 per ancm For any Iwo o f te yelws ..... 7.0 ,e t%,eeftbe £svitffl.. 0 oc i Fer ell takd'aMpie..... FornBIekWeâsd syt* eiewa ........... 10 4 Forli"eglcwae ndl irec ts 4eriew.. ..50~4 For 5lsekwoe4sqd IïeMý e Fnitl]pardias, by- s4%jà ai lmmes 60 OOue1umm St, NenwYork. VICTORIAÀ GÂRD)ENS#,1 T REVleotSjia Gsrdmm Wi uvlnutill] faxi-her nlotice le open fon promeunade &oc., eseny TffUR8IIA~Y IYEN1NtG Trom euth&lsfjat tM clolook. M&uale thi1uo.,iam uyenfe i lb. eWhti- by Bmid. 1D411014L¶(*G. Anuasuio-Yamfily ticketsfer patagon $8. Imdyau"dgt me ~$,0 igi tickoti, te admit @dAi DIVISION COURS FOR TUE COU,NTY 0F ONTARIO. 1 , Pikorl.............' Ird, 9, P. ech Amîg..... . 14h, 3 , Uîbrca ý. t 141, Be, ton c,......... i Ttm, Z. BIJRNIIAM, WhItLy, dune lith, 1865. JnaeC.. TWO GOOD Farmsfor Sale BRNirtma f lots Nem. 20, 21 ad 22, it WlIt 5e rnesal4on o! Wltiiîlu. -, Tenais iibecut. For furtllier pertieulama 'l'fl3AS LUM1sDEII, 21 leiiuiaxvllto, P. 0., (1-. E 'TWO NIEW PIANOS. Y EI ls top for Cashb.- J. V. HA.. Wlillluy, Mny 25, 1965. 2 MONEY TO LOAN JAItES I.-GIORDON 34rriter, Whlitby. MerelenMayt, ij, 5.r tLn mPL a sloy rate o! ltteres4tî 8pout lF'rr p'~erty in the Conty or tU',îltrlo1 whergth 1So1loltor. 'ýonrt Iton". A LUGE QRtSLok of lonue-mnade Truck*, puoiland etrong CHI EAP FOR CASH Aise tny îumitl gnd sSik of Saddles, Whips, *P. J., PMLs. Farmlor'Sale.- lnglit $ntl ti! I'Lot24,luthe Lot T'OWNSHIP OF WHITB-Y, Orto or oito ic WtilLbyJlnn28, 1865. 25 W, fi.'& C.$S. UADI)Y, ViSaddlIhmeKfs, o1eiai bethool. ~cet's Qtmtr. V4 FItie li,'nvid diiegtte, dke, rumaExibitid bagila il ierducisedk dus n bic ugleth birie es i ai#id ue1t At e igil, bute il.. bisumal io Ana"n ln cormn». Wlmeni Imeilia nurlier! alch crowmla'o! RAY fa (W, -ich wnvin' av ftmgs 1--nicli an iîli unt I vie Sicît âne fayni la dien vorea iitr gheld meir, Silice theo cîzerman' gaold di.ai boa îI Briun Born. Grumacluren i Ilere'a lthe Princo novihipua inl I csn'î suc tiiolface, but l'Il Allakte te lthe dri*ver,- Citodo titille faillie!).Or !lighimas, aboitolmll May yer ration and bnlcamilk Sfon 11k,.a Au raul. niy bav y. heer stoli ta reciutirely - Ait' vllero,'slier eiolmehePriîicou.n, aviti jemeol t sore imer faie id ho welklm tW Irelatid; ummî 01,, nluy could yor boînîlful hîsil ieo-ou cruel, ilevw' yor royal Qmet inother I May (led aura IIlihtjoy nIl 2lhonce klsaoal lime soil av ccou But time star ar lion ladite.,. 'iiii dcvii ii It. An lthe liglit ai-l3 glory vil eheer lier it moret! oîuîud yen, 1i An',eatbiigiiI liltt ighlt lflrine av yeni prilue, Bnatsjoni wyonrneît bewlily ltlatim 1mI uit v Surne ye necdn't bolaye nhialdho rappe Fe Mily huilt tClonndfor ia a 14ebigieo Titoîr suvii lonititimiis u- axn opri%»uon An tIînchliut elr lâmutoc>1eln'l, mila oye. . We'rc int dlt.contutod, ci lhigbne*abouohnl L'i foir'plitymit jtiwcl, 11.0 nrnlIdalt oer; Tilt-fi lic u limai immüe, an, ye'hl lied til,.! ii Av 1>11ii,,uVonuloofi, tth trtfe le t4 i qe NO030 card'vý là i145"ertb, eartlyle and to seat inuh îhgbt te tîLe. eglous nibere uothng, gros&*jirdehasl n ueziet. ThêlSie tbit,ë au M*mkea hie mark upob tLe voiler"; j bat deode, honorer dank, lire forevéri sel!.necorîled, nitile it may appel tôioa'vboso actions sbrnk front the lighi, way'u.rroe ebearte 'cf those nibo neveu a1peak gaci nhat tdencec lsos The DifI'creuuce. In &i 4ttrter o! Lendon quite as feshien- ibie sui5dlen-square ln for Nov York, aJ' complî#j cf noblotien in'i .gentlemen ha" erçoîad a Lotit St au expense o! *1,- 800,000. 'The building les plendid, slike a, to itg dimensions. iii stylo, ia 'decora- tionwtlte funuihiug. Every improvo. moent sfgfgkýeaed by e ur. American Lotel yssh>neias by time besî Parie bôtels, Las been iutroducad. The- building is perfectly fire-proe! ; but as au extra proe. ttaution agant aIl sorts off noce, vaton le se sbondantly supplioli frent su artesian voit te tanks . dieînibuted througbout thue building, tuiaI anythiig iluthue shape o! a fire coulaI Le queucheil almast in an in- stant. XiTtle calculeîed tbat thîs London veat end hotet vill accomnodate me îbhousand peteatsnsd thme charbater o! the dretoqy as volt as ils- uneqnalted situation, î i socure te it the most:dietinguiegeti patron. m go. Yet the managersa beitlg aboýe tLe vuigar suebbery wviih eks for exclusive- ce. lu exorbitant charges, dipliuctily au- neunce that single gentleman May bave e ibedroona by tLe night as loy as eigheen pence. Snbafigere ýas tii aenyvhere wesi of Pearl sireet -or 'Avenue C lu New Yorka 1 veald Le eneered et as a. coarndmuaIvl- 0gar impohition., And tLe hotel ifeeli v ould.be daruned frrerr lu respectable peuple's syce. "ct, ,the direttons cf tisl Londomn institution have piauted their i cheep boandiug hbonses alongeide of Prince Rdniard cf Saxe-Weimar,& 'palatal rosi- denco,, in tLe very centre sud haLoicf iLe beet London society; Iboeir, President il tLe Premier Par! o! England, aud tLe Prince o! Walcs"presente bînuseif imong tLe preprietore, -aIt hein opening, te de- cuare ithoeiotelt tehb. oqual te thbe et ln y Eightoon ,peuce a nighit 1,whew M' oxciaims that Mcnt luxerions and enoibiel ô( hi& Lia d, t he Nov Yotk 4"geut"--O'hi a ridicalousà geeî oa a f maa1 And se lt lea svo ridiculous: figrtoi min vimose 1,6 ueina' are, the -ouly creden 'tiale Le bLastg,,ippean among vell.Lrei l' peopl-aqn euirçly ridleulotis figure,, iî 'fact. Tendoning socb a sans for a nighti Iedgiuug oui umobblah friend vouiti haitdl ye tIw e bhif from nt tiisant vai1oér- no muogUre od tuybody else. Tbat ii be-t 'ûntti.ee.e fl..5fir,'a t É Os Parcy ei on.1tau*ed inck1 it riraisoentca fo fi4l M litbiIiî tiofi ho-,b - ie gmtaney-a 'L% ylr h uk n ticfuc mikii' estti:, 1 p en c e tIes als- pectablty takia l 'rey'c lt atî aem.dî enlo p of iîsel(, Ta b.euionablo, lheoftoi PAu tlîe*y'rogetLu' a beslmdfuiitpuotu nroply.. amoug tU, a landiord muat ses Ihai 'b, I4ovwngrinIy * ,uter thea'crent Exhibition; tarif la biglu eueugh' ta suit bis patron Pbffaloe;vimat aalglmt!lovld my imotalan issles.AndI Ibat, vo-repeatu là jImmi I T In od adiatltth.e-la Da'e osni" Jos h hugi CouC ritrtlmg. Thmer,'oer>-Ihliirghere l toclAiu hthe boyu, -- FProm e Wellington hecto mv KuJlig.ulius citngis a luxury, hl s. 1eewa'srý Thiat lie tueaIniihls4 todl, ere ont ati ii1lte pâle, 'Ilcfute'sole.'The m olanîn' v tu L nver éouredhbu li-ed 187rait >Toti. hedW cnoker of Nobueudusr 1th-a lus ubeousa blind'Mausa iu'ng landeaf 01 tbik th brpgil7 à eecs.o !1ýjhdù> A i lu 5bOOlia deffmainsu tahîe land, OItnneladall ivn i oud.tiîn'frùll mv e ,j and5b7 iLs.aide mnr-murmi Oililean' ber b' s rt aelyte pfiu av flir blice; 1 l laind,> ~ ~ -- ~ irvlt'ia tr-o4fen - e nayohies a atar top -d o --eii s y v a~i~tocI n'YB,- a u i alMsud NS'rock stlu enia eiMeitd.p I Wonuiacid y Tht be r, for the vfrtu~ di bizi es. ïoe is iii ,br ourt er , w .our e sé yu'wood >éoorl .a;faré frott tesile, and tho Perfection cf thé' titi. coulrt ber as thongh she vaut a fuie and- yu anotielr. (5obrt ber in- tbe klcben, over .tbe vshtub, and aet te plânnbr, court this way, yang man, and if yu kdn't Éit à wife, the fault won't be in the courtin. Yong mane Yb l an rely oan'Josier Bit. linge, and if -yu can't malce theso rnleà *urk, jist send for bhi-ind Le «I show yuý tvo É tî,iùlid--t &tlant toit yott a sent. Tho Rothtclld Weddinjî.- conuisorsa uîrniage that vas celebrated i tuondoh on *itdhesday :0116 89 whicebhas seldom lienu eicelled in magnificence and dispiay. The marriage vas hetwebufn td cousins cf îLe ramone Roîheathild family. Hyalins, ILthe tond dadghter of Baront ËoîLecIuild, vas fniptelo the son.cf Baron Anselm Rothscbild, -or 'Vienfd; - The marriage ceremony was perforièct iu 'Picoadilly, et the muansion orfthe fathei of the bride, and a hoat cf friende aseieted, also*a large srtuya of relattyes attig how vere Paron James-de Ithectuild, Baîcet. es@ Nathaniel de Bottschild, Barones WillI de flottiechild, Barn anud Berones Adolphe dý Rotbscbild,'Sir Anthony and Lady det RbtLecbild, Baronitd laIonces Meyer de othec"hiid, Baron and Batôtieso Alphonse deRothscbild, Baron Nathaniel Baron >Jamies NaîbasRitl de ikthichildj Bitron Edmontd de Rotctilld, qtl. de Botbebild, Mr. Alfred de É~othsc'bilJ. Mr; Lesopold de' Rothschid-and thue Misses Margaret,, Constance, Antie, Emuma, Han. nab, Alice, sud, Bettima de Rothschild. lhe unarriage ceremony vas pbdo~frmed lu tLe house cf the bride'e f'ather accordiug to the lastiÉlI rItes ohae-rved à t Jéevliti wed- 1dinge. The relatiteesud guesta sesembied ru inthe draWing rooutî _yvheIbmr ,iiecbief guests sud relatives and friands-,aPïaited the. aurital cf the bride. Tb e bnidegroonz vas placed'udtr a canopy, bisheet wattd boiug the Marquis of Huutley. Whitrl tLebride appeared aho vae completely- 1enveloped'lu a large voil, andnias accom. i paied y a nim eroti mi4 beantifil ectgli cf'Lideamaids. * The brideva ettired' lu 'a robe c( Cvbitensatin, frimmed vitb Brtisels 'lace, - sud a voit of the samne falune. vitb a fvreath of orange devwers, aud-caiflleJ ahoquet composed o! phaliwuoslej gà r4eulbs, saud orange lowers 8be- aise wvot s- maguiliceut taas'of briliaute, and a saperb aneciclace te -correspond, tb. gift of Baron -, Aneelm de Rothschild, antia coïtiy iumlett eaIse tLs gift of tLe bidsgtooett'sa fsUer; s, The bridesmn*îds wvespink seuh bodies viWb nhIieta lle sldrtf, tulle veil~s pttt r yuL peulis, sud wreatbe of pluuk snd w hite douvolvîuli; and each youthftti ladY uvoe a diatuond teckel, a presu t rou the bridegrooi. 01 The ceremony progresseti rat étrapl i h the substance being thuenet of th~e1ridé- Lt groom piscing tLe riuug on lhé bride'@ 11finger. sndd ieearing in Hebrev lt ub *t.. f6m ThiÂl amnd spattMi Aresm nounma t 0 pro~m'o u-t iiiitIen lltOl'S , 1 , .1t , nILîgS, l'tia I Ikints [L4,T ~ERYI tuaI ait 1 1 .#euoi ae hnalgas'. 0d.0 NÂT, 1805. siïoM frr A'et irtav the là nîl av the alîumroak 'Pi Fle ail-lhêboue'llaid a greà t aoeîiriuhn, '" ,194=k nttle gna joXençiau,tt rt4lli o) ay;, Till Duhile aame own -v 1 toe"vory founl- usiu. Cômoe, b lîlaIm$ntamntie'rôovhluimntitea Laegb, 11k. a finle nm'oiy pratie tht. dsy >suuîffoutîloo relu vid ynulrÃolden extlngo?slmet- Or -theo clty, vtIt-oouitboas bad eitthe eY- rngSrIil.car, nI't meba*t thu 0, t dibraWid ca: hMwid glbhittwaa eas lui1misitollIh Se. t bn u'.pranein'ati' cmsrn'aW., vimspen. llo'wtli Jumîy, nenelîlu1lait donn id your Jcmmy; Moly, ateonm, esimIi ahoWaId av yonur mothor, 'had r Ick on' Plielîm, and Tmddy awtimore, ibotild tdtnl. liko gritu death, by lime couleav .yer tiaIler. - 1 -.. 1 vý 1 f o col "Il io là 1 bi ýbi :01 1 yEt)UAIÇ GIB.40N, A"nt, Whith îý A